include_once '../../include/conn.php'; include_once '../../include/response_objects.php'; include_once '../../include/common_functions.php'; date_default_timezone_set("US/Eastern"); $r = new resGeneral(); function error($msg) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = $msg; return json_encode($r); } $apikey = pickup('apikey'); $username = pickup('username'); $email = pickup('email'); $token = pickup('token'); $device = pickup('device'); if ($apikey != $REST_API_KEY) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: Invalid API Key."; } else { if ($username == null || $username != null && strlen($username) < 3) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: User name cannot be less than 3 characters."; } else { if ($email == null || $email != null && strlen($email) < 3) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: Email too short."; } else { if ($token == "") { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: Token cannot be blank.";
<?php include_once '../../include/conn.php'; include_once '../../include/response_objects.php'; include_once '../../include/common_functions.php'; date_default_timezone_set("US/Eastern"); $r = new resGeneral(); function error($msg) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = $msg; return json_encode($r); } $apikey = pickup('apikey'); $username = pickup('username'); if ($apikey != $REST_API_KEY) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: Invalid API Key."; } else { if ($username == null || $username != null && strlen($username) < 3) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: User name cannot be less than 3 characters."; } else { $result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='******'") or die(error("Error: Loading usernames")); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) { $r->success = 1; $r->message = "User name is available."; } else { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: User name taken."; }
include_once '../../include/conn.php'; include_once '../../include/response_objects.php'; include_once '../../include/common_functions.php'; date_default_timezone_set("US/Eastern"); $r = new resGeneral(); function error($msg) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = $msg; return json_encode($r); } $apikey = pickup('apikey'); $username = pickup('username'); $email = pickup('email'); $token = pickup('token'); if ($apikey != $REST_API_KEY) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: Invalid API Key."; } else { if ($username == null || $username != null && strlen($username) < 3) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: User name too short."; } else { if ($email == null || $email != null && strlen($email) < 3) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: Email too short."; } else { if ($token == "") { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: Token cannot be blank.";
<?php //ASSUMING getting $restId; include_once '../../include/conn.php'; include_once '../../include/functions.php'; $name = pickup('name', 250, true); mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE restaurants SET name='{$name}' WHERE id='{$restId}'") or die("Failed 001"); redirect('../settings');
include_once '../../include/conn.php'; include_once '../../include/response_objects.php'; include_once '../../include/common_functions.php'; date_default_timezone_set("US/Eastern"); $r = new resGeneral(); function error($msg) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = $msg; return json_encode($r); } $apikey = pickup('apikey'); $username = pickup('username'); $email = pickup('email'); $password = pickup('password'); if ($apikey != $REST_API_KEY) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: Invalid API Key."; } else { if ($username == null || $username != null && strlen($username) < 3) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: User name cannot be blank."; } else { if ($email == null || $email != null && strlen($email) < 3) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: Email cannot be blank."; } else { //updates the username $result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='{$email}'") or die(error("Error: Loading user data")); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) != 1) {
<?php //ASSUMING getting $restId; include_once '../../include/conn.php'; include_once '../../include/functions.php'; $latitude = pickup('latitudeField', 250, true); $longitude = pickup('longitudeField', 250, true); mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE restaurants SET latitude='{$latitude}', longitude='{$longitude}' WHERE id='{$restId}'") or die("Failed 001"); redirect('../settings');
<?php include_once '../../include/conn.php'; include_once '../../include/response_objects.php'; include_once '../../include/common_functions.php'; $r = new resPosts(); function error($msg) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = $msg; return json_encode($r); } $apikey = pickup('apikey'); $token = pickup('token'); $username = pickup('username'); $starting = pickup('starting'); if ($apikey != $REST_API_KEY) { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: Invalid API Key."; } else { if ($token == "") { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: Blank token."; } else { if ($username == "") { $r->success = 0; $r->message = "Error: Blank user name."; } else { $userId = -1; $result_find_user_id = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM loginTokens WHERE token='{$token}'") or die(error("Error: loading current user info")); while ($row_find_user_id = mysql_fetch_array($result_find_user_id)) {
<?php session_start(); include_once '../include/conn.php'; include_once '../include/functions.php'; $email = pickup('email', 250, true); $password = pickup('password', 250, true); $result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM partners WHERE email='{$email}' AND password='******'") or die("Failed 001"); if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 1) { //SESSION LOGIN CODE GOES HERE //- //- $id = ""; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $row['rest_id']; } $_SESSION['ordr_ri'] = $id; redirect('../account/'); } else { die("Invalid log in"); }
<? //Инклуды - зацеп pickup('includes', 'service', 'db', 'tables', 'uris', 'files', 'menus', 'templates', 'it', 'auth', 'sort', 'windows'); //Действия - зацеп //pickup('actions', 'show_positions'); //Инициализируем сессию COOKIE block("init_session"); //Подключаемся к базе данных db_connect(); //prepared_uri $prepared_uri=array(); //цвета $colors=array('red', 'green', 'blue', 'orange', 'brown', 'magenta', 'darkblue'); //Если вход не выполнен if(!isset($_SESSION['user'])){ echo login_form(); exit; } //Подключаемся к базе данных db_connect(); //Чистим uri uri_clean('add_position', 'add_document', 'edit_document', 'delete_document', 'save_document', 'show_originals', 'delete_file', 'edit_file', 'show_histories', 'search_document', 'search_string', 'show_contragents', 'show_positions', 'edit_position', 'add_position', 'delete_position',