예제 #1
function section_jointeam_dispForm($team, $invite)
    echo '<center><BR>' . playerLink($_SESSION['playerid'], $_SESSION['callsign']) . ', are you sure that
      you really want to join the fabulous ' . teamLink($team->name, $team->id, false) . '?<br>';
    echo '<BR><form method=get>
      <input type=hidden name=link value="jointeam">
      <input type=hidden name=id value=' . $team->id . '>';
    if ($invite) {
        echo '<input type=hidden name=invite value="yep">';
    echo htmlFormbutton('&nbsp;YES&nbsp;', 'f_yes_x') . '&nbsp;' . htmlFormbutton('&nbsp;NO&nbsp;', 'f_no_x', CLRBUT) . '
예제 #2
function section_invite_dispForm($team, $player, $link, $days)
    global $invite_durations;
    echo '<center><form method=post><font size=+1>Sending an invitation to ' . playerLink($player->id, $player->callsign) . ' to join your team, ' . teamLink($team->name, $team->id, false) . '</font><br>';
    echo '<BR><TABLE><TR><TD><HR><p>This invitation will allow ' . playerLink($id, $player->callsign) . ' to join your team, even if it is closed.<BR>Please select when this invitation should expire:   
      &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<select name=days>';
    foreach ($invite_durations as $val => $text) {
        htmlOption($val, $text, $days);
    echo '</select><p><hr><p>

  Enter a few words which will be attached to your invitation (mandatory):<br>
  <textarea cols=50 rows=6 name=f_invite>' . $f_invite . '</textarea>
  <center><p><TABLE align=center><TR><TD>' . htmlFormButton("Invite", 'f_ok_x') . '</td><TD width=10></td><TD>' . htmlURLbutton("Cancel", 'playerinfo', "id={$id}", CLRBUT) . '</td></tr></table>';
    echo '<input type=hidden name=link value=' . $link . '>
  <input type=hidden name=id value=' . $player->id . '>
  </center></form></center>     </td></tr></table>';
예제 #3
function section_online()
    echo '<BR>';
    $showIP = isFuncAllowed('show_ip');
    $logged = sqlQuery('SELECT callsign, MIN(' . SESSION_LIFETIME . '-(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(expire)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP())) AS idle, 
      ip, playerid FROM ' . TBL_SESSION . ' WHERE callsign IS NOT NULL AND expire > NOW() GROUP BY callsign ');
    if (!$logged) {
        echo 'Data problems - try back later<BR>';
    $guests = sqlQuery('SELECT MIN(' . SESSION_LIFETIME . '-(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(expire)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP())) AS idle, ip
      FROM ' . TBL_SESSION . ' WHERE callsign IS NULL AND expire > NOW() GROUP BY ip');
    if (mysql_num_rows($logged) == 0 && mysql_num_rows($guests) == 0) {
        echo "<center>Nobody's online</center>";
    echo '<center><table>';
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($logged)) {
        echo '<TR><TD>' . $ipLong . playerLink($row->playerid, $row->callsign) . '&nbsp;</td><TD>&nbsp; (idle: ' . section_online_timestr($row->idle) . ')</td>';
        if ($showIP) {
            echo "<TD width=10></td><TD>{$row->ip}</td>";
        echo '</tr>';
    if (isFuncAllowed('show_guests')) {
        echo '<TR><TD colspan=5><BR></td></tr>';
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($guests)) {
            // Ignore googlebot and msnbot/microsoft surfers. Narrow this down if possible
            if (!section_online_matchCIDR($row->ip, "") && !section_online_matchCIDR($row->ip, "")) {
                echo '<TR><TD>guest&nbsp;</td><TD>&nbsp; (idle: ' . section_online_timestr($row->idle) . ')</td>';
                if ($showIP) {
                    echo "<TD width=10></td><TD>{$row->ip}</td>";
                echo '</tr>';
    echo '</table></center>';
예제 #4
    $schedule = $ffn->getSchedule();
    echo '<h4>Season Schedule</h4>';
    echo '<p>Current Week: ', $schedule['currentWeek'], '</p>';
    foreach ($schedule['Schedule'] as $game) {
        echo '<p>';
        echo 'Week: ', $game['gameWeek'], ' ', $game['awayTeam'], ' at ', $game['homeTeam'], ' on ', $game['gameDate'], ' at ', $game['gameTimeET'], ' ET', ' playing on ', $game['tvStation'];
        echo '</p>';
/**** Player Listing **********************************************/
if ($display == "players") {
    $players = $ffn->getPlayers();
    echo '<h4>All NFL Players</h4>';
    foreach ($players as $player) {
        echo '<p>';
        echo playerLink($player['playerId'], $player['displayName']), ' : ', $player['position'], ' : ', $player['team'];
        echo '</p>';
/**** Player Details **********************************************/
if ($display == "playerDetails") {
    if (empty($_GET['playerId'])) {
		<form action="<?php 
        echo PHP_SELF;
" method="get">
		<input type="hidden" name="display" value="playerDetails" />
		<p>FFN playerId: <input type="text" name="playerId" size="4" /></p>
		<p><input type="submit" /></p>
예제 #5
function section_players()
    if (!($sort = $_GET['sort'])) {
        $sort = 'team';
    if (!($include = $_GET['include'])) {
        $include = 3;
    if ($sort == 'callsign') {
        $sby = 'P.callsign';
    } else {
        if ($sort == 'joined') {
            $sby = 'P.created';
        } else {
            if ($sort == 'country') {
                $sby = 'P.country, P.callsign';
            } else {
                $sby = 'T.name, P.callsign';
    if ($include == 1) {
        $inc = 'AND P.team <= 0';
    } else {
        if ($include == 2) {
            $inc = 'AND P.team > 0';
    if (SHOW_PLAYER_ACTIVE > 0) {
        $activeDays = SHOW_PLAYER_ACTIVE;
    } else {
        $activeDays = 0;
    $res = sqlQuery("select P.id, P.callsign, unix_timestamp(P.created) as created, T.name, T.leader, T.id teamid, \n      P.logo, P.country, C.flagname, C.name as countryname,\n      last_login > subdate(now(), INTERVAL {$activeDays} DAY) as active\n      from l_player P left join l_team T on P.team = T.id\n      left join bzl_countries C on P.country = C.numcode\n      where P.status != 'deleted' {$inc} order by {$sby}");
    section_players_doSelectForm($sort, $include);
    echo "<BR><table align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><tr class=tabhead>\n      <td>Callsign</td><td>Team</td><TD colspan=3>&nbsp;&nbsp;Joined</td><TD></td></tr>";
    $curteam = "";
    $rownum = 0;
    while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
        if ($obj->logo != '') {
            $logo = '<img TITLE="Player has a logo" src="' . THEME_DIR . 'islogo.gif">';
        } else {
            $logo = '&nbsp;';
        if ($obj->name != "") {
            if ($obj->id == $obj->leader) {
                $mem = '<img TITLE="Team Leader" src="' . THEME_DIR . 'leader.gif">';
            } else {
                $mem = '&nbsp;';
            $pteam = '<a href="index.php?link=teaminfo&id=' . $obj->teamid . '">' . $obj->name . '</a>';
        } else {
            $mem = "";
            $pteam = "<i><font color=#a0a0a0>none</font></i>";
        if ($sort == 'team' && $obj->name != $curteam) {
            $curteam = $obj->name;
            $rownum = 0;
            echo '<tr><td colspan=5><hr></td></tr>';
        } else {
            if ($sort == 'country' && $obj->countryname != $curteam) {
                $curteam = $obj->countryname;
                $rownum = 0;
                echo '<tr><td colspan=5><hr></td></tr>';
        $c = $rownum++ % 2 ? 'rowodd' : 'roweven';
        $flag = '';
        if ($obj->flagname) {
            $flag = smallFlag($obj->flagname, $obj->countryname);
        $joined = date('Y-m-d', $obj->created);
        echo "<tr class={$c}><td>" . playerLink($obj->id, $obj->callsign) . "</td><td align=left>{$pteam}</td><TD><nobr>&nbsp;&nbsp;{$joined}&nbsp;&nbsp;</nobr></td>\n         <TD>{$flag}</td><TD>";
        if ($obj->active) {
            echo '&nbsp;<img TITLE="Active member" src="' . THEME_DIR . 'active.gif">';
        echo "</td><td>&nbsp;{$logo}{$mem}</td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table>";
예제 #6
function section_teaminfo()
    require_once 'lib/common.php';
    $s_teamid = $_SESSION['teamid'];
    $s_logedin = isAuthenticated();
    $s_level = $_SESSION['level'];
    $s_playerid = $_SESSION['playerid'];
    $id = addslashes($_GET['id']);
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT name, comment, leader, logo, status, score, \n                     unix_timestamp(status_changed) as status_changed, unix_timestamp(created) as ucreated\n    FROM l_team WHERE id='{$id}'");
    $team = mysql_fetch_object($res);
    if (!$team) {
        echo '<BR><CENTER>Specified team does not exist<BR>';
    echo '<TABLE align=center><TR><TD>' . htmlURLbutton('Opponent summary', 'oppsumm', "id={$id}") . '</td>';
    // Join this team if opened, and if we are logged and not belonging to any team
    if ($s_logedin && !$s_teamid && $members < 20 && $team->status == "opened") {
        echo '<TD>' . htmlURLbutton('Join Team', 'jointhisteam', "id={$id}") . '</td>';
    // Send a message to all the team members
    if ($s_logedin && $team->status != 'deleted') {
        echo '<TD>' . htmlURLbutton('Send BZmessage', 'sendmessage', "tid={$id}") . '</td>';
    echo '</tr></table>';
    if ($team->status == 'deleted') {
        echo '<div class=feedback>';
        if ($team->status_changed) {
            echo "<br><center>This team was deleted on " . gmdate('Y-m-d', $team->status_changed) . "</center>";
        } else {
            echo "<br><center>This team is deleted.</center>";
        echo '</div>';
    echo '<BR><table align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>
    <tr><td class=teamName align=center>' . $team->name . '<BR></td></tr>';
    // Logo if any
    if ($team->logo != "") {
        echo '<tr><td align=center>
    <table><TR><TD bgcolor=white><img src="' . $team->logo . '"></td></tr></table>
    // Ratings
    $act45 = teamActivity($id, 45);
    $act90 = teamActivity($id, 90);
    echo '<tr><td> <TABLE align=center>
    <TR><TD width=50% align=right>Created:</td><td width=10></td><td width=50%>' . gmdate('Y-m-d', $team->ucreated) . '</td></tr>
    <TR><TD align=right>Rating:</td><td></td><td>' . displayRating($id) . '</td></tr>
    <TR><TD align=right>Activity:</td><TD></td><td>' . sprintf('%1.2f / %1.2f', $act45, $act90) . '</td></tr>
     <TR><TD colspan=3 align=center>  Average number of games played per day<BR>
     <NOBR>(exponential moving average over last 45 / 90 days)</nobr></td></tr>';
    echo '</td></td></table></td></tr>';
    // Matches statistics
    $sta1 = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select ifnull(sum(if(score1>score2,1,0)),0) win,\n    ifnull(sum(if(score1=score2,1,0)),0) draw,\n    ifnull(sum(if(score1<score2,1,0)),0) loss\n    from " . TBL_MATCH . " where team1={$id}"));
    $sta2 = mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select ifnull(sum(if(score2>score1,1,0)),0) win,\n    ifnull(sum(if(score2=score1,1,0)),0) draw,\n    ifnull(sum(if(score2<score1,1,0)),0) loss\n    from " . TBL_MATCH . " where team2={$id}"));
    $win = $sta1->win + $sta2->win;
    $draw = $sta1->draw + $sta2->draw;
    $loss = $sta1->loss + $sta2->loss;
    echo "<tr><td align=center><hr>\n  <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=center><tr>\n  <td align=center>Wins</td><td align=center>&nbsp;&nbsp;Draws&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align=center>Losses</td></tr><tr>\n  <td align=center>{$win}</td><td align=center>{$draw}</td><td align=center>{$loss}</td>\n  </tr></table>\n  <hr></td></tr>";
    // Comment if any
    if ($team->comment != "") {
        echo '<tr><td><ul>' . nl2br($team->comment) . '</ul><hr></td></tr>';
    // Players list
    $i = 0;
    if (SHOW_PLAYER_ACTIVE > 0) {
        $activeDays = SHOW_PLAYER_ACTIVE;
    } else {
        $activeDays = 0;
    $res = mysql_query("select id, callsign, comment, status, C.flagname, \n    last_login > subdate(now(), INTERVAL {$activeDays} DAY) as active\n    from l_player\n    left join bzl_countries C on country = C.numcode\n    where team=" . $id . "\n    order by active desc,callsign");
    $members = 0;
    echo '<TR><TD><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 align=center>';
    while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
        if (++$i & 1) {
            $cl = "rowEven";
        } else {
            $cl = "rowOdd";
        echo "<tr class='{$cl}' valign=middle>";
        echo "<TD align=right><a href='index.php?link=playerinfo&id={$obj->id}'>{$obj->callsign}</a></td><TD>";
        if ($obj->id == $team->leader) {
            echo '&nbsp;<img TITLE="Team Leader" src="' . THEME_DIR . 'leader.gif">';
        echo '</td><TD>';
        if ($obj->active) {
            echo '&nbsp;<img TITLE="Active player (has logged into this site recently)" src="' . THEME_DIR . 'active.gif">';
        echo '</td><TD width=10></td>';
        echo '<TD>' . smallflag($obj->flagname) . '</td>';
        if ($s_logedin && (isFuncAllowed('teamadmin::edit_any_team') || $s_playerid == $team->leader)) {
            if ($obj->id != $team->leader) {
                // Link to ban a player from a team
                echo '<td align=center>' . htmlURLbutSmall('BAN', 'banplayer', "playerid={$obj->id}&teamid={$id}&f_ok_x=2", ADMBUT) . '</form></td></tr>';
            } else {
                echo '<td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
        } else {
            echo '<td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
        echo "\n";
    echo '</td></tr></table>';
    // Show last fights
    $sql = "SELECT  t1.id, t1.name, f.score1, t2.id, t2.name, f.score2, f.tsactual, unix_timestamp(f.tsactual) tstamp_ts \n" . "FROM " . TBL_MATCH . " f, l_team t1, l_team t2 " . "WHERE (f.team1 = '{$id}' OR f.team2 = '{$id}') " . " AND f.team1 = t1.id " . " AND f.team2 = t2.id " . "ORDER BY f.tsactual DESC " . "LIMIT 11 ";
    $res = sqlQuery($sql);
    $tmp = '';
    $count = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        if ($count < 11) {
            if (isset($_SESSION['last_login']) && $_SESSION['last_login'] < $row[7]) {
                $new1 = "<font color=\"red\">";
                $new2 = "</font>";
            } else {
                $new1 = '';
                $new2 = '';
            if ($count % 2) {
                $cl = "rowEven";
            } else {
                $cl = "rowOdd";
            $tmp .= "<tr class=\"{$cl}\">";
            $tmp .= '<td align="right">' . $new1 . $row[6] . $new2 . '</td>';
            if ($row[0] != $id) {
                $oppid = $row[0];
                $oppname = stripslashes($row[1]);
                $oppscore = $row[2];
                $teamscore = $row[5];
            } else {
                $oppid = $row[3];
                $oppname = stripslashes($row[4]);
                $oppscore = $row[5];
                $teamscore = $row[2];
            $tmp .= "<td>{$new1}";
            $oppname = '<a href="index.php?link=teaminfo&id=' . $oppid . '&' . SID . '">' . $new1 . $oppname . $new2 . '</a>';
            if ($oppscore < $teamscore) {
                $tmp .= "<b>Won</b> against {$oppname}";
            } elseif ($oppscore > $teamscore) {
                $tmp .= "<b>Lost</b> against {$oppname}";
            } else {
                $tmp .= "<b>Tie</b> against {$oppname}";
            $tmp .= " ({$row[2]} - {$row[5]})";
            $tmp .= "{$new2}</td>";
            $tmp .= "</tr>\n";
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td align=center>&nbsp;<br><b>';
    if ($count == 1) {
        echo 'Last match';
    } else {
        if ($count == 11) {
            echo 'Last 10 matches, view them all <a href="index.php?link=fights&id=' . $id . '&' . SID . '">here</a>';
        } elseif ($count == 0) {
            echo "No matches played";
        } else {
            echo "Last {$count} matches";
    echo '</b><BR><BR></td></tr><TR><TD>';
    echo "<table align=center border=0>{$tmp}</table>";
    // Or... edit your team if you are a leader or ad admin, or with a password if you are a member
    // Team members can't change the password, though...
    // Unless ofcause the team is deleted
    if ($team->status == 'deleted') {
        if ($team->status_changed) {
            echo "<br><center>This team is deleted as of " . gmdate('Y-m-d', $team->status_changed) . "</center>";
        } else {
            echo "<br><center>This team is deleted.</center>";
    } else {
        if ($s_logedin && (isFuncAllowed('teamadmin::edit_any_team') || $s_teamid == $id)) {
            if (!isFuncAllowed('teamadmin::edit_any_team') && $s_playerid != $team->leader) {
                // Team member, need password
                echo '<form method=post>
          <input type=hidden name=link value=teamadmin>
          <input type=hidden name=id value=' . $id . '>
          <br><center>Enter team password <input type=password size=8 maxlength=8 name=f_password> and 
          ' . htmlFormButton('Edit Team', 'f_edit_x') . '
            } else {
                $invites = sqlQuery("SELECT *, l_player.callsign FROM bzl_invites,  l_player\n            WHERE teamid={$id} AND expires > NOW() AND bzl_invites.playerid = l_player.id");
                if (mysql_num_rows($invites) > 0) {
                    echo '<BR><HR>Invitations currently active:<BR><TABLE>';
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($invites)) {
                        echo '<TR><TD width=25></td><TD>' . playerLink($row->playerid, $row->callsign) . "</td><TD width=10></td><TD>(expires: {$row->expires})</td></tr>";
                    echo '</table><HR>';
                // Team leader or admin, let's go
                echo '<center><BR>
        ' . htmlURLbutton('Edit Team', 'teamadmin', "id={$id}", ADMBUT) . '
        ' . htmlURLbutton('Dismiss Team', 'dismissteam', "id={$id}", ADMBUT);