예제 #1
function menu_date()
    global $baseURL, $loggedUser, $thisDay, $thisMonth, $thisYear;
    $link = $baseURL . "index.php?";
    while (list($key, $value) = each($_GET)) {
        if (!in_array($key, array('changeDay', 'changeMonth', 'changeYear'))) {
            $link .= $key . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&';
    $link2 = "index.php?";
    while (list($key, $value) = each($_GET)) {
        if (!in_array($key, array('changeDay', 'changeMonth', 'changeYear'))) {
            $link2 .= $key . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&';
    $link2 = substr($link2, 0, strlen($link2) - 1);
    echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $baseURL . "lib/javascript/degrees.js\"></script>\n          <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $baseURL . "lib/javascript/astro.js\"></script>\n          <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $baseURL . "lib/javascript/moon.js\"></script>\n\t\n\t\t  <script>\n\t\t\t// Here we set the dates of the new moon.\n\t\t\t// How can we be sure that we only calculate the new moon for the displayed month?\n            var eventDates = {};\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\$(function() {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t// An array of dates\n\t\t\t\n              \$( \"#datepicker\" ).datepicker({\n\t  \t\t    showButtonPanel: true,\n                changeMonth: true,\n                changeYear: true,\n\t\t\t    onChangeMonthYear: function(year, month) {\n\t\t\t      // Calculate all new moons for this month\n\t\t\t      // We use a method in javascript for this...\n                  var moon = new MoonQuarters(year, month, 1);\n                  var date = jdtocd(moon[0]);\n                  eventDates[ new Date( date[1] + '/' + date[2] + '/'  + date[0] )] = 1;\n          \t\t\n          \t\t  if (month - 1 < 1) {\n          \t\t    var moon = new MoonQuarters(year - 1, 12, 1);\n          \t\t  } else {\n          \t\t    var moon = new MoonQuarters(year, month - 1, 1);\n          \t\t  }\n                  var date = jdtocd(moon[0]);\n          \t\t  eventDates[ new Date( date[1] + '/' + date[2] + '/'  + date[0] )] = 1;\n\n           \t\t  if (month + 1 > 12) {\n           \t\t    var moon = new MoonQuarters(year + 1, 1, 1);\n           \t\t  } else {\n           \t\t    var moon = new MoonQuarters(year, month + 1, 1);\n           \t\t  }\n                  var date = jdtocd(moon[0]);\n          \t\t  eventDates[ new Date( date[1] + '/' + date[2] + '/'  + date[0] )] = 1;\n\t\t\t    },\n\t\t\t    beforeShow: function() {";
    // Calculate the new moons for the selected month
    // We calculated the new moon from the first of the month and from the 15th of the month.
    $phases = array();
    $date = $_SESSION['globalYear'] . "-" . $_SESSION['globalMonth'] . "-01";
    $phases = phasehunt(strtotime($date));
    $newmoon = date("m/d/Y", $phases[4]);
    echo "\n\t\t\t      eventDates[ new Date( '" . $newmoon . "' )] = 1;";
    $phases = array();
    $date = $_SESSION['globalYear'] . "-" . $_SESSION['globalMonth'] . "-15";
    $phases = phasehunt(strtotime($date));
    $newmoon = date("m/d/Y", $phases[4]);
    echo "\n                  eventDates[ new Date( '" . $newmoon . "' )] = 1;\n\t\t\t    },\n\t\t\t    beforeShowDay: function(date) {\n                  var highlight = eventDates[date];\n                  if (highlight) {\n\t\t\t        return [true, \"event\", \"" . LangMoonMenuNewMoon . "\"];\n                  } else {\n                    return [true, '', ''];\n                  }\n                },\n                dateFormat: \"dd/mm/yy\",\n\t\t\t    defaultDate: -7,\n\t  \t\t    onSelect: function(dateText) {\n\t  \t\t      var day = dateText.substring(0, 2);\n\t  \t\t      var month = dateText.substring(3, 5);\n\t  \t\t      var year = dateText.substring(6, 10);\n\t  \t\t      var link = \"" . $link2 . "&changeDay=\" + day + \"&changeMonth=\" + month + \"&changeYear=\" + year;\n\t  \t\t      location.href = link;\n\t            }\n              });\n        \t});\n\t  \t\t</script>";
    echo "<form class=\"nav navbar-nav navbar-right\">";
    echo "<div class=\"form-group\">";
    echo "<p class=\"navbar-text\">" . LangDate . " ";
    echo "<span class=\"form-inline\">";
    echo "<input class=\"form-control\" type=\"text\" value=\"" . $_SESSION['globalDay'] . "/" . $_SESSION['globalMonth'] . "/" . $_SESSION['globalYear'] . "\" id=\"datepicker\" size=\"10\" >";
    echo "</span>";
    echo "</p>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "</form>";
    $link = "";
예제 #2
function menu_moon()
    global $baseURL, $dateformat, $loggedUser, $menuMoon, $objAstroCalc, $objObserver, $objLocation, $objUtil;
    $theYear = $objUtil->checkSessionKey('globalYear', date("Y"));
    $theMonth = $objUtil->checkSessionKey('globalMonth', date("n"));
    $theDay = $objUtil->checkSessionKey('globalDay', date('j'));
    $theHour = "";
    $theMinute = "";
    $date = $theYear . "-" . $theMonth . "-" . $theDay;
    $time = "23:59:59";
    $tzone = "GMT";
    $dateTimeText0 = date($dateformat, mktime(0, 0, 0, $theMonth, $theDay, $theYear));
    $dateTimeText1 = date($dateformat, mktime(0, 0, 0, $theMonth, $theDay, $theYear) + 60 * 60 * 24);
    if ($dateformat == 'd-M-Y') {
        if (substr($dateTimeText0, -8) == substr($dateTimeText1, -8)) {
            $dateTimeText0 = substr($dateTimeText0, 0, 2);
        } elseif (substr($dateTimeText0, -5) == substr($dateTimeText1, -5)) {
            $dateTimeText0 = substr($dateTimeText0, 0, 5);
    } elseif ($dateformat == "d/m/Y") {
        if (substr($dateTimeText0, -7) == substr($dateTimeText1, -7)) {
            $dateTimeText0 = substr($dateTimeText0, 0, 2);
        } elseif (substr($dateTimeText0, -5) == substr($dateTimeText1, -5)) {
            $dateTimeText0 = substr($dateTimeText0, 0, 5);
    } elseif ($dateformat == 'd-m-Y') {
        if (substr($dateTimeText0, -7) == substr($dateTimeText1, -7)) {
            $dateTimeText0 = substr($dateTimeText0, 0, 2);
        } elseif (substr($dateTimeText0, -5) == substr($dateTimeText1, -5)) {
            $dateTimeText0 = substr($dateTimeText0, 0, 5);
    } elseif ($dateformat == 'M-d-Y') {
        if (substr($dateTimeText0, 0, 3) == substr($dateTimeText1, 0, 3)) {
            $dateTimeText0 = substr($dateTimeText0, 0, 6);
            $dateTimeText1 = substr($dateTimeText1, -7);
        } elseif (substr($dateTimeText0, -5) == substr($dateTimeText1, -5)) {
            $dateTimeText0 = substr($dateTimeText0, 0, 6);
    $moondata = phase(strtotime($date . ' ' . $time . ' ' . $tzone));
    $MoonIllum = $moondata[1];
    $MoonAge = $moondata[2];
    $nextNewMoonText = LangMoonMenuNewMoon . ": ";
    $phases = array();
    $phases = phasehunt(strtotime($date));
    $nextNewMoonText .= date("j M", $phases[4]);
    // Convert $MoonIllum to percent and round to whole percent.
    $MoonIllum = round($MoonIllum, 2);
    $MoonIllum *= 100;
    // 1) Check if logged in
    if ($loggedUser && $objObserver->getObserverProperty($loggedUser, 'stdLocation')) {
        // 2) Get the julian day of today...
        $jd = gregoriantojd($theMonth, $theDay, $theYear);
        // 3) Get the standard location of the observer
        $longitude = $objLocation->getLocationPropertyFromId($objObserver->getObserverProperty($loggedUser, 'stdLocation'), 'longitude');
        $latitude = $objLocation->getLocationPropertyFromId($objObserver->getObserverProperty($loggedUser, 'stdLocation'), 'latitude');
        if (!$objUtil->checkSessionKey('efemerides') || $_SESSION['efemerides']['base'] != $jd . "/" . $longitude . "/" . $latitude) {
            if ($longitude > -199) {
                $timezone = $objLocation->getLocationPropertyFromId($objObserver->getObserverProperty($loggedUser, 'stdLocation'), 'timezone');
                $dateTimeZone = new DateTimeZone($timezone);
                $datestr = sprintf("%02d", $_SESSION['globalMonth']) . "/" . sprintf("%02d", $_SESSION['globalDay']) . "/" . $_SESSION['globalYear'];
                $dateTime = new DateTime($datestr, $dateTimeZone);
                // Geeft tijdsverschil terug in seconden
                $timedifference = $dateTimeZone->getOffset($dateTime);
                $timedifference = $timedifference / 3600.0;
                if (strncmp($timezone, "Etc/GMT", 7) == 0) {
                    $timedifference = -$timedifference;
                // Calculate the rise and set time of the moon
                $moon = $objAstroCalc->calculateMoonRiseTransitSettingTime($jd, $longitude, $latitude, $timedifference);
                // SUNRISE and SET, TWILIGHT...
                $timestr = $theYear . "-" . $theMonth . "-" . $theDay;
                $sun_info = date_sun_info(strtotime($timestr), $latitude, $longitude);
                $srise = $sun_info["sunrise"];
                if ($srise > 1) {
                    $srise = date("H:i", $srise + $timedifference * 60 * 60);
                } else {
                    $srise = "-";
                $sset = $sun_info["sunset"];
                if ($sset > 1) {
                    $sset = date("H:i", $sset + $timedifference * 60 * 60);
                } else {
                    $sset = "-";
                $nautb = $sun_info["nautical_twilight_begin"];
                if ($nautb > 1) {
                    $nautb = date("H:i", $nautb + $timedifference * 60 * 60);
                } else {
                    $nautb = "-";
                $naute = $sun_info["nautical_twilight_end"];
                if ($naute > 1) {
                    $naute = date("H:i", $naute + $timedifference * 60 * 60);
                } else {
                    $naute = "-";
                $astrob = $sun_info["astronomical_twilight_begin"];
                if ($astrob > 1) {
                    $astrob = date("H:i", $astrob + $timedifference * 60 * 60);
                } else {
                    $astrob = "-";
                $astroe = $sun_info["astronomical_twilight_end"];
                if ($astroe > 1) {
                    $astroe = date("H:i", $astroe + $timedifference * 60 * 60);
                } else {
                    $astroe = "-";
                $_SESSION['efemerides']['base'] = $jd . "/" . $longitude . "/" . $latitude;
                $_SESSION['efemerides']['astrob'] = $astrob;
                $_SESSION['efemerides']['astroe'] = $astroe;
                $_SESSION['efemerides']['nautb'] = $nautb;
                $_SESSION['efemerides']['naute'] = $naute;
                $_SESSION['efemerides']['srise'] = $srise;
                $_SESSION['efemerides']['sset'] = $sset;
                $_SESSION['efemerides']['moon0'] = $moon[0];
                $_SESSION['efemerides']['moon2'] = $moon[2];
    echo "<li>";
    $link = "";
    while (list($key, $value) = each($_GET)) {
        if ($key != "menuMoon") {
            $link .= "&amp;" . $key . "=" . urlencode($value);
    echo "<p><br /><h4>";
    echo ($loggedUser && $objObserver->getObserverProperty($loggedUser, 'stdLocation') ? LangMoonSunMenuTitle : LangMoonMenuTitle) . "<br />";
    echo "</h4>";
    echo "<span style=\"font-weight:normal;\">" . LangOn . " " . $dateTimeText0 . "&gt;&lt;" . $dateTimeText1 . "</span>";
    echo "</p>";
    if ($loggedUser && $objObserver->getObserverProperty($loggedUser, 'stdLocation')) {
        echo "<table class=\"table table-condensed\">";
        if (isset($_SESSION['efemerides'])) {
            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td>" . LangMoon . "</td>" . "<td>" . $_SESSION['efemerides']['moon0'] . "</td>" . "<td>" . $_SESSION['efemerides']['moon2'] . "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td>" . LangMoonSun . "</td>" . "<td>" . $_SESSION['efemerides']['sset'] . "</td>" . "<td>" . $_SESSION['efemerides']['srise'] . "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td>" . LangMoonNaut . "</td>" . "<td>" . $_SESSION['efemerides']['naute'] . "</td>" . "<td>" . $_SESSION['efemerides']['nautb'] . "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td>" . LangMoonAstro . "</td>" . "<td>" . $_SESSION['efemerides']['astroe'] . "</td>" . "<td>" . $_SESSION['efemerides']['astrob'] . "</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
        echo "</table>";
    $file = "m" . round($MoonAge / SYNMONTH * 40) . ".gif";
    echo "<p><img src=\"" . $baseURL . "/lib/moonpics/" . $file . "\" title=\"" . $MoonIllum . "%\" height=\"100px\" width=\"100px\" alt=\"" . $MoonIllum . "%\" /></p>";
    echo $nextNewMoonText . "<br />";
    echo "</li>";