예제 #1
require_once 'Authorize.php';
$app = intval(@$_SESSION['SESS_Appication']);
$cat = intval(@$_SESSION['SESS_Category']);
if ($app > 0 and $cat == 1) {
    require 'Validate.php';
    //Connect to the database
    require_once 'Connection.php';
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        $Elec_reg = intval(getVal(@$_POST['Elec_reg']));
        $Elec_reg2 = intval(getVal(@$_POST['Elec_reg2']));
        $ownership = getVal(@$_POST['ownership']);
        $proof = intval(getVal(@$_POST['proof']));
        $other_sch = intval(getVal(@$_POST['other_sch']));
        $ownerDuration = intval(getVal(@$_POST['ownerDuration']));
        $marks1 = electorial_marks(@$Elec_reg, @$Elec_reg2);
        $marks2 = ownership(@$ownership, @$ownerDuration);
        $marks3 = extra_doc(@$proof);
        $marks4 = near($marks1, $other_sch);
        $markst = $marks1 + $marks2 + $marks3 + $marks4;
        if ($_POST['submit'] == "Submit") {
            $sql = "INSERT INTO residant_marks " . "(Application_ID, Category_ID, Electoral_Years, Electoral_only_One_Years, Ownership, Ownership_Years, Proofs_Count, School_Count, Marks_Electoral, Marks_Ownership, Marks_Proofs, Marks_School, Marks_Total)" . "VALUES ('{$app}', '{$cat}', '{$Elec_reg}', '{$Elec_reg2}', '{$ownership}', '{$ownerDuration}', '{$proof}', '{$other_sch}', '{$marks1}', '{$marks2}', '{$marks3}', '{$marks4}', '{$markst}') " . "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Electoral_Years = VALUES (Electoral_Years),Electoral_only_One_Years = VALUES (Electoral_only_One_Years),Ownership = VALUES (Ownership),Ownership_Years = VALUES (Ownership_Years)," . "Proofs_Count = VALUES (Proofs_Count),School_Count = VALUES (School_Count),Marks_Electoral = VALUES (Marks_Electoral),Marks_Ownership = VALUES (Marks_Ownership),Marks_Proofs = VALUES (Marks_Proofs),Marks_School = VALUES (Marks_School),Marks_Total = VALUES (Marks_Total);";
            $retval = mysql_query($sql);
            if (!$retval) {
                die('Could not enter data: ' . mysql_error());
            } else {
                $sql2 = "UPDATE application SET Marks = {$markst} WHERE Application_ID ={$app};";
                $set = mysql_query($sql2);
                if (!$set) {
                    die('Could not enter data: ' . mysql_error());
                header("location: UnsetSession_SelectionPanel.php");
 * Show the list of plugins
 * Shows a HTML list of all installed plugins, complete with config/delete/sort order options
 * @access public
 * @param  boolean  Indicates if event plugins (TRUE) or sidebar plugins (FALSE) shall be shown
 * @return null
function show_plugins($event_only = false, $sidebars = null)
    static $opts = array('event' => PLUGIN_ACTIVE, 'eventh' => PLUGIN_INACTIVE);
    global $serendipity;
    $sql_filter = '';
    if (is_array($sidebars)) {
        foreach ($sidebars as $sidebar) {
            $up = strtoupper($sidebar);
            if ($sidebar == 'hide') {
                $opts[$sidebar] = HIDDEN;
            } elseif (defined('SIDEBAR_' . $up)) {
                $opts[$sidebar] = constant('SIDEBAR_' . $up);
            } elseif (defined($up)) {
                $opts[$sidebar] = constant($up);
            } else {
                $opts[$sidebar] = $up;
            $sql_filter .= "AND placement != '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($sidebar) . "' ";
    if (!$event_only) {
        $sql = "SELECT * from {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}plugins\n                   WHERE placement != 'event'\n                     AND placement != 'eventh'\n                         " . $sql_filter;
        $invisible_plugins = serendipity_db_query($sql);
        if (is_array($invisible_plugins)) {
            $sidebars[] = 'NONE';
            $opts['NONE'] = NONE;
    $eyecandy = !isset($serendipity['eyecandy']) || serendipity_db_bool($serendipity['eyecandy']);
    if (!$eyecandy) {
        echo '    <form action="?serendipity[adminModule]=plugins" method="post">';
    } elseif (!$event_only) {
        echo '<script type="text/javascript"> function templatePluginMoverInit() { ';
        $is_first = true;
        foreach ($sidebars as $sidebar) {
            echo $is_first ? 'var ' : '';
 list = document.getElementById("<?php 
            echo $sidebar;
    DragDrop.makeListContainer(list, 'g1');
    list.onDragOver = function() { this.style["border"] = "1px solid #4d759b"; };
    list.onDragOut = function() { this.style["border"] = "none"; };
            $is_first = false;
        echo ' } addLoadEvent(templatePluginMoverInit);</script>';
        echo '    <form action="?serendipity[adminModule]=plugins" method="post" onsubmit="pluginMovergetSort(); return true">';
        echo '        <input type="hidden" name="serendipity[pluginorder]" id="order" value="" />';
    } else {
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">addLoadEvent(pluginMoverInitEvent);</script>';
        echo '    <form action="?serendipity[adminModule]=plugins" method="post" onsubmit="pluginMovergetSortEvent(); return true">';
        echo '        <input type="hidden" name="serendipity[pluginorder]" id="eventorder" value="" />';
    echo serendipity_setFormToken();
    <table class="pluginmanager" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="3" width="100%">
    $errors = array();
    /* Block display the plugins per placement location. */
    if ($event_only) {
        $plugin_placements = array('event', 'eventh');
    } else {
        $plugin_placements = $sidebars;
    $total = 0;
    foreach ($plugin_placements as $plugin_placement) {
        if (!$event_only && $plugin_placement == 'NONE') {
            $is_invisible = true;
        } else {
            $is_invisible = false;
        $ptitle = $opts[$plugin_placement];
        $pid = $plugin_placement;
        echo '<td class="pluginmanager_side pluginmanager_' . ($event_only ? 'event' : 'sidebar') . '">';
        echo '<div class="heading">' . $ptitle . '</div>';
        echo '<ol id="' . $pid . '_col" class="pluginmanager_container">';
        if ($is_invisible) {
            $plugins = $invisible_plugins;
        } else {
            $plugins = serendipity_plugin_api::enum_plugins($plugin_placement);
        if (!is_array($plugins)) {
        $sort_idx = 0;
        foreach ($plugins as $plugin_data) {
            $plugin =& serendipity_plugin_api::load_plugin($plugin_data['name'], $plugin_data['authorid']);
            $key = urlencode($plugin_data['name']);
            $css_key = 's9ycid' . str_replace('%', '-', $key);
            $is_plugin_owner = $plugin_data['authorid'] == $serendipity['authorid'] || serendipity_checkPermission('adminPluginsMaintainOthers');
            $is_plugin_editable = $is_plugin_owner || $plugin_data['authorid'] == '0';
            if (!is_object($plugin)) {
                $name = $title = ERROR . '!';
                $desc = ERROR . ': ' . $plugin_data['name'];
                $can_configure = false;
            } else {
                /* query for its name, description and configuration data */
                $bag = new serendipity_property_bag();
                $name = htmlspecialchars($bag->get('name'));
                $desc = htmlspecialchars($bag->get('description'));
                $desc .= '<br />' . VERSION . ': <em>' . $bag->get('version') . '</em>';
                $title = serendipity_plugin_api::get_plugin_title($plugin, '[' . $name . ']');
                if ($bag->is_set('configuration') && ($plugin->protected === FALSE || $plugin_data['authorid'] == '0' || $plugin_data['authorid'] == $serendipity['authorid'] || serendipity_checkPermission('adminPluginsMaintainOthers'))) {
                    $can_configure = true;
                } else {
                    $can_configure = false;
            if ($event_only) {
                $place = placement_box('serendipity[placement][' . $plugin_data['name'] . ']', $plugin_data['placement'], $is_plugin_editable, true, $opts);
                $event_only_uri = '&amp;serendipity[event_plugin]=true';
            } else {
                $place = placement_box('serendipity[placement][' . $plugin_data['name'] . ']', $plugin_data['placement'], $is_plugin_editable, false, $opts);
                $event_only_uri = '';
            /* Only display UP/DOWN links if there's somewhere for the plugin to go */
            if ($sort_idx == 0) {
                $moveup = '&nbsp;';
            } else {
                $moveup = '<a href="?' . serendipity_setFormToken('url') . '&amp;serendipity[adminModule]=plugins&amp;submit=move+up&amp;serendipity[plugin_to_move]=' . $key . $event_only_uri . '" style="border: 0"><img src="' . serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/uparrow.png') . '" height="16" width="16" border="0" alt="' . UP . '" /></a>';
            if ($sort_idx == count($plugins) - 1) {
                $movedown = '&nbsp;';
            } else {
                $movedown = ($moveup != '' ? '&nbsp;' : '') . '<a href="?' . serendipity_setFormToken('url') . '&amp;serendipity[adminModule]=plugins&amp;submit=move+down&amp;serendipity[plugin_to_move]=' . $key . $event_only_uri . '" style="border: 0"><img src="' . serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/downarrow.png') . '" height="16" width="16" alt="' . DOWN . '" border="0" /></a>';
            <li class="pluginmanager_item_<?php 
            echo $sort_idx % 2 ? 'even' : 'uneven';
" id="<?php 
            echo $css_key;
                <div id="g<?php 
            echo $css_key;
" class="pluginmanager_grablet">
                    <a href="#" id="grab<?php 
            echo $css_key;
            if ($is_plugin_editable) {
                    <input class="input_checkbox" type="checkbox" name="serendipity[plugin_to_remove][]" value="<?php 
                echo $plugin_data['name'];
" />

            if ($can_configure) {
                    <a class="pluginmanager_configure" href="?serendipity[adminModule]=plugins&amp;serendipity[plugin_to_conf]=<?php 
                echo $key;
"><img src="<?php 
                echo serendipity_getTemplateFile('admin/img/configure.png');
" style="border: 0; vertical-align: bottom;" alt="[C]" /></a>

                    <span class="pluginmanager_title">
            if ($can_configure) {
                    <a title="<?php 
                echo $plugin_data['name'];
" href="?serendipity[adminModule]=plugins&amp;serendipity[plugin_to_conf]=<?php 
                echo $key;
                echo $title;
            } else {
                echo $title;
</span><br />
                    <div class="pluginmanager_description" style="font-size: 8pt"><?php 
            echo $desc;
                    <div class="pluginmanager_ownership"><?php 
            ownership($plugin_data['authorid'], $plugin_data['name'], $is_plugin_owner);
            echo $eyecandy ? '<noscript>' : '';
                    <div class="pluginmanager_place"><?php 
            echo $place;
                    <div class="pluginmanager_move"><?php 
            echo $moveup;
            echo $movedown;
            echo $eyecandy ? '</noscript>' : '';
        echo '</ol></td>';
            <td colspan="3" align="right"><?php 
    printf(PLUGIN_AVAILABLE_COUNT, $total);
        <br />
            <input type="submit" name="REMOVE" title="<?php 
    echo DELETE;
"  value="<?php 
" class="serendipityPrettyButton input_button" />
            <input type="submit" name="SAVE"   title="<?php 
" value="<?php 
    echo SAVE;
" class="serendipityPrettyButton input_button" />