<?php define('PREMIUMCAST', true); define('PODPRESS_PREMIUM_METHOD', 'Digest'); podPress_validateLogin(); require 'wp-rss2.php';
/** * podPress_feed_content_filtering - is called via the Action Hook pre_get_posts and influences the WP Query if the query is for a feed * * @package podPress * @since * * @param Array $query - WP Query object - see http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/WP_Query and http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference#Advanced_Actions */ function podPress_feed_content_filtering($query) { global $podPress, $wp_version, $podpress_allowed_ext, $podPress_feed_post_limit; if ($query->is_feed) { $is_podpress_feed = FALSE; $feedslug = $query->query_vars['feed']; foreach ($podPress->settings['podpress_feeds'] as $feed) { if ($feedslug === $feed['slug']) { $is_podpress_feed = TRUE; if (TRUE === isset($feed['PostTypes']) and FALSE === empty($feed['PostTypes'])) { if (isset($query->query_vars['post_type']) and is_array($query->query_vars['post_type'])) { $result = array_merge($query->query_vars['post_type'], $feed['PostTypes']); $query->query_vars['post_type'] = array_unique($result); } else { $query->query_vars['post_type'] = $feed['PostTypes']; } if (isset($query->query['post_type']) and is_array($query->query['post_type'])) { $result = array_merge($query->query['post_type'], $feed['post_type_filter']); $query->query['post_type'] = array_unique($result); } else { $query->query['post_type'] = $feed['post_type_filter']; } } if (TRUE === isset($feed['posts_per_feed']) and FALSE === empty($feed['posts_per_feed'])) { $podPress_feed_post_limit = $feed['posts_per_feed']; add_filter('post_limits', 'podPress_post_limits'); } break; } } if (FALSE === $is_podpress_feed) { if (TRUE === empty($query->query_vars['cat']) and TRUE === empty($query->query_vars['tag']) and FALSE === empty($query->query_vars['category_name'])) { if (TRUE == version_compare($wp_version, '2.3', '>=')) { $idObj = get_category_by_slug($query->query_vars['category_name']); $cat_id = $idObj->term_id; } else { $cat_id = podPress_get_cat_ID_by_nicename($query->query_vars['category_name']); } $taxonomy = 'category'; } else { if (FALSE === empty($query->query_vars['cat'])) { $taxonomy = 'category'; $term_meta = get_term_by('slug', $query->query_vars['cat'], $taxonomy); } elseif (FALSE === empty($query->query_vars['tag'])) { $taxonomy = 'post_tag'; $term_meta = get_term_by('slug', $query->query_vars['tag'], $taxonomy); } if (isset($term_meta->term_id)) { $cat_id = $term_meta->term_id; } else { $cat_id = ''; } } if (FALSE === empty($cat_id)) { $categorysettings = get_option('podPress_' . $taxonomy . '_' . $cat_id); } else { $categorysettings = FALSE; } } if (TRUE === $is_podpress_feed) { // podPress Custom Feeds // get the list of allowed file extensions $podpress_allowed_ext = podpress_get_exts_from_filetypes($feed['FileTypes']); if (is_array($podpress_allowed_ext) and FALSE === empty($podpress_allowed_ext) or is_array($feed['inclCategories']) and FALSE === empty($feed['inclCategories'])) { if (is_array($podpress_allowed_ext) and FALSE === empty($podpress_allowed_ext)) { // get a list of IDs of posts which have podPress attachment of an allowed type $post_ids = podpress_get_IDs_of_posts_with_allowed_exts($podpress_allowed_ext); if (is_array($post_ids) and FALSE == empty($post_ids)) { // insert the post IDs into the WP Query $query->set('post__in', $post_ids); } else { $query->set('post__in', array(0)); } } if (is_array($feed['inclCategories']) and FALSE === empty($feed['inclCategories'])) { $query->query_vars['category__in'] = $feed['inclCategories']; } } else { if (isset($feed['show_only_podPress_podcasts']) and FALSE === $feed['show_only_podPress_podcasts']) { // the feed should not only posts with podPress attachments define('PODPRESS_PODCASTSONLY', FALSE); } else { // get only posts with podPress attachments (that is how was in older versions) define('PODPRESS_PODCASTSONLY', TRUE); } } if ('torrent' === $feed['slug']) { define('PODPRESS_TORRENTCAST', true); } if (TRUE === $feed['premium']) { global $cache_lastpostmodified; unset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']); $cache_lastpostmodified = date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time() + 36000); podPress_addFeedHooks(); define('PREMIUMCAST', true); require_once PODPRESS_DIR . '/podpress_premium_functions.php'; podPress_validateLogin(); } else { podPress_addFeedHooks(); } } elseif (isset($categorysettings) and FALSE !== $categorysettings and isset($categorysettings['categoryCasting']) and 'true' == $categorysettings['categoryCasting']) { // Category Casting and Tag Casting Feeds // add same data of the current category temporarily to the $podPress->settings $podPress->settings['category_data'] = $categorysettings; $podPress->settings['category_data']['id'] = $cat_id; $term_data = get_term($cat_id, $taxonomy); $podPress->settings['category_data']['cat_name'] = $term_data->name; $podPress->settings['category_data']['cat_description'] = $term_data->description; $podPress->settings['category_data']['blogname'] = get_bloginfo('name'); // get the list of allowed file extensions $podpress_allowed_ext = podpress_get_exts_from_filetypes($categorysettings['FileTypes']); if (is_array($podpress_allowed_ext) and FALSE === empty($podpress_allowed_ext)) { // get a list of IDs of posts which have podPress attachment of an allowed type $post_ids = podpress_get_IDs_of_posts_with_allowed_exts($podpress_allowed_ext); if (is_array($post_ids) and FALSE == empty($post_ids)) { // insert the post IDs into the WP Query $query->set('post__in', $post_ids); } else { $query->set('post__in', array(0)); } } else { // get only posts with podPress attachments if (isset($categorysettings['show_only_podPress_podcasts']) and FALSE === $categorysettings['show_only_podPress_podcasts']) { // the feed should not only posts with podPress attachments define('PODPRESS_PODCASTSONLY', FALSE); } else { // get only posts with podPress attachments (that is how was in older versions) define('PODPRESS_PODCASTSONLY', TRUE); } } podPress_addFeedHooks(); } else { // RSS, RSS2, ATOM podPress_addFeedHooks(); } } }
function podPress_get_currentuserinfo() { podPress_validateLogin(); }