/** * Crop an uploaded avatar * * $args has the following parameters: * object - What component the avatar is for, e.g. "user" * avatar_dir The absolute path to the avatar * item_id - Item ID * original_file - The absolute path to the original avatar file * crop_w - Crop width * crop_h - Crop height * crop_x - The horizontal starting point of the crop * crop_y - The vertical starting point of the crop * * @global object $bp BuddyPress global settings * @param mixed $args * @return bool Success/failure */ function bp_core_avatar_handle_crop($args = '') { global $bp; $defaults = array('object' => 'user', 'avatar_dir' => 'avatars', 'item_id' => false, 'original_file' => false, 'crop_w' => bp_core_avatar_full_width(), 'crop_h' => bp_core_avatar_full_height(), 'crop_x' => 0, 'crop_y' => 0); $r = nxt_parse_args($args, $defaults); /*** * You may want to hook into this filter if you want to override this function. * Make sure you return false. */ if (!apply_filters('bp_core_pre_avatar_handle_crop', true, $r)) { return true; } extract($r, EXTR_SKIP); if (!$original_file) { return false; } $original_file = bp_core_avatar_upload_path() . $original_file; if (!file_exists($original_file)) { return false; } if (!$item_id) { $avatar_folder_dir = apply_filters('bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', dirname($original_file), $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir); } else { $avatar_folder_dir = apply_filters('bp_core_avatar_folder_dir', bp_core_avatar_upload_path() . '/' . $avatar_dir . '/' . $item_id, $item_id, $object, $avatar_dir); } if (!file_exists($avatar_folder_dir)) { return false; } require_once ABSPATH . '/nxt-admin/includes/image.php'; require_once ABSPATH . '/nxt-admin/includes/file.php'; // Delete the existing avatar files for the object bp_core_delete_existing_avatar(array('object' => $object, 'avatar_path' => $avatar_folder_dir)); // Make sure we at least have a width and height for cropping if (!(int) $crop_w) { $crop_w = bp_core_avatar_full_width(); } if (!(int) $crop_h) { $crop_h = bp_core_avatar_full_height(); } // Set the full and thumb filenames $full_filename = nxt_hash($original_file . time()) . '-bpfull.jpg'; $thumb_filename = nxt_hash($original_file . time()) . '-bpthumb.jpg'; // Crop the image $full_cropped = nxt_crop_image($original_file, (int) $crop_x, (int) $crop_y, (int) $crop_w, (int) $crop_h, bp_core_avatar_full_width(), bp_core_avatar_full_height(), false, $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $full_filename); $thumb_cropped = nxt_crop_image($original_file, (int) $crop_x, (int) $crop_y, (int) $crop_w, (int) $crop_h, bp_core_avatar_thumb_width(), bp_core_avatar_thumb_height(), false, $avatar_folder_dir . '/' . $thumb_filename); // Remove the original @unlink($original_file); return true; }
/** * Display third step of custom header image page. * * @since 2.1.0 */ function step_3() { check_admin_referer('custom-header-crop-image'); if (!current_theme_supports('custom-header-uploads')) { nxt_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); } if ($_POST['oitar'] > 1) { $_POST['x1'] = $_POST['x1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['y1'] = $_POST['y1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['width'] = $_POST['width'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['height'] = $_POST['height'] * $_POST['oitar']; } $attachment_id = absint($_POST['attachment_id']); $original = get_attached_file($attachment_id); $cropped = nxt_crop_image($attachment_id, (int) $_POST['x1'], (int) $_POST['y1'], (int) $_POST['width'], (int) $_POST['height'], HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT); if (is_nxt_error($cropped)) { nxt_die(__('Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.'), __('Image Processing Error')); } $cropped = apply_filters('nxt_create_file_in_uploads', $cropped, $attachment_id); // For replication $parent = get_post($attachment_id); $parent_url = $parent->guid; $url = str_replace(basename($parent_url), basename($cropped), $parent_url); // Construct the object array $object = array('ID' => $attachment_id, 'post_title' => basename($cropped), 'post_content' => $url, 'post_mime_type' => 'image/jpeg', 'guid' => $url, 'context' => 'custom-header'); // Update the attachment nxt_insert_attachment($object, $cropped); nxt_update_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, nxt_generate_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $cropped)); update_post_meta($attachment_id, '_nxt_attachment_is_custom_header', get_option('stylesheet')); set_theme_mod('header_image', $url); // cleanup $medium = str_replace(basename($original), 'midsize-' . basename($original), $original); @unlink(apply_filters('nxt_delete_file', $medium)); @unlink(apply_filters('nxt_delete_file', $original)); return $this->finished(); }