예제 #1
  * Add or edit a single pod item
  * $params['datatype'] string The datatype name
  * $params['columns'] array (optional) Associative array of column names + values
  * $params['data'] array (optional) Associative array of a set of associative arrays of column names + values (for bulk operations)
  * $params['pod_id'] int The item's ID from the wp_pod table (or alternatively use the tbl_row_id parameter instead)
  * $params['tbl_row_id'] int The item's ID from the wp_pod_tbl_* table (or alternatively use the pod_id parameter instead)
  * @param array $params An associative array of parameters
  * @return int The table row ID
  * @since 1.7.9
 function save_pod_item($params)
     if (defined('PODS_STRICT_MODE') && PODS_STRICT_MODE) {
         $params = pods_sanitize($params);
     $params = (object) str_replace('@wp_', '{prefix}', $params);
     // Support for multiple save_pod_item operations at the same time
     if (isset($params->data) && !empty($params->data) && is_array($params->data)) {
         $ids = array();
         $new_params = $params;
         foreach ($params->data as $columns) {
             $new_params->columns = $columns;
             $ids[] = $this->save_pod_item($new_params);
         return $ids;
     // Support for bulk edit
     if (isset($params->tbl_row_id) && !empty($params->tbl_row_id) && is_array($params->tbl_row_id)) {
         $ids = array();
         $new_params = $params;
         foreach ($params->tbl_row_id as $tbl_row_id) {
             $new_params->tbl_row_id = $tbl_row_id;
             $ids[] = $this->save_pod_item($new_params);
         return $ids;
     // Allow Helpers to bypass subsequent helpers in recursive save_pod_item calls
     $bypass_helpers = false;
     if (isset($params->bypass_helpers) && false !== $params->bypass_helpers) {
         $bypass_helpers = true;
     // Get array of datatypes
     $datatypes = $this->get_table_data(array('array_key' => 'name', 'columns' => 'id, name'));
     $params->datatype_id = (int) $datatypes[$params->datatype]['id'];
     // Get the datatype fields
     $opts = array('table' => 'fields', 'where' => "datatype = {$params->datatype_id}", 'orderby' => 'weight', 'array_key' => 'name');
     $columns = $this->get_table_data($opts);
     // Find the active columns (loop through $params->columns to retain order)
     if (!empty($params->columns) && is_array($params->columns)) {
         foreach ($params->columns as $column_name => $column_val) {
             // Support for Pre Key/Value Parameters in previous Pods versions
             if (isset($params->name) && isset($params->{$column_val})) {
                 $column_name = $column_val;
                 $column_val = $params->{$column_name};
             if (isset($columns[$column_name])) {
                 $columns[$column_name]['value'] = $column_val;
                 $active_columns[] = $column_name;
     // Load all helpers
     $result = pod_query("SELECT pre_save_helpers, post_save_helpers FROM @wp_pod_types WHERE id = {$params->datatype_id}");
     $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
     $params->pre_save_helpers = explode(',', $row['pre_save_helpers']);
     $params->post_save_helpers = explode(',', $row['post_save_helpers']);
     // Allow Helpers to know what's going on, are we adding or saving?
     $is_new_item = false;
     if (!empty($params->tbl_row_id)) {
         $result = pod_query("SELECT p.id FROM @wp_pod p INNER JOIN @wp_pod_types t ON t.id = p.datatype WHERE p.tbl_row_id = {$params->tbl_row_id} AND t.name = '{$params->datatype}' LIMIT 1", 'Pod item not found', null, 'Pod item not found');
         $params->pod_id = mysql_result($result, 0);
     } elseif (!empty($params->pod_id)) {
         $result = pod_query("SELECT tbl_row_id FROM @wp_pod WHERE id = {$params->pod_id} LIMIT 1", 'Item not found', null, 'Item not found');
         $params->tbl_row_id = mysql_result($result, 0);
     } else {
         $is_new_item = true;
     // Plugin hook
     do_action('pods_pre_save_pod_item', $params, $columns);
     // Call any pre-save helpers (if not bypassed)
     if (!$bypass_helpers && !empty($params->pre_save_helpers)) {
         foreach ($params->pre_save_helpers as $helper) {
             $function_or_file = $helper;
             $check_function = $function_or_file;
             if ((!defined('PODS_STRICT_MODE') || !PODS_STRICT_MODE) && (!defined('PODS_HELPER_FUNCTIONS') || !PODS_HELPER_FUNCTIONS)) {
                 $check_function = false;
             $check_file = null;
             if ((!defined('PODS_STRICT_MODE') || !PODS_STRICT_MODE) && (!defined('PODS_HELPER_FILES') || !PODS_HELPER_FILES)) {
                 $check_file = false;
             if (false !== $check_function && false !== $check_file) {
                 $function_or_file = pods_function_or_file($function_or_file, $check_function, 'helper', $check_file);
             } else {
                 $function_or_file = false;
             $content = false;
             if (!$function_or_file) {
                 $api = new PodAPI();
                 $params_helper = array('name' => $helper, 'type' => 'pre_save');
                 if (!defined('PODS_STRICT_MODE') || !PODS_STRICT_MODE) {
                     $params_helper = pods_sanitize($params_helper);
                 $content = $api->load_helper($params_helper);
                 if (false !== $content && 0 < strlen(trim($content['phpcode']))) {
                     $content = $content['phpcode'];
                 } else {
                     $content = false;
             if (false === $content && false !== $function_or_file && isset($function_or_file['function'])) {
                 $function_or_file['function']($params, $columns, $this);
             } elseif (false === $content && false !== $function_or_file && isset($function_or_file['file'])) {
                 locate_template($function_or_file['file'], true, true);
             } elseif (false !== $content) {
                 if (!defined('PODS_DISABLE_EVAL') || PODS_DISABLE_EVAL) {
                 } else {
                     echo $content;
     // Loop through each active column, validating and preparing the table data
     foreach ($active_columns as $key) {
         $val = $columns[$key]['value'];
         $type = $columns[$key]['coltype'];
         $label = $columns[$key]['label'];
         $label = empty($label) ? $key : $label;
         // Verify required fields
         if (1 == $columns[$key]['required']) {
             if ('' == $val || null == $val) {
                 return $this->oh_snap("<e>{$label} is empty.");
             } elseif ('num' == $type && !is_numeric($val)) {
                 return $this->oh_snap("<e>{$label} is not numeric.");
         // Verify unique fields
         if (1 == $columns[$key]['unique'] && !in_array($type, array('pick', 'file'))) {
             $exclude = '';
             if (!empty($params->pod_id)) {
                 $result = pod_query("SELECT tbl_row_id FROM @wp_pod WHERE id = '{$params->pod_id}' AND datatype = '{$params->datatype_id}' LIMIT 1");
                 if (0 < mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                     $exclude = 'AND id != ' . mysql_result($result, 0);
             // Trigger an error if not unique
             $sql = "SELECT id FROM `@wp_pod_tbl_{$params->datatype}` WHERE `{$key}` = '{$val}' {$exclude} LIMIT 1";
             pod_query($sql, 'Not unique', "{$label} needs to be unique.");
         // Verify slug columns
         if ('slug' == $type) {
             $slug_val = empty($val) ? $columns['name']['value'] : $val;
             $val = pods_unique_slug($slug_val, $key, $params);
         // Prepare all table (non-relational) data
         if (!in_array($type, array('pick', 'file'))) {
             if ('num' == $type) {
                 $val = floatval($val);
             } elseif ('bool' == $type) {
                 $val = min(absint($val), 1);
             if ('num' != $type) {
                 $val = "'{$val}'";
             $table_data[] = "`{$key}` = {$val}";
         } else {
             $rel_columns[$type][$key] = $val;
     // Create the pod_id if it doesn't exist
     if (empty($params->pod_id) && empty($params->tbl_row_id)) {
         $current_time = current_time('mysql');
         $user = 0;
         if (is_user_logged_in()) {
             global $user_ID;
             $user = $user_ID;
         $name = $params->datatype;
         if (isset($params->name)) {
             $name = $params->name;
         if (isset($params->columns) && is_array($params->columns) && isset($params->columns['name'])) {
             $name = $params->columns['name'];
         $sql = "INSERT INTO @wp_pod (datatype, name, created, modified, author_id) VALUES ('{$params->datatype_id}', '{$name}', '{$current_time}', '{$current_time}', '{$user}')";
         $params->pod_id = pod_query($sql, 'Cannot add new content');
         $params->tbl_row_id = pod_query("INSERT INTO `@wp_pod_tbl_{$params->datatype}` (name) VALUES (NULL)", 'Cannot add new table row');
     // Save the table row
     if (isset($table_data)) {
         $table_data = implode(',', $table_data);
         pod_query("UPDATE `@wp_pod_tbl_{$params->datatype}` SET {$table_data} WHERE id = {$params->tbl_row_id} LIMIT 1");
     // Update wp_pod
     $item_name = isset($columns['name']['value']) ? ", name = '" . $columns['name']['value'] . "'" : '';
     pod_query("UPDATE @wp_pod SET tbl_row_id = {$params->tbl_row_id}, datatype = {$params->datatype_id}, modified = '" . current_time('mysql') . "' {$item_name} WHERE id = {$params->pod_id} LIMIT 1");
     // Save relational column data
     if (isset($rel_columns)) {
         // E.g. $rel_columns['pick']['related_events'] = '3,15';
         foreach ($rel_columns as $rel_type => $rel_data) {
             foreach ($rel_data as $rel_name => $rel_values) {
                 $field_id = $columns[$rel_name]['id'];
                 // Convert values from a comma-separated string into an array
                 if (empty($rel_values)) {
                     $rel_values = array();
                 } elseif (!is_array($rel_values)) {
                     $rel_values = explode(',', $rel_values);
                 // Remove existing relationships
                 pod_query("DELETE FROM @wp_pod_rel WHERE pod_id = {$params->pod_id} AND field_id = {$field_id}");
                 // File relationships
                 if ('file' == $rel_type) {
                     $rel_weight = 0;
                     foreach ($rel_values as $related_id) {
                         $related_id = absint($related_id);
                         if (empty($related_id)) {
                         pod_query("INSERT INTO @wp_pod_rel (pod_id, field_id, tbl_row_id, weight) VALUES ({$params->pod_id}, {$field_id}, {$related_id}, {$rel_weight})");
                 } elseif ('pick' == $rel_type) {
                     $pickval = $columns[$rel_name]['pickval'];
                     $sister_datatype_id = 0;
                     $sister_field_id = 0;
                     if (!in_array($pickval, array('wp_taxonomy', 'wp_post', 'wp_page', 'wp_user')) && isset($datatypes[$pickval])) {
                         $sister_datatype_id = $datatypes[$pickval]['id'];
                         if (!empty($columns[$rel_name]['sister_field_id'])) {
                             $sister_field_id = $columns[$rel_name]['sister_field_id'];
                     $sister_pod_ids = array();
                     // Delete parent and sister rels
                     if (!empty($sister_field_id)) {
                         // Get sister pod IDs (a sister pod's sister pod is the parent pod)
                         $result = pod_query("SELECT pod_id FROM @wp_pod_rel WHERE sister_pod_id = {$params->pod_id}");
                         if (0 < mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                             while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                                 $sister_pod_ids[] = $row['pod_id'];
                             $sister_pod_ids = implode(',', $sister_pod_ids);
                             // Delete the sister pod relationship
                             pod_query("DELETE FROM @wp_pod_rel WHERE pod_id IN ({$sister_pod_ids}) AND sister_pod_id = {$params->pod_id} AND field_id = {$sister_field_id}");
                     // Add rel values
                     $rel_weight = 0;
                     foreach ($rel_values as $related_id) {
                         $related_id = absint($related_id);
                         if (empty($related_id)) {
                         $sister_pod_id = 0;
                         if (!empty($sister_field_id) && !empty($sister_datatype_id)) {
                             $result = pod_query("SELECT id FROM @wp_pod WHERE datatype = {$sister_datatype_id} AND tbl_row_id = {$related_id} LIMIT 1");
                             if (0 < mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                                 $sister_pod_id = mysql_result($result, 0);
                                 pod_query("INSERT INTO @wp_pod_rel (pod_id, sister_pod_id, field_id, tbl_row_id, weight) VALUES ({$sister_pod_id}, {$params->pod_id}, {$sister_field_id}, {$params->tbl_row_id}, {$rel_weight})", 'Cannot add sister relationships');
                         pod_query("INSERT INTO @wp_pod_rel (pod_id, sister_pod_id, field_id, tbl_row_id, weight) VALUES ({$params->pod_id}, {$sister_pod_id}, {$field_id}, {$related_id}, {$rel_weight})", 'Cannot add relationships');
     // Plugin hook
     do_action('pods_post_save_pod_item', $params, $columns);
     // Call any post-save helpers (if not bypassed)
     if (!$bypass_helpers && !empty($params->post_save_helpers)) {
         foreach ($params->post_save_helpers as $helper) {
             $function_or_file = $helper;
             $check_function = $function_or_file;
             if ((!defined('PODS_STRICT_MODE') || !PODS_STRICT_MODE) && (!defined('PODS_HELPER_FUNCTIONS') || !PODS_HELPER_FUNCTIONS)) {
                 $check_function = false;
             $check_file = null;
             if ((!defined('PODS_STRICT_MODE') || !PODS_STRICT_MODE) && (!defined('PODS_HELPER_FILES') || !PODS_HELPER_FILES)) {
                 $check_file = false;
             if (false !== $check_function && false !== $check_file) {
                 $function_or_file = pods_function_or_file($function_or_file, $check_function, 'helper', $check_file);
             } else {
                 $function_or_file = false;
             $content = false;
             if (!$function_or_file) {
                 $api = new PodAPI();
                 $params_helper = array('name' => $helper, 'type' => 'post_save');
                 if (!defined('PODS_STRICT_MODE') || !PODS_STRICT_MODE) {
                     $params_helper = pods_sanitize($params_helper);
                 $content = $api->load_helper($params_helper);
                 if (false !== $content && 0 < strlen(trim($content['phpcode']))) {
                     $content = $content['phpcode'];
                 } else {
                     $content = false;
             if (false === $content && false !== $function_or_file && isset($function_or_file['function'])) {
                 $function_or_file['function']($params, $columns, $this);
             } elseif (false === $content && false !== $function_or_file && isset($function_or_file['file'])) {
                 locate_template($function_or_file['file'], true, true);
             } elseif (false !== $content) {
                 if (!defined('PODS_DISABLE_EVAL') || PODS_DISABLE_EVAL) {
                 } else {
                     echo $content;
     // Success! Return the id
     if (false === $this->use_pod_id) {
         return $params->tbl_row_id;
     return $params->pod_id;
예제 #2
  * Change the value or perform actions after validation but before saving to the DB
  * @param mixed $value
  * @param int $id
  * @param string $name
  * @param array $options
  * @param array $fields
  * @param array $pod
  * @param object $params
  * @return mixed|string
  * @since 2.0
 public function pre_save($value, $id = null, $name = null, $options = null, $fields = null, $pod = null, $params = null)
     $index = pods_var('pod_index', pods_var('options', $pod, $pod, null, true), 'id', null, true);
     if (empty($value) && isset($fields[$index])) {
         $value = $fields[$index]['value'];
     $value = pods_unique_slug($value, $name, $pod, 0, $params->id, null, false);
     return $value;