예제 #1
function backtotop_postparsefilter(&$pData, &$pFilterHash)
    global $gBitSmarty;
    if (preg_match("/\\{(backtotop[^\\}]*)\\}/i", $pData, $backtotop)) {
        // remove {backtotop} from page
        $pData = preg_replace('#(<p>)?' . preg_quote($backtotop[0], '#') . '(</p>)?(\\s*<[Bb][Rr]\\s*/?>)?#', '', $pData);
        // default values
        $params['min'] = 1;
        $params['max'] = 6;
        $params = array_merge($params, parse_xml_attributes($backtotop[1]));
        $biticon = array('ipackage' => 'icons', 'iname' => 'go-top', 'iexplain' => 'Back to top');
        // get all headers into an array
        preg_match_all("/<h(\\d[^>]*)>.*?<\\/h\\d>/i", $pData, $headers);
        $link = '<a class="backtotop" href="#content">' . smarty_function_biticon($biticon, $gBitSmarty) . '</a>';
        foreach ($headers[0] as $key => $header) {
            if ($headers[1][$key] >= $params['min'] && $headers[1][$key] <= $params['max']) {
                $pData = str_replace($header, $link . $header, $pData);
        $pData .= $link;
예제 #2
 * This crazy function will parse all the data plugin stuff found within any
 * parsed text section
 * @param array $pData Data to be parsed
 * @access public
 * @return void
function parse_data_plugins(&$pData, &$pReplace, &$pCommonObject, $pParseHash)
    global $gLibertySystem, $gBitSystem;
    // note: $curlyTags[0] is the complete match, $curlyTags[1] is plugin name, $curlyTags[2] is plugin arguments
    preg_match_all("/\\{\\/?([A-Za-z0-9]+)([^\\}]*)\\}/", $pData, $curlyTags, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
    if (count($curlyTags[0])) {
        // if TRUE, replace only CODE plugin, if false, replace all other plugins
        $code_first = TRUE;
        // Process plugins in reverse order, so that nested plugins are handled from the inside out.
        $i = count($curlyTags[0]) - 1;
        while ($i >= 0) {
            $plugin_start = $curlyTags[0][$i][0];
            $plugin = $curlyTags[1][$i][0];
            // Work out where the plugin starts. This can not be done using the
            // positional data from $curlyTags since the position might have
            // changed since the last cycle. We therefore need to determine the
            // position direclty. - xing - Thursday Nov 01, 2007   22:55:10 CET
            //$pos = $curlyTags[0][$i][1];
            $pos = strpos($pData, $plugin_start);
            $dataTag = strtolower($plugin);
            // hush up the return of this in case someone uses curly braces to enclose text
            $pluginInfo = $gLibertySystem->getPluginInfo(@$gLibertySystem->mDataTags[$dataTag]);
            // only process a standalone unpaired tag or the start tag for a paired tag
            if (empty($paired_close_tag_seen[$dataTag]) || $paired_close_tag_seen[$dataTag] == 0) {
                $paired_close_tag_seen[$dataTag] = 1;
            } else {
                $paired_close_tag_seen[$dataTag] = 0;
            $is_opening_tag = FALSE;
            if (empty($pluginInfo['requires_pair']) && strtolower($plugin_start) != '{/' . $dataTag . '}' || strpos($plugin_start, ' ') > 0 || strtolower($plugin_start) == '{' . $dataTag . '}' && !$paired_close_tag_seen[$dataTag]) {
                $is_opening_tag = TRUE;
            if (($code_first && $dataTag == 'code' || !$code_first && $dataTag != 'code') && !empty($gLibertySystem->mDataTags[$dataTag]) && !empty($pluginInfo) && ($loadFunc = $gLibertySystem->getPluginFunction($gLibertySystem->mDataTags[$dataTag], 'load_function')) && $is_opening_tag) {
                if ($pluginInfo['requires_pair']) {
                    $plugin_end = '{/' . $plugin . '}';
                    $pos_end = strpos(strtolower($pData), strtolower($plugin_end), $pos);
                    // where plugin data ends
                    $plugin_end2 = '{' . $plugin . '}';
                    $pos_end2 = strpos(strtolower($pData), strtolower($plugin_end2), $pos + 1);
                    // where plugin data ends
                    if ($pos_end2 > 0 && $pos_end2 > 0 && $pos_end2 < $pos_end || $pos_end === FALSE) {
                        $pos_end = $pos_end2;
                        $plugin_end = $plugin_end2;
                } else {
                    $pos_end = $pos + strlen($curlyTags[0][$i][0]);
                    $plugin_end = '';
                // Extract the plugin data
                $plugin_data_len = $pos_end - $pos - strlen($curlyTags[0][$i][0]);
                $plugin_data = substr($pData, $pos + strlen($plugin_start), $plugin_data_len);
                $arguments = array();
                // Construct argument list array
                $paramString = str_replace('&gt;', '>', trim($curlyTags[2][$i][0]));
                if (preg_match('/^\\(.*=>.*\\)$/', $paramString)) {
                    $paramString = preg_replace('/[\\(\\)]/', '', $paramString);
                    //we have the old style parms like {CODE (in=>1)}
                    $params = explode(',', trim($paramString));
                    foreach ($params as $param) {
                        // the following str_replace line is to decode the &gt; char when html is turned off
                        // perhaps the plugin syntax should be changed in 1.8 not to use any html special chars
                        $parts = preg_split('/=>?/', $param);
                        if (isset($parts[0]) && isset($parts[1])) {
                            $name = trim($parts[0]);
                            $arguments[$name] = trim($parts[1]);
                } else {
                    $paramString = trim($curlyTags[2][$i][0], " \t()");
                    $paramString = str_replace("&quot;", '"', $paramString);
                    $arguments = parse_xml_attributes($paramString);
                if ($ret = $loadFunc($plugin_data, $arguments, $pCommonObject, $pParseHash)) {
                    $key = "parseprotect" . md5(mt_rand());
                    $pReplace[] = array('key' => $key, 'data' => $ret);
                    // don't modify data if $pos is FALSE
                    if ($pos !== FALSE) {
                        $pData = substr_replace($pData, $key, $pos, $pos_end - $pos + strlen($plugin_end));
            // if we are in CODE parsing mode and list is done, switch to 'parse other plugins' mode and start all over
            if ($code_first && $i < 0) {
                $i = count($curlyTags[0]) - 1;
                $code_first = FALSE;
        // while
예제 #3
function maketoc_postparsefilter(&$pData, &$pFilterHash)
    preg_match_all("/\\{maketoc(.*?)\\}/i", $pData, $maketocs);
    if (!empty($maketocs[1])) {
        // extract the parameters for maketoc
        foreach ($maketocs[1] as $string) {
            $params[] = parse_xml_attributes($string);
        // get all headers into an array
        preg_match_all("/<h(\\d)[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/h\\d>/i", $pData, $headers);
        // clumsy way of finding out if index is set. since we can't allow
        // duplicate settings of index in one page, we either index everything
        // or nothing.
        foreach ($params as $p) {
            if (empty($index)) {
                $index = in_array('index', array_keys($p));
        if ($index) {
            $counter = array();
            foreach (array_keys($headers[2]) as $key) {
                $level = $headers[1][$key];
                if (empty($counter[$level])) {
                    $counter[$level] = 1;
                } elseif ($level == $headers[1][$key - 1]) {
                } elseif ($level < $headers[1][$key - 1]) {
                    $counter[$level] = $counter[$level] + 1;
                } else {
                    $counter[$level] = 1;
                $index = '';
                foreach ($counter as $k => $c) {
                    if ($k <= $level) {
                        $index .= "{$c}.";
                $headers[2][$key] = $index . ' ' . $headers[2][$key];
        // remove any html tags from the output text and generate link ids
        foreach ($headers[2] as $output) {
            $outputs[] = $id = preg_replace("/<[^>]*>/", "", $output);
            $id = preg_replace("@parseprotect[[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}@", "", $id);
            $id = substr(preg_replace("/[^\\w|\\d]*/", "", $id), 0, 40);
            $ids[] = !empty($id) ? $id : 'id' . microtime() * 1000000;
        // insert the <a name> tags in the right places
        foreach ($headers[0] as $k => $header) {
            $reconstructed = "<h{$headers[1][$k]} id=\"{$ids[$k]}\">{$headers[2][$k]}</h{$headers[1][$k]}>";
            $pData = str_replace($header, $reconstructed, $pData);
        if (!empty($outputs)) {
            $tocHash = array('outputs' => $outputs, 'ids' => $ids, 'levels' => $headers[1]);
            // (<br[ |\/]*>){0,1} removes up to one occurance of <br> | <br > | <br /> | <br/> or similar variants
            $sections = preg_split("/\\{maketoc.*?\\}(<br[ |\\/]*>){0,1}/i", $pData);
            // first section is before any {maketoc} entry, so we can ignore it
            $ret = '';
            foreach ($sections as $k => $section) {
                // count headers in each section that we know where to begin and where to stop
                preg_match_all("!<h(\\d)[^>]*>.*?</h\\d>!i", $section, $hs);
                $tocHash['header_count'][] = count($hs[0]);
                $ret .= $section;
                // the last section will create an error if we don't check for available params
                if (isset($params[$k])) {
                    $ret .= maketoc_create_list($tocHash, $params[$k]);
    $pData = isset($ret) ? $ret : preg_replace("/\\{maketoc[^\\}]*\\}\\s*(<br[^>]*>)*/i", "", $pData);
예제 #4
  * parse URL-like parameter string
  * @param array $pParseString
  * @access public
  * @return array or parameters
 function parseString($pParseString)
     $ret = array();
     if (!empty($pParseString)) {
         // only call crazy regex when params are too complex for parse_str()
         if (strpos(trim($pParseString), ' ')) {
             $ret = parse_xml_attributes($pParseString);
         } else {
             parse_str($pParseString, $ret);
     return $ret;