<td><p><strong><?php echo "{$trackStr}:"; ?> </strong> <?php if ($catcomsep = GetSelectedTrackText($paperInfo->PaperID, &$err_message)) { echo $catcomsep; } else { echo " <font color=\"#FF0000\"> Could not read Paper Track table. Try <a href='view_abstract.php?paperid=" . $_GET["paperid"] . "'>again</a>?</font>"; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php if (numCategories(&$err_message) > 0) { echo '<tr><td><p><strong>'; echo "{$topicStr}(s):"; echo '</strong>'; if ($catcomsep = getSelectedCategoryCommaSeparated($paperInfo->PaperID, &$err_message)) { echo $catcomsep; } else { echo " <font color=\"#FF0000\"> Could not read Paper Category table. Try <a href='view_abstract.php?paperid=" . $_GET["paperid"] . "'>again</a>?</font>"; } echo '</td></tr>'; } ?> <tr> <td> </td> </tr>
function redisplay(&$paperid_array, &$process, &$dbprefix, $err_message = "") { //Establish connection with database $db = adodb_connect(&$err_message); //global $_SESSION ; $i = 0; $array = array(); reset($paperid_array); foreach ($paperid_array as $some => $paperID) { //Get the paper information if (($paperInfo = get_paper_info($paperID, &$err_message)) === false) { do_html_header("Update Paper Bids Failed", &$err_message); $err_message .= " Cannot retrieve information from database. <br>\n"; $err_message .= "<br><br> Try <a href='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] . "'>again</a>?"; do_html_footer(&$err_message); exit; } $array[$i]["paperid"] = $paperInfo->PaperID; $array[$i]["papertitle"] = stripslashes($paperInfo->Title); //Get the lastest file of the paper if (($FileIDData = get_latestFile($paperID, &$err_message)) === false) { do_html_header("Update Paper Bids Failed", &$err_message); $err_message .= " Could not execute \"get_latestFile\" in \"update_biddings.php\". <br>\n"; $err_message .= "<br><br> Try <a href='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] . "'>again</a>?"; do_html_footer(&$err_message); exit; } $array[$i]["fileid"] = $FileIDData->FileID; if ($catcomsep = getSelectedCategoryCommaSeparated($paperInfo->PaperID, &$err_message) || numCategories(&$err_message) == 0) { $array[$i]["cat"] = $catcomsep; } else { do_html_header("Update Paper Bids Failed", &$err_message); $err_message .= " Could not execute \"getSelectedCategoryCommaSeparated\" in \"update_biddings.php\". <br>\n"; $err_message .= "<br><br> Try <a href='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] . "'>again</a>?"; do_html_footer(&$err_message); exit; } if ($authors = retrieve_authors($paperInfo->PaperID, &$err_message)) { $array[$i]["author"] = $authors; } else { do_html_header("Update Paper Bids Failed", &$err_message); $err_message .= " Could not execute \"retrieve_authors\" in \"update_biddings.php\". <br>\n"; $err_message .= "<br><br> Try <a href='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] . "'>again</a>?"; do_html_footer(&$err_message); exit; } if ($process === "update") { $preferenceSQL = " SELECT PreferenceID FROM " . $GLOBALS["DB_PREFIX"] . "Selection "; $preferenceSQL .= " WHERE PaperID = " . $paperInfo->PaperID; $preferenceSQL .= " AND Membername = '" . $_SESSION["valid_user"] . "'"; $preferenceResult = $db->Execute($preferenceSQL); if (!$preferenceResult) { do_html_header("Update Paper Bids Failed", &$err_message); $err_message .= " Could not query \"Selection\" table in database by \"redisplay()\" of \"update_biddings.php\". <br>\n"; $err_message .= "<br><br> Try <a href='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] . "'>again</a>?"; do_html_footer(&$err_message); exit; } $userPreference = $preferenceResult->FetchNextObj(); $array[$i]["bidid"] = $userPreference->PreferenceID; } if ($bidtable = Generate_Preference_Radio_Input_Table($paperInfo->PaperID, $array[$i]["bidid"], &$err_message)) { $array[$i]["bid"] = $bidtable; } else { do_html_header("Update Paper Bids Failed", &$err_message); $err_message .= " Could not execute \"retrieve_authors\" in \"update_biddings.php\". <br>\n"; $err_message .= "<br><br> Try <a href='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] . "'>again</a>?"; do_html_footer(&$err_message); exit; } $i++; } //End of for loop return $array; }
/** * Show some basic stats: Total This: XXXX, etc. * * @param string $output_method */ function ssi_boardStats($output_method = 'echo') { global $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings; if (!allowedTo('view_stats')) { return; } require_once SUBSDIR . '/Boards.subs.php'; require_once SUBSDIR . '/Stats.subs.php'; $totals = array('members' => $modSettings['totalMembers'], 'posts' => $modSettings['totalMessages'], 'topics' => $modSettings['totalTopics'], 'boards' => countBoards(), 'categories' => numCategories()); if ($output_method != 'echo') { return $totals; } echo ' ', $txt['total_members'], ': <a href="', $scripturl . '?action=memberlist">', comma_format($totals['members']), '</a><br /> ', $txt['total_posts'], ': ', comma_format($totals['posts']), '<br /> ', $txt['total_topics'], ': ', comma_format($totals['topics']), ' <br /> ', $txt['total_cats'], ': ', comma_format($totals['categories']), '<br /> ', $txt['total_boards'], ': ', comma_format($totals['boards']); }
/** * Load some general statistics of the forum */ public function loadGeneralStatistics() { global $scripturl, $modSettings, $context; require_once SUBSDIR . '/Boards.subs.php'; // Get averages... $averages = getAverages(); // This would be the amount of time the forum has been up... in days... $total_days_up = ceil((time() - strtotime($averages['date'])) / (60 * 60 * 24)); $date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', forum_time(false)); // General forum stats $context['general_statistics']['left'] = array('total_members' => allowedTo('view_mlist') ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=memberlist">' . comma_format($modSettings['totalMembers']) . '</a>' : comma_format($modSettings['totalMembers']), 'total_posts' => comma_format($modSettings['totalMessages']), 'total_topics' => comma_format($modSettings['totalTopics']), 'total_cats' => comma_format(numCategories()), 'users_online' => comma_format(onlineCount()), 'most_online' => array('number' => comma_format($modSettings['mostOnline']), 'date' => standardTime($modSettings['mostDate'])), 'users_online_today' => comma_format(mostOnline($date))); if (!empty($modSettings['hitStats'])) { $context['general_statistics']['left'] += array('num_hits' => comma_format($averages['hits'], 0)); } $context['general_statistics']['right'] = array('average_members' => comma_format(round($averages['registers'] / $total_days_up, 2)), 'average_posts' => comma_format(round($averages['posts'] / $total_days_up, 2)), 'average_topics' => comma_format(round($averages['topics'] / $total_days_up, 2)), 'total_boards' => comma_format(countBoards('all', array('include_redirects' => false))), 'latest_member' => &$context['common_stats']['latest_member'], 'average_online' => comma_format(round($averages['most_on'] / $total_days_up, 2)), 'emails_sent' => comma_format(round($averages['email'] / $total_days_up, 2))); if (!empty($modSettings['hitStats'])) { $context['general_statistics']['right'] += array('average_hits' => comma_format(round($averages['hits'] / $total_days_up, 2))); } }