$label = __("Background Color", 'dt_delicate');
$name = "mytheme[appearance][boxed-layout-bg-color]";
$value = mytheme_option('appearance', 'boxed-layout-bg-color') != NULL ? mytheme_option('appearance', 'boxed-layout-bg-color') : "#";
$tooltip = __("Pick a background color of the theme.(e.g. #a314a3)", 'dt_delicate');
mytheme_admin_color_picker($label, $name, $value, '');
                                <p class="note"> <?php 
echo $tooltip;
                                <div class="hr_invisible"> </div>
echo mytheme_admin_jqueryuislider(__("Background opacity", 'dt_delicate'), "mytheme[appearance][boxed-layout-bg-opacity]", mytheme_option("appearance", "boxed-layout-bg-opacity"), "");
                         </div><!-- Boxed Layout BG Color -->
                    </div><!-- Upload custom BG option Ends -->
                </div><!-- .box-content -->   
            </div><!-- .bpanel-box -->    
        </div><!--Layout Section  End-->


    </div><!-- .bpanel-main-content end -->
</div><!-- #appearance  end-->
예제 #2
                          <h6> <?php 
echo $label;
mytheme_admin_color_picker("", $name, $value, '');
                          <p class="note no-margin"><?php 
echo $tooltip;
                    <div class="column one-half last">
mytheme_admin_jqueryuislider(__('Message Font Size', 'dt_delicate'), "mytheme[bbar][message-font-size]", mytheme_option('bbar', "message-font-size"));
                    <div class="hr"> </div>
                    <div class="column one-third">
_e('Disable Font Color', 'dt_delicate');
mytheme_switch("", 'bbar', 'disable-message-font-color');
        $name = "mytheme[specialty][message-font-color]";
        $value = mytheme_option('specialty', 'message-font-color') != NULL ? mytheme_option('specialty', 'message-font-color') : "#";
        $tooltip = __("Pick a custom color for 404 message font color of the theme e.g. #a314a3", 'dt_delicate');
									  <h6> <?php 
        echo $label;
        mytheme_admin_color_picker("", $name, $value, '');
                            </div><!-- Font Color Section -->
                            <div class="column one-half last">
        mytheme_admin_jqueryuislider(__('Message Font Size', 'dt_delicate'), "mytheme[specialty][message-font-size]", mytheme_option('specialty', "message-font-size"));
                    <!-- 404 Content End-->

                 </div><!-- .bpanel-box end -->
            </div><!-- .tab-content end -->