function OS_CheckCaptchaRegistration() { $error = ""; if (isset($_SESSION["r_code"]) and $_SESSION["r_code"] == "OK") { /* CAPTCHA OK */ } else { if (isset($_POST["register_"])) { $error = ""; if (!isset($_POST["r_captcha"]) or !isset($_SESSION["r_code"])) { $error .= "<h2>Invalid captcha form</h2>"; } else { if ($_POST["r_captcha"] != $_SESSION["r_code"]) { $error .= "<h2>Invalid captcha code</h2>"; } else { if (!isset($_SESSION["r_trap1"]) or !isset($_SESSION["r_trap2"])) { $error .= "<h2>Invalid captcha form</h2>"; } else { if (!isset($_POST[$_SESSION["r_trap1"]])) { $error .= "<h2>Invalid captcha form</h2>"; } else { if (isset($_SESSION["r_trap1"]) and isset($_SESSION["r_trap2"]) and isset($_POST[$_SESSION["r_trap1"]]) and $_SESSION["r_trap2"] != $_POST[$_SESSION["r_trap1"]]) { $error .= "<h2>Invalid captcha form</h2>"; } } } } } if (!empty($error)) { os_trigger_error($error . " "); } $_SESSION["r_code"] = "OK"; } } }
function OS_CheckCaptcha() { if (isset($_POST["post_comment"])) { if (isset($_GET["post_id"]) and is_numeric($_GET["post_id"])) { $backTo = OS_HOME . '?post_id=' . safeEscape($_GET["post_id"]) . "&" . generate_hash(12) . "#SubmitComment"; } else { $backTo = ''; } $CaptchaError = '<h2>Invalid captcha</h2><div><a href="' . $backTo . '">« Back</a></div>'; if (!isset($_POST["c_code"]) or !isset($_SESSION["c_code"])) { os_trigger_error($CaptchaError); } if ($_POST["c_code"] != $_SESSION["c_code"]) { os_trigger_error($CaptchaError . " "); } else { $code = generate_hash(5); $code = str_replace(array("o", "0"), array("x", "x"), $code); $_SESSION["c_code"] = $code; } } }
} if ($OS_INSTALLED == 0) { require_once "install/install.php"; die; } else { if (file_exists("install")) { os_trigger_error("Please delete <b>install/</b> folder"); } if (file_exists("install/install.php")) { os_trigger_error("Please delete or rename <b>install.php</b>"); } if (file_exists("sql_data.sql")) { os_trigger_error("Please delete or rename <b>sql_data.sql</b>"); } if (file_exists("sql_heroes_items.sql")) { os_trigger_error("Please delete or rename <b>sql_heroes_items.sql</b>"); } } function get_value_of($name, $file = "../config.php") { $lines = file($file); $val = array(); foreach (array_values($lines) as $line) { if (strstr($line, "=")) { list($key, $val) = explode('=', trim($line)); if (trim($key) == $name) { $val = str_replace(";", "", $val); $val = str_replace("'", "", $val); $val = str_replace('"', "", $val); return $val; }