예제 #1
 * Context is an array containing:
 *   newModel        the ID of the model just added, or null on failure
 *   labbookEntry    the labbook entry number for adding this new model
 *   errorMsg        an error diagnosis from failed PDB upload
 function display($context)
     $labbook = openLabbook();
     if (!$context['newModel']) {
         if (isset($context['errorMsg'])) {
             echo $this->pageHeader("Model upload failed");
             echo "For some reason, your file could not be uploaded.\n<ul>\n";
             echo "<li>{$context['errorMsg']}</li>\n";
             echo "</ul>\n";
         } else {
             echo $this->pageHeader("Model retrieval failed");
             echo "For some reason, your file could not be pulled from the network.\n<ul>\n";
             echo "<li>Check the PDB/NDB identifier code and try again.</li>\n";
             echo "<li>Check the PDB/NDB web site - their server may be down.</li>\n";
             echo "</ul>\n";
         echo "<p>" . makeEventForm("onTryAgain");
         echo "<table border='0' width='100%'><tr>\n";
         echo "<td align='left'><input type='submit' name='cmd' value='&lt; Try again'></td>\n";
         echo "<td align='right'><input type='submit' name='cmd' value='Cancel'></td>\n";
         echo "</tr></table>\n</form></p>\n";
     } else {
         $num = $context['labbookEntry'];
         // Start the page: produces <HTML>, <HEAD>, <BODY> tags
         echo $this->pageHeader($labbook[$num]['title']);
         //echo formatLabbookEntry($labbook[$num]);
         echo $labbook[$num]['entry'];
         // avoid date stamp, title clutter
         //echo "<p><a href='".makeEventURL('onEditNotebook', $num)."'>Edit notebook entry</a></p>\n";
         echo "<p>" . makeEventForm("onReturn");
         echo "<input type='submit' name='cmd' value='Continue &gt;'>\n</form></p>\n";
     echo $this->pageFooter();
예제 #2
 * Context is not used.
 function display($context)
     mpLog("notebook-view:User visited Lab Notebook page");
     $labbook = openLabbook();
     echo $this->pageHeader("Lab notebook", "notebook");
     // Set time zone form
     echo makeEventForm("onSetTimezone");
     echo "<table border='0' width='100%'><tr>\n";
     echo "<td>Current time: " . formatTime(time()) . "</td>\n";
     echo "<td>" . timeZonePicker('timezone', $_SESSION['timeZone']);
     echo "<input type='submit' name='cmd' value='Set time zone'></td>\n";
     echo "</tr></table></form>\n";
     echo "</div>\n<br>\n<div class='pagecontent'>\n";
     // Notebook table of contents
     echo "<h3><a name='top'</a>Table of contents:</h3>\n";
     echo "<div class='indent'>\n";
     //onNotebookEdit removed for security reasons (probably nobody was using it)
     //echo makeEventForm("onNotebookEdit");
     //echo "<input type='submit' name='cmd' value='Create new entry'>\n</form>\n";
     echo "</div>\n";
     // Actual notebook entries
     foreach ($labbook as $num => $entry) {
         $this->printEntry($num, $entry);
     echo $this->pageFooter();
예제 #3
 * Context is an array containing:
 *   labbookEntry    the labbook entry number
 function display($context)
     $labbook = openLabbook();
     $num = $context['labbookEntry'];
     echo $this->pageHeader($labbook[$num]['title']);
     //echo formatLabbookEntry($labbook[$num]);
     echo $labbook[$num]['entry'];
     // avoid date stamp, title clutter
     //echo "<p><a href='".makeEventURL('onEditNotebook', $num)."'>Edit notebook entry</a></p>\n";
     echo "<p>" . makeEventForm("onReturn");
     echo "<input type='submit' name='cmd' value='Continue &gt;'>\n</form></p>\n";
     echo $this->pageFooter();
예제 #4
 * If the user requested to save changes, make sure we do that before returning.
 function onSaveEntry()
     $req = $_REQUEST;
     // Did we get an edit request?
     if ($req['labbookEditCmd'] == "Save") {
         $labbook = openLabbook();
         if (isset($req['entryNumber'])) {
             $entryNum = $req['entryNumber'];
             $labbook[$entryNum] = $req['labbookEntry'];
             mpLog("notebook-edit:User modified existing lab notebook entry");
         } else {
             $entryNum = count($labbook);
             $labbook[$entryNum] = $req['labbookEntry'];
             mpLog("notebook-add:User added a new entry to the lab notebook");
예제 #5
 * Make sure you say what $context is here. For example:
 * Context is an array containing:
 *   labbookEntry    the labbook entry number for adding this new model
 function display($context)
     echo $this->pageHeader("NAME OF YOUR PAGE GOES HERE");
     // Here's a sample page that displays a notebook entry.
     // The notebook entry number was specified in $context['labbookEntry']
     // This is a common way to display results of a background job.
     // Load and format the notebook entry:
     $labbook = openLabbook();
     $num = $context['labbookEntry'];
     echo formatLabbookEntry($labbook[$num]);
     // This line makes a URL that, when clicked, will cause the onEditNotebook()
     // function to be called. It's declared below...
     echo "<p><a href='" . makeEventURL('onEditNotebook', $num) . "'>Edit notebook entry</a></p>\n";
     // These lines create an HTML form that will call onReturn() to be called
     // when the user clicks the Continue > button. onReturn() is declared below.
     echo "<p>" . makeEventForm("onReturn");
     echo "<input type='submit' name='cmd' value='Continue &gt;'>\n</form></p>\n";
     // Note the explicit </form> to end the form!
     echo $this->pageFooter();
예제 #6
    * Context is an array containing:
    *   labbookEntry    the labbook entry number
    *   modelID         the ID of the new Reduced model
    function display($context)
        $labbook = openLabbook();
        $num = $context['labbookEntry'];
        echo $this->pageHeader($labbook[$num]['title']);
        //echo formatLabbookEntry($labbook[$num]);
        echo $labbook[$num]['entry'];
        // avoid date stamp, title clutter
        //echo "<p><a href='".makeEventURL('onEditNotebook', $num)."'>Edit notebook entry</a></p>\n";
        echo "<p>" . makeEventForm("onReturn");
        echo "<input type='submit' name='cmd' value='Continue &gt;'>\n</form></p>\n";
        $modelID = $context['modelID'];
        $model = $_SESSION['models'][$modelID];
        if ($modelID && $model && $model['isReduced'] && $model['isUserSupplied']) {
            $url = makeEventURL('onDownload', $_SESSION['dataDir'] . '/' . MP_DIR_MODELS . '/' . $model['pdb']);
<script language='JavaScript'>
    function confirmPdbDownload()
        if(window.confirm("Your PDB file has been changed.  Would you like to download the new coordinates now?"))
            window.location.href = "<?php 
            echo $url;
    // This nifty function means we won't override other ONLOAD handlers
    function windowOnload(f)
        var prev = window.onload;
        window.onload = function() { if(prev) prev(); f(); }
        echo $this->pageFooter();
예제 #7
    * Context is not used.
    function display($context)
        echo $this->pageHeader("Main page", "welcome");
        // echo mpSerialize($_SESSION['models']);
        if (count($_SESSION['models']) > 0 && $_SESSION['lastUsedModelID']) {
            echo "<h5 class='welcome'>Suggested Tools (<a href='" . makeEventURL("onGoto", "sitemap.php") . "'>all tools</a>)</h5>\n";
            echo "<div class='indent'>\n";
            echo makeEventForm("onSetWorkingModel") . "\n";
            echo "</form>\n";
            if (isset($_SESSION['ensembles'][$_SESSION['lastUsedModelID']])) {
            } else {
            echo "</div></div>\n<br>\n<div class='pagecontent'>\n";
        // Entries / files should display if we have any entries.
        // We can have entries with no models -- e.g., uploading a het dictionary first thing.
        $labbook = openLabbook();
        if (count($labbook) > 0) {
            $this->displayEntries($context, $labbook);
            echo "<br>\n";
            //echo "</div>\n<br>\n<div class='pagecontent'>\n";
            echo "</div>\n<br>\n<div class='pagecontent'>\n";
        echo "</div>\n<br>\n<div class='pagecontent'>\n";
<table border='0' width='100%'><tr valign='top'><td width='45%'>
<h3>Walkthroughs, tutorials, and usage FAQs:</h3>
        echo "<a href='" . makeEventURL("onGoto", "helper_xray.php") . "'>Evaluate X-ray structure</a>";
Typical steps for a published X-ray crystal structure
or one still undergoing refinement.</p>
        echo "<a href='" . makeEventURL("onGoto", "helper_nmr.php") . "'>Evaluate NMR structure</a>";
Typical steps for a published NMR ensemble
or one still undergoing refinement.</p>
        echo "<a href='" . makeEventURL("onGoto", "helper_rebuild.php") . "'>Fix up structure</a>";
Rebuild the model to remove outliers
as part of the refinement cycle.</p>
        echo "<a href='" . makeEventURL("onGoto", "helper_kinemage.php") . "'>Work with kinemages</a>";
Create and view interactive 3-D graphics
from your web browser.</p>
<p><b><a target="_blank" href="help/validation_options/validation_options.html">Guide to validation options</a>:</b>
Choose validations appropriate to a structure.</p>

        //      <h3>What's new in 4.0:</h3><ul>
        //      <li>Updated Reduce-added hydrogen lengths to be more consistent with other crystallography software.</li>
        //      <li>New <a href='http://kinemage.biochem.duke.edu/databases/top8000.php' target='_blank'>Top8000</a> Ramachandran validation information.</li>
        //      <li>Allows use of both electron cloud and nuclear x-H bond-lengths. Read more about this change <a href='".makeEventURL("onGoto", "helper_hydrogens.php")."'>here</a>.</li>
        //      <li>Full support for 2-character CHAINIDs added. 4-character SEGIDs also supported in place of CHAINIDs.</li>
        //      </ul>
        echo "<h3>What's new in 4.2:</h3><ul>\n      <li>Cis-peptide identification, markup and statistics now available.</li>\n      <li>CaBLAM C&alpha;-based validation of protein backbone and secondary structure now available.</li>\n      <li>Rotamer validation now uses <a href='http://kinemage.biochem.duke.edu/databases/top8000.php' target='_blank'>Top8000</a> rotamer distributions. Favored vs Allowed distinction introduced for rotamers.</li>\n      <li>New coloring scheme in multicriterion chart encodes outlier severity at a glance.</li>\n      <li><a target='_blank' href='help/validation_options/validation_options.html'>Online tutorial</a> explaining markup and methods</li>\n      <li>We now use a conformation-dependent library (CDL) from Dunbrack and Karplus for geometry analysis if requested.\n      </ul>\n      <h3>What's new in 4.1:</h3><ul>\n      <li>Validation analysis now powered by CCTBX. Also adds geometry regularization for N/Q/H flip corrections. Read more about this change <a href='" . makeEventURL("onGoto", "helper_cctbx.php") . "'>here</a>.</li>\n      <li>Alternate conformations now handled for validation analysis.</li>\n      </ul>\n      </td><td width='10%'><!-- horizontal spacer --></td><td width=='45%'>";

<h3>Citations, science, and technical FAQs:</h3>
<p><b><a href='help/about.html' target='_blank'>Cite MolProbity</a></b>:
    <small>Chen et al. (2010)
    <a href="http://kinemage.biochem.duke.edu/lab/papers.php" target="_blank">MolProbity:
    all-atom structure validation for macromolecular crystallography.</a>
    Acta Crystallographica D66:12-21.
<p>Davis et al. (2007)
    <a href="http://kinemage.biochem.duke.edu/lab/papers.php" target="_blank">MolProbity:
    all-atom contacts and structure validation for proteins and nucleic acids.</a>
    Nucleic Acids Research 35:W375-W383.
<p><b><a href='help/about.html' target='_blank'>Cite KiNG</a></b>:
    <small>Chen et al. (2009)
    <a href="http://kinemage.biochem.duke.edu/lab/papers.php" target="_blank">KiNG (Kinemage, Next Generation):
    A versatile interactive molecular and scientific visualization program.</a>
    Protein Science 18:2403-2409.
<p><b><a href='help/about.html' target='_blank'>Cite CCTBX</a></b>:
    <small>Grosse-Kunstleve et al. (2002)
    <a href="http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?ks0118" target="_blank">The Computational Crystallography Toolbox:
    crystallographic algorithms in a reusable software framework.</a>
    J. Appl. Cryst. 35:126-136.
        echo "<a href='" . makeEventURL("onGoto", "helper_hydrogens.php") . "'>About hydrogens</a>";
Why have the hydrogen bondlengths changed?</p>
<p><b><a href='help/java.html' target='_blank'>Installing Java</a></b>: how to make kinemage graphics work in your browser.</p>
        echo "<a href='" . makeEventURL("onGoto", "get_molprobity.php") . "'>Download MolProbity</a>";
</b>: how can I run a private MolProbity server, or run from the command line?</p>
<p><small><i>NB: the back button doesn't work inside MolProbity</i></small></p><!-- by request of DCR -->
        // These are too annoying to have at the top all the time
        echo $this->pageFooter();
예제 #8
* Returns the entry number of the new entry.
function addLabbookEntry($title, $text, $model = "", $keywords = "", $thumbnail = null)
    $labbook = openLabbook();
    $entry = newLabbookEntry($model, $keywords);
    $entry['title'] = $title;
    $entry['entry'] = $text;
    if ($thumbnail) {
        $entry['thumbnail'] = $thumbnail;
    // else it stays the default
    $entryNum = count($labbook);
    $labbook[$entryNum] = $entry;
    return $entryNum;
예제 #9
// Pages in subdirectories of lib/ or public_html/ will need more "/.." 's.
if (!defined('MP_BASE_DIR')) {
    define('MP_BASE_DIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'));
// 2. Include core functionality - defines constants, etc.
require_once MP_BASE_DIR . '/lib/core.php';
require_once MP_BASE_DIR . '/lib/labbook.php';
// 3. Restore session data. If you don't want to access the session
// data for some reason, you must call mpInitEnvirons() instead.
// 4. For pages that want to see the session but not change it, such as
// pages that are refreshing periodically to monitor a background job.
# MAIN - the beginning of execution for this page
$labbook = openLabbook();
$entry = $labbook[$_REQUEST['entry_num']];
// Start the page: produces <HTML>, <HEAD>, <BODY> tags
echo mpPageHeader("{$entry['title']}");
<table border='0' width='100%'><tr>
<td align='left'><small>
    When finished, you should 
    <input type="button" value="close this window"
    language="JavaScript" onclick="self.close();">.
</small></td><td align='right'><small><i>
    Hint: Use File | Save As... to save a copy of this page.