function op_calendar_format_date($date, $format = 'd', $culture = null, $charset = null) { if (!$culture) { $culture = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getCulture(); } switch ($format) { case 'XTime': switch ($culture) { case 'ja_JP': $tmpformat = 'HH時mm分'; break; default: $tmpformat = 'HH:mm'; break; } break; case 'XDate': switch ($culture) { case 'ja_JP': $tmpformat = 'yyyy年MM月dd日'; break; default: $tmpformat = 'd'; break; } break; } $result = op_format_date($date, $tmpformat, $culture, $charset); if (!$result && $format === 'XTime') { switch ($culture) { case 'ja_JP': $result = '--時--分'; break; default: $result = '--:--'; break; } } return $result; }
/** * opChatHelper * * @package opChatPlugin * @subpackage helper * @author Kimura Youichi <*****@*****.**> */ function op_chat_room_link($room, $member_id) { $html = ''; if ($room->is_closed) { $html .= '[終了] '; $linkto = '@chatroom_log?id=' . $room->id; } else { $linkto = '@chatroom_login?id=' . $room->id; } $title = !is_null($room->open_date) && !$room->isOpened() ? $room->title : op_chat_get_title_and_count($room); if ($room->isOpened()) { $html .= link_to($title, $linkto, array('title' => '最終投稿日時: ' . op_format_date($room->getLastPostDate(), 'f'))); } else { $html .= $title; } if (!is_null($room->open_date)) { $html .= ' (開始: ' . $room->open_date . ')'; } if ($room->isEditable($member_id)) { $html .= ' ' . link_to('[編集]', '@chatroom_edit?id=' . $room->id); } return $html; }
<p>現在のインポート待ち件数: <strong><?php echo count($queue); ?> </strong> 件</p> </div> <ol> <?php foreach ($queue as $job) { ?> <li> <?php echo $job->File->original_filename; ?> (アップロード: <?php echo op_format_date($job->File->created_at, 'f'); ?> ) </li> <?php } ?> </ol> <?php end_slot(); ?> <?php op_include_box('import_queue', get_slot('queue'), array('title' => 'インポート待ちのファイル')); ?>
<?php use_helper('opDiary'); ?> <?php if (count($diaryList)) { $list = array(); foreach ($diaryList as $diary) { $list[] = sprintf('[%s] %s', op_format_date($diary->created_at, 'XShortDate'), link_to(op_diary_get_title_and_count($diary, false, 28), 'diary_show', $diary)); } $moreInfo = array(); $moreInfo[] = link_to(__('More'), '@diary_list_member?id=' . $memberId); $options = array('title' => __('Recently Posted Diaries'), 'border' => true, 'moreInfo' => $moreInfo); op_include_list('memberDiaryList', $list, $options); }
<?php $acl = opCommunityTopicAclBuilder::buildResource($communityTopic, array($sf_user->getMember())); op_mobile_page_title($community->getName(), $communityTopic->getName()); ?> <?php echo op_within_page_link(); echo op_format_date($communityTopic->getCreatedAt(), 'MM/dd HH:mm'); if ($communityTopic->getMemberId() === $sf_user->getMemberId()) { } ?> <br> <?php if ($communityTopic->getMember() && $communityTopic->getMember()->getName()) { echo link_to($communityTopic->getMember()->getName(), 'member/profile?id=' . $communityTopic->getMember()->getId()); } if ($communityTopic->isEditable($sf_user->getMemberId())) { ?> [<?php echo link_to(__('Edit'), '@communityTopic_edit?id=' . $communityTopic->getId()); ?> ] <?php } ?> <br> <?php echo nl2br($communityTopic->getBody()); ?> <br>
<?php use_helper('opCommunityTopic'); $comment->state(Doctrine_RECORD::STATE_CLEAN); echo op_within_page_link(); ?> [<?php printf('%03d', $comment->getNumber()); ?> ]<?php echo op_format_date($comment->getCreatedAt(), 'MM/dd HH:mm'); if ($comment->isDeletable($sf_user->getMemberId())) { ?> [<?php echo link_to(__('Delete'), '@communityTopic_comment_delete_confirm?id=' . $comment->getId()); ?> ] <?php } ?> <br> <?php echo op_community_topic_link_to_member($comment->getMember()); ?> <br> <?php echo op_auto_link_text_for_mobile(nl2br($comment->getBody())); ?> <?php if (count($comment->getImages())) {
$title = __('Diary Comment History'); if ($pager->getNbResults()) { ?> <div class="dparts recentList"><div class="parts"> <div class="partsHeading"><h3><?php echo $title; ?> </h3></div> <?php op_include_pager_navigation($pager, '@diary_comment_history?page=%d'); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $diaryCommentUpdate) { $diary = $diaryCommentUpdate->Diary; ?> <dl> <dt><?php echo op_format_date($diaryCommentUpdate->last_comment_time, 'XDateTimeJa'); ?> </dt> <dd><?php echo op_diary_link_to_show($diary, true, false); ?> </dd> </dl> <?php } op_include_pager_navigation($pager, '@diary_comment_history?page=%d'); ?> </div></div> <?php } else { op_include_box('diaryList', __('There are no diaries.'), array('title' => $title));
slot('pager'); op_include_pager_navigation($pager, '@vote_list?page=%d'); end_slot(); ?> <div class="dparts recentList"><div class="parts"> <div class="partsHeading"> <h3>質問リスト</h3> </div> <?php include_slot('pager'); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $item) { ?> <dl> <dt><?php echo op_format_date($item->getUpdatedAt(), 'f'); ?> </dt> <dd><?php echo link_to(sprintf("%s(%d)", $item->getTitle(), count($item->getVoteAnswers())), '@vote_show?id=' . $item->getId()); ?> </dd> </dl> <?php } include_slot('pager'); ?> </div> </div> <?php
$ageValue = __('%1% years old', array('%1%' => $member->getAge())); if ($member->getConfig('age_public_flag') == ProfileTable::PUBLIC_FLAG_FRIEND) { $ageValue .= ' (' . __('Only Open to %my_friend%', array('%my_friend%' => $op_term['my_friend']->titleize()->pluralize())) . ')'; } $list[__('Age')] = $ageValue; } foreach ($member->getProfiles(true) as $profile) { $caption = $profile->getCaption(); $value = $profile; if ($profile->getProfile()->isPreset()) { $presetConfig = $profile->getProfile()->getPresetConfig(); $caption = __($presetConfig['Caption']); if ($profile->getFormType() === 'country_select') { $value = __($culture->getCountry((string) $profile)); } elseif ('op_preset_birthday' === $profile->getName()) { $value = op_format_date((string) $profile, 'XShortDateJa'); } else { $value = __((string) $profile); } } if ($member->getId() == $sf_user->getMemberId() && $profile->getPublicFlag() == ProfileTable::PUBLIC_FLAG_FRIEND) { $value .= '<font color="' . $op_color["core_color_22"] . '">(' . __('Only Open to %my_friend%') . ')</font><br>'; } elseif ($member->getId() == $sf_user->getMemberId() && $profile->getPublicFlag() == ProfileTable::PUBLIC_FLAG_WEB) { $value .= '<font color="' . $op_color["core_color_22"] . '">(' . __('All Users on the Web') . ')</font><br>'; } $list[$caption] = $value; } ?> <?php foreach ($list as $caption => $value) {
echo link_to(__('Newer'), '@diary_show?id=' . $diary->id . '&page=' . $pager->getNewerPage() . '&size=' . $size . '&order=' . $order); ?> </p><?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php foreach ($pager->getResults() as $comment) { ?> <dl> <dt><?php echo nl2br(op_format_date($comment->created_at, 'XDateTimeJaBr')); ?> </dt> <dd> <div class="title"> <p class="heading"><strong><?php echo $comment->number; ?> </strong>: <?php echo op_link_to_member($comment->Member); if ($diary->member_id === $sf_user->getMemberId() || $comment->member_id === $sf_user->getMemberId()) { ?> <?php echo link_to(__('Delete'), 'diary_comment_delete_confirm', $comment); }
<?php $acl = opCommunityTopicAclBuilder::buildCollection($community, array($sf_user->getMember())); ?> <?php if ($acl->isAllowed($sf_user->getMemberId(), null, 'view')) { use_helper('Date'); $list = array(); foreach ($communityEvents as $communityEvent) { $list[] = sprintf("[%s] %s", op_format_date($communityEvent->getUpdatedAt(), 'XShortDate'), link_to(sprintf("%s(%d)", op_truncate($communityEvent->getName(), 28), $communityEvent->getCommunityEventComment()->count()), '@communityEvent_show?id=' . $communityEvent->getId())); } $moreInfo = array(); if (count($communityEvents)) { $moreInfo[] = link_to(__('More'), '@communityEvent_list_community?id=' . $community->getId()); } if ($acl->isAllowed($sf_user->getMemberId(), null, 'add')) { $moreInfo[] = link_to(__('Create a new event'), '@communityEvent_new?id=' . $community->getId()); } $option = array('title' => __('Recently Posted This %Community% Events'), 'border' => true, 'moreInfo' => $moreInfo); op_include_list('communityEvent', $list, $option); }
function op_format_activity_time($from_time, $to_time = null) { use_helper('Date'); $to_time = $to_time ? $to_time : time(); $distance_in_minutes = floor(abs($to_time - $from_time) / 60); if ($distance_in_minutes >= 1440) { return op_format_date($from_time, 'XDateTime'); } else { return op_distance_of_time_in_words($from_time, $to_time, true); } }
<?php if (count($communityTopic)) { $list = array(); foreach ($communityTopic as $topic) { $list[] = sprintf("[%s] %s<br>%s", op_format_date($topic->getUpdatedAt(), 'XShortDate'), $topic->getCommunity()->getName(), link_to(sprintf("%s(%d)", op_truncate($topic->getName(), 28), $topic->getCommunityTopicComment()->count()), '@communityTopic_show?id=' . $topic->getId())); } $options = array('title' => __('Recently Posted %Community% Topics'), 'border' => true, 'moreInfo' => array(link_to(__('More'), 'communityTopic_recently_topic_list'))); op_include_list('communityList', $list, $options); ?> <?php }
use_helper('opDiary'); ?> <?php if ($pager->getNbResults()) { ?> <center> <?php op_include_pager_total($pager); ?> </center> <?php $list = array(); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $diary) { $list[] = sprintf("%s<br>%s (%s)", op_format_date($diary->created_at, 'XDateTime'), link_to(op_diary_get_title_and_count($diary, false, 28), 'diary_show', $diary), $diary->Member->name); } $options = array('border' => true); op_include_list('diaryList', $list, $options); echo op_include_pager_navigation($pager, '@diary_list_friend?page=%d', array('is_total' => false)); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo __('There are no diaries.'); ?> <?php
use_helper('Date', 'opCommunityTopic'); ?> <?php $body = ''; $images = $communityEvent->getImages(); if (count($images)) { $body .= '<ul class="photo">'; foreach ($images as $image) { $body .= '<li><a href="' . sf_image_path($image->File) . '" target="_blank">' . image_tag_sf_image($image->File, array('size' => '120x120')) . '</a></li>'; } $body .= '</ul>'; } $body .= nl2br($communityEvent->getBody()); $list = array('Writer' => op_community_topic_link_to_member($communityEvent->getMember()), 'Name' => $communityEvent->getName(), 'Open date' => op_format_date($communityEvent->getOpenDate(), 'D') . ($communityEvent->getOpenDate() ? ' ' . $communityEvent->getOpenDateComment() : ''), 'Area' => op_url_cmd($communityEvent->getArea()), 'Body' => op_url_cmd($body), 'Application deadline' => op_format_date($communityEvent->getApplicationDeadline(), 'D'), 'Capacity' => $communityEvent->getCapacity(), 'Count of Member' => $communityEvent->getCommunityEventMember()->count()); if ($list['Count of Member']) { $list['Count of Member'] .= '(' . link_to(__('See Member List'), '@communityEvent_memberList?id=' . $communityEvent->getId()) . ')'; } $i18nlist = array(); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $i18nlist[__($key, array(), 'community_event_form')] = $value; } $options = array('title' => '[' . $community->getName() . '] ' . __('Event'), 'list' => $i18nlist); op_include_parts('listBox', 'communityEvent', $options); ?> <?php if ($communityEvent->isEditable($sf_user->getMemberId())) { ?>
<div class="dparts monthlyCalendarTable"><div class="parts"> <div class="partsHeading"><h3><?php $is_community ? printf('[%s] ', $community->name) : ''; echo format_number_choice('[0]%ym%|[1]%ym% of %f%', array('%ym%' => op_format_date(mktime(0, 0, 0, $ym['month_disp'], 1, $ym['year_disp']), 'XCalendarMonth'), '%f%' => $member->name), $is_community ? 1 : $isSelf ? 0 : 1); ?> </h3></div> <?php if (!$is_community && $isSelf && opConfig::get('op_calendar_google_data_api_is_active', false)) { ?> <div class="block topBox"> <p class="note_schedule"> <?php if (opGoogleCalendarOAuth::getInstance()->isNeedRedirection()) { ?> <?php echo link_to(__('Enable to Google Calendar\'s permission settings'), '@calendar_api'); } else { ?> <?php echo link_to(__('Add schedule to Google Calendar'), '@calendar_api_import'); } ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="block topBox"> <?php if (!$is_community && $isSelf) {
<?php use_helper('opDiary'); ?> <?php if (count($diaryList)) { $list = array(); foreach ($diaryList as $diary) { $list[] = sprintf("[%s] %s<br>%s", op_format_date($diary->created_at, 'XShortDate'), $diary->Member->name, link_to(op_diary_get_title_and_count($diary, false, 28), 'diary_show', $diary)); } $moreInfo = array(); $moreInfo[] = link_to(__('More'), 'diary/listFriend'); $options = array('title' => __('Recently Posted Diaries of %my_friend%', array('%my_friend%' => $op_term['my_friend']->pluralize()->titleize())), 'border' => true, 'moreInfo' => $moreInfo); op_include_list('friendDiaryList', $list, $options); }
op_mobile_page_title(__('Recently Posted %Community% Events')); ?> <?php if ($pager->getNbResults()) { use_helper('Date'); ?> <center> <?php echo pager_total($pager); ?> </center> <?php $list = array(); foreach ($pager->getResults() as $event) { $list[] = sprintf("%s<br>%s (%s)", op_format_date($event->getUpdatedAt(), 'XDateTime'), link_to(sprintf("%s(%d)", op_truncate($event->getName(), 28), $event->getCommunityEventComment()->count()), '@communityEvent_show?id=' . $event->getId()), op_truncate($event->getCommunity()->getName(), 28)); } $options = array('border' => true); op_include_list('communityList', $list, $options); ?> <?php if ($pager->haveToPaginate()) { op_include_pager_navigation($pager, '@communityEvent_recently_event_list?page=%d', array('is_total' => false)); } ?> <?php }
use_helper('Javascript', 'opUtil', 'opAsset'); ?> <hr class="toumei" /> <div class="row"> <div class="gadget_header span12">コミュニティイベント一覧</div> </div> <hr class="toumei" /> <div id="eventList" style="margin-left: 0px;"> <?php foreach ($communityEvents as $key => $communityEvent) { ?> <div class="row"> <div class="span3"> <?php echo op_format_date($communityEvent->getUpdatedAt(), 'XShortDateJa'); ?> </div> <div class="span9"> <?php echo link_to(sprintf('%s', op_truncate($communityEvent->getName(), 36)), '@communityEvent_show?id=' . $communityEvent->getId()); ?> (<?php echo $communityEvent->getCommunity()->getName(); ?> ) </div> </div> <?php } ?>
<?php use_helper('opMessage'); echo op_format_date($message->getCreatedAt(), 'XDateTime'); ?> <br> <?php echo sprintf('%s (%s)', link_to(op_truncate($message->getSubject(), 28), '@readDustMessage?id=' . $message->getViewMessageId()), op_message_link_to_member($message->getSendFromOrTo()));
public function postInsert($event) { if (Doctrine::getTable('SnsConfig')->get('op_community_topic_plugin_update_activity', false) && defined('OPENPNE_VERSION') && version_compare(OPENPNE_VERSION, '3.6beta1-dev', '>=')) { sfContext::getInstance()->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers(array('Helper', 'opUtil')); $open = op_format_date($this->getOpenDate(), 'D') . ($this->getOpenDate() ? ' ' . $this->getOpenDateComment() : ''); $body = '[%Community% Event] (' . $this->getCommunity()->getName() . ' %community%) ' . $this->name . ' (open ' . $open . ')'; $options = array('public_flag' => $this->getCommunity()->getConfig('public_flag') === 'public' ? 1 : 3, 'uri' => '@communityEvent_show?id=' . $this->id, 'source' => 'CommunityEvent', 'template' => 'community_event', 'template_param' => array('%1%' => $this->getCommunity()->getName(), '%2%' => $this->name, '%3%' => $open)); Doctrine::getTable('ActivityData')->updateActivity($this->member_id, $body, $options); } }
</tr> <tr> <th><?php echo __('Public flag'); ?> </th> <td colspan="2"><?php echo $album->getPublicFlagLabel(); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo __('Created at'); ?> </th> <td colspan="2"><?php echo op_format_date($album->getCreatedAt(), 'XDateTimeJa'); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } echo op_include_pager_navigation($pager, 'album/listMember?page=%d&id=' . $member->getId()); ?> </div></div> <?php } else { op_include_box('albumList', __('There are no albums.'), array('title' => $title)); }
<table width="100%" bgcolor="<?php echo $op_color["core_color_4"]; ?> "> <tr><td colspan="2" align="center"> <?php include_customizes('menu', 'top'); ?> <hr color="<?php echo $op_color["core_color_11"]; ?> " size="3"> </td></tr> <?php $list = array(__('%community% Name') => $community->getName(), __('%community% Category', array(), 'form_community') => $community->getCommunityCategory(), __('Date Created') => op_format_date($community->getCreatedAt(), 'D'), __('Administrator') => op_link_to_member($community_admin->getId()), __('Count of Members') => $community->countCommunityMembers()); foreach ($community->getConfigs() as $key => $config) { $list[__($key, array(), 'form_community')] = $config; } $list[__('Register policy', array(), 'form_community')] = __($sf_data->getRaw('community')->getRegisterPolicy()); $list[__('%community% Description', array(), 'form_community')] = nl2br($community->getConfig('description')); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { ?> <font color="<?php echo $op_color["core_color_19"]; ?> "><?php echo $key; ?> :</font><br> <?php
<table width="100%" bgcolor="<?php echo $op_color["core_color_4"]; ?> "> <tr><td colspan="2" align="center"> <?php include_customizes('menu', 'top'); ?> <hr color="<?php echo $op_color["core_color_11"]; ?> " size="3"> </td></tr> <?php $list = array(__('%community% Name') => $community->getName(), __('%community% Category', array(), 'form_community') => $community->getCommunityCategory(), __('Date Created') => op_format_date($community->getCreatedAt(), 'D'), __('Administrator') => op_link_to_member($communityAdmin)); $subAdminCaption = array(); foreach ($communitySubAdmins as $m) { $subAdminCaption[] = op_link_to_member($m); } if (count($subAdminCaption)) { $list[__('Sub Administrator')] = implode("<br>\n", $subAdminCaption); } $list[__('Count of Members')] = $community->countCommunityMembers(); foreach ($community->getConfigs() as $key => $config) { $list[__($key, array(), 'form_community')] = $config; } $list[__('Register policy', array(), 'form_community')] = __($sf_data->getRaw('community')->getRegisterPolicy()); $list[__('%community% Description', array(), 'form_community')] = op_auto_link_text_for_mobile(nl2br($community->getConfig('description'))); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { ?>
<?php /* ** added for opNicePlugin ** */ include_customizes("topicDetailBox", "top"); ?> <div class="dparts topicDetailBox"><div class="parts"> <div class="partsHeading"> <h3><?php echo '[' . $community->getName() . '] ' . __('Topic'); ?> </h3> </div> <dl> <dt><?php echo nl2br(op_format_date($communityTopic->getCreatedAt(), 'XDateTimeJaBr')); ?> </dt> <dd> <div class="title"> <p><?php echo $communityTopic->getName(); ?> </p> </div> <div class="name"> <p><?php if ($_member = $communityTopic->getMember()) { echo link_to($_member->getName(), 'member/profile?id=' . $_member->getId()); } ?>
<div id="homeRecentList_<?php echo $gadget->id; ?> " class="dparts homeRecentList"><div class="parts"> <div class="partsHeading"><h3><?php echo __('Recently Posted Diaries of All'); ?> </h3></div> <div class="block"> <ul class="articleList"> <?php foreach ($diaryList as $diary) { ?> <li><span class="date"><?php echo op_format_date($diary->created_at, 'XShortDateJa'); ?> </span><?php echo op_diary_link_to_show($diary); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="moreInfo"> <ul class="moreInfo"> <li><?php echo link_to(__('More'), 'diary/list'); ?>
<?php op_mobile_page_title(__('Diary of %1%', array('%1%' => $member->name)), $diary->title); use_helper('opDiary'); ?> <?php echo op_within_page_link(); echo op_format_date($diary->created_at, 'XDateTime'); if ($diary->member_id === $sf_user->getMemberId()) { ?> [<?php echo link_to(__('Edit'), 'diary_edit', $diary); ?> ][<?php echo link_to(__('Delete'), 'diary_delete_confirm', $diary); ?> ] <?php } ?> <br> <?php echo op_decoration(nl2br($diary->body)); ?> <br> <?php if ($diary->has_images) { foreach ($diary->getDiaryImages() as $image) {
<?php echo op_within_page_link(); ?> [<?php printf('%03d', $comment->number); ?> ]<?php echo op_format_date($comment->created_at, 'XDateTime'); if ($diary->member_id === $sf_user->getMemberId() || $comment->member_id === $sf_user->getMemberId()) { ?> [<?php echo link_to(__('Delete'), 'diary_comment_delete_confirm', $comment); ?> ] <?php } ?> <br> <?php echo op_link_to_member($comment->Member); ?> <br> <?php echo op_auto_link_text_for_mobile(nl2br($comment->body)); ?> <br> <?php if ($comment->has_images) { foreach ($comment->getDiaryCommentImagesJoinFile() as $image) { echo link_to(__('View Image'), sf_image_path($image->File, array('size' => '240x320', 'f' => 'jpg')));
?> <div id="homeRecentList_<?php echo $gadget->getId(); ?> " class="dparts homeRecentList"><div class="parts"> <div class="partsHeading"><h3><?php echo __('Recently Created Plugins'); ?> </h3></div> <div class="block"> <ul class="articleList"> <?php foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { ?> <li><span class="date"><?php echo op_format_date($plugin->created_at, 'XShortDateJa'); ?> </span> <?php echo link_to($plugin->name, 'package_home', $plugin); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="moreInfo"> <ul class="moreInfo"> <li><?php echo link_to(__('More'), '@package_search'); ?>
<?php use_helper('Date'); ?> <?php $list = array('Name' => $communityEvent->getName(), 'Open date' => op_format_date($communityEvent->getOpenDate(), 'D'), 'Area' => $communityEvent->getArea(), 'Body' => nl2br($communityEvent->getBody()), 'Application deadline' => op_format_date($communityEvent->getApplicationDeadline(), 'D'), 'Capacity' => $communityEvent->getCapacity(), 'Count of Member' => $communityEvent->getCommunityEventMember()->count()); if ($list['Count of Member']) { $list['Count of Member'] .= '(' . link_to(__('See Member List'), '@communityEvent_memberList?id=' . $communityEvent->getId()) . ')'; } $i18nlist = array(); foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $i18nlist[__($key, array(), 'community_event_form')] = $value; } $options = array('title' => '[' . $community->getName() . '] ' . __('Event'), 'list' => $i18nlist); op_include_parts('listBox', 'communityEvent', $options); ?> <?php if ($communityEvent->isEditable($sf_user->getMemberId())) { ?> <div class="operation"> <form action="<?php echo url_for('@communityEvent_edit?id=' . $communityEvent->getId()); ?> " method="get"> <ul class="moreInfo button"> <li><input class="input_submit" type="submit" value="<?php echo __('Edit'); ?>