예제 #1
파일: functions.php 프로젝트: Guang-yi/fcn
 * endAuctionBIN: end an auction that resulted in a buy it now purchase.   
 * @param auctionId The auction id (primary key of auctions table)
 * @param user User ID of the player placing this bid
 * @param bidAmt The amount of the BIN purchase
 * @param gameinstance deprecated, but here so that other moving parts move correctly.
function endAuctionBIN($auctionId, $user, $bidAmt, $gameinstance)
    global $dbh;
    // Place a bid using the normal bidding function, but then...
    placeBidFixedEnd($auctionId, $user, $bidAmt, $gameinstance);
    // ... drop the scheduled events created by that function, since the auction is
    // ending now.
    $query = $dbh->prepare("DROP EVENT IF EXISTS auctionEnd" . $auctionId);
    $query = $dbh->prepare("DROP EVENT IF EXISTS notifyWinner" . $auctionId);
    $query = $dbh->prepare("DROP EVENT IF EXISTS notifySeller" . $auctionId);
    // Set the auction end time to NOW().
    $query = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE auctions SET end = NOW() WHERE id = ?");
    $query->bindParam(1, $auctionId);
    // Find the work ID associated with this auction...
    $query = $dbh->prepare("SELECT wid FROM auctions WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1");
    $query->bindParam(1, $auctionId);
    $workid = -1;
    while ($row = $query->fetch()) {
        $workid = $row['wid'];
    // Give the high bidder the work...
    $subq = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO " . $user . "_" . $gameinstance . "_coll VALUES(?)");
    $subq->bindValue(1, $workid);
    // ...and take it from the seller.
    $subs = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM " . getSellerIdForAuction($auctionId) . "_" . $gameinstance . "_coll WHERE work=?");
    $subs->bindValue(1, $workid);
    // Remove the work from any other pending transactions.
    // Assess a final value fee of 10% (roughly) the sale price and transfer bidder's FCGs to
    // seller.
    $finalVal = floor($bidAmt * 0.1);
    adjustPoints(getSellerIdForAuction($auctionId), $bidAmt);
    adjustPoints(getSellerIdForAuction($auctionId), -$finalVal);
    adjustPoints($user, -$bidAmt);
예제 #2
파일: bidPlace.php 프로젝트: Guang-yi/fcn
		$query->execute( );
		echo( "You have placed an absentee bid of " . $CURRENCY_SYMBOL . $bidAmt . ".");	
// Series of sanity checks: did the user enter a positive integer as his/her bid?
if (!is_numeric($bidAmt) || $bidAmt < 1) {
    echo $bidAmt . " isn't an acceptable bid.  Please bid only positive integers.";
    // Is the auction still active?  And is the user bidding an acceptable minimum?  (Current high bid + 5 FCG)
} elseif (isAuctionStillActiveFixedEnd($auctionId) && $bidAmt < getHighBidAmountForAuction($auctionId) + 5) {
    echo "Please bid at least " . $CURRENCY_SYMBOL . (getHighBidAmountForAuction($auctionId) + 5) . ".";
    echo "<p/><button id=\"dismiss\" class=\"ui-widget ui-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only\" style=\"width:100px;height:40px;\" onClick=\"window.parent.Shadowbox.close( );\">Okay</button>";
    // Is the attempted bid less than the minimum bid for the auction?
} elseif (isAuctionStillActiveFixedEnd($auctionId) && $bidAmt < getMinimumBidForAuction($auctionId)) {
    echo "Sorry, but the minimum bid for this auction is " . getMinimumBidForAuction($auctionId) . ".";
    echo "<p/><button id=\"dismiss\" class=\"ui-widget ui-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only\" style=\"width:100px;height:40px;\" onClick=\"window.parent.Shadowbox.close( );\">Okay</button>";
    // Does the user have enough money to place this bid?  If so, place it.
} elseif (isAuctionStillActiveFixedEnd($auctionId) && $bidAmt <= getPoints($uuid)) {
    placeBidFixedEnd($auctionId, $uuid, $bidAmt, $gameinstance);
    echo "You have bid " . $CURRENCY_SYMBOL . $bidAmt . " on this work.";
    echo "<p/><button id=\"dismiss\" class=\"ui-widget ui-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only\" style=\"width:100px;height:40px;\" onClick=\"window.parent.Shadowbox.close( );\">Okay</button>";
    // Logically, this should come first so we don't call the function 3 times in a row for other checks... FIXME
} elseif (!isAuctionStillActiveFixedEnd($auctionId)) {
    echo "The auction has already ended!";
    echo "<p/><button id=\"dismiss\" class=\"ui-widget ui-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only\" style=\"width:100px;height:40px;\" onClick=\"window.parent.Shadowbox.close( );\">Okay</button>";
} else {
    // Almost certainly due to a lack of points -- "place bid" button disappears when the auction ends.
    // Still, we should be a little more nuanced with the error state here.
    echo "You don't have " . $CURRENCY_SYMBOL . $bidAmt . "!";
    echo "<p/><button id=\"dismiss\" class=\"ui-widget ui-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only\" style=\"width:100px;height:40px;\" onClick=\"window.parent.Shadowbox.close( );\">Okay</button>";