예제 #1
        $return .= '<li class="file ext_sql collapsed">';
        $return .= '<a rel="/" alt="' . $rs['Name'] . '">' . $rs['Name'] . ' (' . pb_backupbuddy::$format->file_size($size) . ') ';
        if (true === $excluded) {
            //$return .= '<span class="pb_label pb_label-important">Excluded</span> ';
        $return .= '<div class="pb_backupbuddy_treeselect_control">';
        $return .= '<img src="' . pb_backupbuddy::plugin_url() . '/images/redminus.png" style="vertical-align: -3px;" title="Add to exclusions..." class="pb_backupbuddy_table_addexclude"> <img src="' . pb_backupbuddy::plugin_url() . '/images/greenplus.png" style="vertical-align: -3px;" title="Add to inclusions..." class="pb_backupbuddy_table_addinclude">';
        $return .= '</div>';
        $return .= '</a>';
        $return .= '</li>';
    $return = '<div class="jQueryOuterTree" style="position: absolute; height: 160px;"><ul class="jqueryFileTree">' . $return . '</ul></div>';
    return $return;
$settings_form->add_setting(array('type' => 'textarea', 'name' => 'profiles#' . $profile_id . '#mysqldump_additional_includes', 'title' => 'Hover tables & click <img src="' . pb_backupbuddy::plugin_url() . '/images/greenplus.png" style="vertical-align: -3px;"> to include, <img src="' . pb_backupbuddy::plugin_url() . '/images/redminus.png" style="vertical-align: -3px;"> to exclude.' . ' ' . pb_additional_tables($profile_array), 'before' => __('<b>Inclusions</b> beyond base', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ':', 'tip' => __('Additional databases tables to include OR exclude IN ADDITION to the DEFAULTS determined by the previous option. You may override defaults with exclusions. Excluding tables may result in an incomplete or broken backup so exercise caution.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), 'rules' => '', 'css' => 'width: 100%;'));
$settings_form->add_setting(array('type' => 'textarea', 'name' => 'profiles#' . $profile_id . '#mysqldump_additional_excludes', 'title' => '&nbsp;', 'before' => __('<b>Exclusions</b> beyond base', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . ':', 'after' => '<span class="description">' . __('One table per line. This may be manually edited.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy') . '</span>', 'tip' => __('Additional databases tables to EXCLUDE from the backup. Exclusions are exempted after calculating defaults and additional table includes first. These may include non-WordPress and WordPress tables. WARNING: Excluding WordPress tables results in an incomplete backup and could result in failure in the ability to restore or data loss. Use with caution.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy'), 'rules' => '', 'css' => 'width: 100%;'));

<style type="text/css">
	.jqueryFileTree LI.directory { background: url('<?php 
echo pb_backupbuddy::plugin_url();
/images/filetree/directory.png') 6px 6px no-repeat; }
	.jqueryFileTree LI.expanded { background: url('<?php 
echo pb_backupbuddy::plugin_url();
예제 #2
            // Table size.
            $size_string = ' (' . pb_backupbuddy::$format->file_size($result['Data_length'] + $result['Index_length']) . ') ';
        // end if display size enabled.
        $return .= '<li class="file ext_sql collapsed">';
        $return .= '<a rel="/" alt="' . $result['table_name'] . '">' . $result['table_name'] . $size_string;
        $return .= '<div class="pb_backupbuddy_treeselect_control">';
        $return .= '<img src="' . pb_backupbuddy::plugin_url() . '/images/redminus.png" style="vertical-align: -3px;" title="Add to exclusions..." class="pb_backupbuddy_table_addexclude"> <img src="' . pb_backupbuddy::plugin_url() . '/images/greenplus.png" style="vertical-align: -3px;" title="Add to inclusions..." class="pb_backupbuddy_table_addinclude">';
        $return .= '</div>';
        $return .= '</a>';
        $return .= '</li>';
    return '<div class="jQueryOuterTree" style="height: 160px;"><ul class="jqueryFileTree">' . $return . '</ul></div>';
// end pb_additional_tables().
echo 'Hover & select <img src="' . pb_backupbuddy::plugin_url() . '/images/greenplus.png" style="vertical-align: -3px;"> to include, <img src="' . pb_backupbuddy::plugin_url() . '/images/redminus.png" style="vertical-align: -3px;"> to exclude.' . ' ' . pb_additional_tables();

<h3>Database Find & Replace</h3>
The site URL (www and domain) and paths will automatically be updates. You may enter additional replacements also. Serialized data will be accounted for.<br>
Find -&gt; Replace<br>
<input type="text" value="<?php 
echo $localInfo['siteurl'];
" disabled> -&gt; <input type="text" value="<?php 
echo $deployData['remoteInfo']['siteurl'];