/** * Add the thumbnail of the post. * * @since 1.18 * @return The HTML for the thumbnail. */ function pis_the_thumbnail($display_image, $image_align, $side_image_margin, $bottom_image_margin, $margin_unit, $title_link, $pis_query, $image_size, $thumb_wrap = false) { if ($thumb_wrap) { $open_wrap = '<p class="pis-thumbnail">'; $close_wrap = '</p>'; } else { $open_wrap = ''; $close_wrap = ''; } switch ($image_align) { case 'left': $image_class = ' alignleft'; $image_style = ''; if (!is_null($side_image_margin) || !is_null($bottom_image_margin)) { $image_style = ' style="display: inline; float: left; margin-right: ' . $side_image_margin . $margin_unit . '; margin-bottom: ' . $bottom_image_margin . $margin_unit . ';"'; $image_style = str_replace(' margin-right: px;', '', $image_style); $image_style = str_replace(' margin-bottom: px;', '', $image_style); } break; case 'right': $image_class = ' alignright'; $image_style = ''; if (!is_null($side_image_margin) || !is_null($bottom_image_margin)) { $image_style = ' style="display: inline; float: right; margin-left: ' . $side_image_margin . $margin_unit . '; margin-bottom: ' . $bottom_image_margin . $margin_unit . ';"'; $image_style = str_replace(' margin-left: px;', '', $image_style); $image_style = str_replace(' margin-bottom: px;', '', $image_style); } break; case 'center': $image_class = ' aligncenter'; $image_style = ''; if (!is_null($bottom_image_margin)) { $image_style = ' style="margin-bottom: ' . $bottom_image_margin . $margin_unit . ';"'; } break; default: $image_class = ''; $image_style = ''; break; } ?> <?php echo $open_wrap; ?> <a <?php pis_class('pis-thumbnail-link', apply_filters('pis_thumbnail_link_class', '')); ?> href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> " title="<?php echo esc_attr($title_link); ?> " rel="bookmark"> <?php $image_html = get_the_post_thumbnail($pis_query->post->ID, $image_size, array('class' => 'pis-thumbnail-img' . ' ' . apply_filters('pis_thumbnail_class', '') . $image_class)); $image_html = str_replace('<img', '<img' . $image_style, $image_html); echo $image_html; ?> </a> <?php echo $close_wrap; }
/** * Returns the HTML string for the author's Gravatar image. * * @param array $args The array containing the custom args. * @since 3.0 */ function pis_get_gravatar($args) { $defaults = array('author' => '', 'size' => 32, 'default' => ''); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); $output = '<span ' . pis_class('pis-gravatar', apply_filters('pis_gravatar_class', ''), false) . '>' . get_avatar($author, $size, $default) . '</span>'; return $output; }
/** * The core function. * * @since 1.0 * @param mixed $args The options for the main function. * @return string The HTML output. */ function pis_get_posts_in_sidebar($args) { $defaults = array('container_class' => '', 'title' => __('Posts', 'posts-in-sidebar'), 'title_link' => '', 'intro' => '', 'post_type' => 'post', 'posts_id' => '', 'author' => '', 'author_in' => '', 'cat' => '', 'tag' => '', 'post_parent_in' => '', 'post_format' => '', 'number' => get_option('posts_per_page'), 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'offset_number' => '', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_meta_key' => '', 'post_meta_val' => '', 'search' => NULL, 'ignore_sticky' => false, 'get_from_same_cat' => false, 'title_same_cat' => '', 'relation' => '', 'taxonomy_aa' => '', 'field_aa' => 'slug', 'terms_aa' => '', 'operator_aa' => 'IN', 'relation_a' => '', 'taxonomy_ab' => '', 'field_ab' => 'slug', 'terms_ab' => '', 'operator_ab' => 'IN', 'taxonomy_ba' => '', 'field_ba' => 'slug', 'terms_ba' => '', 'operator_ba' => 'IN', 'relation_b' => '', 'taxonomy_bb' => '', 'field_bb' => 'slug', 'terms_bb' => '', 'operator_bb' => 'IN', 'date_year' => '', 'date_month' => '', 'date_week' => '', 'date_day' => '', 'date_hour' => '', 'date_minute' => '', 'date_second' => '', 'date_after_year' => '', 'date_after_month' => '', 'date_after_day' => '', 'date_before_year' => '', 'date_before_month' => '', 'date_before_day' => '', 'date_inclusive' => false, 'date_column' => '', 'author_not_in' => '', 'exclude_current_post' => false, 'post_not_in' => '', 'cat_not_in' => '', 'tag_not_in' => '', 'post_parent_not_in' => '', 'display_title' => true, 'link_on_title' => true, 'title_tooltip' => __('Permalink to', 'posts-in-sidebar'), 'arrow' => false, 'display_image' => false, 'image_size' => 'thumbnail', 'image_align' => 'no_change', 'image_before_title' => false, 'image_link' => '', 'custom_image_url' => '', 'custom_img_no_thumb' => true, 'excerpt' => 'excerpt', 'exc_length' => 20, 'the_more' => __('Read more…', 'posts-in-sidebar'), 'exc_arrow' => false, 'display_author' => false, 'author_text' => __('By', 'posts-in-sidebar'), 'linkify_author' => false, 'gravatar_display' => false, 'gravatar_size' => 32, 'gravatar_default' => '', 'gravatar_position' => 'next_author', 'display_date' => false, 'date_text' => __('Published on', 'posts-in-sidebar'), 'linkify_date' => false, 'display_mod_date' => false, 'mod_date_text' => __('Modified on', 'posts-in-sidebar'), 'linkify_mod_date' => false, 'comments' => false, 'comments_text' => __('Comments:', 'posts-in-sidebar'), 'linkify_comments' => true, 'utility_sep' => '|', 'utility_after_title' => false, 'categories' => false, 'categ_text' => __('Category:', 'posts-in-sidebar'), 'categ_sep' => ',', 'tags' => false, 'tags_text' => __('Tags:', 'posts-in-sidebar'), 'hashtag' => '#', 'tag_sep' => '', 'display_custom_tax' => false, 'term_hashtag' => '', 'term_sep' => ',', 'custom_field' => false, 'custom_field_txt' => '', 'meta' => '', 'custom_field_key' => false, 'custom_field_sep' => ':', 'archive_link' => false, 'link_to' => 'category', 'tax_name' => '', 'tax_term_name' => '', 'archive_text' => __('Display all posts', 'posts-in-sidebar'), 'nopost_text' => __('No posts yet.', 'posts-in-sidebar'), 'hide_widget' => false, 'margin_unit' => 'px', 'intro_margin' => NULL, 'title_margin' => NULL, 'side_image_margin' => NULL, 'bottom_image_margin' => NULL, 'excerpt_margin' => NULL, 'utility_margin' => NULL, 'categories_margin' => NULL, 'tags_margin' => NULL, 'terms_margin' => NULL, 'custom_field_margin' => NULL, 'archive_margin' => NULL, 'noposts_margin' => NULL, 'custom_styles' => '', 'list_element' => 'ul', 'remove_bullets' => false, 'cached' => false, 'cache_time' => 3600, 'widget_id' => '', 'debug_query' => false, 'debug_params' => false, 'debug_query_number' => false); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); /** * Check if $author or $cat or $tag are equal to 'NULL' (string). * If so, make them empty. * For more informations, see inc/posts-in-sidebar-widget.php, function update(). * * @since 1.28 */ if ('NULL' == $author) { $author = ''; } if ('NULL' == $cat) { $cat = ''; } if ('NULL' == $tag) { $tag = ''; } /** * Some params accept only an array. */ if ($posts_id && !is_array($posts_id)) { $posts_id = explode(',', $posts_id); } else { $posts_id = array(); } if ($post_not_in && !is_array($post_not_in)) { $post_not_in = explode(',', $post_not_in); } else { $post_not_in = array(); } if ($cat_not_in && !is_array($cat_not_in)) { $cat_not_in = explode(',', $cat_not_in); } else { $cat_not_in = array(); } if ($tag_not_in && !is_array($tag_not_in)) { $tag_not_in = explode(',', $tag_not_in); } else { $tag_not_in = array(); } if ($author_in && !is_array($author_in)) { $author_in = explode(',', $author_in); } else { $author_in = array(); } if ($author_not_in && !is_array($author_not_in)) { $author_not_in = explode(',', $author_not_in); } else { $author_not_in = array(); } if ($post_parent_in && !is_array($post_parent_in)) { $post_parent_in = explode(',', $post_parent_in); } else { $post_parent_in = array(); } if ($post_parent_not_in && !is_array($post_parent_not_in)) { $post_parent_not_in = explode(',', $post_parent_not_in); } else { $post_parent_not_in = array(); } /** * Build $tax_query parameter (if any). * It must be an array of array. * * @since 1.29 */ $tax_query = pis_tax_query(array('relation' => $relation, 'taxonomy_aa' => $taxonomy_aa, 'field_aa' => $field_aa, 'terms_aa' => $terms_aa, 'operator_aa' => $operator_aa, 'relation_a' => $relation_a, 'taxonomy_ab' => $taxonomy_ab, 'field_ab' => $field_ab, 'terms_ab' => $terms_ab, 'operator_ab' => $operator_ab, 'taxonomy_ba' => $taxonomy_ba, 'field_ba' => $field_ba, 'terms_ba' => $terms_ba, 'operator_ba' => $operator_ba, 'relation_b' => $relation_b, 'taxonomy_bb' => $taxonomy_bb, 'field_bb' => $field_bb, 'terms_bb' => $terms_bb, 'operator_bb' => $operator_bb)); /** * Build the array for date query. * It must be an array of array. * * @since 1.29 */ $date_query = array(array('year' => $date_year, 'month' => $date_month, 'week' => $date_week, 'day' => $date_day, 'hour' => $date_hour, 'minute' => $date_minute, 'second' => $date_second, 'after' => array('year' => $date_after_year, 'month' => $date_after_month, 'day' => $date_after_day), 'before' => array('year' => $date_before_year, 'month' => $date_before_month, 'day' => $date_before_day), 'inclusive' => $date_inclusive, 'column' => $date_column)); $date_query = pis_array_remove_empty_keys($date_query, true); /** * If in a single post or in a page, get the ID of the post of the main loop. * This will be used for: * - excluding the current post from the query; * - getting the category of the current post; * - adding the "current-post" CSS class. * * About is_singular() and is_single() functions. * is_singular() => is true when any post type is displayed (regular post, custom post type, page, attachment). * is_single() => is true when any post type is displayed, except page and attachment. */ if (is_singular()) { $single_post_id = get_the_ID(); } /** * Exclude the current post from the query. * This will be used in case the user do not want to display the same post in the main body and in the sidebar. */ if (is_singular() && $exclude_current_post) { if (!in_array($single_post_id, $post_not_in)) { $post_not_in[] = $single_post_id; } } /** * If $post_type is 'attachment', $post_status must be 'inherit'. * * @see https://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Query#Type_Parameters * @since 1.28 */ if ('attachment' == $post_type) { $post_status = 'inherit'; } /** * If $post_in is not empy, make $author empty, * otherwise WordPress will use $author. * * @since 3.0 */ if (!empty($author_in)) { $author = ''; } // Build the array to get posts $params = array('post_type' => $post_type, 'post__in' => $posts_id, 'author_name' => $author, 'author__in' => $author_in, 'category_name' => $cat, 'tag' => $tag, 'tax_query' => $tax_query, 'date_query' => $date_query, 'post_parent__in' => $post_parent_in, 'post_format' => $post_format, 'posts_per_page' => $number, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $order, 'author__not_in' => $author_not_in, 'post__not_in' => $post_not_in, 'category__not_in' => $cat_not_in, 'tag__not_in' => $tag_not_in, 'post_parent__not_in' => $post_parent_not_in, 'offset' => $offset_number, 'post_status' => $post_status, 'meta_key' => $post_meta_key, 'meta_value' => $post_meta_val, 's' => $search, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => $ignore_sticky); /** * Check if the user wants to display posts from the same category of the single post. * This will work in single (regular) posts only, not in custom post types. * The category used will be the first in the array ( $the_category[0] ), i.e. the category with the lowest ID. * @since 3.2 */ if (isset($get_from_same_cat) && $get_from_same_cat && is_singular('post')) { $the_category = get_the_category($single_post_id); // Set parameters. The parameters for excluding posts (like "post__not_in") will be left active. $params['post_type'] = 'post'; $params['post__in'] = ''; $params['author_name'] = ''; $params['author__in'] = ''; $params['category_name'] = get_cat_name($the_category[0]->cat_ID); $params['tag'] = ''; $params['tax_query'] = ''; $params['date_query'] = ''; $params['post_parent__in'] = ''; $params['post_format'] = ''; $params['meta_key'] = ''; $params['meta_value'] = ''; } // If the user has chosen a cached version of the widget output... if ($cached) { // Get the cached query $pis_query = get_transient($widget_id . '_query_cache'); // If it does not exist, create a new query and cache it for future uses if (!$pis_query) { $pis_query = new WP_Query($params); set_transient($widget_id . '_query_cache', $pis_query, $cache_time); } // ... otherwise serve a not-cached version of the output. } else { $pis_query = new WP_Query($params); } /** * Define the main variable that will concatenate all the output; * * @since 3.0 */ $pis_output = ''; /* The Loop */ if ($pis_query->have_posts()) { ?> <?php if ($intro) { $pis_output = '<p ' . pis_paragraph($intro_margin, $margin_unit, 'pis-intro', 'pis_intro_class') . '>' . pis_break_text($intro) . '</p>'; } // When updating from 1.14, the $list_element variable is empty. if (!$list_element) { $list_element = 'ul'; } if ($remove_bullets && 'ul' == $list_element) { $bullets_style = ' style="list-style-type:none; margin-left:0; padding-left:0;"'; } else { $bullets_style = ''; } $pis_output .= '<' . $list_element . ' ' . pis_class('pis-ul', apply_filters('pis_ul_class', ''), false) . $bullets_style . '>'; while ($pis_query->have_posts()) { $pis_query->the_post(); ?> <?php if ('private' == get_post_status() && !current_user_can('read_private_posts') && !current_user_can('read_private_posts')) { $pis_output .= ''; } else { ?> <?php /** * Assign the class 'current-post' if this is the post of the main loop. * * @since 1.6 */ $current_post_class = ''; if (is_singular() && $single_post_id == $pis_query->post->ID) { $current_post_class = ' current-post'; } /** * Assign the class 'sticky' if the post is sticky. * * @since 1.25 */ $sticky_class = ''; if (is_sticky()) { $sticky_class = ' sticky'; } /** * Assign the class 'private' if the post is private. * * @since 3.0.1 */ $private_class = ''; if ('private' == get_post_status()) { $private_class = ' private'; } $pis_output .= '<li ' . pis_class('pis-li' . $current_post_class . $sticky_class . $private_class, apply_filters('pis_li_class', ''), false) . '>'; /* The thumbnail before the title */ if ($image_before_title) { if ('attachment' == $post_type || $display_image && (has_post_thumbnail() || $custom_image_url)) { $post_link = $title_tooltip . ' ' . the_title_attribute('echo=0'); $pis_output .= pis_the_thumbnail(array('display_image' => $display_image, 'image_align' => $image_align, 'side_image_margin' => $side_image_margin, 'bottom_image_margin' => $bottom_image_margin, 'margin_unit' => $margin_unit, 'post_link' => $post_link, 'pis_query' => $pis_query, 'image_size' => $image_size, 'thumb_wrap' => true, 'custom_image_url' => $custom_image_url, 'custom_img_no_thumb' => $custom_img_no_thumb, 'post_type' => $post_type, 'image_link' => $image_link)); } } // Close if $image_before_title /* The title */ if ($display_title) { $pis_output .= '<p ' . pis_paragraph($title_margin, $margin_unit, 'pis-title', 'pis_title_class') . '>'; /* The Gravatar */ if ($gravatar_display && 'next_title' == $gravatar_position) { $pis_output .= pis_get_gravatar(array('author' => get_the_author_meta('ID'), 'size' => $gravatar_size, 'default' => $gravatar_default)); } if ($link_on_title) { $post_link = $title_tooltip . ' ' . the_title_attribute('echo=0'); $pis_output .= '<a ' . pis_class('pis-title-link', apply_filters('pis_title_link_class', ''), false) . ' href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . esc_attr($post_link) . '" rel="bookmark">'; } $pis_output .= get_the_title(); if ($arrow) { $pis_output .= pis_arrow(); } if ($link_on_title) { $pis_output .= '</a>'; } $pis_output .= '</p>'; } // Close Display title /* The author, the date and the comments */ if ($utility_after_title) { $pis_output .= pis_utility_section(array('display_author' => $display_author, 'display_date' => $display_date, 'display_mod_date' => $display_mod_date, 'comments' => $comments, 'utility_margin' => $utility_margin, 'margin_unit' => $margin_unit, 'author_text' => $author_text, 'linkify_author' => $linkify_author, 'utility_sep' => $utility_sep, 'date_text' => $date_text, 'linkify_date' => $linkify_date, 'mod_date_text' => $mod_date_text, 'linkify_mod_date' => $linkify_mod_date, 'comments_text' => $comments_text, 'pis_post_id' => $pis_query->post->ID, 'link_to_comments' => $linkify_comments, 'gravatar_display' => $gravatar_display, 'gravatar_position' => $gravatar_position, 'gravatar_author' => get_the_author_meta('ID'), 'gravatar_size' => $gravatar_size, 'gravatar_default' => $gravatar_default)); } /* The post content */ if (!post_password_required()) { if ('attachment' == $post_type || $display_image && (has_post_thumbnail() || $custom_image_url) || 'none' != $excerpt) { $pis_output .= '<p ' . pis_paragraph($excerpt_margin, $margin_unit, 'pis-excerpt', 'pis_excerpt_class') . '>'; if (!$image_before_title) { /* The thumbnail */ if ('attachment' == $post_type || $display_image && (has_post_thumbnail() || $custom_image_url)) { $post_link = $title_tooltip . ' ' . the_title_attribute('echo=0'); $pis_output .= pis_the_thumbnail(array('display_image' => $display_image, 'image_align' => $image_align, 'side_image_margin' => $side_image_margin, 'bottom_image_margin' => $bottom_image_margin, 'margin_unit' => $margin_unit, 'post_link' => $post_link, 'pis_query' => $pis_query, 'image_size' => $image_size, 'thumb_wrap' => false, 'custom_image_url' => $custom_image_url, 'custom_img_no_thumb' => $custom_img_no_thumb, 'post_type' => $post_type, 'image_link' => $image_link)); } // Close if ( $display_image && has_post_thumbnail ) } // Close if $image_before_title /* The Gravatar */ if ($gravatar_display && 'next_post' == $gravatar_position) { $pis_output .= pis_get_gravatar(array('author' => get_the_author_meta('ID'), 'size' => $gravatar_size, 'default' => $gravatar_default)); } /* The text */ $pis_output .= pis_the_text(array('excerpt' => $excerpt, 'pis_query' => $pis_query, 'exc_length' => $exc_length, 'the_more' => $the_more, 'exc_arrow' => $exc_arrow)); $pis_output .= '</p>'; } // Close if $display_image } // Close if post password required /* The author, the date and the comments */ if (!$utility_after_title) { $pis_output .= pis_utility_section(array('display_author' => $display_author, 'display_date' => $display_date, 'display_mod_date' => $display_mod_date, 'comments' => $comments, 'utility_margin' => $utility_margin, 'margin_unit' => $margin_unit, 'author_text' => $author_text, 'linkify_author' => $linkify_author, 'utility_sep' => $utility_sep, 'date_text' => $date_text, 'linkify_date' => $linkify_date, 'mod_date_text' => $mod_date_text, 'linkify_mod_date' => $linkify_mod_date, 'comments_text' => $comments_text, 'pis_post_id' => $pis_query->post->ID, 'link_to_comments' => $linkify_comments, 'gravatar_display' => $gravatar_display, 'gravatar_position' => $gravatar_position, 'gravatar_author' => get_the_author_meta('ID'), 'gravatar_size' => $gravatar_size, 'gravatar_default' => $gravatar_default)); } /* The categories */ if ($categories) { $list_of_categories = get_the_term_list($pis_query->post->ID, 'category', '', $categ_sep . ' ', ''); if ($list_of_categories) { $pis_output .= '<p ' . pis_paragraph($categories_margin, $margin_unit, 'pis-categories-links', 'pis_categories_class') . '>'; if ($categ_text) { $pis_output .= $categ_text . ' '; } $pis_output .= apply_filters('pis_categories_list', $list_of_categories); $pis_output .= '</p>'; } } /* The tags */ if ($tags) { $list_of_tags = get_the_term_list($pis_query->post->ID, 'post_tag', $hashtag, $tag_sep . ' ' . $hashtag, ''); if ($list_of_tags) { $pis_output .= '<p ' . pis_paragraph($tags_margin, $margin_unit, 'pis-tags-links', 'pis_tags_class') . '>'; if ($tags_text) { $pis_output .= $tags_text . ' '; } $pis_output .= apply_filters('pis_tags_list', $list_of_tags); $pis_output .= '</p>'; } } /* Custom taxonomies */ if ($display_custom_tax) { $pis_output .= pis_custom_taxonomies_terms_links(array('postID' => $pis_query->post->ID, 'term_hashtag' => $term_hashtag, 'term_sep' => $term_sep, 'terms_margin' => $terms_margin, 'margin_unit' => $margin_unit)); } /* The post meta */ if ($custom_field) { $the_custom_field = get_post_meta($pis_query->post->ID, $meta, false); if ($the_custom_field) { if ($custom_field_txt) { $cf_text = '<span class="pis-custom-field-text-before">' . $custom_field_txt . ' </span>'; } else { $cf_text = ''; } if ($custom_field_key) { $key = '<span class="pis-custom-field-key">' . $meta . '</span>' . '<span class="pis-custom-field-divider">' . $custom_field_sep . '</span> '; } else { $key = ''; } $cf_value = '<span class="pis-custom-field-value">' . $the_custom_field[0] . '</span>'; $pis_output .= '<p ' . pis_paragraph($custom_field_margin, $margin_unit, 'pis-custom-field', 'pis_custom_fields_class') . '>'; $pis_output .= $cf_text . $key . $cf_value; $pis_output .= '</p>'; } } $pis_output .= '</li>'; } // Close if private and current user can't read private posts. } // Close while $pis_output .= '</' . $list_element . '>'; $pis_output .= '<!-- / ul#pis-ul -->'; /* The link to the entire archive */ if ($archive_link) { $pis_output .= pis_archive_link(array('link_to' => $link_to, 'tax_name' => $tax_name, 'tax_term_name' => $tax_term_name, 'archive_text' => $archive_text, 'archive_margin' => $archive_margin, 'margin_unit' => $margin_unit)); } ?> <?php /* If we have no posts yet */ } else { if ($nopost_text) { $pis_output .= '<p ' . pis_paragraph($noposts_margin, $margin_unit, 'pis-noposts noposts', 'pis_noposts_class') . '>'; $pis_output .= $nopost_text; $pis_output .= '</p>'; } if ($hide_widget) { $pis_output .= '<style type="text/css">#' . $widget_id . ' { display: none; }</style>'; } } /* Debugging */ $pis_output .= pis_debug(array('debug_query' => $debug_query, 'debug_params' => $debug_params, 'debug_query_number' => $debug_query_number, 'params' => $params, 'args' => $args, 'cached' => $cached)); /* Prints the version of Posts in Sidebar and if the cache is active. */ $pis_output .= pis_generated($cached); /* Reset the custom query */ wp_reset_postdata(); return $pis_output; }