예제 #1
            pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_loop_post_end', 'theloop');

        // End of Full-Width Post Area
        if (pagelines_show_clip($count, $paged) || is_admin()) {
            // Start Clips
            if ($clipcount % 2 == 0) {
		<div class="clip_box fix">
                pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_loop_clipbox_start', 'theloop');
                $clips_in_row = 1;
										pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_loop_after_post_content', 'theloop' ); // Hook 
							<div class="tags">
								<?php the_tags(__('Tagged with: ', 'pagelines'),' &bull; ','<br />'); ?>&nbsp;
					<?php endif;?>
		<?php pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_loop_post_end', 'theloop' ); // Hook ?>

endif; // End of Full-Width Post Area 

if(pagelines_show_clip($count, $paged) || is_admin()): // Start Clips 

	if($clipcount % 2 == 0):?>
		<div class="clip_box fix">
		<?php pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_loop_clipbox_start', 'theloop' ); // Hook ?>
		<?php $clips_in_row = 1;?>
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		<?php $clip_class = (($clipcount+1) % 2 == 0) ? $clip_class = 'clip clip-right' : $clip_class = 'clip';?>
			<div <?php post_class($clip_class) ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
				<?php pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_loop_clip_start', 'theloop' ); // Hook ?>
					<div class="clip-meta fix">
						<?php if(pagelines_show_thumb( get_the_ID(), 'clip' )): // Thumbnails ?>
			            		<div class="clip-thumb">
									<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php _e('Link To', 'pagelines');?> <?php the_title_attribute();?>">
										<?php the_post_thumbnail(array( 40, 40 ));?>