public function render($data)
     $tpl_section = $data['tpl'];
     $info = $data['info'];
     $tpl_section = $this->handle($tpl_section, '{$[title]}', op_t($info['title']));
     $tpl_section = $this->handle($tpl_section, '{$[cTime]}', friendlyDate($info['create_time']));
     $tpl_section = $this->handle($tpl_section, '{$[cTimeD]}', date('n j', $info['create_time']));
     $tpl_section = $this->handle($tpl_section, '{$[url]}', U('Cat/Index/info', array('info_id' => $info['id'])));
     $user = query_user(array('nickname', 'avatar32', 'avatar64', 'avatar128', 'avatar256', 'space_url'), $info['uid']);
     $tpl_section = $this->handle($tpl_section, '{$[user_avatar32]}', $user['avatar32']);
     $tpl_section = $this->handle($tpl_section, '{$[user_avatar64]}', $user['avatar64']);
     $tpl_section = $this->handle($tpl_section, '{$[user_avatar128]}', $user['avatar128']);
     $tpl_section = $this->handle($tpl_section, '{$[user_avatar256]}', $user['avatar256']);
     $tpl_section = $this->handle($tpl_section, '{$[user_nickname]}', $user['nickname']);
     $tpl_section = $this->handle($tpl_section, '{$[user_space_url]}', $user['space_url']);
     $tpl_section = $this->handle($tpl_section, '{$[user_uid]}', $user['uid']);
     $tpl_section = $this->handle($tpl_section, '{$[fav_btn]}', R('FavBtn/render', array(array('info' => $info)), 'Widget'));
     $entity = D('cat_entity')->find($info['entity_id']);
     if ($entity['can_over']) {
         $tpl_section = $this->handle($tpl_section, '{$[over_time]}', date('Y-m-d', $info['over_time']));
     } else {
         $tpl_section = $this->handle($tpl_section, '{$[over_time]}', '');
     return $tpl_section;
예제 #2
 public function render($is_following = 0, $uid = 0)
     $uid = op_t($uid);
     $this->assign('is_following', $is_following);
     $this->assign('uid', $uid);
예제 #3
 public function addData($name, $value, $info_id, $entity_id)
     $map['name'] = $name;
     $map['entity_id'] = $entity_id;
     $profile = M('cat_field')->where($map)->find();
     $content_data['id'] = $profile;
     $content_data['field_id'] = $profile['id'];
     if (!$this->validateField($profile, $value)) {
         return false;
     if (!is_array($value)) {
         if ($profile['input_type'] == IT_DATE) {
             $content_data['value'] = strtotime($value);
         } else {
             $content_data['value'] = $value;
         $content_data['info_id'] = $info_id;
         return $this->add($content_data);
     } else {
         $rs = 1;
         foreach ($value as $v) {
             $content_data['value'] = op_t($v);
             $content_data['info_id'] = $info_id;
             $rs = $rs && $this->add($content_data);
         return $rs;
예제 #4
 public function getLastMessage($talk_id)
     $last_message = D('TalkMessage')->where('talk_id=' . $talk_id)->order('create_time desc')->find();
     $last_message['user'] = query_user(array('nickname', 'space_url', 'id'), $last_message['uid']);
     $last_message['content'] = op_t($last_message['content']);
     return $last_message;
예제 #5
 public function getLinkContent()
     require_once './ThinkPHP/Library/Vendor/Collection/phpQuery.php';
     $link = op_t(I('post.url'));
     $content = get_content_by_url($link);
     $charset = preg_match("/<meta.+?charset=[^\\w]?([-\\w]+)/i", $content, $temp) ? strtolower($temp[1]) : "utf-8";
     \phpQuery::$defaultCharset = $charset;
     $title = pq("meta[name='title']")->attr('content');
     if (empty($title)) {
         $title = pq("title")->html();
     $title = iconv($charset, "UTF-8", $title);
     $keywords = pq("meta[name='keywords'],meta[name='Keywords']")->attr('content');
     $description = pq("meta[name='description'],meta[name='Description']")->attr('content');
     $url = parse_url($link);
     $img = pq("img")->eq(0)->attr('src');
     if (is_bool(strpos($img, 'http://'))) {
         $img = 'http://' . $url['host'] . $img;
     $title = text($title);
     $description = text($description);
     $keywords = text($keywords);
     $return['title'] = $title;
     $return['img'] = $img;
     $return['description'] = empty($description) ? $title : $description;
     $return['keywords'] = empty($keywords) ? $title : $keywords;
예제 #6
 public function search($uid = 0, $page = 1, $lastId = 0)
     $keywords = op_t($_REQUEST['keywords']);
     if (!isset($keywords)) {
         $keywords = '';
     if ($uid != 0) {
         $result = $this->weiboApi->listAllWeibo($page, null, array('uid' => $uid), 1, $lastId, $keywords);
     } else {
         $result = $this->weiboApi->listAllWeibo($page, 0, '', 1, $lastId, $keywords);
     $this->assign('list', $result['list']);
     $this->assign('lastId', $result['lastId']);
     $this->assign('page', $page);
     $this->assign('tab', 'all');
     $this->assign('loadMoreUrl', U('loadWeibo', array('uid' => $uid, 'keywords' => $keywords)));
     if (isset($keywords) && $keywords != '') {
         $map['content'] = array('like', "%{$keywords}%");
     $total_count = $this->weiboApi->listAllWeiboCount($map);
     $this->assign('key_words', $keywords);
     $this->assign('total_count', $total_count['total_count']);
     $this->assign('tox_money_name', getToxMoneyName());
     $this->assign('tox_money', getMyToxMoney());
     $this->assign('filter_tab', '全站动态');
예제 #7
 public function user()
     $Channel = D('UserNav');
     if (IS_POST) {
         $one = $_POST['nav'][1];
         if (count($one) > 0) {
             M()->execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'user_nav');
             for ($i = 0; $i < count(reset($one)); $i++) {
                 $data[$i] = array('title' => op_t($one['title'][$i]), 'url' => op_t($one['url'][$i]), 'sort' => intval($one['sort'][$i]), 'target' => intval($one['target'][$i]), 'color' => op_t($one['color'][$i]), 'band_text' => op_t($one['band_text'][$i]), 'band_color' => op_t($one['band_color'][$i]), 'icon' => op_t(str_replace('icon-', '', $one['icon'][$i])), 'status' => 1);
                 $pid[$i] = $Channel->add($data[$i]);
             S('common_user_nav', null);
     } else {
         /* 获取频道列表 */
         $map = array('status' => array('gt', -1));
         $list = $Channel->where($map)->order('sort asc,id asc')->select();
         foreach ($list as $k => &$v) {
             $module = D('Module')->where(array('entry' => $v['url']))->find();
             $v['module_name'] = $module['name'];
             unset($key, $val);
         unset($k, $v);
         $this->assign('module', $this->getModules());
         $this->assign('list', $list);
         $this->meta_title = L('_NAVIGATION_MANAGEMENT_');
 public function navigation()
     if (IS_POST) {
         $one = $_POST['nav'][1];
         if (count($one) > 0) {
             D()->execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'mob_channel');
             for ($i = 0; $i < count(reset($one)); $i++) {
                 $data[$i] = array('pid' => 0, 'title' => op_t($one['title'][$i]), 'url' => op_t($one['url'][$i]), 'sort' => intval($one['sort'][$i]), 'target' => intval($one['target'][$i]), 'color' => op_t($one['color'][$i]), 'band_text' => op_t($one['band_text'][$i]), 'band_color' => op_t($one['band_color'][$i]), 'icon' => op_t($one['icon'][$i]), 'status' => 1);
                 $pid[$i] = M('MobChannel')->add($data[$i]);
             $two = $_POST['nav'][2];
             for ($j = 0; $j < count(reset($two)); $j++) {
                 $data_two[$j] = array('pid' => $pid[$two['pid'][$j]], 'title' => op_t($two['title'][$j]), 'url' => op_t($two['url'][$j]), 'sort' => intval($two['sort'][$j]), 'target' => intval($two['target'][$j]), 'color' => op_t($two['color'][$j]), 'band_text' => op_t($two['band_text'][$j]), 'band_color' => op_t($two['band_color'][$j]), 'icon' => op_t($two['icon'][$j]), 'status' => 1);
                 $res[$j] = M('MobChannel')->add($data_two[$j]);
             S('common_nav', null);
     } else {
         /* 获取频道列表 */
         $map = array('status' => array('gt', -1), 'pid' => 0);
         $list = M('MobChannel')->where($map)->order('sort asc,id asc')->select();
         foreach ($list as $k => &$v) {
             $v['module_name'] = explode('/', $v['url']);
             $v['module_name'] = $v['module_name'][1];
         unset($k, $v);
         //  dump($list);exit;
         $this->assign('module', $this->getMobModules());
         $this->assign('list', $list);
         $this->meta_title = '导航管理';
function parse_weibo_mob_content($content)
    $content = shorten_white_space($content);
    $content = op_t($content, false);
    $content = parse_url_link($content);
    $content = parseWeiboContent($content);
    return $content;
 public function parseComment($content)
     $content = shorten_white_space($content);
     $content = op_t($content, false);
     $content = parse_url_link($content);
     $content = parse_expression($content);
     //        $content = parseWeiboContent($content);
     return $content;
예제 #11
function text_part($aContent)
    $arr = array();
    preg_match_all("/<[img|IMG].*?src=[\\'|\"](.*?(?:[\\.gif|\\.jpg|\\.png]))[\\'|\"].*?[\\/]?>/", $aContent, $arr);
    $data['image'] = $arr[1];
    $data['content'] = op_t($aContent);
    return $data;
예제 #12
function parse_weibo_content($content)
    $content = shorten_white_space($content);
    $content = op_t($content, false);
    $content = parse_url_link($content);
    $content = parse_expression($content);
    $content = parse_at_users($content);
    $content = parseWeiboContent($content);
    return $content;
 public function category($category_id = 0)
     $map['category'] = $category_id;
     $map['status'] = 1;
     $questionModel = new QuestionModel();
     $hot_list = $questionModel->getList($map, '*', 5, 'answer_num desc');
     foreach ($hot_list as &$val) {
         $val['info'] = msubstr(op_t($val['description']), 0, 50);
     $this->assign('hot_list', $hot_list);
예제 #14
 public function register($username = '', $nickname = '', $password = '', $repassword = '', $email = '', $verify = '', $type = 'start')
     $type = op_t($type);
     if (!C('USER_ALLOW_REGISTER')) {
     $verifyarr = explode(',', C('VERIFY_OPEN'));
     if (in_array('1', $verifyarr)) {
         $this->assign('isverify', 1);
     } else {
         $this->assign('isverify', 0);
     if (IS_POST) {
         /* 检测验证码 TODO: */
         if (in_array('1', $verifyarr)) {
             if (!$this->check_verify($verify)) {
         if ($password != $repassword) {
         /* 调用注册接口注册用户 */
         $User = new UserApi();
         $uid = $User->register($username, $nickname, $password, $email);
         if (0 < $uid) {
             sendMessage($uid, 0, '注册成功', '恭喜您!您已经注册成功,请尽快<a href="' . U('Ucenter/yzmail') . '">验证邮箱地址</a>,第一时间获取网站动态!', 0);
             $uid = $User->login($username, $password);
             D('Member')->login($uid, false);
             asyn_sendmail($email, 2);
             setuserscore($uid, C('REGSCORE'));
             $this->success('注册成功并登陆!', cookie('referurl'));
         } else {
     } else {
         if (is_login()) {
         if (cookie('referurl') == '') {
             cookie('referurl', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
 public function index($type = 'forum', $page = 1)
     $type = op_t($type);
     $totalCount = 0;
     $list = $this->_getList($type, $totalCount, $page);
     $this->assign('totalCount', $totalCount);
     $this->assign('list', $list);
     $this->assign('type', $type);
 public function render($data)
     $content = '<span class="bld">' . $data['field']['alias'] . '</span>:';
     if ($data['overed'] && $data['field']['over_hidden']) {
         $content .= '<span class="cred" id="' . $data['data']['field']['name'] . '">过期隐藏</span>';
         return $content;
     $content .= '<span  id="' . $data['data']['field']['name'] . '">';
     switch ($data['field']['input_type']) {
         case IT_SINGLE_TEXT:
         case IT_MULTI_TEXT:
             $content .= op_h($data['data']['data'][0]);
         case IT_EDITOR:
             $content .= "<br/>" . op_h($data['data']['data'][0]);
         case IT_DATE:
             $content .= date('Y-m-d', $data['data']['data'][0]);
         case IT_SELECT:
             $content .= op_t($data['data']['data'][0]);
         case IT_RADIO:
             $content .= op_t($data['data']['data'][0]);
         case IT_PIC:
             if (intval($data['data']['data'][0]) == 0) {
                 return '';
             $content .= '<a class="pic_field" target="_blank" href="' . get_cover($data['data']['data'][0], 'path') . '"><img title="点击查看大图"  class="pic_size" src="' . getThumbImageById($data['data']['data'][0], 100, 100) . '"></a>';
         case IT_CHECKBOX:
             $content .= $data['data']['data'][0] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
     $content .= '</span>';
     echo $content;
예제 #17
 function index($page = 1)
     $uid = isset($_GET['uid']) ? op_t($_GET['uid']) : is_login();
     $map['status'] = 1;
     $map['uid'] = $uid;
     $page = intval($page);
     $atlas_list = $this->atlasModel->where($map)->page($page, 10)->order('addtime desc, id desc')->select();
     $totalCount = $this->atlasModel->where($map)->count();
     $list_ids = getSubByKey($atlas_list, 'id');
     $atlas_list = $this->getAtlasByIds($list_ids);
     $this->assign('atlas_list', $atlas_list);
     $this->assign('totalCount', $totalCount);
     $this->assign('current', 'user');
예제 #18
 public function getLZLReplyList($to_f_reply_id, $order, $page = 1, $limit)
     $list = S('post_replylzllist_' . $to_f_reply_id);
     if ($list == null) {
         $list = D('forum_lzl_reply')->where('is_del=0 and to_f_reply_id=' . $to_f_reply_id)->order($order)->select();
         foreach ($list as $k => &$v) {
             $v['userInfo'] = query_user(array('avatar', 'username', 'uid', 'space_url', 'icons_html'), $v['uid']);
             $v['content'] = op_t($v['content']);
         S('post_replylzllist_' . $to_f_reply_id, $list, 60);
     $list = getPage($list, $limit, $page);
     return $list;
  * @param $uid
  * @param $post_id
  * @param $content
  * @param $reply_id
  * @return string
  * @auth 陈一枭
 private function sendReplyMessage($uid, $post_id, $content, $reply_id)
     $limit = 10;
     $map['status'] = 1;
     $map['post_id'] = $post_id;
     $count = M('ForumPostReply')->where($map)->count();
     $pageCount = ceil($count / $limit);
     $user = query_user(array('nickname', 'space_url'), $uid);
     $post = M('ForumPost')->find($post_id);
     $title = $user['nickname'] . '回复了您的帖子。';
     $content = '回复内容:' . mb_substr(op_t($content), 0, 20);
     M('Message')->sendMessage($post['uid'], $title, $content, 'Forum/Index/detail#' . $reply_id, array('id' => $post_id, 'page' => $pageCount), $uid, 2);
     return $pageCount;
예제 #20
 public function find($page = 1, $keywords = '')
     $nickname = op_t($keywords);
     if ($nickname != '') {
         $map['nickname'] = array('like', '%' . $nickname . '%');
     $list = D('Member')->where($map)->findPage(18);
     foreach ($list['data'] as &$v) {
         $v['user'] = query_user(array('avatar128', 'space_url', 'username', 'fans', 'following', 'signature', 'nickname'), $v['uid']);
     $this->assign('lists', $list);
     $this->assign('nickname', $nickname);
예제 #21
 public function sendMessage($content, $to_uids, $talk_id)
     foreach ($to_uids as $uid) {
          * @param $to_uids 接受消息的用户ID
          * @param string $content 内容
          * @param string $title 标题,默认为  您有新的消息
          * @param $url 链接地址,不提供则默认进入消息中心
          * @param $int $from_uid 发起消息的用户,根据用户自动确定左侧图标,如果为用户,则左侧显示头像
          * @param int $type 消息类型,0系统,1用户,2应用
         if ($uid != is_login()) {
             D('Message')->sendMessage($uid, '对话内容:' . op_t($content), '您有新的聊天消息', U('UserCenter/Message/talk', array('talk_id' => $talk_id)), is_login(), 1);
 public function handleAtWho($content, $url = '', $app_name = '')
     $uids = get_at_uids($content);
     $uids = array_unique($uids);
     $sender = query_user(array('username'));
     foreach ($uids as $uid) {
         //$user = D('User/UcenterMember')->find($uid);
         $title = $sender['username'] . '@了您';
         $message = '评论内容:' . mb_substr(op_t($content), 0, 50, 'utf-8');
         if ($url == '') {
             $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
         D('Common/Message')->sendMessage($uid, $message, $title, $url, get_uid(), 0, $app_name);
  * @param $uid
  * @param $post_id
  * @param $content
  * @param $reply_id
  * @return string
  * @auth Rocks
 private function sendReplyMessage($uid, $post_id, $content, $reply_id)
     $limit = 10;
     $map['status'] = 1;
     $map['post_id'] = $post_id;
     $count = D('ForumPostReply')->where($map)->count();
     $pageCount = ceil($count / $limit);
     $user = query_user(array('nickname', 'space_url'), $uid);
     $post = D('ForumPost')->find($post_id);
     $title = $user['nickname'] . '回复了您的帖子。';
     $content = '回复内容:' . mb_substr(op_t($content), 0, 20);
     $url = U('/Team/Forum/detail', array('id' => $post_id, 'page' => $pageCount)) . '#' . $reply_id;
     $from_uid = $uid;
     D('Message')->sendMessage($post['uid'], $content, $title, $url, $from_uid, 2, null, 'reply', $post_id, $reply_id);
     return $url;
예제 #24
 public function doSendLZLReply($post_id, $to_f_reply_id, $to_reply_id, $to_uid, $content, $p = 1)
     $model = D('ForumLzlReply');
     $before = getMyScore();
     $result = $model->addLZLReply($post_id, $to_f_reply_id, $to_reply_id, $to_uid, op_t($content), $p);
     $after = getMyScore();
     if (!$result) {
         $this->error('发布失败:' . $model->getError());
     $totalCount = D('forum_lzl_reply')->where('is_del=0 and to_f_reply_id=' . $to_f_reply_id)->count();
     $limit = 5;
     $pageCount = ceil($totalCount / $limit);
     exit(json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'info' => '回复成功。' . getScoreTip($before, $after), 'url' => $pageCount)));
예제 #25
  * 频道列表
  * @author 麦当苗儿 <*****@*****.**>
 public function index()
     $Channel = D('Channel');
     if (IS_POST) {
         $one = $_POST['nav'][1];
         if (count($one) > 0) {
             M()->execute('TRUNCATE TABLE ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'channel');
             for ($i = 0; $i < count(reset($one)); $i++) {
                 $data[$i] = array('pid' => 0, 'title' => op_t($one['title'][$i]), 'url' => op_t($one['url'][$i]), 'sort' => intval($one['sort'][$i]), 'target' => intval($one['target'][$i]), 'color' => op_t($one['color'][$i]), 'band_text' => op_t($one['band_text'][$i]), 'band_color' => op_t($one['band_color'][$i]), 'icon' => op_t(str_replace('icon-', '', $one['icon'][$i])), 'status' => 1);
                 $pid[$i] = $Channel->add($data[$i]);
             $two = $_POST['nav'][2];
             for ($j = 0; $j < count(reset($two)); $j++) {
                 $data_two[$j] = array('pid' => $pid[$two['pid'][$j]], 'title' => op_t($two['title'][$j]), 'url' => op_t($two['url'][$j]), 'sort' => intval($two['sort'][$j]), 'target' => intval($two['target'][$j]), 'color' => op_t($two['color'][$j]), 'band_text' => op_t($two['band_text'][$j]), 'band_color' => op_t($two['band_color'][$j]), 'icon' => op_t(str_replace('icon-', '', $two['icon'][$j])), 'status' => 1);
                 $res[$j] = $Channel->add($data_two[$j]);
             S('common_nav', null);
     } else {
         /* 获取频道列表 */
         $map = array('status' => array('gt', -1), 'pid' => 0);
         $list = $Channel->where($map)->order('sort asc,id asc')->select();
         foreach ($list as $k => &$v) {
             $module = D('Module')->where(array('entry' => $v['url']))->find();
             $v['module_name'] = $module['name'];
             $child = $Channel->where(array('status' => array('gt', -1), 'pid' => $v['id']))->order('sort asc,id asc')->select();
             foreach ($child as $key => &$val) {
                 $module = D('Module')->where(array('entry' => $val['url']))->find();
                 $val['module_name'] = $module['name'];
             unset($key, $val);
             $child && ($v['child'] = $child);
         unset($k, $v);
         $this->assign('module', $this->getModules());
         $this->assign('list', $list);
         $this->meta_title = '导航管理';
 private function _getList($map, $limit, $order)
     $questionModel = new QuestionModel();
     $questionAnswerModel = new QuestionAnswerModel();
     $list = $questionModel->getList($map, '*', $limit, $order);
     foreach ($list as &$val) {
         $val['info'] = msubstr(op_t($val['description']), 0, 200);
         $val['img'] = get_pic($val['description']);
         $val['user'] = query_user(array('uid', 'space_url', 'nickname', 'avatar64'), $val['uid']);
         if ($val['best_answer']) {
             $val['best_answer_info'] = $questionAnswerModel->getData(array('id' => $val['best_answer'], 'status' => 1));
         } else {
             $val['best_answer_info'] = $questionAnswerModel->getData(array('question_id' => $val['id'], 'status' => 1), 'support desc');
         if ($val['best_answer_info']) {
             $val['best_answer_info']['content'] = msubstr(op_t($val['best_answer_info']['content']), 0, 200);
     return $list;
 private function _getList($map, $page = 1, $r = 20)
     $questionModel = new QuestionModel();
     $questionAnswerModel = new QuestionAnswerModel();
     list($list, $totalCount) = $questionModel->getListPageByMap($map, $page, 'create_time desc', $r, '*');
     foreach ($list as &$val) {
         $val['info'] = msubstr(op_t($val['description']), 0, 200);
         $val['img'] = get_pic($val['description']);
         $val['user'] = query_user(array('uid', 'space_url', 'nickname'), $val['uid']);
         if ($val['best_answer']) {
             $val['best_answer_info'] = $questionAnswerModel->getData(array('id' => $val['best_answer'], 'status' => 1));
         } else {
             $val['best_answer_info'] = $questionAnswerModel->getData(array('question_id' => $val['id'], 'status' => 1), 'support desc');
         if ($val['best_answer_info']) {
             $val['best_answer_info']['content'] = msubstr(op_t($val['best_answer_info']['content']), 0, 200);
     return array($list, $totalCount);
예제 #28
 public function handleAtWho($content, $url = '', $app_name = '', $escap_first = false)
     $uids = get_at_uids($content);
     $uids = array_unique($uids);
     $sender = query_user(array('nickname'));
     $first = true;
     foreach ($uids as $uid) {
         if ($escap_first && $first) {
             $first = false;
         //$user = UCenterMember()->find($uid);
         $title = $sender['nickname'] . '@了您';
         $message = '评论内容:' . mb_substr(op_t($content), 0, 50, 'utf-8');
         if ($url == '') {
             $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
         D('Common/Message')->sendMessage($uid, $message, $title, $url, get_uid(), 0, $app_name);
  * 菜单列表
  * @author patrick <*****@*****.**>
 public function index()
     $cm = D('Mpbase/CustomMenu');
     if (IS_POST) {
         $one = $_POST['cm'][1];
         if (count($one) > 0) {
             $map['token'] = get_token();
             for ($i = 0; $i < count(reset($one)); $i++) {
                 $data[$i] = array('pid' => 0, 'sort' => intval($one['sort'][$i]), 'title' => op_t($one['title'][$i]), 'keyword' => op_t($one['keyword'][$i]), 'url' => op_t($one['url'][$i]), 'token' => op_t($one['token'][$i]), 'type' => op_t($one['type'][$i]), 'status' => 1);
                 $pid[$i] = $cm->add($data[$i]);
             $two = $_POST['cm'][2];
             for ($j = 0; $j < count(reset($two)); $j++) {
                 $data_two[$j] = array('pid' => $pid[$two['pid'][$j]], 'sort' => intval($two['sort'][$j]), 'title' => op_t($two['title'][$j]), 'keyword' => op_t($two['keyword'][$j]), 'url' => op_t($two['url'][$j]), 'token' => op_t($two['token'][$j]), 'type' => op_t($two['type'][$j]), 'status' => 1);
                 $res[$j] = $cm->add($data_two[$j]);
     } else {
         /* 获取菜单列表 */
         $map = array('status' => array('gt', -1), 'token' => get_token(), 'pid' => 0);
         $list = $cm->where($map)->order('sort asc,id asc')->select();
         foreach ($list as $k => &$v) {
             $child = $cm->where(array('status' => array('gt', -1), 'pid' => $v['id']))->order('sort asc,id asc')->select();
             foreach ($child as $key => &$val) {
             unset($key, $val);
             $child && ($v['child'] = $child);
         unset($k, $v);
         $this->assign('type', $cm->getCmType());
         $this->assign('list', $list);
         $this->meta_title = '自定义菜单管理';
예제 #30
 public function createPost($data)
     $at_source = $data['content'];
     $data = $this->create($data);
     if (!$data) {
         return false;
     $content = $this->filterPostContent($data['content']);
     $data['content'] = $content;
     $data['title'] = op_t($data['title']);
     $result = $this->add($data);
     action_log('add_post', 'ForumPost', $result, is_login());
     if (!$result) {
         return false;
     D('Forum')->where(array('id' => $data['forum_id']))->setInc('post_count');
     $this->handlerAt($at_source, $result);
     return $result;