예제 #1
	function &getTopicsList($frontpage=false,$perms=false)
		$sql='SELECT topic_id, topic_pid, topic_title, topic_color FROM '.$this->table." WHERE 1 ";
		if($frontpage) {
			$sql .= " AND topic_frontpage=1";
		if($perms) {
            if (count($topicsids) == 0) {
            	return '';
            $topics = implode(',', $topicsids);
            $sql .= " AND topic_id IN (".$topics.")";
		$result = $this->db->query($sql);
		$ret = array();
		$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
		while ($myrow = $this->db->fetchArray($result)) {
			$ret[$myrow['topic_id']] = array('title' => $myts->displayTarea($myrow['topic_title']), 'pid' => $myrow['topic_pid'], 'color'=> $myrow['topic_color']);
		return $ret;
예제 #2
 	 * Returns stories by Ids
	function getStoriesByIds($ids, $checkRight = true, $asobject = true, $order = 'published', $onlyOnline = true)
		$limit = $start = 0;
		$db =& Database::getInstance();
		$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
		$ret = array();
		$sql = 'SELECT s.*, t.* FROM '.$db->prefix('nw_stories').' s, '. $db->prefix('nw_topics').' t WHERE ';
		if(is_array($ids) && count($ids) > 0) {
			array_walk($ids, 'intval');
		$sql .= ' s.storyid IN ('.implode(',', $ids).') ';

		if($onlyOnline) {
			$sql .= ' AND (s.published > 0 AND s.published <= '.time().') AND (s.expired = 0 OR s.expired > '.time().') ';
		$sql .= ' AND (s.topicid=t.topic_id) ';
	    if($checkRight) {
	        $topics = nw_MygetItemIds('nw_view');
	        if(count($topics)>0) {
	        	$topics = implode(',', $topics);
	        	$sql .= ' AND s.topicid IN ('.$topics.')';
	        } else {
	        	return null;
 		$sql .= " ORDER BY s.$order DESC";
		$result = $db->query($sql,intval($limit),intval($start));

		while ( $myrow = $db->fetchArray($result) ) {
			if ($asobject) {
				$ret[$myrow['storyid']] = new nw_NewsStory($myrow);
			} else {
				$ret[$myrow['storyid']] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($myrow['title']);
		return $ret;
예제 #3
 	* Returns published stories according to some options
	function getAllPublished($limit=0, $selected_stories=true, $start=0, $checkRight=false, $topic=0, $ihome=0, $asobject=true, $order = 'published', $topic_frontpage=false)
		$db =& Database::getInstance();
		$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
		$ret = array();
		$sql = 'SELECT s.*, t.* FROM '.$db->prefix('nw_stories').' s, '. $db->prefix('nw_topics').' t WHERE (s.published > 0 AND s.published <= '.time().') AND (s.expired = 0 OR s.expired > '.time().') AND (s.topicid=t.topic_id) ';
		if ($topic != 0) {
		if($selected_stories) {
			$sql .=' AND s.storyid IN ('.$selected_stories.')';
		if (!is_array($topic)) {
		    	if($checkRight) {
        			$topics = nw_MygetItemIds('nw_view');
		    		if(!in_array ($topic,$topics)) {
		    			return null;
		    		} else {
		    			$sql .= ' AND s.topicid='.intval($topic).' AND (s.ihome=1 OR s.ihome=0)';
		    	} else {
		        	$sql .= ' AND s.topicid='.intval($topic).' AND (s.ihome=1 OR s.ihome=0)';
		    } else {
				if($checkRight) {
					$topics = nw_MygetItemIds('nw_view');
		    		$topic = array_intersect($topic,$topics);
		    	if(count($topic)>0) {
		        	$sql .= ' AND s.topicid IN ('.implode(',', $topic).')';
		    	} else {
		    		return null;
		} else {
		    if($checkRight) {
		        $topics = nw_MygetItemIds('nw_view');
		        if(count($topics)>0) {
		        	$topics = implode(',', $topics);
		        	$sql .= ' AND s.topicid IN ('.$topics.')';
		        } else {
		        	return null;
			if (intval($ihome) == 0) {
				$sql .= ' AND s.ihome=0';
		if($topic_frontpage) {
			$sql .=' AND t.topic_frontpage=1';
 		$sql .= " ORDER BY s.$order DESC";
		$result = $db->query($sql,intval($limit),intval($start));

		while ( $myrow = $db->fetchArray($result) ) {
			if ($asobject) {
				$ret[] = new nw_Latestnewsstory($myrow);
			} else {
				$ret[$myrow['storyid']] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars($myrow['title']);
		return $ret;
예제 #4
* Notes about the spotlight :
* If you have restricted topics on index page (in fact if the program must completly respect the permissions) and if
* the news you have selected to be viewed in the spotlight can't be viewed by someone then the spotlight is not visible !
* This is available in the classical and in the tabbed view.
* But if you have uncheck the option "Restrict topics on index page", then the news will be visible but users without
* permissions will be rejected when they will try to read news content.
* Also, if you have selected a tabbed view and wanted to use the Spotlight but did not choosed a story, then the block
* will switch to the "most recent news" mode (the visible news will be searched according to the permissions)
function nw_b_news_top_show($options) {
	global $xoopsConfig;
    include_once NW_MODULE_PATH . '/include/functions.php';
	$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
	$block = array();
	$displayname = nw_getmoduleoption('displayname', NW_MODULE_DIR_NAME);
	$tabskin = nw_getmoduleoption('tabskin', NW_MODULE_DIR_NAME);

	if (file_exists(NW_MODULE_PATH . '/language/'.$xoopsConfig['language'].'/main.php')) {
		include_once NW_MODULE_PATH . '/language/'.$xoopsConfig['language'].'/main.php';
	} else {
		include_once NW_MODULE_PATH . '/language/english/main.php';

	$block['imagesurl']= NW_MODULE_URL . '/images/';
	$block['newsmodule_url']= NW_MODULE_URL;

	$restricted=nw_getmoduleoption('restrictindex', NW_MODULE_DIR_NAME);
	$dateformat=nw_getmoduleoption('dateformat', NW_MODULE_DIR_NAME);
	$infotips=nw_getmoduleoption('infotips', NW_MODULE_DIR_NAME);
	$newsrating=nw_getmoduleoption('ratenews', NW_MODULE_DIR_NAME);
	if($dateformat=='') {

	// Is the spotlight visible ?
	if($options[4]==1 && $restricted && $options[5]==0) {
		$permstory = new nw_NewsStory($options[6]);
		if(!in_array($permstory->topicid(),$permittedtopics)) {
			$news_visible = false;
	// Try to see what tabs are visibles (if we are in restricted view of course)
	if($options[8]==2 && $restricted && $options[14] != 0) {
        $topics = array_slice($options, 14);
		foreach($topics as $onetopic) {
			if(in_array($onetopic,$permittedtopics)) {
		$before=array_slice($options, 0,14);

	if($options[8]==2) {		// Tabbed view ********************************************************************************************
		$defcolors[1]=array('#F90','#FFFFFF','#F90','#C60','#999');		// Bar Style
		$defcolors[2]=array('#F90','#FFFFFF','#F90','#AAA','#666');		// Beveled
		$defcolors[3]=array('#F90','#FFFFFF','','#789','#789');			// Classic
		$defcolors[4]=array('#F90','#FFFFFF','','','');					// Folders
		$defcolors[5]=array('#F90','#FFFFFF','#CCC','inherit','#999');	// MacOs
		$defcolors[6]=array('#F90','#FFFFFF','#FFF','#DDD','#999');		// Plain
		$defcolors[7]=array('#F90','#FFFFFF','','','');					// Rounded
		$defcolors[8]=array('#F90','#FFFFFF','#F90','#930','#C60');		// ZDnet

		if(substr($myurl,strlen($myurl)-1,1) == '/') {

		foreach($_GET as $key => $value) {
			if($key!='nwTab') {


		if(isset($_GET['nwTab'])) {
			$currenttab = intval($_GET['nwTab']);
		} elseif(isset($_SESSION['nwTab'])) {
			$currenttab = intval($_SESSION['nwTab']);
		} else {

		$tmpstory = new nw_NewsStory();
		$topic= new nw_NewsTopic();
		if($options[4]==1) {	// Spotlight enabled

		if($options[5]==0 && $restricted) {	// Use a specific news and we are in restricted mode
			if(!$perm_verified) {
				$permstory = new nw_NewsStory($options[6]);
				if(!in_array($permstory->topicid(),$permittedtopics)) {
			} else {
				if(!$news_visible) {


    	if (isset($options[14]) && $options[14] != 0) {		// Topic to use
	        $topics = array_slice($options, 14);
    	if($usespotlight) {
    	if(count($topics)>0) {
    		foreach($topics as $onetopic) {
    			if(isset($topicstitles[$onetopic])) {
	    			$tabs[]=array('id'=>$onetopic, 'title'=>$topicstitles[$onetopic]['title'], 'picture'=>$topicstitles[$onetopic]['picture']);

		if($currenttab==0 && $usespotlight) {	// Spotlight or not ?
			if($options[5]==0 && $options[6]==0) {	// If the story to use was no selected then we switch to the "recent news" mode.

			if($options[5]==0) {	// Use a specific news
				if(!isset($permstory)) {
				} else {
					$tmpstory = $permstory;
			} else {				// Use the most recent news
				} else {
        	$spotlight = array();
			$spotlight['title'] = $tmpstory->title();
       		if ($options[7] != '') {
	        	$spotlight['image'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", NW_MODULE_URL . '/article.php?storyid='.$tmpstory->storyid(),$myts->displayTarea($options[7], $tmpstory->nohtml));
       		$spotlight['text'] = $tmpstory->hometext();

       		// Added 16 february 2007 *****************************************
       		$story_user = null;
			$story_user = new XoopsUser($tmpstory->uid());
			if(is_object($story_user)) {
	       		$spotlight['avatar'] = XOOPS_UPLOAD_URL.'/'.$story_user->getVar('user_avatar');
			// ****************************************************************
       		$spotlight['id'] = $tmpstory->storyid();
       		$spotlight['date'] = formatTimestamp($tmpstory->published(), $dateformat);
       		$spotlight['hits'] = $tmpstory->counter();
       		$spotlight['rating'] = number_format($tmpstory->rating(), 2);
       		$spotlight['votes'] = $tmpstory->votes();
			if(strlen(xoops_trim($tmpstory->bodytext()))>0) {
			} else {

       		$spotlight['readmore'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", NW_MODULE_URL . '/article.php?storyid='.$tmpstory->storyid(),_MB_NW_READMORE);
       		$spotlight['title_with_link'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", NW_MODULE_URL . '/article.php?storyid='.$tmpstory->storyid(),$tmpstory->title());
       		if($tmpstory->votes()==1) {
			} else {

       		$spotlight['topicid'] = $tmpstory->topicid();
       		$spotlight['topic_title'] = $tmpstory->topic_title();
			// Added, topic's image and description
   			$spotlight['topic_image']=NW_TOPICS_FILES_URL . '/'.$tmpstory->topic_imgurl();

           	if($displayname!=3) {
        		$spotlight['author'] = sprintf("%s %s",_POSTEDBY,$tmpstory->uname());
       			$spotlight['author_with_link'] = sprintf("%s <a href='%s'>%s</a>",_POSTEDBY,XOOPS_URL.'/userinfo.php?uid='.$tmpstory->uid(),$tmpstory->uname());
       		} else {
        		$spotlight['author'] = '';
       			$spotlight['author_with_link'] = '';
       		$spotlight['author_id'] = $tmpstory->uid();

			// Create the summary table under the spotlight text
			if (isset($options[14]) && $options[14] == 0) {		// Use all topics
	        	$stories = $tmpstory->getAllPublished($options[1],0,$restricted,0,1,true,$options[0]);
   			} else {					// Use some topics
	        	$topics = array_slice($options, 14);
       			$stories = $tmpstory->getAllPublished($options[1],0,$restricted,$topics,1,true,$options[0]);
   			if(count($stories)>0) {
   				foreach ($stories as $key => $story) {
					$news = array();
	    			$title = $story->title();
					if (strlen($title) > $options[2]) {
						$title = xoops_substr($title,0,$options[2]+3);
           			$news['title'] = $title;
           			$news['id'] = $story->storyid();
           			$news['date'] = formatTimestamp($story->published(), $dateformat);
           			$news['hits'] = $story->counter();
           			$news['rating'] = number_format($story->rating(), 2);
           			$news['votes'] = $story->votes();
           			$news['topicid'] = $story->topicid();
           			$news['topic_title'] = $story->topic_title();
           			$news['topic_color'] = '#'.$myts->displayTarea($story->topic_color);
           			if($displayname!=3) {
	            		$news['author']= sprintf("%s %s",_POSTEDBY,$story->uname());
           			} else {
	            		$news['author']= '';
            		if ($options[3] > 0) {
            			$html = $story->nohtml() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
		        		$news['teaser'] = nw_truncate_tagsafe($myts->displayTarea($story->hometext(), $html), $options[3]+3);
           			} else {
			        	$news['teaser'] = '';
					if($infotips>0) {
						$news['infotips'] = ' title="'.nw_make_infotips($story->hometext()).'"';
					} else {
						$news['infotips'] = '';

           			$news['title_with_link'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'%s>%s</a>", NW_MODULE_URL . '/article.php?storyid='.$story->storyid(),$news['infotips'],$title);
           			$spotlight['news'][] = $news;

			$block['spotlight'] = $spotlight;
		} else {
			if($tabscount>0) {
	       		$topics = array_slice($options, 14);
       			$stories = $tmpstory->getAllPublished($options[1],0,$restricted,$thetopic,1,true,$options[0]);

       			// Added, topic's image and description
       			$block['topic_image']= NW_TOPICS_FILES_URL . '/'.$topic->topic_imgurl();

    			$smallheader[]=sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", NW_MODULE_URL . '/index.php?storytopic='.$thetopic,_MB_NW_READMORE);
    			$smallheader[]=sprintf("%u %s",$stats['count'],_MA_NW_ARTICLES);
    			$smallheader[]=sprintf("%u %s",$stats['reads'],_READS);
				if(count($stories)>0) {
    				foreach ($stories as $key => $story) {
				        $news = array();
		        		$title = $story->title();
						if (strlen($title) > $options[2]) {
							$title = nw_truncate_tagsafe($title, $options[2]+3);
            			if ($options[7] != '') {
			                $news['image'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", NW_MODULE_URL . '/article.php?storyid='.$story->storyid(),$myts->displayTarea($options[7], $story->nohtml));
                		if($options[3]>0) {
		                	$html = $story->nohtml() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
		                	$news['text'] = nw_truncate_tagsafe($myts->displayTarea($story->hometext(), $html), $options[3]+3);
                		} else {
							$news['text'] = '';

		            	if($story->votes()==1) {
						} else {
						if($infotips>0) {
							$news['infotips'] = ' title="'.nw_make_infotips($story->hometext()).'"';
						} else {
							$news['infotips'] = '';
            			$news['title']=sprintf("<a href='%s' %s>%s</a>", NW_MODULE_URL . '/article.php?storyid='.$story->storyid(),$news['infotips'],$title);
            			$news['id'] = $story->storyid();
            			$news['date'] = formatTimestamp($story->published(), $dateformat);
            			$news['hits'] = $story->counter();
            			$news['rating'] = number_format($story->rating(), 2);
            			$news['votes'] = $story->votes();
            			$news['topicid'] = $story->topicid();
            			$news['topic_title'] = $story->topic_title();
            			$news['topic_color'] = '#'.$myts->displayTarea($story->topic_color);

						if($displayname!=3) {
	            			$news['author'] = sprintf("%s %s",_POSTEDBY,$story->uname());
            			} else {
	            			$news['author'] = '';
            			$news['title_with_link'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'%s>%s</a>", NW_MODULE_URL . '/article.php?storyid='.$story->storyid(),$news['infotips'],$title);
            			$block['news'][] = $news;
    	$block['lang_on']=_ON;							// on
    	$block['lang_reads']=_READS;					// reads
    	// Default values

		if(xoops_trim($options[9])!='') {
		if(xoops_trim($options[10])!='') {
		if(xoops_trim($options[11])!='') {
		if(xoops_trim($options[12])!='') {
		if(xoops_trim($options[13])!='') {
    } else {		// ************************ Classical view **************************************************************************************************************
		$tmpstory = new nw_NewsStory;
    	if (isset($options[14]) && $options[14] == 0) {
	        $stories = $tmpstory->getAllPublished($options[1],0,$restricted,0,1,true,$options[0]);
	    } else {
        	$topics = array_slice($options, 14);
        	$stories = $tmpstory->getAllPublished($options[1],0,$restricted,$topics,1,true,$options[0]);

    	if(!count($stories)) {
	    	return '';
	    $topic= new nw_NewsTopic();

	    foreach ($stories as $key => $story) {
        	$news = array();
        	$title = $story->title();
			if (strlen($title) > $options[2]) {
				$title = xoops_substr($title,0,$options[2]+3);

        	//if spotlight is enabled and this is either the first article or the selected one
        	if (($options[5]==0) && ($options[4] == 1) && (($options[6] > 0 && $options[6] == $story->storyid()) || ($options[6] == 0 && $key == 0))) {
        		$spotlight = array();
        		if($restricted) {
        			if(!in_array($story->topicid(),$permittedtopics)) {

        		if($visible) {
            		$spotlight['title'] = $title;
            		if ($options[7] != '') {
		                $spotlight['image']= sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", NW_MODULE_URL . '/article.php?storyid='.$story->storyid(),$myts->displayTarea($options[7], $story->nohtml));
		       		// Added 16 february 2007 *****************************************
       				$story_user = null;
					$story_user = new XoopsUser($story->uid());
					if(is_object($story_user)) {
	       				$spotlight['avatar'] = XOOPS_UPLOAD_URL.'/'.$story_user->getVar('user_avatar');
					// ****************************************************************
            		$spotlight['text'] = $story->hometext();
            		$spotlight['id'] = $story->storyid();
            		$spotlight['date'] = formatTimestamp($story->published(), $dateformat);
            		$spotlight['hits'] = $story->counter();
            		$spotlight['rating'] = $story->rating();
            		$spotlight['votes'] = $story->votes();
            		$spotlight['topicid'] = $story->topicid();
            		$spotlight['topic_title'] = $story->topic_title();
            		$spotlight['topic_color'] = '#'.$myts->displayTarea($story->topic_color);
            		// Added, topic's image and description
		   			$spotlight['topic_image']= NW_TOPICS_FILES_URL . '/'.$story->topic_imgurl();
   					if(strlen(xoops_trim($story->bodytext()))>0) {
   					} else {

            		if($displayname!=3) {
	            		$spotlight['author'] = sprintf("%s %s",_POSTEDBY,$story->uname());
            		} else {
	            		$spotlight['author'] = '';
            	$block['spotlight'] = $spotlight;
        	} else {
	            $news['title'] = $title;
            	$news['id'] = $story->storyid();
            	$news['date'] = formatTimestamp($story->published(), $dateformat);
            	$news['hits'] = $story->counter();
            	$news['rating'] = $story->rating();
            	$news['votes'] = $story->votes();
            	$news['topicid'] = $story->topicid();
            	$news['topic_title'] = $story->topic_title();
            	$news['topic_color'] = '#'.$myts->displayTarea($story->topic_color);
            	if($displayname!=3) {
            		$news['author']= sprintf("%s %s",_POSTEDBY,$story->uname());
            	} else {
            		$news['author']= '';
            	if ($options[3] > 0) {
	                $html = $story->nohtml() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
	                $news['teaser'] = nw_truncate_tagsafe($myts->displayTarea($story->hometext(), $html), $options[3]+3);	                
                	$news['infotips'] = '';
            	} else {
	                $news['teaser'] = '';
					if($infotips>0) {
						$news['infotips'] = ' title="'.nw_make_infotips($story->hometext()).'"';
					} else {
						$news['infotips'] = '';
            	$block['stories'][] = $news;

	    // If spotlight article was not in the fetched stories
	    if (!isset($spotlight) && $options[4]) {
			if($options[5]==0 && $restricted) {	// Use a specific news and we are in restricted mode
       			$permstory = new nw_NewsStory($options[6]);
       			if(!in_array($permstory->topicid(),$permittedtopics)) {

			if($options[5]==0) {	// Use a specific news
				if($visible) {
					$spotlightArticle = new nw_NewsStory($options[6]);
				} else {
			} else {				// Use the most recent news
				if(count($stories)>0) {
                	$spotlightArticle = new nw_NewsStory($firststory->storyid());
				} else {
            if($block['use_spotlight']==true) {
        		$spotlight = array();
        		$spotlight['title'] = xoops_substr($spotlightArticle->title(),0,($options[2]-1));;
        		if ($options[7] != '') {
		            $spotlight['image'] = sprintf("<a href='%s'>%s</a>", NW_MODULE_URL . '/article.php?storyid='.$spotlightArticle->storyid(),$myts->displayTarea($options[7], $spotlightArticle->nohtml));
	       		// Added 16 february 2007 *****************************************
   				$story_user = null;
				$story_user = new XoopsUser($spotlightArticle->uid());
				if(is_object($story_user)) {
       				$spotlight['avatar'] = XOOPS_UPLOAD_URL.'/'.$story_user->getVar('user_avatar');
				// ****************************************************************
				$spotlight['topicid'] = $spotlightArticle->topicid();
        		$spotlight['topic_title'] = $spotlightArticle->topic_title();
        		$spotlight['topic_color'] = '#'.$myts->displayTarea($spotlightArticle->topic_color);
        		$spotlight['text'] = $spotlightArticle->hometext();
        		$spotlight['id'] = $spotlightArticle->storyid();
        		$spotlight['date'] = formatTimestamp($spotlightArticle->published(), $dateformat);
        		$spotlight['hits'] = $spotlightArticle->counter();
				$spotlight['rating'] = $spotlightArticle->rating();
				$spotlight['votes'] = $spotlightArticle->votes();
				// Added, topic's image and description
	   			$spotlight['topic_image']= NW_TOPICS_FILES_URL . '/'.$spotlightArticle->topic_imgurl();
				if($displayname!=3) {
	        		$spotlight['author'] = sprintf("%s %s",_POSTEDBY,$spotlightArticle->uname());
        		} else {
					$spotlight['author'] = '';
        		if(strlen(xoops_trim($spotlightArticle->bodytext()))>0) {
				} else {
        		$block['spotlight'] = $spotlight;
	if(isset($permstory)) {
   	$block['lang_read_more'] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars(_MB_NW_READMORE);			//
   	$block['lang_orderby'] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars(_MB_NW_ORDER);			// "Order By"
   	$block['lang_orderby_date'] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars(_MB_NW_DATE);		// Published date
   	$block['lang_orderby_hits'] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars(_MB_NW_HITS);		// Number of Hits
   	$block['lang_orderby_rating'] = $myts->htmlSpecialChars(_MB_NW_RATE);	// Rating
   	$block['sort'] = $options[0];						// "published" or "counter" or "rating"
    $seo_enabled = nw_getmoduleoption('nw_seo_enable', NW_MODULE_DIR_NAME);
	if ( $seo_enabled == 1 ) {
		$block['urlrewrite']= "true";
	} else { 
		$block['urlrewrite']= "false"; 
    return $block;