function skirmish($aforce, $dforce) { global $t, $options, $submerged; //conduct opening fire step $ofsaresolved = false; $ofsdresolved = false; $killsfireback = false; $air_a = false; $air_d = false; $avals = array('totalhits' => 0); $dvals = array('totalhits' => 0); $alost = array(); $dlost = array(); if ($options['seabattle']) { //if sea battle: if (has_sub($aforce)) { $avals['ofs'] = subattack($aforce, 'attack'); } //handle attack subs if (has_sub($dforce)) { $dvals['ofs'] = subattack($dforce, 'defend'); } } else { if ($t == 1 && ($_REQUEST['ruleset'] == 'Classic' || $_REQUEST['ruleset'] == 'Revised')) { //check for other opening fire //the amphibious assault casualties for AA50 and AA1942 are moved into the regular take casualities section if (has_land($aforce) && can_bombard($aforce)) { //Amphibious assault #debug ('Bombarding'); $avals['ofs'] = bombard($aforce); if (isset($aforce['Bat'])) { $submerged['att']['Bat'] = $aforce['Bat']; unset($aforce['Bat']); } if (isset($aforce['Des'])) { $submerged['att']['Des'] = $aforce['Des']; unset($aforce['Des']); } } } } if ($t == 1) { if (aa_present() && has_air($aforce)) { $dvals['ofs'] = aa_fire($aforce); } } if (isset($avals['ofs'])) { $ofsd_triaged = triage($dforce, $avals['ofs'], $dlost, 'def'); //determine what the casualties will be from OFS for each side: $dlost = $ofsd_triaged['lost']; $avals['totalhits'] += $avals['ofs']['hits']; if (!$options['seabattle'] or $options['seabattle'] && !isset($dforce['Des'])) { //resolve casualties if OFS victims are not saved by destroyers $dforce = $ofsd_triaged['force']; $ofsdresolved = true; } } //lather, rinse, repeat for defender. if (isset($dvals['ofs'])) { //triage attacking casualties from OFS $ofsa_triaged = triage($aforce, $dvals['ofs'], $alost, 'att'); $alost = $ofsa_triaged['lost']; $dvals['totalhits'] += $dvals['ofs']['hits']; if (!$options['seabattle'] or $options['seabattle'] && (!isset($aforce['Des']) && $_REQUEST['ruleset'] !== 'Europe')) { #take hits right away $aforce = $ofsa_triaged['force']; $ofsaresolved = true; } } // for all but sub sneak attacks vs a force with DDs and AA50/AA1942 bombardment, OFS casualties already taken. //for AA50 and AA1942, taking casualties from bombardment - if it is round 1 if ($t == 1 && ($_REQUEST['ruleset'] == 'AA50' || $_REQUEST['ruleset'] == 'AA1942')) { if (has_land($aforce) && can_bombard($aforce)) { //Amphibious assault attacker has to have land units //bombards can hit air units now in the AA50 and AA1942 editions. #debug ('Bombarding'); $killsfireback = true; $avals['ofs'] = bombard($aforce); #print_r ($avals['ofs']); $avals['totalhits'] += $avals['ofs']['hits']; if (isset($aforce['Bat'])) { $submerged['att']['Bat'] = $aforce['Bat']; unset($aforce['Bat']); } if (isset($aforce['Cru'])) { $submerged['att']['Cru'] = $aforce['Cru']; unset($aforce['Cru']); } } } //if AA50/AA1942 AND attacker has air, but no destroyer, and defender has subs, then //find hits scored by air (so their hits can be applied to subs or not with DD interaction) $air_a = false; //reset boolean flags that keep track if air have already fired in this round of combat $air_d = false; if ($_REQUEST['ruleset'] == 'AA50' or $_REQUEST['ruleset'] == 'AA1942') { if (has_air($aforce) && !isset($aforce['Des']) && has_sub($dforce)) { //if there are nonsubs in the defenders, then roll for attacking air units if (nonsubs($dforce)) { $avals['norm'] = airattack($aforce, 'attack'); $avals['totalhits'] += $avals['norm']['hits']; //store result from airattack function in a temp array to be merged with the takeshots results later $airavals = $avals; } //set boolean flag to indicate air have fired in this round already $air_a = true; } if (has_air($dforce) && !isset($dforce['Des']) && has_sub($aforce)) { //if there are nonsubs in the attackers, then roll for defending air units if (nonsubs($aforce)) { $dvals['norm'] = airattack($dforce, 'defend'); $dvals['totalhits'] += $dvals['norm']['hits']; //store result from airattack function in a temp array to be merged with the takeshots results later $airdvals = $dvals; } //set boolean flag to indicate air have fired in this round already $air_d = true; } } //find number of hits scored by all regular remaining units if (nonsubs($aforce)) { $avals['norm'] = takeshots($aforce, 'attack', $air_a); //pass tracking flag if air has already fired $avals['totalhits'] += $avals['norm']['hits']; } if (nonsubs($dforce) or $options['AA']) { $dvals['norm'] = takeshots($dforce, 'defend', $air_d); //pass tracking flag if air has already fired $dvals['totalhits'] += $dvals['norm']['hits']; } //Having allowed the counterattack for sub victims saved by destroyers, now take them off before other casualties are taken if (isset($ofsa_triaged) && !$ofsaresolved) { $aforce = $ofsa_triaged['force']; } if (isset($ofsd_triaged) && !$ofsdresolved) { $dforce = $ofsd_triaged['force']; } //triage casualties from bombardment for AA50 and AA1942, so use all other OFS hits besides subs if ($_REQUEST['ruleset'] == 'AA50' || $_REQUEST['ruleset'] == 'AA1942') { if (nonsubs($aforce) && nonsubs($dforce) && $killsfireback) { if (isset($avals['ofs'])) { $d_triaged = triage($dforce, $avals['ofs'], $dlost, 'def'); $dforce = $d_triaged['force']; $dlost = $d_triaged['lost']; } } } //Now triagecasualties from air attack //determine air casualties for defender if ($air_a && isset($airavals['norm'])) { $aird_triaged = triage($dforce, $airavals['norm'], $dlost, 'def'); //determine defender's casualties from air attack $dforce = $aird_triaged['force']; $dlost = $aird_triaged['lost']; } //determine air casualties for attacker if ($air_d && isset($airdvals['norm'])) { $aira_triaged = triage($aforce, $airdvals['norm'], $alost, 'att'); //determine attacker's casualties from air attack $aforce = $aira_triaged['force']; $alost = $aira_triaged['lost']; } //Now, triage all other casualties if (isset($avals['norm'])) { $d_triaged = triage($dforce, $avals['norm'], $dlost, 'def'); $dforce = $d_triaged['force']; $dlost = $d_triaged['lost']; } if (isset($dvals['norm'])) { $a_triaged = triage($aforce, $dvals['norm'], $alost, 'att'); $aforce = $a_triaged['force']; $alost = $a_triaged['lost']; } //merge the attacker airvals and vals arrays into one so dice get displayed correctly. if ($air_a && isset($airavals['norm'])) { $avals["totalhits"] += $airavals["totalhits"]; $avals["norm"]["hits"] += $airavals["norm"]["hits"]; $avals["norm"]["punch"] += $airavals["norm"]["punch"]; $avals["norm"]["dice"]["rolled"] += $airavals["norm"]["dice"]["rolled"]; //ADD dice rolls at 1 3 4 5 (possible dice rolls for air units) //may not need dice rolls at 2 or 6 until air is listed to hit at 2 or 6. $index = array(1, 3, 4, 5); foreach ($index as $v) { if (array_key_exists($v, $airavals["norm"]["dice"]) && array_key_exists($v, $avals["norm"]["dice"])) { $avals["norm"]["dice"][$v] = array_merge($airavals["norm"]["dice"][$v], $avals["norm"]["dice"][$v]); } elseif (array_key_exists($v, $airavals["norm"]["dice"])) { $avals["norm"]["dice"][$v] = $airavals["norm"]["dice"][$v]; } } ksort($avals["norm"]["dice"]); } //merge the defender airvals and vals arrays into one so dice get displayed correctly. if ($air_d && isset($airdvals['norm'])) { $dvals["totalhits"] += $airdvals["totalhits"]; $dvals["norm"]["hits"] += $airdvals["norm"]["hits"]; $dvals["norm"]["punch"] += $airdvals["norm"]["punch"]; $dvals["norm"]["dice"]["rolled"] += $airdvals["norm"]["dice"]["rolled"]; //ADD dice rolls at 1 3 4 5 (possible dice rolls for air units) //may not need dice rolls at 2 or 6 until air is listed to hit at 2 or 6. $index = array(1, 3, 4, 5); foreach ($index as $v) { if (array_key_exists($v, $airdvals["norm"]["dice"]) && array_key_exists($v, $dvals["norm"]["dice"])) { $dvals["norm"]["dice"][$v] = array_merge($airdvals["norm"]["dice"][$v], $dvals["norm"]["dice"][$v]); } elseif (array_key_exists($v, $airdvals["norm"]["dice"])) { $dvals["norm"]["dice"][$v] = $airdvals["norm"]["dice"][$v]; } } ksort($dvals["norm"]["dice"]); } return array('att' => array('force' => $aforce, 'lost' => $alost, 'vals' => $avals), 'def' => array('force' => $dforce, 'lost' => $dlost, 'vals' => $dvals)); }
$def[$t]['force'] = $outcome['def']['force']; $astats = assess($att[$t]['force'], 'attack'); $dstats = assess($def[$t]['force'], 'defend'); $abort = ($astats['count'] - round(($dstats['punch'] + 3) / 6) < $saveunits && $saveunits > 0 or $dstats['count'] - round(($astats['punch'] + 3) / 6) < $strafeunits && $strafeunits > 0 or $dstats['punch'] > 0 and $astats['punch'] / $dstats['punch'] * 100 < $abortratio); if (!$stalemate) { if (!has_sea($def[$t]['force']) && (!nonsubs($att[$t]['force']) or isset($_REQUEST['asubschicken'])) && has_sub($att[$t]['force'])) { $submerged['att'] = array(); if (isset($att[$t]['force']['Sub'])) { $submerged['att']['Sub'] = $att[$t]['force']['Sub']; } if (isset($att[$t]['force']['SSub'])) { $submerged['att']['SSub'] = $att[$t]['force']['SSub']; } $att[$t]['force'] = submerge($att[$t]['force']); } else { if (!has_sea($att[$t]['force']) && (!nonsubs($def[$t]['force']) or isset($_REQUEST['dsubschicken'])) && has_sub($def[$t]['force'])) { $submerged['def'] = array(); if (isset($def[$t]['force']['Sub'])) { $submerged['def']['Sub'] = $def[$t]['force']['Sub']; } if (isset($def[$t]['force']['SSub'])) { $submerged['def']['SSub'] = $def[$t]['force']['SSub']; } $def[$t]['force'] = submerge($def[$t]['force']); } } } } // Battle has been resolved //Note that bombarding Battleships, Cruisers, and Destroyers are also tracked in $submerged. if (isset($submerged['att']['Sub']) or isset($submerged['att']['SSub'])) {