예제 #1
 private function RessToImgAndText($key)
     $inf = false;
     foreach ($this->ress as $v) {
         if (p_stripos($v['Field'], $key, 0) !== false) {
             $inf = $v;
     if (!$inf) {
         return '';
     return "<img src='{$inf['Image']}'/>&nbsp;{$inf['Nom']}";
예제 #2
 function GetInner($data, $from, $to = '')
     $l = p_strlen($from);
     $f = p_stripos($data, $from, 0);
     $t = p_stripos($data, $to, $l + $f);
     if ($f === false) {
         $inner = $data;
     } elseif ($t === false) {
         $inner = p_substr($data, $f + $l, -1);
     } else {
         $inner = p_substr($data, $f + $l, $t - $f - $l);
     return trim($inner);
예제 #3
 * Dernière modification: $Id$
 * @license GNU Public License 3.0 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt )
 * @license Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.fr )
require_once './init.php';
require_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'Script.php';
require_once CLASS_PATH . 'parser.class.php';
$lng = language::getinstance()->GetLngBlock('personal');
if (isset($_POST['importation'])) {
    //    $data = file_get_contents('./test/data/mafiche_ff.txt');
    $data = gpc_esc($_POST['importation']);
    $parser = parser::getinstance();
    // simple détection...
    if (p_stripos($parser->GetValueByLabel($data, $lng['ident']), $_SESSION['_login'], 0) !== false) {
        $matrix = explode("\n", trim($data));
        $info = array();
        $info['GameGrade'] = trim($matrix[0]);
        $info['Race'] = $parser->GetValueByLabel($data, $lng['Race']);
        $info['Titre'] = $parser->GetValueByLabel($data, $lng['Titre']);
        $info['Commerce'] = $parser->GetValueByLabel($data, $lng['Commerce']);
        $info['Recherche'] = $parser->GetValueByLabel($data, $lng['Recherche']);
        $info['Combat'] = $parser->GetValueByLabel($data, $lng['Combat']);
        $info['Construction'] = $parser->GetValueByLabel($data, $lng['Construction']);
        $info['Economie'] = $parser->GetValueByLabel($data, $lng['Economie']);
        $info['Navigation'] = $parser->GetValueByLabel($data, $lng['Navigation']);
        $info['POINTS'] = DataEngine::strip_number($parser->GetValueByLabel($data, $lng['POINTS']));
        $info['pts_architecte'] = DataEngine::strip_number($parser->GetValueByLabel($data, $lng['pts_architecte']));
        $info['pts_mineur'] = DataEngine::strip_number($parser->GetValueByLabel($data, $lng['pts_mineur']));
        $info['pts_science'] = DataEngine::strip_number($parser->GetValueByLabel($data, $lng['pts_science']));
예제 #4
    function AddPillage_log($mode, $idate, $msg)
        // check si existant
        $sql = sprintf('SELECT `pid` FROM SQL_PREFIX_troops_pillage WHERE Player=\'%s\' AND date=%d', sqlesc($_SESSION['_login']), $idate);
        $result = DataEngine::sql($sql);
        if (mysql_numrows($result) > 0) {
            return $this->lng['log_allreadyexists'];
        // Type du log/bataille
        // Puis recherche de la bataille (coords+participation)
        if ($mode == 'defender') {
            preg_match($this->lng['defender_regex'], $msg, $info);
            $ident = $this->lng['defender_ident'];
            if (!($planets = ownuniverse::getinstance()->get_coordswithname())) {
                return $this->lng['battle_error_ownuniverse'];
            foreach ($planets as $v) {
                if ($v['Name'] == $info[$this->lng[$mode . '_regex_planetid']]) {
                    cartographie::getinstance()->FormatId($v['Coord'], $idsys, $iddet, 'troops::AddPillage_log(def,1)');
            $sql = sprintf('SELECT `ID` FROM `SQL_PREFIX_troops_attack` WHERE `type`=\'%s\' AND ' . '`coords_ss`=\'%s\' AND `coords_3p`=\'%s\' AND `when`<=%d AND `when`>=%d' . ' AND `players_defender` LIKE \'%%"%s"%%\' AND `players_attack` LIKE \'%%"%s"%%\'' . 'ORDER BY `when` DESC LIMIT 1', sqlesc($mode), $idsys, $iddet, $idate, $idate - 604800, sqlesc($_SESSION['_login']), sqlesc($info[$this->lng[$mode . '_regex_userid']]));
            $result = DataEngine::sql($sql);
            if (mysql_numrows($result) < 1) {
                return $this->lng['log_battlenofound'];
            $line = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
            $mid = $line['ID'];
        } else {
            preg_match($this->lng['attacker_regex'], $msg, $info);
            $ident = $this->lng['attacker_ident'];
            $sql = <<<sql
LEFT JOIN `SQL_PREFIX_Coordonnee_Joueurs` on `ID`=`jID`
WHERE `TYPE` in (0,3,5) AND `USER`='%s' AND `INFOS`='%s'
            $sql = sprintf($sql, $info[$this->lng[$mode . '_regex_userid']], $info[$this->lng[$mode . '_regex_planetid']]);
            $result = DataEngine::sql($sql);
            if (mysql_numrows($result) < 1) {
                return $this->lng['log_coordsnotfound'];
            if (mysql_numrows($result) > 1) {
                return $this->lng['log_multiplecoords'];
            $line = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
            $idsys = $line['POSIN'];
            $iddet = $line['COORDET'];
            $sql = sprintf('SELECT `ID` FROM `SQL_PREFIX_troops_attack` WHERE `type`=\'%s\' AND ' . '`coords_ss`=\'%s\' AND `coords_3p`=\'%s\' AND `when`<%d AND `when`>%d AND ' . '`players_attack` LIKE \'%%"%s"%%\' AND `players_defender` LIKE \'%%"%s"%%\'', sqlesc($mode), $idsys, $iddet, $idate, $idate - 604800, sqlesc($_SESSION['_login']), sqlesc($info[$this->lng[$mode . '_regex_userid']]));
            $result = DataEngine::sql($sql);
            if (mysql_numrows($result) < 1) {
                return $this->lng['log_battlenofound'];
            if (mysql_numrows($result) > 1) {
                return 'Error battle result > 1 (omfg)';
            $line = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
            $mid = $line['ID'];
        // Info à ajouter
        $amsg = explode("\n", trim(p_substr($msg, p_stripos($msg, $ident, 0) + p_strlen($ident), -1)));
        $ares = DataEngine::a_ressources();
        $fields = array();
        $sets = array();
        $fields[] = 'date';
        $sets[] = $idate;
        $fields[] = 'mid';
        $sets[] = $mid;
        $fields[] = 'Player';
        $sets[] = '\'' . sqlesc($_SESSION['_login']) . '\'';
        foreach ($ares as $k => $v) {
            foreach ($amsg as $line) {
                list($key, $value) = explode(':', $line);
                if ($v['Nom'] == trim($key)) {
                    $fields[] = 'ress' . $k;
                    $sets[] = DataEngine::strip_number($value);
        $fields = implode(',', $fields);
        $sets = implode(',', $sets);
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO `SQL_PREFIX_troops_pillage` (' . $fields . ') VALUES (' . $sets . ')';
        $result = DataEngine::sql($sql);
        return $this->lng['log_added'];