function wpmanga_settings() { global $wpdb; if (isset($_POST['settings_nonce'])) { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['settings_nonce'], plugin_basename(plugin_sDIR() . '/wpmanga.php'))) { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Security Verification Failed.</p></div>'; } else { $_POST = array_map('trim', $_POST); // Check Boxes Suck (Search for Alternative Method) if (!$_POST['wpmanga_releasebar_style']) { $_POST['wpmanga_releasebar_style'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_page_details_title']) { $_POST['wpmanga_page_details_title'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_page_details_header']) { $_POST['wpmanga_page_details_header'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_foolreader']) { $_POST['wpmanga_foolreader'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_widget_icons']) { $_POST['wpmanga_widget_icons'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_delay_megaupload']) { $_POST['wpmanga_delay_megaupload'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_delay_mediafire']) { $_POST['wpmanga_delay_mediafire'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_delay_depositfiles']) { $_POST['wpmanga_delay_depositfiles'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_delay_fileserve']) { $_POST['wpmanga_delay_fileserve'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_delay_filesonic']) { $_POST['wpmanga_delay_filesonic'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_delay_pdf']) { $_POST['wpmanga_delay_pdf'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_disable_megaupload']) { $_POST['wpmanga_disable_megaupload'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_disable_mediafire']) { $_POST['wpmanga_disable_mediafire'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_disable_depositfiles']) { $_POST['wpmanga_disable_depositfiles'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_disable_fileserve']) { $_POST['wpmanga_disable_fileserve'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_disable_filesonic']) { $_POST['wpmanga_disable_filesonic'] = 0; } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_disable_pdf']) { $_POST['wpmanga_disable_pdf'] = 0; } //Url and Title not empty if (!$_POST['wpmanga_projectslist_url']) { $_POST['wpmanga_projectslist_url'] = 'projects'; } else { $_POST['wpmanga_projectslist_url'] = get_sSanitizedSlug($_POST['wpmanga_projectslist_url']); } if (!$_POST['wpmanga_projectslist_title']) { $_POST['wpmanga_projectslist_title'] = 'Projects'; } // Filter $_POST and Update Setting $_DATA = array(); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (preg_match("/wpmanga_(.*?)/i", $key)) { $status = wpmanga_set($key, $value); $_DATA[$key] = $status; } } // Update Thumbnails if ($_DATA['wpmanga_thumbnail_list_width'] || $_DATA['wpmanga_thumbnail_list_height']) { set_time_limit(0); $thumbnail = new WP_Http(); foreach (get_sListProject() as $project) { $thumbnail->request(plugin_sURL() . 'includes/generate_thumbnail.php?src=' . $project->image . '&w=' . wpmanga_get('wpmanga_thumbnail_list_width', 145) . '&h=' . wpmanga_get('wpmanga_thumbnail_list_height', 300)); } } echo '<div class="updated"><p>Updated Settings.</p></div>'; } } if (isset($_GET['generate'])) { if ($_GET['generate'] == 'thumbnails') { set_time_limit(0); $thumbnail = new WP_Http(); foreach (get_sListProject() as $project) { $thumbnail->request(plugin_sURL() . 'includes/generate_thumbnail.php?src=' . $project->image . '&w=' . wpmanga_get('wpmanga_thumbnail_list_width', 145) . '&h=' . wpmanga_get('wpmanga_thumbnail_list_height', 300)); } echo '<div class="updated"><p>Finished Generating Thumbnails.</p></div>'; } } ?> <div class="wrap"> <?php screen_icon('options-general'); ?> <h2>WP Manga Settings</h2> <p>WP Manga Project Manager has several options which affect the plugin behavior in different areas. The Frontend Options influence the output and features available in the pages, posts, or text-widgets. The Backend Options control the plugin's administrative area.</p> <div id="dashboard-widgets-wrap"> <div id="dashboard-widgets" class="metabox-holder"> <form method="post" action="admin.php?page=manga/settings"> <div class="postbox"> <h3 class='hndle'><span>Frontend Options</span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table fixed"> <tr class="form-field"> <td width="250px"><label for="wpmanga_thumbnail_list_width">Thumbnail Dimensions</label></td> <td> Width <input name="wpmanga_thumbnail_list_width" id="wpmanga_thumbnail_list_width" type="number" value="<?php echo wpmanga_get('wpmanga_thumbnail_list_width', 145); ?> " style="width: 10%;"> Height <input name="wpmanga_thumbnail_list_height" id="wpmanga_thumbnail_list_height" type="number" value="<?php echo wpmanga_get('wpmanga_thumbnail_list_height', 300); ?> " style="width: 10%;"> <a class="button-secondary" href="admin.php?page=manga/settings&generate=thumbnails">Force Generate Thumbnails</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="form"> <td valign="top" width="250px"><label>Individual Project Page</label></td> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_page_details_title" id="wpmanga_page_details_title" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_page_details_title', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_page_details_title">Disable Title Filter <span class="description">(For Specific Themes)</span></label> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_page_details_header" id="wpmanga_page_details_header" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_page_details_header', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_page_details_header">Display Header <span class="description">(For Specific Themes)</span></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="form"> <td valign="top" width="250px"><label>Online Reader Link Generator</label></td> <td> <input name="wpmanga_reader" id="reader_foolreader" type="radio" value="1"<?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_reader', 1) == 1) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> > <label for="reader_foolreader">FoOlSlide</label> <input name="wpmanga_reader" id="reader_none" type="radio" value="0"<?php if (!wpmanga_get('wpmanga_reader', 1) == 0) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> > <label for="reader_none">None</label> </td> </tr> <tr class="form"> <td valign="top" width="250px"><label for="wpmanga_releasebar_style">Release Bar Display Style</label></td> <td> <select name="wpmanga_releasebar_style" id="wpmanga_releasebar_style" style="width: 100%"> <option value="1"<?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_releasebar_style', 1) == '1') { echo ' selected="selected"'; } ?> >Default Release Bar</option> <option value="2"<?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_releasebar_style', 1) == '2') { echo ' selected="selected"'; } ?> >Plain Release Bar</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr class="form"> <td width="250px"><label for="wpmanga_widget_icons">Latest Widget List</label></td> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_widget_icons" id="wpmanga_widget_icons" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_widget_icons', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_widget_icons">Show Release Icons</label> </td> </tr> <tr class="form"> <td width="250px"><label for="wpmanga_channel">IRC Channel</label></td> <td> <input name="wpmanga_channel" id="wpmanga_channel" type="text" placeholder="irc://" value="<?php echo wpmanga_get('wpmanga_channel', ''); ?> " style="width: 100%;"> </td> </tr> <tr class="form"> <td width="250px"><label for="wpmanga_projectslist_url">Projects List Url</label></td> <td> <input name="wpmanga_projectslist_url" id="wpmanga_projectslist_url" type="text" value="<?php echo wpmanga_get('wpmanga_projectslist_url', 'projects'); ?> " style="width: 100%;"> </td> </tr> <tr class="form"> <td width="250px"><label for="wpmanga_projectslist_title">Projects List Title</label></td> <td> <input name="wpmanga_projectslist_title" id="wpmanga_projectslist_title" type="text" value="<?php echo wpmanga_get('wpmanga_projectslist_title', 'Projects'); ?> " style="width: 100%;"> </td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <td valign="top" style="padding-top: 10px;" width="250px"><label for="wpmanga_delay">Delay Download Link</label></td> <td> <input name="wpmanga_delay" id="wpmanga_delay" type="number" value="<?php echo wpmanga_get('wpmanga_delay', 0); ?> " style="width: 10%;"> Hours <br> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_delay_depositfiles" id="wpmanga_delay_depositfiles" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_delay_depositfiles', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_delay_depositfiles">Deposit Files</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_delay_fileserve" id="wpmanga_delay_fileserve" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_delay_fileserve', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_delay_fileserve">FileServe</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_delay_filesonic" id="wpmanga_delay_filesonic" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_delay_filesonic', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_delay_filesonic">FileSonic</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_delay_mediafire" id="wpmanga_delay_mediafire" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_delay_mediafire', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_delay_mediafire">MediaFire</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_delay_megaupload" id="wpmanga_delay_megaupload" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_delay_megaupload', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_delay_megaupload">MEGAUPLOAD</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_delay_pdf" id="wpmanga_delay_pdf" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_delay_pdf', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_delay_pdf">PDF</label> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="save" value="Save Settings"><br><br> <input type="hidden" name="settings_nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce(plugin_basename(plugin_sDIR() . '/wpmanga.php')); ?> "> </div> </div> <div class="postbox" > <h3 class='hndle'><span>Backend Options</span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table fixed"> <tr class="form-field"> <td valign="top" style="padding-top: 10px;" width="250px"><label>Disable Download Links</label></td> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_disable_depositfiles" id="wpmanga_disable_depositfiles" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_depositfiles', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_disable_depositfiles">Deposit Files</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_disable_fileserve" id="wpmanga_disable_fileserve" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_fileserve', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_disable_fileserve">FileServe</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_disable_filesonic" id="wpmanga_disable_filesonic" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_filesonic', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_disable_filesonic">FileSonic</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_disable_mediafire" id="wpmanga_disable_mediafire" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_mediafire', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_disable_mediafire">MediaFire</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_disable_megaupload" id="wpmanga_disable_megaupload" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_megaupload', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_disable_megaupload">MEGAUPLOAD</label> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="wpmanga_disable_pdf" id="wpmanga_disable_pdf" value="1" <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_pdf', 0)) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> style="width: 20px;"> <label for="wpmanga_disable_pdf">PDF</label> </td> </tr> <tr class="form"> <td width="250px"><label for="wpmanga_release_statuspublished">Release publication status (0 for auto publish)</label></td> <td> <input name="wpmanga_release_statuspublished" id="wpmanga_release_statuspublished" type="text" value="<?php echo wpmanga_get('wpmanga_release_statuspublished', ''); ?> " style="width: 100%;"> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="save" value="Save Settings"><br><br> <input type="hidden" name="settings_nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce(plugin_basename(plugin_sDIR() . '/wpmanga.php')); ?> "> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> <?php }
/** * Display Administrative Menu for Releases. * @return menu */ function wpmanga_dataRelease() { global $wpdb; // Action Variable if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = strtolower($_GET['action']); } else { $action = 'add'; } // Sanity Check on EDIT and DEL if (!isset($_GET['id']) && $action != 'add') { $action = 'add'; } if (isset($_POST['wpmanga_nonce'])) { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['wpmanga_nonce'], plugin_basename(plugin_sDIR() . '/wpmanga.php'))) { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Security Verification Failed.</p></div>'; } else { $_POST = array_map('trim', $_POST); $_POST = array_map('stripslashes', $_POST); if ($_POST['project_id']) { // UNIXTIME Fix if ($_POST['unixtime'] != 0) { if ($_POST['revision'] == 0) { $_POST['unixtime_mod'] = $_POST['unixtime']; $_POST['revision'] = 1; } else { $edit = get_sRelease($_GET['id']); $_POST['unixtime_mod'] = $_POST['unixtime']; $_POST['unixtime'] = $edit->unixtime; } } else { $_POST['unixtime'] = time(); $_POST['unixtime_mod'] = $_POST['unixtime']; } if (preg_match("/(edit)/i", $action)) { $edit = get_sRelease($_GET['id']); if ($_POST['revision'] > $edit->revision) { $_POST['unixtime_mod'] = time(); } } $data = array('project_id' => $_POST['project_id'], 'unixtime' => $_POST['unixtime'], 'unixtime_mod' => $_POST['unixtime_mod'], 'volume' => $_POST['volume'], 'chapter' => $_POST['chapter'], 'subchapter' => $_POST['subchapter'], 'revision' => $_POST['revision'], 'type' => $_POST['type'], 'title' => $_POST['title'], 'download_megaupload' => $_POST['download_megaupload'], 'download_mediafire' => $_POST['download_mediafire'], 'download_depositfiles' => $_POST['download_depositfiles'], 'download_fileserve' => $_POST['download_fileserve'], 'download_filesonic' => $_POST['download_filesonic'], 'download_pdf' => $_POST['download_pdf'], 'download_irc' => $_POST['download_irc'], 'link_reader' => $_POST['link_reader'], 'language' => $_POST['language'], 'status' => $_POST['status']); switch ($action) { case 'edit': $status = $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'projects_releases', $data, array('id' => $_GET['id'])); if ($status) { echo '<div class="updated"><p>Updated Release Information.</p></div>'; } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Failed to update information.</p></div>'; } break; case 'delete': $status = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}projects_releases` WHERE `id` = '%d'", $_GET['id'])); if ($status) { echo '<div class="updated"><p>Deleted Release Information.</p></div>'; } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Failed to delete information.</p></div>'; } break; default: $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . 'projects_releases', $data); if ($wpdb->insert_id) { echo '<div class="updated"><p>Added Release for Projects. <a href="admin.php?page=manga/release&action=edit&id=' . $wpdb->insert_id . '">Edit Release</a></p></div>'; } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Failed to add new release.</p></div>'; } } } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Please fill in the required fields.</p></div>'; } } } $projects = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `id`, `title` FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "projects` ORDER BY `title` ASC"); if ($projects) { if (preg_match("/(edit|delete)/i", $action)) { $release = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}projects_releases` WHERE `id` = '%d' LIMIT 1", $_GET['id'])); } ?> <div class="wrap"> <?php screen_icon('edit'); ?> <h2><?php echo ucfirst($action); ?> Release</h2> <p>Add a new release for a project.</p> <?php switch ($action) { case 'edit': echo '<form method="post" action="admin.php?page=manga/release&action=edit&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '">'; break; case 'delete': echo '<form method="post" action="admin.php?page=manga/release&action=delete&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '">'; break; default: echo '<form method="post" action="admin.php?page=manga/release">'; } ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="project_id">Project</label></th> <td> <select name="project_id" id="project_id" style="width: 460px"> <?php foreach ($projects as $project) { if (preg_match("/(edit|delete)/i", $action)) { if ($project->id == $release->project_id) { echo "<option value='{$project->id}' selected='selected'>{$project->title}</option>"; } else { echo "<option value='{$project->id}'>{$project->title}</option>"; } } else { echo "<option value='{$project->id}'>{$project->title}</option>"; } } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="volume">Volume</label></th> <td><input name="volume" id="volume" type="number" value="<?php if (isset($release)) { echo $release->volume; } else { echo '0'; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> autofocus></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="chapter">Chapter</label></th> <td><input name="chapter" id="chapter" type="number" value="<?php if (isset($release)) { echo $release->chapter; } else { echo '0'; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="subchapter">Sub-Chapter</label></th> <td><input name="subchapter" id="subchapter" type="number" value="<?php if (isset($release)) { echo $release->subchapter; } else { echo '0'; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> <?php if (preg_match("/(edit|delete)/i", $action)) { ?> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="revision">Revision</label></th> <td><input name="revision" id="revision" type="number" value="<?php if (isset($release)) { echo $release->revision; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> <?php } else { ?> <input type="hidden" name="revision" id="revision" value="0"> <?php } ?> <tr class="form"> <th scope="row"><label>Release Type</label></th> <td> <input name="type" id="normal" type="radio" value="0"<?php if (!preg_match("/(edit|delete)/i", $action)) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } if (isset($release) && $release->type == 0) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' disabled="disabled"'; } ?> > <label for="normal">Chapter</label> <input name="type" id="volumet" type="radio" value="5"<?php if (isset($release) && $release->type == 5) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' disabled="disabled"'; } ?> > <label for="volumet">Volume (Batch)</label> <input name="type" id="special" type="radio" value="10"<?php if (isset($release) && $release->type == 10) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' disabled="disabled"'; } ?> > <label for="special">Special</label> <input name="type" id="oneshot" type="radio" value="20"<?php if (isset($release) && $release->type == 20) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' disabled="disabled"'; } ?> > <label for="oneshot">Oneshot</label> </td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="title">Title</label></th> <td><input name="title" id="title" type="text" value="<?php if (isset($release)) { echo $release->title; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="download_depositfiles">Downloads Links</label></th> <td> <input name="download_depositfiles" id="download_depositfiles" type="<?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_depositfiles', 0)) { echo 'hidden'; } else { 'url'; } ?> " placeholder="Enter download link for Deposit Files here." style="width:90%;" value="<?php if (isset($release)) { echo $release->download_depositfiles; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> > <label for="download_depositfiles"><?php if (!wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_depositfiles', 0)) { echo '<img src="' . plugin_sURL() . 'images/download-icon-depositfiles-24.png" width="24px" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-bottom: 2px"><br>'; } ?> </label> <input name="download_fileserve" id="download_fileserve" type="<?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_fileserve', 0)) { echo 'hidden'; } else { 'url'; } ?> " placeholder="Enter download link for FileServe here." style="width:90%;" value="<?php if (isset($release)) { echo $release->download_fileserve; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> > <label for="download_fileserve"><?php if (!wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_fileserve', 0)) { echo '<img src="' . plugin_sURL() . 'images/download-icon-fileserve-24.png" width="24px" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-bottom: 2px"><br>'; } ?> </label> <input name="download_filesonic" id="download_filesonic" type="<?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_filesonic', 0)) { echo 'hidden'; } else { 'url'; } ?> " placeholder="Enter download link for FileSonic here." style="width:90%;" value="<?php if (isset($release)) { echo $release->download_filesonic; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> > <label for="download_filesonic"><?php if (!wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_filesonic', 0)) { echo '<img src="' . plugin_sURL() . 'images/download-icon-filesonic-24.png" width="24px" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-bottom: 2px"><br>'; } ?> </label> <input name="download_mediafire" id="download_mediafire" type="<?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_mediafire', 0)) { echo 'hidden'; } else { 'url'; } ?> " placeholder="Enter download link for MediaFire here." style="width:90%;" value="<?php if (isset($release)) { echo $release->download_mediafire; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> > <label for="download_mediafire"><?php if (!wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_mediafire', 0)) { echo '<img src="' . plugin_sURL() . 'images/download-icon-mediafire-24.png" width="24px" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-bottom: 2px"><br>'; } ?> </label> <input name="download_megaupload" id="download_megaupload" type="<?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_megaupload', 0)) { echo 'hidden'; } else { 'url'; } ?> " placeholder="Enter download link for MEGAUPLOAD here." style="width:90%;" value="<?php if (isset($release)) { echo $release->download_megaupload; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> > <label for="download_megaupload"><?php if (!wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_megaupload', 0)) { echo '<img src="' . plugin_sURL() . 'images/download-icon-megaupload-24.png" width="24px" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-bottom: 2px"><br>'; } ?> </label> <input name="download_pdf" id="download_pdf" type="<?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_pdf', 0)) { echo 'hidden'; } else { 'url'; } ?> " placeholder="Enter download link for PDF here." style="width:90%;" value="<?php if (isset($release)) { echo $release->download_pdf; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> > <label for="download_pdf"><?php if (!wpmanga_get('wpmanga_disable_pdf', 0)) { echo '<img src="' . plugin_sURL() . 'images/download-icon-pdf-24.png" width="24px" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-bottom: 2px"><br>'; } ?> </label> </td> </tr> <?php if (!wpmanga_get('wpmanga_reader', 1) == 1) { ?> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="link_reader">Chapter Links</label></th> <td> <input name="link_reader" id="link_reader" type="url" placeholder="Enter chapter link here." style="width:90%;" value="<?php if (isset($release)) { echo $release->link_reader; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> > <label for="link_reader"><img src=" <?php echo plugin_sURL(); ?> images/download-icon-onlinereader-24.png" width="24px" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-bottom: 2px"><br></label> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="language">Language</label></th> <td> <select name="language" id="language" style="width:460px" <?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> > <?php foreach (wpmanga_listLanguages() as $language => $description) { if (preg_match("/(edit|delete)/i", $action)) { if ($release->language == $language) { echo "<option value='{$language}' selected='selected'>{$description}</option>"; } else { echo "<option value='{$language}'>{$description}</option>"; } } else { if ('en' == $language) { echo "<option value='{$language}' selected='selected'>{$description}</option>"; } else { echo "<option value='{$language}'>{$description}</option>"; } } } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <?php // end add by busaway ?> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="download_irc">IRC Download Command</label></th> <td> <input name="download_irc" id="download_irc" type="text" placeholder="/MSG BOTNAME XDCC SEND #1 or !TRIGGER1" style="width:91%;" value="<?php if (isset($release)) { echo $release->download_irc; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> > <label for="download_irc"><img src="<?php echo plugin_sURL(); ?> images/download-icon-irc.png" width="24px" style="vertical-align: middle; padding-bottom: 2px"></label> </td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="unixtime">Release Date/Time</label></th> <td> <input name="unixtime_datetime" id="unixtime_datetime" type="text"> <input name="unixtime" id="unixtime" type="hidden" value="0"> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery('#unixtime_datetime').datetimepicker(); <?php if (!preg_match("/(edit|delete)/i", $action)) { ?> jQuery('#unixtime_datetime').datetimepicker('setDate', (new Date())); <?php } else { ?> jQuery('#unixtime_datetime').datetimepicker('setDate', (new Date(<?php echo $release->unixtime; ?> * 1000))); <?php } ?> datetime = Date.parse(jQuery('#unixtime_datetime').val()) / 1000; jQuery('#unixtime').val(datetime); jQuery(document).click(function() { datetime = Date.parse(jQuery('#unixtime_datetime').val()) / 1000; jQuery('#unixtime').val(datetime); }); </script> </td> </tr> <?php if (wpmanga_get('wpmanga_release_statuspublished', 0) != 0) { ?> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="status">Status</label></th> <td><input name="status" id="status" type="number" value="<?php if (isset($release)) { echo $release->status; } else { echo '0'; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="save" value="<?php echo ucfirst($action); ?> Release"> <input type="hidden" name="wpmanga_nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce(plugin_basename(plugin_sDIR() . '/wpmanga.php')); ?> "> </p> </form> </div> <?php } else { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> location.replace("admin.php?page=manga/project") </script> <?php } }
/** * Obtain the path to the template specified. * @param string $template Template filename * @return string Path to the template */ function get_sTemplate($template) { if (file_exists(plugin_sDIR() . 'templates/' . strtolower(basename(TEMPLATEPATH)) . '/' . $template)) { $templatePath = plugin_sDIR() . 'templates/' . strtolower(basename(TEMPLATEPATH)) . '/' . $template; } elseif (file_exists(plugin_sDIR() . 'templates/' . $template)) { $templatePath = plugin_sDIR() . 'templates/' . $template; } else { $templatePath = ''; } return (string) $templatePath; }
/** * Display Administrative Menu for Projects. * @return menu */ function wpmanga_dataProject() { global $wpdb; // Action Variable if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = strtolower($_GET['action']); } else { $action = 'add'; } // Sanity Check on EDIT and DEL if (!isset($_GET['id']) && $action != 'add') { $action = 'add'; } if (isset($_POST['wpmanga_nonce'])) { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['wpmanga_nonce'], plugin_basename(plugin_sDIR() . '/wpmanga.php'))) { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Security Verification Failed.</p></div>'; } else { $_POST = array_map('trim', $_POST); $_POST = array_map('stripslashes', $_POST); if (!$_POST['mature']) { $_POST['mature'] = 0; } if ($_POST['title']) { if ($_POST['image']) { $thumbnail = new WP_Http(); $thumbnail->request(plugin_sURL() . '/includes/generate_thumbnail.php?src=' . $_POST['image'] . '&w=' . wpmanga_get('wpmanga_thumbnail_list_width', 145) . '&h=' . wpmanga_get('wpmanga_thumbnail_list_height', 300)); $thumbnail->request(plugin_sURL() . '/includes/generate_thumbnail.php?src=' . $_POST['image'] . '&w=60&h=60'); } if ($_POST['image_thumbnail']) { $thumbnail = new WP_Http(); $thumbnail->request(plugin_sURL() . '/includes/generate_thumbnail.php?src=' . $_POST['image_thumbnail'] . '&w=' . wpmanga_get('wpmanga_thumbnail_list_width', 145) . '&h=' . wpmanga_get('wpmanga_thumbnail_list_height', 300)); $thumbnail->request(plugin_sURL() . '/includes/generate_thumbnail.php?src=' . $_POST['image_thumbnail'] . '&w=60&h=60'); } $custom_settings = json_encode(array('chapter' => $_POST['custom_chapter'], 'subchapter' => $_POST['custom_subchapter'])); $data = array('category' => $_POST['category'], 'slug' => wpmanga_getUrl($_POST['slug'], $_POST['title']), 'title' => $_POST['title'], 'title_alt' => $_POST['title_alt'], 'description' => $_POST['description'], 'description_short' => $_POST['description_short'], 'author' => $_POST['author'], 'genre' => $_POST['genre'], 'status' => $_POST['status'], 'image' => $_POST['image'], 'image_thumbnail' => $_POST['image_thumbnail'], 'team_origin' => $_POST['team_origin'], 'reader' => $_POST['reader'], 'url' => $_POST['url'], 'mature' => $_POST['mature'], 'custom' => $custom_settings); switch ($action) { case 'edit': $check = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `slug` FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "projects` WHERE `id` <>" . $_GET['id'] . " and `slug` = '%s'", wpmanga_getUrl($_POST['slug'], $_POST['title']))); if (!$check) { $status = $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'projects', $data, array('id' => $_GET['id'])); if ($status) { echo '<div class="updated"><p>Updated Project Information for <i>' . $_POST['title'] . '</i>.</p></div>'; } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Failed to update information.</p></div>'; } } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Failed to edit project. (Duplicate Url)</p></div>'; } break; case 'delete': $status = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}projects` WHERE `id` = '%d'", $_GET['id'])); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}projects_releases` WHERE `project_id` = '%d'", $_GET['id'])); if ($status) { echo '<div class="updated"><p>Deleted Project Information for <i>' . $_POST['title'] . '</i>.</p></div>'; } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Failed to delete information.</p></div>'; } break; default: $check = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `slug` FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "projects` WHERE `slug` = '%s'", wpmanga_getUrl($_POST['slug'], $_POST['title']))); if (!$check) { $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . 'projects', $data); if ($wpdb->insert_id) { echo '<div class="updated"><p>Added <i>' . $_POST['title'] . '</i> to Projects. <a href="admin.php?page=manga/project&action=edit&id=' . $wpdb->insert_id . '">Edit Information</a></p></div>'; } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Failed to add new project.</p></div>'; } } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Failed to add new project. (Duplicate Url)</p></div>'; } } } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Please fill in the required fields.</p></div>'; } } } if (preg_match("/(edit|delete)/i", $action)) { $project = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}projects` WHERE `id` = '%d' LIMIT 1", $_GET['id'])); } ?> <div class="wrap"> <?php screen_icon('edit'); ?> <h2><?php echo ucfirst($action); ?> Project Information</h2> <p>Create a new project and add it to this site.</p> <?php switch ($action) { case 'edit': echo '<form method="post" action="admin.php?page=manga/project&action=edit&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '">'; break; case 'delete': echo '<form method="post" action="admin.php?page=manga/project&action=delete&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '">'; break; default: echo '<form method="post" action="admin.php?page=manga/project">'; } ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="category">Category</label></th> <td> <select name="category" id="category" style="width: 460px"> <?php $categories = get_sListCategories(); foreach ($categories as $category) { if (preg_match("/(edit|delete)/i", $action)) { if ($project->category == $category->id) { echo "<option value='{$category->id}' selected='selected'>{$category->name}</option>"; } else { echo "<option value='{$category->id}'>{$category->name}</option>"; } } else { echo "<option value='{$category->id}'>{$category->name}</option>"; } } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="title">Title <span class="description">(required)</span></label></th> <td><input name="title" id="title" type="text" value="<?php if (isset($project)) { echo $project->title; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly" '; } ?> autofocus required></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="title_alt">Alternative Title</label></th> <td><input name="title_alt" id="title_alt" type="text" value="<?php if (isset($project)) { echo $project->title_alt; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="title_alt">Url Fragment <br /><span class="description">(optional, blank for auto-generated url)</span></label></th> <td><input name="slug" id="slug" type="text" value="<?php if (isset($project)) { echo $project->slug; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="author">Author & Artist</label></th> <td><input name="author" id="author" type="text" value="<?php if (isset($project)) { echo esc_textarea($project->author); } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="description">Description</label></th> <td><textarea name="description" id="description"<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ><?php if (isset($project)) { echo esc_textarea($project->description); } ?> </textarea></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="short_description">Short Description <span class="description">(optional)</span></label></th> <td><textarea name="description_short" id="description_short"<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ><?php if (isset($project)) { echo esc_textarea($project->description_short); } ?> </textarea></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="genre">Genre(s)</label></th> <td><textarea name="genre" id="genre"<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ><?php if (isset($project)) { echo esc_textarea($project->genre); } ?> </textarea></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="status">Status in Country of Origin</label></th> <td><textarea name="status" id="status"<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ><?php if (isset($project)) { echo esc_textarea($project->status); } ?> </textarea></td> </tr> <tr class="form"> <th scope="row"><label for="image">Image</label></th> <td><input id="image" type="url" name="image" class="upload" size="66" placeholder="Enter an URL or upload an image for this project." value="<?php if (isset($project)) { echo $project->image; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ><input class="<?php if ($action != 'delete') { echo 'upload_image_button'; } ?> " type="button" value="Upload Image"<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> <tr class="form"> <th scope="row"><label for="image_thumbnail">Image Thumbnail <span class="description">(optional)</span></label></th> <td><input id="image_thumbnail" type="url" name="image_thumbnail" class="upload" size="66" placeholder="Enter an URL or upload an image thumbnail for this project." value="<?php if (isset($project)) { echo $project->image_thumbnail; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ><input class="<?php if ($action != 'delete') { echo 'upload_image_button'; } ?> " type="button" value="Upload Image Thumbnail"<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="team_origin">Original Team</label></th> <td><input name="team_origin" id="team_origin" type="text" value="<?php if (isset($project)) { echo esc_textarea($project->team_origin); } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="reader">Online Reader Link</label></th> <td><input name="reader" id="reader" type="url" placeholder="http://reader.<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?> /serie/..." value="<?php if (isset($project)) { echo $project->reader; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="url">Reference Link</label></th> <td><input name="url" id="url" type="url" placeholder="" value="<?php if (isset($project)) { echo $project->url; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> <tr class="form"> <th scope="row"><label for="custom_subchapter">Mature Content</label></th> <td><input name="mature" id="mature" type="checkbox" value="1"<?php if ($project->mature) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> > Yes</td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="custom_chapter">Custom Chapter <span class="description">(optional)</span></label></th> <td><input name="custom_chapter" id="custom_chapter" type="text" placeholder="Episode %num%" value="<?php if (isset($project)) { echo get_sJSON($project->custom, 'chapter'); } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="custom_subchapter">Custom Sub-Chapter <span class="description">(optional)</span></label></th> <td><input name="custom_subchapter" id="custom_subchapter" type="text" placeholder="Act %num%" value="<?php if (isset($project)) { echo get_sJSON($project->custom, 'subchapter'); } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> </table> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="save" value="<?php echo ucfirst($action); ?> Project"> <input type="hidden" name="wpmanga_nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce(plugin_basename(plugin_sDIR() . '/wpmanga.php')); ?> "> </p> </form> </div> <?php }
/** * Display Administrative Menu for Covers. * @return menu */ function wpmanga_dataCover() { global $wpdb; // Action Variable if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = strtolower($_GET['action']); } else { $action = 'add'; } // Sanity Check on EDIT and DEL if (!isset($_GET['id']) && $action != 'add') { $action = 'add'; } if (isset($_POST['wpmanga_nonce'])) { if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['wpmanga_nonce'], plugin_basename(plugin_sDIR() . '/wpmanga.php'))) { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Security Verification Failed.</p></div>'; } else { $_POST = array_map('trim', $_POST); $_POST = array_map('stripslashes', $_POST); if ($_POST['project_id']) { $data = array('project_id' => $_POST['project_id'], 'volume' => $_POST['volume'], 'image' => $_POST['image']); switch ($action) { case 'edit': $status = $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . 'projects_volumes', $data, array('id' => $_GET['id'])); if ($status) { echo '<div class="updated"><p>Updated Volume Cover Information.</p></div>'; } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Failed to update information.</p></div>'; } break; case 'delete': $status = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}projects_volumes` WHERE `id` = '%d'", $_GET['id'])); if ($status) { echo '<div class="updated"><p>Deleted Volume Cover Information.</p></div>'; } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Failed to delete information.</p></div>'; } break; default: $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . 'projects_volumes', $data); if ($wpdb->insert_id) { echo '<div class="updated"><p>Added Volume Cover for Releases. <a href="admin.php?page=manga/volume&action=edit&id=' . $wpdb->insert_id . '">Edit Cover Information</a></p></div>'; } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Failed to add new cover.</p></div>'; } } } else { echo '<div class="error"><p>Error: Please fill in the required fields.</p></div>'; } } } $projects = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `id`, `title` FROM `" . $wpdb->prefix . "projects` ORDER BY `title` ASC"); if ($projects) { if (preg_match("/(edit|delete)/i", $action)) { $cover = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}projects_volumes` WHERE `id` = '%d' LIMIT 1", $_GET['id'])); } ?> <div class="wrap"> <?php screen_icon('edit'); ?> <h2><?php echo ucfirst($action); ?> Volume Cover</h2> <p>Add a new cover for a volume.</p> <?php switch ($action) { case 'edit': echo '<form method="post" action="admin.php?page=manga/volume&action=edit&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '">'; break; case 'delete': echo '<form method="post" action="admin.php?page=manga/volume&action=delete&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '">'; break; default: echo '<form method="post" action="admin.php?page=manga/volume">'; } ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="project_id">Project</label></th> <td> <select name="project_id" id="project_id" style="width: 460px"> <?php foreach ($projects as $project) { if (preg_match("/(edit|delete)/i", $action)) { if ($project->id == $cover->project_id) { echo "<option value='{$project->id}' selected='selected'>{$project->title}</option>"; } else { echo "<option value='{$project->id}'>{$project->title}</option>"; } } else { echo "<option value='{$project->id}'>{$project->title}</option>"; } } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row"><label for="volume">Volume</label></th> <td><input name="volume" id="volume" type="number" value="<?php if (isset($cover)) { echo $cover->volume; } else { echo '0'; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> autofocus></td> </tr> <tr class="form"> <th scope="row"><label for="image">Image <span class="description">(required)</span></label></th> <td><input id="image" type="url" name="image" class="upload" size="66" placeholder="Enter an URL or upload an image cover for this volume." value="<?php if (isset($cover)) { echo $cover->image; } ?> "<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> required><input class="<?php if ($action != 'delete') { echo 'upload_image_button'; } ?> " type="button" value="Upload Image"<?php if ($action == 'delete') { echo ' readonly="readonly"'; } ?> ></td> </tr> </table> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="save" value="<?php echo ucfirst($action); ?> Volume Cover" /> <input type="hidden" name="wpmanga_nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce(plugin_basename(plugin_sDIR() . '/wpmanga.php')); ?> " /> </p> </form> </div> <?php } else { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> location.replace("admin.php?page=manga/project") </script> <?php } }
/** * Returns the Thumbnail Generated for the source and dimensions specified. * @param string $dimensions The dimensions of the thumbnail generated by WIDTHxHEIGHT. * @param string $limit The original source of the thumbnail. * @return string */ function get_sThumbnail($dimensions, $source = NULL) { if ($source != NULL && file_exists(plugin_sDIR() . 'cache/' . $dimensions . '__' . basename($source))) { return plugin_sURL() . 'cache/' . $dimensions . '__' . basename($source); } else { return plugin_sURL() . 'images/__blank.png'; } }