echo stripslashes($articles[key($articles)]->content);
         echo "<p style=\"font-size: x-small;\">(";
         echo $strcreated;
         echo ": " . userdate($articles[key($articles)]->timecreated);
         echo " " . $strmodified . ": " . userdate($articles[key($articles)]->timemodified) . ")</p>\n";
 } else {
     if (!$frontpage) {
         /// display a single article on the page (the first in current section
         $thearticle = netpublish_get_article($article);
         // Edit buttons
         netpublish_print_actionbuttons($cm, $thearticle, $USER->id, $course->id, true);
         echo "<h2>" . stripslashes($thearticle->title) . "</h2>\n";
         //if ( $_GET['id'] != 15832 ) { // (nadavkav) orit tati hack. do not forget to remove after 9.3.2010
         echo "<div class=\"authors\"><strong>" . $strauthor . "</strong>: " . s($thearticle->firstname) . " " . s($thearticle->lastname);
         echo "<br />\n";
         echo "<strong>" . $strpublished . "</strong>: " . userdate($thearticle->timepublished) . "</div>\n";
         echo stripslashes($thearticle->intro);
         echo stripslashes($thearticle->content);
         echo "<p style=\"font-size: x-small;\">(";
         echo $strcreated;
         echo ": " . userdate($thearticle->timecreated);
         echo " " . $strmodified . ": " . userdate($thearticle->timemodified) . ")</p>\n";
     } else {
         /// display all articles in current section
         ///  (on front page, display all articles in the Magazine/Newspapaer)
         $allsections = get_records("netpublish_sections", "publishid", $mod->id);
         foreach ($allsections as $section) {
             $sectionarticles = get_records_select("netpublish_articles", " publishid = {$mod->id} AND sectionid = {$section->id} AND statusid = 4 ");
$mine = array();
$others = array();
if (!empty($articles)) {
    $formcount = 1;
    foreach ($articles as $article) {
        $rights = netpublish_get_rights($article->rights);
        $canread = !empty($rights[$USER->id]) ? $nperm->can_read($rights[$USER->id]) : 0;
        $newrow = array();
        if (has_capability('moodle/legacy:editingteacher', $coursecontext) || $canread || intval($article->userid) == intval($USER->id)) {
            $newrow[] = "<a href=\"preview.php?id={$cm->id}&amp;article={$article->id}&amp;" . "status={$article->statusid}\">{$article->title}</a>";
        } else {
            $newrow[] = $article->title;
        $newrow[] = netpublish_print_actionbuttons($cm, $article, $USER->id, $course->id, true, true);
        if (!empty($article->authors)) {
            $newrow[] = fullname($article) . ' ' . netpublish_print_authors($article->authors, true);
        } else {
            $newrow[] = fullname($article);
        $teacher = new stdClass();
        $teacher->firstname = $article->tfirstname;
        $teacher->lastname = $article->tlastname;
        $newrow[] = fullname($teacher);
        if (has_capability('moodle/legacy:editingteacher', $coursecontext)) {
            $newrow[] = "<form id=\"frm_{$formcount}\" name=\"frm_{$formcount}\"" . " method=\"post\" action=\"drafts.php\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"" . $cm->id . "\" />\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"articleid\" value=\"" . $article->id . "\" />\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sesskey\" value=\"" . $USER->sesskey . "\" />\n" . netpublish_print_status_list("statusid", $publish, $article->statusid, "onchange=\"send_form('frm_{$formcount}');\"", true) . "</form>\n";
        } else {
            $newrow[] = $article->status;
        $newrow[] = userdate($article->timecreated, "%x %X");
        $newrow[] = userdate($article->timemodified, "%x %X");