예제 #1
     * Section template.
    function section_template()
	<div class="notfound boomboard">
        if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && isset($_GET['boxes']) || isset($_GET['feature']) || isset($_GET['banners'])) {

			<h2 class="notavail center"><?php 
            _e('Direct Previewing <em>of</em> &quot;Special Post Types&quot; Not Available... Yet', 'pagelines');
			<p class="subhead center"><?php 
            _e('Sorry, direct previewing of special post types such as <strong>features</strong> or <strong>boxes</strong> is unavailable. This WordPress functionality is new and rapidly developing, so it should be available soon.', 'pagelines');
			<p class="subhead center">
            _e('To preview a &quot;custom post type&quot; just view a page with that &quot;section&quot; on it.', 'pagelines');

        } else {

				<h2 class="hugetext center"><?php 
            _e('404!', 'pagelines');
				<p class="subhead center"><?php 
            _e('Sorry, This Page Does not exist.', 'pagelines');
            _e('Go', 'pagelines');
 <a href="<?php 
            echo home_url();
            _e('home', 'pagelines');
</a> <?php 
            _e('or try a search?', 'pagelines');

		<div class="center fix"><?php 
        // Hook
   function section_template() { ?>
   	<?php pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_section_before_postnav' ); // Hook ?>
		<div class="post-nav fix"> 
			<span class="previous"><?php previous_post_link('%link') ?></span> 
			<span class="next"><?php next_post_link('%link') ?></span>
	<?php pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_section_after_postnav' ); // Hook ?>
<?php }
예제 #3
     * Section template.
    function section_template()
        global $pagelines_layout;
		<div id="pagelines_content" class="<?php 
        echo $pagelines_layout->layout_mode;

        pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_content_before_columns', 'maincontent');
        // Hook
			<div id="column-wrap" class="fix">

        pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_content_before_maincolumn', 'maincontent');
        // Hook
				<div id="column-main" class="mcolumn fix">
					<div class="mcolumn-pad" >
        pagelines_template_area('pagelines_main', 'main');

        if ($pagelines_layout->layout_mode == 'two-sidebar-center') {
            pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_content_before_sidebar1', 'maincontent');
            // Hook
					<div id="sidebar1" class="scolumn fix">
						<div class="scolumn-pad">
            pagelines_template_area('pagelines_sidebar1', 'sidebar1');
            pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_content_after_sidebar1', 'maincontent');
            // Hook
 * PageLines <head> Includes
function pagelines_head_common(){
	pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_code_before_head'); // Hook 

	printf('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="%s; charset=%s" />',  get_bloginfo('html_type'),  get_bloginfo('charset'));

		echo "<!-- Platform WordPress Framework By PageLines - www.PageLines.com -->\n";
		Meta Images
		printf('<link rel="shortcut icon" href="%s" type="image/x-icon" />%s', pagelines_option('pagelines_favicon'), "\n");
		printf('<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="%s" />%s', pagelines_option('pagelines_touchicon'), "\n");

	if(!apply_filters( 'pagelines_xfn', '' ))
		echo '<link rel="profile" href="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11" />'."\n";

	// bbPress Header... doesn't support hooks, or they need to be reloaded.
	if( pagelines_bbpress_forum() ){ 			
		pagelines_load_css( bb_get_stylesheet_uri(), 'pagelines-bbpress', CORE_VERSION);

	// Get Pro Styles
		pagelines_load_css_relative('pro/pro.css', 'pagelines-pro');
	// Get Main Styles

	pagelines_load_css(  get_bloginfo('stylesheet_url'), 'pagelines-stylesheet', pagelines_get_style_ver());

	// RTL Language Support
		pagelines_load_css_relative( 'rtl.css', 'pagelines-rtl');
	// Queue Common Javascript Libraries
	// Fix IE and special handling
	// Cufon replacement 
	// Headerscripts option > custom code
	print_pagelines_option('headerscripts'); // Header Scripts Input Option
 *  Register HTML sections for use in the theme.
 *  @package Platform
 *  @subpackage Config
 *  @since 1.4.0
function pagelines_register_sections(){
// Common WP 
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesContent', 'wp', 'content');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesPostLoop', 'wp', 'postloop');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesPostNav', 'wp', 'postnav');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesComments', 'wp', 'comments');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesPagination', 'wp', 'pagination');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesShareBar', 'wp', 'sharebar');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesNoPosts', 'wp', 'noposts');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesPostAuthor', 'wp', 'postauthor');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesPostsInfo', 'wp', 'postsinfo');
// In Header
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesNav', 'nav');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesSecondNav', 'secondnav');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesBranding', 'wp', 'branding');	
	pagelines_register_section('BrandNav', 'brandnav', 'brandnav', array('deps'=>'PageLinesNav') );	
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesBreadcrumb', 'breadcrumb');

// Sections With Custom Post Types
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesFeatures', 'features'); // 'features'
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesBoxes', 'boxes'); // 'boxes'
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesBanners', 'banners'); // 'boxes'

// Sidebar Sections & Widgets
	pagelines_register_section('PrimarySidebar', 'sidebars', 'sb_primary');
	pagelines_register_section('SecondarySidebar', 'sidebars', 'sb_secondary');
	pagelines_register_section('TertiarySidebar', 'sidebars', 'sb_tertiary');
	pagelines_register_section('UniversalSidebar', 'sidebars', 'sb_universal');
	pagelines_register_section('FullWidthSidebar', 'sidebars', 'sb_fullwidth');
	pagelines_register_section('ContentSidebar', 'sidebars', 'sb_content');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesMorefoot', 'sidebars', 'morefoot');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesFootCols', 'sidebars', 'footcols');
// Misc & Dependent Sections

	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesSoapbox', 'soapbox');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesCarousel', 'carousel');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesHighlight', 'highlight');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesTwitterBar', 'twitterbar');
	pagelines_register_section('PageLinesSimpleFooterNav', 'footer_nav');


// Do a hook for registering sections
	pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_register_sections'); // Hook

예제 #6
    function section_template()
        if (pagelines('twittername')) {
			<div class="tbubble">
            if (function_exists('twitter_messages') && pagelines('twittername')) {
					<span class="twitter">
                pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_before_twitterbar_text', $this->id);
                twitter_messages(pagelines('twittername'), 1, false, false, '', false, false, false);
" &mdash;&nbsp;<a class="twitteraccount" href="http://www.twitter.com/<?php 
                echo pagelines('twittername');
                echo pagelines('twittername');
            } else {
					<span class="twitter"><?php 
                _e('Please install and activate the "Twitter for WordPress" plugin to use this section.', 'pagelines');
        } else {
			<div class="tbubble">
            _e('Set your Twitter account name in your settings to use the TwitterBar Section.', 'pagelines');
예제 #7
function pl_load_registers()
     * Load Singleton Globals
    $GLOBALS['pl_section_factory'] = new PageLinesSectionFactory();
     * Add Extension Handlers
    //	require_once( PL_INCLUDES . '/class.register.php' );
    global $editorsections;
    // Hook
    $GLOBALS['render_css'] = new PageLinesRenderCSS();
    if (pl_setting('enable_debug')) {
        require_once PL_INCLUDES . '/class.debug.php';
 	function section_template() { 
			pagelines_register_hook( 'brandnav_after_brand', 'brandnav' ); // Hook
			<div class="inline-nav main_nav fix">		

					wp_nav_menu( array('menu_class'  => 'main-nav'.pagelines_nav_classes(), 'container' => null, 'container_class' => '', 'depth' => 3, 'theme_location'=>'primary', 'fallback_cb'=>'pagelines_nav_fallback') );

				}else{ pagelines_nav_fallback(); }
				pagelines_register_hook( 'brandnav_after_nav', 'brandnav' ); // Hook
<?php }
예제 #9
파일: section.php 프로젝트: taeche/SoDoEx
    function section_template()
        // Hook
		<div class="post-nav fix">
			<span class="previous"><?php 
        previous_post_link('%link', '<i class="icon icon-angle-left"></i> %title');
			<span class="next"><?php 
        next_post_link('%link', '%title <i class="icon icon-angle-right"></i>');
        // Hook
예제 #10
     * Section template.
    function section_template()
        if (has_action('brandnav_after_brand')) {
            pagelines_register_hook('brandnav_after_brand', 'brandnav');
            // Hook
        } else {

			<div class="brandnav-nav main_nav fix">
            wp_nav_menu(array('menu_class' => 'main-nav tabbed-list' . pagelines_nav_classes(), 'container' => null, 'container_class' => '', 'depth' => 3, 'theme_location' => 'brandnav', 'fallback_cb' => 'pagelines_nav_fallback'));
            pagelines_register_hook('brandnav_after_nav', 'brandnav');
            // Hook
		<div class="clear"></div>
예제 #11
     * Section template.
    function section_template()
        printf('<div class="branding_wrap fix">');
        pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_before_branding_icons', 'branding');
        // Hook
        printf('<div class="icons" style="bottom: %spx; right: %spx;">', intval(pagelines_option('icon_pos_bottom')), pagelines_option('icon_pos_right'));
        pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_branding_icons_start', 'branding');
        // Hook
        if (ploption('rsslink')) {
            printf('<a target="_blank" href="%s" class="rsslink"><img src="%s" alt="RSS"/></a>', apply_filters('pagelines_branding_rssurl', get_bloginfo('rss2_url')), $this->base_url . '/rss.png');
        if (VPRO) {
            if (ploption('twitterlink')) {
                printf('<a target="_blank" href="%s" class="twitterlink"><img src="%s" alt="Twitter"/></a>', ploption('twitterlink'), $this->base_url . '/twitter.png');
            if (ploption('facebooklink')) {
                printf('<a target="_blank" href="%s" class="facebooklink"><img src="%s" alt="Facebook"/></a>', ploption('facebooklink'), $this->base_url . '/facebook.png');
            if (ploption('linkedinlink')) {
                printf('<a target="_blank" href="%s" class="linkedinlink"><img src="%s" alt="LinkedIn"/></a>', ploption('linkedinlink'), $this->base_url . '/linkedin.png');
            if (ploption('youtubelink')) {
                printf('<a target="_blank" href="%s" class="youtubelink"><img src="%s" alt="Youtube"/></a>', ploption('youtubelink'), $this->base_url . '/youtube.png');
            if (ploption('gpluslink')) {
                printf('<a target="_blank" href="%s" class="gpluslink"><img src="%s" alt="Google+"/></a>', ploption('gpluslink'), $this->base_url . '/google.png');
            pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_branding_icons_end', 'branding');
            // Hook
        echo '</div></div>';
        pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_after_branding_wrap', 'branding');
        // Hook
			<script type="text/javascript">
				jQuery('.icons a').hover(function(){ jQuery(this).fadeTo('fast', 1); },function(){ jQuery(this).fadeTo('fast', 0.5);});
예제 #12
// Load the global meta settings tab
 * Build Version
require_once PL_INCLUDES . '/version.php';
require_once PL_INCLUDES . '/class.render.css.php';
if (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI) {
    require_once PL_INCLUDES . '/cli.commands.php';
 * Load site actions
require_once PL_INCLUDES . '/actions.site.php';
if (ploption('enable_debug')) {
    require_once PL_ADMIN . '/class.debug.php';
 * Run the pagelines_init Hook
// Hook
if (is_admin()) {
    include PL_ADMIN . '/init.admin.php';
 * Load updater class
//require_once (PL_ADMIN.'/class.updates.php');
//if ( is_admin() )
//	new PageLinesUpdateCheck( PL_CORE_VERSION );
예제 #13
  *  Scans THEMEDIR/sections recursively for section files and auto loads them.
  *  Child section folder also scanned if found and dependencies resolved.
  *  Section files MUST include a class header and optional depends header.
  *  Example section header:
  *	Section: BrandNav Section
  *	Author: PageLines
  *	Description: Branding and Nav Inline
  *	Version: 1.0.0
  *	Class Name: BrandNav
  *	Depends: PageLinesNav
  *  @since 2.0
 function pagelines_register_sections($reset = false, $echo = false)
     global $pl_section_factory;
     if ($reset) {
      * If cache exists load into $sections array
      * If not populate array and prime cache
     if (!($sections = get_transient('pagelines_sections_cache'))) {
         foreach (pl_get_section_dirs() as $type => $dir) {
             $sections[$type] = $this->get_sections($dir, $type);
         // check for deps within the main parent sections, load last if found.
         foreach ($sections['parent'] as $key => $section) {
             if (!empty($section['depends'])) {
                 $sections['parent'][$key] = $section;
         set_transient('pagelines_sections_cache', $sections, 86400);
     if ($echo) {
         return $sections;
     // filter main array containing child, parent and any custom sections
     $sections = apply_filters('pagelines_section_admin', $sections);
     $disabled = pl_get_disabled_sections();
     foreach ($sections as $tkey => $type) {
         if (!is_array($type)) {
         foreach ($type as $section) {
             if (empty($section['loadme'])) {
                 $section['loadme'] = false;
             if ('parent' == $section['type'] || !is_multisite()) {
                 $section['loadme'] = true;
              * Checks to see if we are a child section, if so disable the parent
              * Also if a parent section and disabled, skip.
             if ('parent' != $section['type'] && isset($sections['parent'][$section['class']])) {
                 $disabled['parent'][$section['class']] = true;
             if (isset($disabled[$section['type']][$section['class']]) && !$section['persistant']) {
             // consolidate array vars
             $dep = 'parent' != $section['type'] && $section['depends'] ? $section['depends'] : null;
             $parent_dep = isset($sections['parent'][$section['depends']]) ? $sections['parent'][$section['depends']] : null;
             $dep_data = array('base_dir' => isset($parent_dep['base_dir']) ? $parent_dep['base_dir'] : null, 'base_url' => isset($parent_dep['base_url']) ? $parent_dep['base_url'] : null, 'base_file' => isset($parent_dep['base_file']) ? $parent_dep['base_file'] : null, 'name' => isset($parent_dep['name']) ? $parent_dep['name'] : null);
             $section_data = array('base_dir' => $section['base_dir'], 'base_url' => $section['base_url'], 'base_file' => $section['base_file'], 'name' => $section['name']);
             // do we have a dependency?
             if (isset($dep) && $section['loadme']) {
                 if (!class_exists($dep) && is_file($dep_data['base_file'])) {
                     include $dep_data['base_file'];
                     $pl_section_factory->register($dep, $dep_data);
                 // dep loaded...
                 if (!class_exists($section['class']) && class_exists($dep) && is_file($section['base_file'])) {
                     include $section['base_file'];
                     $pl_section_factory->register($section['class'], $section_data);
             } else {
                 if (!class_exists($section['class']) && is_file($section['base_file']) && !isset($disabled['parent'][$section['depends']])) {
                     include $section['base_file'];
                     $pl_section_factory->register($section['class'], $section_data);
     // Hook
예제 #14
파일: section.php 프로젝트: taeche/SoDoEx
     * Section template.
    function section_template($location = false)
        $passive = 'passive' == $location ? true : false;
        $class = array();
        // if fixed mode
        if ($passive || $this->meta['draw'] == 'area') {
            $class[] = 'navbar-full-width';
            $content_width_class = 'pl-content boxed-wrap boxed-nobg';
        } else {
            $class[] = 'navbar-content-width';
            $content_width_class = '';
        $theme = $this->opt('navbar_theme') ? $this->opt('navbar_theme') : false;
        if (is_array($theme)) {
            $theme = reset($theme);
        $align = $this->opt('navbar_alignment') ? $this->opt('navbar_alignment') : false;
        $hidesearch = $this->opt('navbar_hidesearch') ? $this->opt('navbar_hidesearch') : false;
        $menu = $this->opt('navbar_menu') ? $this->opt('navbar_menu') : null;
        $class[] = $this->opt('navbar_enable_hover') ? 'plnav_hover' : '';
        $pull = $align ? 'right' : 'left';
        $align_class = sprintf('pull-%s', $pull);
        $class[] = $theme ? sprintf('pl-color-%s', $theme) : 'pl-color-black-trans';
        $classes = join(' ', $class);
        $brand = $this->opt('navbar_logo') || $this->opt('navbar_logo') != '' ? sprintf('<img src="%s" alt="%s" />', $this->opt('navbar_logo'), get_bloginfo('name')) : false;
        $navbartitle = $this->opt('navbar_title');
	<div class="navbar fix <?php 
        echo $classes;
	  <div class="navbar-inner <?php 
        echo $content_width_class;
	    <div class="navbar-content-pad fix">
        if ($navbartitle) {
            printf('<span class="navbar-title">%s</span>', $navbartitle);
	      <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="nav-btn nav-btn-navbar mm-toggle"> <?php 
        _e('MENU', 'pagelines');
 <i class="icon icon-reorder"></i> </a>
        if ($brand) {
            printf('<a class="plbrand" href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(home_url()), esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name')), apply_filters('navbar_brand', $brand));
	      		<div class="nav-collapse collapse">
        if (!$hidesearch) {
        if (is_array(wp_get_nav_menu_items($menu)) || has_nav_menu('main_nav')) {
            wp_nav_menu(array('menu_class' => 'font-sub navline pldrop ' . $align_class, 'menu' => $menu, 'container' => null, 'container_class' => '', 'depth' => 3, 'fallback_cb' => '', 'theme_location' => 'main_nav'));
        } else {
            pl_nav_fallback('navline pldrop ' . $align_class);
				<div class="clear"></div>
예제 #15
"> <!-- #site // Wraps #header, #page-main, #footer - closed in footer -->
// Hook
	<div id="page"> <!-- #page // Wraps #header, #page-main - closed in footer -->
		<div id="page-canvas">
			<div id="header" class="container-group fix">
				<div class="outline">
pagelines_template_area('pagelines_header', 'header');
// Hook
// Hook
			<div id="page-main" class="container-group fix"> <!-- #page-main // closed in footer -->
				<div id="dynamic-content" class="outline fix">
if (pagelines_is_buddypress_page()) {
						<div id="buddypress-page" class="fix">
							<div class="content fix">
예제 #16
 * @TODO document
function pagelines_build_option_interface()
    $args = array('sanitize' => 'pagelines_settings_callback');
    $optionUI = new PageLinesOptionsUI($args);
예제 #17
    function pagelines_toolbox()

	<div class="pl-toolbox-pusher"> </div>
	<div id="PageLinesToolbox" class="pl-toolbox">
		<div class="resizer-handle"></div>
		<div class="toolbox-handle fix">

			<ul class="unstyled controls">
				<li class="el-closer" ><span class="btn-toolbox btn-closer" title="Close [esc]"><i class="icon icon-remove"></i></span></li>

        foreach ($this->get_toolbar_config() as $key => $tab) {
            if (!isset($tab['type'])) {
                $tab['type'] = 'panel';
            if ($tab['type'] == 'hidden' || $tab['type'] == 'dropup' && empty($tab['panel'])) {
            if ($tab['type'] == 'output') {
                echo $tab['output'];
            $data = '';
            $suffix = '';
            $content = '';
            $li_class = array();
            $li_class[] = 'type-' . $tab['type'];
            $li_class[] = 'el-' . $key;
            if ($tab['type'] == 'dropup' && !empty($tab['panel'])) {
                $data = 'data-toggle="dropdown"';
                $suffix = ' <i class="uxi icon icon-caret-right"></i>';
                $li_class[] = 'dropup';
                $menu = '';
                foreach ($tab['panel'] as $key => $i) {
                    $menu .= sprintf('<li><a href="#" class="btn-action" data-action="%s">%s</a></li>', $key, $i['name']);
                $content = sprintf('<ul class="dropdown-menu">%s</ul>', $menu);
            $li_classes = join(' ', $li_class);
            $class = array();
            $class[] = $tab['type'] == 'panel' ? 'btn-panel' : '';
            $class[] = $tab['type'] == 'btn-panel' ? 'btn-panel' : '';
            $class[] = $tab['type'] == 'btn' ? 'btn-action' : '';
            $class[] = $tab['type'] == 'link' ? 'btn-link' : '';
            $class[] = 'btn-' . $key;
            $el_type = $tab['type'] == 'link' ? 'a' : 'span';
            if ($tab['type'] == 'link') {
                $data .= sprintf(' href="%s" target="_blank"', $tab['link']);
            $classes = join(' ', $class);
            $the_name = isset($tab['name']) && $tab['type'] != 'btn-panel' ? $tab['name'] : '';
            $name = sprintf('<span class="txt">%s</span>', $the_name);
            $icon = isset($tab['icon']) ? sprintf('<i class="uxi icon %s"></i> ', $tab['icon']) : '';
            $tip = isset($tab['tip']) && $tab['tip'] != '' ? $tab['tip'] : $the_name;
            $title = sprintf('title="%s"', $tip);
            printf('<li class="%s"><%s class="btn-toolbox %s" data-action="%s" %s %s>%s%s%s</%s>%s</li>', $li_classes, $el_type, $classes, $key, $data, $title, $icon, $name, $suffix, $el_type, $content);
			<ul class="unstyled controls send-right">
				<li class="li-refresh type-btn"><span class="btn-toolbox btn-save btn-refresh" data-mode="pagerefresh" title="<?php 
        _e('Refresh needed to view changes.', 'pagelines');
				"><i class="icon icon-refresh"></i></li>
				<li class="li-publish"><span class="btn-toolbox btn-save btn-publish" data-mode="publish" title="<?php 
        _e('Publish Live', 'pagelines');
				 (alt+s)"><i class="icon icon-ok"></i> <span class="txt"><?php 
        _e('Publish', 'pagelines');

			<ul class="unstyled controls not-btn send-right">
				<li class="switch-btn btn-saving"><span class="btn-toolbox not-btn"><i class="icon icon-refresh icon-spin"></i> <span class="txt"><?php 
        _e('Saving', 'pagelines');
				<li class="switch-btn btn-layout-resize"><span class="btn-toolbox  not-btn">
					<i class="icon icon-fullscreen"></i> <span class="txt"><?php 
        _e('Width', 'pagelines');
					: <span class="resize-px"></span> / <span class="resize-percent"></span></span>
        // Hook
		<div class="toolbox-panel-wrap">
			<div class="toolbox-panel">
				<div class="toolbox-content fix">
					<div class="toolbox-content-pad option-panel">
        foreach ($this->get_toolbar_config() as $key => $tab) {
            if (isset($tab['panel']) && !empty($tab['panel'])) {
                $this->panel($key, $tab['panel']);
            } else {
                printf('<div class="panel-%s tabbed-set error-panel"><i class="icon icon-spinner icon-spin"></i></div>', $key);
예제 #18
    function section_template()
	<div id="feature_slider" class="fix">
		<div id="feature-area">
			<div id="cycle">
        global $post;
        global $pagelines_layout;
        $current_page_post = $post;
        $feature_posts = $this->get_feature_posts();
        if (!empty($feature_posts) && is_array($feature_posts)) {
            foreach ($feature_posts as $post) {
                // Setup For Std WP functions
                // Get Feature Style
                if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feature-style', true)) {
                    $feature_style = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feature-style', true);
                } else {
                    $feature_style = 'text-left';
                if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feature-link-text', true)) {
                    $flink_text = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feature-link-text', true);
                } else {
                    $flink_text = __('More', 'pagelines');
                //Get the Thumbnail URL
                $feature_background_image = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feature-background-image', true);
                $feature_design = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feature-design', true) ? get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feature-design', true) : '';
						<div id="<?php 
                echo 'feature_' . $post->ID;
"  class="fcontainer <?php 
                echo $feature_style . ' ' . $feature_design;
 fix" >
							<div class="feature-wrap wcontent" <?php 
                if ($feature_background_image) {
style="background: url('<?php 
                    echo $feature_background_image;
') no-repeat top center" <?php 
								<div class="feature-pad fix">
                pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_feature_before', $this->id);
                // Hook
									<div class="fcontent <?php 
                if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'fcontent-bg', true)) {
                    echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'fcontent-bg', true);
										<div class="dcol-pad fix">
                pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_fcontent_before', $this->id);
												<div class="fheading">
													<h2 class="ftitle"><?php 
												<div class="ftext">
                pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_feature_text_top', $this->id);
                // Hook
													<div class="fexcerpt">
                if (pagelines_option('feature_source') == 'posts') {
                } else {
                if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feature-link-url', true)) {
														<a class="flink" href="<?php 
                    echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feature-link-url', true);
"><span class="featurelink" ><?php 
                    echo $flink_text;
                pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_feature_text_bottom', $this->id);
                // Hook
                edit_post_link(__('<span>Edit</span>', 'pagelines'), '', '');
                pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_fcontent_after', $this->id);
									<div class="fmedia" style="">
										<div class="dcol-pad">
                pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_feature_media_top', $this->id);
                // Hook
                if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feature-media-image', true)) {
												<div class="media-frame">
													<img src="<?php 
                    echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feature-media-image', true);
" />
                } elseif (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feature-media', true)) {
                    echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'feature-media', true);
                pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_feature_after', $this->id);
									<div class="clear"></div>
        } else {
					<h4 style="padding: 50px; text-align: center"><?php 
            _e('No feature posts matched this pages criteria', 'pagelines');
        $post = $current_page_post;
        if (pagelines('feature_nav_type') == 'arrows') {
				<div id="arrownav">
		 			<a href="#"><span id="prev">&nbsp;</span></a> 
	       			<a href="#"><span id="next">&nbsp;</span></a>
		<div id="feature-footer" class="<?php 
        e_pagelines('feature_nav_type', '');
        if (count($this->the_feature_posts) == 1) {
            echo 'nonav';
			<div class="feature-footer-pad">
        pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_feature_nav_before', $this->id);
        if (pagelines('timeout') != 0 && pagelines('feature_playpause')) {
<span class="playpause pause"><span>&nbsp;</span></span><?php 
				<div id="featurenav" class="fix">
				<div class="clear"></div>
	<div class="clear"></div>
예제 #19
  * Get post excerpt and markup
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @return string the excerpt markup
 function post_excerpt_markup($mode = '', $thumbnail = '')
     pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_loop_before_excerpt', 'theloop');
     // Hook
     if ($mode == 'left-excerpt' || $mode == 'right-excerpt') {
         printf('<aside class="post-excerpt">%s %s</aside>', $thumbnail, get_the_excerpt());
     } else {
         printf('<aside class="post-excerpt">%s</aside>', get_the_excerpt());
     if (pagelines_is_posts_page() && !$this->pagelines_show_content(get_the_ID())) {
         // 'Continue Reading' link
         echo $this->get_continue_reading_link(get_the_ID());
     pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_loop_after_excerpt', 'theloop');
     // Hook
     $pagelines_excerpt = ob_get_clean();
     return apply_filters('pagelines_excerpt', $pagelines_excerpt);
예제 #20
     * @TODO document
    function draw_features($f, $class, $clone_id = null)
        // Setup
        global $post;
        global $pagelines_ID;
        global $pagelines_layout;
        $current_page_post = $post;
        if (empty($f)) {
            echo setup_section_notify($this, __("No Feature posts matched this page's criteria", 'pagelines'));
        // Options
        $feature_source = ploption('feature_source', $this->oset);
        $timeout = ploption('timeout', $this->oset);
        $playpause = ploption('feature_playpause', $this->oset);
        $feature_nav_type = ploption('feature_nav_type', $this->oset);
        // Refine
        $no_nav = isset($f) && count($f) == 1 ? ' nonav' : '';
        $footer_nav_class = $class . ' ' . $feature_nav_type . $no_nav;
        $cycle_selector = "fclone" . $clone_id;
	<div id="feature_slider" class="<?php 
        echo $cycle_selector . '_wrap ' . $class;
		<div id="feature-area" class="fset_height">
			<div id="cycle" class="<?php 
        echo $cycle_selector;
        foreach ($f as $post) {
            // Setup For Std WP functions
            $oset = array('post_id' => $post->ID);
            $target = apply_filters('pagelines_features_target', '', $post);
            $feature_style = ploption('feature-style', $oset) ? ploption('feature-style', $oset) : 'text-left';
            $feature_style = apply_filters('pagelines-feature-style', $feature_style);
            $flink_text = ploption('feature-link-text', $oset) ? __(ploption('feature-link-text', $oset)) : __('More', 'pagelines');
            if ($feature_source == 'posts' || $feature_source == 'posts_all') {
                $feature_background_image = '';
                if (plmeta('feature-background-image', $oset)) {
                    $feature_background_image = plmeta('feature-background-image', $oset);
                } elseif (has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) {
                    $feature_background_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'single-post-thumbnail');
                    $feature_background_image = $feature_background_image[0];
                } else {
                    $feature_background_image = apply_filters('pagelines-feature-cat-default-image', $this->base_url . '/images/feature1.jpg', $post);
                $background_class = 'bg_cover';
            } else {
                $feature_background_image = ploption('feature-background-image', $oset);
                $background_class = 'bg_cover';
            $feature_design = ploption('feature-design', $oset) ? ploption('feature-design', $oset) : '';
            if ($feature_source == 'posts' || $feature_source == 'posts_all') {
            if (plmeta('feature-link-url', $oset)) {
                $action = plmeta('feature-link-url', $oset);
            } elseif (ploption('feature-link-url', $oset)) {
                $action = ploption('feature-link-url', $oset);
            } elseif ($feature_source == 'posts' || $feature_source == 'posts_all') {
                $action = get_permalink();
            } else {
                $action = '';
            $fcontent_class = ploption('fcontent-bg', $oset) ? ploption('feature-bg', $oset) : '';
            $media_image = ploption('feature-media-image', $oset);
            $feature_media = ploption('feature-media', $oset);
            $feature_media_full = ploption('feature-media-full', $oset);
            $feature_wrap_markup = $feature_style == 'text-none' && $action ? 'a' : 'div';
            $feature_wrap_link = $feature_style == 'text-none' && $action ? sprintf('href="%s"', $action) : '';
            $more_link = $feature_style != 'text-none' && $action ? sprintf(' <a %s class="plmore" href="%s" >%s</a>', $target, $action, $flink_text) : '';
            $background_css = $feature_background_image ? sprintf('style="background-image: url(\'%s\');"', $feature_background_image) : '';
            printf('<div id="%s" class="fcontainer %s %s fix" >', 'feature_' . $post->ID, $feature_style, $feature_design);
            printf('<%s class="feature-wrap fset_height %s" %s %s >', $feature_wrap_markup, $background_class, $feature_wrap_link, $background_css);
            if ($feature_wrap_markup != 'a') {
                if ($feature_media && $feature_media_full) {
                    echo $feature_media;
                } else {

								<div class="feature-pad fset_height fix">
									<div class="fcontent scale_text fset_height <?php 
                    echo $fcontent_class;
										<div class="fcontent-pad fix">
                    pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_feature_text_top', $this->id);
                    // Hook
                    $link = $feature_source == 'posts' || $feature_source == 'posts_all' ? sprintf('<a %s href="%s">%s</a>', $target, $action, $post->post_title) : $post->post_title;
                    $title = sprintf('<div class="fheading"> <h2 class="ftitle">%s</h2> </div>', $link);
                    $content = $feature_source == 'posts' || $feature_source == 'posts_all' ? apply_filters('pagelines_feature_output', custom_trim_excerpt(get_the_excerpt(), '30')) : do_shortcode(get_the_content());
                    printf('%s<div class="ftext"><div class="fexcerpt">%s%s%s</div></div>', $title, $content, $more_link, pledit($post->ID));
                    pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_fcontent_after', $this->id);
                    // Hook

									<div class="fmedia fset_height" style="">
										<div class="fmedia-pad">
                    pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_feature_media_top', $this->id);
                    // Hook
                    if ($media_image) {
                        printf('<div class="media-frame"><img src="%s" /></div>', $media_image);
                    } elseif ($feature_media) {
                        echo do_shortcode($feature_media);
                    pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_feature_after', $this->id);
                    // Hook
									<div class="clear"></div>

            printf('</%s>', $feature_wrap_markup);
            echo '</div>';
        $post = $current_page_post;
        pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_feature_nav_before', $this->id);
        // Hook
        $playpause = $timeout != 0 && $playpause ? sprintf('<span class="playpause pause %s"><span>&nbsp;</span></span>', $cycle_selector) : '';
        $nav = sprintf('<div id="featurenav" class="%s subtext fix"></div>', $cycle_selector);
        printf('<div id="feature-footer" class="%s fix"><div class="feature-footer-pad">%s%s<div class="clear"></div></div></div>', $footer_nav_class, $playpause, $nav);
	<div class="clear"></div>
예제 #21
    function section_template($clone_id = null)
        $carousel_class = isset($clone_id) && $clone_id != 1 ? 'crsl' . $clone_id : 'crsl';
        // Set Up Variables
        $carouselitems = ploption('carousel_items', $this->oset) ? ploption('carousel_items', $this->oset) : 30;
        $carousel_post_id = ploption('carousel_post_id', $this->oset) ? ploption('carousel_post_id', $this->oset) : null;
        $carousel_image_width = ploption('carousel_image_width', $this->oset) ? ploption('carousel_image_width', $this->oset) : 64;
        $carousel_image_height = ploption('carousel_image_height', $this->oset) ? ploption('carousel_image_height', $this->oset) : 64;
        $cmode = ploption('carousel_mode', $this->oset) ? ploption('carousel_mode', $this->oset) : null;
        $ngen_id = ploption('carousel_ngen_gallery', $this->oset) ? ploption('carousel_ngen_gallery', $this->oset) : 1;
        if ($cmode == 'flickr' && !function_exists('get_flickrRSS') || $cmode == 'ngen_gallery' && !function_exists('nggDisplayRandomImages')) {
            echo setup_section_notify($this, __("The <strong>plugin</strong> for the selected carousel mode needs to be activated (FlickrRSS or NextGen Gallery).", 'pagelines'), admin_url() . 'plugins.php', 'Setup Plugin');
        } else {
	<div class="<?php 
            echo $carousel_class;
		<ul id="mycarousel" class="mycarousel">
            if (function_exists('nggDisplayRandomImages') && $cmode == 'ngen_gallery') {
                echo do_shortcode('[nggallery id=' . $ngen_id . ' template=plcarousel]');
            } elseif (function_exists('get_flickrRSS') && $cmode == 'flickr') {
                if (!function_exists('get_and_delete_option')) {
                    // fixes instantiation within the function in the plugin :/
                    get_flickrRSS(array('num_items' => $carouselitems, 'html' => '<li><a href="%flickr_page%" title="%title%"><img src="%image_square%" alt="%title%"/><span class="list-title">%title%</span></a></li>'));
            } elseif ($cmode == 'hook') {
            } else {
                $carousel_post_query = 'numberposts=' . $carouselitems;
                if ($carousel_post_id) {
                    $carousel_post_query .= '&category_name=' . $carousel_post_id;
                $recentposts = get_posts($carousel_post_query);
                foreach ($recentposts as $cid => $c) {
                    $a = array();
                    if (has_post_thumbnail($c->ID)) {
                        $img_data = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($c->ID));
                        $a['img'] = $img_data[0] != '' ? $img_data[0] : $this->base_url . '/post-blank.jpg';
                        $a['width'] = $img_data[1];
                        $a['height'] = $img_data[2];
                    } else {
                        $a['img'] = $this->base_url . '/post-blank.jpg';
                        $a['width'] = 100;
                        $a['height'] = 100;
                    $args = array('title' => $c->post_title, 'link' => get_permalink($c->ID), 'img' => $a['img'], 'maxheight' => $carousel_image_height, 'maxwidth' => $carousel_image_width, 'height' => $a['height'], 'width' => $a['width']);
                    echo $this->carousel_item($args);

예제 #22
 function after_section($s)
     $controls_foot = '';
     // ( $s->level == 0 ) ? '' : $this->editor->section_controls_footer( $s );
     pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_inside_bottom_' . $s->id, $s->id);
     printf('</div>%s</section>', $controls_foot);
     pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_after_' . $s->id, $s->id);
예제 #23
    function draw_boxes($b, $perline = 3, $class = "")
        global $post;
        global $pagelines_ID;
        $box_thumb_type = pagelines_option('box_thumb_type', $pagelines_ID) ? pagelines_option('box_thumb_type', $pagelines_ID) : 'inline_thumbs';
        $count = $perline;
		<div class="dcol_container_<?php 
        echo $perline;
        echo $class;
 fboxes fix">
        foreach ($b as $bpost) {
            $box_link = get_post_meta($bpost->ID, 'the_box_icon_link', true);
            $box_icon = get_post_meta($bpost->ID, 'the_box_icon', true);
			<div id="<?php 
            echo 'fbox_' . $bpost->ID;
" class="dcol_<?php 
            echo $perline;
 dcol fbox">
				<div class="dcol-pad <?php 
            echo $box_thumb_type;
            if ($box_icon) {
						<div class="fboxgraphic">
                echo self::_get_box_image($bpost, $box_icon, $box_link);
						<div class="fboxinfo fix">
							<div class="fboxtitle">
            if ($box_link) {
                printf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $box_link, $bpost->post_title);
            } else {
                echo do_shortcode($bpost->post_title);
							<div class="fboxtext"><?php 
            echo do_shortcode($bpost->post_content);
            edit_post_link(__('[Edit Box]', 'pagelines'), '<br/>', '', $bpost->ID);
            pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_box_inside_bottom', $this->id);
            // Hook
            $end = ($count + 1) / $perline;
            if (is_int($end)) {
                echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
		<div class="clear"></div>
예제 #24
            pagelines_template_area('pagelines_sidebar1', 'sidebar1');
            // Hook
        if ($pagelines_layout->num_columns == 3) {
				<div id="sidebar2" class="scolumn">
					<div class="scolumn-pad">
            pagelines_template_area('pagelines_sidebar2', 'sidebar2');
            // Hook
        if (ploption('sidebar_wrap_widgets') == 'bottom') {
            pagelines_template_area('pagelines_sidebar_wrap', 'sidebar_wrap');
            // Hook
    // Hook
예제 #25
  * After Section
  * Closes CSS containers opened by before_section()
  * Dynamically creates unique hooks: pagelines_inside_bottom_, and pagelines_after_ with matching ids to the dynamically created hooks made in before_section()
  * @since   ...
  * @param   string $markup
  * @uses    pagelines_register_hook
 function after_section($markup = 'content')
     if (isset($this->settings['markup'])) {
         $set_markup = $this->settings['markup'];
     } else {
         $set_markup = $markup;
     pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_inside_bottom_' . $this->id, $this->id);
     if ($set_markup == 'copy') {
         printf('<div class="clear"></div></div></section>');
     } elseif ($set_markup == 'content') {
         // Standard content width and padding divs
         if ($this->settings['format'] == 'textured' || $this->settings['format'] == 'standard') {
         // Draw textured div for background texturing
         if ($this->settings['format'] == 'textured') {
         // Draw wrapper unless using 'raw' format
         if ($this->settings['format'] != 'raw') {
     pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_after_' . $this->id, $this->id);
예제 #26
파일: footer.php 프로젝트: taeche/SoDoEx
    // Hook
						<div class="clear"></div>
    // Hook
    // Hook
// Load footer scripts option
// Hook (WordPress)
	<?php pagelines_main_logo(); ?>
	<?php pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_before_branding_icons', 'branding' ); // Hook ?>

	<div class="icons" style="bottom: <?php echo intval(pagelines_option('icon_pos_bottom'));?>px; right: <?php echo pagelines_option('icon_pos_right');?>px;">

		<?php if(pagelines('rsslink')):?>
		<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo apply_filters( 'pagelines_branding_rssurl', get_bloginfo('rss2_url') );?>" class="rsslink"></a>
		<?php endif;?>
		<?php if(VPRO):?>
			<?php pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_branding_icons_start', 'branding' ); // Hook ?>
			<?php if(pagelines_option('twitterlink')):?>
			<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo pagelines_option('twitterlink');?>" class="twitterlink"></a>
			<?php endif;?>
			<?php if(pagelines_option('facebooklink')):?>
			<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo pagelines_option('facebooklink');?>" class="facebooklink"></a>
			<?php endif;?>
			<?php if(pagelines_option('linkedinlink')):?>
			<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo pagelines_option('linkedinlink');?>" class="linkedinlink"></a>
			<?php endif;?>
			<?php if(pagelines_option('youtubelink')):?>
			<a target="_blank" href="<?php echo pagelines_option('youtubelink');?>" class="youtubelink"></a>
			<?php endif;?>
			<?php pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_branding_icons_end', 'branding' ); // Hook ?>
		<?php endif;?>
<?php pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_after_branding_wrap', 'branding' ); // Hook ?>
	function section_template() { 

		if( !pagelines('twittername') ) :
			?><div class="tbubble">
			<?php _e('Set your Twitter account name in your settings to use the TwitterBar Section.</div>', 'pagelines');
			if ( false === ( $tweets = get_transient( 'section-twitter' ) ) ) {
				$params = array(
					'screen_name'=>pagelines('twittername'), // Twitter account name
					'trim_user'=>true, // only basic user data (slims the result)
					'include_entities'=>false, // as of Sept 2010 entities were not included in all applicable Tweets. regex still better
					'include_rts' => true

				 * The exclude_replies parameter filters out replies on the server. If combined with count it only filters that number of tweets (not all tweets up to the requested count)
				 * If we are not filtering out replies then we should specify our requested tweet count

				$twitter_json_url = esc_url_raw( 'http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?' . http_build_query( $params ), array( 'http', 'https' ) );
				unset( $params );
				$response = wp_remote_get( $twitter_json_url, array( 'User-Agent' => 'WordPress.com Twitter Widget' ) );
				$response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );
				if ( 200 == $response_code ) {
					$tweets = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );
					$tweets = json_decode( $tweets, true );
					$expire = 900;
					if ( !is_array( $tweets ) || isset( $tweets['error'] ) ) {
						$tweets = 'error';
						$expire = 300;
				} else {
					$tweets = 'error';
					$expire = 300;
					set_transient( 'section-twitter-response-code', $response_code, $expire );

				set_transient( 'section-twitter', $tweets, $expire );
			echo '<div class="tbubble">';
			echo '<span class="twitter">"';
			pagelines_register_hook( 'pagelines_before_twitterbar_text', $this->id ); // Hook

			if ( 'error' != $tweets ) {
				echo $tweets[0]['text'];
			} else {

				$error = get_transient( 'section-twitter-response-code' );		
				switch( $error ) {
					case 401:
						echo wp_kses( sprintf( __( 'Error: Please make sure the Twitter account is <a href="%s">public</a>.', 'pagelines' ), 'http://support.twitter.com/forums/10711/entries/14016' ), array( 'a' => array( 'href' => true ) ) );
					case 403:
						_e( 'Error 403: Your IP is being rate limited by Twitter.', 'pagelines' );
					case 404:
						_e( 'Error 404: Your username was not found on Twitter.', 'pagelines' );
					case 420:
						_e( 'Error 420: Your IP is being rate limited by Twitter.', 'pagelines' );
					case 502:
						_e( 'Error 502: Twitter is being upgraded.', 'pagelines' );
						_e( 'Unknown Twitter error.', 'pagelines' );
			echo '&mdash;&nbsp;<a class="twitteraccount" href="http://twitter.com/#!/' . pagelines('twittername') . '">' . pagelines('twittername') . '</a></span></div>';
예제 #29
 function load_libs()
     if (!pl_use_editor()) {
     global $plpg;
     global $pldraft;
     global $plopts;
     global $editorless;
     global $storeapi;
     global $fileopts;
     global $sections_handler;
     global $templates_handler;
     global $sections_data_handler;
     $plpg = $this->page = new PageLinesPage();
     $pldraft = $this->draft = new EditorDraft($this->page);
     $storeapi = $this->storeapi = new EditorStoreFront();
     $this->layout = new EditorLayout();
     $sections_data_handler = new PLSectionData();
     $templates_handler = new EditorTemplates();
     // Mapping
     $this->map = new PageLinesTemplates($templates_handler);
     // this needs to be rewritten and moved to mapping class
     $this->saving_utility = new PageLinesSave();
     // Must come before settings
     $this->foundry = new PageLinesFoundry();
     $this->typography = new EditorTypography($this->foundry);
     $this->importexport = new PLImportExport();
     $this->color = new EditorColor();
     $this->siteset = new EditorSettings();
     $this->extensions = new EditorExtensions();
     $less_engine = new PageLinesLESSEngine();
     $pless = new PageLinesLess();
     $fileOpts = new EditorFileOpts();
     $this->editor_less = new EditorLessHandler($pless);
     $loader = new PageLinesPageLoader();
     $help = new EditorHelpPanel();
     // hook
     $plopts = $this->opts = new PageLinesOpts();
     // Mobile
     $this->mobile_menu = new PageLinesMobileMenu();
     // Interfaces
     $this->xlist = new EditorXList();
     $sections_handler = new PageLinesSectionsHandler();
     $this->settings_panel = new PageLinesSettingsPanel();
     $this->themer = new EditorThemeHandler();
     $this->code = new EditorCode($this->draft);
     $this->areas = new PageLinesAreas();
     // Editor UX Elements
     $this->interface = new EditorInterface($this->page, $this->siteset, $this->draft, $templates_handler, $this->map, $this->extensions, $this->themer);
     // Master UX Handler
     $this->handler = new PageLinesTemplateHandler($this->interface, $this->areas, $this->page, $this->siteset, $this->foundry, $this->map, $this->draft, $this->opts, $this->layout, $this->extensions);
예제 #30
  *  Scans THEMEDIR/sections recursively for section files and auto loads them.
  *  Child section folder also scanned if found and dependencies resolved.
  *  Section files MUST include a class header and optional depends header.
  *  Example section header:
  *	Section: BrandNav Section
  *	Author: PageLines
  *	Description: Branding and Nav Inline
  *	Version: 1.0.0
  *	Class Name: BrandNav
  *	Depends: PageLinesNav
  *  @package PageLines Framework
  *  @subpackage Config
  *  @since 2.0
 function pagelines_register_sections($reset = null, $echo = null)
     global $pl_section_factory;
     if ($reset === true) {
      * Load our main section folders
      * @filter pagelines_section_dirs
     $section_dirs = array('child' => PL_EXTEND_DIR, 'parent' => PL_SECTIONS);
     if (is_child_theme() && is_dir(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/sections')) {
         $section_dirs = array_merge(array('custom' => get_stylesheet_directory() . '/sections'), $section_dirs);
     $section_dirs = apply_filters('pagelines_sections_dirs', $section_dirs);
      * If cache exists load into $sections array
      * If not populate array and prime cache
     if (!($sections = get_transient('pagelines_sections_cache'))) {
         foreach ($section_dirs as $type => $dir) {
             $sections[$type] = $this->pagelines_getsections($dir, $type);
         // check for deps within the main parent sections, load last if found.
         foreach ($sections['parent'] as $key => $section) {
             if (!empty($section['depends'])) {
                 $sections['parent'][$key] = $section;
          * TODO switch this to activation/deactivation interface
          * TODO better idea, clear cached vars on settings save.
         set_transient('pagelines_sections_cache', $sections, 86400);
     if (true === $echo) {
         return $sections;
     // filter main array containing child and parent and any custom sections
     $sections = apply_filters('pagelines_section_admin', $sections);
     $disabled = get_option('pagelines_sections_disabled', array('child' => array(), 'parent' => array(), 'custom' => array()));
     foreach ($sections as $type) {
         if (is_array($type)) {
             foreach ($type as $section) {
                 if (!isset($section['loadme'])) {
                     $section['loadme'] = false;
                 if ('parent' == $section['type'] || !is_multisite()) {
                     $section['loadme'] = true;
                  * Checks to see if we are a child section, if so disable the parent
                  * Also if a parent section and disabled, skip.
                 if ('parent' != $section['type'] && isset($sections['parent'][$section['class']])) {
                     $disabled['parent'][$section['class']] = true;
                 if (isset($disabled[$section['type']][$section['class']]) && !$section['persistant']) {
                 // consolidate array vars
                 $dep = 'parent' != $section['type'] && $section['depends'] != '' ? $section['depends'] : null;
                 $parent_dep = isset($sections['parent'][$section['depends']]) ? $sections['parent'][$section['depends']] : null;
                 $dep_data = array('base_dir' => isset($parent_dep['base_dir']) ? $parent_dep['base_dir'] : null, 'base_url' => isset($parent_dep['base_url']) ? $parent_dep['base_url'] : null, 'base_file' => isset($parent_dep['base_file']) ? $parent_dep['base_file'] : null, 'name' => isset($parent_dep['name']) ? $parent_dep['name'] : null);
                 $section_data = array('base_dir' => $section['base_dir'], 'base_url' => $section['base_url'], 'base_file' => $section['base_file'], 'name' => $section['name']);
                 if (isset($dep) && $section['loadme']) {
                     // do we have a dependency?
                     if (!class_exists($dep) && is_file($dep_data['base_file'])) {
                         include $dep_data['base_file'];
                         $pl_section_factory->register($dep, $dep_data);
                     // dep loaded...
                     if (!class_exists($section['class']) && is_file($section['base_file'])) {
                         include $section['base_file'];
                         $pl_section_factory->register($section['class'], $section_data);
                 } else {
                     if (!class_exists($section['class']) && is_file($section['base_file']) && !isset($disabled['parent'][$section['depends']])) {
                         include $section['base_file'];
                         $pl_section_factory->register($section['class'], $section_data);
     // Hook