function showSuggestions($word, $id) { global $editablePersonalDict; //bool to set editability of personal dictionary global $allowCustomInserts; //bool to set the option to allow custom text inserts global $pspell_link; //the global link to the pspell module global $cp; //the CPAINT object $retVal = ""; $suggestions = pspell_suggest($pspell_link, utf8_decode($word)); //an array of all the suggestions that psepll returns for $word. // If the number of suggestions returned by pspell is less than the maximum // number, just use the number of suggestions returned. $numSuggestions = count($suggestions); $tmpNum = min($numSuggestions, MAX_SUGGESTIONS); if ($tmpNum > 0) { //this creates the table of suggestions. //in the onclick event it has a call to the replaceWord javascript function which does the actual replacing on the page for ($i = 0; $i < $tmpNum; $i++) { $retVal .= "<div class=\"suggestion\" onmouseover=\"this.className='suggestion_hover'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='suggestion'\" onclick=\"replaceWord('" . addslashes_custom($id) . "', '" . addslashes($suggestions[$i]) . "'); return false;\">" . $suggestions[$i] . "</div>"; } if ($allowCustomInserts) { $retVal .= "<div class=\"customInsert\" onmouseover=\"this.className='customInsert_hover'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='customInsert'\"><form name=\"custom_form\" style=\"margin:0px;\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"custom_form_box\" class=\"customInsertText\" onclick=\"get_id('custom_form_box').focus(); return false;\"><input type=\"button\" value=\"Insert\" class=\"customInsertAdd\" onclick=\"addWord('" . addslashes_custom($id) . "'); return false;\"></form></div>"; } if ($editablePersonalDict) { $retVal .= "<div class=\"addtoDictionary\" onmouseover=\"this.className='addtoDictionary_hover'\" onmouseout=\"this.className='addtoDictionary'\" onclick=\"addWord('" . addslashes_custom($id) . "'); return false;\">Add To Dictionary</div>"; } } else { $retVal .= "No Suggestions"; } $cp->set_data($retVal); //the return value - a string containing the table of suggestions. }
/** * Suggestion of words coming from the pspell dictionnary in french and english * * @param string $q Query string * @param string $jsfunc The JS function to launch and pass the query string to */ public function spellingSuggestions($q, $jsfunc = 'sugg') { $toret = ''; if ($q == '') { return ' ... No suggestion possible, the query is empty ... '; } if (function_exists(pspell_new)) { $ss = 0; foreach (array('en' => 'English', "fr" => 'French') as $k => $v) { $pspellLink = pspell_new($k); $suggs = pspell_suggest($pspellLink, $q); if (count($suggs) > 0) { $ss++; $toret .= "<b>In " . $v . "</b> : "; foreach ($suggs as $sug) { $toret .= '<a href="javascript:' . $jsfunc . '(\'' . addslashes($sug) . '\')">' . htmlentities($sug) . '</a> '; } $toret .= "<br>"; } } if ($ss == 0) { $toret .= '... we could not find anything in our dictionnaries ...'; } } else { return ' !!! ERROR: the pspell module is not installed !!! '; } return $toret; }
/** * Check a word for spelling errors, add to $this->miss_spelled_words * array if miss spelled * * @param string $word * @return void */ function check($word) { global $atmail; $word = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z\\-]/', '', $word); // if the word is in the personal_words array // or the ignore list then it is OK. If it is already // in the $suggestions array then ignore it if (in_array($word, $this->personal_words) || $atmail->isset_chk($this->suggestions[$word]) || in_array($word, $_SESSION['spellcheck_ignore'])) { return; } // if word is OK ignore it if ($this->use_pspell) { if (pspell_check($this->dict, $word)) { return; } $this->suggestions[$word] = pspell_suggest($this->dict, $word); } else { fwrite($this->aspell_input, "{$word}\n"); $result = fgets($this->aspell_output); // remove trash from stream $trash = fgets($this->aspell_output); unset($trash); if (preg_match('/.+?\\d:(.+)/', $result, $m)) { $this->suggestions[$word] = explode(', ', $m[1]); } else { return; } } }
function getSuggestions($word) { global $editablePersonalDict; //bool to set editability of personal dictionary global $pspell_link; //the global link to the pspell module $retVal = ""; //an array of all the suggestions that psepll returns for $word. $suggestions = pspell_suggest($pspell_link, $word); // If the number of suggestions returned by pspell is less than the maximum // number, just use the number of suggestions returned. $numSuggestions = count($suggestions); $tmpNum = min($numSuggestions, MAX_SUGGESTIONS); if ($tmpNum > 0) { //this creates the table of suggestions. for ($i = 0; $i < $tmpNum; $i++) { $retVal .= '<div class="suggestion">' . $suggestions[$i] . '</div>'; } if ($editablePersonalDict) { $retVal .= '<div class="addToDictionary">Add To Dictionary</div>'; } } else { $retVal .= "No Suggestions"; } echo $retVal; //the return value - a string containing the table of suggestions. }
private function pspell() { foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) { ${$key} = html_entity_decode(urldecode(stripslashes(trim($value)))); } // load the dictionary $pspell_link = pspell_new_personal($this->pspell_personal_dictionary, $this->lang); // return suggestions if (isset($suggest)) { exit(json_encode(pspell_suggest($pspell_link, urldecode($suggest)))); } elseif (isset($text)) { $words = array(); foreach ($text = explode(' ', urldecode($text)) as $word) { if (!pspell_check($pspell_link, $word) and !in_array($word, $words)) { $words[] = $word; } } exit(json_encode($words)); } elseif (isset($addtodictionary)) { $pspell_config = pspell_config_create('en'); @pspell_config_personal($pspell_config, $this->pspell_personal_dictionary) or die('can\'t find pspell dictionary'); $pspell_link = pspell_new_config($pspell_config); @pspell_add_to_personal($pspell_link, strtolower($addtodictionary)) or die('You can\'t add a word to the dictionary that contains any punctuation.'); pspell_save_wordlist($pspell_link); exit(array()); } }
function spellCheckWord($word) { global $pspell, $bad; $autocorrect = TRUE; $ignore_words = array("wikihows", "blog", "online", "ipod", "nano"); // Take the string match from preg_replace_callback's array $word = $word[0]; // Ignore ALL CAPS, and numbers if (preg_match('/^[A-Z]*$/', $word)) { return; } if (preg_match('/^[0-9]*$/', $word)) { return; } if (in_array(strtolower($word), $ignore_words)) { return; } // Return dictionary words if (pspell_check($pspell, $word)) { // this word is OK return; } echo "Bad word {$word} - "; $bad++; $suggestions = pspell_suggest($pspell, $word); if (sizeof($suggestions) > 0) { if (sizeof($suggestions) > 5) { echo implode(",", array_splice($suggestions, 0, 5)) . "\n"; } else { echo implode(",", $suggestions) . "\n"; } } else { echo "no suggestions\n"; } }
function getSuggestion($word) { if (!$this->plink) { $this->errorMsg[] = "No PSpell link found for getSuggestion."; return array(); } return pspell_suggest($this->plink, $word); }
/** * Use pspell to get word suggestions * @param string $word * @return array */ public function suggest($word) { if (!pspell_check($this->pSpell, $word)) { return pspell_suggest($this->pSpell, $word); } else { return [$word]; } }
function suggest($mistake) { if ($mistake == FALSE) { $mistake = $this->lastword; } $suggest = pspell_suggest($this->resid, $mistake); return $suggest; }
/** * Returns suggestions of for a specific word. * * @param {String} $lang Language code like sv or en. * @param {String} $word Specific word to get suggestions for. * @return {Array} Array of suggestions for the specified word. */ function &getSuggestions($lang, $word) { $words = pspell_suggest($this->_getPLink($lang), $word); for ($i = 0; $i < count($words); $i++) { $words[$i] = utf8_encode($words[$i]); } return $words; }
function ewiki_spellcheck_list($ws) { global $spell_bin, $pspell_h; #-- every word once only $words = array(); foreach (array_unique($ws) as $word) { if (!empty($word)) { $words[] = $word; } } #print_r($words); #-- PHP internal pspell if ($pspell_h) { #-- build ispell like check list $results = array(); foreach ($words as $w) { if (pspell_check($pspell_h, $w)) { $results[$word] = "*"; } else { $results[$word] = "& " . implode(", ", pspell_suggest($pspell_h, $w)); } } } elseif ($spell_bin) { #-- pipe word list through ispell $r = implode(" ", $words); $results = explode("\n", $r = `echo {$r} | {$spell_bin}`); $results = array_slice($results, 1); } #print_r($results); #-- build replacement html hash from results $r = array(); foreach ($words as $n => $word) { if ($repl = $results[$n]) { switch ($repl[0]) { case "-": case "+": case "*": $repl = $word; break; default: $repl = '<s title="' . htmlentities($repl) . '" style="color:#ff5555;" class="wrong">' . $word . '</s>'; } } else { $repl = $word; } $r[$word] = $repl; } #print_r($r); return $r; }
function x() { $uncheckedDir = opendir('.'); readdir($uncheckedDir); $uncheckedDir2 = bzopen('.'); bzclose($uncheckedDir2); $uncheckedDir3 = fopen('.', 'r+'); fclose($uncheckedDir3); readdir(opendir('uncheckedDir4')); readdir2(opendir('uncheckedDir5')); readdir(opendir2('uncheckedDir6')); $pspell_new = pspell_new('asdfasdf'); while ($f = pspell_suggest($pspell_new)) { print "{$f}\n"; } }
public function getCorrections() { $wordMatcher = "/\\w+/u"; preg_match_all($wordMatcher, $this->rawInput, $words); if (count($words[0]) == 0) { return array(); } foreach ($words[0] as $k => $word) { if (!pspell_check($this->pspell, $word)) { $suggestions = pspell_suggest($this->pspell, $word); $this->corrections[$word]['offset'] = $k; $this->corrections[$word]['suggestions'] = $suggestions; } } return $this->corrections; }
function check($word) { $pspell_config = pspell_config_create("ru", "", "", "UTF-8"); pspell_config_mode($pspell_config, PSPELL_FAST); $pspell_link = pspell_new_config($pspell_config); if (!pspell_check($pspell_link, $word)) { $arr = array(); $suggestions = pspell_suggest($pspell_link, $word); foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion) { array_push($arr, $suggestion); } $json = json_encode($arr); } else { $json = true; } echo $json; }
function checkSpelling($text) { $list = array(); $this->checked = array(); $words = $this->getWords($text); foreach ($words as $k => $w) { // don't check the same word twice if (isset($this->checked[$w])) { if (is_array($this->checked[$w])) { $list[] = array('word' => $this->escape($w), 'offset' => $k, 'length' => strlen($w), 'suggestions' => $this->escape($this->checked[$w])); } continue; } // if it's in the personal dictionary, it's valid if ($this->checkPersonal($w)) { $this->checked[$w] = true; continue; } // if it's in the suggestions table, we can avoid pspell $sug = $this->checkSuggestions($w); // if it's an array, the word is incorrect if (is_array($sug)) { $list[] = array('word' => $this->escape($w), 'offset' => $k, 'length' => strlen($w), 'suggestions' => $this->escape($sug)); $this->checked[$w] = $sug; continue; // if it's a boolean true, the word is correct } elseif ($sug === true) { $this->checked[$w] = true; continue; } // finally, we check with pspell... // if it comes up false, it's a mistake if (!pspell_check($this->pspell, $w)) { $sug = pspell_suggest($this->pspell, $w); $list[] = array('word' => $this->escape($w), 'offset' => $k, 'length' => strlen($w), 'suggestions' => $this->escape($sug)); $this->addSuggestion($w, $sug); $this->checked[$w] = $sug; // the word is correct, let's have Xspel learn it } else { $this->addSuggestion($w); $this->checked[$w] = true; } } return $list; }
function getErrors($text, $max = 10) { $separator = "!\$%^&*()-_=+{}[]\\|;:\",.?/\n\r|\t "; $errors = array('word' => array(), 'suggest' => array()); $word = strtok($text, $separator); while ($word !== false) { if (!is_numeric($word) && !in_array($word, $errors['word']) && !pspell_check($this->link, $word)) { $errors['word'][] = $word; $suggests = pspell_suggest($this->link, $word); if (array_key_exists($max, $suggests)) { array_splice($suggests, $max); } $errors['suggest'][] = $suggests; } $word = strtok($separator); } return $errors; }
/** * Intercepts and handles requests for spell checks. * * @param string $word the string to perform checks against * * @return void */ public function onCommandSpell($word) { $source = $this->event->getSource(); $target = $this->event->getNick(); $message = $target . ': The word "' . $word; $message .= '" seems to be spelled correctly.'; if (!pspell_check($this->pspell, $word)) { $suggestions = pspell_suggest($this->pspell, $word); $message = $target; $message .= ': I could not find any suggestions for "' . $word . '".'; if (!empty($suggestions)) { $suggestions = array_splice($suggestions, 0, $this->limit); $message = $target . ': Suggestions for "'; $message .= $word . '": ' . implode(', ', $suggestions) . '.'; } } $this->doPrivmsg($source, $message); }
function check($string) { if (is_null($this->pspell_link)) { return NULL; } $words = explode(' ', $string); $new_words = array(); foreach ($words as $word) { if (!pspell_check($this->pspell_link, $word)) { $suggestions = pspell_suggest($this->pspell_link, $word); // get suggestions from pspell // for now simply use the first suggestion in the list if (count($suggestions) > 0) { $has_hyphen = strpos($word, '-') !== FALSE; $suggestion = $suggestions[0]; // look for a suggestion that is one word (not two as pspell sometimes does) // also ignore suggestions with hyphens if the given word is not hyphenated if (strpos($suggestion, ' ') !== FALSE || !$has_hyphen && strpos($suggestion, '-') !== FALSE) { // only search through the first 20 suggestions $count = min(20, count($suggestions)); for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++) { if (strpos($suggestions[$i], ' ') === FALSE && $has_hyphen) { $suggestion = $suggestions[$i]; break; } else { if (strpos($suggestions[$i], ' ') === FALSE && !$has_hyphen && strpos($suggestions[$i], '-') === FALSE) { $suggestion = $suggestions[$i]; break; } } } } $new_words[] = strtolower($suggestion); } else { $new_words[] = $word; } } else { $new_words[] = $word; } } $suggestion = join(' ', $new_words); return $suggestion != $string ? $suggestion : ''; }
function find_my_page() { // get the name of the 'missing' file $page = basename($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']); // used to pick the correct dictionary $dir = dirname($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']); $key = md5($dir); // load spelling dictionaries $ps = pspell_config_create("en"); pspell_config_personal($ps, "./{$key}.pws"); $pl = pspell_new_config($ps); // find alternatives $alt = pspell_suggest($pl, $page); if (!$alt) { // no matches, no choice but to show site map display_site_map(); return; } // escape data for sqlite foreach ($alt as $key => $file) { $alt[$key] = sqlite_escape_string($file); } // fetch all matching pages; $db = new sqlite_db("./typos.sqlite"); $alt = $db->single_query("SELECT url FROM typo WHERE key IN('" . implode("','", $alt) . "')"); switch (@count($alt)) { case 1: // if only one suggestion is avaliable redirect the user to that page header("Location: {$alt[0]}"); return; break; case 0: // no matches, no choice but to show site map display_site_map(); break; default: // show the user possible alternatives if >1 is found echo "The page you requested, '{$_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']}' cannot be found.<br />\nDid you mean:\n"; foreach ($alt as $url) { echo " <a href='{$url}'>{$url}</a><br />\n"; } } }
public function arrCheck($words) { //find misspelled words foreach ($words as $word) { if (!pspell_check($this->speller, $word)) { $misspelled[] = $word; } } $suggestions = array(); if (!empty($misspelled)) { // return contains a list of suggestions for each mispelled words foreach ($misspelled as $value) { // don't get suggestions for the same word twice if (!array_key_exists($value, $suggestions)) { $suggestions[$value] = pspell_suggest($this->speller, $value); } } } return $suggestions; }
/** * * @param string $psString * @param string $psLink * @param string $psTemplate * @return string */ public static function spellCheck($psString, $psLink = null, $psTemplate = '<a href="#%LINK%#&q=#%QUERY%#">#%WORD%#</a>') { $psString = self::clearSignals($psString); $laWords = split(' ', $psString); $laSuggestions = array(); foreach ($laWords as $lsValue) { $laSuggestions = pspell_suggest(pspell_new("pt"), $lsValue); if (count($laSuggestions) != 0) { foreach ($laSuggestions as $lsSuggestion) { if (!empty($lsSuggestion)) { $laTmp = split(" ", $lsSuggestion); $lsTerm = substr($laTmp[4], 0, -1); $lsTerm = self::removeAccentuation(strtolower($lsTerm)); if (strtolower($lsValue) != strtolower($lsTerm)) { $laTerm[$laTmp[1]] = substr($laTmp[4], 0, -1); $lbCorrected = true; } else { $laTerm[$lsValue] = $lsValue; } } } } } if ($lbCorrected) { foreach ($laTerm as $lsOriginal => $lsSuggestion) { if (strtolower($lsOriginal) != strtolower($lsSuggestion)) { $lsString .= "<strong>{$lsSuggestion}</strong> "; } else { $lsString .= "{$lsSuggestion} "; } $lsQuery .= "{$lsSuggestion} "; } $lsPattern = array("/#%LINK%#/", "/#%QUERY%#/", "/#%WORD%#/"); $lsReplace = array($psLink, $lsQuery, $lsString); $lsString = preg_replace($lsPattern, $lsReplace, $psTemplate); } return $lsString; }
function _spell($params) { $user = $params['user']; $channel = $params['channel']; $presence = DB::get()->row('SELECT status, data FROM presence WHERE user_id = :user_id AND data <> "" ORDER BY msgtime DESC LIMIT 1', array('user_id' => $user->id)); $data = $presence->data; $words = preg_split('%\\W+%', $data); $words = array_unique($words); $words = array_combine($words, $words); $pspell_link = pspell_new("en"); foreach ($words as $word) { if (!pspell_check($pspell_link, $word)) { $suggestions = pspell_suggest($pspell_link, $word); if (count($suggestions) > 0) { $presence->data = str_replace($word, reset($suggestions), $presence->data); } else { $presence->data = str_replace($word, '<s>' . $word . '</s>', $presence->data); } } } if ($presence->data == $data) { Immediate::ok('No spelling corrections.', $user); } else { include_once "Text/Diff.php"; include_once "Text/Diff/Renderer.php"; include_once "Text/Diff/Renderer/inline.php"; $diff =& new Text_Diff(explode("\n", $data), explode("\n", htmlspecialchars_decode($presence->data))); $renderer =& new Text_Diff_Renderer_inline(); $replacement = $renderer->render($diff); $replacement = addslashes($replacement); $replacement = str_replace("\n", '\\n', $replacement); $js = <<<REPLJS retcon({$presence->status}, '{$replacement}'); REPLJS; Status::create()->user_id($user->id)->js($js)->channel($channel)->cssclass('spell')->insert(); } return true; }
/** * Handler for the content of a tag */ public function spellCheckHandler($xml_parser, $string) { $incurrent = array(); $stringText = $string; $words = preg_split($this->parserCharset == 'utf-8' ? '/\\P{L}+/u' : '/\\W+/', $stringText); foreach ($words as $word) { $word = preg_replace('/ /' . ($this->parserCharset == 'utf-8' ? 'u' : ''), '', $word); if ($word && !is_numeric($word)) { if ($this->pspell_is_available && !$this->forceCommandMode) { if (!pspell_check($this->pspell_link, $word)) { if (!in_array($word, $this->misspelled)) { if (sizeof($this->misspelled) != 0) { $this->suggestedWords .= ','; } $suggest = array(); $suggest = pspell_suggest($this->pspell_link, $word); if (sizeof($suggest) != 0) { $this->suggestionCount++; $this->suggestedWordCount += sizeof($suggest); } $this->suggestedWords .= '"' . $word . '":"' . implode(',', $suggest) . '"'; $this->misspelled[] = $word; unset($suggest); } if (!in_array($word, $incurrent)) { $stringText = preg_replace('/\\b' . $word . '\\b/' . ($this->parserCharset == 'utf-8' ? 'u' : ''), '<span class="htmlarea-spellcheck-error">' . $word . '</span>', $stringText); $incurrent[] = $word; } } } else { $tmpFileName = GeneralUtility::tempnam($this->filePrefix); if (!($filehandle = fopen($tmpFileName, 'wb'))) { echo 'SpellChecker tempfile open error'; } if (!fwrite($filehandle, $word)) { echo 'SpellChecker tempfile write error'; } if (!fclose($filehandle)) { echo 'SpellChecker tempfile close error'; } $catCommand = TYPO3_OS === 'WIN' ? 'type' : 'cat'; $AspellCommand = $catCommand . ' ' . escapeshellarg($tmpFileName) . ' | ' . $this->AspellDirectory . ' -a check' . ' --mode=none' . ' --sug-mode=' . escapeshellarg($this->pspellMode) . ($this->personalDictionaryPath ? ' --home-dir=' . escapeshellarg($this->personalDictionaryPath) : '') . ' --lang=' . escapeshellarg($this->dictionary) . ' --encoding=' . escapeshellarg($this->aspellEncoding) . ' 2>&1'; $AspellAnswer = shell_exec($AspellCommand); $AspellResultLines = array(); $AspellResultLines = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(LF, $AspellAnswer, TRUE); if (substr($AspellResultLines[0], 0, 6) == 'Error:') { echo '{' . $AspellAnswer . '}'; } GeneralUtility::unlink_tempfile($tmpFileName); if ($AspellResultLines['1'][0] !== '*') { if (!in_array($word, $this->misspelled)) { if (sizeof($this->misspelled) != 0) { $this->suggestedWords .= ','; } $suggest = array(); $suggestions = array(); if ($AspellResultLines['1'][0] === '&') { $suggestions = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(':', $AspellResultLines['1'], TRUE); $suggest = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $suggestions['1'], TRUE); } if (sizeof($suggest) != 0) { $this->suggestionCount++; $this->suggestedWordCount += sizeof($suggest); } $this->suggestedWords .= '"' . $word . '":"' . implode(',', $suggest) . '"'; $this->misspelled[] = $word; unset($suggest); unset($suggestions); } if (!in_array($word, $incurrent)) { $stringText = preg_replace('/\\b' . $word . '\\b/' . ($this->parserCharset == 'utf-8' ? 'u' : ''), '<span class="htmlarea-spellcheck-error">' . $word . '</span>', $stringText); $incurrent[] = $word; } } unset($AspellResultLines); } $this->wordCount++; } } $this->text .= $stringText; unset($incurrent); }
} //optionally skip all caps if ($ignoreAllCaps) { if (!preg_match('/[^\\p{Lu}]/', $word)) { continue; } } // Skip duplicates if (array_key_exists($word, $checked_words)) { continue; } else { $checked_words[$word] = 1; } // Check spelling if (!pspell_check($dictionary, $word)) { $suggestions = implode(",", pspell_suggest($dictionary, $word)); $misspelled .= "{$word}:{$suggestions}\n"; } } header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); echo $misspelled; } else { ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Spell Checker</title> </head> <body>
$pspell_config = pspell_config_create("en"); pspell_config_personal($pspell_config, "./dict/".$user_dictionary_file); $int = pspell_new_config($pspell_config); if($_POST['dictadd']!="") { pspell_add_to_personal($int, $_POST['dictadd']); pspell_save_wordlist($int); } for($i=$start;$i<count($words);$i++) { $currentword=$words[$i]; if(strlen(trim($words[$i]))>2) { if (!pspell_check($int, $currentword)) { $suggestions = pspell_suggest($int, $currentword); $found_misspell=true; $start=$i; $misspell_index=$i; break; } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>Spell Checker</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="easyspell.css" /> <script src="easyspell.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head>
function SpellCheck() { global $txt, $context, $func; // A list of "words" we know about but pspell doesn't. $known_words = array('smf', 'php', 'mysql', 'www', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'png', 'http', 'smfisawesome', 'grandia', 'terranigma', 'rpgs'); loadLanguage('Post'); loadTemplate('Post'); // Okay, this looks funny, but it actually fixes a weird bug. ob_start(); $old = error_reporting(0); // See, first, some windows machines don't load pspell properly on the first try. Dumb, but this is a workaround. pspell_new('en'); // Next, the dictionary in question may not exist. So, we try it... but... $pspell_link = pspell_new($txt['lang_dictionary'], $txt['lang_spelling'], '', strtr($context['character_set'], array('iso-' => 'iso', 'ISO-' => 'iso')), PSPELL_FAST | PSPELL_RUN_TOGETHER); error_reporting($old); ob_end_clean(); // Most people don't have anything but english installed... so we use english as a last resort. if (!$pspell_link) { $pspell_link = pspell_new('en', '', '', '', PSPELL_FAST | PSPELL_RUN_TOGETHER); } if (!isset($_POST['spellstring']) || !$pspell_link) { die; } // Construct a bit of Javascript code. $context['spell_js'] = ' var txt = {"done": "' . $txt['spellcheck_done'] . '"}; var mispstr = window.opener.document.forms[spell_formname][spell_fieldname].value; var misps = Array('; // Get all the words (Javascript already seperated them). $alphas = explode("\n", stripslashes(strtr($_POST['spellstring'], array("\r" => '')))); $found_words = false; for ($i = 0, $n = count($alphas); $i < $n; $i++) { // Words are sent like 'word|offset_begin|offset_end'. $check_word = explode('|', $alphas[$i]); // If the word is a known word, or spelled right... if (in_array($func['strtolower']($check_word[0]), $known_words) || pspell_check($pspell_link, $check_word[0]) || !isset($check_word[2])) { continue; } // Find the word, and move up the "last occurance" to here. $found_words = true; // Add on the javascript for this misspelling. $context['spell_js'] .= ' new misp("' . strtr($check_word[0], array('\\' => '\\\\', '"' => '\\"', '<' => '', '>' => '')) . '", ' . (int) $check_word[1] . ', ' . (int) $check_word[2] . ', ['; // If there are suggestions, add them in... $suggestions = pspell_suggest($pspell_link, $check_word[0]); if (!empty($suggestions)) { $context['spell_js'] .= '"' . join('", "', $suggestions) . '"'; } $context['spell_js'] .= ']),'; } // If words were found, take off the last comma. if ($found_words) { $context['spell_js'] = substr($context['spell_js'], 0, -1); } $context['spell_js'] .= ' );'; // And instruct the template system to just show the spellcheck sub template. $context['template_layers'] = array(); $context['sub_template'] = 'spellcheck'; }
function pgw_pspell_suggest($dictionary_link, $word) { // return pspell_suggest($dictionary_link, $word); }
/** * Build a word list from a product name to store in the product_words table. * These will be used along with pSpell to provide search suggestions on the front end. * This avoids needing to save a custom dictionary for technical words which will always * trip off the spell checker. For example "mp3 player" returns 'did you mean "mp player"' * which is incorrect, as MP3 is a common word. Any word that's searched for that's in * the product_words table will not be checked against the spell checker. **/ public function SaveProductWords($ProductName, $ProductId, $AddingOrEditing) { // If search suggestions aren't enabled, don't try to build the list of product words if (!GetConfig('SearchSuggest')) { return true; } $words_to_save = array(); $words = preg_split("#[(\\s|\\(|\\)\\/)]+#", $ProductName); $pspell_installed = false; if (function_exists('pspell_new')) { $pspell_installed = true; } // Create a pSpell object if it's installed if ($pspell_installed) { $spell = @pspell_new("en"); } foreach ($words as $word) { if (isc_strlen(trim($word)) > 2) { // Can we spell check against the word? if ($pspell_installed && $spell) { if (!@pspell_check($spell, $word)) { $suggestions = @pspell_suggest($spell, $word); // If any suggestions are returned then the word generally misspelled if (count($suggestions) > 0) { array_push($words_to_save, isc_strtolower($word)); } } } else { // pSpell isn't installed so we'll go ahead and add the word anyway array_push($words_to_save, isc_strtolower($word)); } } } // If we're editing an existing product then we'll remove the words already in the product_words table if ($AddingOrEditing == "editing") { $query = sprintf("delete from [|PREFIX|]product_words where productid='%d'", $ProductId); $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query); } // Add the words to the product_words table foreach ($words_to_save as $word) { $newWord = array("word" => $word, "productid" => $ProductId); $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->InsertQuery("product_words", $newWord); } }
/** * Returns suggestions for misspelled word */ private function _pspell_suggestions($word) { // init spellchecker $this->_pspell_init(); if (!$this->plink) { return array(); } $suggestions = pspell_suggest($this->plink, $word); if (sizeof($suggestions) > self::MAX_SUGGESTIONS) { $suggestions = array_slice($suggestions, 0, self::MAX_SUGGESTIONS); } return is_array($suggestions) ? $suggestions : array(); }
/** ----------------------------------------- /** Spell Check for Textareas /** -----------------------------------------*/ function check($lang = 'en') { // Make a local reference to the ExpressionEngine super object $this->EE =& get_instance(); /* ------------------------------------------- /* Hidden Configuration Variable /* /* - spellcheck_language_code => What is the two letter ISO 639 language /* code for the spellcheck (ex: en, es, de) /* -------------------------------------------*/ if (ee()->config->item('spellcheck_language_code') !== FALSE && strlen(ee()->config->item('spellcheck_language_code')) == 2) { $lang = ee()->config->item('spellcheck_language_code'); } // ---------------------------------- // These 100 words make up 1/2 of all written material // and by not checking them we should be able to greatly // speed up the spellchecker // ---------------------------------- $common = array('the', 'of', 'and', 'a', 'to', 'in', 'is', 'you', 'that', 'it', 'he', 'was', 'for', 'on', 'are', 'as', 'with', 'his', 'they', 'I', 'at', 'be', 'this', 'have', 'from', 'or', 'one', 'had', 'by', 'word', 'but', 'not', 'what', 'all', 'were', 'we', 'when', 'your', 'can', 'said', 'there', 'use', 'an', 'each', 'which', 'she', 'do', 'how', 'their', 'if', 'will', 'up', 'other', 'about', 'out', 'many', 'then', 'them', 'these', 'so', 'some', 'her', 'would', 'make', 'like', 'him', 'into', 'time', 'has', 'look', 'two', 'more', 'write', 'go', 'see', 'number', 'no', 'way', 'could', 'people', 'my', 'than', 'first', 'water', 'been', 'call', 'who', 'oil', 'its', 'now', 'find', 'long', 'down', 'day', 'did', 'get', 'come', 'made', 'may', 'part'); // The contents of the field are encoded by javascript before // they are sent to us so we have to decode them before processing. // We are also removing any HTML code and HTML code entities so that we // do not process them as misspelled words. $content = preg_replace("|<.*?" . ">|", '', rawurldecode(ee()->security->xss_clean(ee()->input->get_post('q')))); $content = str_replace(array('&', '<', '>'), '', $content); $str = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?' . ">\n<items>\n"; $items = array(); $prechecked = array(); if (!function_exists('pspell_new')) { $content = str_replace('&', ' ', stripslashes($content)); // Google has silently changed the service internally, setting ignoredups="1" now causes results to // always return as spelled correctly. -- changed 8/20/08 d.j. $payload = '<spellrequest textalreadyclipped="0" ignoredups="0" ignoredigits="1" ignoreallcaps="0"><text>' . $content . '</text></spellrequest>'; $url = '' . $lang . '&hl=' . $lang; if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $data = EE_Spellcheck::curl_process($url, $payload); } else { $data = EE_Spellcheck::fsockopen_process($url, $payload); } if ($data == '') { ee()->output->set_status_header(404); @header("Date: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); exit('Unable to connect to spellcheck'); } // suckz => <c o="10" l="5" s="0">sucks sicks suck sacks socks</c> if ($data != '' && preg_match_all("|<c\\s+(.*?)>(.*?)</c>|is", $data, $matches)) { for ($i = 0, $s = count($matches['0']); $i < $s; ++$i) { $x = explode('"', $matches['1'][$i]); $word = substr($content, $x['1'], $x['3']); if (!in_array($word, $prechecked)) { $sug = preg_split("|\\s+|s", $matches['2'][$i]); natcasesort($sug); $items[] = $word . ':' . implode(',', $sug) . ''; $prechecked[] = $word; } } } } else { // Split it up by non-words preg_match_all("|[\\w\\']{2,20}|", stripslashes($content), $parts); $pspell = pspell_new($lang); for ($i = 0, $s = count($parts['0']); $i < $s; $i++) { if (!is_numeric($parts['0'][$i]) && !in_array(strtolower($parts['0'][$i]), $common) && !in_array($parts['0'][$i], $prechecked) && !pspell_check($pspell, $parts['0'][$i])) { $sug = array(); if ($suggestions = pspell_suggest($pspell, $parts['0'][$i])) { foreach ($suggestions as $suggest) { $sug[] = $suggest; if (count($sug) > 8) { break; } } } natcasesort($sug); $items[] = $parts['0'][$i] . ':' . implode(',', $sug) . ''; $prechecked[] = $parts['0'][$i]; } } } $str .= count($items) == 0 ? '' : "<item>" . implode("</item>\n<item>", $items) . "</item>"; $str .= "\n</items>"; @header("Content-Type: text/xml"); exit($str); }