function filters_switcher_link($mainFilterSwitchOn) { $options_on = $options_off = array(); $options_on['id'] = 'filter_switch_on'; $options_off['id'] = 'filter_switch_off'; if ($mainFilterSwitchOn) { $options_off['style'] = 'display: none;'; } else { $options_on['style'] = 'display: none;'; } $html = picto_tag('action_on', __('some filters active'), $options_on); $html .= picto_tag('action_off', __('some filters have been defined but are not activated'), $options_off); if (defined('PUN_ROOT')) { // we are in the forum // it is not possible to activate/disactivate filter because the FiltersSwitchFilter will not get executed. // moreover, forums are not filtered on activities, regions, langs. return $html; } else { return link_to_function($html, "\$('#indicator').show();" . "\$.ajax('" . url_for('@default?module=common&action=switchallfilters') . "')" . ".done(function() { \$('#filter_switch_on, #filter_switch_off').toggle(); window.location.reload(); })" . ".always(function() { \$('#indicator').hide(); })"); } }
function start_section_tag($label, $container_id, $state = 'opened', $map = false, $first = false, $hide = false, $show_tip = true) { $class = 'article_titre_bg'; if ($first) { $class .= ' hfirst'; } $picto_class = $state == 'opened' ? 'picto_close' : 'picto_open'; $status = __($state == 'opened' ? 'section close' : 'section open'); $label = picto_tag($picto_class, '', array('id' => $container_id . '_toggle')) . __($label); if ($show_tip && !c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { $label .= '<span id="tip_' . $container_id . '" class="tips">[' . $status . ']</span>'; $up = '<a href="#header">' . picto_tag('action_up', __('menu'), array('class' => 'go_up')) . '</a>'; } else { $up = ''; } $style = $hide ? '" style="display:none' : ''; $html = '<div class="' . $class . '" id="' . $container_id . '_tbg' . $style . '">' . '<div class="title" id="' . $container_id . '_section_title" title="' . $status . '">' . '<a href="#" id="' . $container_id . '" data-toggle-view="' . $container_id . '">' . $label . '</a>' . $up . '</div>' . '</div>'; if (!$map) { $display = $state == 'opened' && !$hide ? '' : ' style="display:none;"'; $html .= '<section id="' . $container_id . '_section_container" class="section"' . $display . '>'; } return $html; }
function picto_header_list_tag($picto, $title = '') { sfLoader::loadHelpers(array('General')); return '<th>' . picto_tag($picto, __($title)) . '</th>'; }
<?php use_helper('Field', 'Link'); $item_i18n = $item['ProductI18n'][0]; ?> <div><?php echo list_link($item_i18n, 'products'); ?> </div> <div><?php echo displayWithSuffix($item['elevation'], 'meters'), ' - ', get_paginated_value_from_list($item['product_type'], 'mod_products_types_list'); if (isset($item['linked_docs'])) { echo '<div>', __('access'), ' '; include_partial('parkings/parkings4list', array('parkings' => $item['linked_docs'])); echo '</div>'; } ?> <div><?php include_partial('documents/regions4list', array('geoassociations' => $item['geoassociations'])); ?> </div> <div><?php echo picto_tag('picto_images', __('nb_linked_images')), ' ', isset($item['nb_images']) ? $item['nb_images'] : '0', ' ', picto_tag('action_comment', __('nb_comments')), ' ', isset($item['nb_comments']) ? link_to($item['nb_comments'], '@document_comment?module=products&id=' . $item_i18n['id'] . '&lang=' . $item_i18n['culture']) : '0'; ?> </div>
<?php use_helper('General'); ?> <br /> <?php echo picto_tag('picto_huts') . __('Hut:') . ' ' . (isset($autofocus) ? input_tag('hnam', null, array('autofocus' => 'autofocus')) : input_tag('hnam')); echo __('elevation') . ' ' . elevation_selector('halt'); ?> <br /> <?php echo __('shelter_type') . ' ' . field_value_selector('htyp', 'mod_huts_shelter_types_list', array('keepfirst' => false, 'multiple' => true)); echo __('is_staffed') . __(' :') . ' ' . bool_selector('hsta'); ?> <br /> <?php echo __('staffed_capacity') . ' ' . elevation_selector('hscap', null); ?> <br /> <?php echo __('unstaffed_capacity') . ' ' . elevation_selector('hucap', null); ?> <br /> <?php echo __('has_unstaffed_matress') . ' ' . field_value_selector('hmat', 'app_boolean_list'); echo __('has_unstaffed_blanket') . ' ' . field_value_selector('hbla', 'app_boolean_list'); echo __('has_unstaffed_gas') . ' ' . field_value_selector('hgas', 'app_boolean_list'); echo __('has_unstaffed_wood') . ' ' . field_value_selector('hwoo', 'app_boolean_list');
echo simple_pager_navigation($count, count($routes_outings), 'routings_group_'); } ?> </div> <?php } // routes outings list link include_partial('outings/linked_outings', array('id' => $ids, 'module' => 'routes', 'nb_outings' => $nb_routes_outings, 'document' => $document)); } } // new outing button if ($show_link_tool) { echo '<div class="add_content">' . link_to(picto_tag('picto_add', __('Associate new outing')) . __('Associate new outing'), "outings/edit?link={$id}") . '</div>'; } echo end_section_tag(); // associated images section include_partial('documents/images', array('images' => $associated_images, 'document_id' => $id, 'dissociation' => 'moderator', 'is_protected' => $document->get('is_protected'))); if ($mobile_version) { include_partial('documents/mobile_comments', array('id' => $id, 'lang' => $lang, 'nb_comments' => $nb_comments)); if ($is_connected) { $version = $document->getVersion(); $txt = __('Edit'); echo '<div id="edit_route_button" class="add_content">', link_to(picto_tag('picto_tools', $txt) . $txt, "@document_edit_archive?module=routes&id={$id}&lang={$lang}&version={$version}"), '</div>'; } } // annex docs section include_partial('documents/annex_docs', array('document' => $document, 'related_articles' => $associated_articles, 'related_portals' => $related_portals, 'show_link_to_delete' => $show_link_to_delete)); } include_partial('documents/license', array('license' => 'by-sa', 'version' => $current_version, 'created_at' => isset($created_at) ? $created_at : null, 'timer' => $timer)); echo end_content_tag(); include_partial('common/content_bottom');
if (array_key_exists($cat, $choices)) { $choices[$cat] .= ' *'; } } echo select_tag("categories[{$image_number}]", options_for_select($choices), array('multiple' => true, 'size' => 6)); ?> </div> <br /> <div class="image_form_error"<?php echo isset($image_title) ? ' style="display:none"' : ''; ?> > ↓ <?php echo __('this name is too short (4 characters minimum)'); ?> ↓</div> <?php // if image_title is set, we prefill the title input // note that we use raw value, since input_tag will escape values anyway // and we thus prevent double escaping $image_title = isset($image_title) ? $sf_data->getRaw('image_title') : ''; echo __('name'), ' ', input_tag("name[{$image_number}]", $image_title, array('maxlength' => '150', 'class' => 'large_input', 'placeholder' => __('write a caption'))), ' ', input_hidden_tag("image_unique_filename[{$image_number}]", $image_filename); echo '<br /><br />'; $license_choices = array_map('__', sfConfig::get('mod_images_type_list')); if ($default_license == 1) { $types = sfConfig::get('mod_images_type_list'); echo __('image_type') . ' ' . __($types[1]) . ' ' . link_to(picto_tag('cc-by-sa-mini', 'CC-by-sa'), getMetaArticleRoute('licenses', false, 'cc-by-sa')); echo input_hidden_tag("image_type[{$image_number}]", 1); } else { echo __('image_type') . ' ' . select_tag("image_type[{$image_number}]", options_for_select($license_choices, $default_license)); }
<?php use_helper('FilterForm', 'General', 'MyForm'); $is_connected = $sf_user->isConnected(); echo around_selector('sarnd'); $ranges_raw = $sf_data->getRaw('ranges'); $selected_areas_raw = $sf_data->getRaw('selected_areas'); include_partial('areas/areas_selector', array('ranges' => $ranges_raw, 'selected_areas' => $selected_areas_raw, 'use_personalization' => true)); ?> <br /> <br /> <?php echo '<div class="fieldname">' . picto_tag('picto_outings') . __('name') . ' </div>' . input_tag('onam', null, array('autofocus' => 'autofocus')); echo georef_selector('With GPS track:'); $activities_raw = $sf_data->getRaw('activities'); include_partial('routes_filter', array('activities' => $activities_raw)); include_partial('summits/summits_short_filter'); include_partial('huts/huts_short_filter'); include_partial('parkings/parkings_filter'); echo __('outing_with_public_transportation') . ' ' . bool_selector('owtp'); ?> <br /><br /> <?php echo __('Date') . __(' :') . ' ' . date_selector(array('month' => true, 'year' => true, 'day' => true)); ?> <div data-act-filter="1 2 5 7" style="display:none"> <?php echo __('avalanche_infos') . ' ' . select_tag('avdate', options_for_select(array('2-3-4-5' => __('yes'), '1' => __('no'), ' ' => __('filled in'), '-' => __('nonwell informed')), '', array('include_blank' => true))); ?> </div> <br />
function field_export($module, $id, $lang, $version = null) { $route_suffix = !empty($version) ? "_version?version={$version}&" : '?'; $route_suffix .= "module={$module}&id={$id}&lang={$lang}"; $title = 'download geo data under %1% format'; $result = '<div class="no_print">' . content_tag('span', __('Export:'), array('class' => 'section_subtitle', 'id' => 'geo_export', 'data-tooltip' => '')) . ' ' . picto_tag('action_gps') . ' ' . link_to('GPX', "@export_gpx{$route_suffix}", array('title' => __($title, array('%1%' => 'GPX')), 'rel' => 'nofollow')); if (!c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { $result .= ' ' . picto_tag('action_kml') . ' ' . link_to('KML', "@export_kml{$route_suffix}", array('title' => __($title, array('%1%' => 'KML')), 'rel' => 'nofollow')) . ' ' . picto_tag('action_json') . ' ' . link_to('JSON', "@export_json{$route_suffix}", array('title' => __($title, array('%1%' => 'JSON')), 'rel' => 'nofollow')); } $result .= '</div>'; return $result; }
echo picto_tag('action_edit') . f_link_to(__('User profile'), 'profile.php?section=personality'); ?> </li> <li><?php echo picto_tag('action_contact') . link_to(__('Mailing lists link'), 'users/mailinglists'); ?> </li> <?php } else { ?> <li><?php echo picto_tag('action_edit') . link_to(__('create an account?'), getMetaArticleRoute('create_account')); ?> </li> <?php } if ($is_connected) { ?> <li class="lilast"><?php echo picto_tag('action_cc') . link_to(__('User image management'), 'users/manageimages'); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </li> </ul> <br class="clearer" /> </div>
if ($is_not_archive && $is_not_merged) { echo start_section_tag('Linked documents', 'associated_docs'); $id_no_associated_docs = "no_associated_docs"; $id_list_associated_docs = "list_associated_docs"; if (!count($associated_documents)) { echo '<p class="default_text" id="' . $id_no_associated_docs . '">' . __("No document uses this picture.") . '</p>'; } if (count($associated_documents) > 0) { echo '<ul id="' . $id_list_associated_docs . '">'; foreach ($associated_documents as $doc) { $doc_id = $doc['id']; $module = $doc['module']; $type = c2cTools::Module2Letter($module) . 'i'; $idstring = $type . '_' . $doc_id; echo '<li id="', $idstring, '">'; echo picto_tag('picto_' . $module, __($module)); echo ' ' . link_to($doc['name'], "@document_by_id_lang_slug?module={$module}&id=" . $doc_id . '&lang=' . $doc['culture'] . '&slug=' . make_slug($doc['name'])); if ($show_link_to_delete) { echo c2c_link_to_delete_element($type, $doc_id, $id, false, 1); } echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } elseif ($show_link_tool) { echo '<ul id="' . $id_list_associated_docs . '"><li style="display:none"></li></ul>'; } if ($show_link_tool) { ?> <div id="association_tool" class="plus"> <p><?php echo __('You can associate this picture with any existing document using the following tool:');
foreach ($alist as $k => $act) { if (!in_array($k + 1, $act_filter)) { $unselected_act[] = $k; } } foreach ($unselected_act as $act_id) { $light[$act_id] = '_light'; } foreach ($act_filter as $act_id) { $activities_class[] = 'act' . $act_id; } } ?> <div id="quick_switch<?php echo empty($activities_class) ? '' : '" class="' . implode(' ', $activities_class); ?> "> <?php foreach ($alist as $act_id => $activity) { $alt = $act_filter == array($act_id) ? __('switch_off_activity_personalisation') : __('switch_to_' . $alist[$act_id]); $image_tag = picto_tag('activity_' . ($act_id + 1) . $light[$act_id], $alt); echo link_to($image_tag, '@quick_activity?activity=' . ($act_id + 1), array('class' => 'qck_sw')); } ?> </div> <?php include_partial('common/menu_content', array('sf_cache_key' => ($is_connected ? 'connected' : 'not_connected') . '_' . $lang, 'lang' => $lang, 'is_connected' => $is_connected)); ?> </div>
<?php use_helper('General'); ?> <br /> <?php echo '<div class="fieldname">' . picto_tag('picto_summits') . __('Summit:') . ' </div>' . input_tag('snam'); echo __('elevation') . ' ' . elevation_selector('salt'); echo __('summit_type') . ' ' . field_value_selector('styp', 'app_summits_summit_types', array('blank' => true));
use_helper('General'); $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion(); ?> <fieldset id="fs_area"> <legend class="select_title"> <?php if (!isset($show_picto)) { $show_picto = true; } if ($show_picto) { echo picto_tag('picto_areas') . ' - '; } echo link_to_function(__('ranges'), "console.log('plop');\$('#indicator').show();\n \$.ajax('" . url_for('/areas/getmultipleselect?area_type=1') . "')\n .always(function() { \$('#indicator').hide(); })\n .done(function(data) { \$('#area_selector').html(data); })") . ' - ' . link_to_function(__('regions'), "\$('#indicator').show();\n \$.ajax('" . url_for('/areas/getmultipleselect?area_type=3') . "')\n .always(function() { \$('#indicator').hide(); })\n .done(function(data) { \$('#area_selector').html(data); })") . ' - ' . link_to_function(__('countries'), "\$('#indicator').show();\n \$.ajax('" . url_for('/areas/getmultipleselect?area_type=2') . "')\n .always(function() { \$('#indicator').hide(); })\n .done(function(data) { \$('#area_selector').html(data); })"); if (!$mobile_version) { echo ' - ' . picto_tag('picto_close', __('Reduce the list'), array('onclick' => "C2C.changeSelectSize('places', false)")) . picto_tag('picto_open', __('Enlarge the list'), array('onclick' => "C2C.changeSelectSize('places', true)")); } ?> </legend> <div id="area_selector"> <?php //rq FIXME bug in symfony 1.0.11 which does not work with optgroups and escaping, see // plus using sf_data->getRaw is not enough because it is passed through different partials $ranges_raw = array(); foreach ($ranges as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator) { $rr = array(); foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $rr[$k] = $v; } $ranges_raw[$key] = $rr;
<?php use_helper('Field'); $id = $sf_params->get('id'); $is_connected = $sf_user->isConnected(); $is_not_archive = !$document->isArchive(); $is_not_merged = !$document->get('redirects_to'); $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion(); $is_gite_camping = $document->get('shelter_type') == 5 || $document->get('shelter_type') == 6; $show_link_tool = !$is_gite_camping && $is_not_archive && $is_not_merged && $is_connected && !$mobile_version; if ($is_gite_camping) { $access_label = 'access'; } else { $access_label = null; } echo field_text_data_if_set($document, 'staffed_period', null, array('needs_translation' => $needs_translation, 'images' => $images)); echo field_text_data_if_set($document, 'description', null, array('needs_translation' => $needs_translation, 'images' => $images)); if (count($associated_routes)) { echo field_text_data($document, 'pedestrian_access', $access_label, array('needs_translation' => $needs_translation, 'images' => $images)); include_partial('routes/linked_routes', array('associated_routes' => $associated_routes, 'document' => $document, 'id' => $id, 'module' => 'huts', 'type' => '', 'strict' => true, 'show_list_link' => false)); } else { echo field_text_data_if_set($document, 'pedestrian_access', $access_label, array('needs_translation' => $needs_translation, 'images' => $images)); } if ($show_link_tool) { echo '<div class="add_content">' . link_to(picto_tag('picto_add', __('Associate new access')) . __('Associate new access'), "@hut_addroute?document_id={$id}") . '</div>'; }
<?php use_helper('FilterForm', 'General'); echo picto_tag('picto_areas') . __('region_name') . ' ' . input_tag('anam', null, array('autofocus' => 'autofocus')); echo __('area_type') . ' ' . field_value_selector('atyp', 'mod_areas_area_types_list'); ?> <br /> <?php echo __('filter language') . __(' :') . ' ' . lang_selector('acult'); ?> <br /> <?php include_partial('documents/filter_sort');
$title = $i18n_item['name']; $filename = $item['filename']; $image_type = $item['image_type']; $thumb_url = image_url($filename, 'small'); $image_route = '@document_by_id_lang_slug?module=images&id=' . $item['id'] . '&lang=' . $i18n_item['culture'] . '&slug=' . make_slug($i18n_item['name']); echo link_to(image_tag($thumb_url, array('class' => 'img', 'alt' => $title)), $mobile_version ? $image_route : absolute_link(image_url($filename, 'big', true), true), array('title' => $title, 'data-lightbox' => 'document_images', 'class' => 'view_big', 'id' => 'lightbox_' . $item['id'] . '_' . $image_type)); ?> <div class="image_license <?php echo 'license_' . $image_type; ?> "></div> </div> <?php echo $title . '<br />'; echo link_to(__('Details'), $image_route); if (!empty($item['nb_comments'])) { echo ' - ' . picto_tag('action_comment', __('nb_comments'), array('style' => 'margin-bottom:-4px')) . ' (' . link_to($item['nb_comments'], '@document_comment?module=images&id=' . $item['id'] . '&lang=' . $i18n_item['culture']) . ')'; } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div style="clear:both"><?php echo $pager_navigation; ?> </div> <?php } echo end_content_tag(); include_partial('common/content_bottom');
<table id="conditions_levels_table"> <colgroup></colgroup> <?php foreach ($level_fields as $field) { ?> <colgroup id="<?php echo $field; ?> "></colgroup> <?php } ?> <thead> <tr> <th><?php echo link_to(picto_tag('picto_add', __('add a condition level')), '#', array('class' => 'add-condition-level')); ?> </th> <?php foreach ($level_fields as $field) { ?> <th><?php echo __($field); ?> </th> <?php } ?> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="conditions_levels_tbody">
<li><span class="picto action_description"></span> <?php echo __('Guidebook contribs:'); echo '<ul>'; $module_list = array('routes', 'summits', 'sites', 'huts', 'parkings', 'products', 'books', 'areas', 'articles', 'images'); foreach ($module_list as $module) { $module_title = $module; $url_param = ''; if ($module == 'articles') { $module_title = 'collaborative articles'; $url_param = 'ctyp=1&'; } if ($module == 'images') { $module_title = 'collaborative images'; $url_param = 'ityp=1&'; } echo '<li>' . picto_tag('picto_' . $module) . ' ' . __($module_title) . __(' :') . ' ' . link_to(__('creations'), "{$module}/whatsnew?{$url_param}" . "mode=creations&users={$id}") . ' (' . link_to(__('tracking'), "{$module}/whatsnew?{$url_param}" . "createdby={$id}") . ') - ' . link_to(__('editions'), "{$module}/whatsnew?{$url_param}" . "users={$id}") . ' (' . link_to(__('tracking'), "{$module}/whatsnew?{$url_param}" . "editedby={$id}") . ')' . '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; if ($is_moderator) { /* echo '<p><span class="picto action_list"></span> ' . link_to(__('List all user collaborative contribs'), "documents/whatsnew?dtyp=collab&users=$id") . ' (' . link_to(__('creations'), "documents/whatsnew?dtyp=collab&mode=creations&users=$id") . ')' . '</p>'; */ echo '<p><span class="picto action_list"></span> ' . link_to(__('List all user contribs'), "documents/whatsnew?users={$id}") . ' (' . link_to(__('creations'), "documents/whatsnew?mode=creations&users={$id}") . ')' . '</p>'; } ?> </li> </ul> <?php echo end_section_tag(); include_partial('documents/images', array('images' => $associated_images, 'document_id' => $id, 'dissociation' => 'moderator', 'author_specific' => !$is_moderator, 'is_protected' => $document->get('is_protected')));
/** * Create a form that allow to link the current document with several kinds of other docs * * @param module current document module * @param id current document id * @param modules_list list of modules available for association * @param default_selected default selected module in the dropdown list * @param field_prefix used to prevent to have ids conflict when multiple forms * @param $options * $hide if true, display button to hide/show the form + some text * $indicator, the ID of the HTML object used to display indications on the ajax status (Loading, Success, ...) * $removed_id, the ID of the HTML object to hide * $suggest_near_docs, for suggesting docs based on geolocalization * $suggest_friends, for suggesting people you go out with most * * FIXME js code is quite messy, would be great to move most of it into separate js file */ function c2c_form_add_multi_module($module, $id, $modules_list, $default_selected, $options) { // optional values $field_prefix = _option($options, 'field_prefix', 'list_associated_docs'); $hide = _option($options, 'hide', true); $indicator = _option($options, 'indicator', 'indicator'); $removed_id = _option($options, 'removed_id'); $suggest_near_docs = _option($options, 'suggest_near_docs', false); $suggest_friends = _option($options, 'suggest_friends', false); $conf = sfConfig::get('app_modules_list'); $modules_list = array_intersect($conf, $modules_list); $modules_list_i18n = array_map('__', $modules_list); // modules for which lookig for neighboors has some sense $near_docs_modules_list = array_intersect($conf, array('huts', 'parkings', 'sites', 'summits', 'routes')); $near_docs_module_ids_list = array_keys($near_docs_modules_list); // for site-site, parking-parking or summit-summit associations, be explicit about association direction if (in_array($module, array('sites', 'parkings', 'summits'))) { $modules_list_i18n[array_search($module, $modules_list)] = __('sub-' . $module); } // dropdown for choosing the type of docs to link $select_modules = select_tag('dropdown_modules', options_with_classes_for_select($modules_list_i18n, array($default_selected), array(), 'picto picto_'), array('class' => 'picto picto_' . $default_selected)); $picto_add = $hide ? '' : picto_tag('picto_add', in_array('users', $modules_list) ? __('Link an existing user or document') : __('Link an existing document')) . ' '; $out = $picto_add . $select_modules; // js code fro autocompletion $js = "\$('#dropdown_modules').change(function() {" . "var \$this = \$(this), value = \$this.val(), indicator = \$('#{$indicator}').show();" . "\$this.attr('class', 'picto picto_' + value);" . "\$.get('" . url_for("/{$module}/getautocomplete") . "', 'module_id=' + value + '&field_prefix={$field_prefix}" . ($suggest_near_docs ? "' + (['" . implode("','", $near_docs_module_ids_list) . "'].indexOf(value) > -1 ?\n '&extra_params=" . urlencode("lat=" . $suggest_near_docs['lat'] . "&lon=" . $suggest_near_docs['lon']) . "' : '')" : '\'') . ")" . ".always(function() { indicator.hide(); })" . ".done(function(data) { \$('#{$field_prefix}_form').html(data);"; if ($suggest_near_docs || $suggest_friends) { $suggest_exclude = _option($options, 'suggest_exclude', []); // additional code for suggesting documents in the neighborhood or friends when relevant $js = "function getSuggestions() {" . "var input = \$('#{$field_prefix}_form').find('input[autocomplete=off]')," . "module = input.attr('name').replace('_name', '')," . "exclude = " . json_encode($suggest_exclude) . "," . "suggestions_div = \$('.autocomplete-suggestions').empty();" . "if (['" . implode("','", $near_docs_modules_list) . "'].indexOf(module) > -1 || module == 'users') {" . "var params = (module == 'users') ? { id: \$('#name_to_use').attr('data-user-id') } :" . "{ lat:" . $suggest_near_docs['lat'] . ", lon:" . $suggest_near_docs['lon'] . " };" . "if (input.not('[data-suggest-no-exclude]') && exclude[module] && exclude[module].length) {" . "params['exclude'] = exclude[module].join(',');" . "}" . "\$.getJSON('/'+module+'/suggest', params)" . ".done(function(data) {" . "if (data.length) suggestions_div.append('" . __('Suggestions: ') . "');" . "\$.each(data, function(index, obj) {" . "suggestions_div.append(\$('<a href=\"'+obj.url+'\">''</a>').click(function(e) {" . "if (e.which !== 1) return;" . "e.preventDefault();" . "\$('#{$field_prefix}_form input[type=text]').triggerHandler('forceselect.autocomplete'," . "\$('<span id=''>''</span>'));" . "}), ' ');" . "});" . "});" . "}" . "}" . "\$('#{$field_prefix}_form_association a').one('click', getSuggestions);" . $js; $js .= "getSuggestions();"; } $js .= "});});"; $out .= javascript_queue($js); // form start $out .= c2c_form_remote_add_element("{$module}/addAssociation?main_id={$id}", $field_prefix, $indicator, $removed_id); // default form content $auto_complete_options = array('field_prefix' => $field_prefix); if ($suggest_near_docs && in_array($modules_list[$default_selected], $near_docs_modules_list)) { $auto_complete_options['extra_params'] = "lat=" . $suggest_near_docs['lat'] . "&lon=" . $suggest_near_docs['lon']; } $out .= '<div id="' . $field_prefix . '_form' . '" class="ac_form">' . input_hidden_tag('document_id', '0', array('id' => $field_prefix . '_document_id')) . input_hidden_tag('document_module', $modules_list[$default_selected], array('id' => $field_prefix . '_document_module')) . c2c_auto_complete($modules_list[$default_selected], $field_prefix . '_document_id', $auto_complete_options) . '</div></form><div class="autocomplete-suggestions"></div>'; // this is where the linked docs will be displayed after ajax $out = '<div class="doc_add">' . $out . '</div>'; if ($hide) { $picto_add_rm = '<span class="assoc_img picto_add" title="' . __('show form') . '"></span>' . '<span class="assoc_img picto_rm" title="' . __('hide form') . '"></span>'; $picto_add_rm = link_to_function($picto_add_rm, "C2C.toggleForm('{$field_prefix}_form')"); $title = '<div id="_association_tool" class="section_subtitle extra" data-tooltip>' . (in_array('users', $modules_list) ? __('Link an existing user or document') : __('Link an existing document')) . __(' :') . '</div> '; $pictos = ' '; foreach ($modules_list as $module) { $pictos .= picto_tag('picto_' . $module, __($module)); } $pictos = link_to_function($pictos, "C2C.toggleForm('{$field_prefix}_form')"); $pictos = '<div class="short_data">' . $pictos . '</div>'; $out = '<div class="one_kind_association empty_content">' . '<div class="association_tool hide" id="' . $field_prefix . '_form_association">' . $picto_add_rm . $title . $pictos . '<ul id="' . $field_prefix . '"><li style="display:none"></li></ul>' . $out . '</div></div>'; } return $out; }
/** * Executes "associate current document with document" action * associated document can only be : articles, summits, books, huts, outings, routes, sites, users * ... restricted in security.yml to logged people */ public function executeAddAssociation() { $user = $this->getUser(); $user_id = $user->getId(); $is_moderator = $user->hasCredential(sfConfig::get('app_credentials_moderator')); // // Get parameters and check that association is allowed // // if session is time-over if (!$user_id) { return $this->ajax_feedback('Session is over. Please login again.'); } if (!$this->hasRequestParameter('document_id') || !$this->hasRequestParameter('main_id') || !$this->hasRequestParameter('document_module')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('Operation not allowed'); } $main_module = $this->getRequestParameter('module'); $main_id = $this->getRequestParameter('main_id'); $linked_module = $this->getRequestParameter('document_module'); $linked_id = $this->getRequestParameter('document_id'); $icon = $this->getRequestParameter('icon', ''); $div = $this->getRequestParameter('div', false); if ($linked_id == $main_id) { return $this->ajax_feedback('A document can not be linked to itself'); } switch ($linked_module) { case 'summits': $fields = array('id', 'is_protected', 'summit_type'); break; case 'routes': $fields = array('id', 'is_protected', 'duration'); break; case 'huts': $fields = array('id', 'is_protected', 'shelter_type'); break; case 'articles': $fields = array('id', 'is_protected', 'article_type'); break; case 'images': $fields = array('id', 'is_protected', 'image_type'); break; case 'documents': $fields = array('id', 'is_protected', 'module'); break; // FIXME prevent such case? // FIXME prevent such case? default: $fields = array('id', 'is_protected'); break; } $linked_document = Document::find(c2cTools::module2model($linked_module), $linked_id, $fields); $linked_module = $linked_module != 'documents' ? $linked_module : $linked_document->get('module'); if (!$linked_document) { return $this->ajax_feedback('Linked document does not exist'); } $type_modules = c2cTools::Modules2Type($main_module, $linked_module); if (empty($type_modules)) { return $this->ajax_feedback('Wrong association type'); } list($type, $swap, $main_module_new, $linked_module_new, $strict) = $type_modules; switch ($main_module) { case 'summits': $fields = array('id', 'is_protected', 'summit_type'); break; case 'routes': $fields = array('id', 'is_protected', 'duration'); break; case 'huts': $fields = array('id', 'is_protected', 'shelter_type'); break; case 'articles': $fields = array('id', 'is_protected', 'article_type'); break; case 'images': $fields = array('id', 'is_protected', 'image_type'); break; case 'documents': $fields = array('id', 'is_protected', 'module'); break; // FIXME prevent such case? // FIXME prevent such case? default: $fields = array('id', 'is_protected'); break; } $main_document = Document::find(c2cTools::module2model($main_module), $main_id, $fields); if (!$main_document) { return $this->ajax_feedback('Main document does not exist'); } if ($swap) { $main_document_new = $linked_document; $main_id_new = $linked_id; $linked_document_new = $main_document; $linked_id_new = $main_id; } else { $main_document_new = $main_document; $main_id_new = $main_id; $linked_document_new = $linked_document; $linked_id_new = $linked_id; } if ($linked_module_new == 'articles') { if (!$is_moderator) { if ($linked_document_new->get('article_type') == 2 && !Association::find($user_id, $linked_id_new, 'uc')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('You do not have the right to link a document to a personal article'); } if ($main_module_new == 'articles') { if ($main_document_new->get('article_type') == 2 && !Association::find($user_id, $main_id_new, 'uc')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('You do not have the right to link a document to a personal article'); } } if ($main_module_new == 'outings' && !Association::find($user_id, $main_id_new, 'uo')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('You do not have the right to link an article to another user outing'); } } if ($linked_document_new->get('article_type') != 2 && $type == 'uc') { return $this->ajax_feedback('An user can not be linked to a collaborative article'); } } if ($linked_module_new == 'images') { if ($main_document_new->get('is_protected') && !$is_moderator) { return $this->ajax_feedback('Document is protected'); } if (!$is_moderator) { if ($main_module_new == 'users' && $main_id_new != $user_id) { return $this->ajax_feedback('You do not have the right to link an image to another user profile'); } if ($main_module_new == 'outings' && !Association::find($user_id, $main_id_new, 'uo')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('You do not have the right to link an image to another user outing'); } if ($main_module_new == 'articles' && $main_document_new->get('article_type') == 2 && !Association::find($user_id, $main_id_new, 'uc')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('You do not have the right to link an image to a personal article'); } if ($main_module_new == 'images' && $main_document_new->get('image_type') == 2 && $document->getCreatorId() != $user_id) { return $this->ajax_feedback('You do not have the right to link an image to a personal image'); } } } if ($linked_module_new == 'outings') { if (!$is_moderator) { if ($main_module_new == 'users' && !Association::find($user_id, $linked_id_new, 'uo')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('You do not have the right to link an user to another user outing'); } if ($main_module_new == 'routes' && !Association::find($user_id, $linked_id_new, 'uo')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('You do not have the right to link a route to another user outing'); } if ($main_module_new == 'sites' && !Association::find($user_id, $linked_id_new, 'uo')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('You do not have the right to link a site to another user outing'); } } } if ($linked_module_new == 'xreports') { if (!$is_moderator) { if ($main_module_new == 'users' && !Association::find($user_id, $linked_id_new, 'ux')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('You do not have the right to link an user to another user xreport'); } if ($main_module_new == 'outings' && !Association::find($user_id, $linked_id_new, 'ux')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('You do not have the right to link an outing to another user xreport'); } if ($main_module_new == 'routes' && !Association::find($user_id, $linked_id_new, 'ux')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('You do not have the right to link a route to another user xreport'); } if ($main_module_new == 'sites' && !Association::find($user_id, $linked_id_new, 'ux')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('You do not have the right to link a site to another user xreport'); } } } if ($linked_module_new == 'huts') { if ($main_module_new == 'summits') { $associations = Association::findAllAssociations($linked_id_new, 'sh'); if (count($associations)) { return $this->ajax_feedback('This hut is already linked to a summit'); } } if ($main_module_new == 'parkings') { $associations_pp = Association::findAllAssociations($main_id_new, 'pp'); $associations_ph = Association::findAllAssociations($linked_id_new, 'ph'); foreach ($associations_pp as $a_pp) { foreach ($associations_ph as $a_ph) { if ($a_pp['main_id'] == $a_ph['main_id'] || $a_pp['linked_id'] == $a_ph['main_id']) { return $this->ajax_feedback('A parking can not be linked to a hut if a main/sub parking is already linked to it'); } } } } } if ($linked_module_new == 'routes') { if ($main_module_new == 'summits' && $main_document_new->get('summit_type') == 5 && $linked_document_new->get('duration') <= 2) { return $this->ajax_feedback('A raid summit can not be linked to a stage route'); } if ($main_module_new == 'huts' && ($main_document_new->get('shelter_type') == 5 || $main_document_new->get('shelter_type') == 6)) { return $this->ajax_feedback('A gite can not be linked to a route'); } if ($main_module_new == 'parkings') { $associations_pp = Association::findAllAssociations($main_id_new, 'pp'); $associations_pr = Association::findAllAssociations($linked_id_new, 'pr'); foreach ($associations_pp as $a_pp) { foreach ($associations_pr as $a_pr) { if ($a_pp['main_id'] == $a_pr['main_id'] || $a_pp['linked_id'] == $a_pr['main_id']) { return $this->ajax_feedback('A parking can not be linked to a route if a main/sub parking is already linked to it'); } } } } } if ($linked_module_new == 'sites') { if ($main_module_new == 'sites') { if (Association::countAllMain(array($linked_id_new), 'tt')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('A sub site can not be linked to more than one main site'); } } if ($main_module_new == 'summits') { if (Association::countAllMain(array($linked_id_new), 'st')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('A site can not be linked to more than one summit'); } if (Association::countAllMain(array($linked_id_new), 'tt')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('A summit can not be linked to a sub site'); } } if ($main_module_new == 'parkings') { $associations_pp = Association::findAllAssociations($main_id_new, 'pp'); $associations_pt = Association::findAllAssociations($linked_id_new, 'pt'); foreach ($associations_pp as $a_pp) { foreach ($associations_pt as $a_pt) { if ($a_pp['main_id'] == $a_pt['main_id'] || $a_pp['linked_id'] == $a_pt['main_id']) { return $this->ajax_feedback('A parking can not be linked to a site if a main/sub parking is already linked to it'); } } } } } if ($linked_module_new == 'summits') { if ($main_module_new == 'summits') { if ($main_document_new->get('summit_type') == 5 || $linked_document_new->get('summit_type') == 5) { return $this->ajax_feedback('A raid summit can not be linked to a real summit'); } if (Association::countAllMain(array($linked_id_new), 'ss')) { return $this->ajax_feedback('A sub summit can not be linked to more than one main summit'); } } } if ($linked_module_new == 'parkings') { if ($main_module_new == 'parkings') { if (Association::countAllMain(array($linked_id_new), 'pp')) { // return $this->ajax_feedback('A sub parking can not be linked to more than one main parking'); } } } if (Association::find($main_id_new, $linked_id_new, $type, false)) { return $this->ajax_feedback('The document is already linked to the current document'); } if ($linked_module_new == 'outings' && $main_module_new == 'users' && $linked_id != $user_id) { // send an email to warn the new user associated $email_recipient = UserPrivateData::find($linked_id)->getEmail(); $email_subject = $this->__('You have been associated to an outing'); $server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $outing_link = 'http' . (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? '' : 's') . "://{$server}/outings/{$main_id}"; $htmlBody = $this->__('You have been associated to outing %1% details', array('%1%' => '<a href="' . $outing_link . '">' . $outing_link . '</a>')); $mail = new sfMail(); $mail->setCharset('utf-8'); // definition of the required parameters $mail->setSender(sfConfig::get('app_outgoing_emails_sender')); $mail->setFrom(sfConfig::get('app_outgoing_emails_from')); $mail->addReplyTo(sfConfig::get('app_outgoing_emails_reply_to')); $mail->addAddress($email_recipient); $mail->setSubject($email_subject); $mail->setContentType('text/html'); $mail->setBody($htmlBody); $mail->setAltBody(strip_tags($htmlBody)); // send the email $mail->send(); } // Perform association $a = new Association(); $status = $a->doSaveWithValues($main_id_new, $linked_id_new, $type, $user_id); if (!$status) { return $this->ajax_feedback('Could not perform association'); } // cache clearing for current doc in every lang: $this->clearCache($main_module, $main_id, false, 'view'); $this->clearCache($linked_module, $linked_id, false, 'view'); // html to return sfLoader::loadHelpers(array('Tag', 'Url', 'Asset', 'AutoComplete')); $linked_document->setBestName($user->getPreferedLanguageList()); $bestname = $linked_document->get('name'); if ($linked_module == 'routes') { // in that case, output not only route name but also best summit name whose id has been passed (summit_id) $summit = explode(' [', $this->getRequestParameter('summits_name')); $bestname = $summit[0] . $this->__(' :') . ' ' . $bestname; } $linked_module_name = $icon ? $icon : $this->__($linked_module); $type_id_string = $type . '_' . $linked_id; $out = link_to($bestname, "@document_by_id?module={$linked_module}&id={$linked_id}"); if ($user->hasCredential('moderator')) { $out .= c2c_link_to_delete_element($type, $main_id_new, $linked_id_new, !$swap, $strict); } if ($div) { $icon_string = ''; if ($icon) { $icon_string = '<div class="assoc_img picto_' . $icon . '" title="' . ucfirst(__($icon)) . '">' . '<span>' . ucfirst(__($icon)) . __(' :') . '</span>' . '</div>'; } $out = '<div class="linked_elt" id="' . $type_id_string . '">' . $icon_string . $out . '</div>'; } else { $out = '<li id="' . $type_id_string . '">' . picto_tag('picto_' . $linked_module, $linked_module_name) . ' ' . $out . '</li>'; } return $this->renderText($out); }
<?php use_helper('General'); echo picto_tag('picto_summits') . __('Summit:') . ' ' . (isset($autofocus) ? input_tag('snam', null, array('autofocus' => 'autofocus')) : input_tag('snam')); echo __('elevation') . ' ' . elevation_selector('salt'); echo '<br />'; echo __('summit_type') . ' ' . field_value_selector('styp', 'app_summits_summit_types', array('keepfirst' => false, 'multiple' => true, 'size' => 5));
} else { $upload_method = sfConfig::get('app_images_upload_method', 'js'); $js = "var width = \$(window).width() - 60;"; switch ($upload_method) { // note: ie<=7 doesn't support jsupload nor plupload case 'js': $js .= 'if (!/MSIE [67].0/.exec(navigator.userAgent)) { url = \'' . url_for("@image_jsupload?mod={$module_name}&document_id={$document_id}") . '?noplupload=true' . '\' } else { url = this.href; } ${remote:url,title:this.title,width:width}); return false;'; break; case 'plupload': $js .= 'if (!/MSIE [67].0/.exec(navigator.userAgent)) { url = \'' . url_for("@image_jsupload?mod={$module_name}&document_id={$document_id}") . '\' } else { url = this.href; } ${remote:url,title:this.title,width:width}); return false;'; break; default: $js = '${remote:\'' . url_for("@image_upload?mod={$module_name}&document_id={$document_id}") . '\',title:this.title,width:700}); return false;'; break; } echo link_to(picto_tag('picto_add', $add) . $add, "@image_upload?mod={$module_name}&document_id={$document_id}", array('onclick' => $js, 'title' => $add)); } // for mobile version we test if file input is enabled, as well // as some xhr support // this should be enough in order to have plupload run in html5 mode // file input test is taken from modernizr if ($mobile_version) { echo javascript_tag("if ((function() {\n var xhr;\n if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {\n xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n if (!xhr.sendAsBinary && !xhr.upload) return false;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(Android (1.0|1.1|1.5|1.6|2.0|2.1))|(Windows Phone (OS 7|8.0))|(XBLWP)|(ZuneWP)|(w(eb)?OSBrowser)|(webOS)|(Kindle\\/(1.0|2.0|2.5|3.0))/)) {\n return false;\n }\n var e = document.createElement('input');\n e.type = 'file';\n return !e.disabled;\n })()) { document.getElementById('add_images_button').style.display = ''; }"); } // if user is not the author, and only the author can add images, // hide the button for uploading images to the document. // Moreover, if they are no images linked, simply hide the section if (isset($author_specific) && $author_specific) { if ($nb_images) { echo javascript_tag("if (!document.body.hasAttribute('data-user-author')) document.getElementById('add_images_button').style.display = 'none';"); } else {
$iscopyright = $license == 'copyright'; $license_url = sfConfig::get('app_licenses_base_url') . $license . sfConfig::get('app_licenses_url_suffix'); $license_url .= $sf_user->getCulture(); $license_name = 'Creative Commons ' . __($license); $license_title = __("{$license} title"); $class = 'license_box'; if (isset($large) && $large) { $class .= ' large'; } ?> <footer class="<?php echo $class; ?> "> <?php echo '<div class="cc">' . link_to(picto_tag(($iscopyright ? '' : 'cc-') . $license), getMetaArticleRoute('licenses', false, ($iscopyright ? '' : 'cc-') . $license), array('title' => $license != 'copyright' ? 'Creative Commons' : 'Copyright')) . '</div>'; echo ' '; if ($iscopyright) { echo __('Image under copyright license'); } else { echo __('Page under %1% license', array('%1%' => "<a rel=\"license\" href=\"{$license_url}\" title=\"{$license_title}\">{$license_name}</a>")); } echo '<br />' . __('Images are under license specified in the original document of each image'); if (isset($version) && !c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { echo '<br /><span class="doc_infos">', __('Version #%1%, date %2%', array('%1%' => $version, '%2%' => format_date($created_at, 'D'))); if ($sf_user->hasCredential(sfConfig::get('app_credentials_moderator'))) { echo '<span class="no_print"> - ', __('Document generated %1% in %2%', array('%1%' => format_datetime(time()), '%2%' => round(1000 * $timer->getElapsedTime()))), '</span>'; } echo '</span>'; } ?>
<?php use_helper('FilterForm', 'General'); $ranges_raw = $sf_data->getRaw('ranges'); $selected_areas_raw = $sf_data->getRaw('selected_areas'); include_partial('areas/areas_selector', array('ranges' => $ranges_raw, 'selected_areas' => $selected_areas_raw, 'use_personalization' => true)); ?> <br /> <br /> <?php echo picto_tag('picto_maps') . __('Name:') . ' ' . input_tag('mnam', null, array('autofocus' => 'autofocus')); echo __('Code:') . ' ' . input_tag('code'); ?> <br /> <?php echo __('Scale:') . ' ' . field_value_selector('scal', 'mod_maps_scales_list', array('blank' => true)); echo __('Editor:') . ' ' . field_value_selector('edit', 'mod_maps_editors_list', array('blank' => true)); ?> <br /> <?php echo __('filter language') . __(' :') . ' ' . lang_selector('mcult'); include_partial('documents/filter_sort');
[<?php echo link_to_function(__('toggle date info'), 'C2C.toggle_time()'); ?> ] </p> <p class="whatsnew_controls"> <?php $pager_navigation = pager_navigation($pager); echo $pager_navigation; ?> </p> <?php $added_pic = picto_tag('picto_add', __('added')); $deleted_pic = picto_tag('picto_rm', __('deleted')); ?> <table class="list"> <thead> <tr> <th> </th> <th><?php echo __('Date'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo __('Main document'); ?> </th> <th><?php
<?php use_helper('General'); ?> <br /> <?php echo '<div class="fieldname">' . picto_tag('picto_huts') . __('Hut:') . ' </div>' . input_tag('hnam'); echo __('elevation') . ' ' . elevation_selector('halt'); echo __('is_staffed') . ' ' . bool_selector('hsta');
echo '</div>'; } echo end_section_tag(); // lang-dependent content starts here echo start_section_tag('Description', 'description'); include_partial('documents/i18n_section', array('document' => $document, 'languages' => $sf_data->getRaw('languages'), 'needs_translation' => $needs_translation, 'images' => $associated_images, 'ids' => $ids)); echo end_section_tag(); // instead of $languages: XSS protection deactivation // map section starts here include_partial($mobile_version ? 'documents/mobile_map_section' : 'documents/map_section', array('document' => $document)); // associated routes section starts here if ($is_not_archive && $is_not_merged) { echo start_section_tag('Linked routes', 'routes'); include_partial('routes/linked_routes', array('associated_routes' => $associated_routes, 'document' => $document, 'id' => $ids, 'module' => 'summits', 'type' => 'sr', 'strict' => true)); if ($show_link_tool) { echo '<div class="add_content">' . link_to(picto_tag('picto_add', __('Associate new route')) . __('Associate new route'), "routes/edit?link={$id}") . '</div>'; } echo end_section_tag(); echo start_section_tag('Latest outings', 'outings'); include_partial('outings/linked_outings', array('id' => $ids, 'module' => 'summits', 'items' => $latest_outings, 'nb_outings' => $nb_outings, 'lat' => $lat, 'lon' => $lon)); echo end_section_tag(); if ($section_list['books']) { echo start_section_tag('Linked books', 'linked_books'); include_partial('books/linked_books', array('associated_books' => $associated_books, 'document' => $document, 'type' => 'bs', 'strict' => true)); echo end_section_tag(); } include_partial('documents/images', array('images' => $associated_images, 'document_id' => $id, 'list_ids' => $ids, 'dissociation' => 'moderator', 'is_protected' => $document->get('is_protected'))); if ($mobile_version) { include_partial('documents/mobile_comments', array('id' => $id, 'lang' => $lang, 'nb_comments' => $nb_comments)); } include_partial('documents/annex_docs', array('related_portals' => $related_portals));
<?php use_helper('General'); ?> <br /><br /> <?php echo '<div class="fieldname">' . picto_tag('picto_routes') . __('Route:') . ' </div>' . (isset($autofocus) ? input_tag('rnam', null, array('autofocus' => 'autofocus')) : input_tag('rnam')); echo georef_selector('With GPS track:'); ?> <br /><br /> <?php $activities_raw = $sf_data->getRaw('activities'); $paragliding_tag = sfConfig::get('app_tags_paragliding'); $paragliding_tag = implode('/', $paragliding_tag); echo __('activities') . ' ' . field_value_selector('acttyp', 'mod_routes_activities_type_list', array('keepfirst' => false, 'filled_options' => false)); echo activities_selector(true, true, $activities_raw, array(8 => $paragliding_tag)); ?> <fieldset> <?php echo __('max_elevation') . ' ' . elevation_selector('malt'); echo __('height_diff_up') . ' ' . elevation_selector('hdif'); ?> <div data-act-filter="1 2 3 4 5" style="display:none"> <?php echo __('difficulties_start_elevation') . ' ' . elevation_selector('ralt'); echo __('difficulties_height') . ' ' . elevation_selector('dhei'); echo __('approach_height') . ' ' . elevation_selector('rappr'); ?> </div> <div data-act-filter="1 2 3 4" style="display:none"> <?php
} elseif ($module == 'soft mobility outings') { $criteria = "/outings/list?areas={$id}&owtp=yes&orderby=date&order=desc"; $picto = 'outings'; } elseif ($module == 'amateurs') { $criteria = "/users/list?areas={$id}&ucat=1"; $picto = 'users'; } elseif ($module == 'pros') { $criteria = "/users/list?areas={$id}&ucat=2"; $picto = 'users'; } elseif ($module == 'clubs') { $criteria = "/users/list?areas={$id}&ucat=3"; $picto = 'users'; } ?> <li><?php echo picto_tag("picto_{$picto}") . ' ' . link_to(ucfirst(__($module)), $criteria); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php echo end_section_tag(); echo start_section_tag('Latest outings', 'outings'); include_partial('outings/linked_outings', array('id' => $id, 'module' => 'areas', 'items' => $latest_outings, 'nb_outings' => $nb_outings)); echo end_section_tag(); include_partial('documents/images', array('images' => $associated_images, 'document_id' => $id, 'dissociation' => 'moderator', 'is_protected' => $document->get('is_protected'))); include_partial('documents/annex_docs', array('related_portals' => $related_portals)); }