예제 #1
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Name
     param_string_not_empty('pst_name', T_('Please enter a name.'));
     return !param_errors_detected();
예제 #2
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Name
     param_string_not_empty('ufgp_name', T_('Please enter a group name.'));
     // Order
     param_string_not_empty('ufgp_order', T_('Please enter an order number.'));
     return !param_errors_detected();
예제 #3
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // get new ID
     if (param('new_ptyp_ID', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
         param_check_number('new_ptyp_ID', T_('ID must be a number.'), true);
         $this->set_from_Request('ID', 'new_ptyp_ID');
     // Name
     param_string_not_empty('ptyp_name', T_('Please enter a name.'));
     return !param_errors_detected();
예제 #4
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     global $force_upload_forbiddenext;
     // Extensions
     $this->old_extensions = $this->extensions;
     if (param_string_not_empty('ftyp_extensions', T_('Please enter file extensions separated by space.'))) {
         // Check if estensions has a valid format
         $GLOBALS['ftyp_extensions'] = strtolower(trim($GLOBALS['ftyp_extensions']));
         $reg_exp = '/^[a-z0-9]+( [a-z0-9]+)*$/';
         if (!preg_match($reg_exp, $GLOBALS['ftyp_extensions'], $res)) {
             // Extensiosn has an invalid format
             param_error('ftyp_extensions', T_('Invalid file extensions format.'));
     // Name
     param_string_not_empty('ftyp_name', T_('Please enter a name.'));
     // Mime type
     $this->old_mimetype = $this->mimetype;
     // asimo> TODO: Consider to add some further validation for the ftyp_mimetype param value
     // If it will be correctly validated, the corresponding db field collation may be changed to 'ascii_bin'
     param_string_not_empty('ftyp_mimetype', T_('Please enter a mime type.'));
     // Icon for the mime type
     param('ftyp_icon', 'string', '');
     // View type
     param('ftyp_viewtype', 'string');
     // Allowed to upload theses extensions
     param('ftyp_allowed', 'string', 'registered');
     if ($GLOBALS['ftyp_allowed'] != 'admin') {
         // Check if the extension is in the array of the not allowed extensions (_advanced.php)
         $not_allowed = false;
         $extensions = explode(' ', $GLOBALS['ftyp_extensions']);
         foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
             if (in_array($extension, $force_upload_forbiddenext)) {
                 $not_allowed = true;
         if ($not_allowed) {
             // this extension is not allowed
             $GLOBALS['ftyp_allowed'] = 'admin';
     return !param_errors_detected();
예제 #5
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_request()
     global $DB;
     // Check url name
     if (param_string_not_empty('cat_urlname', T_('Please enter an urlname.'))) {
         if (!preg_match('|^[A-Za-z0-9\\-]+$|', $this->urlname) || preg_match('|^[A-Za-z][0-9]*$|', $this->urlname)) {
             param_error('cat_urlname', T_('The url name is invalid.'));
         } else {
             if (Chapter::urlname_exists($this->urlname, $this->ID)) {
                 // urlname is already in use
                 param_error('cat_urlname', T_('This URL name is already in use by another category. Please choose another name.'));
     return !param_errors_detected();
예제 #6
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Address
     global $emadr_address;
     param_string_not_empty('emadr_address', T_('Please enter email address.'));
     $emadr_address = utf8_strtolower(get_param('emadr_address'));
     param_check_email('emadr_address', true);
     if ($existing_emadr_ID = $this->dbexists('emadr_address', get_param('emadr_address'))) {
         // Check if a email address already exists with the same address
         global $admin_url;
         param_error('emadr_address', sprintf(T_('This email address already exists. Do you want to <a %s>edit the existing email address</a>?'), 'href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&amp;tab=blocked&amp;emadr_ID=' . $existing_emadr_ID . '"'));
     // Status
     $emadr_status = param('emadr_status', 'string', true);
     if (!empty($emadr_status)) {
         $this->set('status', $emadr_status);
     // Sent count
     param('emadr_sent_count', 'integer', '');
     param_check_number('emadr_sent_count', T_('The count must be a number.'), true);
     $this->set_from_Request('sent_count', 'emadr_sent_count', true);
     // Sent count since last error
     param('emadr_sent_last_returnerror', 'integer', '');
     param_check_number('emadr_sent_last_returnerror', T_('The count must be a number.'), true);
     $this->set_from_Request('sent_last_returnerror', 'emadr_sent_last_returnerror', true);
     // Permanent errors count
     param('emadr_prmerror_count', 'integer', '');
     param_check_number('emadr_prmerror_count', T_('The count must be a number.'), true);
     $this->set_from_Request('prmerror_count', 'emadr_prmerror_count', true);
     // Permanent errors count
     param('emadr_tmperror_count', 'integer', '');
     param_check_number('emadr_tmperror_count', T_('The count must be a number.'), true);
     $this->set_from_Request('tmperror_count', 'emadr_tmperror_count', true);
     // Permanent errors count
     param('emadr_spamerror_count', 'integer', '');
     param_check_number('emadr_spamerror_count', T_('The count must be a number.'), true);
     $this->set_from_Request('spamerror_count', 'emadr_spamerror_count', true);
     // Permanent errors count
     param('emadr_othererror_count', 'integer', '');
     param_check_number('emadr_othererror_count', T_('The count must be a number.'), true);
     $this->set_from_Request('othererror_count', 'emadr_othererror_count', true);
     return !param_errors_detected();
예제 #7
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     param_string_not_empty('dom_name', T_('Please enter domain name.'));
     $dom_name = get_param('dom_name');
     $this->set('name', $dom_name);
     $dom_status = param('dom_status', 'string', true);
     $this->set('status', $dom_status, true);
     $dom_type = param('dom_type', 'string', true);
     $this->set('type', $dom_type, true);
     if (!param_errors_detected()) {
         // Check domains with the same name and type
         global $Messages, $DB;
         $SQL = new SQL();
         $SQL->WHERE('dom_ID != ' . $this->ID);
         $SQL->WHERE_and('dom_name = ' . $DB->quote($dom_name));
         $SQL->WHERE_and('dom_type = ' . $DB->quote($dom_type));
         if ($DB->get_var($SQL->get())) {
             $Messages->add(T_('Domain already exists with the same name and type.'));
     return !param_errors_detected();
예제 #8
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // get new ID
     if (param('new_ityp_ID', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
         param_check_number('new_ityp_ID', T_('ID must be a number.'), true);
         $this->set_from_Request('ID', 'new_ityp_ID');
     // Name
     if (!$this->is_special()) {
         // Update the name only of not special post types
         param_string_not_empty('ityp_name', T_('Please enter a name.'));
     // Description
     param('ityp_description', 'text');
     $this->set_from_Request('description', NULL, true);
     // Permission level
     param('ityp_perm_level', 'string');
     // Back-office tab
     param('ityp_backoffice_tab', 'string');
     $this->set_from_Request('backoffice_tab', NULL, true);
     // Template name
     param('ityp_template_name', 'string');
     $this->set_from_Request('template_name', NULL, true);
     // Use title
     param('ityp_use_title', 'string');
     // Use URL
     param('ityp_use_url', 'string');
     // Use Parent ID
     param('ityp_use_parent', 'string');
     // Use text
     param('ityp_use_text', 'string');
     // Allow HTML
     param('ityp_allow_html', 'integer', 0);
     // Allow Teaser and Page breaks
     param('ityp_allow_breaks', 'integer', 0);
     // Allow attachments
     param('ityp_allow_attachments', 'integer', 0);
     // Use excerpt
     param('ityp_use_excerpt', 'string');
     // Use title tag
     param('ityp_use_title_tag', 'string');
     // Use meta description
     param('ityp_use_meta_desc', 'string');
     // Use meta keywords
     param('ityp_use_meta_keywds', 'string');
     // Use tags
     param('ityp_use_tags', 'string');
     // Allow featured
     param('ityp_allow_featured', 'integer', 0);
     // Use country, region, sub-region, city:
     $use_country = param('ityp_use_country', 'string', 'never');
     $use_region = param('ityp_use_region', 'string', 'never');
     $use_sub_region = param('ityp_use_sub_region', 'string', 'never');
     $use_city = param('ityp_use_city', 'string', 'never');
     if ($use_city == 'required') {
         // If city is required - all location fields also are required
         $use_country = $use_region = $use_sub_region = 'required';
     } else {
         if ($use_sub_region == 'required') {
             // If subregion is required - country & region fields also are required
             $use_country = $use_region = 'required';
         } else {
             if ($use_region == 'required') {
                 // If region is required - country field also is required
                 $use_country = 'required';
     $this->set('use_country', $use_country);
     $this->set('use_region', $use_region);
     $this->set('use_sub_region', $use_sub_region);
     $this->set('use_city', $use_city);
     // Use coordinates
     param('ityp_use_coordinates', 'string');
     // Use custom fields
     param('ityp_use_custom_fields', 'integer', 0);
     // Use comments
     param('ityp_use_comments', 'integer', 0);
     // Allow closing comments
     param('ityp_allow_closing_comments', 'integer', 0);
     // Allow disabling comments
     param('ityp_allow_disabling_comments', 'integer', 0);
     // Use comment expiration
     param('ityp_use_comment_expiration', 'string');
     // Load custom fields from request
     return !param_errors_detected();
예제 #9
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Group
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_ufgp_ID', T_('Please select a group.'));
     // Type
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_type', T_('Please enter a type.'));
     // Name
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_name', T_('Please enter a name.'));
     // Options
     if (param('ufdf_type', 'string') == 'list') {
         // Save 'Options' only for Field type == 'Option list'
         $ufdf_options = explode("\n", param('ufdf_options', 'text'));
         if (count($ufdf_options) < 2) {
             // We don't want save an option list with one item
             param_error('ufdf_options', T_('Please enter at least 2 options on 2 different lines.'));
     // Required
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_required', 'Please select Hidden, Optional, Recommended or Required.');
     // Duplicated
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_duplicated', 'Please select Forbidden, Allowed or List style.');
     // Order
     if ($this->group_ID != $this->ufgp_ID) {
         // Group is changing, set order as last
         $this->set('order', $this->get_last_order($this->ufgp_ID));
     // Suggest
     if (param('ufdf_type', 'string') == 'word') {
         // Save 'Suggest values' only for Field type == 'Single word'
         param('ufdf_suggest', 'integer', 0);
     // Bubbletip
     param('ufdf_bubbletip', 'text', '');
     return !param_errors_detected();
예제 #10
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Group
     $old_group_ID = $this->ufgp_ID;
     // Save old group ID to know if it was changed
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_ufgp_ID', T_('Please select a group.'));
     // Type
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_type', T_('Please enter a type.'));
     // Code
     $code = param('ufdf_code', 'string');
     param_check_not_empty('ufdf_code', T_('Please provide a code to uniquely identify this field.'));
     param_check_regexp('ufdf_code', '#^[a-z0-9_]{1,20}$#', T_('The field code must contain only lowercase letters, digits or the "_" sign. 20 characters max.'));
     // Name
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_name', T_('Please enter a name.'));
     // Icon name
     param('ufdf_icon_name', 'string');
     $this->set_from_Request('icon_name', 'ufdf_icon_name', true);
     // Options
     if (param('ufdf_type', 'string') == 'list') {
         // Save 'Options' only for Field type == 'Option list'
         $ufdf_options = param('ufdf_options', 'text');
         if (count(explode("\n", $ufdf_options)) < 2) {
             // We don't want save an option list with one item
             param_error('ufdf_options', T_('Please enter at least 2 options on 2 different lines.'));
         } elseif (utf8_strlen($ufdf_options) > 255) {
             // This may not happen in normal circumstances because the textarea max length is set to 255 chars
             // This extra check is for the case if js is not enabled or someone would try to directly edit the html
             param_error('ufdf_options', T_('"Options" field content can not be longer than 255 symbols.'));
         $this->set('options', $ufdf_options);
     // Required
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_required', 'Please select Hidden, Optional, Recommended or Required.');
     // Duplicated
     param_string_not_empty('ufdf_duplicated', 'Please select Forbidden, Allowed or List style.');
     // Order
     if ($old_group_ID != $this->ufgp_ID) {
         // Group is changing, set order as last
         $this->set('order', $this->get_last_order($this->ufgp_ID));
     // Suggest
     if (param('ufdf_type', 'string') == 'word') {
         // Save 'Suggest values' only for Field type == 'Single word'
         param('ufdf_suggest', 'integer', 0);
     // Bubbletip
     param('ufdf_bubbletip', 'text', '');
     $this->set_from_Request('bubbletip', NULL, true);
     if (!param_errors_detected()) {
         // Field code must be unique, Check it only when no errors on the form
         if ($field_ID = $this->dbexists('ufdf_code', $this->get('code'))) {
             // We have a duplicate entry:
             param_error('ufdf_code', sprintf(T_('Another user field already uses this code. Do you want to <a %s>edit the existing user field</a>?'), 'href="?ctrl=userfields&amp;action=edit&amp;ufdf_ID=' . $field_ID . '"'));
     return !param_errors_detected();
예제 #11
     $email_text = preg_replace('/<a[^>]+href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>[^<]*<\\/a>/i', ' [ $1 ] ', $email_html);
     $email_text = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", '</p><p>', '<p>', '</p>', '<br>', '<br />', '<br/>'), array('', '', "\n\n", "\n\n", "\n\n", "\n", "\n", "\n"), $email_text);
     $email_text = strip_tags($email_text);
     $edited_EmailCampaign->set('email_text', $email_text);
     $action = 'edit';
     $tab = param('current_tab', 'string');
 case 'test':
     // Send test email
     // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
     // Check permission:
     $current_User->check_perm('emails', 'edit', true);
     // Test email address
     param('test_email_address', 'string', '');
     param_string_not_empty('test_email_address', T_('Please enter test email address'));
     param_check_email('test_email_address', T_('Test email address is incorrect'));
     // Store test email address in Session
     $Session->set('test_campaign_email', $test_email_address);
     // Check campaign before sending
     $edited_EmailCampaign->check(true, 'test');
     $action = 'edit';
     $tab = param('current_tab', 'string');
     if (param_errors_detected()) {
         // Some errors were detected in the campaign's fields or test email address
     // Send one test email
     if (!$edited_EmailCampaign->send_email($current_User->ID, $test_email_address, 'test')) {
         // Sending is failed
예제 #12
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     // Name
     param_string_not_empty('skin_name', T_('Please enter a name.'));
     // Skin type
     param('skin_type', 'string');
     return !param_errors_detected();
예제 #13
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_request()
     param_string_not_empty('cat_name', T_('Please enter a name.'));
     if (param('cat_parent_ID', 'integer', -1) !== -1) {
         // Set parent ID:
     // Check url name
     param('cat_urlname', 'string');
     // Check description
     param('cat_description', 'string');
     $cat_Blog =& $this->get_Blog();
     if ($cat_Blog && $cat_Blog->get_setting('category_ordering') == 'manual') {
         // Manual ordering
         param('cat_order', 'integer', NULL);
         $this->set_from_Request('order', 'cat_order', true);
     // Sort sub-categories
     param('cat_subcat_ordering', 'string');
     // Meta category
     $cat_meta = param('cat_meta', 'integer', 0);
     if ($this->has_posts() && $cat_meta) {
         // Display error message if we want make the meta category from category with posts
         global $Messages;
         $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('The category &laquo;%s&raquo; cannot be set as meta category. You must remove the posts it contains first.'), $this->dget('name')));
     } else {
         // Save the category as 'Meta' only if it has no posts
     // Locked category
     param('cat_lock', 'integer', 0);
     return !param_errors_detected();
예제 #14
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     if (param('ecmp_name', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
         // Name
         param_string_not_empty('ecmp_name', T_('Please enter a campaign name.'));
     if (param('ecmp_email_title', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
         // Email title
         param_string_not_empty('ecmp_email_title', T_('Please enter an email title.'));
     if (param('ecmp_email_html', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
         // Email HTML message
         param_check_html('ecmp_email_html', T_('Please enter an HTML message.'));
     if (param('ecmp_email_text', 'text', NULL) !== NULL) {
         // Email Plain- Text message
     return !param_errors_detected();
예제 #15
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request()
     global $force_upload_forbiddenext;
     // Extensions
     if (param_string_not_empty('ftyp_extensions', T_('Please enter file extensions separated by space.'))) {
         // Check if estensions has a valid format
         $GLOBALS['ftyp_extensions'] = strtolower(trim($GLOBALS['ftyp_extensions']));
         $reg_exp = '/^[a-z0-9]+( [a-z0-9]+)*$/';
         if (!preg_match($reg_exp, $GLOBALS['ftyp_extensions'], $res)) {
             // Extensiosn has an invalid format
             param_error('ftyp_extensions', T_('Invalid file extensions format.'));
     // Name
     param_string_not_empty('ftyp_name', T_('Please enter a name.'));
     // Mime type
     param_string_not_empty('ftyp_mimetype', T_('Please enter a mime type.'));
     // Icon for the mime type
     if (param('ftyp_icon', 'string', '')) {
         param_check_filename('ftyp_icon', T_('Please enter a file name.'));
     // View type
     param('ftyp_viewtype', 'string');
     // Allowed to upload theses extensions
     param('ftyp_allowed', 'integer', '0');
     if ($GLOBALS['ftyp_allowed']) {
         // Check if the extension is in the array of the not allowed extensions (_advanced.php)
         $not_allowed = false;
         $extensions = explode(' ', $GLOBALS['ftyp_extensions']);
         foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
             if (in_array($extension, $force_upload_forbiddenext)) {
                 $not_allowed = true;
         if ($not_allowed) {
             // this extension is not allowed
             $GLOBALS['ftyp_allowed'] = 0;
     return !param_errors_detected();