/** * main action */ public function mainAction() { if ($customer_data = $_POST['client']['customer']) { require_once 'models/client/client_customer.php'; $Customer = new client_customer(); if ($id = $Customer->registerCustomer($customer_data)) { onxshop_flush_cache(); onxshopGoTo("/backoffice/customers/{$id}/detail"); } else { msg("Cannot add user", 'error'); } } return true; }
/** * flushCache */ public function flushCache() { onxshop_flush_cache(); }
/** * main action */ public function mainAction() { set_time_limit(0); require_once 'models/common/common_file.php'; $File = new common_file(); $tool = $this->GET['tool']; switch ($tool) { case 'uri': require_once 'models/common/common_uri_mapping.php'; $CommonURIMapping = new common_uri_mapping(); $CommonURIMapping->generateAndSaveURITable(); msg("Nice URLs has been completely generated"); break; case 'flush_thumb': if ($File->rm(ONXSHOP_PROJECT_DIR . "var/thumbnails/*")) { msg("All image thumbnails have been deleted"); } else { "Flushing thumbnails failed"; } break; case 'flush_tmp': if ($File->rm(ONXSHOP_PROJECT_DIR . "var/tmp/*")) { msg("Temp directory has been cleaned"); } else { "Flushing temp dir failed"; } break; case 'flush_cache': if (onxshop_flush_cache()) { msg("Cache has been refreshed"); } else { msg("Flushing cache failed"); } break; case 'flush_api_cache': if (is_numeric($GLOBALS['onxshop_conf']['common_configuration']['api_data_version'])) { $current_api_data_version = $GLOBALS['onxshop_conf']['common_configuration']['api_data_version']; } else { $current_api_data_version = 1; } $api_data_version = $current_api_data_version + 1; $Configuration = new common_configuration(); if ($Configuration->saveConfig('common_configuration', 'api_data_version', $api_data_version)) { msg("Data version of API has increased to {$api_data_version}"); if (onxshop_flush_cache()) { msg("Cache has been refreshed"); } else { msg("Flushing cache failed"); } } break; case 'find_hard_links': require_once 'models/common/common_node.php'; $Node = new common_node(); $hard_links = $Node->findHardLinks(); foreach ($hard_links as $hard_link) { $this->tpl->assign('ITEM', $hard_link); $this->tpl->parse('content.hard_links.item'); } $this->tpl->parse('content.hard_links'); break; case 'delete_orphaned_baskets': require_once 'models/ecommerce/ecommerce_basket.php'; $Basket = new ecommerce_basket(); if ($Basket->deleteOrphanedAnonymouseBaskets()) { msg('Deleted orphaned baskets older than two weeks'); } break; case 'backup': $_Onxshop = new Onxshop_Request("bo/component/backup"); $this->tpl->assign('SUB_CONTENT', $_Onxshop->getContent()); break; default: $this->tpl->parse('content.menu'); break; } return true; }