예제 #1
function porto_product_get_postdata()
    global $porto_settings, $product_meta_boxes, $product_view_meta_boxes, $product_skin_meta_boxes, $product_cat_meta_boxes;
    $product_columns = porto_ct_product_columns();
    $addlinks_pos = porto_ct_category_addlinks_pos();
    // Product View Meta Boxes
    $product_view_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    // Sidebar
    $product_view_meta_boxes['sidebar']['default'] = 'woo-product-sidebar';
    // Product Skin Meta Boxes
    $product_skin_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes();
    // Product Meta Boxes
    $product_meta_boxes = array("custom_tab_title1" => array("name" => "custom_tab_title1", "title" => __("Custom Tab Title 1", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Input the custom tab title.", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "custom_tab_content1" => array("name" => "custom_tab_content1", "title" => __("Custom Tab Content 1", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Input the custom tab content.", 'porto'), "type" => "editor"), "custom_tab_title2" => array("name" => "custom_tab_title2", "title" => __("Custom Tab Title 2", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Input the custom tab title.", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "custom_tab_content2" => array("name" => "custom_tab_content2", "title" => __("Custom Tab Content 2", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Input the custom tab content.", 'porto'), "type" => "editor"));
    // Category Meta Boxes
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    // Sidebar
    $product_cat_meta_boxes['sidebar']['default'] = 'woo-category-sidebar';
    // Columns
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_after('sidebar', $product_cat_meta_boxes, "product_cols", array("name" => "product_cols", "title" => __("Product Columns", 'porto'), "type" => "select", "options" => $product_columns));
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_after('product_cols', $product_cat_meta_boxes, "addlinks_pos", array("name" => "addlinks_pos", "title" => __("Add Links Position", 'porto'), "desc" => __('Select position of add to cart, add to wishlist, quickview.', 'porto'), "type" => "select", "options" => $addlinks_pos));
    // Category Image
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_after('content_inner_bottom', $product_cat_meta_boxes, "category_image", array("name" => "category_image", "title" => __("Category Image", 'porto'), "type" => "upload"));
    if (isset($porto_settings['show-category-skin']) && $porto_settings['show-category-skin']) {
        $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_merge($product_cat_meta_boxes, porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes());
예제 #2
function porto_portfolio_get_postdata()
    global $porto_settings, $portfolio_meta_boxes, $portfolio_view_meta_boxes, $portfolio_skin_meta_boxes, $portfolio_cat_meta_boxes;
    // Slideshow Types
    $slideshow_types = array("images" => __("Images", 'porto'), "video" => __("Video & Audio", 'porto'), "none" => __("None", 'porto'));
    // Portfolio View Meta Boxes
    $portfolio_view_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    // Layout
    $portfolio_view_meta_boxes['layout']['default'] = 'fullwidth';
    // Sidebar
    $portfolio_view_meta_boxes['sidebar']['default'] = 'portfolio-sidebar';
    // Portfolio Skin Meta Boxes
    $portfolio_skin_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes();
    // Portfolio Meta Boxes
    $portfolio_meta_boxes = array("slideshow_type" => array("name" => "slideshow_type", "title" => __("Slideshow Type", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Select the slideshow type.", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "default" => "images", "options" => $slideshow_types), "video_code" => array("name" => "video_code", "title" => __("Video & Audio Embed Code", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Paste the iframe code of the Flash (YouTube or Vimeo etc). Only necessary when the portfolio type is video.", 'porto'), "type" => "textarea"), "portfolio_link" => array("name" => "portfolio_link", "title" => __("Portfolio Link", 'porto'), "desc" => __("External Link for the Portfolio which adds a <strong>Live Preview</strong> button with the link. Leave blank for post URL.", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "portfolio_client" => array("name" => "portfolio_client", "title" => __("Client Name", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "portfolio_layout" => array("name" => "portfolio_layout", "title" => __("Portfolio Layout", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Select the portfolio layout.", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "default" => "default", "options" => array_merge(array("default" => __("Default", 'porto')), porto_ct_portfolio_single_layouts())), "like_count" => array("name" => "like_count", "title" => __("Like Count", 'porto'), "type" => "text", "default" => __('0', 'porto')));
    // Category Meta Boxes
    $portfolio_cat_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    // Sidebar
    $portfolio_cat_meta_boxes['sidebar']['default'] = 'portfolio-sidebar';
    // Portfolio Options
    $portfolio_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_before('breadcrumbs', $portfolio_cat_meta_boxes, "portfolio_options", array("name" => "portfolio_options", "title" => __("Portfolio Options", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Use selected portfolio options. (<strong>Infinite Scroll, Portfolio Layout, Grid Columns, Grid View Type</strong>)", 'porto'), "type" => "checkbox"));
    // Infinite Scroll
    $portfolio_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_before('breadcrumbs', $portfolio_cat_meta_boxes, "portfolio_infinite", array("name" => "portfolio_infinite", "title" => __("Infinite Scroll", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Disable infinite scroll.", 'porto'), "type" => "checkbox"));
    // Portfolio Layout
    $portfolio_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_before('breadcrumbs', $portfolio_cat_meta_boxes, "portfolio_layout", array("name" => "portfolio_layout", "title" => __("Portfolio Layout", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Select the portfolio layout.", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "default" => "grid", "options" => porto_ct_portfolio_archive_layouts()));
    // Portfolio Grid Columns
    $portfolio_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_before('breadcrumbs', $portfolio_cat_meta_boxes, "portfolio_grid_columns", array("name" => "portfolio_grid_columns", "title" => __("Grid Columns", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Select the portfolio columns in <strong>grid layout</strong>.", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "default" => "4", "options" => array("2" => __("2 Columns", 'porto'), "3" => __("3 Columns", 'porto'), "4" => __("4 Columns", 'porto'), "5" => __("5 Columns", 'porto'), "6" => __("6 Columns", 'porto'))));
    // Portfolio Grid View
    $portfolio_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_before('breadcrumbs', $portfolio_cat_meta_boxes, "portfolio_grid_view", array("name" => "portfolio_grid_view", "title" => __("Grid View Type", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Select the portfolio view type in <strong>grid layout</strong>.", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "default" => "default", "options" => array("default" => __("Default", 'porto'), "full" => __("Full Width", 'porto'))));
    if (isset($porto_settings['show-category-skin']) && $porto_settings['show-category-skin']) {
        $portfolio_cat_meta_boxes = array_merge($portfolio_cat_meta_boxes, porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes());
예제 #3
function porto_post_get_postdata()
    global $porto_settings, $post_meta_boxes, $post_view_meta_boxes, $post_skin_meta_boxes, $category_meta_boxes;
    // Slideshow Types
    $slideshow_types = array("images" => __("Images", 'porto'), "video" => __("Video & Audio", 'porto'), "none" => __("None", 'porto'));
    // Post View Meta Boxes
    $post_view_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    // Layout
    $post_view_meta_boxes['layout']['default'] = 'right-sidebar';
    // Sidebar
    $post_view_meta_boxes['sidebar']['default'] = 'blog-sidebar';
    // Post Skin Meta Boxes
    $post_skin_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes();
    // Post Meta Boxes
    $post_meta_boxes = array("slideshow_type" => array("name" => "slideshow_type", "title" => __("Slideshow Type", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Select the slideshow type.", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "default" => "images", "options" => $slideshow_types), "video_code" => array("name" => "video_code", "title" => __("Video & Audio Embed Code", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Paste the iframe code of the Flash (YouTube or Vimeo etc). Only necessary when the portfolio type is video.", 'porto'), "type" => "textarea"), "external_url" => array("name" => "external_url", "title" => __("External URL", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Input website url if post format is link.", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "post_layout" => array("name" => "post_layout", "title" => __("Post Layout", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Select the post layout.", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "default" => "default", "options" => array_merge(array("default" => __("Default", 'porto')), porto_ct_post_single_layouts())));
    // Category Meta Boxes
    $category_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    // Post Options
    $category_meta_boxes = array_insert_before('breadcrumbs', $category_meta_boxes, "post_options", array("name" => "post_options", "title" => __("Post Options", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Use selected post options. (<strong>Infinite Scroll, Post Layout, Grid Columns</strong>)", 'porto'), "type" => "checkbox"));
    // Infinite Scroll
    $category_meta_boxes = array_insert_before('breadcrumbs', $category_meta_boxes, "post_infinite", array("name" => "post_infinite", "title" => __("Infinite Scroll", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Disable infinite scroll.", 'porto'), "type" => "checkbox"));
    // Post Layout
    $category_meta_boxes = array_insert_before('breadcrumbs', $category_meta_boxes, "post_layout", array("name" => "post_layout", "title" => __("Post Layout", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Select the post layout.", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "default" => "large", "options" => porto_ct_post_archive_layouts()));
    // Post Grid Columns
    $category_meta_boxes = array_insert_before('breadcrumbs', $category_meta_boxes, "post_grid_columns", array("name" => "post_grid_columns", "title" => __("Grid Columns", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Select the post columns in <strong>grid layout</strong>.", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "default" => "3", "options" => array("2" => __("2 Columns", 'porto'), "3" => __("3 Columns", 'porto'), "4" => __("4 Columns", 'porto'))));
    if (isset($porto_settings['show-category-skin']) && $porto_settings['show-category-skin']) {
        $category_meta_boxes = array_merge($category_meta_boxes, porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes());
예제 #4
function porto_member_get_postdata()
    global $porto_settings, $member_meta_boxes, $member_view_meta_boxes, $member_skin_meta_boxes, $member_cat_meta_boxes;
    // Slideshow Types
    $slideshow_types = array("images" => __("Images", 'porto'), "video" => __("Video & Audio", 'porto'), "none" => __("None", 'porto'));
    // Member View Meta Boxes
    $member_view_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    // Layout
    $member_view_meta_boxes['layout']['default'] = 'fullwidth';
    // Sidebar
    $member_view_meta_boxes['sidebar']['default'] = 'member-sidebar';
    // Member Skin Meta Boxes
    $member_skin_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes();
    // Member Meta Boxes
    $member_meta_boxes = array("member_firstname" => array("name" => "member_firstname", "title" => __("First Name", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "member_lastname" => array("name" => "member_lastname", "title" => __("Last Name", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "member_role" => array("name" => "member_role", "title" => __("Role", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "member_overview" => array("name" => "member_overview", "title" => __("Overview", 'porto'), "type" => "editor"), "member_portfolios" => array("name" => "member_portfolios", "title" => __("Portfolio IDs", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Comma separated list of portfolio ids.", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "member_products" => array("name" => "member_products", "title" => __("Product IDs", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Comma separated list of product ids.", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "slideshow_type" => array("name" => "slideshow_type", "title" => __("Slideshow Type", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Select the slideshow type.", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "default" => "images", "options" => $slideshow_types), "video_code" => array("name" => "video_code", "title" => __("Video & Audio Embed Code", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Paste the iframe code of the Flash (YouTube or Vimeo etc). Only necessary when the member type is video.", 'porto'), "type" => "textarea"), "member_link" => array("name" => "member_link", "title" => __("Member Link", 'porto'), "desc" => __("External Link for the Member which adds a visit site button with the link. Leave blank for post URL.", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "member_facebook" => array("name" => "member_facebook", "title" => __("Facebook", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "member_twitter" => array("name" => "member_twitter", "title" => __("Twitter", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "member_linkedin" => array("name" => "member_linkedin", "title" => __("LinkedIn", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "member_googleplus" => array("name" => "member_googleplus", "title" => __("Google +", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "member_pinterest" => array("name" => "member_pinterest", "title" => __("Pinterest", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "member_email" => array("name" => "member_email", "title" => __("Email", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "member_vk" => array("name" => "member_vk", "title" => __("VK", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "member_xing" => array("name" => "member_xing", "title" => __("Xing", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "member_tumblr" => array("name" => "member_tumblr", "title" => __("Tumblr", 'porto'), "type" => "text"), "member_reddit" => array("name" => "member_reddit", "title" => __("Reddit", 'porto'), "type" => "text"));
    // Category Meta Boxes
    $member_cat_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    // Sidebar
    $member_cat_meta_boxes['sidebar']['default'] = 'member-sidebar';
    // Member Options
    $member_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_before('breadcrumbs', $member_cat_meta_boxes, "member_options", array("name" => "member_options", "title" => __("Member Options", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Use selected member options. (<strong>Infinite Scroll</strong>)", 'porto'), "type" => "checkbox"));
    // Infinite Scroll
    $member_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_before('breadcrumbs', $member_cat_meta_boxes, "member_infinite", array("name" => "member_infinite", "title" => __("Infinite Scroll", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Disable infinite scroll.", 'porto'), "type" => "checkbox"));
    if (isset($porto_settings['show-category-skin']) && $porto_settings['show-category-skin']) {
        $member_cat_meta_boxes = array_merge($member_cat_meta_boxes, porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes());
예제 #5
function porto_page_get_postdata()
    global $page_view_meta_boxes, $page_skin_meta_boxes;
    // Page Meta Boxes
    $page_view_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    $page_skin_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes();
    // Layout
    $page_view_meta_boxes['layout']['default'] = 'fullwidth';
예제 #6
파일: page.php 프로젝트: booklein/wpbookle
function porto_page_get_postdata()
    global $page_meta_boxes, $page_view_meta_boxes, $page_skin_meta_boxes;
    // Page Meta Boxes
    $page_view_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    $page_skin_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes();
    // Page Meta Boxes
    $page_meta_boxes = array("page_share" => array("name" => "page_share", "title" => __("Share", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "default" => "", "options" => array_merge(porto_ct_share_options())));
    // Layout
    $page_view_meta_boxes['layout']['default'] = 'fullwidth';
예제 #7
function porto_page_get_postdata()
    global $page_view_meta_boxes, $page_skin_meta_boxes;
    // Page Meta Boxes
    $page_view_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    $page_skin_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes();
    // Layout
    $page_view_meta_boxes['layout']['default'] = 'fullwidth';
    // Get menus
    $menus = wp_get_nav_menus(array('orderby' => 'name'));
    $menu_options = array();
    if (!empty($menus)) {
        foreach ($menus as $menu) {
            $menu_options[$menu->term_id] = $menu->name;
    // Select main menu
    $page_view_meta_boxes = array_insert_before('default', $page_view_meta_boxes, "main_menu", array("name" => "main_menu", "title" => __("Main Menu", 'porto'), "desc" => __("Select the main menu you would like to display.", 'porto'), "type" => "select", "default" => "", "options" => $menu_options));
예제 #8
function porto_product_get_postdata()
    global $porto_settings, $product_meta_boxes, $product_view_meta_boxes, $product_skin_meta_boxes, $product_cat_meta_boxes;
    $view_mode = porto_ct_category_view_mode();
    $product_columns = porto_ct_product_columns();
    $addlinks_pos = porto_ct_category_addlinks_pos();
    // Product View Meta Boxes
    $product_view_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    // Sidebar
    $product_view_meta_boxes['sidebar']['default'] = 'woo-product-sidebar';
    // Product Skin Meta Boxes
    $product_skin_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes();
    $custom_tabs_count = isset($porto_settings['product-custom-tabs-count']) ? $porto_settings['product-custom-tabs-count'] : '2';
    $custom_tabs = array();
    if ($custom_tabs_count) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $custom_tabs_count; $i++) {
            $index = $i + 1;
            // Custom Tab Title
            $custom_tabs['custom_tab_title' . $index] = array("name" => "custom_tab_title" . $index, "title" => sprintf(__('Custom Tab Title %d', 'porto'), $index), "desc" => __("Input the custom tab title.", 'porto'), "type" => "text");
            // Content Tab Content
            $custom_tabs['custom_tab_content' . $index] = array("name" => "custom_tab_content" . $index, "title" => sprintf(__('Custom Tab Content %d', 'porto'), $index), "desc" => __("Input the custom tab content.", 'porto'), "type" => "editor");
    // Product Meta Boxes
    $product_meta_boxes = array_merge($custom_tabs, array("product_share" => array("name" => "product_share", "title" => __("Share", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "default" => "", "options" => array_merge(porto_ct_share_options())), "product_more_link" => array("name" => "product_more_link", "title" => __("Read More Link in Catalog Mode", 'porto'), "type" => "text")));
    // Category Meta Boxes
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = porto_ct_default_meta_view_boxes();
    // Sidebar
    $product_cat_meta_boxes['sidebar']['default'] = 'woo-category-sidebar';
    // View Mode
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_after('sidebar', $product_cat_meta_boxes, "view_mode", array("name" => "view_mode", "title" => __("View Mode", 'porto'), "type" => "radio", "options" => $view_mode));
    // Columns
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_after('view_mode', $product_cat_meta_boxes, "product_cols", array("name" => "product_cols", "title" => __("Product Columns", 'porto'), "type" => "select", "options" => $product_columns));
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_after('product_cols', $product_cat_meta_boxes, "addlinks_pos", array("name" => "addlinks_pos", "title" => __("Add Links Position", 'porto'), "desc" => __('Select position of add to cart, add to wishlist, quickview.', 'porto'), "type" => "select", "options" => $addlinks_pos));
    // Category Image
    $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_insert_after('addlinks_pos', $product_cat_meta_boxes, "category_image", array("name" => "category_image", "title" => __("Category Image", 'porto'), "type" => "upload"));
    if (isset($porto_settings['show-category-skin']) && $porto_settings['show-category-skin']) {
        $product_cat_meta_boxes = array_merge($product_cat_meta_boxes, porto_ct_default_meta_skin_boxes());