function optinrev_pro() { global $optinrev_plugin, $plugin_url; $this_uri = preg_replace('#&.*?$#', '', str_replace('%7E', '~', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); $auth_info = array(); if ($auth_info = optinrev_get('optinrev_pro_authorized')) { $auth_info = unserialize($auth_info); } ?> <div id="optin-revolution"> <div class="wrap fform pro-license"> <div class="get-help">Get Help : <a href="<?php echo OPTINREV_TUTORIAL_LINK; ?> " target="_blank">Tutorials</a> | <a href="" title="Upgrade to Pro" target="_blank"><b>Upgrade to Pro</b></a></div> <div class="icon32" id="icon-options-general"><br /></div><?php echo "<h2>" . __('Optin Revolution Pro Settings', 'optinrev_trdom') . "</h2>"; ?> <br /> <div class="opt-row"> <h3>Optin Revolution Pro License Information</h3> <form id="cred_form" name="cred_form" method="post" action="<?php echo $this_uri; ?> "> <?php wp_nonce_field(); ?> <div class="row"><label><b>Email</b> </label><input type="text" name="amember_email" id="amember_email" size="30" value="<?php echo count($auth_info) ? $auth_info['amember_email'] : ''; ?> "></div> <div class="row"><label> </label><input type="submit" name="Submit" class="optinrev_xbutton" value="<?php _e('Save', 'optin'); ?> " /> <span id="acn_verify"></span></div> <div class="row"><label> </label><span class="note">Example domain registered = <?php echo optinrev_get_host(); ?> </span></div> </form><br /> </div> <p> <?php echo optinrev_hosted_video(); ?> </p> </div> </div> <?php }
function optinrev_action_callback() { if (function_exists('current_user_can') && !current_user_can('manage_options')) { die(''); } //keep silent; global $wpdb; //saving setup if (isset($_POST['save_setup_settings'])) { //email form $mail_form = array('aweber' => 'Aweber', 'icontact' => 'Icontact', 'getresponse' => 'GetResponse', 'mailchimp' => 'Mailchimp', 'constantcontact' => 'Constant Contact', 'wysija' => 'Wysija'); foreach ($mail_form as $k => $v) { //empty the others; if (isset($_POST['optinrev_optin_' . $k])) { if (isset($_POST['optinrev_foptin_active']) && $_POST['optinrev_foptin_active'] !== $k) { $_POST['optinrev_optin_' . $k] = null; } } } if (!isset($_POST['optinrev_femail_validate'])) { $_POST['optinrev_femail_validate'] = 'off'; } optinrev_update($_POST['save_setup_settings'], maybe_serialize($_POST)); echo 'success'; exit; } //enabled/disabled if (isset($_POST['optinrev_popup_enabled'])) { optinrev_update('optinrev_popup_enabled', $_POST['optinrev_popup_enabled']); exit; } //enabled/disabled if (isset($_POST['optinrev_popup']) && ($pop = strip_tags($_POST['optinrev_popup']))) { optinrev_update('optinrev_optinrevolution/optin1_enabled', $pop); exit; } //optinrev_show_where if (isset($_POST['optinrev_show_where']) && ($show_on = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_show_where']))) { optinrev_update('optinrev_show_where', $show_on); exit; } //showing popup if (isset($_POST['optinrev_show_popup']) && ($setp = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_show_popup']))) { $setp_ar = explode('|', $setp); $setv = $setp; if (count($setp_ar) > 0) { if ($setp_ar[0] == 'show_once_in') { $et = strtotime('+' . $setp_ar[1] . ' day'); $setv = $setv . '|' . time() . '|' . $et; } } optinrev_update('optinrev_show_popup', $setv); if (function_exists('wp_cache_clear_cache')) { wp_cache_clear_cache(); } exit; } //optinrev_pixel_tracking if (isset($_POST['optinrev_pixel_tracking'])) { optinrev_update('optinrev_pixel_tracking', esc_html($_POST['optinrev_pixel_tracking'])); exit; } //delete img if (isset($_POST['optinrev_remove_img']) && ($img = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_remove_img']))) { optinrev_delete($img); echo json_encode(array('action' => 'success')); exit; } //add images if (isset($_POST['optinrev_add_image']) && ($add_img = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_add_image']))) { //images from wp/content/uploads $img_id = explode('_', $add_img); $img_id = $img_id[2]; $add_img_id = $_POST['optinrev_curr_page'] . '_img_uid_' . optinrev_unique_id() . '_' . $img_id; $img = optinrev_get_media($img_id); $imgurl = parse_url($img->guid); optinrev_update($add_img, basename($imgurl['path']) . '|' . $add_img); echo json_encode(array('action' => 'success', 'image' => '//' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $imgurl['path'])); exit; } //reset if (isset($_POST['optinrev_popup_reset']) && intval($_POST['optinrev_popup_reset'])) { optinrev_update('optinrevolution/optin1', optinrev_get('optinrev_default')); optinrev_update('optinrev_active_action_button', 'get_access2.png'); $tb_options = $wpdb->prefix . 'optinrev'; $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("delete from {$tb_options} where name like %s", '%_img_uid_%')); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("delete from {$tb_options} where name like %s", 'stage_img_%')); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("delete from {$tb_options} where name like %s", 'action_button_%')); exit('success'); } //get the validator if (isset($_POST['optinrev_mce_validator']) && ($page = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_mce_validator']))) { $p = unserialize(optinrev_get($page)); echo json_encode($p['optinrev_input_validator']); exit; } //mail provider form if (isset($_POST['optinrev_mail_webform']) && ($cur_page = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_mail_webform']))) { //optin setup $optin = unserialize(optinrev_get($cur_page)); if ($optin) { //providers $prov = $_POST['optinrev_mail_provider']; $mpro = unserialize(optinrev_get('optinrev_mail_providers')); $mdta = explode(',', $mpro[$prov]['input']); //input text $inputs = isset($optin['optinrev_email_form'][$prov]) ? $optin['optinrev_email_form'][$prov] : null; $inputs_enabled = isset($optin['optinrev_input_enabled']) ? $optin['optinrev_input_enabled'] : ''; $htm = ''; foreach ($mdta as $v) { $fable = isset($inputs_enabled[$v]) ? $inputs_enabled[$v] : false; $vl = isset($inputs[$v]) ? $inputs[$v] : ''; $lbl = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $v)); //Input label $lbl = str_replace('Fields Email', 'Email', $lbl); $reqvalid = $req = $autotxt = $ismchimp = ''; $value_email = array('email', 'fields_email'); $valid_field = array('email', 'fields_email'); if (in_array($v, $valid_field)) { $req = isset($optin['validate'][$v]) ? 'checked' : ''; $reqvalid = 'Validate <input type="checkbox" name="validate[' . $v . ']" value="1" ' . $req . '/>'; } if ($prov == 'mailchimp') { if ($lbl == 'Mcaction') { $ismchimp = '<div class="row"><label> </label><span class="note">Example Value: <b></b> ( Replace with your url with your action value information )</span></div>'; } $vl = str_replace('http://', '', $vl); $lbl = ucfirst(str_replace('Mc', '', $lbl)); } $name_sel = ''; $txt = ''; if (in_array($v, $value_email)) { if (empty($vl)) { $vl = 'Enter Your Email...'; } $txt = 'onfocus="wtfn.intips(this, \'' . $vl . '\',1);" onblur="wtfn.intips(this, \'' . $vl . '\',0);"'; } //if has an 'id' $lbl = str_replace(' Id', ' ID', $lbl); $htm .= '<div class="row"><label>' . $lbl . '</label><input type="text" name="optinrev_email_form[' . $_POST['optinrev_mail_provider'] . '][' . $v . ']" ' . $txt . ' value="' . $vl . '" size="40">' . $ismchimp . ' ' . $reqvalid . ' ' . $name_sel . '</div>'; } echo $htm; } exit; } //Member verification if (isset($_POST['authenticate']) && ($user = esc_html($_POST['authenticate']))) { include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/class-IXR.php'; parse_str(str_replace('amp;', '', $user), $post); $res = 'invalid_user'; if (empty($post['amember_email'])) { $res = 'invalid_user'; exit; } if (!strpos($post['amember_email'], '@')) { $res = 'invalid_user'; exit; } $client = new IXR_Client(OPTINREV_XMLRPC_URL); if ($client->query('proplug.is_user_authorized', $post['amember_email'], optinrev_get_host())) { $res = $client->getResponse(); } else { $res = 2; } $res = $res == 1 ? 'authorized' : $res; $res = $res == 2 ? 'invalid_member' : $res; $res = $res == 3 ? 'invalid_login' : $res; exit(sprintf('%s', $res)); } //Save the info if (isset($_POST['pro_authorized']) && ($pro = esc_html($_POST['pro_authorized']))) { parse_str(str_replace('amp;', '', $pro), $post); optinrev_update('optinrev_pro_authorized', serialize($post)); echo 'valid'; exit; } //set autosave if (isset($_POST['optinrev_autosave']) && ($autosave = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_autosave']))) { optinrev_update('optinrev_autosave', $autosave); exit; } //set poweredby if (isset($_POST['optinrev_poweredby']) && ($poweredby = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_poweredby']))) { optinrev_update('optinrev_poweredby', $poweredby); exit; } if (isset($_POST['optinrev_showmobile']) && ($showmobile = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_showmobile']))) { optinrev_update('optinrev_showmobile', $showmobile); exit; } //optinrev_add_image_briefcase if (isset($_POST['optinrev_add_image_briefcase']) && ($img = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_add_image_briefcase']))) { $img_id = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_curr_page']) . '_images_' . optinrev_unique_id(); optinrev_update($img_id, $img); exit; } //optinrev_del_image_briefcase if (isset($_POST['optinrev_del_image_briefcase']) && ($img = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_del_image_briefcase']))) { $img_id = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_curr_page']) . '_delete_images_' . optinrev_unique_id(); optinrev_update($img_id, $img); exit; } //optinrev_add_action button_briefcase if (isset($_POST['optinrev_add_button_briefcase']) && ($img = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_add_button_briefcase']))) { optinrev_update('optinrev_add_button_briefcase', $img); exit; } //remove an image to the stage if (isset($_POST['optinrev_remove_object']) && ($img_id = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_remove_object']))) { optinrev_delete($img_id); exit; } //getimage size if (isset($_POST['optinrev_getimagesize']) && ($img = esc_html($_POST['optinrev_getimagesize']))) { $is_cdn = isset($_POST['cdn']) ? '' : $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; if (list($width, $height) = @getimagesize($is_cdn . $img)) { $imgd = array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height); echo json_encode($imgd); } else { echo '0'; } exit; } //reset action button if (isset($_POST['optinrev_reset_action_button'])) { optinrev_update('optinrev_active_action_button', 'get_access2.png'); exit; } //Email form reset if (isset($_POST['optinrev_emailform_reset']) && intval($_POST['optinrev_emailform_reset'])) { $optin = maybe_unserialize(optinrev_get('optinrevolution/optin1')); $optin['optinrev_optin_aweber'] = null; $optin['optinrev_optin_icontact'] = null; $optin['optinrev_optin_getresponse'] = null; $optin['optinrev_optin_mailchimp'] = null; $optin['optinrev_optin_constantcontact'] = null; $optin['wysija_list_id'] = null; $optin['optinrev_femail_validate'] = null; $optin['optinrev_foptin_active'] = null; $optin['optinrev_foptin_form_active'] = null; optinrev_update('optinrevolution/optin1', serialize($optin)); exit; } //Factory Reset if (isset($_POST['optinrev_factory_reset']) && intval($_POST['optinrev_factory_reset'])) { optinrev_update('optinrevolution/optin1', optinrev_get('optinrev_default')); optinrev_update('optinrev_active_action_button', 'get_access2.png'); $tb_options = $wpdb->prefix . 'optinrev'; $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("delete from {$tb_options} where name like %s", '%_img_uid_%')); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("delete from {$tb_options} where name like %s", 'stage_img_%')); $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("delete from {$tb_options} where name like %s", 'action_button_%')); exit; } }