예제 #1
    $result['icon'] = $simpleforecast[$DayNumber]->{'icon_url'};
    // "icon_url": "http://icons-ak.wxug.com/i/c/k/partlycloudy.gif”,
    $result['forecast_high'] = "High: " . $simpleforecast[$DayNumber]->{'high'}->{'fahrenheit'} . "°F";
    $result['forecast_low'] = "Low: " . $simpleforecast[$DayNumber]->{'low'}->{'fahrenheit'} . "°F";
    //$result['forecast_humidity'] = "Humidity: ".$simpleforecast[$DayNumber]->{'title'}."%";
    $result['forecast_wind'] = "" . $simpleforecast[$DayNumber]->{'avewind'}->{'mph'} . "mph";
    $result['forecast_winddirection'] = $simpleforecast[$DayNumber]->{'avewind'}->{'dir'};
    // Südwest
    $result['forecast_rainrisk'] = "Rain: " . $simpleforecast[$DayNumber]->{'pop'} . "%";
    // probability of precipitation = regenwahrscheinlichkeit
    return $result;
function printDay($day, $title)
    return "<p id='hr'>\n<div id='main'>\n<img src='" . $day['icon'] . "'/> \n</div>\n\n<b>" . $day['dayofweek'] . ":</b>\n\n{$title}\n" . $day['forecast_weather'] . "\n\n<br/>\n" . $day['forecast_high'] . "\n<br/>\n" . $day['forecast_low'] . "\n</br>\n" . $day['forecast_rainrisk'] . "\n</br>\nWind: " . $day['forecast_winddirection'] . "\n@\n" . $day['forecast_wind'] . "\n</p>";
$day0 = printDay(getDay(0), "");
$day1 = printDay(getDay(1), "");
$day2 = printDay(getDay(2), "");
$day3 = printDay(getDay(3), "");
echo '<body>';
//echo "<h1>$location</h1>";
echo ' <div id="wrap">';
echo "<p><div id='main'><img src='{$icon_url}'/> </div><b>Current:</b> {$weather} <br /> Temperature: {$temp_f}\n &#176;F <br/> Wind: {$wind_direction}\n @ " . $wind_speed . "</p>";
echo "<p>{$day0}</p>";
echo "<p>{$day1}</p>";
echo "<p>{$day2}</p>";
echo "<p>{$day3}</p>";
//echo '<br />test' . $alert_message;
echo '</div>';
echo "</body></html>";
예제 #2
for ($i = 1; $i <= $cal_daysOfMonth; $i++) {
    // Wenn der 1. des Monats kein Montag ist, wird mit den Tagen des letzten Monats aufgefüllt.
    if ($i == 1 && $cal_firstDayWeekday != 1) {
        for ($j = $cal_daysOfLastMonth - ($cal_firstDayWeekday - 2); $j <= $cal_daysOfLastMonth; $j++) {
            echo "<td class='otherMonth'>" . $j . "</td>";
    // Wenn das Ende der Woche und das Ende des Monats nicht erreicht sind, einfach weiterschreiben
    if (($i + ($cal_firstDayWeekday - 1)) % 7 != 0) {
        printDay($i, $eventDaysArray);
    } else {
        printDay($i, $eventDaysArray);
        echo "</tr><tr>";
        // Ende der Woche -> neue Reihe
    if ($i == $cal_daysOfMonth && $cal_endDayWeekday != 7) {
        for ($k = 1; $k <= 7 - $cal_endDayWeekday; $k++) {
            echo "<td class='otherMonth'>" . $k . "</td>";
//end of for