function connect($u,$p){ $badOut = 'Error: '; // $this->debug = true;
   //## Check if alrady IN
   if (!$this->check($u)){ if ($this->debug) echo "[PN] NO Saved Data; Logging in...<br/>\r\n";
     $hdrsArr = $this->headers(''); $rep = nxs_remote_get('', array('headers' => $hdrsArr, 'timeout' => 45, 'httpversion' => '1.1'));         
     if (is_nxs_error($rep)) {  $badOut = print_r($rep, true)." - ERROR -01-"; return $badOut; } $ck = $rep['cookies']; $contents = $rep['body']; prr($contents);  $apVer = trim(CutFromTo($contents,'"app_version": "', '"')); 
     $fldsTxt = 'data=%7B%22options%22%3A%7B%22username_or_email%22%3A%22'.urlencode($u).'%22%2C%22password%22%3A%22'.str_replace('%5C','%5C%5C',urlencode($p)).'%22%7D%2C%22context%22%3A%7B%22app_version%22%3A%22'.$apVer.
     foreach ($ck as $c) if ($c->name=='csrftoken') $xftkn = $c->value;
     //## ACTUAL LOGIN 
     $hdrsArr = $this->headers('', '', 'POST', true); $hdrsArr['X-NEW-APP']='1'; $hdrsArr['X-APP-VERSION']=$apVer; $hdrsArr['X-CSRFToken']=$xftkn;        
     $advSet = array('headers' => $hdrsArr, 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'timeout' => 45, 'redirection' => 0, 'cookies' => $ck, 'body' => $fldsTxt); // prr($advSet);
     $rep = nxs_remote_post('', $advSet); if (is_nxs_error($rep)) {  $badOut = print_r($rep, true)." - ERROR -02-"; return $badOut; } 
     if (!empty($rep['body'])) { $contents = $rep['body']; $resp = json_decode($contents, true); } else { $badOut = print_r($rep, true)." - ERROR -03-"; return $badOut; }
       if (is_array($resp) && empty($resp['resource_response']['error'])) { $ck = $rep['cookies'];  foreach ($ck as $ci=>$cc) $ck[$ci]->value = str_replace(' ','+', $cc->value);  
         $hdrsArr = $this->headers(''); $rep=nxs_remote_get('', array('headers' => $hdrsArr, 'timeout' => 45, 'redirection' => 0, 'cookies' => $ck, 'httpversion' => '1.1')); if (is_nxs_error($rep)) {  $badOut = print_r($rep, true)." - ERROR -02.1-"; return $badOut; } 
         if (!empty($rep['cookies'])) foreach ($rep['cookies'] as $ccN) { $fdn = false; foreach ($ck as $ci=>$cc) if ($ccN->name == $cc->name) { $fdn = true; $ck[$ci] = $ccN;  } if (!$fdn) $ck[] = $ccN; }
         foreach ($ck as $ci=>$cc) $ck[$ci]->value = str_replace(' ','+', $cc->value); $this->tk = $xftkn; $this->ck = $ck;  $this->apVer = $apVer;           
         if ($this->debug) echo "[PN] You are IN;<br/>\r\n"; return false; // echo "You are IN";                                       
       } elseif (is_array($resp) && isset($resp['resource_response']['error'])) return "ERROR -04-: ".$resp['resource_response']['error']['http_status']." | ".$resp['resource_response']['error']['message'];
       elseif (stripos($contents, 'CSRF verification failed')!==false) { $retText = trim(str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), " | ", strip_tags(CutFromTo($contents, '</head>', '</body>'))));
         return "CSRF verification failed - Please contact NextScripts Support | Pinterest Message:".$retText;
       } elseif (stripos($contents, 'IP because of suspicious activity')!==false) return 'Pinterest blocked logins from this IP because of suspicious activity'; 
       elseif (stripos($contents, 've detected a bot!')!==false) return 'Pinterest has your IP ('.CutFromTo($contents, 'ess: <b>','<').') blocked. Please <a target="_blank" class="link" href="//">Contact Pinterest</a> and ask them to unblock your IP. ';
       elseif (stripos($contents, 'bot running on your network')!==false) return 'Pinterest has your IP ('.CutFromTo($contents, 'Your IP is:','<').') blocked. Please <a target="_blank" class="link" href="//">Contact Pinterest</a> and ask them to unblock your IP. '; 
       else return 'Pinterest login failed. Unknown Error. Please contact support.';           
       return 'Pinterest login failed. Unknown Error #2. Please contact support.'; 
   } else { if ($this->debug) echo "[PN] Saved Data is OK;<br/>\r\n"; return false; }
예제 #2
 function doPostToNT($options, $message)
     $badOut = array('pgID' => '', 'isPosted' => 0, 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'Error' => '');
     //## Check settings
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $badOut['Error'] = 'No Options';
         return $badOut;
     if (!isset($options['ljUName']) || trim($options['ljPass']) == '') {
         $badOut['Error'] = 'Not Configured';
         return $badOut;
     $pass = substr($options['ljPass'], 0, 5) == 'n5g9a' ? nsx_doDecode(substr($options['ljPass'], 5)) : $options['ljPass'];
     //## Format
     if (!empty($message['pText'])) {
         $msg = $message['pText'];
     } else {
         $msg = nxs_doFormatMsg($options['ljMsgFormat'], $message);
     if (!empty($message['pTitle'])) {
         $msgT = $message['pTitle'];
     } else {
         $msgT = nxs_doFormatMsg($options['ljMsgTFormat'], $message);
     require_once 'apis/xmlrpc-client.php';
     if (!empty($options['ljSrv']) && $options['ljSrv'] == 'DW') {
         $server = '';
     } else {
         $server = '';
     $nxsToLJclient = new NXS_XMLRPC_Client('http://www.' . $server . '/interface/xmlrpc');
     $nxsToLJclient->debug = false;
     $date = time();
     $year = date("Y", $date);
     $mon = date("m", $date);
     $day = date("d", $date);
     $hour = date("G", $date);
     $min = date("i", $date);
     $nxsToLJContent = array("username" => $options['ljUName'], "password" => $pass, "event" => $msg, "subject" => $msgT, "lineendings" => "unix", "year" => $year, "mon" => $mon, "day" => $day, "hour" => $hour, "min" => $min, "ver" => 2);
     if (!empty($options['commID']) && $options['commID'] != '') {
         $nxsToLJContent["usejournal"] = $options['commID'];
     if (!empty($options['inclTags']) && $options['inclTags'] == '1' && !empty($message['tags'])) {
         $nxsToLJContent['props'] = array('taglist' => $message['tags']);
     // prr($nxsToLJContent);
     if (!$nxsToLJclient->query('LJ.XMLRPC.postevent', $nxsToLJContent)) {
         $ret = 'Something went wrong - ' . $nxsToLJclient->getErrorCode() . ' : ' . $nxsToLJclient->getErrorMessage();
     } else {
         $ret = 'OK';
     $pid = $nxsToLJclient->getResponse();
     if (is_array($pid) && !empty($pid['url'])) {
         return array('postID' => $pid['url'], 'isPosted' => 1, 'postURL' => $pid['url'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     } else {
         $badOut['Error'] .= 'Something went wrong - NO PID ' . print_r($pid, true);
     return $badOut;
 function postShare($tkn, $msg, $title = '', $url = '', $imgURL = '', $dsc = '')
     $nURL = '' . $tkn;
     $dsc = nxs_decodeEntitiesFull(strip_tags($dsc));
     $msg = strip_tags(nxs_decodeEntitiesFull($msg));
     $title = nxs_decodeEntitiesFull(strip_tags($title));
     $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><share><comment>' . htmlspecialchars($msg, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</comment>' . ($url != '' ? '<content><title>' . htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</title><submitted-url>' . $url . '</submitted-url>' . (!empty($imgURL) ? '<submitted-image-url>' . $imgURL . '</submitted-image-url>' : '') . '<description>' . htmlspecialchars($dsc, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</description></content>' : '') . '<visibility><code>anyone</code></visibility></share>';
     $hdrsArr = array();
     $hdrsArr['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml';
     $wprg = array('method' => 'POST', 'headers' => $hdrsArr, 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'timeout' => 45, 'redirection' => 0, 'body' => $xml);
     $wprg['sslverify'] = false;
     $response = wp_remote_post($nURL, $wprg);
     if (is_wp_error($response) || empty($response['body'])) {
         return "ERROR: " . print_r($response, true);
     $post = json_decode($response['body'], true);
     return $post;
예제 #4
파일: tr.php 프로젝트: brettex/pspark
        function showGenNTSettings($ntOpts)
            global $nxs_snapSetPgURL, $nxs_plurl, $nxs_gOptions;
            $ntInfo = $this->ntInfo;
            if (isset($_GET['auth']) && $_GET['auth'] == 'tr') {
                require_once 'apis/trOAuth.php';
                $options = $ntOpts[$_GET['acc']];
                $consumer_key = $options['trConsKey'];
                $consumer_secret = $options['trConsSec'];
                $callback_url = $nxs_snapSetPgURL . "&auth=tra&acc=" . $_GET['acc'];
                $tum_oauth = new TumblrOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret);
                $request_token = $tum_oauth->getRequestToken($callback_url);
                echo "####";
                $options['trOAuthToken'] = $request_token['oauth_token'];
                $options['trOAuthTokenSecret'] = $request_token['oauth_token_secret'];
                // prr($tum_oauth ); die();
                switch ($tum_oauth->http_code) {
                    case 200:
                        $url = $tum_oauth->getAuthorizeURL($options['trOAuthToken']);
                        if (function_exists('get_option')) {
                            $nxs_gOptions = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
                        if (!empty($nxs_gOptions)) {
                            $nxs_gOptions['tr'][$_GET['acc']] = $options;
                        echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location = "' . $url . '"</script>';
                        echo '<br/><b style="color:red">Could not connect to Tumblr. Refresh the page or try again later.</b>';
            if (isset($_GET['auth']) && $_GET['auth'] == 'tra') {
                require_once 'apis/trOAuth.php';
                $options = $ntOpts[$_GET['acc']];
                $consumer_key = $options['trConsKey'];
                $consumer_secret = $options['trConsSec'];
                $tum_oauth = new TumblrOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $options['trOAuthToken'], $options['trOAuthTokenSecret']);
                $options['trAccessTocken'] = $tum_oauth->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']);
                // prr($_GET);  prr($_REQUEST);   prr($options['trAccessTocken']);
                $tum_oauth = new TumblrOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $options['trAccessTocken']['oauth_token'], $options['trAccessTocken']['oauth_token_secret']);
                if (function_exists('get_option')) {
                    $nxs_gOptions = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
                if (!empty($nxs_gOptions)) {
                    $nxs_gOptions['tr'][$_GET['acc']] = $options;
                $userinfo = $tum_oauth->get('');
                // prr($url); die();
                if (is_array($userinfo->response->user->blogs)) {
                    foreach ($userinfo->response->user->blogs as $blog) {
                        if (stripos($blog->url, $options['trPgID']) !== false) {
                            $gGet = $_GET;
                            $sturl = explode('?', $nxs_snapSetPgURL);
                            $nxs_snapSetPgURL = $sturl[0] . (!empty($gGet) ? '?' . http_build_query($gGet) : '');
                            echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location = "' . $nxs_snapSetPgURL . '"</script>';
                    die("<span style='color:red;'>ERROR: Authorized USER don't have access to the specified blog: <span style='color:darkred; font-weight: bold;'>" . $options['trPgID'] . "</span></span>");
    <div class="nxs_box">
      <div class="nxs_box_header"> 
        <div class="nsx_iconedTitle" style="margin-bottom:1px;background-image:url(<?php 
            echo $nxs_plurl;
            echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
            echo $ntInfo['name'];
            $cbo = count($ntOpts);
            if ($cbo > 1) {
<div class="nsBigText"><?php 
                echo "(" . ($cbo == '0' ? 'No' : $cbo) . " ";
                _e('accounts', 'nxs_snap');
                echo ")";
      <div class="nxs_box_inside">
            foreach ($ntOpts as $indx => $pbo) {
                if (trim($pbo['nName'] == '')) {
                    $pbo['nName'] = str_ireplace('https://', '', str_ireplace('http://', '', $pbo['trURL']));
                if (!isset($pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK']) || $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] == '') {
                    $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] = isset($pbo['trOAuthTokenSecret']) && $pbo['trOAuthTokenSecret'] != '' ? '1' : '';
          <p style="margin:0px;margin-left:5px;"> <img id="<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
LoadingImg" style="display: none;" src='<?php 
                echo $nxs_plurl;
img/ajax-loader-sm.gif' />
            <input value="0" name="<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                echo $indx;
                echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" type="hidden" />             
                if ((int) $pbo['do' . $ntInfo['code']] == 1 && isset($pbo['catSel']) && (int) $pbo['catSel'] == 1) {
 <input type="radio" name="<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                    echo $indx;
                    echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" id="rbtn<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'] . $indx;
" value="1" checked="checked" onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popOnlyCat');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popOnlyCat', event);" /> <?php 
                } else {
            <input value="1" name="<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                    echo $indx;
                    echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" type="checkbox" <?php 
                    if ((int) $pbo['do' . $ntInfo['code']] == 1 && $pbo['catSel'] != '1') {
                        echo "checked";
                if (isset($pbo['catSel']) && (int) $pbo['catSel'] == 1) {
 <span onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popOnlyCat');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popOnlyCat', event);"><?php 
                    echo "*[" . (substr_count($pbo['catSelEd'], ",") + 1) . "]*";
                if (isset($pbo['rpstOn']) && (int) $pbo['rpstOn'] == 1) {
 <span onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popReActive');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popReActive', event);"><?php 
                    echo "*[R]*";
                _e('Auto-publish to', 'nxs_snap');
                echo $ntInfo['name'];
 <i style="color: #005800;"><?php 
                if ($pbo['nName'] != '') {
                    echo "(" . $pbo['nName'] . ")";
                if ($ntInfo['tstReq'] && (!isset($pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK']) || $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] == '')) {
<b style="color: #800000"><?php 
                    _e('Attention requred. Unfinished setup', 'nxs_snap');
<a id="do<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
AG" href="#" onclick="doGetHideNTBlock('<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'];
' , '<?php 
                echo $indx;
');return false;">[<?php 
                _e('Show Settings', 'nxs_snap');
          <a href="#" onclick="doDelAcct('<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
', '<?php 
                echo $indx;
', '<?php 
                if (isset($pbo['bgBlogID'])) {
                    echo $pbo['nName'];
');return false;">[<?php 
                _e('Remove Account', 'nxs_snap');
          </p><div id="nxsNTSetDiv<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
                //$pbo['ntInfo'] = $ntInfo; $this->showNTSettings($indx, $pbo);
    </div> <?php 
예제 #5
        function showGenNTSettings($ntOpts)
            global $nxs_snapSetPgURL, $nxs_plurl, $nxs_gOptions;
            $ntInfo = $this->ntInfo;
            // V2 Auth
            if (isset($_GET['code']) && $_GET['code'] != '' && isset($_GET['state']) && substr($_GET['state'], 0, 7) == 'nxs-bg-') {
                $at = $_GET['code'];
                $ii = str_replace('nxs-bg-', '', $_GET['state']);
                echo "----=={ oAuth 2.0 Wordflow }==----<br/>-= This is normal technical authorization info that will dissapear (Unless you get some errors) =- <br/><br/><br/>";
                $gGet = $_GET;
                $sturl = explode('?', $nxs_snapSetPgURL);
                $nxs_snapSetPgURL = $sturl[0] . (!empty($gGet) ? '?' . http_build_query($gGet) : '');
                $nto = $ntOpts[$ii];
                $wprg = array();
                $wprg['sslverify'] = false;
                if (isset($nto['APIKey'])) {
                    echo "-=";
                    // die();
                    $tknURL = '' . $at . '&redirect_uri=' . urlencode($nxs_snapSetPgURL) . '&scope=&client_id=' . $nto['APIKey'] . '&client_secret=' . $nto['APISec'] . '&grant_type=authorization_code';
                    $response = wp_remote_post($tknURL, $wprg);
                    if (is_object($response) && isset($response->errors)) {
                    if (is_array($response) && stripos($response['body'], '"error":') !== false) {
                        prr(json_decode($response['body'], true));
                    $resp = json_decode($response['body'], true);
                    if (!is_array($resp) || empty($resp['access_token'])) {
                    if (function_exists('get_option')) {
                        $currTime = time() + get_option('gmt_offset') * HOUR_IN_SECONDS;
                    } else {
                        $currTime = time();
                    $nto['AccessToken'] = $resp['access_token'];
                    $nto['AccessTokenSecret'] = 'No Need for oAuth V2';
                    $nto['OAuthVerifier'] = 'No Need for oAuth V2';
                    $nto['AccessTokenExp'] = $currTime + $resp['expires_in'];
                    $nto['RefreshToken'] = $resp['refresh_token'];
                    echo "<br/>----=={ Expires: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $nto['AccessTokenExp']) . " }==---- <br/>";
                    if (!empty($nto['bgBlogID'])) {
                        if (substr($nto['bgBlogID'], 0, 4) == 'http') {
                            $tknURL = '' . $nto['bgBlogID'] . '?access_token=' . $nto['AccessToken'];
                        } else {
                            $tknURL = '' . $nto['bgBlogID'] . '?access_token=' . $nto['AccessToken'];
                    $response = wp_remote_get($tknURL, $wprg);
                    $user = json_decode($response['body'], true);
                    if (!empty($user['url'])) {
                        $nto['blogURL'] = $user['url'];
                        $nto['bgBlogID'] = $user['id'];
                        $nto['blogInfo'] = $user['name'] . " [" . $user['id'] . "] (" . $user['url'] . ")";
                        if (function_exists('get_option')) {
                            $nxs_gOptions = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
                        if (!empty($nxs_gOptions)) {
                            $nxs_gOptions['bg'][$ii] = $nto;
<script type="text/javascript">window.location = "<?php 
                        echo $nxs_snapSetPgURL;
    <div class="nxs_box">
      <div class="nxs_box_header"> 
        <div class="nsx_iconedTitle" style="margin-bottom:1px;background-image:url(<?php 
            echo $nxs_plurl;
            echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
            echo $ntInfo['name'];
            $cbo = count($ntOpts);
            if ($cbo > 1) {
<div class="nsBigText"><?php 
                echo "(" . ($cbo == '0' ? 'No' : $cbo) . " ";
                _e('accounts', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
                echo ")";
      <div class="nxs_box_inside">
            foreach ($ntOpts as $indx => $pbo) {
                if (trim($pbo['nName'] == '')) {
                    $pbo['nName'] = !empty($pbo[$ntInfo['defNName']]) ? $pbo[$ntInfo['defNName']] : 'Blogger';
                if (!isset($pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK']) || $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] == '') {
                    $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] = isset($pbo['AccessToken']) && $pbo['AccessTokenSecret'] != '' ? '1' : '';
          <p style="margin:0px;margin-left:5px;"> <img id="<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
LoadingImg" style="display: none;" src='<?php 
                echo $nxs_plurl;
img/ajax-loader-sm.gif' />
            <input value="0" name="<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                echo $indx;
                echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" type="hidden" />             
                if ((int) $pbo['do' . $ntInfo['code']] == 1 && isset($pbo['catSel']) && (int) $pbo['catSel'] == 1) {
 <input type="radio" name="<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                    echo $indx;
                    echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" id="rbtn<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'] . $indx;
" value="1" checked="checked" onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popOnlyCat');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popOnlyCat', event);" /> <?php 
                } else {
            <input value="1" name="<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                    echo $indx;
                    echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" type="checkbox" <?php 
                    if ((int) $pbo['do' . $ntInfo['code']] == 1 && $pbo['catSel'] != '1') {
                        echo "checked";
                if (isset($pbo['catSel']) && (int) $pbo['catSel'] == 1) {
 <span onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popOnlyCat');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popOnlyCat', event);"><?php 
                    echo "*[" . (substr_count($pbo['catSelEd'], ",") + 1) . "]*";
                if (isset($pbo['rpstOn']) && (int) $pbo['rpstOn'] == 1) {
 <span onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popReActive');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popReActive', event);"><?php 
                    echo "*[R]*";
                _e('Auto-publish to', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
                echo $ntInfo['name'];
 <i style="color: #005800;"><?php 
                if ($pbo['nName'] != '') {
                    echo "(" . $pbo['nName'] . ")";
                if ($ntInfo['tstReq'] && (!isset($pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK']) || $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] == '')) {
<b style="color: #800000"><?php 
                    _e('Attention requred. Unfinished setup', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
                if (!class_exists('nxsAPI_GP') && !empty($pbo['bgUName']) && empty($pbo['APIKey'])) {
<b style="color: #800000"><?php 
                    _e('Attention requred. "ClientLogin" authentication method is no longer supported by Blogger', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
 <a id="do<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
AG" href="#" onclick="doGetHideNTBlock('<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'];
' , '<?php 
                echo $indx;
');return false;">[<?php 
                _e('Show Settings', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
          <a href="#" onclick="doDelAcct('<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
', '<?php 
                echo $indx;
', '<?php 
                if (isset($pbo['bgBlogID'])) {
                    echo $pbo['nName'];
');return false;">[<?php 
                _e('Remove Account', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
          </p><div id="nxsNTSetDiv<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
                //$pbo['ntInfo'] = $ntInfo; $this->showNTSettings($indx, $pbo);
    </div> <?php 
        function showGenNTSettings($ntOpts)
            global $nxs_plurl, $nxs_snapSetPgURL, $nxs_gOptions;
            $ntInfo = $this->ntInfo;
            if (isset($_GET['auth']) && $_GET['auth'] == $ntInfo['lcode']) {
                require_once 'apis/scOAuth.php';
                $options = $ntOpts[$_GET['acc']];
                $consumer_key = $options['appKey'];
                $consumer_secret = $options['appSec'];
                $callback_url = $nxs_snapSetPgURL . "&auth=" . $ntInfo['lcode'] . "a&acc=" . $_GET['acc'];
                $tum_oauth = new wpScoopITOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret);
                $tum_oauth->baseURL = '';
                $tum_oauth->request_token_path = '/oauth/request_token';
                $tum_oauth->access_token_path = '/oauth/access_token';
                $request_token = $tum_oauth->getReqToken($callback_url);
                $options['oAuthToken'] = $request_token['oauth_token'];
                $options['oAuthTokenSecret'] = $request_token['oauth_token_secret'];
                switch ($tum_oauth->http_code) {
                    case 200:
                        $url = '' . $options['oAuthToken'];
                        if (function_exists('get_option')) {
                            $nxs_gOptions = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
                        if (!empty($nxs_gOptions)) {
                            $nxs_gOptions[$ntInfo['lcode']][$_GET['acc']] = $options;
                        echo '<br/><br/>All good?! Redirecting ..... <script type="text/javascript">window.location = "' . $url . '"</script>';
                        echo '<br/><b style="color:red">Could not connect to Flickr. Refresh the page or try again later.</b>';
            if (isset($_GET['auth']) && $_GET['auth'] == $ntInfo['lcode'] . 'a') {
                require_once 'apis/scOAuth.php';
                $options = $ntOpts[$_GET['acc']];
                $consumer_key = $options['appKey'];
                $consumer_secret = $options['appSec'];
                $tum_oauth = new wpScoopITOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $options['oAuthToken'], $options['oAuthTokenSecret']);
                $tum_oauth->baseURL = '';
                $tum_oauth->request_token_path = '/oauth/request_token';
                $tum_oauth->access_token_path = '/oauth/access_token';
                $access_token = $tum_oauth->getAccToken($_GET['oauth_verifier']);
                $options['accessToken'] = $access_token['oauth_token'];
                $options['accessTokenSec'] = $access_token['oauth_token_secret'];
                if (function_exists('get_option')) {
                    $nxs_gOptions = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
                if (!empty($nxs_gOptions)) {
                    $nxs_gOptions[$ntInfo['lcode']][$_GET['acc']] = $options;
                $tum_oauth = new wpScoopITOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $options['accessToken'], $options['accessTokenSec']);
                echo "OK. Let's Get Profile: ";
                $params = array('format' => 'php_serial', 'method' => 'flickr.urls.getUserProfile');
                $uinfo = $tum_oauth->makeReq('', $params);
                // prr($uinfo);die();
                if (is_array($uinfo) && isset($uinfo['user'])) {
                    $options['appAppUserName'] = $access_token['username'] . "(" . urldecode($access_token['fullname']) . ")";
                    $options['appAppUserID'] = urldecode($uinfo['user']['nsid']);
                    $options['userURL'] = urldecode($uinfo['user']['url']);
                    if (function_exists('get_option')) {
                        $nxs_gOptions = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
                    if (!empty($nxs_gOptions)) {
                        $nxs_gOptions[$ntInfo['lcode']][$_GET['acc']] = $options;
                if (!empty($options['appAppUserID'])) {
                    $gGet = $_GET;
                    $sturl = explode('?', $nxs_snapSetPgURL);
                    $nxs_snapSetPgURL = $sturl[0] . (!empty($gGet) ? '?' . http_build_query($gGet) : '');
                    echo '<br/><br/>All good?! Redirecting ..... <script type="text/javascript">window.location = "' . $nxs_snapSetPgURL . '"</script>';
                } else {
                    die("<span style='color:red;'>ERROR: Authorization Error: <span style='color:darkred; font-weight: bold;'>" . print_r($uinfo, true) . "</span></span>");
    <div class="nxs_box">
      <div class="nxs_box_header">
        <div class="nsx_iconedTitle" style="margin-bottom:1px;background-image:url(<?php 
            echo $nxs_plurl;
            echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
            echo $ntInfo['name'];
            $cbo = count($ntOpts);
            if ($cbo > 1) {
<div class="nsBigText"><?php 
                echo "(" . ($cbo == '0' ? 'No' : $cbo) . " ";
                _e('accounts', 'nxs_snap');
                echo ")";
      <div class="nxs_box_inside">
            foreach ($ntOpts as $indx => $pbo) {
                if (trim($pbo['nName'] == '')) {
                    $pbo['nName'] = $ntInfo['name'];
                if (!isset($pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK']) || $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] == '') {
                    $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] = isset($pbo['appAppUserID']) && $pbo['appAppUserID'] > 1 ? '1' : '';
            <p style="margin:0px;margin-left:5px;"> <img id="<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
LoadingImg" style="display: none;" src='<?php 
                echo $nxs_plurl;
img/ajax-loader-sm.gif' />

                if ((int) $pbo['do' . $ntInfo['code']] == 1 && isset($pbo['catSel']) && (int) $pbo['catSel'] == 1) {
 <input type="radio" name="<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                    echo $indx;
                    echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" id="rbtn<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'] . $indx;
" value="1" checked="checked" onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popOnlyCat');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popOnlyCat', event);" /> <?php 
                } else {
            <input value="0" name="<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                    echo $indx;
                    echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" type="hidden" />
            <input value="1" name="<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                    echo $indx;
                    echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" type="checkbox" <?php 
                    if ((int) $pbo['do' . $ntInfo['code']] == 1 && $pbo['catSel'] != '1') {
                        echo "checked";
                if (isset($pbo['catSel']) && (int) $pbo['catSel'] == 1) {
 <span onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popOnlyCat');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popOnlyCat', event);"><?php 
                    echo "*[" . (substr_count($pbo['catSelEd'], ",") + 1) . "]*";
                if (isset($pbo['rpstOn']) && (int) $pbo['rpstOn'] == 1) {
 <span onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popReActive');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popReActive', event);"><?php 
                    echo "*[R]*";
                _e('Auto-publish to', 'nxs_snap');
                echo $ntInfo['name'];
 <i style="color: #005800;"><?php 
                if ($pbo['nName'] != '') {
                    echo "(" . $pbo['nName'] . ")";
                if ($ntInfo['tstReq'] && (!isset($pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK']) || $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] == '')) {
<b style="color: #800000"><?php 
                    _e('Attention requred. Unfinished setup', 'nxs_snap');
          <a id="do<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
AG" href="#" onclick="doGetHideNTBlock('<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'];
' , '<?php 
                echo $indx;
');return false;">[<?php 
                _e('Show Settings', 'nxs_snap');
          <a href="#" onclick="doDelAcct('<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
', '<?php 
                echo $indx;
', '<?php 
                if (isset($pbo['bgBlogID'])) {
                    echo $pbo['nName'];
');return false;">[<?php 
                _e('Remove Account', 'nxs_snap');
          </p><div id="nxsNTSetDiv<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
                //$pbo['ntInfo'] = $ntInfo; $this->showNTSettings($indx, $pbo);
    </div> <?php 
예제 #7
 function httpRequest($url, $auth_header, $method, $body = NULL)
     // $this->debug = true; //if (!is_array($auth_header)) $auth_header = array($auth_header);
     if (!is_array($auth_header)) {
         $auth_header = array($auth_header);
     if (!$method) {
         $method = "GET";
     $curl = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $auth_header);
     // Set the headers.
     if ($body) {
         $auth_header[] = "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8";
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $auth_header);
     global $nxs_skipSSLCheck;
     if ($nxs_skipSSLCheck === true) {
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     $data = curl_exec($curl);
     $errmsg = curl_error($curl);
     //prr($data);// die();
     //## NextScripts Fix
     if (curl_errno($curl) == 60 || stripos($errmsg, 'SSL') !== false) {
         curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
         $data = curl_exec($curl);
     if (curl_errno($curl) > 0) {
         $err = curl_errno($curl);
         $errmsg = curl_error($curl);
     //## /NextScripts Fix
     $header = curl_getinfo($curl);
     // prr($header);
     if ($this->debug) {
         echo $data . "\n";
     if (trim($data) == '' && ($header['http_code'] == '201' || $header['http_code'] == '200' || $header['http_code'] == '202')) {
         $data = '201';
     return $data;
예제 #8
	function getCurlPageMC($ch, $ref = '', $ctOnly = false, $fields = '', $dbg = false, $advSettings = '') {
		$ccURL = curl_getinfo ( $ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL );
		if ($dbg)
			echo '<br/><b style="font-size:16px;color:green;">#### START CURL:' . $ccURL . '</b><br/>';
		static $curl_loops = 0;
		static $curl_max_loops = 20;
		global $nxs_gCookiesArr;
		$cookies = cookArrToStr ( $nxs_gCookiesArr );
		if ($dbg) {
			echo '<br/><b style="color:#005800;">## Request Cookies:</b><br/>';
			prr ( $cookies );
		if ($curl_loops ++ >= $curl_max_loops) {
			$curl_loops = 0;
			return false;
		$headers = array ();
		$headers [] = 'Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*';
		$headers [] = 'Cache-Control: no-cache';
		$headers [] = 'Connection: Keep-Alive';
		$headers [] = 'Accept-Language: en-us'; // $headers[] = 'Accept-Encoding:
		                                        // gzip, deflate';
		if ($fields != '') {
			if ((stripos ( $ccURL, '' ) !== false))
				$headers [] = 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8';
				$headers [] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8';
		if (stripos ( $ccURL, '' ) !== false) {
			$headers [] = 'X-GWT-Permutation: 767A98E1C0A5F1D22D727BB9E37360B2';
			$headers [] = 'X-GWT-Module-Base:';
		if (isset ( $advSettings ['liXMLHttpRequest'] )) {
			$headers [] = 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest';
		if (isset ( $advSettings ['Origin'] )) {
			$headers [] = 'Origin: ' . $advSettings ['Origin'];
		if (stripos ( $ccURL, '' ) !== false && (isset ( $advSettings ['cdomain'] ) && $advSettings ['cdomain'] == ''))
			$advSettings ['cdomain'] = '';
		if (isset ( $advSettings ['noSSLSec'] )) {
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0 );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0 );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookies );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true );
		if ($ref != '')
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $ref );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)" );
		if ($fields != '') {
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, true );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields );
		} else {
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, false );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, '' );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true );
		$content = curl_exec ( $ch ); // prr($content);
		$errmsg = curl_error ( $ch );
		if (isset ( $errmsg ) && stripos ( $errmsg, 'SSL' ) !== false) {
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false );
			$content = curl_exec ( $ch );
		$ndel = strpos ( $content, "\n\n" );
		$rndel = strpos ( $content, "\r\n\r\n" );
		if ($ndel == false)
			$ndel = 100000;
		if ($rndel == false)
			$rndel = 100000;
		$rrDel = $rndel < $ndel ? "\r\n\r\n" : "\n\n";
		list ( $header, $content ) = explode ( $rrDel, $content, 2 );
		if ($ctOnly !== true) {
			$nsheader = curl_getinfo ( $ch );
			$err = curl_errno ( $ch );
			$errmsg = curl_error ( $ch );
			$nsheader ['errno'] = $err;
			$nsheader ['errmsg'] = $errmsg;
			$nsheader ['headers'] = $header;
			$nsheader ['content'] = $content;
		$http_code = curl_getinfo ( $ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE );
		$headers = curl_getinfo ( $ch );
		if ($dbg) {
			echo '<br/><b style="color:#005800;">## Headers:</b><br/>';
			prr ( $headers );
			prr ( $header );
		$results = array ();
		$cookies = '';
		preg_match_all ( '|Set-Cookie: (.*);|U', $header, $results );
		$carTmp = $results [1]; // $nxs_gCookiesArr
		                        // =
		                        // array_merge($nxs_gCookiesArr,
		                        // $ret['cookies']);
		preg_match_all ( '/Set-Cookie: (.*)\b/', $header, $xck );
		$xck = $xck [1];
		if ($dbg) {
			echo "Full Resp Cookies";
			prr ( $xck );
			echo "Plain Resp Cookies";
			prr ( $carTmp );
		if (isset ( $advSettings ['cdomain'] ) && $advSettings ['cdomain'] != '') {
			foreach ( $carTmp as $iii => $cTmp )
				if (stripos ( $xck [$iii], 'Domain=' ) === false || stripos ( $xck [$iii], 'Domain=.' . $advSettings ['cdomain'] . ';' ) !== false) {
					$ttt = explode ( '=', $cTmp, 2 );
					$nxs_gCookiesArr [$ttt [0]] = $ttt [1];
		} else {
			foreach ( $carTmp as $cTmp ) {
				$ttt = explode ( '=', $cTmp, 2 );
				$nxs_gCookiesArr [$ttt [0]] = $ttt [1];
		if ($dbg) {
			echo '<br/><b style="color:#005800;">## Response/Common Cookies:</b><br/>';
			prr ( $nxs_gCookiesArr );
		if ($dbg && $http_code == 200) {
			$contentH = htmlentities ( $content );
			prr ( $contentH );
		$rURL = '';
		if ($http_code == 200 && stripos ( $content, 'http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=&#39;' ) !== false) {
			$http_code = 301;
			$rURL = CutFromTo ( $content, 'http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=&#39;', '&#39;"' );
			$nxs_gCookiesArr = array ();
		} elseif ($http_code == 200 && stripos ( $content, 'location.replace' ) !== false) {
			$http_code = 301;
			$rURL = CutFromTo ( $content, 'location.replace("', '"' );
		} // echo
		  // "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~".$rURL."|".$http_code;
		if ($http_code == 301 || $http_code == 302) {
			if ($rURL != '') {
				$rURL = str_replace ( '\x3d', '=', $rURL );
				$rURL = str_replace ( '\x26', '&', $rURL );
				$url = @parse_url ( $rURL );
			} else {
				$matches = array ();
				preg_match ( '/Location:(.*?)\n/', $header, $matches );
				$url = @parse_url ( trim ( array_pop ( $matches ) ) );
			$rURL = ''; // echo
			            // "#######";
			            // prr($url);
			if (! $url) {
				$curl_loops = 0;
				return ($ctOnly === true) ? $content : $nsheader;
			$last_url = parse_url ( curl_getinfo ( $ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL ) );
			if (! $url ['scheme'])
				$url ['scheme'] = $last_url ['scheme'];
			if (! $url ['host'])
				$url ['host'] = $last_url ['host'];
			if (! $url ['path'])
				$url ['path'] = $last_url ['path'];
			if (! isset ( $url ['query'] ))
				$url ['query'] = '';
			$new_url = $url ['scheme'] . '://' . $url ['host'] . $url ['path'] . ($url ['query'] ? '?' . $url ['query'] : '');
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $new_url );
			if ($dbg)
				echo '<br/><b style="color:#005800;">Redirecting to:</b>' . $new_url . "<br/>";
			return getCurlPageMC ( $ch, $last_url, $ctOnly, '', $dbg, $advSettings );
		} else {
			$curl_loops = 0;
			return ($ctOnly === true) ? $content : $nsheader;
예제 #9
 function nxs_doPublishToKT($postID, $options)
     global $nxs_ktCkArray;
     $ntCd = 'KT';
     $ntCdL = 'kt';
     $ntNm = 'Kippt';
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true));
     //  if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToDI',  array($postID, $options));
     $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName']));
     $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
     if ($blogTitle == '') {
         $blogTitle = home_url();
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#000080">Kippt</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate');
     if ($postID == '0') {
         echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>";
         $link = home_url();
         $options['msgFormat'] = 'Test Message from ' . $link;
     } else {
         $post = get_post($postID);
         if (!$post) {
         $link = get_permalink($postID);
         $options['msgFrmt'] = nsFormatMessage($options['msgFrmt'], $postID, $addParams);
         $options['msgTFrmt'] = nsFormatMessage($options['msgTFrmt'], $postID, $addParams);
         nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1'));
     $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : '');
     //## Create and Format message
     $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
     $tggs = array();
     foreach ($t as $tagA) {
         $tggs[] = $tagA->name;
     $tags = implode(',', $tggs);
     $tags = str_replace(' ', '+', $tags);
     $message = array('url' => $link, 'surl' => $link, 'siteName' => $blogTitle, 'tags' => $tags);
     //## Actual Post
     $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_KT();
     $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message);
     //## Process Results
     if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') {
         //## Error
         if ($postID == '0') {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo);
     } else {
         // ## All Good - log it.
         if ($postID == '0') {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
         } else {
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'postURL' => $ret['postURL'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
     //## Return Result
     if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') {
         return 200;
     } else {
         return print_r($ret, true);
예제 #10
파일: tw.php 프로젝트: JalpMi/v2contact
 function nxs_doPublishToTW($postID, $options)
     $ntCd = 'TW';
     $ntCdL = 'tw';
     $ntNm = 'Twitter';
     $img = '';
     $imgURL = '';
     global $nxs_urlLen;
     $nxs_urlLen = 0;
     //$backtrace = debug_backtrace(); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Error', $logNT, 'I am here - '.$ntCd."|".print_r($backtrace, true), '');
     //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToTW',  array($postID, $options));
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#00FFFF">Twitter</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $options['pType']);
     $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
     if ($blogTitle == '') {
         $blogTitle = home_url();
     $uln = 0;
     if ($options['attchImg'] == '1') {
         $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID);
         if (trim($imgURL) == '') {
             $options['attchImg'] = 0;
         } else {
             if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
                 if (@getimagesize($imgURL) !== false) {
                     $img = wp_remote_get($imgURL);
                     if ($img['headers']['content-length'] < 200) {
                         $options['attchImg'] = 0;
                     } else {
                         if (is_wp_error($img)) {
                             $options['attchImg'] = 0;
                         } else {
                             $img = $img['body'];
                 } else {
                     $options['attchImg'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $img = wp_remote_get($imgURL);
                 if (is_wp_error($img)) {
                     $options['attchImg'] = 0;
                 } elseif (isset($img['body']) && trim($img['body']) != '') {
                     $img = $img['body'];
                 } else {
                     $options['attchImg'] = 0;
         if ($options['attchImg'] == 0) {
             nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, 'Could not get image, will post without it', $extInfo);
     if ($options['attchImg'] == '1' && $img != '') {
         $twLim = 118;
     } else {
         $twLim = 140;
     if ($postID == '0') {
         echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>";
         $msg = 'Test Post from ' . nsTrnc($blogTitle, $twLim - 24) . " - " . rand(1, 155);
         $uln = nxs_strLen($msg);
     } else {
         $post = get_post($postID);
         if (!$post) {
         $twMsgFormat = $options['twMsgFormat'];
         nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1'));
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%URL%') !== false || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%SURL%') !== false) {
             $twLim = $twLim - 22;
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%AUTHORNAME%') !== false) {
             $aun = $post->post_author;
             $aun = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $aun);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($aun);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%TITLE%", "", $twMsgFormat);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%SITENAME%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%URL%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%RAWEXCERPT%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%SURL%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%TEXT%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%FULLTEXT%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%EXCERPT%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%ANNOUNCE%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%AUTHORNAME%", "", $noRepl);
         $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($noRepl);
         $pTitle = $title = $post->post_title;
         if ($post->post_excerpt != "") {
             $exrText = $post->post_excerpt;
         } else {
             $exrText = $post->post_content;
         $pText = apply_filters('the_content', $exrText);
         $pRawText = $post->post_content;
         $pFullText = apply_filters('the_content', $pRawText);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TAGS%') !== false || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%HTAGS%') !== false) {
             $t = wp_get_object_terms($postID, 'product_tag');
             if (empty($t) || is_wp_error($pt) || !is_array($t)) {
                 $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
             $tggs = array();
             foreach ($t as $tagA) {
                 $frmTag = trim(str_replace(' ', '', preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\p{L}\\p{N}\\s]/u', '', trim(ucwords(str_ireplace('&', '', str_ireplace('&amp;', '', $tagA->name)))))));
                 if (preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', $pTitle)) {
                     $pTitle = trim(preg_replace('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', '#' . $frmTag, $pTitle));
                 if (preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', $pFullText)) {
                     $pFullText = trim(preg_replace('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', '#' . $frmTag, $pFullText));
                 if (preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', $pText)) {
                     $pText = trim(preg_replace('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', '#' . $frmTag, $pText));
                 if (preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', $pRawText)) {
                     $pRawText = trim(preg_replace('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', '#' . $frmTag, $pRawText));
                 if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TITLE%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pTitle) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TEXT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%EXCERPT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWEXCERPT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%ANNOUNCE%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%FULLTEXT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pFullText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWTEXT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pRawText)) {
                 } else {
                     $tggs[] = '#' . $frmTag;
             $tags = implode(' ', $tggs);
             while (count($tags) > $twLim - 10) {
                 $tags = implode(' ', $tggs);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%TAGS%", $tags, $twMsgFormat);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%HTAGS%", $tags, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($tags);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%CATS%') !== false || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%HCATS%') !== false) {
             $t = wp_get_post_categories($postID);
             $ctts = array();
             foreach ($t as $c) {
                 $cat = get_category($c);
                 $frmTag = trim(str_replace(' ', '', str_replace('  ', ' ', str_ireplace('&', '&amp;', trim(ucwords($cat->name))))));
                 if (stripos($pTitle, $cat->name) !== false) {
                     $pTitle = str_ireplace($cat->name, '#' . $frmTag, $pTitle);
                 } elseif (stripos($pTitle, $frmTag) !== false) {
                     $pTitle = str_ireplace($frmTag, '#' . $frmTag, $pTitle);
                 if (stripos($pText, $cat->name) !== false) {
                     $pText = str_ireplace($cat->name, '#' . $frmTag, $pText);
                 } elseif (stripos($pText, $frmTag) !== false) {
                     $pText = str_ireplace($frmTag, '#' . $frmTag, $pText);
                 if (stripos($pFullText, $cat->name) !== false) {
                     $pFullText = str_ireplace($cat->name, '#' . $frmTag, $pFullText);
                 } elseif (stripos($pFullText, $frmTag) !== false) {
                     $pFullText = str_ireplace($frmTag, '#' . $frmTag, $pFullText);
                 if (stripos($pRawText, $cat->name) !== false) {
                     $pRawText = str_ireplace($cat->name, '#' . $frmTag, $pRawText);
                 } elseif (stripos($pRawText, $frmTag) !== false) {
                     $pRawText = str_ireplace($frmTag, '#' . $frmTag, $pRawText);
                 if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TITLE%') !== false && (stripos($pTitle, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pTitle, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TEXT%') !== false && (stripos($pText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%EXCERPT%') !== false && (stripos($pText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWEXCERPT%') !== false && (stripos($exrText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($exrText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%ANNOUNCE%') !== false && (stripos($pText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%FULLTEXT%') !== false && (stripos($pFullText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pFullText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWTEXT%') !== false && (stripos($pRawText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pRawText, $frmTag) !== false)) {
                 } else {
                     $ctts[] = '#' . $frmTag;
             $cats = implode(' ', $ctts);
             while (count($cats) > $twLim - 10) {
                 $cats = implode(' ', $ctts);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%CATS%", $cats, $twMsgFormat);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%HCATS%", $cats, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($cats);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TITLE%') !== false) {
             if (stripos($pTitle, '') !== false) {
                 $twLim = $twLim - 14;
             if (stripos($pTitle, '.com') !== false) {
                 $twLim = $twLim - 16;
             if (stripos($pTitle, '.net') !== false) {
                 $twLim = $twLim - 16;
             if (stripos($pTitle, '.org') !== false) {
                 $twLim = $twLim - 16;
             $pTitle = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($pTitle), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
             $pTitle = nsTrnc($pTitle, $twLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%TITLE%", $pTitle, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pTitle);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%SITENAME%') !== false) {
             $siteTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
             $siteTitle = nsTrnc($siteTitle, $twLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%SITENAME%", $siteTitle, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($siteTitle);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TEXT%') !== false) {
             $pText = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($pText)), 300, " ", "...");
             $pText = nsTrnc($pText, $twLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%TEXT%", $pText, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pText);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%EXCERPT%') !== false) {
             $pText = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($pText)), 300, " ", "...");
             $pText = nsTrnc($pText, $twLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%EXCERPT%", $pText, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pText);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWEXCERPT%') !== false) {
             $exrText = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($exrText)), 300, " ", "...");
             $exrText = nsTrnc($exrText, $twLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%RAWEXCERPT%", $exrText, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($exrText);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%FULLTEXT%') !== false) {
             $pFullText = nsTrnc(strip_tags($pFullText), $twLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%FULLTEXT%", $pFullText, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pFullText);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWTEXT%') !== false) {
             $pRawText = nsTrnc(strip_tags($pRawText), $twLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%RAWTEXT%", $pRawText, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pRawText);
         $msg = nsFormatMessage($twMsgFormat, $postID);
     $message = array('message' => $msg, 'img' => $img, 'urlLength' => $nxs_urlLen);
     //## Actual Post
     $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_TW();
     $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message);
     //## Process Results
     if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') {
         //## Error
         if ($postID == '0') {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo);
     } else {
         // ## All Good - log it.
         if ($postID == '0') {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap');
         } else {
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
     //## Return Result
     if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') {
         return 200;
     } else {
         return print_r($ret, true);
예제 #11
 function nxs_doPublishToDA($postID, $options)
     $ntCd = 'DA';
     $ntCdL = 'da';
     $ntNm = 'deviantART';
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true));
     $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName']));
     $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
     if ($blogTitle == '') {
         $blogTitle = home_url();
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#800000">deviantART</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID);
     $message = array('message' => '', 'link' => '', 'imageURL' => '', 'videoURL' => '');
     if ($postID == '0') {
         echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>";
         $message['description'] = 'Test Post, Description';
         $message['title'] = 'Test Post - Title';
         $message['url'] = home_url();
     } else {
         nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1'));
         $post = get_post($postID);
         if (!$post) {
         $options['daTitleFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['daTitleFormat'], $postID, $addParams);
         $options['daTextFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['daTextFormat'], $postID, $addParams);
         // prr($options['daTextFormat']); echo $postID;
         $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : '');
     //## Actual Post
     $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_DA();
     $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message);
     // echo "~~~"; prr($ret); echo "+++";
     //## Save Session
     if (empty($options['ck'])) {
         $options['ck'] = '';
     if (!empty($ret) && is_array($ret) && !empty($ret['ck']) && !empty($ret['ck']) && serialize($ret['ck']) != $options['ck']) {
         $options['ck'] = serialize($ret['ck']);
         $options['mh'] = serialize($ret['mh']);
         if (function_exists('get_option')) {
             $nxs_gOptions = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
         if (!empty($nxs_gOptions)) {
             $nxs_gOptions['da'][$ii] = $options;
     //## Process Results
     if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') {
         //## Error
         if ($postID == '0') {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo);
     } else {
         // ## All Good - log it.
         if ($postID == '0') {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
         } else {
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'postURL' => $ret['postURL'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
     //## Return Result
     if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') {
         return 200;
     } else {
         return print_r($ret, true);
예제 #12
 function nxs_doPublishToWP($postID, $options)
     $ntCd = 'WP';
     $ntCdL = 'wp';
     $ntNm = 'WP Based Blog';
     global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster;
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true));
     //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToWP',  array($postID, $options));
     $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
     if ($blogTitle == '') {
         $blogTitle = home_url();
     $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName']));
     if (empty($options['imgToUse'])) {
         $options['imgToUse'] = '';
     if (empty($options['imgSize'])) {
         $options['imgSize'] = '';
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#1A9EE6">WP</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID);
     if ($postID == '0') {
         echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>";
         $urlToGo = home_url();
         $options['wpMsgTFormat'] = 'Test Link from ' . $urlToGo;
         $options['wpMsgFormat'] = 'Test post please ignore';
     } else {
         $post = get_post($postID);
         if (!$post) {
         $link = get_permalink($postID);
         $options['wpMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['wpMsgFormat'], $postID);
         $options['wpMsgTFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['wpMsgTFormat'], $postID);
         //## MyURL - URLToGo code
         if (!isset($options['urlToUse']) || trim($options['urlToUse']) == '') {
             $myurl = trim(get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_MYURL', true));
         if ($myurl != '') {
             $options['urlToUse'] = $myurl;
         if (isset($options['urlToUse']) && trim($options['urlToUse']) != '') {
             $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse'];
             $options['useFBGURLInfo'] = true;
         } else {
             $urlToGo = get_permalink($postID);
         $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options;
         $addURLParams = trim($gOptions['addURLParams']);
         if ($addURLParams != '') {
             $urlToGo .= (strpos($urlToGo, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . $addURLParams;
         nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1'));
     $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
     $tggs = array();
     foreach ($t as $tagA) {
         $tggs[] = $tagA->name;
     $tags = implode(',', $tggs);
     $postCats = wp_get_post_categories($postID);
     $cats = array();
     foreach ($postCats as $c) {
         $cat = get_category($c);
         $cats[] = str_ireplace('&', '&amp;', $cat->name);
     // $cats = implode(',',$catsA);
     $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (!empty($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : '');
     //## Message & Format
     if (trim($options['imgToUse']) != '') {
         $imgURL = $options['imgToUse'];
     } else {
         $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'full');
     $message = array('siteName' => $blogTitle, 'url' => $urlToGo, 'imageURL' => $imgURL, 'tags' => $tags, 'cats' => $cats, 'authorName' => '', 'orID' => $postID);
     //## Actual Post
     $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_WP();
     $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message);
     //## Process Results
     if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') {
         //## Error
         if ($postID == '0') {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo);
     } else {
         // ## All Good - log it.
         if ($postID == '0') {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
         } else {
             do_action('nxs_actOnWP', array('postID' => $postID, 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'wpURL' => $options['wpURL'], 'ii' => $ii));
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
     //## Return Result
     if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') {
         return 200;
     } else {
         return print_r($ret, true);
예제 #13
 function nxs_snapAjax()
     global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster;
     if (!isset($plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster)) {
     $options = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options;
     if ($_POST['nxsact'] == 'getNTset') {
         $ii = $_POST['ii'];
         $nt = $_POST['nt'];
         $ntl = strtolower($nt);
         $pbo = $options[$ntl][$ii];
         $pbo['ntInfo']['lcode'] = $ntl;
         $clName = 'nxs_snapClass' . $nt;
         $ntObj = new $clName();
         $ntObj->showNTSettings($ii, $pbo);
     if ($_POST['nxsact'] == 'svEdFlds') {
         $cn = str_replace(']', '', $_POST['cname']);
         $cna = explode('[', $cn);
         $id = $_POST['pid'];
         $nt = $cna[0];
         $ntU = strtoupper($nt);
         $ii = $cna[1];
         $fname = $cna[2];
         $savedMeta = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($id, 'snap' . $ntU, true));
         $savedMeta[$ii][$fname] = $_POST['cval'];
         delete_post_meta($id, 'snap' . $ntU);
         add_post_meta($id, 'snap' . $ntU, str_replace('\\', '\\\\', serialize($savedMeta)));
     if ($_POST['nxsact'] == 'getNewPostDlg') {
     if ($_POST['nxsact'] == 'doNewPost') {
     if ($_POST['nxsact'] == 'nxsCptCheckGP') {
function nxs_cURLTest($url, $msg, $testText)
    echo "<br/>--== Test Requested ... " . $url . "<br/>";
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    $errmsg = curl_error($ch);
    $cInfo = curl_getinfo($ch);
    echo "Testing ... " . $url . " - " . $cInfo['url'] . "<br/>";
    if (stripos($response, $testText) !== false) {
        echo "...." . $msg . " - OK<br/>";
    } else {
        echo "....<b style='color:red;'>" . $msg . " - Problem</b><br/>";
        echo nxs_cURLTestCode($url);
예제 #15
파일: li.php 프로젝트: JalpMi/v2contact
        function showGenNTSettings($ntOpts)
            global $nxs_snapThisPageUrl, $nxs_plurl;
            $ntInfo = array('code' => 'LI', 'lcode' => 'li', 'name' => 'LinkedIn', 'defNName' => 'ulName', 'tstReq' => true);
            if (isset($_GET['auth']) && $_GET['auth'] == 'li') {
                require_once 'apis/liOAuth.php';
                $options = $ntOpts[$_GET['acc']];
                $api_key = $options['liAPIKey'];
                $api_secret = $options['liAPISec'];
                $callback_url = $nxs_snapThisPageUrl . "&auth=lia&acc=" . $_GET['acc'];
                $li_oauth = new nsx_LinkedIn($api_key, $api_secret, $callback_url);
                $request_token = $li_oauth->getRequestToken();
                //echo "####"; prr($request_token); die();
                $options['liOAuthToken'] = $request_token->key;
                $options['liOAuthTokenSecret'] = $request_token->secret;
                // prr($li_oauth);
                switch ($li_oauth->http_code) {
                    case 200:
                        $url = $li_oauth->generateAuthorizeUrl();
                        $optionsG = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
                        $optionsG['li'][$_GET['acc']] = $options;
                        update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $optionsG);
                        echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location = "' . $url . '"</script>';
                        echo '<br/><b style="color:red">Could not connect to LinkedIn. Refresh the page or try again later.</b>';
            if (isset($_GET['auth']) && $_GET['auth'] == 'lia') {
                require_once 'apis/liOAuth.php';
                $options = $ntOpts[$_GET['acc']];
                $api_key = $options['liAPIKey'];
                $api_secret = $options['liAPISec'];
                $li_oauth = new nsx_LinkedIn($api_key, $api_secret);
                $li_oauth->request_token = new nsx_trOAuthConsumer($options['liOAuthToken'], $options['liOAuthTokenSecret'], 1);
                $li_oauth->oauth_verifier = $_REQUEST['oauth_verifier'];
                $options['liOAuthVerifier'] = $_REQUEST['oauth_verifier'];
                $options['liAccessToken'] = $li_oauth->access_token->key;
                $options['liAccessTokenSecret'] = $li_oauth->access_token->secret;
                try {
                    $xml_response = $li_oauth->getProfile("~:(id,first-name,last-name)");
                } catch (Exception $o) {
                    die("<span style='color:red;'>ERROR: Authorization Error</span>");
                if (stripos($xml_response, '<first-name>') !== false) {
                    $userinfo = CutFromTo($xml_response, '<id>', '</id>') . " - " . CutFromTo($xml_response, '<first-name>', '</first-name>') . " " . CutFromTo($xml_response, '<last-name>', '</last-name>');
                } else {
                    $userinfo = '';
                if ($userinfo != '') {
                    $options['liUserInfo'] = $userinfo;
                    $optionsG = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
                    $optionsG['li'][$_GET['acc']] = $options;
                    update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $optionsG);
                    echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location = "' . $nxs_snapThisPageUrl . '"</script>';
                die("<span style='color:red;'>ERROR: Something is Wrong with your LinkedIn account</span>");
    <div class="nxs_box">
      <div class="nxs_box_header"> 
        <div class="nsx_iconedTitle" style="margin-bottom:1px;background-image:url(<?php 
            echo $nxs_plurl;
            echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
            echo $ntInfo['name'];
            $cbo = count($ntOpts);
            wp_nonce_field('ns' . $ntInfo['code'], 'ns' . $ntInfo['code'] . '_wpnonce');
            if ($cbo > 1) {
<div class="nsBigText"><?php 
                echo "(" . ($cbo == '0' ? 'No' : $cbo) . " ";
                _e('accounts', 'nxs_snap');
                echo ")";
      <div class="nxs_box_inside">
            foreach ($ntOpts as $indx => $pbo) {
                if (trim($pbo['nName'] == '')) {
                    $pbo['nName'] = $pbo[$ntInfo['defNName']];
                if (!isset($pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK']) || $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] == '') {
                    $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] = isset($pbo['liAccessToken']) && $pbo['liAccessTokenSecret'] != '' ? '1' : '';
          <p style="margin:0px;margin-left:5px;">
            <input value="1" name="<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                echo $indx;
                echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" onchange="doShowHideBlocks('<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'];
');" type="checkbox" <?php 
                if ((int) $pbo['do' . $ntInfo['code']] == 1) {
                    echo "checked";
 /> <?php 
                if ((int) $pbo['catSel'] == 1) {
   <span onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popOnlyCat');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popOnlyCat', event);"><?php 
                    echo "*[" . (substr_count($pbo['catSelEd'], ",") + 1) . "]*";
                _e('Auto-publish to', 'nxs_snap');
                echo $ntInfo['name'];
 <i style="color: #005800;"><?php 
                if ($pbo['nName'] != '') {
                    echo "(" . $pbo['nName'] . ")";
                if ($ntInfo['tstReq'] && (!isset($pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK']) || $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] == '')) {
<b style="color: #800000"><?php 
                    _e('Attention requred. Unfinished setup', 'nxs_snap');
<a id="do<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
A" href="#" onclick="doShowHideBlocks2('<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
');return false;">[<?php 
                _e('Show Settings', 'nxs_snap');
          <a href="#" onclick="doDelAcct('<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
', '<?php 
                echo $indx;
', '<?php 
                if (isset($pbo['bgBlogID'])) {
                    echo $pbo['nName'];
');return false;">[<?php 
                _e('Remove Account', 'nxs_snap');
                $this->showNTSettings($indx, $pbo);
    </div> <?php 
예제 #16
파일: ap.php 프로젝트: voquanghoa/WebPhim
        function showGenNTSettings($ntOpts)
            global $nxs_plurl, $nxs_snapSetPgURL, $nxs_gOptions;
            $ntInfo = $this->ntInfo;
            if (isset($_GET['code']) && $_GET['code'] != '' && (isset($_GET['state']) && stripos($_GET['state'], 'ap-') !== false)) {
                $at = $_GET['code'];
                $to = explode('-', $_GET['state']);
                $_GET['acc'] = $to[1];
                echo "-= This is normal technical authorization info that will dissapear (Unless you get some errors) =- <br/><br/><br/>";
                $fbo = $ntOpts[$_GET['acc']];
                $wprg = array();
                $response = wp_remote_get('', $wprg);
                echo $nxs_snapSetPgURL . '&auth=ap&acc=' . $_GET['acc'] . "||";
                if (stripos($nxs_snapSetPgURL, 'page=NextScripts_SNAP.php') === false) {
                    $newURL = explode('?', $nxs_snapSetPgURL);
                    $nxs_snapSetPgURL = $newURL[0];
                if (is_wp_error($response) && isset($response->errors['http_request_failed']) && stripos($response->errors['http_request_failed'][0], 'SSL') !== false) {
                    $wprg['sslverify'] = false;
                if (isset($fbo['appID'])) {
                    echo "-=";
                    $wprg['body'] = array('client_id' => $fbo['appID'], 'client_secret' => $fbo['appSec'], 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'redirect_uri' => $nxs_snapSetPgURL, 'state' => 'ap-' . $_GET['acc'], 'code' => $at);
                    $response = wp_remote_post('', $wprg);
                    if (is_object($response) && isset($response->errors) || is_array($response) && stripos($response['body'], '"error":') !== false) {
                    $params = json_decode($response['body'], true);
                    $fbo['apAppAuthToken'] = $params['access_token'];
                    if ($params['user_id'] > 0) {
                        $fbo['appAppUserID'] = $params['user_id'];
                        $fbo['appAppUserName'] = $params['username'];
                    if ($params['user_id'] > 0) {
                        if (function_exists('get_option')) {
                            $nxs_gOptions = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
                        if (!empty($nxs_gOptions)) {
                            $nxs_gOptions['ap'][$_GET['acc']] = $fbo;
<script type="text/javascript">window.location = "<?php 
                        echo $nxs_snapSetPgURL;
    <div class="nxs_box">
      <div class="nxs_box_header"> 
        <div class="nsx_iconedTitle" style="margin-bottom:1px;background-image:url(<?php 
            echo $nxs_plurl;
            echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
            echo $ntInfo['name'];
            $cbo = count($ntOpts);
            if ($cbo > 1) {
<div class="nsBigText"><?php 
                echo "(" . ($cbo == '0' ? 'No' : $cbo) . " ";
                _e('accounts', 'nxs_snap');
                echo ")";
      <div class="nxs_box_inside">
            foreach ($ntOpts as $indx => $pbo) {
                if (trim($pbo['nName'] == '')) {
                    $pbo['nName'] = 'App.Net';
                if (!isset($pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK']) || $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] == '') {
                    $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] = isset($pbo['appAppUserID']) && $pbo['appAppUserID'] > 1 ? '1' : '';
            <p style="margin:0px;margin-left:5px;"> <img id="<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
LoadingImg" style="display: none;" src='<?php 
                echo $nxs_plurl;
img/ajax-loader-sm.gif' />
            <input value="0" name="<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                echo $indx;
                echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" type="hidden" />             
                if ((int) $pbo['do' . $ntInfo['code']] == 1 && isset($pbo['catSel']) && (int) $pbo['catSel'] == 1) {
 <input type="radio" name="<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                    echo $indx;
                    echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" id="rbtn<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'] . $indx;
" value="1" checked="checked" onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popOnlyCat');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popOnlyCat', event);" /> <?php 
                } else {
            <input value="1" name="<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                    echo $indx;
                    echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" type="checkbox" <?php 
                    if ((int) $pbo['do' . $ntInfo['code']] == 1 && $pbo['catSel'] != '1') {
                        echo "checked";
                if (isset($pbo['catSel']) && (int) $pbo['catSel'] == 1) {
 <span onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popOnlyCat');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popOnlyCat', event);"><?php 
                    echo "*[" . (substr_count($pbo['catSelEd'], ",") + 1) . "]*";
                if (isset($pbo['rpstOn']) && (int) $pbo['rpstOn'] == 1) {
 <span onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popReActive');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popReActive', event);"><?php 
                    echo "*[R]*";
                _e('Auto-publish to', 'nxs_snap');
                echo $ntInfo['name'];
 <i style="color: #005800;"><?php 
                if ($pbo['nName'] != '') {
                    echo "(" . $pbo['nName'] . ")";
                if ($ntInfo['tstReq'] && (!isset($pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK']) || $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] == '')) {
<b style="color: #800000"><?php 
                    _e('Attention requred. Unfinished setup', 'nxs_snap');
          <a id="do<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
AG" href="#" onclick="doGetHideNTBlock('<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'];
' , '<?php 
                echo $indx;
');return false;">[<?php 
                _e('Show Settings', 'nxs_snap');
          <a href="#" onclick="doDelAcct('<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
', '<?php 
                echo $indx;
', '<?php 
                if (isset($pbo['bgBlogID'])) {
                    echo $pbo['nName'];
');return false;">[<?php 
                _e('Remove Account', 'nxs_snap');
          </p><div id="nxsNTSetDiv<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
                //$pbo['ntInfo'] = $ntInfo; $this->showNTSettings($indx, $pbo);
    </div> <?php 
예제 #17
파일: su.php 프로젝트: JalpMi/v2contact
 function nxs_doPublishToSU($postID, $options)
     global $nxs_suCkArray;
     $ntCd = 'SU';
     $ntCdL = 'su';
     $ntNm = 'StumbleUpon';
     //$backtrace = debug_backtrace(); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Enter', $ntCd, 'I am here - '.$ntCd."|".print_r($backtrace, true), '');
     //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToSU',  array($postID, $options));
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#000080">StumbleUpon</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     if ($options['reset'] != '1' && $options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID);
     $suCat = $options['suCat'];
     // if (function_exists("get_post_thumbnail_id") ){ $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($postID), 'thumbnail'); $src = $src[0];}
     $email = $options['suUName'];
     $pass = substr($options['suPass'], 0, 5) == 'n5g9a' ? nsx_doDecode(substr($options['suPass'], 5)) : $options['suPass'];
     if ($postID == '0') {
         echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>";
         $link = home_url();
         $msg = 'Test Link from ' . $link;
     } else {
         $post = get_post($postID);
         if (!$post) {
         $msgFormat = $options['suMsgFormat'];
         $msg = nsFormatMessage($msgFormat, $postID);
         $link = get_permalink($postID);
         nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1'));
     $dusername = $options['suUName'];
     //$link = urlencode($link); $desc = urlencode(substr($msg, 0, 500));
     $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . $post->post_title;
     if ($options['suInclTags'] == '1') {
         $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
         $tggs = array();
         foreach ($t as $tagA) {
             $tggs[] = $tagA->name;
         $tags = urlencode(implode(',', $tggs));
         $tags = str_replace(' ', '+', $tags);
     } else {
         $tags = '';
     if (isset($options['suSvC'])) {
         $nxs_suCkArray = maybe_unserialize($options['suSvC']);
     $loginError = true;
     if (is_array($nxs_suCkArray)) {
         $loginError = nxs_doCheckSU();
     if ($loginError != false) {
         $loginError = nxs_doConnectToSU($email, $pass);
     if (serialize($nxs_suCkArray) != $options['suSvC']) {
         global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster;
         $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options;
         if (isset($options['ii']) && $options['ii'] !== '') {
             $gOptions['su'][$options['ii']]['suSvC'] = serialize($nxs_suCkArray);
             update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions);
         } else {
             foreach ($gOptions['su'] as $ii => $gpn) {
                 $result = array_diff($options, $gpn);
                 if (!is_array($result) || count($result) < 1) {
                     $gOptions['su'][$ii]['suSvC'] = serialize($nxs_suCkArray);
                     update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions);
     if ($loginError !== false) {
         if ($postID == '0') {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($loginError, true) . " - BAD USER/PASS", $extInfo);
         return " -= BAD USER/PASS =- ";
     $ret = nxs_doPostToSU($msg, $link, $options['suCat'], $tags, $options['nsfw'] == '1');
     // $extInfo .= "++".$msg."|".$link."|".$options['suCat']."|".$tags."|".$options['nsfw'];
     if ($ret == 'OK') {
         $ret = array("code" => "OK", "post_id" => '');
     if (!is_array($ret) && $ret != 'OK') {
         if ($postID == '0') {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo);
     } elseif ($ret['code'] == 'OK') {
         if ($postID == '0') {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             echo ' OK - Message Posted, please see your StumbleUpon Page ';
         } else {
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, 'SU', $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['post_id'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
             return 200;
     } else {
         if ($options['reset'] == '1') {
             nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR TRY #2=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo . $options['reset']);
             return "ERROR = " . print_r($ret, true);
         } else {
             $options['reset'] = '1';
             $options['suSvC'] = '';
             return nxs_doPublishToSU($postID, $options);
예제 #18
function nxs_cURLTest($url, $msg, $testText)
    echo "<br/>--== Test Requested ... " . $url . "<br/>";
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.39 Safari/537.36");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    $errmsg = curl_error($ch);
    $cInfo = curl_getinfo($ch);
    echo "Testing ... " . $url . " - " . $cInfo['url'] . "<br/>";
    if (stripos($response, $testText) !== false) {
        echo "...." . $msg . " - OK<br/>";
    } else {
        echo "....<b style='color:red;'>" . $msg . " - Problem</b><br/>";
        echo nxs_cURLTestCode($url);
예제 #19
파일: bg.php 프로젝트: JalpMi/v2contact
 function nxs_doPublishToBG($postID, $options)
     $ntCd = 'BG';
     $ntCdL = 'bg';
     $ntNm = 'Blogger';
     //  $uqID = uniqid('BG_');
     //$backtrace = debug_backtrace(); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Enter', $ntCd, 'I am here - '.$ntCd."|".print_r($backtrace, true), '');
     // if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToBG',  array($postID, $options));
     $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
     if ($blogTitle == '') {
         $blogTitle = home_url();
     $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'], 'POSTID' => $postID));
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#F87907">' . $ntNm . '</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate');
     if ($postID == '0') {
         echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>";
         $msgT = 'Test Post from ' . htmlentities($blogTitle);
         $link = home_url();
         $msg = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle . " " . $link;
     } else {
         $post = get_post($postID);
         if (!$post) {
         $msgFormat = $options['bgMsgFormat'];
         $msg = nsFormatMessage($msgFormat, $postID, $addParams);
         $link = get_permalink($postID);
         $msgTFormat = $options['bgMsgTFormat'];
         $msgT = nsFormatMessage($msgTFormat, $postID, $addParams);
         nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1'));
     $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . nxs_doQTrans($post->post_title, $lng);
     //## Actual POST Code
     $email = $options['bgUName'];
     $pass = substr($options['bgPass'], 0, 5) == 'b4d7s' ? nsx_doDecode(substr($options['bgPass'], 5)) : $options['bgPass'];
     $blogID = $options['bgBlogID'];
     //echo "###".$auth."|".$blogID."|".$msgT."|".$msg;
     if ($options['bgInclTags'] == '1') {
         $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
         $tggs = array();
         foreach ($t as $tagA) {
             $tggs[] = $tagA->name;
         $tags = implode('","', $tggs);
         $tags = nsTrnc($tags, 195, ',', '');
     if (substr($tags, -1) == '"') {
         $tags = substr($tags, 0, -1);
     if (class_exists('DOMDocument')) {
         $doc = new DOMDocument();
         @$doc->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $msg);
         $doc->encoding = 'UTF-8';
         $msg = $doc->saveHTML();
         $msg = CutFromTo($msg, '<body>', '</body>');
         $msg = preg_replace('/<br(.*?)\\/?>/', '<br$1/>', $msg);
         $msg = preg_replace('/<img(.*?)\\/?>/', '<img$1/>', $msg);
         require_once 'apis/htmlNumTable.php';
         if (is_array($HTML401NamedToNumeric)) {
             $msg = strtr($msg, $HTML401NamedToNumeric);
             $msgT = strtr($msgT, $HTML401NamedToNumeric);
     //  prr($text);
     // prr($msg); echo " =HT= ";
     $msg = preg_replace('/<script\\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/script>/is', "", $msg);
     $msg = preg_replace('/<!--(.*)-->/Uis', "", $msg);
     $nxshf = new NXS_HtmlFixer();
     $nxshf->debug = false;
     $msg = $nxshf->getFixedHtml($msg);
     $msg = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $msg);
     $msg = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $msg);
     $msg = str_replace("\r", "\n", $msg);
     $msg = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $msg);
     //  prr($msg); die();
     if (function_exists("doConnectToBlogger")) {
         $auth = doConnectToBlogger($email, $pass);
         if ($auth !== false) {
             $ret = $auth;
         } else {
             $ret = doPostToBlogger($blogID, $msgT, $msg, $tags);
     } else {
         $auth = nsBloggerGetAuth($email, $pass);
         if ($auth === false) {
             $ret = 'Incorrect Username/Password';
         } else {
             $msgT = str_ireplace('&amp;', '&', $msgT);
             $msgT = utf8_encode(str_ireplace('&', '&amp;', $msgT));
             $msg = utf8_encode($msg);
             $ret = nsBloggerNewPost($auth, $blogID, $msgT, $msg);
     //## /Actual POST Code
     if (!is_array($ret) && $ret != 'OK') {
         if ($postID == '0') {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . strip_tags(print_r($ret, true)), $extInfo);
         return $ret;
     } else {
         if ($postID == '0') {
             echo 'OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $ntNm . ' Page ';
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             return 201;
         } else {
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['post_id'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
         return 200;
            $numChecks = count($checks);
            echo '<div style="font-family:\'Open Sans\',sans-serif;font-size: 15px;">';
            if ($cr['cronCheckStartTime'] + 900 > time()) {
                echo "<b>Cron Check is in Progress.....</b> will be finished in " . ($cr['cronCheckStartTime'] + 900 - time()) . ' seconds. Please <input type="button" value="Reload" onClick="location.reload()"> this page to see more results.... <br/><br/>';
            } else {
                echo "Cron Check Results:<br/>";
                echo '<span style="color:#761616">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;==== Cron was executed <b>' . $numChecks . '</b> times in 15 minutes ===</span>';
                if ($numChecks > 15 || $numChecks < 2) {
                    echo '<b style="color:#FF0000"><br/><br/>Your WP Cron is not healthy</b><br/><br/><span style="color:#761616">' . ($numChecks > 15 ? 'WP Cron should NOT be executed more then once per minute.' : 'WP Cron should be executed at least once in 5-10 minutes.') . '  Some functionality (like auto-reposting) will be disabled.</span><br/><br/><span style="color:#005858; font-weight:bold;">Why this is important?</span><br/><span style="color:#005858">Please see this post: <a href="" target="_blank">Troubles with WP Cron and existing posts auto-reposter</a></span><br/><br/><span style="color:#005858; font-weight:bold;">Solution</span><br/><span style="color:#005858">Please see the instructions for the correct WP Cron setup: <a href="" target="_blank">WP-Cron: Scheduling Tasks in WordPress</a></span>';
                } else {
                    echo '<b style="color:#0000FF"><br/><br/>Your WP Cron is OK</b>';
 <br/><br/><span style="color:#000058; font-weight:normal;">Technical Info:</span> <?php 
&nbsp;&nbsp;====&nbsp;<a href="<?php 
            echo $nxs_snapThisPageUrl;
&do=crtest&redo=1">Re-do Cron Check</a> (it will take 15 minutes to complete)<?php 
        } else {
            echo 'Check is not started yet... Please <input type="button" value="Reload" onClick="location.reload()"> this page in couple minutes.';
        echo '</div>';
    //## Delete Account
    if (!function_exists("ns_delNT_ajax")) {
        function ns_delNT_ajax()
 function nxs_doPublishToVB($postID, $options)
     global $nxs_vbCkArray, $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster;
     $ntCd = 'VB';
     $ntCdL = 'vb';
     $ntNm = 'vBulletin';
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true));
     //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToVB',  array($postID, $options));
     $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
     if ($blogTitle == '') {
         $blogTitle = home_url();
     $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName']));
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#000080">vBulletin</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID);
     if ($postID == '0') {
         echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>";
         $urlToGo = home_url();
         $options['vbMsgFormat'] = 'Test Message from ' . $urlToGo;
         $options['vbMsgTFormat'] = 'Test Link from ' . $urlToGo;
     } else {
         $post = get_post($postID);
         nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1'));
         $options['vbMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['vbMsgFormat'], $postID, $addParams);
         $options['vbMsgTFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['vbMsgTFormat'], $postID, $addParams);
         //## MyURL - URLToGo code
         if (!isset($options['urlToUse']) || trim($options['urlToUse']) == '') {
             $myurl = trim(get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_MYURL', true));
         if ($myurl != '') {
             $options['urlToUse'] = $myurl;
         if (isset($options['urlToUse']) && trim($options['urlToUse']) != '') {
             $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse'];
             $options['useFBGURLInfo'] = true;
         } else {
             $urlToGo = get_permalink($postID);
         $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options;
         $addURLParams = trim($gOptions['addURLParams']);
         if ($addURLParams != '') {
             $urlToGo .= (strpos($urlToGo, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . $addURLParams;
     $dusername = $options['vbUName'];
     //$link = urlencode($link); $desc = urlencode(substr($msg, 0, 500));
     $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (!empty($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : '');
     //## Message & Format
     if ($options['vbInclTags'] == '1') {
         $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
         $tggs = array();
         foreach ($t as $tagA) {
             $tggs[] = $tagA->name;
         $tags = implode(', ', $tggs);
         /* $tags = str_replace(' ','+',$tags); */
     } else {
         $tags = '';
     $message = array('siteName' => $blogTitle, 'tags' => $tags);
     //## Actual Post
     $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_VB();
     $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message);
     //## Save Session
     if (empty($options['vkSvC']) || serialize($nxs_vbCkArray) != $options['vbSvC']) {
         global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster;
         $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options;
         if (isset($options['ii']) && $options['ii'] !== '') {
             $gOptions['vb'][$options['ii']]['vbSvC'] = serialize($nxs_vbCkArray);
             update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions);
         } else {
             foreach ($gOptions['vb'] as $ii => $gpn) {
                 $result = array_diff($options, $gpn);
                 if (!is_array($result) || count($result) < 1) {
                     $gOptions['vb'][$ii]['vbSvC'] = serialize($nxs_vbCkArray);
                     update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions);
     //## Process Results
     if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') {
         //## Error
         if ($postID == '0') {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo);
     } else {
         // ## All Good - log it.
         if ($postID == '0') {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap');
         } else {
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
     //## Return Result
     if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') {
         return 200;
     } else {
         return print_r($ret, true);
 function nxs_doPublishToTW($postID, $options)
     $ntCd = 'TW';
     $ntCdL = 'tw';
     $ntNm = 'Twitter';
     $imgData = '';
     $imgURL = '';
     global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster, $nxs_urlLen;
     $nxs_urlLen = 0;
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true));
     //$backtrace = debug_backtrace(); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Error', $logNT, 'I am here - '.$ntCd."|".print_r($backtrace, true), '');
     //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToTW',  array($postID, $options));
     $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options;
     if (!empty($gOptions['nxsHTSpace'])) {
         $htS = $gOptions['nxsHTSpace'];
     } else {
         $htS = '';
     $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName']));
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#00FFFF">Twitter</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $options['pType']);
     $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
     if ($blogTitle == '') {
         $blogTitle = home_url();
     $uln = 0;
     $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID;
     if ($options['attchImg'] == '1') {
         if (!empty($options['imgToUse'])) {
             $imgURL = $options['imgToUse'];
         } else {
             $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID);
         if (preg_match("/noImg.\\.png/i", $imgURL)) {
             $imgURL = '';
         if (trim($imgURL) == '') {
             $options['attchImg'] = 0;
         } else {
             $imgURL = str_replace(' ', '%20', $imgURL);
             $hdrsArr['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0';
             $advSet = array('headers' => $hdrsArr, 'httpversion' => '1.1', 'timeout' => 45, 'sslverify' => false);
             $imgData = wp_remote_get($imgURL, $advSet);
             if (is_wp_error($imgData) || empty($imgData['body']) || !empty($imgData['headers']['content-length']) && (int) $imgData['headers']['content-length'] < 200) {
                 $options['attchImg'] = 0;
                 nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, 'Could not get image (' . $imgURL . '), will post without it - Error:' . print_r($imgData, true), $extInfo);
             } else {
                 $imgData = $imgData['body'];
     if ($options['attchImg'] == '1' && $imgData != '') {
         $twLim = 117;
     } else {
         $twLim = 140;
     if ($postID == '0') {
         echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>";
         $msg = 'Test Post from ' . nsTrnc($blogTitle, $twLim - 24) . " - " . rand(1, 155);
         $uln = nxs_strLen($msg);
     } else {
         $post = get_post($postID);
         if (!$post) {
         $twMsgFormat = $options['twMsgFormat'];
         nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1'));
         $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . $post->post_title . ' |' . $options['pType'];
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%URL%') !== false || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%SURL%') !== false) {
             $twLim = $twLim - 22;
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%AUTHORNAME%') !== false) {
             $aun = $post->post_author;
             $aun = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $aun);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($aun);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%TITLE%", "", $twMsgFormat);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%SITENAME%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%URL%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%RAWEXCERPT%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%SURL%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%TEXT%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%FULLTEXT%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%EXCERPT%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%ANNOUNCE%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%AUTHORNAME%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%TAGS%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = str_ireplace("%CATS%", "", $noRepl);
         $noRepl = preg_replace('/%H?C(F|T)-[a-zA-Z0-9_]+%/', '', $noRepl);
         $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($noRepl);
         // prr($noRepl);
         $pTitle = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_title);
         if ($post->post_excerpt != "") {
             $exrText = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_excerpt);
         } else {
             $exrText = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content);
         $pText = empty($gOptions['brokenCntFilters']) ? apply_filters('the_content', $exrText) : $exrText;
         $pRawText = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content);
         $pFullText = empty($gOptions['brokenCntFilters']) ? apply_filters('the_content', $pRawText) : $pRawText;
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TAGS%') !== false || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%HTAGS%') !== false) {
             $t = wp_get_object_terms($postID, 'product_tag');
             if (empty($t) || is_wp_error($pt) || !is_array($t)) {
                 $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
             $tggs = array();
             foreach ($t as $tagA) {
                 $frmTag = trim(str_replace(' ', $htS, preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\p{L}\\p{N}\\s]/u', '', trim(ucwords(str_ireplace('&', '', str_ireplace('&amp;', '', $tagA->name)))))));
                 if (preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', $pTitle)) {
                     $pTitle = trim(preg_replace('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', '#' . $frmTag, $pTitle));
                 if (preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', $pFullText)) {
                     $pFullText = trim(preg_replace('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', '#' . $frmTag, $pFullText));
                 if (preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', $pText)) {
                     $pText = trim(preg_replace('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', '#' . $frmTag, $pText));
                 if (preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', $pRawText)) {
                     $pRawText = trim(preg_replace('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/iu', '#' . $frmTag, $pRawText));
                 if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TITLE%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pTitle) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TEXT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%EXCERPT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWEXCERPT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%ANNOUNCE%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%FULLTEXT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pFullText) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWTEXT%') !== false && preg_match('/\\b' . $frmTag . '\\b/i', $pRawText)) {
                 } else {
                     $tggs[] = '#' . $frmTag;
             $tags = implode(' ', $tggs);
             $tgsTwLim = $twLim - 20;
             $tags = nsTrnc($tags, $tgsTwLim, " ", "");
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%TAGS%", $tags, $twMsgFormat);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%HTAGS%", $tags, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($tags);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%CATS%') !== false || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%HCATS%') !== false) {
             $t = wp_get_post_categories($postID);
             $ctts = array();
             foreach ($t as $c) {
                 $cat = get_category($c);
                 //$frmTag =  trim(str_replace(' ','', str_replace('  ',' ',str_ireplace('&','&amp;',trim(ucwords($cat->name)))))); prr($frmTag);
                 $frmTag = trim(str_replace(' ', $htS, preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\p{L}\\p{N}\\s]/u', '', trim(ucwords(str_ireplace('&', '', str_ireplace('&amp;', '', $cat->name)))))));
                 if (stripos($pTitle, $cat->name) !== false) {
                     $pTitle = str_ireplace($cat->name, '#' . $frmTag, $pTitle);
                 } elseif (stripos($pTitle, $frmTag) !== false) {
                     $pTitle = str_ireplace($frmTag, '#' . $frmTag, $pTitle);
                 if (stripos($pText, $cat->name) !== false) {
                     $pText = str_ireplace($cat->name, '#' . $frmTag, $pText);
                 } elseif (stripos($pText, $frmTag) !== false) {
                     $pText = str_ireplace($frmTag, '#' . $frmTag, $pText);
                 if (stripos($pFullText, $cat->name) !== false) {
                     $pFullText = str_ireplace($cat->name, '#' . $frmTag, $pFullText);
                 } elseif (stripos($pFullText, $frmTag) !== false) {
                     $pFullText = str_ireplace($frmTag, '#' . $frmTag, $pFullText);
                 if (stripos($pRawText, $cat->name) !== false) {
                     $pRawText = str_ireplace($cat->name, '#' . $frmTag, $pRawText);
                 } elseif (stripos($pRawText, $frmTag) !== false) {
                     $pRawText = str_ireplace($frmTag, '#' . $frmTag, $pRawText);
                 if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TITLE%') !== false && (stripos($pTitle, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pTitle, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TEXT%') !== false && (stripos($pText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%EXCERPT%') !== false && (stripos($pText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWEXCERPT%') !== false && (stripos($exrText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($exrText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%ANNOUNCE%') !== false && (stripos($pText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%FULLTEXT%') !== false && (stripos($pFullText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pFullText, $frmTag) !== false) || stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWTEXT%') !== false && (stripos($pRawText, $cat->name) !== false || stripos($pRawText, $frmTag) !== false)) {
                 } else {
                     $ctts[] = '#' . $frmTag;
             $cats = implode(' ', $ctts);
             $tgsTwLim = $twLim - 20;
             $cats = nsTrnc($cats, $tgsTwLim, " ", "");
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%CATS%", $cats, $twMsgFormat);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%HCATS%", $cats, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($cats);
         if (preg_match('/%H?CT-[a-zA-Z0-9_]+%/', $twMsgFormat)) {
             $msgA = explode('%CT', str_ireplace("%HCT", "%CT", $twMsgFormat));
             $mout = '';
             foreach ($msgA as $mms) {
                 if (substr($mms, 0, 1) == '-' && stripos($mms, '%') !== false) {
                     $mGr = CutFromTo($mms, '-', '%');
                     $cfItem = wp_get_post_terms($postID, $mGr, array("fields" => "names"));
                     if (is_nxs_error($cfItem)) {
                         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . $mGr . '|' . print_r($cfItem, true), $extInfo);
                     } else {
                         $tggs = array();
                         foreach ($cfItem as $frmTag) {
                             $frmTag = trim(str_replace(' ', $htS, preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\p{L}\\p{N}\\s]/u', '', trim(ucwords(str_ireplace('&', '', str_ireplace('&amp;', '', $frmTag)))))));
                             $tggs[] = '#' . $frmTag;
                         $cfItem = implode(' ', $tggs);
                         $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($cfItem);
                         $mms = str_ireplace("-" . $mGr . "%", $cfItem, $mms);
                 $mout .= $mms;
             $twMsgFormat = $mout;
         $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("  ", " ", $twMsgFormat);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TITLE%') !== false) {
             if (stripos($pTitle, '') !== false) {
                 $twLim = $twLim - 14;
             if (stripos($pTitle, '.com') !== false) {
                 $twLim = $twLim - 16;
             if (stripos($pTitle, '.net') !== false) {
                 $twLim = $twLim - 16;
             if (stripos($pTitle, '.org') !== false) {
                 $twLim = $twLim - 16;
             $pTitle = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($pTitle), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
             //$ttlTwLim = $twLim-20;
             $ttlTwLim = $twLim;
             $pTitle = nsTrnc($pTitle, $ttlTwLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%TITLE%", $pTitle, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pTitle);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%SITENAME%') !== false) {
             $siteTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
             $siteTitle = nsTrnc($siteTitle, $twLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%SITENAME%", $siteTitle, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($siteTitle);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%TEXT%') !== false) {
             $pText = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($pText)), 140, " ", "...");
             $pText = nsTrnc($pText, $twLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%TEXT%", $pText, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pText);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%EXCERPT%') !== false) {
             $pText = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($pText)), 140, " ", "...");
             $pText = nsTrnc($pText, $twLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%EXCERPT%", $pText, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pText);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%ANNOUNCE%') !== false) {
             $pText = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($pText)), 140, " ", "...");
             $pText = nsTrnc($pText, $twLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%ANNOUNCE%", $pText, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pText);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWEXCERPT%') !== false) {
             $exrText = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($exrText)), 140, " ", "...");
             $exrText = nsTrnc($exrText, $twLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%RAWEXCERPT%", $exrText, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($exrText);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%FULLTEXT%') !== false) {
             $pFullText = nsTrnc(strip_tags($pFullText), $twLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%FULLTEXT%", $pFullText, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pFullText);
         if (stripos($twMsgFormat, '%RAWTEXT%') !== false) {
             $pRawText = nsTrnc(strip_tags($pRawText), $twLim);
             $twMsgFormat = str_ireplace("%RAWTEXT%", $pRawText, $twMsgFormat);
             $twLim = $twLim - nxs_strLen($pRawText);
         $msg = nsFormatMessage($twMsgFormat, $postID, $addParams);
     $msg = str_replace('&amp;#039;', "'", $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('&#039;', "'", $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('#039;', "'", $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('#039', "'", $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('&amp;#8217;', "'", $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('&#8217;', "'", $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('#8217;', "'", $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('#8217', "'", $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('&amp;#8220;', '"', $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('&#8220;', '"', $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('#8220;', '"', $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('#8220', "'", $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('&amp;#8221;', '"', $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('&#8221;', '"', $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('#8221;', '"', $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('#8221', "'", $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('&amp;#8212;', '-', $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('&#8212;', '-', $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('#8212;', '-', $msg);
     $msg = str_replace('#8212', "-", $msg);
     $msg = nxs_decodeEntitiesFull($msg);
     $message = array('message' => $msg, 'img' => $imgData, 'urlLength' => $nxs_urlLen);
     $options['twMsgFormat'] = $msg;
     //## This meta field is created by the indieweb taxonomy plugin - by David Peach
     $response = get_post_meta($postID, 'response', true);
     if (!empty($response)) {
         $reply_url = $response['url'];
         if (!empty($reply_url) && strpos($reply_url, '')) {
             $explode_at_domain = explode('', $reply_url);
             $twitter_path = end($explode_at_domain);
             $exploded_path = explode('/', $twitter_path);
             $options['in_reply_to_id'] = end($exploded_path);
     //## Actual Post
     $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_TW();
     $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message);
     //## Process Results
     if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') {
         //## Error
         if ($postID == '0') {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo);
     } else {
         // ## All Good - log it.
         if ($postID == '0') {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap');
         } else {
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>';
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
     //## Return Result
     if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') {
         return 200;
     } else {
         return print_r($ret, true);
예제 #23
파일: vk.php 프로젝트: brettex/pspark
 function setNTSettings($post, $options)
     $code = 'VK';
     $lcode = 'vk';
     foreach ($post as $ii => $pval) {
         if (isset($pval['apVKAppID']) && $pval['apVKAppID'] != '') {
             if (!isset($options[$ii])) {
                 $options[$ii] = array();
             if (isset($pval['apDoVK'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['doVK'] = $pval['apDoVK'];
             } else {
                 $options[$ii]['doVK'] = 0;
             if (isset($pval['nName'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['nName'] = trim($pval['nName']);
             if (isset($pval['apVKAppID'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['vkAppID'] = trim($pval['apVKAppID']);
             if (isset($pval['uName'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['uName'] = trim($pval['uName']);
             if (isset($pval['uPass'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['uPass'] = '******' . nsx_doEncode($pval['uPass']);
             } else {
                 $options[$ii]['uPass'] = '';
             if (isset($pval['vkPh'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['vkPh'] = trim($pval['vkPh']);
             if (isset($pval['apVKAuthResp'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['apVKAuthResp'] = trim($pval['apVKAuthResp']);
                 $options[$ii]['vkAppAuthToken'] = trim(CutFromTo($pval['apVKAuthResp'] . '&', 'access_token=', '&'));
                 $options[$ii]['vkAppAuthUser'] = trim(CutFromTo($pval['apVKAuthResp'] . "&", 'user_id=', '&'));
                 $hdrsArr = nxs_getVKHeaders($pval['url']);
                 $response = wp_remote_get($pval['url'], array('method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => 45, 'redirection' => 0, 'headers' => $hdrsArr));
                 if (is_wp_error($response)) {
                     echo "ERROR: <br/>";
                 $contents = $response['body'];
                 $contents = utf8_decode($contents);
                 if (stripos($contents, '"group_id":') !== false) {
                     $options[$ii]['pgIntID'] = '-' . CutFromTo($contents, '"group_id":', ',');
                     $type = 'all';
                 if (stripos($contents, '"public_id":') !== false) {
                     $options[$ii]['pgIntID'] = '-' . CutFromTo($contents, '"public_id":', ',');
                     $type = 'all';
                 if (stripos($contents, '"user_id":') !== false) {
                     $options[$ii]['pgIntID'] = CutFromTo($contents, '"user_id":', ',');
                     $type = 'own';
             if (isset($pval['catSel'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['catSel'] = trim($pval['catSel']);
             } else {
                 $options[$ii]['catSel'] = 0;
             if ($options[$ii]['catSel'] == '1' && trim($pval['catSelEd']) != '') {
                 $options[$ii]['catSelEd'] = trim($pval['catSelEd']);
             } else {
                 $options[$ii]['catSelEd'] = '';
             if (isset($pval['postType'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['postType'] = trim($pval['postType']);
             if (isset($pval['attch'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['attch'] = $pval['attch'];
             } else {
                 $options[$ii]['attch'] = 0;
             if (isset($pval['attchAsVid'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['attchAsVid'] = $pval['attchAsVid'];
             } else {
                 $options[$ii]['attchAsVid'] = 0;
             if (isset($pval['apVKImgUpl'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['imgUpl'] = $pval['apVKImgUpl'];
             } else {
                 $options[$ii]['imgUpl'] = 0;
             if (isset($pval['addBackLink'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['addBackLink'] = $pval['addBackLink'];
             } else {
                 $options[$ii]['addBackLink'] = 0;
             if (isset($pval['msgFrmt'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['msgFrmt'] = trim($pval['msgFrmt']);
             if (isset($pval['msgAFormat'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['msgAFormat'] = trim($pval['msgAFormat']);
             $options[$ii] = nxs_adjRpst($options[$ii], $pval);
             if (isset($pval['delayDays'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['nDays'] = trim($pval['delayDays']);
             if (isset($pval['delayHrs'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['nHrs'] = trim($pval['delayHrs']);
             if (isset($pval['delayMin'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['nMin'] = trim($pval['delayMin']);
             if (isset($pval['qTLng'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['qTLng'] = trim($pval['qTLng']);
             if (isset($pval['url'])) {
                 $options[$ii]['url'] = trim($pval['url']);
                 if (substr($options[$ii]['url'], 0, 4) != 'http') {
                     $options[$ii]['url'] = 'http://' . $options[$ii]['url'];
                 $vkPgID = $options[$ii]['url'];
                 if (substr($vkPgID, -1) == '/') {
                     $vkPgID = substr($vkPgID, 0, -1);
                 $vkPgID = substr(strrchr($vkPgID, "/"), 1);
                 if (strpos($vkPgID, '?') !== false) {
                     $vkPgID = substr($vkPgID, 0, strpos($vkPgID, '?'));
                 $options[$ii]['vkPgID'] = $vkPgID;
                 //echo $vkPgID;
                 if (strpos($options[$ii]['url'], '?') !== false) {
                     $options[$ii]['url'] = substr($options[$ii]['url'], 0, strpos($options[$ii]['url'], '?'));
                 // prr($pval); prr($options[$ii]); // die();
         } elseif (count($pval) == 1) {
             if (isset($pval['apDo' . $code])) {
                 $options[$ii]['do' . $code] = $pval['apDo' . $code];
             } else {
                 $options[$ii]['do' . $code] = 0;
     return $options;
예제 #24
파일: gp.php 프로젝트: JalpMi/v2contact
 function nxs_doPublishToGP($postID, $options)
     $ntCd = 'GP';
     $ntCdL = 'gp';
     $ntNm = 'Google+';
     if (!function_exists('doConnectToGooglePlus2') || !function_exists('doPostToGooglePlus2')) {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $ntCd, '-=ERROR=- No G+ API Lib Detected', '');
         return "No G+ API Lib Detected";
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#800000">Google+</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID);
     $message = array('message' => '', 'link' => '', 'imageURL' => '', 'videoURL' => '');
     if ($postID == '0') {
         echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>";
         $message['description'] = 'Test Post, Description';
         $message['title'] = 'Test Post - Title';
         $message['link'] = home_url();
     } else {
         nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1'));
         $post = get_post($postID);
         if (!$post) {
         $gpMsgFormat = $options['gpMsgFormat'];
         $gpPostType = $options['postType'];
         $msg = nsFormatMessage($gpMsgFormat, $postID);
         // prr($msg); echo $postID;
         $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . $post->post_title;
         if ($gpPostType == 'I') {
             $vids = nsFindVidsInPost($post, false);
             if (count($vids) > 0) {
                 $ytCode = $vids[0];
             if (trim($ytCode) == '') {
                 $options['trPostType'] = 'T';
         if ($gpPostType == 'A') {
             $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'medium');
         if ($gpPostType == 'I') {
             $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'full');
         $message = array('message' => $msg, 'link' => get_permalink($postID), 'imageURL' => $imgURL, 'videoCode' => $ytCode);
     //## Actual Post
     $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_GB();
     $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message);
     //## Process Results
     if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') {
         //## Error
         if ($postID == '0') {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo);
     } else {
         // ## All Good - log it.
         if ($postID == '0') {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap');
         } else {
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
     //## Return Result
     if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') {
         return 200;
     } else {
         return print_r($ret, true);
 function nxs_doPublishToBG($postID, $options)
     $ntCd = 'BG';
     $ntCdL = 'bg';
     $ntNm = 'Blogger';
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true));
     //$backtrace = debug_backtrace(); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Enter', $ntCd, 'I am here - '.$ntCd."|".print_r($backtrace, true), '');
     // if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToBG',  array($postID, $options));
     $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
     if ($blogTitle == '') {
         $blogTitle = home_url();
     $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName'], 'POSTID' => $postID));
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#F87907">' . $ntNm . '</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate');
     if ($postID == '0') {
         echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>";
         $options['bgMsgTFormat'] = 'Test Post from ' . htmlentities($blogTitle);
         $link = home_url();
         $options['bgMsgFormat'] = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle . " " . $link;
     } else {
         $post = get_post($postID);
         if (!$post) {
         $options['bgMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['bgMsgFormat'], $postID, $addParams);
         $options['bgMsgTFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['bgMsgTFormat'], $postID, $addParams);
         nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1'));
     $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (isset($post) && is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : '');
     //## Actual POST Code
     if ($options['bgInclTags'] == '1') {
         $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
         $tggs = array();
         foreach ($t as $tagA) {
             $tggs[] = $tagA->name;
         $tags = implode('","', $tggs);
         $tags = nsTrnc($tags, 195, ',', '');
     if (substr($tags, -1) == '"') {
         $tags = substr($tags, 0, -1);
     if (substr($tags, -1) == ',') {
         $tags = substr($tags, 0, -1);
     if (substr($tags, -1) == '"') {
         $tags = substr($tags, 0, -1);
     //## Set Message
     $message = array('title' => '', 'announce' => '', 'text' => '', 'url' => '', 'surl' => '', 'urlDescr' => '', 'urlTitle' => '', 'imageURL' => array(), 'videoCode' => '', 'videoURL' => '', 'siteName' => $blogTitle, 'tags' => $tags, 'cats' => '', 'authorName' => '');
     //## Actual Post
     $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_BG();
     $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message);
     //## Process Results
     if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') {
         //## Error
         if ($postID == '0') {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo);
     } else {
         // ## All Good - log it.
         if ($postID == '0') {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap');
         } else {
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>';
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
     //## Return Result
     if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') {
         return 200;
     } else {
         return print_r($ret, true);
예제 #26
 function nxs_doPublishToRD($postID, $options)
     $ntCd = 'RD';
     $ntCdL = 'rd';
     $ntNm = 'Reddit';
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true));
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#800000">Reddit</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName']));
     if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |');
     $message = array('message' => '', 'link' => '', 'imageURL' => '', 'videoURL' => '');
     if ($postID == '0') {
         echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>";
         $message['description'] = 'Test Post, Description';
         $message['title'] = 'Test Post - Title';
         $message['url'] = home_url();
     } else {
         nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1'));
         $post = get_post($postID);
         if (!$post) {
         $rdPostType = $options['postType'];
         $options['rdTitleFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['rdTitleFormat'], $postID);
         $options['rdTextFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['rdTextFormat'], $postID);
         // prr($msg); echo $postID;
         $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . $post->post_title;
         $options = nxs_getURL($options, $postID, $addParams);
         $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse'];
         $message = array('message' => $options['rdTextFormat'], 'url' => $urlToGo, 'title' => $options['rdTitleFormat']);
     //## Actual Post
     $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_RD();
     $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message);
     // echo "~~~"; prr($ret); echo "+++";
     //## Process Results
     if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') {
         //## Error
         if ($postID == '0') {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo);
     } else {
         // ## All Good - log it.
         if ($postID == '0') {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
         } else {
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>';
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
     //## Return Result
     if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') {
         return 200;
     } else {
         return print_r($ret, true);
 function nxs_doPublishToYT($postID, $options)
     $ntCd = 'YT';
     $ntCdL = 'yt';
     $ntNm = 'YouTube';
     $post = '';
     global $nxs_gCookiesArr;
     $vUrl = '';
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true));
     // $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Enter', $ntCd, 'I am here - '.$ntCd."|".print_r($backtrace, true), '');
     //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToYT',  array($postID, $options));
     $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName']));
     $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
     if ($blogTitle == '') {
         $blogTitle = home_url();
     if (empty($options['ytGPPageID'])) {
         $options['ytGPPageID'] = '';
     // if (empty($options['imgSize'])) $options['imgSize'] = '';
     if (!function_exists('doConnectToGooglePlus2') || !function_exists('doPostToGooglePlus2')) {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $ntCd, '-=ERROR=- No G+ API Lib Detected', '');
         return "No G+ API Lib Detected";
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#800000">YouTube</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $uqID);
     if ($postID == '0') {
         $options['ytMsgFormat'] = 'Test Post, Please Ignore';
     } else {
         nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1'));
         $post = get_post($postID);
         if (!$post) {
         $options['ytMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['ytMsgFormat'], $postID, $addParams);
         // prr($msg); echo $postID;
     $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . (is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : '');
     //## Message & Format
     $vids = nsFindVidsInPost($post);
     if (count($vids) > 0) {
         $vUrl = $vids[0];
     $message = array('siteName' => $blogTitle, 'videoURL' => $vUrl);
     //## Actual Post
     $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_YT();
     $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message);
     //## Process Results
     if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') {
         //## Error
         if ($postID == '0') {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo);
     } else {
         // ## All Good - log it.
         if ($postID == '0') {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap');
         } else {
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
     //## Return Result
     if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') {
         return 200;
     } else {
         return print_r($ret, true);
예제 #28
파일: fb.php 프로젝트: voquanghoa/WebPhim
        function showGenNTSettings($ntOpts)
            global $nxs_snapSetPgURL, $nxs_plurl;
            $ntInfo = array('code' => 'FB', 'lcode' => 'fb', 'name' => 'Facebook', 'defNName' => 'dlUName', 'tstReq' => true);
            if (isset($_GET['code']) && $_GET['code'] != '' && isset($_GET['state']) && substr($_GET['state'], 0, 7) == 'nxs-fb-') {
                $at = $_GET['code'];
                $ii = str_replace('nxs-fb-', '', $_GET['state']);
                echo "-= This is normal technical authorization info that will dissapear (Unless you get some errors) =- <br/><br/><br/>";
                $gGet = array();
                if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
                    parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $gGet);
                } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['argv'][0])) {
                    parse_str($_SERVER['argv'][0], $gGet);
                } else {
                    $gGet = $_GET;
                $sturl = explode('?', $nxs_snapSetPgURL);
                $nxs_snapSetPgURL = $sturl[0] . (!empty($gGet) ? '?' . http_build_query($gGet) : '');
                $fbo = $ntOpts[$ii];
                $wprg = array();
                $response = wp_remote_get('', $wprg);
                if (is_wp_error($response) && isset($response->errors['http_request_failed']) && stripos($response->errors['http_request_failed'][0], 'SSL') !== false) {
                    $wprg['sslverify'] = false;
                if (isset($fbo['fbPgID'])) {
                    echo "-=";
                    // die();
                    $tknURL = '' . $fbo['fbAppID'] . '&state=nxs-fb-' . $ii . '&redirect_uri=' . urlencode($nxs_snapSetPgURL) . '&client_secret=' . $fbo['fbAppSec'] . '&code=' . $at;
                    $response = wp_remote_get($tknURL, $wprg);
                    if (is_object($response) && isset($response->errors) || is_array($response) && stripos($response['body'], '"error":') !== false) {
                    parse_str($response['body'], $params);
                    $at = $params['access_token'];
                    $response = wp_remote_get('' . $fbo['fbAppSec'] . '&client_id=' . $fbo['fbAppID'] . '&grant_type=fb_exchange_token&fb_exchange_token=' . $at, $wprg);
                    if (is_object($response) && isset($response->errors)) {
                    parse_str($response['body'], $params);
                    $at = $params['access_token'];
                    $fbo['fbAppAuthToken'] = $at;
                    $appsecret_proof = hash_hmac('sha256', $fbo['fbAppAuthToken'], $fbo['fbAppSec']);
                    $aacct = array('access_token' => $fbo['fbAppAuthToken'], 'appsecret_proof' => $appsecret_proof, 'method' => 'get');
                    $res = wp_remote_get("" . http_build_query($aacct, null, '&'));
                    if (is_wp_error($res) || empty($res['body'])) {
                        echo "Can't get Facebook User.";
                    } else {
                        $user = json_decode($res['body'], true);
                        if (empty($user)) {
                            echo "Can't get Facebook User. JSON Error. ";
                        } else {
                            if (!empty($user['id'])) {
                                echo "-= Got user: "******"-= Authorizing Page =-";
                                if (!is_numeric($page_id) && stripos($fbo['fbURL'], '/groups/') != false) {
                                    //$fbPgIDR = wp_remote_get('nxs.php?g='.$fbo['fbURL']); // TODO - how to replace
                                    $fbPgIDR = trim($fbPgIDR['body']);
                                    $page_id = $fbPgIDR != '' ? $fbPgIDR : $page_id;
                                $aacct = array('access_token' => $fbo['fbAppAuthToken'], 'appsecret_proof' => $appsecret_proof, 'method' => 'get');
                                $fbo['destType'] = '';
                                echo "{$page_id}?fields=access_token&" . http_build_query($aacct, null, '&');
                                $res = wp_remote_get("{$page_id}?fields=access_token&" . http_build_query($aacct, null, '&'));
                                if (is_wp_error($res) || empty($res['body'])) {
                                    echo "Can't get Page Token.";
                                } else {
                                    $token = json_decode($res['body'], true);
                                    if (empty($token)) {
                                        echo "Can't get Page Token. JSON Error. ";
                                    } else {
                                        if (!empty($token['error'])) {
                                            if (!empty($token['error']['message'])) {
                                                $errMsg = $token['error']['message'];
                                                if (stripos($errMsg, 'Unknown fields: access_token') !== false || stripos($errMsg, 'Cannot query users by their username') !== false || stripos($errMsg, 'node type (User)') !== false) {
                                                    $token['access_token'] = $fbo['fbAppAuthToken'];
                                                    $fbo['destType'] = stripos($fbo['fbURL'], '/groups/') != false ? 'gr' : 'pr';
                                                } else {
                                                    if (stripos($errMsg, 'Unsupported get request') !== false) {
                                                        echo "<b style='color:red;'>Error </b>: Your Facebook URL ( <i>" . $fbo['fbURL'] . "</i> ) is either incorrect or authorzing user don't have rights to post there.<br/>";
                                                    echo '<br/>Reported Error: ', $errMsg, "\n";
                                        if (!empty($token['access_token'])) {
                                            $fbo['fbAppPageAuthToken'] = $token['access_token'];
                                        } else {
                                            echo "Can't get Page Token. NO TOKEN RETURNED. Are you sure that user you are trying to authorize is an admin of the page? This message means user was authorized as profile, but page refused to return authorization token. This usually happens when user has <b>no rights</b> to post to that page. ";
                            } else {
                                echo "Can't get User. NO USER RETURNED. ";
                    if (!empty($user['id'])) {
                        $fbo['fbAppAuthUser'] = $user['id'];
                        $fbo['fbAppAuthUserName'] = $user['name'] . (!empty($user['username']) ? " (" . $user['username'] . ")" : '');
                        if (function_exists('get_option')) {
                            $nxs_gOptions = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
                        if (!empty($nxs_gOptions)) {
                            $nxs_gOptions['fb'][$ii] = $fbo;
<script type="text/javascript">window.location = "<?php 
                        echo $nxs_snapSetPgURL;
            $ntParams = array('ntInfo' => $ntInfo, 'nxs_plurl' => $nxs_plurl, 'ntOpts' => $ntOpts, 'chkField' => 'fbAppAuthUser');
예제 #29
        function showGenNTSettings($ntOpts)
            global $nxs_snapSetPgURL, $nxs_plurl, $nxs_gOptions;
            $ntInfo = $this->ntInfo;
            // V2 Auth
            if (isset($_GET['code']) && $_GET['code'] != '' && isset($_GET['state']) && substr($_GET['state'], 0, 7) == 'nxs-li-') {
                $at = $_GET['code'];
                $ii = str_replace('nxs-li-', '', $_GET['state']);
                echo "----=={ oAuth 2.0 Wordflow }==----<br/>-= This is normal technical authorization info that will dissapear (Unless you get some errors) =- <br/><br/><br/>";
                $gGet = $_GET;
                $sturl = explode('?', $nxs_snapSetPgURL);
                $nxs_snapSetPgURL = $sturl[0] . (!empty($gGet) ? '?' . http_build_query($gGet) : '');
                $nto = $ntOpts[$ii];
                $wprg = array();
                $wprg['sslverify'] = false;
                if (isset($nto['liAPIKey'])) {
                    echo "-=";
                    // die();
                    $tknURL = '' . $at . '&redirect_uri=' . urlencode($nxs_snapSetPgURL) . '&client_id=' . $nto['liAPIKey'] . '&client_secret=' . $nto['liAPISec'];
                    $response = wp_remote_post($tknURL, $wprg);
                    if (is_object($response) && isset($response->errors)) {
                    if (is_array($response) && stripos($response['body'], '"error":') !== false) {
                        prr(json_decode($response['body'], true));
                    $resp = json_decode($response['body'], true);
                    if (!is_array($resp) || empty($resp['access_token'])) {
                    if (function_exists('get_option')) {
                        $currTime = time() + get_option('gmt_offset') * HOUR_IN_SECONDS;
                    } else {
                        $currTime = time();
                    $nto['liAccessToken'] = $resp['access_token'];
                    $nto['liAccessTokenSecret'] = 'No Need for oAuth V2';
                    $nto['liOAuthVerifier'] = 'No Need for oAuth V2';
                    $nto['liAccessTokenExp'] = $currTime + $resp['expires_in'];
                    echo "<br/>----=={ Expires: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $nto['liAccessTokenExp']) . " }==---- <br/>";
                    $tknURL = ',first-name,last-name)?format=json&oauth2_access_token=' . $nto['liAccessToken'];
                    $response = wp_remote_get($tknURL, $wprg);
                    $user = json_decode($response['body'], true);
                    if (!empty($user['id'])) {
                        $nto['liUserID'] = $user['id'];
                        $nto['liUserInfo'] = $user['firstName'] . $user['lastName'] . (!empty($user['id']) ? " (" . $user['id'] . ")" : '');
                        $nto['isV2'] = true;
                        if (function_exists('get_option')) {
                            $nxs_gOptions = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
                        if (!empty($nxs_gOptions)) {
                            $nxs_gOptions['li'][$ii] = $nto;
<script type="text/javascript">window.location = "<?php 
                        echo $nxs_snapSetPgURL;
            // V1 Auth
            if (isset($_GET['auth']) && $_GET['auth'] == 'li') {
                require_once 'apis/liOAuth.php';
                $options = $ntOpts[$_GET['acc']];
                $api_key = $options['liAPIKey'];
                $api_secret = $options['liAPISec'];
                $callback_url = $nxs_snapSetPgURL . "&auth=lia&acc=" . $_GET['acc'];
                $li_oauth = new nsx_LinkedIn($api_key, $api_secret, $callback_url);
                $request_token = $li_oauth->getRequestToken();
                //echo "####"; prr($request_token); die();
                if (!is_object($request_token)) {
                    echo "### LinkedIn Authorization Error:";
                    if (is_string($request_token) && stripos($request_token, 'timestamp') !== false) {
                        echo "Your Server Time: " . date('m/d/Y h:i:s a');
                        echo " Correct Time: " . date('m/d/Y h:i:s a', nxs_ntp_time(''));
                $options['liOAuthToken'] = $request_token->key;
                $options['liOAuthTokenSecret'] = $request_token->secret;
                // prr($li_oauth);
                switch ($li_oauth->http_code) {
                    case 200:
                        $url = $li_oauth->generateAuthorizeUrl();
                        $optionsG = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
                        $optionsG['li'][$_GET['acc']] = $options;
                        update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $optionsG);
                        echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location = "' . $url . '"</script>';
                        echo '<br/><b style="color:red">Could not connect to LinkedIn. Refresh the page or try again later.</b>';
            if (isset($_GET['auth']) && $_GET['auth'] == 'lia') {
                require_once 'apis/liOAuth.php';
                $options = $ntOpts[$_GET['acc']];
                $api_key = $options['liAPIKey'];
                $api_secret = $options['liAPISec'];
                $li_oauth = new nsx_LinkedIn($api_key, $api_secret);
                $li_oauth->request_token = new nsx_trOAuthConsumer($options['liOAuthToken'], $options['liOAuthTokenSecret'], 1);
                $li_oauth->oauth_verifier = $_REQUEST['oauth_verifier'];
                $options['liOAuthVerifier'] = $_REQUEST['oauth_verifier'];
                $options['liAccessToken'] = $li_oauth->access_token->key;
                $options['liAccessTokenSecret'] = $li_oauth->access_token->secret;
                try {
                    $xml_response = $li_oauth->getProfile("~:(id,first-name,last-name)");
                } catch (Exception $o) {
                    die("<span style='color:red;'>ERROR: Authorization Error</span>");
                if (stripos($xml_response, '<first-name>') !== false) {
                    $userinfo = CutFromTo($xml_response, '<id>', '</id>') . " - " . CutFromTo($xml_response, '<first-name>', '</first-name>') . " " . CutFromTo($xml_response, '<last-name>', '</last-name>');
                } else {
                    $userinfo = '';
                if ($userinfo != '') {
                    $options['liUserInfo'] = $userinfo;
                    $optionsG = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
                    $optionsG['li'][$_GET['acc']] = $options;
                    update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $optionsG);
                    echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location = "' . $nxs_snapSetPgURL . '"</script>';
                die("<span style='color:red;'>ERROR: Something is Wrong with your LinkedIn account</span>");
    <div class="nxs_box">
      <div class="nxs_box_header"> 
        <div class="nsx_iconedTitle" style="margin-bottom:1px;background-image:url(<?php 
            echo $nxs_plurl;
            echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
            echo $ntInfo['name'];
            $cbo = count($ntOpts);
            if ($cbo > 1) {
<div class="nsBigText"><?php 
                echo "(" . ($cbo == '0' ? 'No' : $cbo) . " ";
                _e('accounts', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
                echo ")";
      <div class="nxs_box_inside">
            foreach ($ntOpts as $indx => $pbo) {
                if (trim($pbo['nName'] == '')) {
                    $pbo['nName'] = !empty($pbo[$ntInfo['defNName']]) ? $pbo[$ntInfo['defNName']] : 'LinkedIn';
                if (!isset($pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK']) || $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] == '') {
                    $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] = isset($pbo['liAccessToken']) && $pbo['liAccessTokenSecret'] != '' ? '1' : '';
          <p style="margin:0px;margin-left:5px;"> <img id="<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
LoadingImg" style="display: none;" src='<?php 
                echo $nxs_plurl;
img/ajax-loader-sm.gif' />
            <input value="0" name="<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                echo $indx;
                echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" type="hidden" />             
                if ((int) $pbo['do' . $ntInfo['code']] == 1 && isset($pbo['catSel']) && (int) $pbo['catSel'] == 1) {
 <input type="radio" name="<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                    echo $indx;
                    echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" id="rbtn<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'] . $indx;
" value="1" checked="checked" onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popOnlyCat');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popOnlyCat', event);" /> <?php 
                } else {
            <input value="1" name="<?php 
                    echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
                    echo $indx;
                    echo $ntInfo['code'];
]" type="checkbox" <?php 
                    if ((int) $pbo['do' . $ntInfo['code']] == 1 && $pbo['catSel'] != '1') {
                        echo "checked";
                if (isset($pbo['catSel']) && (int) $pbo['catSel'] == 1) {
 <span onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popOnlyCat');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popOnlyCat', event);"><?php 
                    echo "*[" . (substr_count($pbo['catSelEd'], ",") + 1) . "]*";
                if (isset($pbo['rpstOn']) && (int) $pbo['rpstOn'] == 1) {
 <span onmouseout="nxs_hidePopUpInfo('popReActive');" onmouseover="nxs_showPopUpInfo('popReActive', event);"><?php 
                    echo "*[R]*";
                _e('Auto-publish to', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
                echo $ntInfo['name'];
 <i style="color: #005800;"><?php 
                if ($pbo['nName'] != '') {
                    echo "(" . $pbo['nName'] . ")";
                if ($ntInfo['tstReq'] && (!isset($pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK']) || $pbo[$ntInfo['lcode'] . 'OK'] == '')) {
<b style="color: #800000"><?php 
                    _e('Attention requred. Unfinished setup', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
                if (!empty($pbo['grpID'])) {
<b style="color: #800000"><?php 
                    _e('Attention requred. Groups are no longer supported by LinkedIn Native API', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
 <a id="do<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
AG" href="#" onclick="doGetHideNTBlock('<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'];
' , '<?php 
                echo $indx;
');return false;">[<?php 
                _e('Show Settings', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
          <a href="#" onclick="doDelAcct('<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['lcode'];
', '<?php 
                echo $indx;
', '<?php 
                if (isset($pbo['bgBlogID'])) {
                    echo $pbo['nName'];
');return false;">[<?php 
                _e('Remove Account', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
          </p><div id="nxsNTSetDiv<?php 
                echo $ntInfo['code'] . $indx;
                //$pbo['ntInfo'] = $ntInfo; $this->showNTSettings($indx, $pbo);
    </div> <?php 
예제 #30
파일: pn.php 프로젝트: voquanghoa/WebPhim
 function nxs_doPublishToPN($postID, $options)
     global $nxs_gCookiesArr, $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster;
     $ntCd = 'PN';
     $ntCdL = 'pn';
     $ntNm = 'Pinterest';
     $price = '';
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $options = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($postID, $options, true));
     // $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Enter', $ntCd, 'I am here - '.$ntCd."|".print_r($backtrace, true), '');
     //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToPN',  array($postID, $options));
     $addParams = nxs_makeURLParams(array('NTNAME' => $ntNm, 'NTCODE' => $ntCd, 'POSTID' => $postID, 'ACCNAME' => $options['nName']));
     $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
     if ($blogTitle == '') {
         $blogTitle = home_url();
     if (empty($options['imgToUse'])) {
         $options['imgToUse'] = '';
     if (empty($options['imgSize'])) {
         $options['imgSize'] = '';
     if (empty($options['cImgURL'])) {
         $options['cImgURL'] = 'R';
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#FA5069">Pinterest</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     $isAttachVid = $options['isAttachVid'];
     if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate |' . $uqID);
     if ($postID == '0') {
         echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>";
         $options['pnMsgFormat'] = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle;
         $urlToGo = home_url();
         if ($options['pnDefImg'] != '') {
             $imgURL = $options['pnDefImg'];
         } else {
             $imgURL = "";
     } else {
         $post = get_post($postID);
         if (!$post) {
         $options['pnMsgFormat'] = nsFormatMessage($options['pnMsgFormat'], $postID, $addParams);
         //## MyURL - URLToGo code
         if (!isset($options['urlToUse']) || trim($options['urlToUse']) == '') {
             $myurl = trim(get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_MYURL', true));
         if ($myurl != '') {
             $options['urlToUse'] = $myurl;
         if (isset($options['urlToUse']) && trim($options['urlToUse']) != '') {
             $urlToGo = $options['urlToUse'];
             $options['useFBGURLInfo'] = true;
         } else {
             $urlToGo = get_permalink($postID);
         if ($addParams != '') {
             $urlToGo .= (strpos($urlToGo, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . $addParams;
         if (is_object($post)) {
             $urlToGo = apply_filters('nxs_adjust_ex_url', $urlToGo, $post->post_content);
         if (!empty($options['imgToUse'])) {
             $imgURL = $options['imgToUse'];
         } else {
             $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'full', $options['pnDefImg']);
         if (preg_match("/noImg.\\.png/i", $imgURL)) {
             $imgURL = '';
         if ($isAttachVid == '1') {
             $vids = nsFindVidsInPost($post);
             if (count($vids) > 0) {
                 $vidURL = '' . $vids[0];
                 $imgURL = '' . $vids[0] . '/0.jpg';
         $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . is_object($post) ? $post->post_title : '';
     if ($options['cImgURL'] == 'S') {
         $options['cImgURL'] = 'R';
     //## Pinterest no longer allows shorthened URLs.
     //## Post
     $message = array('siteName' => $blogTitle, 'tags' => '', 'url' => $urlToGo, 'imageURL' => $imgURL);
     // prr($message);
     //## Actual Post
     $ntToPost = new nxs_class_SNAP_PN();
     $ret = $ntToPost->doPostToNT($options, $message);
     //## Save Session
     if (serialize($nxs_gCookiesArr) != $options['ck']) {
         global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster;
         $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options;
         // prr($gOptions['pn']);
         if (isset($options['ii']) && $options['ii'] !== '') {
             $gOptions['pn'][$options['ii']]['ck'] = serialize($nxs_gCookiesArr);
             update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions);
         } else {
             foreach ($gOptions['pn'] as $ii => $gpn) {
                 $result = array_diff($options, $gpn);
                 if (!is_array($result) || count($result) < 1) {
                     $gOptions['pn'][$ii]['ck'] = serialize($nxs_gCookiesArr);
                     update_option('NS_SNAutoPoster', $gOptions);
     //## Process Results
     if (!is_array($ret) || $ret['isPosted'] != '1') {
         //## Error
         if ($postID == '0') {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($ret, true), $extInfo);
     } else {
         // ## All Good - log it.
         if ($postID == '0') {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             echo _e('OK - Message Posted, please see your ' . $logNT . ' Page. ', 'nxs_snap');
         } else {
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $ret['postID'], 'postURL' => $ret['postURL'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             $extInfo .= ' | <a href="' . $ret['postURL'] . '" target="_blank">Post Link</a>';
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
     //## Return Result
     if ($ret['isPosted'] == '1') {
         return 200;
     } else {
         return print_r($ret, true);