function ws_delete($window_name, $form = '') { global $base, $include, $conf, $self, $onadb; // Check permissions if (!(auth('host_del') or auth('subnet_del'))) { $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');"); return $response->getXML(); } // If an array in a string was provided, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $js = ''; // Run the module list($status, $output) = run_module('tag_del', array('tag' => $form['id'], 'commit' => 'Y')); // If the module returned an error code display a popup warning if ($status) { $js .= "alert('Delete failed. " . preg_replace('/[\\s\']+/', ' ', $self['error']) . "');"; } else { // If there's (refresh) js, send it to the browser if ($form['js']) { $js .= $form['js']; } } // Return an XML response $response->addScript($js); return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_menu($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $images; $html = $js = ''; // If an array in a string was provided, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); printmsg("DEBUG => Displaying tooltip: {$form['tooltip']}", 4); $menuname = 'get_html_' . $form['menu_name']; list($html, $js) = $menuname($form); // Okay here's what we do: // 1. Hide the tool-tip // 2. Update it's content // 3. Reposition it // 4. Unhide it $response = new xajaxResponse(); if ($html) { $response->addScript("el('{$form['id']}').style.visibility = 'hidden';"); $response->addAssign($form['id'], "innerHTML", $html); $response->addScript("wwTT_position('{$form['id']}'); el('{$form['id']}').style.visibility = 'visible';"); } if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_ipcalcgui_submit($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb, $tip_style; global $font_family, $color, $style, $images; $html = $js = ''; // If an array in a string was provided, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); $text = ''; $ipinfo = ipcalc_info($form['ip'], $form['mask']); // MP: I removed the following as they are tooooo large //bin128: {$ipinfo['ip_bin128']} //bin128: {$ipinfo['mask_bin128']} // NOTE: yes it is annoying but I had to do the <br> thing due to windows // not being able to handle the new lines via a standard <pre> statement. // I went with this as it keeps things consistant between platforms. The pre is now a span $text .= <<<EOL <br /> <br /> Input: IP={$ipinfo['in_ip']} MASK={$ipinfo['in_mask']}<br /> <br /> IP={$ipinfo['in_ip']}<br /> Dotted: {$ipinfo['ip_dotted']}<br /> Numeric: {$ipinfo['ip_numeric']}<br /> binary: {$ipinfo['ip_binary']}<br /> ipv6: {$ipinfo['ip_ipv6']}<br /> ipv6gz: {$ipinfo['ip_ipv6gz']}<br /> flip: {$ipinfo['ip_flip']}<br /> <br /> MASK={$ipinfo['mask_dotted']}<br /> Dotted: {$ipinfo['mask_dotted']}<br /> Numeric: {$ipinfo['mask_numeric']}<br /> Cidr: /{$ipinfo['mask_cidr']}<br /> binary: {$ipinfo['mask_binary']}<br /> bin invert: {$ipinfo['mask_bin_invert']}<br /> ipv6: {$ipinfo['mask_ipv6']}<br /> ipv6gz: {$ipinfo['mask_ipv6gz']}<br /> flip: {$ipinfo['mask_flip']}<br /> IP invert: {$ipinfo['mask_dotted_invert']}<br /> <br /> The subnet your IP falls in is: {$ipinfo['truenet']}/{$ipinfo['mask_cidr']} ({$ipinfo['mask_dotted']})<br /> <br /> Total addresses using this mask: {$ipinfo['ip_total']}<br /> Usable addresses using this mask: {$ipinfo['ip_usable']}<br /> Last address using this mask: {$ipinfo['ip_last']}<br /> <br /> EOL; $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign('ipcalc_data', "innerHTML", $text); return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_process_alerts_submit($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb, $tip_style; global $font_family, $color, $style, $images; $html = $js = ''; // If an array in a string was provided, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); printmsg("DEBUG => Processing Alerts:", 5); // FIXME: this code is called from however it is failing to process for some reason // The intent of this code is to be called to display a "message waiting" type icon in the top menu bar. // Check for messages that begin with SYS_ in the table_name_ref column list($status, $rows, $msg) = db_get_record($onadb, 'messages', "table_name_ref LIKE 'SYS_%'"); if ($rows) { $js .= "if (el('sys_alert')) {el('sys_alert').style.visibility = 'visible';}"; } else { $js .= "if (el('sys_alert')) {el('sys_alert').style.visibility = 'hidden';}"; } $response = new xajaxResponse(); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_change_tab($window_name, $form, $display_list = 1, $return_text = 0) { global $conf, $self; // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); $form_id = $form['form_id']; $tab = $form['tab']; // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $js = ''; // Save the new tab in the session $old_tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab']; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; // remove any messages $js .= "el('search_results_msg').innerHTML = '';"; // Make the old tab look inactive $js .= "_el = el('{$form_id}_{$old_tab}_tab'); if (_el) _el.className = 'table-tab-inactive'; el('{$old_tab}_search').style.display = 'none';"; // Make the new tab look active $js .= "el('{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab').className = 'table-tab-active'; el('{$tab}_search').style.display = 'block';"; // Set the "filter" to the correct value $js .= "el('{$form_id}_filter').value = '{$_SESSION['ona'][$form_id][$tab]['filter']}';"; // Set the "page" and "tab" to the correct value $js .= "el('{$form_id}_page').value = '{$_SESSION['ona'][$form_id][$tab]['page']}';"; $js .= "el('{$form_id}_tab').value = '{$tab}';"; // Put the cursor in the first field $js .= "_el = el('{$tab}_field1'); if (_el) el('{$tab}_field1').focus();"; // Hide/show the filter overlay $js .= "el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = (el('{$form_id}_filter').value == '') ? 'inline' : 'none';"; // Tell the browser to ask for a new list of data if ($display_list) { $js .= "xajax_window_submit('list_{$tab}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list');"; } // If they asked us to return text, we return the javascript text.. if ($return_text) { return $js; } // Send an XML response to the window $response->addAssign($_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['content_id'], 'innerHTML', $conf['loading_icon']); $response->addScript($js); return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_window_progressbar($window_name, $form = '') { global $images; // If an array in a string was provided, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); $window_name = $form['name']; $output = "<center>Working on the results, please wait<br><img src={$images}/loading.gif></center>"; $window['title'] = 'Processing...'; $window['js'] = "el('{$window_name}_extras').innerHTML='<br>';"; $build_commit_html = 0; $commit_function = ''; include window_find_include('module_results'); return window_open("{$window_name}_results", $window); }
function ws_display($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $ona; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Build $ip from $form['ip_block_start'] $form['ip_block_start'] = ip_complete($form['ip_block_start'], '0'); // Since we currently only display /24 (C) class networks, the //GD Need to call ip_mangle() so we can use is_ipv4() // last quad needs to be a .0. $ip = ip_mangle($form['ip_block_start'], 'numeric'); if (is_ipv4($ip)) { $end = '\\.\\d+$'; $replace_end_by = '.0'; $version = 4; } else { $end = ':[0-9A-F]{0,4}$'; // $replace_end_by = ':0000'; $replace_end_by = ':'; $version = 6; } $ip = $form['ip_block_start'] = preg_replace("/{$end}/", $replace_end_by, $form['ip_block_start']); // Find out if $ip is valid $ip = ip_mangle($ip, 'numeric'); if ($ip == -1) { $js .= "alert('The IP address specified is invalid!');"; } // Update History Title $history = array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $js .= "xajax_window_submit('work_space', ' ', 'rewrite_history');"; if ($history['title'] == $window_name) { $history['title'] = 'Map: ' . ip_mangle($ip, 'dotted'); array_push($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history'], $history); } // Create some javascript to refresh the current page $refresh = htmlentities(str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("\\'", '\\"'), $history['url']), ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', '{$refresh}');"; // Define the window's inner html $html .= <<<EOL <div id="{$window_name}_content" style="padding: 2px 4px;"> <form id="block_search_form" onsubmit="el('zoom_block_button').onclick(); return false;"> <div id="{$window_name}_tools"> <b>IP Address</b> <input type="hidden" id="{$window_name}_zoom" name="zoom" value="8"> <input id="{$window_name}_ip_block_start" name="{$window_name}_ip_block_start" value="{$form['ip_block_start']}" class="edit" type="text" size="15" /> <a id="zoom_block_button" title="Zoom block" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'{$window_name}\\', \\'ip_block_start=>' + el('{$window_name}_ip_block_start').value + ',zoom=>' + el('{$window_name}_zoom').value + '\\', \\'display\\');');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/bullet_go.png" border="0"></a> <br><br> </div> </form> <div id="{$window_name}_portal"> <span id="{$window_name}_substrate"></span> </div> </div> EOL; // Position/size the portal ourselves $js .= <<<EOL var _el = el('{$window_name}_portal'); /* Now calculate where we will sit */ var my_height = el('work_space_content').offsetHeight - el('{$window_name}_tools').offsetHeight - 40; var my_width = el('{$window_name}_tools').offsetWidth - 10; /* Finally reposition/resize the window */ = 'relative'; = my_height + 'px'; EOL; // Get javascript to setup the map portal $js .= get_portal_js($window_name, $ip, $version); //*** Send a fake mouseup event to draw the initial map view *** $js .= "el('{$window_name}_portal').myonmouseup('fake event');"; // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); // GDO need to use Big Int JS $response->addIncludeScript('include/js/bignumber.js'); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_delete($window_name, $form = '') { global $include, $conf, $self, $onadb; // Check permissions if (!auth('host_del')) { $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');"); return $response->getXML(); } // If an array in a string was provided, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $js = ''; // Run the module list($status, $output) = run_module('host_del', array('host' => $form['host_id'], 'commit' => $form['commit'])); // If commit was N, display the confirmation dialog box if (!$form['commit']) { $build_commit_html = 1; $commit_function = 'delete'; include window_find_include('module_results'); return window_open("{$window_name}_results", $window); } // If the module returned an error code display a popup warning if ($status) { $js .= "alert('Delete failed. " . preg_replace('/[\\s\']+/', ' ', $output) . "');"; } else { if ($form['js']) { $js .= $form['js']; } } // usually js will refresh the window we got called from // Return an XML response $response->addScript($js); return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style, $msgtype; $html = ''; $js = ''; $debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to supress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Load the host record if ($form['interface_id']) { list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_get_interface_record(array('id' => $form['interface_id'])); } $record['ip_addr'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_addr'], 'dotted'); if ($status or !$rows) { array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $html .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\"><b>Interface doesn't exist!</b></font></center>"; $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); return $response->getXML(); } // Update History Title (and tell the browser to re-draw the history div) $history = array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $js .= "xajax_window_submit('work_space', ' ', 'rewrite_history');"; if ($history['title'] == $window_name) { $history['title'] = $record['ip_addr']; array_push($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history'], $history); } // Create some javascript to refresh the current page $refresh = htmlentities(str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("\\'", '\\"'), $history['url']), ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', '{$refresh}');"; // Associated Host info list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $record['host_id']), ''); // Subnet description list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $interface['subnet_id'])); $record['subnet_name'] = $subnet['name']; $record['ip_subnet_mask'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_subnet_mask_cidr'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'cidr'); $style['content_box'] = <<<EOL margin: 10px 20px; padding: 2px 4px; background-color: #FFFFFF; vertical-align: top; EOL; $style['label_box'] = <<<EOL font-weight: bold; padding: 2px 4px; border: solid 1px {$color['border']}; background-color: {$color['window_content_bg']}; EOL; // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } $html .= <<<EOL <!-- FORMATTING TABLE --> <div style="{$style['content_box']}"> <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"><tr> <!-- START OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td nowrap="true" valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> <!-- HOST INFORMATION --> <table width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-bottom: 8px;"> <tr><td colspan="99" nowrap="true" style="{$style['label_box']}"> <!-- LABEL --> <form id="form_interface_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="interface_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> EOL; if (auth('host_modify', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Edit interface. ID: {$record['id']}" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_interface', xajax.getFormValues('form_interface_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_edit.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } if (auth('host_del', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Delete interface. ID: {$record['id']}" class="act" onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this interface?'); if (doit == true) xajax_window_submit('edit_interface', xajax.getFormValues('form_interface_{$record['id']}'), 'delete');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL {$record['ip_addr']} </td></tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>MAC Address</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left">{$record['mac_addr']} </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Name</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left">{$record['name']} </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Description</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left">{$record['description']} </td> </tr> </table> EOL; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- END OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </td> <!-- START OF SECOND COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> EOL; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- END OF SECOND COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </td> <!-- START OF THIRD COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td valign="top"> EOL; $html .= <<<EOL </td> <!-- END OF THIRD COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </tr></table> </div> <!-- END OF TOP SECTION --> EOL; // record LIST $tab = 'records'; $submit_window = "list_{$tab}"; $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form"; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- RECORD LIST --> <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;"> <!-- Tab & Quick Filter --> <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab" class="table-tab-active"> Associated DNS {$tab} <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span> </td> <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;"> <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="interface_id" value="{$record['id']}" type="hidden"> <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay" style="position: relative; display: inline; color: #CACACA; cursor: text;" onClick=" = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();" >Filter</div> <input id="{$form_id}_filter" name="filter" class="filter" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="20" alt="Quick Filter" onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';" onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';" onKeyUp=" if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer); code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' + ' {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' + ' document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' + ' xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' + '}'; timer = setTimeout(code, 700);" > </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div id='{$content_id}'> {$conf['loading_icon']} </div> EOL; if (auth('record_add', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <!-- ADD DNS RECORD LINK --> <div class="act-box" style="padding: 2px 4px; border-top: 1px solid {$color['border']}"> <form id="form_record_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="interface_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <a title="Add record" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('form_record_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_add.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Add record" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('form_record_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" >Add record</a> </div> EOL; } $html .= " </div>"; $js .= <<<EOL /* Setup the quick filter */ el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px'; {$form_id}_last_search = ''; /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */ xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list'); EOL; // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form) { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $font_family, $color, $style, $images; // Check permissions if (!auth('advanced')) { $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');"); return $response->getXML(); } // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Find out what page we're on $page = 1; if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) { $page = $form['page']; } $html = <<<EOL <!-- Results Table --> <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" class="list-box"> <!-- Table Header --> <tr> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Role</td> <td class="list-header" align="center"> </td> </tr> EOL; $where = 'id > 0'; if (is_array($form) and $form['filter']) { $where = 'name LIKE ' . $onadb->qstr('%' . $form['filter'] . '%'); } // Offset for SQL query $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); if ($offset == 0) { $offset = -1; } // Get list of elements list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'roles', $where, 'name', $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset); // If we got less than serach_results_per_page, add the current offset to it // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it. if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) { $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); } else { if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) { list($status, $rows, $tmp) = db_get_records($onadb, 'roles', $where, '', 0); } } $count = $rows; // Loop through and display the users foreach ($records as $record) { // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } $html .= <<<EOL <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'"> <td class="list-row"> <a title="Edit role. id: {$record['id']}" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('app_device_role_edit', '{$record['id']}', 'editor');" >{$record['name']}</a> </td> <td align="right" class="list-row" nowrap="true"> <a title="Edit role. id: {$record['id']}" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('app_device_role_edit', '{$record['id']}', 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_edit.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Delete role. id: {$record['id']}" class="act" onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this role?'); if (doit == true) xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', '{$record['id']}', 'delete');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" border="0"></a> </td> </tr> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </table> <!-- Add a new record --> <div class="act-box" style="padding: 2px 4px; border-top: 1px solid {$color['border']}; border-bottom: 1px solid {$color['border']};"> <!-- ADD role LINK --> <a title="New role" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('app_device_role_edit', ' ', 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_add.png" border="0"></a> <a title="New role" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('app_device_role_edit', ' ', 'editor');" >Add role</a> </div> EOL; // Build page links if there are any $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']); // Insert the new table into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_role_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})"); $response->addAssign("{$form['content_id']}", "innerHTML", $html); // $response->addScript($js); return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_delete($window_name, $form = '') { global $include, $conf, $self, $mysql, $onadb; // Check permissions if (!auth('advanced')) { $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');"); return $response->getXML(); } // If an array in a string was provided, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $js = ''; // Run the module list($status, $output) = run_module('domain_del', array('domain' => $form['id'], 'commit' => 'Y')); // If the module returned an error code display a popup warning if ($status) { $js .= "alert('Delete failed. " . preg_replace('/[\\s\']+/', ' ', $self['error']) . "');"; } else { if ($form['js']) { $js .= $form['js']; } } // usually js will refresh the window we got called from // Return an XML response $response->addScript($js); return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb, $base; global $images, $color, $style, $msgtype; $html = ''; $js = ''; $debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to supress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Load the host record if ($form['device_id']) { list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_get_device_record(array('id' => $form['device_id'])); } else { if ($form['device']) { // FIXME.. no find_device yet list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_find_device($form['device']); } } if ($status or !$rows) { array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $html .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\"><b>Device doesn't exist!</b></font></center>"; $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); return $response->getXML(); } // Update History Title (and tell the browser to re-draw the history div) $history = array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $js .= "xajax_window_submit('work_space', ' ', 'rewrite_history');"; if ($history['title'] == $window_name) { $history['title'] = $record['name']; array_push($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history'], $history); } // Create some javascript to refresh the current page $refresh = htmlentities(str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("\\'", '\\"'), $history['url']), ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', '{$refresh}');"; // Interface (and find out how many there are) list($status, $interfaces, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('host_id' => $record['id']), ''); $record['ip_address'] = ip_mangle($interface['ip_addr'], 'dotted'); $interface_style = ''; if ($interfaces > 1) { $interface_style = 'font-weight: bold;'; } // Subnet description list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('ID' => $interface['subnet_id'])); $record['subnet'] = $subnet['name']; $record['ip_subnet_mask'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_subnet_mask_cidr'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'cidr'); // Device Description list($status, $rows, $device_type) = ona_get_device_type_record(array('id' => $record['device_type_id'])); list($status, $rows, $role) = ona_get_role_record(array('id' => $device_type['role_id'])); list($status, $rows, $model) = ona_get_model_record(array('id' => $device_type['model_id'])); list($status, $rows, $manufacturer) = ona_get_manufacturer_record(array('id' => $model['manufacturer_id'])); $record['devicefull'] = "{$manufacturer['name']}, {$model['name']} ({$role['name']})"; $record['device'] = str_replace('Unknown', '?', $record['devicefull']); // Get location_number from the location_id list($status, $rows, $location) = ona_get_location_record(array('id' => $record['location_id'])); // extra stuff to pass to ws_plugins $extravars['refresh'] = $refresh; $extravars['window_name'] = $window_name; $style['content_box'] = <<<EOL margin: 10px 20px; padding: 2px 4px; background-color: #FFFFFF; vertical-align: top; EOL; $style['label_box'] = <<<EOL font-weight: bold; padding: 2px 4px; border: solid 1px {$color['border']}; background-color: {$color['window_content_bg']}; EOL; // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } // force 300px width to Notes field if the length is longer than 50 characters and put Notes at the top of the td $notes_width = ""; $notes_valign = ""; if (strlen($record['notes']) > 50) { $notes_width = ' style="width: 300px" '; $notes_valign = ' valign="top" '; } $html .= <<<EOL <!-- FORMATTING TABLE --> <div style="{$style['content_box']}"> <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"><tr> <!-- START OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td nowrap="true" valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> <form id="form_device_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="device_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> EOL; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('host_detail', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('location_detail', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- END OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </td> <!-- START OF SECOND COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> EOL; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- END OF SECOND COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </td> <!-- START OF THIRD COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td valign="top"> EOL; // START MESSAGES BOX // $tablename is a reference directly to the table that contains the item // we are displaying to the user. // It is possible that you can have the same ID in multiple tables, currently. $tablename = 'devices'; require_once 'winc/'; list($lineshtml, $linesjs) = get_message_lines_html("table_id_ref = {$record['id']} AND table_name_ref LIKE '{$tablename}'"); if ($lineshtml) { $html .= <<<EOL <!-- MESSAGES LIST --> <table width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-bottom: 8px;"> <tr><td colspan="99" nowrap="true" style="{$style['label_box']}"> Messages </td></tr> <tr><td> EOL; $html .= $lineshtml; $js .= $linesjs; $html .= "</td></tr></table>"; } // END MESSAGES LIST $html .= <<<EOL </td> <!-- END OF THIRD COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </tr></table> </div> <!-- END OF TOP SECTION --> EOL; // RECORD LIST $tab = 'hosts'; $submit_window = "list_{$tab}"; $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form"; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- INTERFACE LIST --> <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;"> <!-- Tab & Quick Filter --> <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab" class="table-tab-active"> Associated Hosts {$tab} <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span> </td> <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;"> <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="device_id" value="{$record['id']}" type="hidden"> <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay" title="Filter" style="position: relative; display: inline; color: #CACACA; cursor: text;" onClick=" = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();" >Name</div> <input id="{$form_id}_filter" name="filter" class="filter" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="20" alt="Quick Filter" onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';" onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';" onKeyUp=" if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer); code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' + ' {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' + ' document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' + ' xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' + '}'; timer = setTimeout(code, 700);" > </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div id='{$content_id}'> {$conf['loading_icon']} </div> EOL; if (auth('host_add', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <!-- ADD RECORD LINK --> <div class="act-box" style="padding: 2px 4px; border-top: 1px solid {$color['border']}"> <form id="form_record_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="host_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <a title="Add host" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_host', xajax.getFormValues('form_record_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/font_add.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Add host" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_host', xajax.getFormValues('form_record_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" >Add host</a> </div> EOL; } $html .= " </div>"; $js .= <<<EOL /* Setup the quick filter */ el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px'; {$form_id}_last_search = ''; /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */ xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list'); EOL; // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; $debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to supress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Find the "tab" we're on $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab']; // Build js to refresh this list $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');"; // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session. // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing $page = 1; if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) { $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']); $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page']; $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter']; } // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed) $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); if ($offset == 0) { $offset = -1; } // Search results go in here $results = array(); $count = 0; // // FIND RESULT SET // // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the subnets to display $where = ""; $and = ""; // SERVER ID if ($form['server_id']) { $where .= $and . 'id IN (SELECT subnet_id FROM dhcp_server_subnets WHERE host_id = ' . $onadb->qstr($form['server_id']) . ' UNION SELECT subnet_id FROM dhcp_pools WHERE dhcp_failover_group_id IN (SELECT id FROM dhcp_failover_groups WHERE primary_server_id = ' . $onadb->qstr($form['server_id']) . ' OR secondary_server_id = ' . $onadb->qstr($form['server_id']) . '))'; $and = " AND "; } // Do the SQL Query $filter = ''; if ($form['filter']) { // Subnet descriptions are always upper case $form['filter'] = strtoupper($form['filter']); $filter = $and . ' name LIKE ' . $onadb->qstr('%' . $form['filter'] . '%'); } list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'subnets', $where . $filter, 'ip_addr', $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset); // If we got less than serach_results_per_page, add the current offset to it // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it. if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) { $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); } else { if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) { list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'subnets', $where . $filter, "", 0); } } $count = $rows; // // *** BUILD HTML LIST *** // $html .= <<<EOL <!-- Subnet Results --> <table id="{$form['form_id']}_dhcp_server_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <!-- Table Header --> <tr> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Name</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Subnet</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Usage</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Type</td> <td class="list-header" align="center"> </td> </tr> EOL; // Loop and display each record foreach ($results as $record) { // Get additional info about eash subnet record // // Convert IP and Netmask to a presentable format $record['ip_addr'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_addr'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_mask'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_mask'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_mask_cidr'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_mask'], 'cidr'); list($status, $rows, $type) = ona_get_subnet_type_record(array('id' => $record['subnet_type_id'])); $record['type'] = $type['display_name']; // Calculate the percentage of the subnet that's used (total size - allocated hosts - dhcp pool size) $usage_html = get_subnet_usage_html($record['id']); // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } $primary_object_js = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_subnet\\', \\'subnet_id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"; $html .= <<<EOL <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'"> <td class="list-row"> <a title="View subnet. ID: {$record['id']}" class="nav" onClick="{$primary_object_js}" >{$record['name']}</a> </td> <td class="list-row" align="left"> {$record['ip_addr']} <span title="{$record['ip_mask']}">/{$record['ip_mask_cidr']}</span> </td> <td class="list-row" align="center" style="vertical-align: middle;"> {$usage_html} </td> <td class="list-row" align="right"> {$record['type']} </td> <td class="list-row" align="right"> <form id="{$form['form_id']}_list_dhcp_server_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="subnet_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="server_id" value="{$form['server_id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <a title="Display subnet map" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_block_map\\', \\'ip_block_start=>{$record['ip_addr']}\\', \\'display\\');');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/shape_align_left.png" border="0"></a> EOL; if (auth('subnet_modify', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Edit subnet" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_subnet', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_dhcp_server_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_edit.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } // check if the subnet listed is from a failover group or an actual dhcp server subnet assignment list($dhcpsubnetstatus, $dhcpsubnetrows, $dhcpserver) = ona_get_dhcp_server_subnet_record(array('subnet_id' => $record['id'], 'host_id' => $form['server_id'])); if (auth('subnet_del', $debug_val) && $dhcpsubnetrows == 1) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Remove subnet association with server." class="act" onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this subnet from this DHCP server?'); if (doit == true) xajax_window_submit('edit_dhcp_server', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_dhcp_server_{$record['id']}'), 'delete');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_delete.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } else { $html .= <<<EOL <span title="You must change the failover group assignment on the pool to remove this entry."><img src="{$images}/silk/comment.png" border="0"></span> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </td> </tr> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </table> EOL; // Build page links if there are any $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']); // If there was only 1 result, and we're about to display results in the "Search Results" window, display it. if ($count == 1 and $form['content_id'] == 'search_results_list' and $form['filter'] == '') { $js .= $primary_object_js; } // Insert the new html into the content div specified // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})"); $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; $debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to supress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Find the "tab" we're on $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab']; // Build js to refresh this list $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');"; // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session. // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing $page = 1; if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) { $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']); $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page']; $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter']; } // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed) $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); if ($offset == 0) { $offset = -1; } // Search results go in here $results = array(); $count = 0; // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the blocks to display $where = ""; $and = ""; // DISPLAY ALL DOMAINS if ($form['server_id']) { $where .= $and . 'id IN (SELECT domain_id FROM dns_server_domains WHERE host_id = ' . $onadb->qstr($form['server_id']) . ')'; $and = " AND "; } // Do the SQL Query $filter = ''; if ($form['filter']) { $filter = $and . 'name LIKE ' . $oracle->qstr('%' . $form['filter'] . '%'); } list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'domains', $where . $filter, "name ASC", $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset); // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it. if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) { $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); } else { if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) { list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'domains', $where . $filter, "", 0); } } $count = $rows; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- Domain List --> <table id="{$form['form_id']}_domain_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <!-- Table Header --> <tr> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Domain Name</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Parent Domain</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Role</td> <td class="list-header" align="center"> </td> </tr> EOL; // Loop and display each record foreach ($results as $record) { // Grab some info from the associated domain server record list($status, $rows, $domain_server) = ona_get_dns_server_domain_record(array('domain_id' => $record['id'], 'host_id' => $form['server_id'])); list($status, $rows, $parent_zone) = ona_get_domain_record(array('id' => $record['parent_id'])); $record['role'] = strtoupper($domain_server['role']); $record['parent_dns_zone_id'] = $parent_zone['id']; $record['parent_dns_zone'] = $parent_zone['fqdn']; if ($parent_zone['fqdn']) { $parent_zone['fqdn'] = '.' . $parent_zone['fqdn']; } // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys((array) $record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } $html .= <<<EOL <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'"> <td class="list-row" align="left"> <a title="View domain. ID: {$record['id']}" class="domain" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$record['name']}{$parent_zone['fqdn']}</a> </td> <td class="list-row" align="left"> <a title="View domain. ID: {$record['parent_dns_zone_id']}" class="domain" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_zone\\', \\'zone_id=>{$record['parent_dns_zone_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$record['parent_dns_zone']}</a> </td> <td class="list-row" align="left"> {$record['role']} </td> <td class="list-row" align="right"> <form id="{$form['form_id']}_list_domain_server_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="domain" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="server" value="{$form['server_id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> EOL; if (auth('advanced', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Edit domain. ID: {$record['id']}" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_domain', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_domain_server_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_edit.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Remove domain assosiation. ID: {$domain_server['id']}" class="act" onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this domain from this DNS server?'); if (doit == true) xajax_window_submit('edit_domain_server', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_domain_server_{$record['id']}'), 'delete');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_delete.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </td> </tr> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </table> EOL; // Build page links if there are any $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']); // Insert the new html into the content div specified // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})"); $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; $debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to supress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Load the host record list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_get_block_record(array('id' => $form['block_id'])); if ($status or !$rows) { array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $html .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\"><b>Block doesn't exist!</b></font></center>"; $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); return $response->getXML(); } // Update History Title $history = array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $js .= "xajax_window_submit('work_space', ' ', 'rewrite_history');"; if ($history['title'] == $window_name) { $history['title'] = $record['name']; array_push($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history'], $history); } // Create some javascript to refresh the current page $refresh = htmlentities(str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("\\'", '\\"'), $history['url']), ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', '{$refresh}');"; $record['ip_addr_start'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_addr_start'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_addr_end'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_addr_end'], 'dotted'); $style['content_box'] = <<<EOL margin: 10px 20px; padding: 2px 4px; background-color: #FFFFFF; vertical-align: top; EOL; $style['label_box'] = <<<EOL font-weight: bold; padding: 2px 4px; border: solid 1px {$color['border']}; background-color: {$color['window_content_bg']}; EOL; // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } $html .= <<<EOL <!-- FORMATTING TABLE --> <div style="{$style['content_box']}"> <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"><tr> <!-- START OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td nowrap="true" valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> EOL; // BLOCK INFORMATION $html .= <<<EOL <table width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-bottom: 8px;"> <tr><td colspan="99" nowrap="true" style="{$style['label_box']}"> <!-- LABEL --> <form id="form_block_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="block_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> EOL; if (auth('advanced', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Edit block" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_block', xajax.getFormValues('form_block_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_edit.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Delete block" class="act" onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this block?'); if (doit == true) xajax_window_submit('edit_block', xajax.getFormValues('form_block_{$record['id']}'), 'delete');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL {$record['name']} <a href="?work_space={$window_name}&block_id={$record['id']}"><img title="Direct link to {$record['name']}" src="{$images}/silk/application_link.png" border="0"></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Name</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left">{$record['name']} </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>IP start</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left"> {$record['ip_addr_start']} </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>IP end</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left"> {$record['ip_addr_end']} </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>Notes</b> </td> <td class="padding" align="left"> {$record['notes']} </td> </tr> </table> EOL; // END BLOCK INFORMATION $html .= <<<EOL <!-- END OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </td> <!-- START OF SECOND COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> EOL; // SMALL SUBNET MAP // Get the numeric IP address of our subnet (we replace the last quad with a .0) $ip_subnet = ip_mangle($record['ip_addr_start'], 'numeric'); if (is_ipv4($ip_subnet)) { $end = '\\.\\d+$'; $replace_end_by = '.0'; $version = 4; } else { $end = ':[0-9A-F]{0,4}$'; // $replace_end_by = ':0000'; $replace_end_by = ':'; $version = 6; } $ip = ip_mangle(preg_replace("/{$end}/", $replace_end_by, $record['ip_addr_start']), 'numeric'); $html .= <<<EOL <table width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-bottom: 8px;"> <tr><td colspan="99" nowrap="true"> <!-- LABEL --> <div style="{$style['label_box']}"> <a title="Display full sized subnet map" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_block_map\\', \\'ip_block_start=>{$record['ip_addr_start']},ip_block_end=>{$record['ip_addr_end']},id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\');');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/shape_align_left.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Highlight start of block" class="act" onClick=" var _el = el('{$ip_subnet}_row_label'); if (_el) { if ( { = '#000000'; = false; } else { = '{$color['bgcolor_map_selected']}'; = true; } } " ><img src="{$images}/silk/paintbrush.png" border="0"></a> <b>Block Map</b> </div> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="99" nowrap="true"> <input type="hidden" id="{$window_name}_zoom" name="zoom" value="7"> <div id="{$window_name}_portal" style="position: relative; height: 150px; width: 355px;"> <span id="{$window_name}_substrate"></span> </div> </td></tr> </table> EOL; // Get javascript to setup the map portal mouse handlers // Force ip end to be less than ip start to prevent Block highlighting $portal_js .= get_portal_js($window_name, $ip, $version); //*** Send a fake mouseup event to draw the initial map view *** $portal_js .= "el('{$window_name}_portal').myonmouseup('fake event');"; // END SMALL SUBNET MAP $html .= <<<EOL <!-- END OF SECOND COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </td> <!-- START OF THIRD COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> EOL; $html .= <<<EOL </td> <!-- END OF THIRD COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </tr></table> </div> <!-- END OF TOP SECTION --> EOL; // SUBNET LIST $tab = 'subnets'; $submit_window = "list_{$tab}"; $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form"; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- SUBNET LIST --> <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;"> <!-- Tab & Quick Filter --> <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="{$form_id}_subnets_tab" class="table-tab-active"> Associated {$tab} <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span> </td> <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;"> <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="ip_subnet" value="{$record['ip_addr_start']}" type="hidden"> <input name="ip_subnet_thru" value="{$record['ip_addr_end']}" type="hidden"> <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay" title="Filter" style="position: relative; display: inline; color: #CACACA; cursor: text;" onClick=" = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();" >Name</div> <input id="{$form_id}_filter" name="filter" class="filter" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="20" alt="Quick Filter" onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';" onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';" onKeyUp=" if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer); code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' + ' {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' + ' document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' + ' xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' + '}'; timer = setTimeout(code, 700);" > </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div id='{$content_id}'> {$conf['loading_icon']} </div> </div> EOL; $js .= <<<EOL /* Setup the quick filter */ el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px'; {$form_id}_last_search = ''; /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */ xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list'); EOL; // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); // GDO need to use Big Int JS $response->addIncludeScript('include/js/bignumber.js'); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js . $portal_js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display_config($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf; $html = ''; $js = ''; // If the user supplied an array in a string, transform it into an array $form = parse_options_string($form); // MP: This could be slow depending on the size of the database. maybe make it a button.. having no build_dns_type turns it off // It expects to be passed the domain name as domain= to the module if ($conf['build_dns_type'] && auth('dns_record_add', $debug_val)) { switch (strtolower($conf['build_dns_type'])) { case "bind": $dns_module_name = 'build_bind_conf'; break; case "tinydns": $dns_module_name = 'build_tinydns_conf'; break; } list($status, $output) = run_module("{$dns_module_name}", array('server' => $form['fqdn'], 'view' => $form['view'], 'path' => 'GUI-only-path')); // Display the config if it ran ok if (!$status) { $html .= $output; } else { $html .= "There was a problem generating the configuration.<br>{$output}"; } } // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("confoutput", "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb, $baseURL; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; $debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to supress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Find the "tab" we're on $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab']; // Build js to refresh this list $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');"; // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session. // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing $page = 1; if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) { $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']); $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page']; $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter']; } // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed) $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); if ($offset == 0) { $offset = -1; } // Search results go in here $results = array(); $count = 0; // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the records to display $where = ''; $and = ''; // DISPLAY ALL CONFIGS if ($form['all_flag']) { $where .= $and . "id > 0"; $and = " AND "; } if ($form['host_id']) { $where .= 'host_id = ' . $form['host_id']; $and = " AND "; } // Do the SQL Query $filter = ''; if ($form['filter']) { $filter = $and . ' configuration_type_id in (select id from configuration_types where name like "%' . $form['filter'] . '%")'; } list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'configurations', $where . $filter, 'configuration_type_id ASC, ctime DESC', $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset); // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it. if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) { $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); } else { if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) { list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'configurations', $where . $filter, "", 0); } } $count = $rows; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- Config List --> <table id="{$form['form_id']}_config_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <!-- Table Header --> <tr> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">A</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">B</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Date</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Type</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">MD5 Checksum</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Size (chars)</td> <td class="list-header" align="center"> </td> </tr> EOL; // Loop and display each record foreach ($results as $record) { $id++; // Counter used for comparison seleciton // Grab some info from the associated record list($status, $rows, $ctype) = ona_get_config_type_record(array('id' => $record['configuration_type_id'])); $record['config_type_name'] = $ctype['name']; // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } // MP: FIXME still not working right for encoded stings.. always returns 0 $confsize = mb_strlen(html_entity_decode($record['config_body'], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']), $conf['php_charset']); $html .= <<<EOL <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'"> <td align="center" class="list-row" style="padding-right: 4px; width: 20px;" ><input id="old{$id}" name="old" type="radio" value="{$record['id']}" onClick=" var tmp = 1; var obj = el('new' + tmp); while (obj) { = (tmp <= {$id}) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; if (tmp > {$id}) obj.checked = false; obj = el('new' + tmp++); }" > </td> <td class="list-row" align="center" style="width: 20px;"> <input id="new{$id}" style="visibility: hidden;" name="new" type="radio" value="{$record['id']}"> </td> <td class="list-row" align="center"> {$record['ctime']} </td> <td class="list-row" align="center"> {$record['config_type_name']} </td> <td class="list-row" align="center"> {$record['md5_checksum']} </td> <td class="list-row" align="center"> {$confsize} </td> <td class="list-row" align="right"> <form id="{$form['form_id']}_list_configs_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="config_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> EOL; if (auth('host_config_admin', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="View config. ID: {$record['id']}" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_config_text\\', \\'host_id=>{$record['host_id']},type_id=>{$record['configuration_type_id']},displayconf=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/zoom.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Download config" class="act" target="null" href="{$baseURL}/config_dnld.php?config_id={$record['id']}&download=1" ><img src="{$images}/silk/disk.png" alt="Download config" border="0"></a> <a title="Delete config" class="nav" onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this config record?'); if (doit == true) xajax_window_submit('display_config_text', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_configs_{$record['id']}'), 'delete_config');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" alt="Delete config" border="0"></a> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </td> </tr> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </table> EOL; // Build page links if there are any $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']); // Insert the new html into the content div specified // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})"); $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb, $base; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; $debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to supress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Load the host record if ($form['host_id']) { list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $form['host_id'])); } else { if ($form['host']) { list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_find_host($form['host']); } } if ($status or !$rows) { array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $html .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\"><b>Host doesn't exist!</b></font></center>"; $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); return $response->getXML(); } // Update History Title (and tell the browser to re-draw the history div) $history = array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $js .= "xajax_window_submit('work_space', ' ', 'rewrite_history');"; if ($history['title'] == $window_name) { $history['title'] = $record['name']; array_push($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history'], $history); } // Create some javascript to refresh the current page $refresh = htmlentities(str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("\\'", '\\"'), $history['url']), ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', '{$refresh}');"; // FIXME: umm.. put this somewhere else if (!$record['name']) { $record['name'] = "NONE SET"; } // Interface (and find out how many there are) list($status, $interfaces, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('host_id' => $record['id']), ''); $record['ip_address'] = ip_mangle($interface['ip_addr'], 'dotted'); $interface_style = ''; if ($interfaces > 1) { $interface_style = 'font-weight: bold;'; } // Subnet description list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $interface['subnet_id'])); $record['subnet'] = $subnet['name']; $record['subnet_id'] = $subnet['id']; $record['ip_subnet_mask'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_subnet_mask_cidr'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'cidr'); // Device Description list($status, $rows, $device) = ona_get_device_record(array('id' => $record['device_id'])); $record['device_type_id'] = $device['device_type_id']; list($status, $rows, $device_type) = ona_get_device_type_record(array('id' => $device['device_type_id'])); list($status, $rows, $role) = ona_get_role_record(array('id' => $device_type['role_id'])); list($status, $rows, $model) = ona_get_model_record(array('id' => $device_type['model_id'])); list($status, $rows, $manufacturer) = ona_get_manufacturer_record(array('id' => $model['manufacturer_id'])); $record['devicefull'] = "{$manufacturer['name']}, {$model['name']} ({$role['name']})"; $record['device'] = str_replace('Unknown', '?', $record['devicefull']); $record['location_id'] = $device['location_id']; // Device serial number and/or asset tag $record['serial_number'] = $device['serial_number']; $record['asset_tag'] = $device['asset_tag']; // Get location_number from the location_id list($status, $rows, $location) = ona_get_location_record(array('id' => $record['location_id'])); // extra stuff to pass to ws_plugins $extravars['refresh'] = $refresh; $extravars['window_name'] = $window_name; // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } // Create a div for workspace plugins to live $html .= "<div id='wsplugins' style='margin: 10px;'>"; // Start displaying all the ws plugins $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('host_detail', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('host_services', $record); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('custom_attributes', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('dhcp_entries', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('config_archives', $record); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; // Display the host_action workspace_plugin $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('host_actions', $record); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; // Display messages $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('messages', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader('reports', $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; // Get all the plugin based worspace items $wspl_list = plugin_list('wspl_item'); // Load all the dynamic plugins foreach ($wspl_list as $p) { $wspl = workspace_plugin_loader($p['path'], $record, $extravars); $html .= $wspl[0]; $js .= $wspl[1]; $wsmenu[] = $wspl[2]; } // Gather our menuitems and build the HTML $wsmenuhtml = build_workspace_menu($wsmenu); $html .= <<<EOL </div> <br style="clear:both;"> <form id="form_host_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="host_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <div id='wsmenu' style='display:none;'>{$wsmenuhtml}</div> EOL; // RECORD LIST $tab = 'records'; $submit_window = "list_{$tab}"; $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form"; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- INTERFACE LIST --> <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;"> <!-- Tab & Quick Filter --> <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab" class="table-tab-active"> Associated DNS {$tab} <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span> </td> <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;"> <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="host_id" value="{$record['id']}" type="hidden"> <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay" title="Filter" style="position: relative; display: inline; color: #CACACA; cursor: text;" onClick=" = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();" >Name</div> <input id="{$form_id}_filter" name="filter" class="filter" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="20" alt="Quick Filter" onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';" onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';" onKeyUp=" if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer); code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' + ' {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' + ' document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' + ' xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' + '}'; timer = setTimeout(code, 700);" > </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div id='{$content_id}'> {$conf['loading_icon']} </div> EOL; if (auth('host_add', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <!-- ADD RECORD LINK --> <div class="act-box" style="padding: 2px 4px; border-top: 1px solid {$color['border']}"> <form id="form_record_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="host_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <a title="Add DNS record" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('form_record_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/font_add.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Add DNS record" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('form_record_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" >Add DNS record</a> </div> EOL; } $html .= " </div>"; $js .= <<<EOL /* Setup the quick filter */ el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px'; {$form_id}_last_search = ''; /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */ xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list'); EOL; // INTERFACE LIST $tab = 'interfaces'; $submit_window = "list_{$tab}"; $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form"; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- INTERFACE LIST --> <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;"> <!-- Tab & Quick Filter --> <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab" class="table-tab-active"> Associated {$tab} <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span> </td> <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;"> <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="host_id" value="{$record['id']}" type="hidden"> <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay" title="Filter" style="position: relative; display: inline; color: #CACACA; cursor: text;" onClick=" = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();" >Full IP</div> <input id="{$form_id}_filter" name="filter" class="filter" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="20" alt="Quick Filter" onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';" onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';" onKeyUp=" if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer); code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' + ' {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' + ' document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' + ' xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' + '}'; timer = setTimeout(code, 700);" > </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div id='{$content_id}'> {$conf['loading_icon']} </div> EOL; if (auth('host_add', $debug_val)) { $html .= <<<EOL <!-- ADD INTERFACE LINK --> <div class="act-box" style="padding: 2px 4px; border-top: 1px solid {$color['border']}"> <form id="form_interface_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="host_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <a title="Add interface" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_interface', xajax.getFormValues('form_interface_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_add.png" border="0"></a> <a title="Add interface" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_interface', xajax.getFormValues('form_interface_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" >Add interface</a> </div> EOL; } $html .= " </div>"; $js .= <<<EOL /* Setup the quick filter */ el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px'; {$form_id}_last_search = ''; /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */ xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list'); EOL; // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Find the "tab" we're on $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab']; // Build js to refresh this list $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');"; // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session. // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing $page = 1; if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) { $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']); $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page']; $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter']; } // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed) $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); if ($offset == 0) { $offset = -1; } // Search results go in here $results = array(); $count = 0; // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the blocks to display $where = ""; $and = ""; // DISPLAY ALL BLOCKS if ($form['all_flag']) { $where .= $and . "id > 0"; $and = " AND "; } // BLOCK ID if ($form['id']) { $where .= $and . "id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['id']); $and = " AND "; } // BLOCK , assume a block descripton if ($form['blockname']) { $where .= $and . "name LIKE " . $onadb->qstr('%' . strtoupper($form['blockname']) . '%'); $and = " AND "; } // display a nice message when we dont find all the records if ($where == '' and $form['content_id'] == 'search_results_list') { $js .= "el('search_results_msg').innerHTML = 'Unable to find blocks matching your query, showing all records';"; } // Wild card .. if $while is still empty, add a 'ID > 0' to it so you see everything. if ($where == '') { $where = 'id > 0'; } // Do the SQL Query $filter = ''; if ($form['filter']) { $filter = ' AND name LIKE ' . $onadb->qstr('%' . $form['filter'] . '%'); } list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'blocks', $where . $filter, "ip_addr_start ASC", $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset); // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it. if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) { $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); } else { if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) { list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'blocks', $where . $filter, "", 0); } } $count = $rows; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- Block List --> <table id="{$form['form_id']}_block_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <!-- Table Header --> <tr> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Block Name</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Starting IP</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Ending IP</td> <td class="list-header" align="center"> </td> </tr> EOL; // Loop and display each record foreach ($results as $record) { // Grab some info from the associated block record list($status, $rows, $block) = ona_get_block_record(array('id' => $record['id'])); $num_hosts = 0xffffffff - $block['ip_addr_end']; $block['ip_block_end'] = $block['ip_addr'] + $num_hosts; $record['name'] = $block['name']; // Convert IP and Netmask to a presentable format $record['ip_addr_start'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_addr_start'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_addr_end'] = ip_mangle($block['ip_addr_end'], 'dotted'); // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } $primary_object_js = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_block\\', \\'block_id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"; $html .= <<<EOL <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'"> <td class="list-row" align="left"> <a title="View block. ID: {$record['id']}" class="nav" onClick="{$primary_object_js}" >{$record['name']}</a> </td> <td class="list-row" align="left"> {$record['ip_addr_start']} </td> <td class="list-row" align="left"> {$record['ip_addr_end']} </td> <td class="list-row" align="right"> <form id="{$form['form_id']}_list_block_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="block_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> EOL; if (auth('advanced')) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Edit block. ID: {$record['id']}" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_block', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_block_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/brick_edit.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Display subnet map" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_block_map\\', \\'ip_block_start=>{$record['ip_addr_start']},ip_block_end=>{$record['ip_addr_end']},id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\');');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/shape_align_left.png" border="0"></a> EOL; if (auth('advanced')) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Delete block" class="act" onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this block?'); if (doit == true) xajax_window_submit('edit_block', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_block_{$record['id']}'), 'delete');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </td> </tr> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </table> EOL; // Build page links if there are any $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']); // If there was only 1 result, and we're about to display results in the "Search Results" window, display it. if ($count == 1 and $form['content_id'] == 'search_results_list' and $form['filter'] == '') { $js .= $primary_object_js; } // Insert the new html into the content div specified // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})"); $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_toggleenable($window_name, $form = '') { global $include, $conf, $self, $onadb; // Check permissions if (!auth('advanced')) { $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');"); return $response->getXML(); } // If an array in a string was provided, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $js = "xajax_window_submit('app_plugin_list', xajax.getFormValues('app_plugin_list_filter_form'), 'display_list');"; if (is_writable($form['path'])) { if ($form['state'] == 'disable') { touch($form['path'] . '/plugin_disabled'); } if ($form['state'] == 'enable') { unlink($form['path'] . '/plugin_disabled'); } } else { $js .= "alert('Plugin path {$form['path']} is not writeable by the web server!');"; } if ($form['task'] == 'install') { return window_open('', $window); } if ($form['js']) { $js .= $form['js']; } // usually js will refresh the window we got called from // Return an XML response $response->addScript($js); return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; // If the user supplied an array in a string, transform it into an array $form = parse_options_string($form); // Find the "tab" we're on $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab']; // Build js to refresh this list $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');"; // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session. // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing $page = 1; if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) { $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']); $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page']; $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter']; } printmsg("DEBUG => Displaying records list page: {$page}", 1); // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed) $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); if ($offset == 0) { $offset = -1; } // Search results go in here $results = array(); $count = 0; // // *** ADVANCED RECORD SEARCH *** // FIND RESULT SET // // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the records to display $where = ""; $and = ""; $orderby = ""; // enable or disable wildcards $wildcard = '%'; if ($form['nowildcard']) { $wildcard = ''; } // RECORD ID if ($form['record_id']) { $where .= $and . "id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['record_id']); $and = " AND "; } // DNS VIEW ID if ($form['dns_view']) { if (is_string($form['dns_view'])) { list($status, $rows, $dnsview) = ona_get_dns_view_record(array('name' => $form['dns_view'])); } if (is_numeric($form['dns_view'])) { list($status, $rows, $dnsview) = ona_get_dns_view_record(array('id' => $form['dns_view'])); } $where .= $and . "dns_view_id = " . $onadb->qstr($dnsview['id']); $and = " AND "; } // INTERFACE ID if ($form['interface_id']) { $where .= $and . "interface_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['interface_id']); $and = " AND "; } // DNS RECORD note if ($form['notes']) { $where .= $and . "notes LIKE " . $onadb->qstr($wildcard . $form['notes'] . $wildcard); $and = " AND "; } // DNS RECORD TYPE if ($form['dnstype']) { $where .= $and . "type = " . $onadb->qstr($form['dnstype']); $and = " AND "; } // HOSTNAME if ($form['hostname']) { $where .= $and . "id IN (SELECT id " . " FROM dns " . " WHERE name LIKE " . $onadb->qstr($wildcard . $form['hostname'] . $wildcard) . " )"; $and = " AND "; } // DOMAIN if ($form['domain']) { // FIXME: MP test if this clause works correctly? Not sure that anything even uses this? list($status, $rows, $tmpdomain) = ona_find_domain($form['domain']); $where .= $and . "domain_id = " . $onadb->qstr($tmpdomain['id']); $orderby .= "name, domain_id"; $and = " AND "; } // DOMAIN ID if ($form['domain_id']) { //$where .= $and . "primary_dns_id IN ( SELECT id " . // " FROM dns " . // " WHERE domain_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['domain_id']) . " ) "; $where .= $and . "domain_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['domain_id']); $orderby .= "name, domain_id"; $and = " AND "; } // IP ADDRESS $ip = $ip_end = ''; if ($form['ip']) { // Build $ip and $ip_end from $form['ip'] and $form['ip_thru'] $ip = ip_complete($form['ip'], '0'); if ($form['ip_thru']) { $ip_end = ip_complete($form['ip_thru'], '255'); } else { $ip_end = ip_complete($form['ip'], '255'); } // Find out if $ip and $ip_end are valid $ip = ip_mangle($ip, 'numeric'); $ip_end = ip_mangle($ip_end, 'numeric'); if ($ip != -1 and $ip_end != -1) { // We do a sub-select to find interface id's between the specified ranges $where .= $and . "interface_id IN ( SELECT id " . " FROM interfaces " . " WHERE ip_addr >= " . $onadb->qstr($ip) . " AND ip_addr <= " . $onadb->qstr($ip_end) . " )"; $and = " AND "; } } // display a nice message when we dont find all the records if ($where == '' and $form['content_id'] == 'search_results_list') { $js .= "el('search_results_msg').innerHTML = 'Unable to find DNS records matching your query, showing all records';"; } // Wild card .. if $while is still empty, add a 'ID > 0' to it so you see everything. if ($where == '') { $where = 'id > 0'; } // If we dont have DNS views turned on, limit data to just the default view. // Even if there is data associated with other views, ignore it if (!$conf['dns_views']) { $where .= ' AND dns_view_id = 0'; } // Do the SQL Query $filter = ''; if ($form['filter']) { // Host names should always be lower case $form['filter'] = strtolower($form['filter']); $filter = ' AND name LIKE ' . $onadb->qstr('%' . $form['filter'] . '%'); } // If we get a specific host to look for we must do the following // 1. get (A) records that match any interface_id associated with the host // 2. get CNAMES that point to dns records that are using an interface_id associated with the host if ($form['host_id']) { // If we dont have DNS views turned on, limit data to just the default view. // Even if there is data associated with other views, ignore it // MP: something strange with this, it should only limit to default view.. sometimes it does not??? if (!$conf['dns_views']) { $hwhere .= 'dns_view_id = 0 AND '; } // Get the host record so we know what the primary interface is list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $form['host_id']), ''); list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns', $hwhere . 'interface_id in (select id from interfaces where host_id = ' . $onadb->qstr($form['host_id']) . ') OR interface_id in (select interface_id from interface_clusters where host_id = ' . $onadb->qstr($form['host_id']) . ')', "type", $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset); // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it. if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) { $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); } else { if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) { list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns', $hwhere . 'interface_id in (select id from interfaces where host_id = ' . $onadb->qstr($form['host_id']) . ') OR interface_id in (select interface_id from interface_clusters where host_id = ' . $onadb->qstr($form['host_id']) . ')' . $filter, "", 0); } } } else { list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns', $where . $filter, $orderby, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset); // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it. if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) { $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); } else { if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) { list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns', $where . $filter, "", 0); } } } $count = $rows; // // *** BUILD HTML LIST *** // $html .= <<<EOL <!-- dns record Results --> <table id="{$form['form_id']}_dns_record_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <!-- Table Header --> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Name</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Time to Live</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Type</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Data</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Effective</td> EOL; if ($conf['dns_views']) { $html .= "<td class=\"list-header\" align=\"center\" style=\"{$style['borderR']};\">DNS View</td>"; } $html .= <<<EOL <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Notes</td> <td class="list-header" align="center"> </td> </tr> EOL; // Loop and display each record // $last_record = array('name' => $results[0]['name'], 'domain_id' => $results[0]['domain_id']); // $last_record_count = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= count($results); $i++) { $record = $results[$i]; // Get additional info about each host record $record = $results[$i - 1]; // if the interface is the primary_dns_id for the host then mark it $primary_record = ' '; if ($host['primary_dns_id'] == $record['id']) { $primary_record = '<img title="Primary DNS record" src="' . $images . '/silk/font_go.png" border="0">'; } // Check for interface records (and find out how many there are) list($status, $interfaces, $interface) = ona_get_interface_record(array('id' => $record['interface_id']), ''); if ($interfaces) { // Get the host record so we know what the primary interface is //list($status, $rows, $inthost) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $interface['host_id']), ''); // Make the type correct based on the IP passed in if (strlen($interface['ip_addr']) > 11 and $record['type'] == 'A') { $record['type'] = 'AAAA'; } $record['ip_addr'] = ip_mangle($interface['ip_addr'], 'dotted'); // Subnet description list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $interface['subnet_id'])); $record['subnet'] = $subnet['name']; $record['ip_mask'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_mask_cidr'] = ip_mangle($subnet['ip_mask'], 'cidr'); // Create string to be embedded in HTML for display $data = <<<EOL {$record['ip_addr']} EOL; } else { // Get other DNS records which name this record as parent list($status, $rows, $dns_other) = ona_get_host_record(array('id' => $record['dns_id'])); // Create string to be embedded in HTML for display if ($rows) { $data = <<<EOL <a title="View host. ID: {$dns_other['id']}" class="nav" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_host\\', \\'host_id=>{$dns_other['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$dns_other['name']}</a >.<a title="View domain. ID: {$dns_other['domain_id']}" class="domain" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$dns_other['domain_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$dns_other['domain_fqdn']}</a> EOL; } } $record['notes_short'] = truncate($record['notes'], 30); // Add a dot to the end of record name for display purposes $record['name'] = $record['name'] . '.'; // Process PTR record if ($record['type'] == 'PTR') { list($status, $rows, $pointsto) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $record['dns_id']), ''); list($status, $rows, $pdomain) = ona_get_domain_record(array('id' => $record['domain_id']), ''); // Flip the IP address $record['name'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_addr'], 'flip'); $record['domain'] = $pdomain['name']; if ($pdomain['parent_id']) { list($status, $rows, $parent) = ona_get_domain_record(array('id' => $pdomain['parent_id'])); $parent['name'] = ona_build_domain_name($parent['id']); $record['domain'] = $pdomain['name'] . '.' . $parent['name']; unset($parent['name']); } // strip down the IP to just the "host" part as it relates to the domain its in if (strstr($record['domain'], '')) { $domain_part = preg_replace("/\$/", '', $record['domain']); } else { $domain_part = preg_replace("/\$/", '', $record['domain']); } $record['name'] = preg_replace("/{$domain_part}\$/", '', $record['name']); $data = <<<EOL <a title="Edit DNS A record" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', 'dns_record_id=>{$record['dns_id']}', 'editor');" >{$pointsto['name']}</a>.<a title="View domain. ID: {$pointsto['domain_id']}" class="domain" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$pointsto['domain_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$pointsto['domain_fqdn']}</a>. EOL; } // Process CNAME record if ($record['type'] == 'CNAME') { list($status, $rows, $cname) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $record['dns_id']), ''); $data = <<<EOL <a title="Edit DNS A record" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', 'dns_record_id=>{$record['dns_id']}', 'editor');" >{$cname['name']}</a>.<a title="View domain. ID: {$cname['domain_id']}" class="domain" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$cname['domain_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$cname['domain_fqdn']}</a>. EOL; } // Process NS record if ($record['type'] == 'NS') { // clear out the $record['domain'] value so it shows properly in the list $record['name'] = ''; list($status, $rows, $ns) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $record['dns_id']), ''); $data = <<<EOL <a title="Edit DNS A record" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', 'dns_record_id=>{$record['dns_id']}', 'editor');" >{$ns['name']}</a>.<a title="View domain. ID: {$ns['domain_id']}" class="domain" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$ns['domain_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$ns['domain_fqdn']}</a>. EOL; } // Process MX record if ($record['type'] == 'MX') { // show the preference value next to the type $record['type'] = "{$record['type']} ({$record['mx_preference']})"; list($status, $rows, $mx) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $record['dns_id']), ''); $data = <<<EOL <a title="Edit DNS A record" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', 'dns_record_id=>{$record['dns_id']}', 'editor');" >{$mx['name']}</a>.<a title="View domain. ID: {$mx['domain_id']}" class="domain" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$mx['domain_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$mx['domain_fqdn']}</a>. EOL; } // Process SRV record if ($record['type'] == 'SRV') { // show the preference value next to the type $record['type'] = "{$record['type']} ({$record['srv_port']})"; list($status, $rows, $srv) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $record['dns_id']), ''); $data = <<<EOL <a title="Edit DNS A record" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', 'dns_record_id=>{$record['dns_id']}', 'editor');" >{$srv['name']}</a>.<a title="View domain. ID: {$srv['domain_id']}" class="domain" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$srv['domain_id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$srv['domain_fqdn']}</a>. EOL; } // Process TXT record if ($record['type'] == 'TXT') { // some records will have an interfaceid and dnsid when associated to another dns name // some will just be un associated txt records or domain only records. Determine that here and // display appropriately. This is to ensure associated DNS records match up if the name changes if ($record['interface_id'] and $record['dns_id']) { list($status, $rows, $txtmain) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $record['dns_id']), ''); $record['name'] = $txtmain['name'] . '.'; } $data = truncate($record['txt'], 70); } // Get the domain name and domain ttl $ttl_style = 'title="Time-to-Live"'; list($status, $rows, $domain) = ona_get_domain_record(array('id' => $record['domain_id'])); // Make record['domain'] have the right name in it if ($record['type'] != 'PTR') { $record['domain'] = $domain['fqdn']; } // clear out the $record['domain'] value so it shows properly in the list for NS records if ($record['type'] == 'NS') { $record['domain'] = $domain['fqdn']; } // if the ttl is blank, use the one in the domain (minimum) if ($record['ttl'] == 0) { $record['ttl'] = $domain['default_ttl']; $ttl_style = 'style="font-style: italic;" title="Using TTL from domain"'; } // format the ebegin using the configured date format $ebegin = ''; // If it is in the future, print the time if (strtotime($record['ebegin']) > time()) { $ebegin = '<span title="Active in DNS on: ' . $record['ebegin'] . '">' . date($conf['date_format'], strtotime($record['ebegin'])) . '</span>'; } // If it is 0 then show as disabled if (strtotime($record['ebegin']) < 0) { $ebegin = <<<EOL <span style="background-color:#FFFF99;" title="Disabled: Won't build in DNS" onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to enable this DNS record?'); if (doit == true) xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_record_{$record['id']}'), 'enablerecord');" >Disabled</span> EOL; } // If we get this far and the name we have built has a leading . in it then remove the dot. $record['name'] = preg_replace("/^\\./", '', $record['name']); // Get the name of the view and the description if ($conf['dns_views']) { list($status, $rows, $dnsview) = ona_get_dns_view_record(array('id' => $record['dns_view_id'])); $record['view_name'] = $dnsview['name']; $record['view_desc'] = $dnsview['description']; } // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } //$primary_object_js = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\'display_host\', \'host_id=>{$record['id']}\', \'display\')');"; $html .= <<<EOL <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight';" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal';"> <td class="list-row" style="padding-right: 2px; padding-left: 4px;" width="16px"> {$primary_record} </td> <td class="list-row"> <span title="Record. ID: {$record['id']}" onClick="" >{$record['name']}</span ><a title="View domain. ID: {$domain['id']}" class="domain" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain\\', \\'domain_id=>{$domain['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$record['domain']}.</a> </td> <td class="list-row"> <span onClick="" {$ttl_style} >{$record['ttl']} seconds</span> </td> <td class="list-row"> <span title="Record Type" onClick="" >{$record['type']}</span> </td> <td class="list-row" align="left"> EOL; // Put the data in! $html .= $data; $html .= <<<EOL </td> <td class="list-row" align="center"> {$ebegin} </td> EOL; // Display the view we are part of if ($conf['dns_views']) { $html .= <<<EOL <td class="list-row" align="center" title="{$record['view_desc']}"> {$record['view_name']} </td> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL <td class="list-row"> <span title="{$record['notes']}">{$record['notes_short']}</span> </td> <!-- ACTION ICONS --> <td class="list-row" align="right"> <form id="{$form['form_id']}_list_record_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="dns_record_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="host_id" value="{$host['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> EOL; if (auth('dns_record_modify')) { // If it is an A record but not the primary, display an option to make it primary. and only if we are dealing with a specific host if (($record['type'] == 'A' or $record['type'] == 'AAAA') and $host['primary_dns_id'] != $record['id'] and $form['host_id']) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Make this the primary DNS record" class="act" onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to make this the primary DNS record for this host?'); if (doit == true) xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_record_{$record['id']}'), 'makeprimary');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/font_go.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } } // display a view host button on the dns record search form list if ($form['search_form_id'] == 'dns_record_search_form') { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="View associated host record: {$interface['host_id']}" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('display_host', 'host_id=>{$interface['host_id']}', 'display');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/computer_go.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } if (auth('dns_record_modify')) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Edit DNS record" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_record_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_edit.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } if (auth('dns_record_del')) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Delete DNS record" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_record', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_record_{$record['id']}'), 'delete');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </td> </tr> EOL; // reset the record counter before we go back for the next iteration $last_record = array('name' => $record['name'], 'domain_id' => $record['domain_id']); $last_record_count = 1; } $html .= <<<EOL </table> EOL; // Build page links if there are any $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']); // Insert the new html into the content div specified // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})"); $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form) { global $conf, $self, $mysql, $onadb; global $font_family, $color, $style, $images; // Check permissions // if (!auth('advanced')) { // $response = new xajaxResponse(); // $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');"); // return($response->getXML()); // } // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Build js to refresh this list $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');"; // Find out what page we're on $page = 1; if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) { $page = $form['page']; } $html = <<<EOL <!-- Results Table --> <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" class="list-box"> <!-- Table Header --> <tr> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Server name</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Domain count</td> <td class="list-header" align="center"> </td> </tr> EOL; $where = 'id in (select host_id from dns_server_domains group by host_id)'; if (is_array($form) and $form['filter']) { //$where = 'name like ' . $onadb->qstr('%'.$form['filter'].'%'); } // Offset for SQL query $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); if ($offset == 0) { $offset = -1; } // Get list of elements list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'hosts', $where, '', $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset); //$records = array_unique(array_slice($dnsservers,1,1)); // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it. if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) { $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); } else { if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) { list($status, $rows, $tmp) = db_get_records($onadb, 'hosts', $where, '', 0); } } $count = $rows; // Loop through and display foreach ($records as $record) { list($status, $rows, $dns) = ona_get_dns_record(array('id' => $record['primary_dns_id'])); $record['fqdn'] = $dns['fqdn']; // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } list($status, $usage_rows, $tmp) = db_get_records($onadb, 'dns_server_domains', "host_id = {$record['id']}", '', 0); $html .= <<<EOL <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'"> <form id="{$form['form_id']}_list_domain_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <td class="list-row"> <a title="View DNS server. ID: {$record['id']}" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain_server\\', \\'host_id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$record['fqdn']}</a> </td> <td class="list-row"> {$usage_rows} </td> <td align="right" class="list-row" nowrap="true"> <a title="View DNS server. ID: {$record['id']}" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_domain_server\\', \\'host_id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/zoom.png" border="0"></a> </td> </tr> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </table> <!-- Add a new record --> <div class="act-box" style="padding: 2px 4px; border-top: 1px solid {$color['border']}; border-bottom: 1px solid {$color['border']};"> <form id="{$form['form_id']}_add_domain_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <!-- ADD domain LINK --> <a title="New DNS domain" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_domain', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_add_domain_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_add.png" border="0"></a> <a title="New DNS domain" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_domain', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_add_domain_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" >Add DNS domain</a> <!-- ADD server LINK --> <a title="New DNS server" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_domain_server', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_add_domain_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_add.png" border="0"></a> <a title="New DNS server" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_domain_server', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_add_domain_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" >Add DNS server</a> </div> EOL; // Build page links if there are any $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']); // Insert the new table into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_domain_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})"); $response->addAssign("{$form['content_id']}", "innerHTML", $html); // $response->addScript($js); return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; $debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to supress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Update History Title (and tell the browser to re-draw the history div) $history = array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $js .= "xajax_window_submit('work_space', ' ', 'rewrite_history');"; if ($history['title'] == $window_name) { $history['title'] = 'ONA DB logs'; array_push($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history'], $history); } // Create some javascript to refresh the current page $refresh = htmlentities(str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("\\'", '\\"'), $history['url']), ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', '{$refresh}');"; $style['content_box'] = <<<EOL margin: 10px 20px; padding: 2px 4px; background-color: #FFFFFF; vertical-align: top; EOL; $style['label_box'] = <<<EOL font-weight: bold; padding: 2px 4px; border: solid 1px {$color['border']}; background-color: {$color['window_content_bg']}; EOL; // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys((array) $record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } $html .= <<<EOL <div style="{$style['content_box']}"> <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"><tr> <!-- START OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> <td nowrap="true" valign="top" style="padding-right: 15px;"> EOL; // LOG INFORMATION $logstat = $conf['log_to_db'] ? "<img src=\"{$images}/silk/accept.png\" border=\"0\"> Enabled" : "<img src=\"{$images}/silk/stop.png\" border=\"0\"> Disabled"; $html .= <<<EOL <table width=100% cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-bottom: 8px;"> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="true"><b>System DB logging status:</b> </td> <td> <div style="border: 1px solid #555555;cursor: pointer;padding: 2px;" onmouseover="'#EBEBEB';" onmouseout="'#FFFFFF';" title="Click to change" onClick="xajax_window_submit('app_sysconf_edit', 'log_to_db', 'editor');"> {$logstat} </div> </td> </tr> </table> EOL; // END LOG INFORMATION $html .= <<<EOL <!-- END OF FIRST COLUMN OF SMALL BOXES --> </td> </tr></table> </div> EOL; // LIST $tab = 'ona_db_logs'; $submit_window = "list_{$tab}"; $form_id = "{$submit_window}_filter_form"; $_SESSION['ona'][$form_id]['tab'] = $tab; $content_id = "{$window_name}_{$submit_window}"; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- VLAN LIST --> <div style="border: 1px solid {$color['border']}; margin: 10px 20px;"> <!-- Tab & Quick Filter --> <table id="{$form_id}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_tab" class="table-tab-active"> Log entries <span id="{$form_id}_{$tab}_count"></span> </td> <td id="{$form_id}_quick_filter" class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> <form id="{$form_id}" onSubmit="return false;"> <input id="{$form_id}_page" name="page" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="content_id" value="{$content_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="form_id" value="{$form_id}" type="hidden"> <input name="vlan_campus_id" value="{$record['id']}" type="hidden"> <div id="{$form_id}_filter_overlay" title="Filter" style="position: relative; display: inline; color: #CACACA; cursor: text;" onClick=" = 'none'; el('{$form_id}_filter').focus();" >Username</div> <input id="{$form_id}_filter" name="filter" class="filter" type="text" value="" size="10" maxlength="20" alt="Quick Filter" onFocus="el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'none';" onBlur="if (this.value == '') el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.display = 'inline';" onKeyUp=" if (typeof(timer) != 'undefined') clearTimeout(timer); code = 'if ({$form_id}_last_search != el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value) {' + ' {$form_id}_last_search = el(\\'{$form_id}_filter\\').value;' + ' document.getElementById(\\'{$form_id}_page\\').value = 1;' + ' xajax_window_submit(\\'{$submit_window}\\', xajax.getFormValues(\\'{$form_id}\\'), \\'display_list\\');' + '}'; timer = setTimeout(code, 700);" > </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div id='{$content_id}'> {$conf['loading_icon']} </div> EOL; $html .= " </div>"; $js .= <<<EOL /* Setup the quick filter */ el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').style.left = (el('{$form_id}_filter_overlay').offsetWidth + 10) + 'px'; {$form_id}_last_search = ''; /* Tell the browser to load/display the list */ xajax_window_submit('{$submit_window}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form_id}'), 'display_list'); EOL; // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_delete_configs($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style; // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Load the host record list($status, $rows, $host) = ona_find_host($form['host_id']); if (!$host['id']) { array_pop($_SESSION['ona']['work_space']['history']); $html .= "<br><center><font color=\"red\"><b>Host doesn't exist!</b></font></center>"; $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("work_space_content", "innerHTML", $html); return $response->getXML(); } // Check permissions if (!(auth('host_config_admin') and authlvl($host['lvl']))) { $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');"); return $response->getXML(); } // Load the config type list($status, $rows, $type) = ona_get_config_type_record(array('id' => $form['type_id'])); if ($status or !$rows) { $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addScript("alert('ERROR => Invalid config type!');"); return $response->getXML(); } // Delete the config text records that match // FIXME, this should probably use a module, but there isn't one! list($status, $rows) = db_delete_records($onadb, 'configurations', array('host_id' => $host['id'], 'configuration_type_id' => $type['id'])); if ($status or !$rows) { $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addScript("alert('Delete failed!');"); return $response->getXML(); } // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); if ($form['js']) { $response->addScript($form['js']); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_draw_block($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $ona; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Find out if $ip is valid $ip = ip_mangle($form['ip'], 'numeric'); if ($ip == -1) { $js .= "alert('Invalid IP address!');"; $response->addScript($js); return $response->getXML(); } // Build a few variables $label = ip_mangle($ip, 'dotted'); if (is_ipv4($ip)) { $string_size = 15; } else { $string_size = 20; } $function = "get_{$form['row_type']}_html"; $row_zoom = $form['row_zoom']; $row_height = $form['row_height']; $row_offset = $form['row_offset']; // This is the number of pixels to leave for the label on the left (.45 * row height, * $string_size possible characters) $label_width = round($form['row_height'] * 0.45 * $string_size); $font_height = $form['row_height'] - 2; // Label font-size if ($font_height < 8) { $font_height = 8; } $row_left = $label_width + 10; // Left offset for the block row // Get some html (the html that goes inside the div) $html = $function($ip, $row_zoom, $row_height); $el_name = $ip . '_row'; // Add a row label $response->addCreate("{$window_name}_substrate", "div", $el_name . '_label'); $response->addScript(<<<EOL var _el = el('{$el_name}_label'); = 'hidden'; = 'absolute'; = 'right'; = '#000000'; = '{$font_height}px'; = '{$row_offset}px'; = '2px'; = '{$label_width}px'; = 'visible'; = 'nowrap'; EOL ); // Add the row $response->addCreate("{$window_name}_substrate", "div", $el_name); $response->addScript(<<<EOL var _el = el('{$el_name}'); = 'hidden'; = 'absolute'; = '{$row_offset}px'; = '{$row_left}px'; = '1px solid #000000'; = '1px solid #000000'; = '1px solid #000000'; if (browser.isIE) = ({$font_height} - 2) + 'px'; EOL ); // Fill the label and row $response->addAssign($el_name, "innerHTML", $html); $response->addAssign($el_name . '_label', "innerHTML", $label); // Javascript to make sure the container (row) div is the exact length to hold it's contents in one row $response->addScript(<<<EOL var nodes = _el.childNodes; var width = 0; for (var counter=0; counter < nodes.length; counter++) if (nodes[counter].nodeType == 1) width += parseInt(nodes[counter].offsetWidth); if (browser.isIE) width += 1; /* for the left border */ = width + 'px'; EOL ); // Display the label and block $response->addScript(<<<EOL el('{$el_name}_label').style.visibility = 'visible'; el('{$el_name}').style.visibility = 'visible'; /* Tell the browser we've sent it this block so it knows it can re-request it if it needs to */ _map_requests_['{$el_name}'] = undefined; EOL ); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_vlan($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $color, $style, $images; $html = $js = ''; // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Set max_results and max_usage_bars if we need to if (!is_numeric($form['max_results'])) { $form['max_results'] = 250; } // // *** QF VLAN SEARCH *** // // Get the specified VLAN Campus record by name // If it isn't exact, don't accept it. list($status, $rows, $campus) = ona_get_vlan_campus_record(array('name' => $form['campus'])); if ($status or !$rows) { // Send a javascript popup error $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addScript("alert('ERROR => Invalid VLAN campus!');"); return $response->getXML(); } // Get a list of vlan's in the selected campus list($status, $count, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'vlans', array('vlan_campus_id' => $campus['id']), 'number', $form['max_results']); // If there were more than $form['max_results'] find out how many records there really are if ($count >= $form['max_results']) { list($status, $count, $tmp) = db_get_records($onadb, 'vlans', array('vlan_campus_id' => $campus['id']), '', 0); } // // *** BUILD RESULTS HTML *** // $html .= <<<EOL <table style="cursor: pointer;" width="100%" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <!-- The "None" option.. they need to be able to de-select a vlan --> <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight';" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal';" onClick="el('{$form['input_id']}').value = ''; el('{$form['text_id']}').innerHTML = 'None'; removeElement('{$form['id']}');"> <td style="font-size: 10px; padding: 0px 2px;">None (i.e. no vlan)</td> </tr> EOL; if ($count > $form['max_results']) { $html .= <<<EOL <tr><td style="cursor: default; font-size: 12px; background-color: #FFCCCC; color: 000;" colspan="5" align="center">Displaying {$form['max_results']} of {$count} results</td></tr> EOL; } $campus['name'] = htmlentities($campus['name'], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); foreach ($results as $record) { // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } $html .= <<<EOL <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight';" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal';" onClick="el('{$form['input_id']}').value = '{$record['id']}'; el('{$form['text_id']}').innerHTML = '{$campus['name']} / {$record['name']}'; removeElement('{$form['id']}');"> <td style="font-size: 10px; padding: 0px 2px;">{$campus['name']} / [{$record['number']}] {$record['name']}</td> </tr> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </table> EOL; $js .= <<<EOL el('{$form['content_id']}').style.display = 'block'; /* Reposition the popup if the new content is displayed off the screen */ wwTT_position('{$form['id']}'); EOL; // Insert the new html into the window // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_editor($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $font_family, $color, $style, $images; // Check permissions if (!auth('advanced')) { $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addScript("alert('Permission denied!');"); return $response->getXML(); } // Set a few parameters for the "results" window we're about to create $window = array('title' => 'DNS View Editor', 'html' => '', 'js' => ''); $window['js'] .= <<<EOL /* Put a minimize icon in the title bar */ el('{$window_name}_title_r').innerHTML = ' <a onClick="toggle_window(\\'{$window_name}\\');" title="Minimize window" style="cursor: pointer;"><img src="{$images}/icon_minimize.gif" border="0" /></a>' + el('{$window_name}_title_r').innerHTML; /* Put a help icon in the title bar */ el('{$window_name}_title_r').innerHTML = ' <a href="{$_ENV['help_url']}{$window_name}" target="null" title="Help" style="cursor: pointer;"><img src="{$images}/silk/help.png" border="0" /></a>' + el('{$window_name}_title_r').innerHTML; EOL; // If an array in a string was provided, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // If we got a view, load it for display if (is_numeric($form['id'])) { list($status, $rows, $record) = db_get_record($onadb, 'dns_views', array('id' => $form['id'])); } // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys((array) $record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } // Load some html into $window['html'] $window['html'] .= <<<EOL <!-- Simple class types Edit Form --> <form id="dns_view_edit_form" onSubmit="return false;"> <input name="id" type="hidden" value="{$record['id']}"> <table cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" style="background-color: {$color['window_content_bg']}; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;"> <tr> <td class="input_required" align="right"> Name </td> <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%"> <input name="dns_view_name" alt="DNS View Name" value="{$record['name']}" class="edit" type="text" size="30" maxlength="64" > </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="input_required" align="right"> Description </td> <td class="padding" align="left" width="100%"> <input name="dns_view_description" alt="DNS View Description" value="{$record['description']}" class="edit" type="text" size="30" maxlength="64" > </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top"> </td> <td class="padding" align="right" width="100%"> <input class="edit" type="button" name="cancel" value="Cancel" onClick="removeElement('{$window_name}');"> <input class="edit" type="button" name="submit" value="Save" accesskey=" " onClick="xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('dns_view_edit_form'), 'save');" > </td> </tr> </table> </form> EOL; // Lets build a window and display the results return window_open($window_name, $window); }
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; $debug_val = 3; // used in the auth() calls to supress logging // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Override system default for lists.. we want logs to show more $conf['search_results_per_page'] = 20; // Find the "tab" we're on $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab']; // Build js to refresh this list $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');"; // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session. // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing $page = 1; if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) { $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']); $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page']; $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter']; } // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed) $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); if ($offset == 0) { $offset = -1; } // Search results go in here $results = array(); $count = 0; // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the vlans to display $where = ""; $and = ""; // DISPLAY ALL VLAN CAMPUSES if ($form['all_flag']) { $where .= $and . "id > 0"; $and = " AND "; } // CAMPUS ID if ($form['id']) { $where .= $and . "id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['id']); $and = " AND "; } // CAMPUS NAME if ($form['username']) { $where .= $and . " username LIKE " . $onadb->qstr('%' . $form['username'] . '%'); $and = " AND "; } // Wild card .. if $while is still empty, add a 'ID > 0' to it so you see everything. if ($where == '') { $where = 'id > 0'; } // Do the SQL Query $filter = ''; if ($form['filter']) { $filter = ' AND username LIKE ' . $onadb->qstr('%' . $form['filter'] . '%'); } list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'ona_logs', $where . $filter, "timestamp DESC", $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset); // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it. if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) { $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); } else { if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) { list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'ona_logs', $where . $filter, "", 0); } } $count = $rows; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- List --> <table id="{$form['form_id']}_ona_db_logs_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <!-- Table Header --> <tr> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Timestamp</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Username</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Remote location</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Context</td> <td class="list-header" align="center">Message</td> </tr> EOL; // Loop and display each record foreach ($results as $record) { // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } $html .= <<<EOL <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'"> <td class="list-row"> {$record['timestamp']} </td> <td class="list-row" align="left"> {$record['username']} </td> <td class="list-row"> {$record['remote_addr']} </td> <td class="list-row"> {$record['context_name']} </td> <td class="list-row"> {$record['message']} </td> </tr> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </table> EOL; // Build page links if there are any $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']); // If there was only 1 result, and we're about to display results in the "Search Results" window, display it. if ($count == 1 and $form['content_id'] == 'search_results_list' and $form['filter'] == '') { $js .= $primary_object_js; } // Insert the new html into the content div specified // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})"); $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Find the "tab" we're on $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab']; // Build js to refresh this list $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');"; // If this is the display_host screen that called, add refresh for DNS records too if ($form['content_id'] == 'display_host_list_interfaces') { $refresh .= "xajax_window_submit('list_records', xajax.getFormValues('list_records_filter_form'), 'display_list');"; } // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session. // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing $page = 1; if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) { $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']); $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page']; $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter']; } // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed) $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); if ($offset == 0) { $offset = -1; } // Search results go in here $results = array(); $count = 0; // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the interfaces to display $where = ""; $and = ""; // HOST ID if ($form['host_id']) { $where .= $and . "host_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['host_id']) . " OR id in (select interface_id from interface_clusters where host_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['host_id']) . ")"; $and = " AND "; } // Do the SQL Query $filter = ''; if ($form['filter']) { $form['filter'] = ip_mangle($form['filter']); $filter = $and . ' ip_addr LIKE ' . $onadb->qstr('%' . $form['filter'] . '%'); } list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interfaces', $where . $filter, "ip_addr ASC", $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset); // If we got less than serach_results_per_page, add the current offset to it // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it. if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) { $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); } // Re-Count only "internal" interfaces, not nat interfaces list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interfaces', 'nat_interface_id = \'0\' and ' . $where . $filter, "", 0); $count = $rows; $html .= <<<EOL <!-- Interface List --> <table id="{$form['form_id']}_interface_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <!-- Table Header --> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Interface</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Subnet</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">MAC</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Name</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Description</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Last Response</td> <td class="list-header" align="center"> </td> </tr> EOL; // Loop and display each record foreach ($results as $record) { // Get additional info about each host record // // Check if this interface has an external NAT unset($extnatint, $extnatdisplay, $extnatdisplay, $extnatsubdisplay); if ($record['nat_interface_id'] > 0) { list($status, $rows, $extnatint) = ona_get_interface_record(array('id' => $record['nat_interface_id'])); // GDO: get the subnet object of the NATing interface, display it in both Interface and Subnet columns list($status, $rows, $extnatintsub) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $extnatint['subnet_id'])); $extnatint['ip_addr'] = ip_mangle($extnatint['ip_addr'], 'dotted'); //$extnatdisplay = "<span title='Interface is NATed to {$extnatint['ip_addr']}'> => {$extnatint['ip_addr']}</span>"; $extnatdisplay = "<span title='Interface is NATed to {$extnatint['ip_addr']} (on {$extnatintsub['name']})'> => {$extnatint['ip_addr']}</span>"; $extnatsubdisplay = " => <a title=\"View NATed subnet. ID: {$extnatintsub['id']}\"\n class=\"nav\"\n onClick=\"xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_subnet\\', \\'subnet_id=>{$extnatintsub['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');\"\n >{$extnatintsub['name']}</a>"; } // Check if this interface is an external NAT for another interface list($isnatstatus, $isnatrows, $isnat) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interfaces', "nat_interface_id = {$record['id']}", '', 0); // If the current interface is external NAT for another, dont display it in the list. if ($isnatrows > 0) { continue; } list($status, $intclusterrows, $intcluster) = db_get_records($onadb, 'interface_clusters', "interface_id = {$record['id']}"); // Grab some info from the associated subnet record list($status, $rows, $subnet) = ona_get_subnet_record(array('id' => $record['subnet_id'])); $record['ip_mask'] = $subnet['ip_mask']; $record['subnet_id'] = $subnet['id']; $record['subnet_description'] = $subnet['name']; // Convert IP and Netmask to a presentable format $record['ip_addr'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_addr'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_mask'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_mask'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_mask_cidr'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_mask'], 'cidr'); if ($record['mac_addr']) { $record['mac_addr'] = mac_mangle($record['mac_addr']); } $record['description_short'] = truncate($record['description'], 40); // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } // Format the date and colorize if its older than 2 months if ($record['last_response']) { $record['last_response_fmt'] = date($conf['date_format'], strtotime($record['last_response'])); if (strtotime($record['last_response']) < strtotime('-2 month')) { $record['last_response_fmt'] = "<span style=\"color: red;\">" . $record['last_response_fmt'] . "</style>"; } } $html .= <<<EOL <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'"> <td nowrap="true" class="list-row" style="padding: 0px;" width="16px"> EOL; // Display cluster related information $clusterhtml = ' '; $clusterstyle = ''; $clusterscript = ''; if ($intclusterrows > 0) { $clusterstyle = 'font-weight: bold'; $clusterscript = "onMouseOver=\"wwTT(this, event,\n 'id', 'tt_interface_cluster_list_{$record['id']}',\n 'type', 'velcro',\n 'styleClass', 'wwTT_niceTitle',\n 'direction', 'south',\n 'javascript', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'tooltips\\', \\'tooltip=>interface_cluster_list,id=>tt_interface_cluster_list_{$record['id']},interface_id=>{$record['id']}\\');'\n );\""; $clusterhtml .= <<<EOL <img src="{$images}/silk/sitemap.png" border="0" {$clusterscript} /> EOL; } $html .= $clusterhtml; $html .= <<<EOL </td> <td class="list-row"> EOL; // MP: Disabling the display_interface link. I dont think this will be needed if (1 < 0) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="View interface. ID: {$record['id']}" class="nav" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_interface\\',\\'interface_id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"> {$record['ip_addr']} </a> EOL; } else { $html .= "<span style='{$clusterstyle}' {$clusterscript}>{$record['ip_addr']}</span>"; } $html .= <<<EOL <span style="{$clusterstyle}" title="{$record['ip_mask']}">/{$record['ip_mask_cidr']}</span> {$extnatdisplay} </td> <td class="list-row" align="left"> <a title="View subnet. ID: {$subnet['id']}" class="nav" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_subnet\\', \\'subnet_id=>{$subnet['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');" >{$record['subnet_description']}</a> {$extnatsubdisplay} </td> <td class="list-row" align="right"> {$record['mac_addr']} </td> <td class="list-row" align="left"> {$record['name']} </td> <td class="list-row" align="left" title="{$record['description']}"> {$record['description_short']} </td> <td class="list-row" align="left" title="{$record['last_response']}"> {$record['last_response_fmt']} </td> <td class="list-row" align="right"> <form id="{$form['form_id']}_list_interface_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="interface_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> EOL; if (auth('interface_modify')) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Interface Menu" id="int_menu_button_{$record['id']}" class="act" onmouseover="wwTT(this, event, 'id', 'tt_quick_interface_menu_{$record['id']}', 'type', 'velcro', 'delay', 0, 'styleClass', 'wwTT_int_menu', 'lifetime', 1000, 'direction', 'west', 'javascript', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'tooltips\\', \\'tooltip=>quick_interface_menu,id=>tt_quick_interface_menu_{$record['id']},interface_id=>{$record['id']},ip_addr=>{$record['ip_addr']},orig_host=>{$record['host_id']},form_id=>{$form['form_id']}_list_interface_{$record['id']},subnet_id=>{$subnet['id']},natip=>{$record['nat_interface_id']}\\');' );" ><img src="{$images}/silk/add.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } if (auth('interface_modify')) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Edit interface. ID: {$record['id']}" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_interface', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_interface_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_edit.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } if (auth('interface_del')) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Delete interface" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_interface', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_interface_{$record['id']}'), 'delete');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </td> </tr> EOL; } if ($count == 0 and $form['host_id'] and !$form['filter']) { $html .= <<<EOL <tr><td colspan="99" align="center" style="color: red;">Please add an interface to this host, or delete the host</td></tr> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </table> EOL; // Build page links if there are any $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']); // Insert the new html into the content div specified // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})"); $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }
function ws_display_list($window_name, $form = '') { global $conf, $self, $onadb; global $images, $color, $style; $html = ''; $js = ''; // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form $form = parse_options_string($form); // Find the "tab" we're on $tab = $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']]['tab']; // Build js to refresh this list $refresh = "xajax_window_submit('{$window_name}', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}'), 'display_list');"; // If it's not a new query, load the previous query from the session // into $form and save the current page and filter in the session. // Also find/set the "page" we're viewing $page = 1; if ($form['page'] and is_numeric($form['page'])) { $form = array_merge($form, (array) $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['q']); $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['page'] = $page = $form['page']; $_SESSION['ona'][$form['form_id']][$tab]['filter'] = $form['filter']; } printmsg("DEBUG => Displaying subnets list page: {$page}", 1); // Calculate the SQL query offset (based on the page being displayed) $offset = $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); if ($offset == 0) { $offset = -1; } // Search results go in here $results = array(); $count = 0; // // *** ADVANCED SUBNET SEARCH *** // FIND RESULT SET // // Start building the "where" clause for the sql query to find the subnets to display $where = ""; $and = ""; // enable or disable wildcards $wildcard = '%'; if ($form['nowildcard']) { $wildcard = ''; } // DISPLAY ALL if ($form['all_flag']) { $where .= $and . "id > 0"; $and = " AND "; } // SUBNET ID if ($form['subnet_id']) { $where .= $and . "id = " . $form['subnet_id']; $and = " AND "; } // VLAN ID if ($form['vlan_id']) { $where .= $and . "vlan_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['vlan_id']); $and = " AND "; } // SUBNET TYPE if ($form['nettype']) { $where .= $and . "subnet_type_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['nettype']); $and = " AND "; } // find subnets that are associated with dhcp server if ($form['server_id']) { $where .= $and . "id IN (SELECT subnet_id FROM dhcp_server_subnets WHERE host_id = " . $onadb->qstr($form['server_id']) . ')'; $and = " AND "; } // SUBNET NAME if ($form['subnetname']) { // This field is always upper case $form['subnetname'] = strtoupper($form['subnetname']); $where .= $and . "name LIKE " . $onadb->qstr($wildcard . $form['subnetname'] . $wildcard); $and = " AND "; } // IP ADDRESS if ($form['ip_subnet']) { // Build $ip and $ip_end from $form['ip_subnet'] and $form['ip_subnet_thru'] $ip = ip_complete($form['ip_subnet'], '0'); if ($form['ip_subnet_thru']) { $ip = ip_complete($form['ip_subnet'], '0'); $ip_end = ip_complete($form['ip_subnet_thru'], '255'); // Find out if $ip and $ip_end are valid $ip = ip_mangle($ip, 'numeric'); $ip_end = ip_mangle($ip_end, 'numeric'); if ($ip != -1 and $ip_end != -1) { // Find subnets between the specified ranges $where .= $and . " ip_addr >= " . $ip . " AND ip_addr <= " . $ip_end; $and = " AND "; } } else { list($status, $rows, $record) = ona_find_subnet($ip); if ($rows) { $where .= $and . " id = " . $record['id']; $and = " AND "; } } } // tag if ($form['tag_net']) { $where .= $and . "id in (select reference from tags where type like 'subnet' and name like " . $onadb->qstr($form['tag_net']) . ")"; $and = " AND "; } // custom attribute type if ($form['custom_attribute_type_net']) { $where .= $and . "id in (select table_id_ref from custom_attributes where table_name_ref like 'subnets' and custom_attribute_type_id = (SELECT id FROM custom_attribute_types WHERE name = " . $onadb->qstr($form['custom_attribute_type_net']) . "))"; $and = " AND "; $cavaluetype = "and custom_attribute_type_id = (SELECT id FROM custom_attribute_types WHERE name = " . $onadb->qstr($form['custom_attribute_type_net']) . ")"; } // custom attribute value if ($form['ca_value_net']) { $where .= $and . "id in (select table_id_ref from custom_attributes where table_name_ref like 'subnets' {$cavaluetype} and value like " . $onadb->qstr($wildcard . $form['ca_value_net'] . $wildcard) . ")"; $and = " AND "; } // display a nice message when we dont find all the records if ($where == '' and $form['content_id'] == 'search_results_list') { $js .= "el('search_results_msg').innerHTML = 'Unable to find subnets matching your query, showing all records';"; } // Wild card .. if $where is still empty, add a 'ID > 0' to it so you see everything. if ($where == '') { $where = 'id > 0'; } // Do the SQL Query $filter = ''; if ($form['filter']) { // Subnet namess are always upper case $form['filter'] = strtoupper($form['filter']); $filter = ' AND name LIKE ' . $onadb->qstr('%' . $form['filter'] . '%'); } list($status, $rows, $results) = db_get_records($onadb, 'subnets', $where . $filter, "ip_addr", $conf['search_results_per_page'], $offset); // If we got less than search_results_per_page, add the current offset to it // so that if we're on the last page $rows still has the right number in it. if ($rows > 0 and $rows < $conf['search_results_per_page']) { $rows += $conf['search_results_per_page'] * ($page - 1); } else { if ($rows >= $conf['search_results_per_page']) { list($status, $rows, $records) = db_get_records($onadb, 'subnets', $where . $filter, "", 0); } } $count = $rows; // // *** BUILD HTML LIST *** // $html .= <<<EOL <!-- Subnet Results --> <table id="{$form['form_id']}_subnet_list" class="list-box" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0"> <!-- Table Header --> <tr> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Name</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Subnet</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Usage</td> <td class="list-header" align="center" style="{$style['borderR']};">Type</td> <td class="list-header" align="center"> </td> </tr> EOL; // Loop and display each record foreach ($results as $record) { // Get additional info about eash subnet record // // Convert IP and Netmask to a presentable format $record['ip_addr'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_addr'], 'dotted'); $record['ip_mask'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_mask'], 'dotted'); $record['IP_SUBNET_MASK_CIDR'] = ip_mangle($record['ip_mask'], 'cidr'); list($status, $rows, $type) = ona_get_subnet_type_record(array('id' => $record['subnet_type_id'])); $record['type'] = $type['display_name']; // Calculate the percentage of the subnet that's used (total size - allocated hosts - dhcp pool size) $usage_html = get_subnet_usage_html($record['id']); // Escape data for display in html foreach (array_keys($record) as $key) { $record[$key] = htmlentities($record[$key], ENT_QUOTES, $conf['php_charset']); } $primary_object_js = "xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_subnet\\', \\'subnet_id=>{$record['id']}\\', \\'display\\')');"; $html .= <<<EOL <tr onMouseOver="this.className='row-highlight'" onMouseOut="this.className='row-normal'"> <td class="list-row"> <a title="View subnet. ID: {$record['id']}" class="nav" onClick="{$primary_object_js}" >{$record['name']}</a> </td> <td class="list-row" align="left"> {$record['ip_addr']} <span title="{$record['ip_mask']}">/{$record['IP_SUBNET_MASK_CIDR']}</span> </td> <td class="list-row" align="center" style="vertical-align: middle;"> {$usage_html} </td> <td class="list-row" align="left"> {$record['type']} </td> <td class="list-row" align="right"> <form id="{$form['form_id']}_list_subnet_{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="subnet_id" value="{$record['id']}" ><input type="hidden" name="js" value="{$refresh}" ></form> <a title="Display subnet map" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('work_space', 'xajax_window_submit(\\'display_block_map\\', \\'ip_block_start=>{$record['ip_addr']}\\', \\'display\\');');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/shape_align_left.png" border="0"></a> EOL; if (auth('subnet_modify')) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Edit subnet" class="act" onClick="xajax_window_submit('edit_subnet', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_subnet_{$record['id']}'), 'editor');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/page_edit.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } if (auth('subnet_del')) { $html .= <<<EOL <a title="Delete subnet" class="act" onClick="var doit=confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this subnet?'); if (doit == true) xajax_window_submit('edit_subnet', xajax.getFormValues('{$form['form_id']}_list_subnet_{$record['id']}'), 'delete');" ><img src="{$images}/silk/delete.png" border="0"></a> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </td> </tr> EOL; } $html .= <<<EOL </table> EOL; // Build page links if there are any $html .= get_page_links($page, $conf['search_results_per_page'], $count, $window_name, $form['form_id']); // If there was only 1 result, and we're about to display results in the "Search Results" window, display it. if ($count == 1 and $form['content_id'] == 'search_results_list' and $form['filter'] == '') { $js .= $primary_object_js; } // Insert the new html into the content div specified // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->addAssign("{$form['form_id']}_{$tab}_count", "innerHTML", "({$count})"); $response->addAssign($form['content_id'], "innerHTML", $html); if ($js) { $response->addScript($js); } return $response->getXML(); }