switch ($action) { case 'pulldef': $content = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::fetch($base . 'export.php?aid=' . $application . '&type=def&file=' . $basefile); file_put_contents($fileWithoutExt . '.definition.json', $content); break; case 'pull': try { $content = \SimpleSAML\Utils\HTTP::fetch($base . 'export.php?aid=' . $application . '&type=translation&file=' . $basefile); file_put_contents($fileWithoutExt . '.translation.json', $content); } catch (SimpleSAML_Error_Exception $e) { echo 'Translation unavailable for ' . $basefile; SimpleSAML_Logger::warning("Translation unavailable for {$basefile} in {$base}: " . $e->getMessage()); } break; case 'push': push($file, $basefile, $application, $type); break; case 'convert': include $file; $definition = json_format(convert_definition($lang)); $translation = json_format(convert_translation($lang)) . "\n"; file_put_contents($fileWithoutExt . '.definition.json', $definition); file_put_contents($fileWithoutExt . '.translation.json', $translation); break; default: throw new Exception('Unknown action [' . $action . ']'); } function ssp_readline($prompt = '') { echo $prompt; return rtrim(fgets(STDIN), "\n");
/** * Validate inputs and save to database. * * @return Response */ protected function validateAndSave($post) { $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), Post::$rules); if ($validator->fails()) { Session::flash('errorMessage', 'Validation failed'); return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } else { $post->title = Input::get('title'); $post->content = Input::get('content'); $post->user_id = Auth::id(); $image = Input::file('image'); if ($image) { $filename = $image->getClientOriginalName(); $post->image = '/uploaded/' . $filename; $image->move('uploaded/', $filename); } $result = $post->save(); $posttags = Input::has('tuttags') ? Input::get('tuttags') : array(); if (Input::has('addtags')) { $addtag = Input::get('addtags'); $posttags . push($addtag); } $post->tags()->sync($posttags); $post->save(); if ($result) { Session::flash('successMessage', 'Great Success!'); return Redirect::action('PostsController@show', $post->slug); } else { Session::flash('errorMessage', 'Post was not saved.'); return Redirect::back()->withInput(); } } }
public function __invoke() { $today = $this->getDateInThePast(0); $oneWeekAgo = $this->getDateInThePast(7); $twoWeeksAgo = $this->getDateInThePast(14); $threeWeeksAgo = $this->getDateInThePast(21); $service = $this->adwords->getService('AdGroupService'); $selector = new \Selector(); $selector->predicates = [new \Predicate('Status', 'EQUALS', 'ENABLED'), new \Predicate('CampaignStatus', 'EQUALS', 'ENABLED')]; $selector->orderBy = new \OrderBy('ctr', 'ASCENDING'); $selector->paging = new \Paging(0, \AdWordsConstants::RECOMMENDED_PAGE_SIZE); do { $page = $service->get($selector); if (is_array($page->entries)) { foreach ($page->entries as $adGroup) { // Let's look at the trend of the ad group's CTR. $statsThreeWeeksAgo = $this->getStatsFor($adGroup, $threeWeeksAgo, $twoWeeksAgo); $statsTwoWeeksAgo = $this->getStatsFor($adGroup, $twoWeeksAgo, $oneWeekAgo); $statsLastWeek = $this->getStatsFor($adGroup, $oneWeekAgo, $today); // Week over week, the ad group is declining - record that! if ($statsLastWeek->getCtr() < $statsTwoWeeksAgo->getCtr() && $statsTwoWeeksAgo->getCtr() < $statsThreeWeeksAgo->getCtr()) { reportRows . push([adGroup . getCampaign() . getName(), adGroup . getName(), statsLastWeek . getCtr() * 100, statsLastWeek . getCost(), statsTwoWeeksAgo . getCtr() * 100, statsTwoWeeksAgo . getCost(), statsThreeWeeksAgo . getCtr() * 100, statsThreeWeeksAgo . getCost()]); } } } $selector->paging->startIndex += $selector->paging->numberResults; } while (!is_null($page->entries)); }
public function addSnippet(Tx_T3tt_Domain_Model_XsltSnippet $snippetFile) { if (strlen($snippetFile->getContent()) > 0) { $this->_snippets . push($snippetFile); } else { throw new Tx_T3tt_Domain_Model_Exception_InvalidParamsException("Snippet `" . $snippetFile . "' is empty."); } }
public function addProductToList($productReference, $active) { //var result = file_put_contents($this->productListFile, $productReference, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); if ($active === TRUE) { $this->activeProducts . push($productReference); } else { $this->notActiveProducts . push($productReference); } }
function response_to_POST() { if ($_POST) { // if data was sent push($GLOBALS['db'], $_POST); $_SESSION['db'] = $GLOBALS['db']; // save to session (to be avaliable on the next request) } echo '{"comments": ' . json_encode($GLOBALS['db']) . '}'; }
function response_to_POST() { if ($_POST) { // if data was sent push($GLOBALS['db'], $_POST); $_SESSION['db_react_ex11'] = $GLOBALS['db']; // save to session (to be avaliable on the next request) } echo '{"data": ' . json_encode($GLOBALS['db']) . '}'; //echo '{"data": ' . json_encode( array( array("category" => "Sporting Goods", "price" => "$49.99", "stocked" => "true", "name" => "Football"), array("category" => "Sporting Goods", "price" => "$49.99", "stocked" => "true", "name" => "Football2") ) ) . '}'; }
private function addKey($key) { push($this->keys, $key); $connection = ssh2_connect($this->server->ip); $rC = 0; do { //ssh2_exec($connection, "echo #$key->contact@$this->server >> $this->home/.ssh/authorized_keys"); //ssh2_exec($connection, "echo $key->pubKey >> $this->home/.ssh/authorized_keys"); sleep(1); $rC++; } while (!$stream && $rC < 3); }
/** * Sign the request when requesting a request token * @param $curl * @param $urlCallback * @param $signatureMethod */ public function signForRequestToken($curl, $urlCallback, $signatureMethod = null) { if( $signatureMethod === null) { $signatureMethod = new \Zeflasher\OAuth\SignatureMethods\OAuthSignatureMethodHmacSha1(); } $oauthParameters = new \Zeflasher\OAuth\Client\OAuthParameters($this->_consumerKey, $signatureMethod); $oauthParameters->addParameters(urlRequest.data); $oauthParameters->addParameters(_getGETParameters(urlRequest)); $oauthParameters->add(OAuthConstants.CALLBACK, urlCallback); $signature = getSignature(urlRequest, oauthParameters, OAuthConstants.EMPTY_TOKEN_SECRET, signatureMethod); $oauthParameters->add(\Zeflasher\OAuth\OAuthConstants::OAUTH_CLIENT_SIGNATURE, $signature); // $headerString = $oauthParameters->getAuthorizationHeaderValue(); urlRequest.requestHeaders.push(\Zeflasher\OAuth\OAuthConstants::OAUTH_CLIENT_HEADER, $headerString); }
private function getUsers($connection) { /* get users with dir in /home/. try three times (with 1sec pause) --> planned to make an extra method somewhere else for this */ $rC = 0; do { $stream = ssh2_exec($connection, 'cat /etc/passwd | grep "/home" |cut -d: -f1,6'); sleep(1); $rC++; } while (!$stream && $rC < 3); /* split the output by newline */ $usersHomes = preg_split('/$\\R?^/m', stream_get_contents($stream)); /* make a new user for every line and add it to the $users-array */ foreach ($usersHomes as $uH) { $userAttrs = array(explode(':', $uH)); push($this->users, new User($userAttrs[0], $userAttrs[1], $this->name)); } /* if adminUser is root add it to the array too ('cause he'd not be catched by the "grep /home" below */ if ($this->adminUser->name == "root") { push($this->users, new User("root", "/root/", $this->name)); } }
function inp($columnid, $arrayOFchisla, $n) { $massiv = array(); $res; $IDc; $massiv . push(columnid); $res = 1; $IDc = columnid - 1; while (IDc != 0) { $massiv . push(IDc); $res = res + 1; $IDc--; } $IDc = columnid + 1; while (IDc != 0) { $massiv . push(IDc); $res = res + 1; $IDc++; } $a = array(); $a[1] = ia($massiv, $res, $arrayOFchisla, $inparr); $a[0] = $res; return $a; }
/** * Delete all image given the array ids * @param type $imagesToDelete * @param type $options * @return array */ function DNUI_delete($imagesToDelete, $options) { $updateInServer = $options['updateInServer']; $backup = $options["backup"]; $base = wp_upload_dir(); $base = $base['basedir']; $errors = array(); $basePlugin = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '../backup/'; foreach ($imagesToDelete as $key => $imageToDelete) { clearstatcache(); $image = wp_get_attachment_metadata($imageToDelete["id"]); $tmp = explode("/", $image["file"]); $imageName = array_pop($tmp); $folder = implode("/", $tmp); $dirBase = $base . '/' . $folder . '/'; if ($backup) { $dirBackup = $basePlugin . '/' . $imageToDelete["id"]; $backupExist = file_exists($dirBackup . '/' . $imageToDelete["id"] . '.backup'); if (!$backupExist) { $backupInfo = array(); $backupInfo["dirBase"] = $dirBase; $backupInfo["posts"] = DNUI_getRowPost($imageToDelete["id"]); $backupInfo["postMeta"] = DNUI_getRowPostMeta($imageToDelete["id"]); if (!file_exists($dirBackup)) { mkdir($dirBackup, 0755, true); } } } if ($imageToDelete["toDelete"][0] == "original") { if ($backup) { $dirImage = $dirBase . $imageName; DNUI_copy($dirImage, $dirBackup . '/' . $imageName); foreach ($image["sizes"] as $size => $imageSize) { $dirImage = $dirBase . $imageSize["file"]; DNUI_copy($dirImage, $dirBackup . '/' . $imageSize["file"]); } } wp_delete_attachment($imageToDelete["id"]); } else { foreach ($imageToDelete["toDelete"] as $keyS => $imageS) { $size = $image["sizes"][$imageS]; clearstatcache(); $dirImage = $dirBase . $size["file"]; if (!empty($size)) { if (!file_exists($dirImage)) { if ($updateInServer) { unset($image["sizes"][$imageS]); } } else { if ($backup) { DNUI_copy($dirImage, $dirBackup . '/' . $size["file"]); } if (@unlink($dirImage)) { unset($image["sizes"][$imageS]); } else { $errors . push('Problem with ' . $size["file"] . " try toe active the option for delete the image if not exist"); } } } wp_update_attachment_metadata($imageToDelete["id"], $image); } } if ($backup) { if (!$backupExist) { file_put_contents($dirBackup . '/' . $imageToDelete["id"] . '.backup', serialize($backupInfo)); } } } return $errors; }
// If successful loading the feed $intrprtrFeed = new Interpreter(); // Create an interpreter $intrprtrFeed->feed = $feed['id']; $intrprtrFeed->source = $feed['source']; // Set the source $artclFeed = $intrprtrFeed->interpret($domdocFeed); // Interpret the article foreach ($artclFeed as $artclArticle) { // Foreach article if (!$artclArticle->exists($conn)) { // If it's new if ($artclArticle->publish($conn)) { // Add to database if (difference($referenceArticle, $artclArticle) > 0.2) { if (push($secure, $artclArticle)) { // And push print '<a href="' . $artclArticle->link . '">' . $artclArticle->title . '</a>: ' . difference($referenceArticle, $artclArticle) . '<br />'; } else { die("Pusher failed. Boo."); } } } else { die("There was an error in publishing somewhere."); } } else { // OLD STUFF FOUND } } } else { echo $feed['link'] . " won't load. Check it.";
$method = "updateStatus"; $txt = "<newstatus><id>" . xmlentities($user['id']) . "</id><pp>" . xmlentities($user['pp']) . "</pp><nick>" . str_replace("\n", '', xmlentities(kses($user['nick'], array()))) . "</nick><nummsgs>" . trim(xmlentities($user['newmsgs'])) . "</nummsgs><status>" . str_replace(' ', '', xmlentities($user['status'])) . "</status></newstatus>"; break; case CODE_NOTIFYxMESSAGE: list($id, $pp, $numMessages) = split(' ', substr($packet, 4), 3); $method = "newMessage"; $txt = "<newmessage><id>$id</id><pp>$pp</pp><nummsgs>$numMessages</nummsgs></newmessage>"; break; case CODE_LOG: $method = "log"; $txt = substr($packet, 4); break; default: continue; } $message = " <response> <method>$method</method> <result>$txt</result> </response> "; $message = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n" . $message; push($message); } ?>
public function __invoke() { $this->createLabel(); $alert_text = []; $history = []; $currentTime = new \DateTime(); $today = $currentTime->format('m') + 1 + "/" + $currentTime . getDate() + "/" + $currentTime->format('Y'); $keywordIterator; $line_counter = 0; while ($keywordIterator->hasNext()) { $keyword = keywordIterator . next(); $line_counter++; $current_quality_score = $keyword->qualityScore; $keywordLabelsIterator = keyword . labels() . withCondition("Name STARTS_WITH 'QS: '") . get(); if ($keywordLabelsIterator->hasNext()) { $keyword_label = $keywordLabelsIterator . next(); $matches = new RegExp('QS: ([0-9]+)$') . exec($keyword_label . getName()); $old_quality_score = $matches[1]; } else { $old_quality_score = 0; } // For the history also note the change or whether this keyword is new if ($old_quality_score > 0) { $change = $current_quality_score - $old_quality_score; } else { $change = "NEW"; } $row = [$today, $keyword . getCampaign() . getName(), $keyword . getAdGroup() . getName(), $keyword . getText(), $current_quality_score, $change]; $history . push(row); // If there is a previously tracked quality score and it's different from the current one... if ($old_quality_score > 0 && $current_quality_score != $old_quality_score) { // Make a note of this to log it and possibly send it via email later $alert_text . push($current_quality_score + "\t" + $old_quality_score + "\t" + $change + "\t" + $keyword . getText()); // Remove the old label $keyword . removeLabel($keyword_label . getName()); } // Store the current QS for the next time by using a label $keyword . applyLabel("QS: " + $current_quality_score); } if ($line_counter == 0) { $this->logger->log("Couldn't find any keywords marked for quality score tracking. To mark keywords for tracking, apply the label '" + $label_name + "' to those keywords."); return; } $this->logger->log("Tracked " + $line_counter + " keyword quality scores. To select different keywords for tracking, apply the label '" + $label_name + "' to those keywords."); // Store history $history_sheet = spreadsheet . getSheetByName('QS history'); $history_sheet . getRange($history_sheet . getLastRow() + 1, 1, $history . length, 6) . setValues($history); // If there are notes for alerts then prepare a message to log and possibly send via email if ($alert_text . length) { $message = "The following quality score changes were discovered:\nNew\tOld\tChange\tKeyword\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($alert_text); $i++) { $message += $alert_text[i] + "\n"; } // Also include a link to the spreadsheet $message += "\n" + "The complete history is available at " + $spreadsheet . getUrl(); $this->logger->log($message); // If there is an email address send out a notification if ($email_address && $email_address != "YOUR_EMAIL_HERE") { $this->mailer->sendEmail($email_address, "Quality Score Tracker: Changes detected", $message); } } }
function push($m) { $a = func_get_args(); $f = $a[0]; if (!isIn($f, array('replace', 'byIndex', 'auto', 'distinct', 'begin'))) { $f = 'auto'; } else { mov_next($a); } while (list($i, $v) = each($a)) { push($this->O, $f, $v); } return $this; }
public function getParts($vehicleID = 0, $mount = "", $year = "", $make = "", $model = "", $style = "") { $req = ""; if ($vehicleID > 0) { $req = $this->config->getDomain() . "GetParts"; $req .= "&dataType=" . $this->config->getDataType(); } else { } $resp = $this->helper->curlGet($req); $part_arr = array(); foreach (json_decode($resp) as $part) { $part_arr . push($part); } return $part_arr; }
function getStudents($courseid) { $conn = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "admin", "moodledb"); if ($conn->connect_errno) { echo "failed to connect to mysql:(" . $conn->connect_errno . ") " . $mysql->connect_error; } $code = "select " . "ue.userid " . "from " . "mdl_user_enrolments ue, mdl_enrol e " . "where " . "e.roleid = 5 and ue.enrolid = e.id " . "and e.courseid=Y;"; $resp = $conn->query($code); $users = array(); while ($row = $resp->fetch_assoc()) { $users . push($row['userid']); } print_r($users); }
function parser_performAction(&$thisS, $yytext, $yyleng, $yylineno, $yystate, $S, $_S, $O) { switch ($yystate) { case 1: return $S[$O - 1]; break; case 2: return [['']]; break; case 3: $thisS = [$S[$O]]; break; case 4: $thisS = []; break; case 5: $thisS = ['']; break; case 6: $thisS = $S[$O - 1]; break; case 7: $S[$O - 1][$S[$O - 1] . length - 1] . push(''); $thisS = $S[$O - 1]; break; case 8: $S[$O - 2] . push($S[$O]); $thisS = $S[$O - 2]; break; case 9: $S[$O - 2][$S[$O - 2] . length - 1] . push(''); $S[$O - 2] . push($S[$O]); $thisS = $S[$O - 2]; break; case 10: $thisS = [$S[$O]]; break; case 11: $thisS = $S[$O - 1]; break; case 12: $thisS = ['']; break; case 13: //$thisS = []; break; case 14: $S[$O - 1] . push(''); $thisS = $S[$O - 1]; break; case 15: //$S[$O-1].push(''); $thisS = $S[$O - 1]; break; case 16: $S[$O - 2] . push(''); $S[$O - 2] . push($S[$O]); $thisS = $S[$O - 2]; break; case 17: //$S[$O-2].push(''); $S[$O - 2] . push($S[$O]); $thisS = $S[$O - 2]; break; case 18: $thisS = ''; break; case 19: $thisS = $S[$O - 1]; break; case 15: $thisS = $S[$O]; break; case 20: $thisS = $S[$O - 1] + '' + $S[$O]; break; } }
function lookup_Description($BCN, $sessionID) { //this function is not called by any other code currently //function takes description and compares outpan description and calcuates probability of match //declare errorLog as a global variable in order to write debug output to main function global $errorLog; global $itemDescription; global $_email; $outpanDescription = outpanQuery($BCN); $outpanDescriptionExploded = explode(' ', $outpanDescription); $outpanDescriptionExploded = array_map('strtolower', $outpanDescription); echo "<pre>"; print_r($outpanDescriptionExploded); echo "</pre>"; //$sessionID = get session id key from file $lookup_JSON = APIrequest("command=PRODUCTSEARCH&searchtext=" . urlencode($outpanDescription) . "&page=1&sessionkey=" . $sessionID); $decoded_JSON = json_decode($lookup_JSON, true); echo "<br>BCN lookup data<br><pre>"; print_r($lookup_JSON); echo "</pre>"; if ($decoded_JSON['TotalProductCount'] > "0") { $resultCount = $decoded_JSON['TotalProductCount']; $resultsArray = array_fill(0, $resultCount, NULL); for ($i = 0; $i < $resultCount && $i < 10; $i++) { $resultsArray[$i] = array($decoded_JSON['Products'][$i]['Name'], $decoded_JSON['Products'][$i]['ProductId'], 0); $resultsArray[$i][0] = explode(' ', $resultsArray[$i][0]); $resultsArray[$i][0] = array_map('strtolower', $resultsArray[$i][0]); $comparison = array_intersect($outpanDescriptionExploded, $resultsArray[$i][0]); $resultsArray[$i][2] = count($comparison); } $currentHighest = NULL; //variable to store highest value $currentHighestSKU = NULL; for ($i = 0; $i < count($resultsArray); $i++) { if ($resultsArray[$i][2] > $currentHighest) { $currentHighest = $resultsArray[$i][2]; $currentHighestSKU = $resultsArray[$i][1]; } } echo "Best Match = " . $currentHighestSKU; push("Was that " . $currentHighestSKU . "?", $_email); echo "<pre>"; print_r($resultsArray); echo "</pre>"; //return $tescoSKU; } else { $errorLog = $errorLog . "<br>Lookup_Description: No results returned!"; //send push to user push("ERROR : Item not added no items found", $_email); //return "ERROR_NO_results"; } }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: just * Date: 24.11.15 * Time: 09:27 */ $stack = []; function pop() { global $stack; return array_pop($stack); } function push($entry) { global $stack; return array_push($stack, $entry); } foreach (['clubs', 'diamonds', 'hearts', 'spades'] as $color) { foreach (array_merge(range(2, 10), ['J', 'D', 'K', 'A']) as $value) { push(['Color' => $color, 'Value' => $value]); } } shuffle($stack); $cardToGive = 12; while ($cardToGive -= 1) { pop(); } $trump = pop(); print_r($trump);
/** * Push notification */ public function push_notification() { if ($this->isAjax()) { $id = isset($_POST['id']) ? intval($_POST['id']) : $this->redirect('/'); $vip_only = isset($_POST['vip_only']) ? intval($_POST['vip_only']) : $this->redirect('/'); $flag = false; $message = M('Notification')->field(array('content'))->where(array('id' => $id))->find(); if ($vip_only) { $result = M('Member')->field(array('id'))->where(array('is_vip' => 1))->select(); $vips = array(); if (!empty($result)) { $i = ceil(count($result) / 1000); for ($j = 1; $j <= $i; $j++) { $alias = ""; $length = min(array($j * 1000, count($result))); for ($k = ($j - 1) * 1000; $k < $length; $k++) { $alias .= $result[$k]['id'] . ","; } $vips[] = rtrim($alias, ","); } } if ($vips) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($vips); $i++) { if (push($message['content'], 3, $vips[$i])) { $flag = true; } else { break; } } } } else { $flag = push($message['content']); } if ($flag) { // Update the notification status to is pushed. M('Notification')->where(array('id' => $id))->save(array('is_pushed' => 1)); $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => true, 'msg' => 'Push notificatio successful')); } else { $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'Push notificatio failed,please try again later')); } } else { $this->redirect('/'); } }
function checkValidInputs($staffId, $tagsArrayString, $setId, $studentId) { $returns = []; if (checkIdInputIsValid($setId)) { $returns["set"] = intval($setId); } if (checkIdInputIsValid($staffId)) { $returns["staff"] = intval($staffId); } if (checkIdInputIsValid($studentId)) { $returns["student"] = intval($studentId); } if (isset($tagsArrayString) && $tagsArrayString !== "") { $tagsArray = json_decode($tagsArrayString, true); $validatedArray = []; if (is_array($tagsArray)) { foreach ($tagsArray as $tagid) { if (checkIdInputIsValid($tagid)) { $validatedArray . push(intval($tagid)); } } } if (count($validatedArray) > 0) { $returns["tags"] = $validatedArray; } } if (count($returns) === 0) { failRequest("No valid inputs were entered"); } else { return $returns; } }
function socket_get_http($file_url, $request_features = array()) { if ($request_features['Server']) { # the submitted request fields contains http responce fields return array("", ""); } $url_parse = parse_url($file_url); $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if ($socket < 0) { echo "socket_create() failed: reason: " . socket_strerror($socket) . "\n"; return; } $address = gethostbyname($url_parse['host']); $service_port = getservbyname('www', 'tcp'); $result = socket_connect($socket, $address, $service_port); if ($result < 0) { echo "socket_connect() failed.\nReason: ({$result}) " . socket_strerror($result) . "\n"; exit; } if ($request_features['method'] == "POST") { $requests[] = "POST {$url_parse['path']} HTTP/1.1"; push(@request, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); push(@request, "Content-length: " . length($url_parse['query'])); push(@request, $url_parse['query']); } else { if (!$request_features['method']) { $request_features['method'] = "GET"; } if ($url_parse['query']) { $requests[] = "{$request_features['method']} {$url_parse['path']}?{$url_parse['query']} HTTP/1.1"; } else { $requests[] = "{$request_features['method']} {$url_parse['path']} HTTP/1.1"; } } $requests[] = "Host: {$url_parse['host']}"; foreach ($request_features as $key => $value) { if ($value and $key != "method") { $requests[] = "{$key}: {$value}"; } } #$requests[] = "Referer: $request_features[refferal_url]"; #$requests[] = "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.10)"; if (!$request_features['Connection']) { # The following line is a must if using HTTP/1.1 $requests[] = "Connection: Close"; } $http_request = join("\r\n", $requests) . "\r\n\r\n"; socket_write($socket, $http_request, strlen($http_request)); $out = ''; while ($out = socket_read($socket, 2048)) { $output_text .= $out; } socket_close($socket); #print "<pre>"; #print_r( $http_request ); #print "</pre>"; #exit; $responce_lines = explode("\n", $output_text); #$http_responce_code = trim( array_shift( $http_responces ) ); #$http_responce = trim( array_shift( $responce_lines ) ); while ($http_responce = trim(array_shift($responce_lines))) { list($http_responce_name, $http_responce_value) = explode(": ", $http_responce, 2); if (!$http_responce_value) { $http_responce_value = $http_responce_name; $http_responce_name = "0"; } $http_responces[$http_responce_name] = $http_responce_value; } if ($responce_lines) { $responce_file = join("\n", $responce_lines); } return array($responce_file, $http_responces); }
<?php $dockerRegistryDomain = 'registry.localserver.com:5443/'; $dockerRegistryPush = "{$dockerRegistryDomain}v2/"; $userName = '******'; $password = '******'; $email = '*****@*****.**'; echo login($dockerRegistryDomain, $userName, $password, $email); echo PHP_EOL; foreach (getImages() as $image) { echo $image; echo PHP_EOL; echo tag($image, $dockerRegistryPush); echo PHP_EOL; echo push($image, $dockerRegistryPush); echo PHP_EOL; } function login($registry, $userName, $password, $email = '') { return myExec(sprintf('docker login --username="******" --password="******" --email="%s" %s', $userName, $password, $email, $registry)); } function tag($imageName, $registry = 'my-registry.com:5000/') { if (preg_match("~{$registry}~i", $imageName)) { return "skip\n"; } return myExec(sprintf('docker tag %s %s%s', $imageName, $registry, $imageName)); } function push($imageName, $registry = 'my-registry.com:5000/') { $registry = preg_match("~{$registry}~i", $imageName) ? $imageName : $registry . $imageName;
//add a MOD10/Luhn alogrithm check here check here //set login result to $loginResult $loginResult = login(); if ($loginResult != "ERROR:LOGIN_FAILED") { //if login was ok $sessionID = $loginResult; //call function lookup_BCN with barcode and session ID and save result into tescoSKU variable $tescoSKU = lookup_BCN($barcode, $sessionID); if ($tescoSKU != "ERROR: No uniquie SKU found!") { $add_status = addToBasket($tescoSKU, $sessionID); if ($add_status == "BASKET_ADD:OK") { //echo $add_status; echo "<br>"; echo "STATUS: Item added OK."; push($itemDescription . " added to basket", $_email); } else { //echo $add_status; echo "<br>"; echo "STATUS: Error while adding."; } } else { //$errorLog = $errorLog."<br>Lookup_BCN failed!"; //error already generated inside lookup_BCN function //remove error reporting from SKU lookup function as there is now an alternate lookup route } } else { //error catch echo "STATUS: Login failure."; push("Error at login stage", $_email); } $errorLog = $errorLog . "<br>---END ERROR LOG---"; saveDebug();
default: die('Error: Invalid cause!'); } $time = time(); $response = 0; $message = htmlentities($_POST['text']); $db = new PDO($dbpdodsn, $dbuser, $dbpassword, array(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false, PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION)); $st_addcall = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO calls (callid, deviceid, type, time, response, message, reminded) VALUES (:cid, :did, :ty, :ti, :re, :m, 0)'); $st_addcall->bindParam(':cid', $callid); $st_addcall->bindParam(':did', $deviceid); $st_addcall->bindParam(':ty', $type); $st_addcall->bindParam(':ti', $time); $st_addcall->bindParam(':re', $response); $st_addcall->bindParam(':m', $message); $st_addcall->execute(); push($deviceid, $callid, $type, $time, $message, false); header('Location: wait.php?callid=' . $callid); die('Redirecting...'); } pageheader(0, "Choosing cause"); ?> <p>Enter the cause by pressing the corresponding button. If you want to add text (optional), enter your message before pressing the button.</p> <form method="post"> <button class="submitbutton" type="submit" name="cause" value="1">Food</button> <button class="submitbutton" type="submit" name="cause" value="2">IT help</button> <!-- TODO: Better translation. --> <button class="submitbutton" type="submit" name="cause" value="3">Contact gewenst</button> <p class="title">Extra tekst (Optioneel)</p> <input type="text" name="text"> </form> <?php
<?php require_once 'stack.php'; /** * one card * [ * 'color' => 'pika', * 'value' => 'D' * ] */ foreach (['clubs', 'diamonds', 'hearts', 'spades'] as $color) { foreach (array_merge(range(2, 10), ['J', 'D', 'K', 'A']) as $value) { push(['color' => $color, 'value' => $value]); } } shuffle($stack); $cardsToGive = 12; while ($cardsToGive--) { pop(); } $trump = pop(); print_r($trump);
public function testGlobalFunction() { $this->bindProviderToServiceContainer(); $this->assertInstanceOf(ProviderInterface::class, push()); }
function push($arr, $value) { array_push($arr, $value); return $arr; } function pop($arr) { array_pop($arr); return $arr; } $fh = fopen($argv[1], "r"); while (!feof($fh)) { $heap = array(); $phrase = ""; $test = trim(fgets($fh)); if ($test != "") { $arr = explode(" ", $test); for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) { $heap = push($heap, $arr[$i]); } $ct = count($heap); while ($ct > 0) { $phrase .= $heap[count($heap) - 1] . " "; $heap = pop($heap); $heap = pop($heap); $ct = $ct - 2; } echo trim($phrase) . "\n"; } } fclose($fh);