function isAllValidProductIDs()
     if (count($this->invalidProductIDs) > 0) {
         $multiMarker = '';
         if (count($this->invalidProductIDs) > 1) {
             $multiMarker = 's';
         echo ostk_formatError('Invalid product ID' . $multiMarker . ': ' . implode(', ', $this->invalidProductIDs));
         return False;
     } else {
         return True;
 * Pattern 8 - Product Details Link
 * Allow users to create easy links to products they are showcasing.
 * Example Usage:
 * 1) [overstock type="product_link" id="8859234"]
function ostk_generateProductLinks($atts)
    $atts = shortcode_atts(array('id' => null, 'display' => null, 'link_target' => 'new_tab'), $atts);
    $item = new SingleProductData($atts['id']);
    if ($item->isValidProductID()) {
        $display = trim($atts['display']);
        switch ($display) {
            case 'name':
                $output = $item->getName();
            case "price":
                $output = $item->getPrice();
            case 'description':
                $output = $item->getDescription();
                return ostk_formatError('We do not recognize your display input, please check it.');
        return '<a href="' . $item->getAffiliateUrl() . '" class="ostk-element ostk-product-link" ' . ostk_getLinkTarget($atts) . '>' . $output . '</a>';
예제 #3
function ostk_areAttributesValid($atts)
    global $patterns;
    $validShortCode = true;
    $errorStr = '';
    $type = $atts['type'];
    $keys = ostk_getKeyList($atts);
    $item = ostk_findObjWhereKeyEqualsValue($patterns, 'slug', $type);
    $required_attributes = ostk_getListByKey($item['required_attributes'], 'name');
    $optional_attributes = ostk_getListByKey($item['optional_attributes'], 'name');
    //Fail if missing any required attributes
    $missingRequiredAtts = ostk_lookForMissingRequiredAttributes($keys, $required_attributes);
    if (count($missingRequiredAtts) > 0) {
        $validShortCode = false;
        $errorStr = ostk_formatError('Missing required attributes: ' . implode(', ', $missingRequiredAtts));
    //Fail if using undefined attributes
    if ($validShortCode) {
        $invalidExtraAtts = ostk_lookForInvalidExtraAtts($keys, $required_attributes, $optional_attributes);
        if (count($invalidExtraAtts) > 0) {
            $validShortCode = false;
            $errorStr = ostk_formatError('The following are not valid attributes: ' . implode(', ', $invalidExtraAtts));
    //Fail if any null attributes
    if ($validShortCode) {
        $nullAtts = ostk_lookForNullAtts($atts);
        if (count($nullAtts) > 0) {
            $validShortCode = false;
            $errorStr = ostk_formatError('The following atts cannot be null: ' . implode(', ', $nullAtts));
    if ($validShortCode) {
        return true;
    } else {
        echo $errorStr;
        return false;