/** * Parses query string from current request * * @since 0.0.3 * * @return array */ private static function query_string() { $query = pods_v_sanitized('QUERY_STRING', $_SERVER); if ($query) { return wp_parse_args($query); } }
/** * */ function pods_deploy_handler() { if (pods_v_sanitized('pods-deploy-submit', 'post')) { if (!pods_deploy_dependency_check()) { return; } $remote_url = pods_v_sanitized('remote-url', 'post', false, true); $private_key = pods_v_sanitized('private-key', 'post'); $public_key = pods_v_sanitized('public-key', 'post'); if ($remote_url && $private_key && $public_key) { Pods_Deploy_Auth::save_local_keys($private_key, $public_key); pods_deploy($remote_url, $private_key, $public_key); } else { _e('Keys and URL for remote site not set', 'pods-deploy'); pods_error(var_dump(array($remote_url, $private_key, $public_key))); } } elseif (pods_v_sanitized('pods-deploy-key-gen-submit', 'post')) { $activate = pods_v_sanitized('allow-deploy', 'post'); if ($activate) { Pods_Deploy_Auth::allow_deploy(); Pods_Deploy_Auth::generate_keys(); include 'ui/main.php'; } else { Pods_Deploy_Auth::revoke_keys(); } include_once 'ui/main.php'; } else { include_once 'ui/main.php'; } }
/** * Build a unique slug * * @param string $slug The slug value * @param string $column_name The column name * @param string|array $pod The Pod name or array of Pod data * @param int $pod_id The Pod ID * @param int $id The item ID * @param object $obj (optional) * * @return string The unique slug name * @since 1.7.2 */ function pods_unique_slug($slug, $column_name, $pod, $pod_id = 0, $id = 0, $obj = null, $strict = true) { $slug = pods_create_slug($slug, $strict); $pod_data = array(); if (is_array($pod)) { $pod_data = $pod; $pod_id = pods_v_sanitized('id', $pod_data, 0); $pod = pods_v_sanitized('name', $pod_data); } $pod_id = absint($pod_id); $id = absint($id); if (empty($pod_data)) { $pod_data = pods_api()->load_pod(array('id' => $pod_id, 'name' => $pod), false); } if (empty($pod_data) || empty($pod_id) || empty($pod)) { return $slug; } if ('table' != $pod_data['storage'] || !in_array($pod_data['type'], array('pod', 'table'))) { return $slug; } $check_sql = "\n SELECT DISTINCT `t`.`{$column_name}` AS `slug`\n FROM `@wp_pods_{$pod}` AS `t`\n WHERE `t`.`{$column_name}` = %s AND `t`.`id` != %d\n LIMIT 1\n "; $slug_check = pods_query(array($check_sql, $slug, $id), $obj); if (!empty($slug_check) || apply_filters('pods_unique_slug_is_bad_flat_slug', false, $slug, $column_name, $pod, $pod_id, $id, $pod_data, $obj)) { $suffix = 2; do { $alt_slug = substr($slug, 0, 200 - (strlen($suffix) + 1)) . "-{$suffix}"; $slug_check = pods_query(array($check_sql, $alt_slug, $id), $obj); $suffix++; } while (!empty($slug_check) || apply_filters('pods_unique_slug_is_bad_flat_slug', false, $alt_slug, $column_name, $pod, $pod_id, $id, $pod_data, $obj)); $slug = $alt_slug; } $slug = apply_filters('pods_unique_slug', $slug, $id, $column_name, $pod, $pod_id, $obj); return $slug; }
<?php /** * The template for displaying a single video page. * * Template Name: Single Video */ $video = pods('video', pods_v_sanitized('last', 'url')); $otherVideos = pods('video', ['where' => 'id != ' . $video->id()]); $speaker = $video->field('video-speaker'); add_post_meta($video->id, 'description', $video->field('video-description')); get_header(); ?> <div class="hero-wrapper dark"> <div class="single-video-section row"> <div class="embed-container large-10 large-centered columns"> <iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/<?php echo $video->field('video-id'); ?> ?autoplay=0&controls=2&iv_load_policy=1&modestbranding=0&rel=0&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div id="primary" class="content-area"> <div id="content" class="site-content" role="main"> <div class="video-info row"> <div class="video-description large-8 columns"> <h2 class="video-speaker"><?php echo get_the_title($speaker['ID']); ?> </h2>
/** * Prepare data to be saved * * @param array $data */ protected function prepare_data($data) { $details = pods_v_sanitized('details', $data, [], true); $this->data = ['datetime' => current_time('mysql'), 'license' => $this->get_license_id($data['license']), 'url' => pods_v_sanitized('url', $data, null), 'wp_ver' => pods_v_sanitized('wp_version', $details, 0), 'ingot_ver' => pods_v_sanitized('ingot_version', $details, 0), 'php_ver' => pods_v_sanitized('php_version', $details, 0), 'vertical' => pods_v_sanitized('ing_vertical', $details, 0), 'trial' => boolval(pods_v('trial', $data, false, true))]; }
?> <li> <div class="pods-field pods-boolean"> <?php echo PodsForm::field('built_in_taxonomies_' . $taxonomy, pods_var_raw('built_in_taxonomies_' . $taxonomy, $pod, false), 'boolean', array('boolean_yes_label' => $label . ' <small>(' . $taxonomy . ')</small>')); ?> </div> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <?php } elseif ('taxonomy' == pods_v_sanitized('type', $pod) && strlen(pods_v_sanitized('object', $pod)) < 1) { $fields = $tab_options['advanced']; $field_options = PodsForm::fields_setup($fields); $field = $pod; include PODS_DIR . 'ui/admin/field-option.php'; ?> <div class="pods-field-option-group"> <p class="pods-field-option-group-label"> <?php _e('Associated Post Types', 'pods'); ?> </p> <div class="pods-pick-values pods-pick-checkbox"> <ul> <?php
/** * Include main UI view and add scope data into it. * * @since 0.4.0 * * @return bool|string */ function include_view() { $keys = Pods_Deploy_Auth::get_keys(true); $public_remote = pods_v_sanitized('public', $keys, ''); $private_remote = pods_v_sanitized('private', $keys, ''); $deploy_active = Pods_Deploy_Auth::deploy_active(); wp_enqueue_style('pods-wizard'); if ($deploy_active) { $key_gen_submit = __('Disable Deployments', 'pods-deploy'); $key_gen_header = __('Click to revoke keys and prevent deployments to this site.', 'pods-deploy'); } else { $key_gen_submit = __('Allow Deployments', 'pods-deploy'); $key_gen_header = __('Click to generate new keys and allow deployments to this site', 'pods-deploy'); } $form_fields = $this->form_fields(); $data = compact(array('keys', 'public_local', 'private_local', 'public_remote', 'private_remote', 'deploy_active', 'key_gen_submit', 'key_gen_header', 'form_fields')); return pods_view(PODS_DEPLOY_DIR . 'ui/main.php', $data); }
* It requires a Pods Page set up for each Advanced Content type with the name "name_of_Pod/" * * @see http://pods.io/tutorials/choosing-pods-advanced-content-types-and-pods-pages/ * @see http://pods.io/tutorials/using-pods-pages-advanced-content-types/ * * @package pods_s */ get_header(); ?> <div id="primary" class="content-area"> <div id="content" class="site-content" role="main"> <?php //setup Pod object presuming permalink structure of example.com/pod-name/item-name //get current pod name $pod_name = pods_v_sanitized(0, 'url'); //set up parameters for Pods object $params = array('limit' => get_option('posts_per_page', 10)); //get pods object $pods = pods($pod_name, $params); ?> <article> <?php if ($pods->total() > 0) { while ($pods->fetch()) { //reset id $pods->id = $pods->id(); //Output template of the same name as Pod, if such a template exists. $temp = $pods->template($pod_name); if (!is_null($temp)) { echo $temp;
<!-- /#side-sortables --> </div> <!-- /#side-info-column --> <div id="post-body"> <div id="post-body-content"> <?php $more = false; if ($pod->pod_data['field_index'] != $pod->pod_data['field_id']) { foreach ($fields as $k => $field) { if ($pod->pod_data['field_index'] != $field['name'] || 'text' != $field['type']) { continue; } $more = true; $extra = ''; $max_length = (int) pods_v_sanitized('maxlength', $field['options'], pods_v_sanitized($field['type'] . '_max_length', $field['options'], 0), true); if (0 < $max_length) { $extra .= ' maxlength="' . $max_length . '"'; } ?> <div id="titlediv"> <div id="titlewrap"> <h3><?php echo esc_html($pod->index()); ?> </h3> </div> <!-- /#titlewrap --> </div> <!-- /#titlediv --> <?php
<?php /** * The template for displaying the videos listing page. * * Template Name: Videos Page */ // Get category from URL $category = pods_v_sanitized(1, 'url'); $params = ['limit' => '0']; if ($category) { $params['where'] = 'category.slug LIKE "' . $category . '"'; } $videos = pods('video', $params); get_header(); ?> <div class="hero-wrapper"> <div class="video-filters-wrapper row"> <nav class="video-filters large-12 columns"> <?php wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'video-menu', 'menu_id' => 'video-menu')); ?> </nav> </div> </div> <div id="primary" class="content-area"> <div id="content" class="site-main" role="main"> <div class="video-thumbs-wrapper row"> <div class="video-thumbs large-12 columns"> <h1><?php echo the_title();
<?php /** * Simple Example */ // get value from input to a form $keyword = like_escape(pods_v_sanitized('keyword', 'post')); // set up find parameters, where meta field title matches $keyword $params = array('where' => 't.post_title LIKE "%' . $keyword . '%" OR my_field.meta_value = "%' . $keyword . '%"'); //search in articles pod $pod = pods('articles', $params); //loop through results if (0 < $pods->total()) { while ($pods->fetch()) { echo $pods->display('issue'); } } /** * Adding to where clause conditonally */ //set a complete where clause using value from a variable. $where = 't.user = "******"'; //Add an AND, using a variable, if that variable isn't false if ($status) { $where .= ' AND t.status = "' . $status . '"'; } $params = array('where', $where, 'limit' => 1); //use with pods() $pods = pods('pod_name', $params);
<?php $keys = Pods_Deploy_Auth::get_keys(false); $public_local = pods_v_sanitized('public', $keys, ''); $private_local = pods_v_sanitized('private', $keys, ''); $keys = Pods_Deploy_Auth::get_keys(true); $public_remote = pods_v_sanitized('public', $keys, ''); $private_remote = pods_v_sanitized('private', $keys, ''); $deploy_active = Pods_Deploy_Auth::deploy_active(); if ($deploy_active) { $key_gen_submit = __('Disable Deployments', 'pods-deploy'); $key_gen_header = __('Click to revoke keys and prevent deployments to this site.', 'pods-deploy'); } else { $key_gen_submit = __('Allow Deployments', 'pods-deploy'); $key_gen_header = __('Click to generate new keys and allow deployments to this site', 'pods-deploy'); } ?> <div class="wrap pods-admin"> <form action="" method="post"> <div id="icon-pods" class="icon32"><br /></div> <?php $default = 'deploy'; $tabs = array('deploy' => __('Deploy From This Site', 'pods-deploy'), 'key-gen' => __('Allow Deploying To This Site', 'pods-deploy')); ?> <h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper"> <?php foreach ($tabs as $tab => $label) { $class = '';