/** * Render the widget in frontend * * @param array $args * @param array $instance * @return string */ function get_widget($args, $instance) { if (is_admin()) { return "<center><i class='icon-th-large icon-4x'></i></center>"; } $output = ""; $instance['id'] = $instance['layerslider']; $skipSecond = false; //check if we got a layerslider global $wpdb; // Table name $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "layerslider"; // Get slider $slider = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$table_name}\n WHERE id = " . (int) $instance['layerslider'] . " AND flag_hidden = '0'\n AND flag_deleted = '0'\n ORDER BY date_c DESC LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); if (!empty($slider)) { $slides = json_decode($slider['data'], true); $height = isset($slides['properties']['height']) ? $slides['properties']['height'] : ""; $width = isset($slides['properties']['width']) ? $slides['properties']['width'] : ""; $responsive = isset($slides['properties']['responsive']) ? $slides['properties']['responsive'] : ""; $responsiveunder = isset($slides['properties']['responsiveunder']) ? $slides['properties']['responsiveunder'] : ""; $params['style'] = " style='height: " . ($height + 1) . "px;' "; } $params['class'] = "layerslider main_color shadow "; $params['open_structure'] = false; $params['id'] = "layer_slider"; $output .= "</div></div></div></div></div></div>"; //$output .= new_section($params); $output .= layerslider_init($instance); //$output .= "</div>"; //close section //if (empty($skipSecond)) { $output .= new_section(array('open_structure' => true, 'open_color_wrap' => false, 'close' => false, 'id' => "after_layerslider")); //$output .= new_section(array('close' => false, 'id' => "after_layer_slider")); $output .= '<div><div>'; //} return $output; }
/** * Render the widget in frontend * * @param array $args * @param array $instance * @return string */ function get_widget($args, $instance) { extract(wp_parse_args($instance, array('link' => '', 'link_target' => '', 'caption_title' => '', 'caption_text' => '', 'size' => '', 'size_option' => '1', 'width' => '', 'interval' => '5000'))); if (is_admin()) { return "<center><i class='icon-youtube-play icon-4x'></i></center>"; } $output = ""; $class = ""; if ($size_option == '1') { if (cadr_section_class('wrap')) { $output .= "</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>"; } else { $output .= "</div></div></div></div></div></div>"; } } $use_width = ''; if ($size_option == '0') { //check how large the slider is and change the classname accordingly global $_wp_additional_image_sizes; $_wp_additional_image_sizes = get_registered_image_sizes(array('thumbnail', 'logo', 'widget', 'slider_thumb'), true); $width = 1500; if (isset($_wp_additional_image_sizes[$size]['width'])) { $width = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$size]['width']; } else { if ($size = get_option($size . '_size_w')) { $width = $size; } } if ($width < 600) { $class = " small-width-slider"; } if ($width < 305) { $class = " super-small-width-slider"; } //$use_width = "style='width:{$width}px'"; $use_width = ""; } //$size = $size_option == '1'?'full':$size; $id = "carousel-slide-" . rand(); $output .= "\n <div id='{$id}' class='carousel slide slideshow-{$size} {$class}' {$use_width}>\n <!-- Indicators -->\n <ol class='carousel-indicators'>\n "; $i = 0; foreach ($slides as $key => $value) { $active = $i == 0 ? "class='active'" : ''; $use_link_target = isset($link_target[$key]) && !empty($link_target[$key]) ? "target='" . $link_target[$key] . "'" : ''; //$use_link = isset($link[$key]) && is_array($link[$key])?get_url($link[$key]):'#'; $output .= "<li data-target='#{$id}' data-slide-to='{$i}' {$use_link_target} {$active}></li>"; $i++; } $output .= "\n </ol>\n\n <!-- Wrapper for slides -->\n <div class='carousel-inner'>\n "; $i = 0; //print_r($size); foreach ($slides as $key => $value) { $active = $i == 0 ? "active" : ''; $use_image = ""; if (isset($image[$key]) && is_array($image[$key])) { $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image[$key]['id'], $size); $img_title = isset($caption_title[$key]) && !empty($caption_title[$key]) ? "{$caption_title[$key]}" : ""; $use_image = "<img src='{$img[0]}' alt='{$img_title}' width='{$img[1]}' height='{$img[2]}' />"; } //$use_image = isset($image[$key]['url']) && !empty($image[$key]['url'])?"<img alt='' src='".$image[$key]['url']."' />":''; $use_caption_title = isset($caption_title[$key]) && !empty($caption_title[$key]) ? "<h3>{$caption_title[$key]}</h3>" : ""; $use_caption_text = isset($caption_text[$key]) && !empty($caption_text[$key]) ? "<p>{$caption_text[$key]}</p>" : ""; $output .= "\n <div class='item {$active}'>\n {$use_image}\n <div class='carousel-caption'>\n {$use_caption_title}\n {$use_caption_text}\n </div>\n </div>\n "; $i++; } $output .= "\n </div>\n\n <!-- Controls -->\n <a class='left carousel-control' href='#{$id}' data-slide='prev'>\n <span class='icon-prev'></span>\n </a>\n <a class='right carousel-control' href='#{$id}' data-slide='next'>\n <span class='icon-next'></span>\n </a>\n </div> \n "; $use_interval = $interval == 'false' ? 'false' : $interval * 1000; $output .= "\n <script>\n !function (\$) {\n \$(function(){\n \$('#{$id}').carousel({interval: {$use_interval} });\n });\n }(window.jQuery)\n </script>\n "; if ($size_option == '1') { $output .= new_section(array('open_structure' => true, 'open_color_wrap' => false, 'close' => false, 'id' => "after_full_slider")); $output .= "<div><div>"; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery( document ).ready(function(){ jQuery('.slideshow-full_width').css({'width':jQuery( 'body' ).width()}); }); </script> <?php } return $output; }
function redux_render_layout($layout, $id, $holder = '') { $html = ''; $redux_options = get_option("wpeden_admin"); $gs = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'redux_grid_settings', true); $gs = $gs[$holder . "_rows"]; //$_testing = redux_render_layout_prepare($gs); //$container_css = "bs_row-fluid"; //$layout_folder = "bootstrap"; $container_css = "container_12"; $layout_folder = "bootstrap"; global $redux_layout_data, $redux_layout_settings; if (!$redux_layout_settings) { $redux_layout_settings = get_option('redux_layout_settings', array()); } if (in_array($holder, get_post_types())) { $redux_page_layout_settings = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'redux_layout_settings', true); $ls = unserialize(base64_decode($redux_page_layout_settings[$holder][$layout][$id])); } else { $ls = unserialize(base64_decode($redux_layout_settings[$holder][$layout][$id])); } //print_r($ls);die("hhh"); //$rid = $ls['css_id'] ? $ls['css_id'] : "row_{$id}"; $rid = "row_{$id}"; $defaults = array('custom_section' => '0', 'custom_choice' => '', 'custom_bg' => '', 'position' => '', 'repeat' => '', 'attach' => '', 'padding' => '', 'margin' => '', 'shadow' => '', 'close' => true, 'open' => true); $ls = wp_parse_args($ls, $defaults); if ($ls['custom_section'] == '1') { $class = " section-" . $ls['shadow']; $background = ""; $padding = ""; $margin = ""; $output = ""; if (isset($ls['src']['url']) && !empty($ls['src']['url'])) { if ($ls['repeat'] == 'stretch') { $background .= "background-repeat: no-repeat; "; $class .= " section-full-stretch"; } else { $background .= "background-repeat: " . $ls['repeat'] . "; "; } $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($ls['src']['id'], 'extra_full_width'); $background .= "background-image: url(" . $img[0] . "); "; $background .= "background-attachment: " . $ls['attach'] . "; "; $background .= "background-position: " . $ls['position'] . "; "; } if (isset($ls['margin']['units']) && !empty($ls['margin']['units'])) { $margin .= "margin-top: " . $ls['margin']['margin-top'] . "; "; $margin .= "margin-right: " . $ls['margin']['margin-right'] . "; "; $margin .= "margin-bottom: " . $ls['margin']['margin-bottom'] . "; "; $margin .= "margin-left: " . $ls['margin']['margin-left'] . "; "; } if (isset($ls['padding']['units']) && !empty($ls['padding']['units'])) { $padding .= "padding-top: " . $ls['padding']['padding-top'] . "; "; $padding .= "padding-right: " . $ls['padding']['padding-right'] . "; "; $padding .= "padding-bottom: " . $ls['padding']['padding-bottom'] . "; "; $padding .= "padding-left: " . $ls['padding']['padding-left'] . "; "; } //if custom bg color set && user enabled custom bg color , then ignore custom bg image if ($ls['custom_bg'] != "" && $ls['custom_choice'] == '1') { $background = "background-color: " . $ls['custom_bg'] . "; "; } if ($background || $padding || $margin) { $background = "style = '{$background} {$padding} {$margin}'"; } //echo($background); $params['class'] = $class; $params['bg'] = $background; //echo "ssss"; $html .= new_section($params); ///echo $html; //echo "ssss"; //die(); } $html .= '<div class="row section_area">'; $cols = count($gs[$id]); $cols = $cols ? $cols : 2; $grid = (int) (12 / $cols); $rem = 12 % $cols; for ($i = 1; $i <= $cols; $i++) { if ($i == $cols) { $grid += $rem; } if ($gs[$id]) { $grid = $gs[$id]['grid_' . $i]; } $html .= "<div class='col-md-{$grid} redux_column' id='column_{$i}_{$id}'>"; $html .= redux_render_mobules("column_{$i}_{$id}"); $html .= "</div>"; } $html .= '</div>'; if ($ls['custom_section'] == '1') { $skipSecond = ''; if (empty($skipSecond)) { $new_params['id'] = "after_section"; $html .= new_section($new_params); } } return $html; }
set_section('added', $_SESSION['course'], $_SESSION['dept'], $_POST['section'], $_SESSION['year'], $_SESSION['season']); } if (isset($_POST['new'])) { //add this new section. //if we have discussion and lab, let's input that. if (isset($_POST['day1']) && isset($_POST['day2'])) { new_section($_POST['crn'], $_SESSION['dept'], $_SESSION['course'], $_POST['addingsection'], $_SESSION['year'], $_SESSION['season'], $_POST['day'], $_POST['lecturestart'], $_POST['lectureend'], $_POST['day1'], $_POST['discstart'], $_POST['discend'], $_POST['day2'], $_POST['labstart'], $_POST['labend']); } else { if (isset($_POST['day1'])) { new_section($_POST['crn'], $_SESSION['dept'], $_SESSION['course'], $_POST['addingsection'], $_SESSION['year'], $_SESSION['season'], $_POST['day'], $_POST['lecturestart'], $_POST['lectureend'], $_POST['day1'], $_POST['discstart'], $_POST['discend']); } else { if (isset($_POST['day2'])) { new_section($_POST['crn'], $_SESSION['dept'], $_SESSION['course'], $_POST['addingsection'], $_SESSION['year'], $_SESSION['season'], $_POST['day'], $_POST['lecturestart'], $_POST['lectureend'], $_POST['day2'], $_POST['labstart'], $_POST['labend']); } else { //just lecture new_section($_POST['crn'], $_SESSION['dept'], $_SESSION['course'], $_POST['addingsection'], $_SESSION['year'], $_SESSION['season'], $_POST['day'], $_POST['lecturestart'], $_POST['lectureend']); } } } } staffheader($_SESSION['name'], "mansection.php", $_SESSION['year'], $_SESSION['season_name'], $_SESSION['season']); ?> <br><br><br> <p style="text-align:center"> <fieldset class="scheduler-border" style="border-color:#3BA4C7; width: 80%; text-align: center; margin-left: 10%; margin-right: 10%"> <legend><b>Section Management:</b></legend> <input type="button" onClick="parent.location='mancourse.php'" value="Back to Courses"> <p>This page can be used to manage the sections offered for <b> <?php