function loginForm() { ?> <table cellspacing="0"> <tr><th><?php echo lang('Server'); ?> <td><input type="hidden" name="driver" value="<?php echo $this->driver; ?> "><select name="server"><?php echo optionlist($this->servers, SERVER); ?> </select> <tr><th><?php echo lang('Username'); ?> <td><input id="username" name="username" value="<?php echo h($_GET["username"]); ?> "> <tr><th><?php echo lang('Password'); ?> <td><input type="password" name="password"> </table> <p><input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Login'); ?> "> <?php echo checkbox("permanent", 1, $_COOKIE["adminer_permanent"], lang('Permanent login')) . "\n"; return true; }
public function editInput($table, $field, $attrs, $value) { if ($field["type"] == "enum") { $options = array("" => array()); $selected = $value; if (isset($_GET["select"])) { $options[""][-1] = lang('original'); } if ($field["null"]) { $options[""][""] = "NULL"; if ($value === null && !isset($_GET["select"])) { $selected = ""; } } $options[""][0] = lang('empty'); preg_match_all("~'((?:[^']|'')*)'~", $field["length"], $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $i => $val) { $val = stripcslashes(str_replace("''", "'", $val)); $options[$i + 1] = $val; if ($value === $val) { $selected = $i + 1; } } return "<select{$attrs}>" . optionlist($options, (string) $selected, 1) . "</select>"; // 1 - use keys } }
function selectEmailPrint($emailFields, $columns) { if ($emailFields) { print_fieldset("email", 'E-mail'); echo "<div onkeydown=\"eventStop(event); return bodyKeydown(event, 'email');\">\n"; echo "<p>" . 'From' . ": <input name='email_from' value='" . h($_POST ? $_POST["email_from"] : $_COOKIE["adminer_email"]) . "'>\n"; echo 'Subject' . ": <select name='email_id'><option>" . optionlist(get_key_vals("SELECT {$this->id}, {$this->title} FROM {$this->table} ORDER BY {$this->title}"), $_POST["email_id"], true) . "</select>\n"; echo "<p>" . 'Attachments' . ": <input type='file' name='email_files[]' onchange=\"this.onchange = function () { }; var el = this.cloneNode(true); el.value = ''; this.parentNode.appendChild(el);\">"; echo "<p>" . (count($emailFields) == 1 ? '<input type="hidden" name="email_field" value="' . h(key($emailFields)) . '">' : html_select("email_field", $emailFields)); echo "<input type='submit' name='email' value='" . 'Send' . "' onclick=\"return this.form['delete'].onclick();\">\n"; echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div></fieldset>\n"; return true; } }
function editInput($table, $field, $attrs, $value) { static $foreignTables = array(); static $values = array(); $foreignKeys =& $foreignTables[$table]; if ($foreignKeys === null) { $foreignKeys = column_foreign_keys($table); } foreach ((array) $foreignKeys[$field["field"]] as $foreignKey) { if (count($foreignKey["source"]) == 1) { $target = $foreignKey["table"]; $id = $foreignKey["target"][0]; $options =& $values[$target][$id]; if (!$options) { $options = array("" => "") + get_vals("SELECT " . idf_escape($id) . " FROM " . table($target) . " ORDER BY 1"); } return "<select{$attrs}>" . optionlist($options, $value) . "</select>"; } } }
function loginForm() { ?> <table cellspacing="0"> <tr><th><?php echo lang('Server'); ?> <td><input type="hidden" id="username" name="auth[username]" value="root"><input type="hidden" name="auth[password]"><input type="hidden" name="auth[driver]" value="<?php echo $this->driver; ?> "><select name="auth[server]"><?php echo optionlist($this->servers, SERVER); ?> </select> </table> <p><input type="submit" value="<?php echo lang('Login'); ?> "> <?php echo checkbox("auth[permanent]", 1, $_COOKIE["adminer_permanent"], lang('Permanent login')) . "\n"; return true; }
/** Prints databases list in menu * @param string * @return null */ function databasesPrint($missing) { global $adminer, $connection; $databases = $this->databases(); ?> <form action=""> <p id="dbs"> <?php hidden_fields_get(); $db_events = " onmousedown='dbMouseDown(event, this);' onchange='dbChange(this);'"; echo "<span title='" . lang('database') . "'>DB</span>: " . ($databases ? "<select name='db'{$db_events}>" . optionlist(array("" => "") + $databases, DB) . "</select>" : '<input name="db" value="' . h(DB) . '" autocapitalize="off">'); echo "<input type='submit' value='" . lang('Use') . "'" . ($databases ? " class='hidden'" : "") . ">\n"; if ($missing != "db" && DB != "" && $connection->select_db(DB)) { if (support("scheme")) { echo "<br>" . lang('Schema') . ": <select name='ns'{$db_events}>" . optionlist(array("" => "") + $adminer->schemas(), $_GET["ns"]) . "</select>"; if ($_GET["ns"] != "") { set_schema($_GET["ns"]); } } } echo isset($_GET["sql"]) ? '<input type="hidden" name="sql" value="">' : (isset($_GET["schema"]) ? '<input type="hidden" name="schema" value="">' : (isset($_GET["dump"]) ? '<input type="hidden" name="dump" value="">' : (isset($_GET["privileges"]) ? '<input type="hidden" name="privileges" value="">' : ""))); echo "</p></form>\n"; }
/** Print edit input field * @param array one field from fields() * @param mixed * @param string * @return null */ function input($field, $value, $function) { global $connection, $types, $adminer, $jush; $name = h(bracket_escape($field["field"])); echo "<td class='function'>"; if (is_array($value) && !$function) { $args = array($value); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, 5.4) >= 0) { $args[] = JSON_PRETTY_PRINT; } $value = call_user_func_array('json_encode', $args); //! requires PHP 5.2 $function = "json"; } $reset = $jush == "mssql" && $field["auto_increment"]; if ($reset && !$_POST["save"]) { $function = null; } $functions = (isset($_GET["select"]) || $reset ? array("orig" => lang('original')) : array()) + $adminer->editFunctions($field); $attrs = " name='fields[{$name}]'"; if ($field["type"] == "enum") { echo nbsp($functions[""]) . "<td>" . $adminer->editInput($_GET["edit"], $field, $attrs, $value); } else { $first = 0; foreach ($functions as $key => $val) { if ($key === "" || !$val) { break; } $first++; } $onchange = $first ? " onchange=\"var f = this.form['function[" . h(js_escape(bracket_escape($field["field"]))) . "]']; if ({$first} > f.selectedIndex) f.selectedIndex = {$first};\" onkeyup=';'" : ""; $attrs .= $onchange; $has_function = in_array($function, $functions) || isset($functions[$function]); echo (count($functions) > 1 ? "<select name='function[{$name}]' onchange='functionChange(this);'" . on_help("getTarget(event).value.replace(/^SQL\$/, '')", 1) . ">" . optionlist($functions, $function === null || $has_function ? $function : "") . "</select>" : nbsp(reset($functions))) . '<td>'; $input = $adminer->editInput($_GET["edit"], $field, $attrs, $value); // usage in call is without a table if ($input != "") { echo $input; } elseif ($field["type"] == "set") { //! 64 bits preg_match_all("~'((?:[^']|'')*)'~", $field["length"], $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $i => $val) { $val = stripcslashes(str_replace("''", "'", $val)); $checked = is_int($value) ? $value >> $i & 1 : in_array($val, explode(",", $value), true); echo " <label><input type='checkbox' name='fields[{$name}][{$i}]' value='" . (1 << $i) . "'" . ($checked ? ' checked' : '') . "{$onchange}>" . h($adminer->editVal($val, $field)) . '</label>'; } } elseif (preg_match('~blob|bytea|raw|file~', $field["type"]) && ini_bool("file_uploads")) { echo "<input type='file' name='fields-{$name}'{$onchange}>"; } elseif (($text = preg_match('~text|lob~', $field["type"])) || preg_match("~\n~", $value)) { if ($text && $jush != "sqlite") { $attrs .= " cols='50' rows='12'"; } else { $rows = min(12, substr_count($value, "\n") + 1); $attrs .= " cols='30' rows='{$rows}'" . ($rows == 1 ? " style='height: 1.2em;'" : ""); // 1.2em - line-height } echo "<textarea{$attrs}>" . h($value) . '</textarea>'; } elseif ($function == "json") { echo "<textarea{$attrs} cols='50' rows='12' class='jush-js'>" . h($value) . '</textarea>'; } else { // int(3) is only a display hint $maxlength = !preg_match('~int~', $field["type"]) && preg_match('~^(\\d+)(,(\\d+))?$~', $field["length"], $match) ? (preg_match("~binary~", $field["type"]) ? 2 : 1) * $match[1] + ($match[3] ? 1 : 0) + ($match[2] && !$field["unsigned"] ? 1 : 0) : ($types[$field["type"]] ? $types[$field["type"]] + ($field["unsigned"] ? 0 : 1) : 0); if ($jush == 'sql' && $connection->server_info >= 5.6 && preg_match('~time~', $field["type"])) { $maxlength += 7; // microtime } // type='date' and type='time' display localized value which may be confusing, type='datetime' uses 'T' as date and time separator echo "<input" . ((!$has_function || $function === "") && preg_match('~(?<!o)int~', $field["type"]) && !preg_match('~\\[\\]~', $field["full_type"]) ? " type='number'" : "") . " value='" . h($value) . "'" . ($maxlength ? " maxlength='{$maxlength}'" : "") . (preg_match('~char|binary~', $field["type"]) && $maxlength > 20 ? " size='40'" : "") . "{$attrs}>"; } } }
/** Print table columns for type edit * @param string * @param array * @param array * @param array returned by referencable_primary() * @return null */ function edit_type($key, $field, $collations, $foreign_keys = array()) { global $structured_types, $types, $unsigned, $on_actions; $type = $field["type"]; ?> <td><select name="<?php echo h($key); ?> [type]" class="type" onfocus="lastType = selectValue(this);" onchange="editingTypeChange(this);"<?php echo on_help("getTarget(event).value", 1); ?> ><?php if ($type && !isset($types[$type]) && !isset($foreign_keys[$type])) { array_unshift($structured_types, $type); } if ($foreign_keys) { $structured_types[lang('Foreign keys')] = $foreign_keys; } echo optionlist($structured_types, $type); ?> </select> <td><input name="<?php echo h($key); ?> [length]" value="<?php echo h($field["length"]); ?> " size="3" onfocus="editingLengthFocus(this);"<?php echo !$field["length"] && preg_match('~var(char|binary)$~', $type) ? " class='required'" : ""; ?> onchange="editingLengthChange(this);" onkeyup="this.onchange();"><td class="options"><?php //! type="number" with enabled JavaScript echo "<select name='" . h($key) . "[collation]'" . (preg_match('~(char|text|enum|set)$~', $type) ? "" : " class='hidden'") . '><option value="">(' . lang('collation') . ')' . optionlist($collations, $field["collation"]) . '</select>'; echo $unsigned ? "<select name='" . h($key) . "[unsigned]'" . (!$type || preg_match('~((^|[^o])int|float|double|decimal)$~', $type) ? "" : " class='hidden'") . '><option>' . optionlist($unsigned, $field["unsigned"]) . '</select>' : ''; echo isset($field['on_update']) ? "<select name='" . h($key) . "[on_update]'" . (preg_match('~timestamp|datetime~', $type) ? "" : " class='hidden'") . '>' . optionlist(array("" => "(" . lang('ON UPDATE') . ")", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"), $field["on_update"]) . '</select>' : ''; echo $foreign_keys ? "<select name='" . h($key) . "[on_delete]'" . (preg_match("~`~", $type) ? "" : " class='hidden'") . "><option value=''>(" . lang('ON DELETE') . ")" . optionlist(explode("|", $on_actions), $field["on_delete"]) . "</select> " : " "; // space for IE }
?> <input type="submit" name="drop" value="<?php echo lang('Drop'); ?> "<?php echo confirm(); ?> ><?php } if (support("partitioning")) { $partition_table = preg_match('~RANGE|LIST~', $row["partition_by"]); print_fieldset("partition", lang('Partition by'), $row["partition_by"]); ?> <p> <?php echo "<select name='partition_by' onchange='partitionByChange(this);'" . on_help("getTarget(event).value.replace(/./, 'PARTITION BY \$&')", 1) . ">" . optionlist(array("" => "") + $partition_by, $row["partition_by"]) . "</select>"; ?> (<input name="partition" value="<?php echo h($row["partition"]); ?> ">) <?php echo lang('Partitions'); ?> : <input type="number" name="partitions" class="size<?php echo $partition_table || !$row["partition_by"] ? " hidden" : ""; ?> " value="<?php echo h($row["partitions"]); ?> ">
function edit_fields($fields, $collations, $type = "TABLE") { global $inout; ?> <thead><tr> <?php if ($type == "PROCEDURE") { ?> <td><?php echo lang('IN-OUT'); ?> </td><?php } ?> <th><?php echo $type == "TABLE" ? lang('Column name') : lang('Parameter name'); ?> </th> <td><?php echo lang('Type'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo lang('Length'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo lang('Options'); ?> </td> <?php if ($type == "TABLE") { ?> <td><?php echo lang('NULL'); ?> </td> <td><input type="radio" name="auto_increment_col" value="" /><?php echo lang('Auto Increment'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo lang('Comment'); ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td><input type="image" name="add[0]" src="<?php echo preg_replace("~\\?.*~", "", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "?file=plus.gif"; ?> " title="<?php echo lang('Add next'); ?> " /></td> </tr></thead> <?php $column_comments = false; foreach ($fields as $i => $field) { $i++; $display = $_POST["add"][$i - 1] || isset($field["field"]) && !$_POST["drop_col"][$i]; ?> <tr<?php echo $display ? "" : " style='display: none;'"; ?> > <?php if ($type == "PROCEDURE") { ?> <td><select name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?> ][inout]"><?php echo optionlist($inout, $field["inout"]); ?> </select></td><?php } ?> <th><?php if ($display) { ?> <input name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?> ][field]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($field["field"]); ?> " maxlength="64" /><?php } ?> <input type="hidden" name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?> ][orig]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($field[$_POST ? "orig" : "field"]); ?> " /></th> <?php edit_type("fields[{$i}]", $field, $collations); if ($type == "TABLE") { ?> <td><input type="checkbox" name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?> ][null]" value="1"<?php if ($field["null"]) { ?> checked="checked"<?php } ?> /></td> <td><input type="radio" name="auto_increment_col" value="<?php echo $i; ?> "<?php if ($field["auto_increment"]) { ?> checked="checked"<?php } ?> /></td> <td><input name="fields[<?php echo $i; ?> ][comment]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($field["comment"]); ?> " maxlength="255" /></td> <?php } ?> <td style="white-space: nowrap;"> <input type="image" name="add[<?php echo $i; ?> ]" src="<?php echo preg_replace("~\\?.*~", "", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "?file=plus.gif"; ?> " title="<?php echo lang('Add next'); ?> " onclick="return !add_row(this);" /> <input type="image" name="drop_col[<?php echo $i; ?> ]" src="<?php echo preg_replace("~\\?.*~", "", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "?file=minus.gif"; ?> " title="<?php echo lang('Remove'); ?> " onclick="return !remove_row(this);" /> <input type="image" name="up[<?php echo $i; ?> ]" src="<?php echo preg_replace("~\\?.*~", "", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "?file=up.gif"; ?> " title="<?php echo lang('Move up'); ?> " /> <input type="image" name="down[<?php echo $i; ?> ]" src="<?php echo preg_replace("~\\?.*~", "", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "?file=down.gif"; ?> " title="<?php echo lang('Move down'); ?> " /> </td> </tr> <?php if (strlen($field["comment"])) { $column_comments = true; } } return $column_comments; }
/** Print table columns for type edit * @param string * @param array * @param array * @param array returned by referencable_primary() * @return null */ function edit_type($key, $field, $collations, $foreign_keys = array()) { global $structured_types, $types, $unsigned, $on_actions; ?> <td><select name="<?php echo $key; ?> [type]" class="type" onfocus="lastType = selectValue(this);" onchange="editingTypeChange(this);"><?php echo optionlist((!$field["type"] || isset($types[$field["type"]]) ? array() : array($field["type"])) + $structured_types + ($foreign_keys ? array(lang('Foreign keys') => $foreign_keys) : array()), $field["type"]); ?> </select> <td><input name="<?php echo $key; ?> [length]" value="<?php echo h($field["length"]); ?> " size="3" onfocus="editingLengthFocus(this);"><td class="options"><?php echo "<select name='{$key}" . "[collation]'" . (ereg('(char|text|enum|set)$', $field["type"]) ? "" : " class='hidden'") . '><option value="">(' . lang('collation') . ')' . optionlist($collations, $field["collation"]) . '</select>'; echo $unsigned ? "<select name='{$key}" . "[unsigned]'" . (!$field["type"] || ereg('(int|float|double|decimal)$', $field["type"]) ? "" : " class='hidden'") . '><option>' . optionlist($unsigned, $field["unsigned"]) . '</select>' : ''; echo $foreign_keys ? "<select name='{$key}" . "[on_delete]'" . (ereg("`", $field["type"]) ? "" : " class='hidden'") . "><option value=''>(" . lang('ON DELETE') . ")" . optionlist(explode("|", $on_actions), $field["on_delete"]) . "</select> " : " "; // space for IE }
/** Print order box in select * @param array result of selectOrderProcess() * @param array selectable columns * @param array * @return null */ function selectOrderPrint($order, $columns, $indexes) { print_fieldset("sort", lang('Sort'), $order); $i = 0; foreach ((array) $_GET["order"] as $key => $val) { if (isset($columns[$val])) { echo "<div><select name='order[{$i}]'><option>" . optionlist($columns, $val, true) . "</select>"; echo checkbox("desc[{$i}]", 1, isset($_GET["desc"][$key]), lang('descending')) . "</div>\n"; $i++; } } echo "<div><select name='order[{$i}]' onchange='selectAddRow(this);'><option>" . optionlist($columns, null, true) . "</select>"; echo "<label><input type='checkbox' name='desc[{$i}]' value='1'>" . lang('descending') . "</label></div>\n"; // not checkbox() to allow selectAddRow() echo "</div></fieldset>\n"; }
/** Generate HTML radio list * @param string * @param array * @param string * @param string true for no onchange, false for radio * @return string */ function html_select($name, $options, $value = "", $onchange = true) { if ($onchange) { return "<select name='" . h($name) . "'" . (is_string($onchange) ? ' onchange="' . h($onchange) . '"' : "") . ">" . optionlist($options, $value) . "</select>"; } $return = ""; foreach ($options as $key => $val) { $return .= "<label><input type='radio' name='" . h($name) . "' value='" . h($key) . "'" . ($key == $value ? " checked" : "") . ">" . h($val) . "</label>"; } return $return; }