if (IsAdmin() || $_SESSION["AccessLevel"] == ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMINGROUP) { $rb = $pageObject->lockingObj->GetLockInfo($strTableName, $keys, true, $id); if ($rb != "") { $system_message = $rb; } } } } if ($pageObject->lockingObj && $inlineedit != EDIT_INLINE) { $pageObject->body["begin"] .= '<div class="runner-locking" ' . $system_attrs . '>' . $system_message . '</div>'; } if ($message) { $message = "<div class='message " . $mesClass . "'>" . $message . "</div>"; } // PRG rule, to avoid POSTDATA resend if ($IsSaved && no_output_done() && $inlineedit == EDIT_SIMPLE) { // saving message $_SESSION["message_edit"] = $message ? $message : ""; // key get query $keyGetQ = ""; $keyGetQ .= "editid1=" . rawurldecode($keys["id"]) . "&"; // cut last & $keyGetQ = substr($keyGetQ, 0, strlen($keyGetQ) - 1); // redirect header("Location: app_modules_" . $pageObject->getPageType() . ".php?" . $keyGetQ); // turned on output buffering, so we need to stop script exit; } // for PRG rule, to avoid POSTDATA resend. Saving mess in session if ($inlineedit == EDIT_SIMPLE && isset($_SESSION["message_edit"])) { $message = $_SESSION["message_edit"];
$mesClass = "mes_ok"; } } elseif ($inlineadd != ADD_INLINE) { $mesClass = "mes_not"; } } else { $message = $usermessage; $status = "DECLINED"; $readavalues = true; } } if ($message) { $message = "<div class='message " . $mesClass . "'>" . $message . "</div>"; } // PRG rule, to avoid POSTDATA resend if (no_output_done() && $inlineadd == ADD_SIMPLE && $IsSaved) { // saving message $_SESSION["message_add"] = $message ? $message : ""; // redirect header("Location: pad_pad_customer_" . $pageObject->getPageType() . ".php"); // turned on output buffering, so we need to stop script exit; } if ($inlineadd == ADD_MASTER && $IsSaved) { $_SESSION["message_add"] = $message ? $message : ""; } // for PRG rule, to avoid POSTDATA resend. Saving mess in session if ($inlineadd == ADD_SIMPLE && isset($_SESSION["message_add"])) { $message = $_SESSION["message_add"]; unset($_SESSION["message_add"]); }
/** * POST-REDIRECT-GET * Redirect after saving the data to avoid saving again on refresh. */ protected function prgRedirect() { if (!$this->insertedSuccessfully || $this->mode != ADD_SIMPLE || !no_output_done()) { return false; } // saving message $_SESSION["message_add"] = $this->message ? $this->message : ""; // redirect HeaderRedirect($this->pSet->getShortTableName(), $this->pageType); // turned on output buffering, so we need to stop script return true; }
/** * PRG rule, to avoid POSTDATA resend * */ function rulePRG() { if (no_output_done() && count($this->selectedRecs) && !strlen($this->deleteMessage)) { // redirect, add a=return param for saving SESSION header("Location: " . $this->shortTableName . "_" . $this->getPageType() . ".php?a=return"); // turned on output buffering, so we need to stop script exit; } }
/** * PRG rule, to avoid POSTDATA resend * call after save * */ function rulePRG() { if (no_output_done() && postvalue("a") == "save") { $getParams = ''; if (postvalue('group')) { $getParams = '?group=' . postvalue('group'); } // redirect, add a=return param for saving SESSION header("Location: " . $this->shortTableName . "_" . $this->getPageType() . ".php" . $getParams); // turned on output buffering, so we need to stop script exit; } }
/** * PRG rule, to avoid POSTDATA resend * call after save */ function rulePRG() { if (no_output_done() && postvalue("a") == "save") { // redirect, add a=return param for saving SESSION HeaderRedirect($this->shortTableName, $this->getPageType(), "a=return"); // turned on output buffering, so we need to stop script exit; } }
/** * POST-REDIRECT-GET * Redirect after saving the data to avoid saving again on refresh. */ protected function prgRedirect() { if (!$this->updatedSuccessfully || $this->mode != EDIT_SIMPLE || !no_output_done()) { return false; } $_SESSION["message_edit"] = $this->message . ""; $keyParams = array(); foreach ($this->keyFields as $i => $k) { $keyParams[] = "editid" . ($i + 1) . "=" . rawurldecode($this->keys[$k]); } HeaderRedirect($this->pSet->getShortTableName(), $this->getPageType(), implode("&", $keyParams)); exit; return true; }