예제 #1
			FROM tworkunit, tworkunit_task 
			WHERE tworkunit_task.id_task = %d '. $sql_filter . '
			AND tworkunit_task.id_workunit = tworkunit.id
			ORDER BY tworkunit.timestamp DESC', $id_task);
	} else {
				$sql= sprintf ('SELECT tworkunit.id
			FROM tworkunit, tworkunit_task 
			WHERE tworkunit_task.id_task = %d '. $sql_filter . '
			AND id_user = "******"id_user"].'" 
			AND tworkunit_task.id_workunit = tworkunit.id
			ORDER BY tworkunit.timestamp DESC', $id_task);		
	if (!$pure) {
		$section_title = __('Workunit resume');
		$section_subtitle = $project_name.' - ' . __('All tasks');
		$t_menu = print_task_tabs('workunits');
		print_title_with_menu ($section_title, $section_subtitle, "task_workunit", 'projects', $t_menu, 'workunits');
	} else {
		echo '<h2>'.__('Workunit resume') . "</h2>";
		echo '<h4>' . $project_name.' - ' . __('All tasks');
		echo integria_help ("task_workunit", true);
		echo '<ul class="ui-tabs-nav"><li class="ui-tabs">';
		echo "<a href='index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/projects/task_workunit&id_project=$id_project&id_task=$id_task&pure=0' title='".__("Back to view")."'><img src='images/go-previous.png'></a>";
		echo '</li>';
		echo '</ul>';
		echo '</h4>';
elseif ($id_project != 0) {
	// Whole project
예제 #2
Start - End             : %s - %s
Priority                : %s
Estimated length (days) : %d
Estimated cost          : %s
Current progress        : %d %%
Participants            : %s
", $task["name"], $project_manager, $task["start"], $task["end"], get_priority_name($task["priority"]), $task_days, $task_cost, $task["completion"], $participants, $task["description"]);

$section_title = __("Task report details");
$section_subtitle =  $project_name . " >> " .$task["name"];
$t_menu = print_task_tabs();
print_title_with_menu ($section_title, $section_subtitle, "task_emailreport", 'projects', $t_menu, 'email');

echo "<form method=post action=''>";
echo "<table width=100% class=search-table-button>";
echo "<tr><td>";
print_input_text ('title', $title, '', 80, 175, false, __('Subject'));
echo "<tr><td>";
print_textarea ('description', 15, 50, $description, '',	false, __('Message text'));
echo "<tr><td>";
echo '</table>';

$button = '';
echo '<div style="width:100%;">';
$table = new StdClass;
$table->width = '100%';
예제 #3
if ($id_task)
	$task_name = get_db_value ('name', 'ttask', 'id', $id_task);
	$task_name = '';

if (!$gantt_editor) {
	$section_title = __('Task management');
	if ($operation == "create") {
		// Print project menu on creation time.
		$section_subtitle = __("Create task");
		$p_menu = print_project_tabs();
		print_title_with_menu ($section_title, $section_subtitle, "create_task", 'projects', $p_menu, 'task_new');
	} else {
		$section_subtitle = $task_name;
		$t_menu = print_task_tabs('', $id_task);
		print_title_with_menu ($section_title, $section_subtitle, "create_task", 'projects', $t_menu, 'detail');
else {
	echo "<div id='button-bar-title' style='margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 9px;'>";
	echo "<ul>";
	echo "<li>";
		echo "<a onclick='toggle_editor_gantt($id_project, $id_task, \"stats\")'>".
		print_image ("images/chart_bar_dark.png", true, array("title" => __("Statistics"))) .
	echo "</li>";
	echo "</ul>";
	echo "</div>";	