예제 #1
function donationAddMenuItem()
    global $mysqli, $formObj, $arrAfterJS, $arrItemTypeChangesJS;
    $arrComponents = $formObj->components;
    $menuItemObj = $formObj->objSave;
    // Get Sort Order
    $sortOrder = $arrComponents['fakeSubmit']['sortorder'];
    $arrComponents['fakeSubmit']['sortorder'] = $sortOrder + 1;
    // Add donation campaign to list of item types
    $arrComponents['itemtype']['options']['donation'] = "Donation Campaign";
    // Donation Section Options
    $donationOptions = array();
    $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $mysqli->get_tablePrefix() . "donations_campaign WHERE dateend > '" . time() . "' OR dateend = '0' ORDER BY title");
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        $donationOptions[$row['donationcampaign_id']] = filterText($row['title']);
    if (count($donationOptions) == 0) {
        $donationOptions['none'] = "No Campaigns Running";
    $donationSectionOptions = array("donation_campaign" => array("type" => "select", "display_name" => "Select Campaign", "attributes" => array("class" => "formInput textBox"), "options" => $donationOptions));
    // Add new section for donations
    $arrComponents['donationoptions'] = array("type" => "section", "options" => array("section_title" => "Donation Campaign Options:"), "sortorder" => $sortOrder, "attributes" => array("id" => "donationCampaign", "style" => "display: none"), "components" => $donationSectionOptions);
    // Modify JS for new donation section
    $arrItemTypeChangesJS['donationCampaign'] = "donation";
    $arrAfterJS['itemType'] = prepareItemTypeChangeJS($arrItemTypeChangesJS);
    $afterJS = "\n\n\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t";
    foreach ($arrAfterJS as $value) {
        $afterJS .= $value . "\n";
    $afterJS .= "\t\t\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\n\t\t";
    // Apply new components to form
    $formObj->components = $arrComponents;
    $formObj->embedJS = $afterJS;
    $formObj->afterSave[] = "saveDonationMenuItem";
예제 #2
// Shoutbox Options
include "managemenu/include/shoutboxoptions.php";
// Poll Options
include "managemenu/include/polloptions.php";
// Custom Code Editor
include "managemenu/include/customcodeoptions.php";
// Custom Code Editor - WYSIWYG
include "managemenu/include/customcodeformatoptions.php";
// Global Link Options - Target Window, Text Align and Prefix
$globalLinkOptionsNeeded = array("link", "custompage", "customform", "downloads");
foreach ($globalLinkOptionsNeeded as $optionName) {
    $globalLinkOptions[$optionName] = array("targetwindow_" . $optionName => array("type" => "select", "display_name" => "Target Window", "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("class" => "textBox formInput"), "options" => array("" => "Same Window", "_blank" => "New Window")), "textalign_" . $optionName => array("type" => "select", "display_name" => "Text-align", "attributes" => array("class" => "textBox formInput"), "options" => $textAlignOptions, "sortorder" => $i++), "prefix_" . $optionName => array("type" => "text", "display_name" => "Prefix", "tooltip" => "Text to display before the link, i.e. a bullet point or dash.", "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("class" => "textBox formInput")));
$linkOptionComponents = array_merge($linkOptionComponents, $globalLinkOptions['link']);
$customPageOptionComponents = array_merge($customPageOptionComponents, $globalLinkOptions['custompage']);
$customFormOptionComponents = array_merge($customFormOptionComponents, $globalLinkOptions['customform']);
$downloadOptionComponents = array_merge($downloadOptionComponents, $globalLinkOptions['downloads']);
$i = 1;
$arrComponents = array("generalinfo" => array("type" => "section", "options" => array("section_title" => "General Information:"), "sortorder" => $i++), "itemname" => array("type" => "text", "attributes" => array("class" => "textBox formInput"), "validate" => array("NOT_BLANK"), "db_name" => "name", "sortorder" => $i++, "display_name" => "Item Name"), "menucategory" => array("type" => "select", "display_name" => "Menu Category", "sortorder" => $i++, "validate" => array("RESTRICT_TO_OPTIONS"), "db_name" => "menucategory_id", "attributes" => array("class" => "textBox formInput", "id" => "menuCats"), "options" => $menuCatOptions, "value" => $selectMenuCat), "displayorder" => array("type" => "beforeafter", "display_name" => "Display Order", "attributes" => array("class" => "textBox formInput"), "sortorder" => $i++, "validate" => array("RESTRICT_TO_OPTIONS", array("name" => "VALIDATE_ORDER", "set_category" => $_POST['menucategory'], "orderObject" => $menuItemObj)), "db_name" => "sortnum", "options" => $displayOrderOptions), "itemtype" => array("type" => "select", "display_name" => "Item Type", "validate" => array("RESTRICT_TO_OPTIONS"), "db_name" => "itemtype", "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("class" => "textBox formInput", "id" => "itemType"), "options" => $itemTypeOptions), "accesstype" => array("type" => "select", "display_name" => "Show when", "sortorder" => $i++, "validate" => array("RESTRICT_TO_OPTIONS"), "db_name" => "accesstype", "options" => array("Always", "Logged In"), "attributes" => array("class" => "textBox formInput")), "hide" => array("type" => "checkbox", "display_name" => "Hide", "attributes" => array("class" => "textBox formInput"), "value" => 1, "sortorder" => $i++, "db_name" => "hide"), "linkinformation" => array("type" => "section", "options" => array("section_title" => "Link Information:"), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("id" => "linkOptions"), "components" => $linkOptionComponents, "validate" => array("validateMenuItem_Links")), "imageinformation" => array("type" => "section", "options" => array("section_title" => "Image Information:"), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("id" => "imageOptions", "style" => "display: none"), "components" => $imageOptionComponents, "validate" => array("validateMenuItem_Images")), "custompageoptions" => array("type" => "section", "options" => array("section_title" => "Custom Page Options:"), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("id" => "customPageOptions", "style" => "display: none"), "components" => $customPageOptionComponents, "validate" => array(array("name" => array("function" => "validateMenuItem_CustomPageTypes", "args" => array("custompage", &$customPageOptionComponents))))), "customformoptions" => array("type" => "section", "options" => array("section_title" => "Custom Form Options:"), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("id" => "customFormOptions", "style" => "display: none"), "components" => $customFormOptionComponents, "validate" => array(array("name" => array("function" => "validateMenuItem_CustomPageTypes", "args" => array("customform", &$customFormOptionComponents))))), "downloadoptions" => array("type" => "section", "options" => array("section_title" => "Download Page Options:"), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("id" => "downloadLinkOptions", "style" => "display: none"), "components" => $downloadOptionComponents, "validate" => array(array("name" => array("function" => "validateMenuItem_CustomPageTypes", "args" => array("downloads", &$downloadOptionComponents))))), "shoutboxoptions" => array("type" => "section", "options" => array("section_title" => "Shoutbox Information:", "section_description" => "<b><u>NOTE:</u></b> Leave all fields blank to keep the theme's default settings."), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("id" => "shoutBoxOptions", "style" => "display: none"), "components" => $shoutboxOptionComponents), "polloptions" => array("type" => "section", "options" => array("section_title" => "Poll Options:"), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("id" => "pollOptions", "style" => "display: none"), "components" => $pollOptionComponents), "customcodeoptions" => array("type" => "section", "options" => array("section_title" => "Menu Item Code:"), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("id" => "customCodeOptions", "style" => "display: none"), "components" => $customCodeOptionComponents), "customformatoptions" => array("type" => "section", "options" => array("section_title" => "Menu Item Information:"), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("id" => "customFormatOptions", "style" => "display: none"), "components" => $customWYSIWYGOptionComponents), "fakeSubmit" => array("type" => "button", "attributes" => array("class" => "submitButton formSubmitButton", "id" => "btnFakeSubmit"), "value" => "Add Menu Item", "sortorder" => $i++), "submit" => array("type" => "submit", "value" => "submit", "attributes" => array("style" => "display: none", "id" => "btnSubmit"), "sortorder" => $i++));
$arrAfterJS = array();
$arrAfterJS['menuCats'] = "\n\n\t\$('#menuCats').change(function() {\n\t\t\$('#displayOrder').html(\"<option value''>Loading...</option>\");\n\t\t\$.post('" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/include/admin/managemenu/include/menuitemlist.php', { menuCatID: \$('#menuCats').val() }, function(data) {\n\t\t\t\$('select[name=displayorder]').html(data);\n\t\t});\n\t});\n\t\t\t\n\t\$('#menuCats').change();\n\n";
$arrItemTypeChangesJS = array("linkOptions" => "link", "imageOptions" => "image", "shoutBoxOptions" => "shoutbox", "customPageOptions" => "custompage", "customFormOptions" => "customform", "customCodeOptions" => "customcode", "customFormatOptions" => "customformat", "downloadLinkOptions" => "downloads", "pollOptions" => "poll");
$arrAfterJS['itemType'] = prepareItemTypeChangeJS($arrItemTypeChangesJS);
$arrAfterJS['shoutbox'] = "\n\n\$('#shoutBoxWidthPercent').change(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\tif(\$(this).val() == '0') {\n\t\t\$('#shoutBoxTextBoxWidth').html('pixels');\n\t}\n\telse {\n\t\t\$('#shoutBoxTextBoxWidth').html('percent');\n\t}\n\n});\n\n";
$arrAfterJS['submit'] = "\n\n\$('#btnFakeSubmit').click(function() {\n\t\$('#menuCodeEditor_code').val(menuCodeEditor.getValue());\n\t\$('#btnSubmit').click();\n\n});\n\n";
$afterJS = "\n\n\t\$(document).ready(function() {\n\t";
foreach ($arrAfterJS as $value) {
    $afterJS .= $value . "\n";
$afterJS .= "\t\t\n\t});\n\t\n";
$setupFormArgs = array("name" => "console-" . $cID, "components" => $arrComponents, "description" => "Use the form below to add a menu item.", "saveObject" => $menuItemObj, "saveMessage" => "Successfully Added New Menu Item: <b>" . filterText($_POST['itemname']) . "</b>!", "saveType" => "add", "attributes" => array("action" => $MAIN_ROOT . "members/console.php?cID=" . $cID, "method" => "post", "enctype" => "multipart/form-data"), "embedJS" => $afterJS, "afterSave" => array(array("function" => "saveMenuItem", "args" => array(&$linkOptionComponents, &$menuItemObj->objLink, array("linkurl_link" => "link", "targetwindow_link" => "linktarget", "textalign_link" => "textalign", "prefix_link" => "prefix"), "menulink_id", "link")), array("function" => "saveMenuItem", "args" => array(&$imageOptionComponents, &$menuItemObj->objImage, array("imagefile_image" => "imageurl", "width_image" => "width", "height_image" => "height", "linkurl_image" => "link", "targetwindow_image" => "linktarget", "textalign_image" => "imagealign"), "menuimage_id", "image")), array("function" => "saveMenuItem", "args" => array(&$customPageOptionComponents, &$menuItemObj->objCustomPage, array("custompage" => "custompage_id", "targetwindow_custompage" => "linktarget", "textalign_custompage" => "textalign", "prefix_custompage" => "prefix"), "menucustompage_id", "custompage")), array("function" => "saveMenuItem", "args" => array(&$customFormOptionComponents, &$menuItemObj->objCustomPage, array("customform" => "custompage_id", "targetwindow_customform" => "linktarget", "textalign_customform" => "textalign", "prefix_customform" => "prefix"), "menucustompage_id", "customform")), array("function" => "saveMenuItem", "args" => array(&$downloadOptionComponents, &$menuItemObj->objCustomPage, array("downloadpage" => "custompage_id", "targetwindow_downloads" => "linktarget", "textalign_downloads" => "textalign", "prefix_downloads" => "prefix"), "menucustompage_id", "downloads")), array("function" => "saveMenuItem", "args" => array(&$shoutboxOptionComponents, &$menuItemObj->objShoutbox, array("width_shoutbox" => "width", "height_shoutbox" => "height", "textboxwidth_shoutbox" => "textboxwidth"), "menushoutbox_id", "shoutbox", array("percentwidth" => $_POST['widthunit_shoutbox'], "percentheight" => $_POST['heightunit_shoutbox']))), array("function" => "saveMenuItem", "args" => array(&$customCodeOptionComponents, &$menuItemObj->objCustomBlock, array("customcode" => "code"), "menucustomblock_id", "customcode", array("blocktype" => "code"))), array("function" => "saveMenuItem", "args" => array(&$customWYSIWYGOptionComponents, &$menuItemObj->objCustomBlock, array("wysiwygEditor" => "code"), "menucustomblock_id", "customformat", array("blocktype" => "format"))), "savePoll"));