function download_state() { ?> <h2><?php echo "JW Player Install"; ?> </h2> <p/> <?php $result = player_download(); if ($result == SUCCESS) { ?> <div id="info" class="fade updated"> <p><strong><span id="player_version"><?php echo "Successfully downloaded and installed the latest player version, JW Player "; ?> </span></strong></p> <p><?php echo "If you have a specific version of the JW Player you wish to install (eg. licensed version), then you can install it using the <a href='admin.php?page=jwplayer-update'>upgrade page</a>."; ?> </p> </div> <form name="<?php echo LONGTAIL_KEY . "form"; ?> " method="post" action=""> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <?php embed_demo_player(true); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php } else { if ($result == DOWNLOAD_ERROR) { error_message("Not able to download JW Player. Please check your internet connection. <br/> If you already have the JW Player then you can install it using the <a href='admin.php?page=jwplayer-update'>upgrade page</a>. " . JW_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } else { if ($result == WRITE_ERROR) { error_message("Not able to install JW Player. Please make sure the " . LongTailFramework::getPlayerPath() . " directory exists (and is writabe) and then visit the <a href='admin.php?page=jwplayer-update'>upgrade page</a>. " . JW_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } else { if ($result == ZIP_ERROR) { error_message("The necessary zip classes are missing. Please upload the player manually instead using the <a href='admin.php?page=jwplayer-update'>upgrade page</a>."); } else { if ($result == READ_ERROR) { error_message("Could not find player.swf or yt.swf. Either they are not present or the archive is invalid."); } } } } } }
function download_state() { ?> <h2><?php _e("JW Player Install", 'jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress'); ?></h2> <p/> <?php $result = player_download(); if ($result == SUCCESS) { ?> <div id="info" class="fade updated"> <p><strong><span id="player_version"><?php _e("Successfully downloaded and installed the latest player version, JW Player ", 'jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress'); ?></span></strong></p> <p><?php _e("If you have a specific version of the JW Player you wish to install (eg. licensed version), then you can install it using the <a href='admin.php?page=jwplayer-update'>upgrade page</a>.", 'jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress'); ?></p> </div> <form name="<?php echo LONGTAIL_KEY . "form"; ?>" method="post" action=""> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <?php embed_demo_player(true); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php } else if ($result == DOWNLOAD_ERROR) { error_message(sprintf(__("Not able to download JW Player. Please check your internet connection. <br/> If you already have the JW Player then you can install it using the <a href='admin.php?page=jwplayer-update'>upgrade page</a>.<br/> Alternatively you may FTP the player files directly to your site. Place the player.swf and jwplayer.js files in %s/player/. <br/> ", 'jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress'), JWPLAYER_FILES_DIR) . JW_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } else if ($result == WRITE_ERROR) { error_message(sprintf(__("Not able to install JW Player. Please make sure the %s/player/ directory exists (and is writabe) and then visit the <a href='admin.php?page=jwplayer-update'>upgrade page</a>.<br/> Alternatively you may FTP the player.swf and jwplayer.js files directly to your site. <br/>", 'jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress'), JWPLAYER_FILES_DIR) . JW_FILE_PERMISSIONS); } else if ($result == ZIP_ERROR) { error_message(sprintf(__("The necessary zip classes are missing. Please FTP the player manually. <br/>Place the player.swf and jwplayer.js files in %s/player/.", 'jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress'), JWPLAYER_FILES_DIR)); } else if ($result == READ_ERROR) { error_message(sprintf(__("Could not find player.swf or jwplayer.js. Either they are not present or the archive is invalid.<br/> Alternatively you may FTP the player files directly to your site. Place the player.swf and jwplayer.js files in %s/player/.", 'jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress'), JWPLAYER_FILES_DIR)); } }