private function __construct() { $this->deliverymethod = mymail_option('deliverymethod', 'simple'); $this->dkim = mymail_option('dkim'); require_once MYMAIL_DIR . '/classes/mail.helper.class.php'; $this->mailer = new mymail_mail_helper(true); if ($this->deliverymethod == 'smtp') { $this->mailer->IsSMTP(); $this->mailer->Host = mymail_option('smtp_host'); $this->mailer->Port = mymail_option('smtp_port', 25); $this->mailer->Timeout = mymail_option('smtp_timeout', 10); $this->mailer->SMTPAuth = mymail_option('smtp_auth', false); if ($this->mailer->SMTPAuth) { $this->mailer->Username = mymail_option('smtp_user'); $this->mailer->Password = mymail_option('smtp_pwd'); } $this->mailer->SMTPSecure = mymail_option('smtp_secure', ''); $this->mailer->SMTPKeepAlive = true; add_action('mymail_presend', array(&$this, 'pre_send')); add_action('mymail_dosend', array(&$this, 'do_send')); } else { if ($this->deliverymethod == 'gmail') { $this->mailer->IsSMTP(); $this->mailer->Host = ''; $this->mailer->Port = 587; $this->mailer->SMTPAuth = true; $this->mailer->Username = mymail_option('gmail_user'); $this->mailer->Password = mymail_option('gmail_pwd'); $this->mailer->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; $this->mailer->SMTPKeepAlive = true; add_action('mymail_presend', array(&$this, 'pre_send')); add_action('mymail_dosend', array(&$this, 'do_send')); } else { if ($this->deliverymethod == 'simple') { $method = mymail_option('simplemethod', 'sendmail'); if ($method == 'sendmail') { $this->mailer->Sendmail = mymail_option('sendmail_path'); if (empty($this->mailer->Sendmail)) { $this->mailer->Sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; } $this->mailer->IsSendmail(); } else { if ($method == 'qmail') { $this->mailer->IsQmail(); } else { $this->mailer->IsMail(); } } add_action('mymail_presend', array(&$this, 'pre_send')); add_action('mymail_dosend', array(&$this, 'do_send')); } else { do_action('mymail_initsend', $this); } } } if ($this->dkim) { $this->mailer->DKIM_selector = mymail_option('dkim_selector'); $this->mailer->DKIM_domain = mymail_option('dkim_domain'); $folder = MYMAIL_UPLOAD_DIR . '/dkim'; $this->mailer->DKIM_private = $folder . '/' . mymail_option('dkim_private_hash') . '.pem'; $this->mailer->DKIM_passphrase = mymail_option('dkim_passphrase'); $this->mailer->DKIM_identity = mymail_option('dkim_identity'); } $this->from = mymail_option('from'); $this->from_name = mymail_option('from_name'); $this->send_limit = mymail_option('send_limit'); if (!get_transient('_mymail_send_period_timeout')) { set_transient('_mymail_send_period_timeout', true, mymail_option('send_period') * 3600); } else { $this->sent_within_period = get_transient('_mymail_send_period'); if (!$this->sent_within_period) { $this->sent_within_period = 0; } } $this->sentlimitreached = $this->sent_within_period >= $this->send_limit; if ($this->sentlimitreached) { $msg = sprintf(__('Sent limit of %1$s reached! You have to wait %2$s before you can send more mails!', 'mymail'), '<strong>' . $this->send_limit . '</strong>', '<strong>' . human_time_diff(get_option('_transient_timeout__mymail_send_period_timeout')) . '</strong>'); mymail_notice($msg, 'error', false, 'dailylimit'); } else { mymail_remove_notice('dailylimit'); } }
public function verify($options) { global $mymail; if (isset($_POST['mymail_generate_dkim_keys'])) { try { $res = openssl_pkey_new(array('private_key_bits' => isset($options['dkim_bitsize']) ? (int) $options['dkim_bitsize'] : 512)); openssl_pkey_export($res, $dkim_private_key); $dkim_public_key = openssl_pkey_get_details($res); $dkim_public_key = $dkim_public_key["key"]; $options['dkim_public_key'] = $dkim_public_key; $options['dkim_private_key'] = $dkim_private_key; add_settings_error('mymail_options', 'mymail_options', __('New DKIM keys have been created!', 'mymail'), 'updated'); } catch (Exception $e) { add_settings_error('mymail_options', 'mymail_options', __('Not able to create new DKIM keys!', 'mymail')); } } if (!empty($_FILES['country_db_file']['name'])) { $file = $_FILES['country_db_file']; $dest = MYMAIL_UPLOAD_DIR . '/' . $file['name']; if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $dest)) { if (is_file($dest)) { $options['countries_db'] = $dest; add_settings_error('mymail_options', 'mymail_options', sprintf(__('File uploaded to %s', 'mymail'), '"' . $dest . '"'), 'updated'); } else { $options['countries_db'] = ''; } } else { add_settings_error('mymail_options', 'mymail_options', __('unable to upload file', 'mymail')); $options['countries_db'] = ''; } } if (!empty($_FILES['city_db_file']['name'])) { $file = $_FILES['city_db_file']; $dest = MYMAIL_UPLOAD_DIR . '/' . $file['name']; if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $dest)) { if (is_file($dest)) { $options['cities_db'] = $dest; add_settings_error('mymail_options', 'mymail_options', sprintf(__('File uploaded to %s', 'mymail'), '"' . $dest . '"'), 'updated'); } else { $options['cities_db'] = ''; } } else { add_settings_error('mymail_options', 'mymail_options', __('unable to upload file', 'mymail')); $options['cities_db'] = ''; } } $verify = array('from', 'reply_to', 'homepage', 'trackcountries', 'trackcities', 'vcard_content', 'custom_field', 'forms', 'form_css', 'send_period', 'bounce', 'cron_service', 'cron_secret', 'interval', 'roles', 'tweet_cache_time', 'deliverymethod', 'dkim_domain', 'dkim_selector', 'dkim_identity', 'dkim_passphrase', 'dkim_private_key', 'purchasecode'); if (isset($_POST['mymail_import_settings']) && $_POST['mymail_import_settings']) { $settings = unserialize(base64_decode($_POST['mymail_import_settings'])); $options = wp_parse_args($settings, $options); } foreach ($verify as $id) { if (!isset($options[$id])) { continue; } $value = $options[$id]; $old = mymail_option($id); switch ($id) { case 'from': case 'reply_to': case 'bounce': if ($value && !mymail_is_email($value)) { add_settings_error('mymail_options', 'mymail_options', sprintf(__('%s is not a valid email address', 'mymail'), '"' . $value . '"')); $value = $old; } break; case 'trackcountries': if (!$options['countries_db'] || !is_file($options['countries_db'])) { add_settings_error('mymail_options', 'mymail_options', __('No country database found! Please load it!', 'mymail')); $value = false; } break; case 'trackcities': if (!$options['cities_db'] || !is_file($options['cities_db'])) { add_settings_error('mymail_options', 'mymail_options', __('No city database found! Please load it!', 'mymail')); $value = false; } break; case 'homepage': if ($old != $value) { mymail_remove_notice('no-homepage'); } break; case 'interval': if ($old != $value) { } break; case 'cron_service': if ($old != $value) { if ($value == 'wp_cron') { if (!wp_next_scheduled('mymail_cron_worker')) { wp_schedule_event(floor(time() / 300) * 300, 'mymail_cron_interval', 'mymail_cron_worker'); } } else { wp_clear_scheduled_hook('mymail_cron_worker'); } } break; case 'cron_secret': if ($old != $value) { if ($value == '') { $value = md5(uniqid()); } } break; case 'vcard_content': $folder = MYMAIL_UPLOAD_DIR; if (empty($options['vcard_content'])) { $options['vcard'] = false; } if (!is_dir($folder)) { wp_mkdir_p($folder); } $options['vcard_filename'] = sanitize_file_name($options['vcard_filename']); $filename = $folder . '/' . $options['vcard_filename']; if (!empty($options['vcard'])) { file_put_contents($filename, $options['vcard_content']); } else { if (file_exists($filename)) { @unlink($filename); } } break; case 'custom_field': if (serialize($old) != serialize($value)) { } break; case 'forms': if (function_exists('add_settings_error')) { foreach ($value as $form) { if (!isset($form['lists']) || empty($form['lists'])) { add_settings_error('mymail_options', 'mymail_options', sprintf(__('Form %s has no assigned lists', 'mymail'), '"' . $form['name'] . '"')); } } } if (serialize($old) != serialize($value)) { } break; case 'form_css': if (isset($_POST['mymail_reset_form_css'])) { require_once MYMAIL_DIR . '/includes/static.php'; $value = $mymail_form_css; add_settings_error('mymail_options', 'mymail_options', __('Form CSS reseted!', 'mymail'), 'updated'); } if ($old != $value) { delete_transient('mymail_form_css'); $value = str_replace(array('MYMAIL_URI'), array(MYMAIL_URI), $value); $options['form_css_hash'] = md5(MYMAIL_VERSION . $value); } break; case 'send_period': if ($old != $value) { if ($timestamp = get_option('_transient_timeout__mymail_send_period_timeout')) { $new = time() + $value * 3600; update_option('_transient_timeout__mymail_send_period_timeout', $new); } else { update_option('_transient__mymail_send_period_timeout', false); } mymail_remove_notice('dailylimit'); } break; case 'roles': if (serialize($old) != serialize($value)) { require_once MYMAIL_DIR . '/includes/capability.php'; global $wp_roles; if (!$wp_roles) { break; } $newvalue = array(); //give admin all rights $value['administrator'] = array(); //foreach role foreach ($value as $role => $capabilities) { if (!isset($newvalue[$role])) { $newvalue[$role] = array(); } foreach ($mymail_capabilities as $capability => $data) { if (in_array($capability, $capabilities) || 'administrator' == $role) { $wp_roles->add_cap($role, $capability); $newvalue[$role][] = $capability; } else { $wp_roles->remove_cap($role, $capability); } } } $value = $newvalue; } break; case 'tweet_cache_time': $value = (int) $value; if ($value < 10) { $value = 10; add_settings_error('mymail_options', 'mymail_options', sprintf(__('The caching time for tweets must be at least %d minutes', 'mymail'), '10')); } break; case 'deliverymethod': if ($old != $value) { if ($value == 'gmail') { if ($options['send_limit'] != 500) { $options['send_limit'] = 500; $options['send_period'] = 24; update_option('_transient__mymail_send_period_timeout', false); add_settings_error('mymail_options', 'mymail_options', sprintf(__('Send limit has been adjusted to %d for Gmail', 'mymail'), 500)); } } } break; case 'dkim_domain': case 'dkim_selector': case 'dkim_identity': if ($old != $value) { $value = trim($value); } break; case 'dkim_private_key': if ($old != $value) { global $wp_filesystem; if (!mymail_require_filesystem('', '', false)) { break; } $folder = MYMAIL_UPLOAD_DIR . '/dkim'; //create folder if (!is_dir($folder)) { wp_mkdir_p($folder); $wp_filesystem->put_contents($folder . '/index.php', '<?php //silence is golden ?>', FS_CHMOD_FILE); } //remove old if (isset($options['dkim_private_hash']) && is_file($folder . '/' . $options['dkim_private_hash'] . '.pem')) { $wp_filesystem->delete($folder . '/' . $options['dkim_private_hash'] . '.pem'); } $hash = md5($value); if ($wp_filesystem->put_contents($folder . '/' . $hash . '.pem', $value, FS_CHMOD_FILE)) { $options['dkim_private_hash'] = $hash; } } break; case 'purchasecode': if ($old != $value && $value) { if (preg_match('#^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$#', $value)) { $envato_plugins = get_option('envato_plugins'); if (isset($envato_plugins[MYMAIL_SLUG])) { $envato_plugins[MYMAIL_SLUG]->last_update = 0; update_option('envato_plugins', $envato_plugins); } } else { add_settings_error('mymail_options', 'mymail_options', sprintf(__('The provided purchasecode %s is invalid', 'mymail'), '"' . $value . '"')); $value = ''; } } break; } $options[$id] = $value; } $options = apply_filters('mymail_verify_options', $options); //clear everything thats cached mymail_clear_cache(); return $options; }
private function start_campaign($id) { if (!current_user_can('publish_newsletters')) { wp_die(__('You are not allowed to start campaigns.', 'mymail')); } $post = get_post($id); $post_meta = get_post_meta($id, 'mymail-data', true); if (!$this->get_totals_by_id($id)) { return false; } $post_meta['active'] = true; if (empty($post_meta['timestamp']) || $post->post_status == 'queued') { $currenttime = current_time('timestamp'); $post_meta['timestamp'] = $currenttime; $post_meta['date'] = date('Y-m-d', $post_meta['timestamp']); $post_meta['time'] = date('H:i', $post_meta['timestamp']); } $this->post_meta($id, 'mymail-data', $post_meta, true); $success = $this->change_status($post, 'active'); mymail_remove_notice('camp_error_' . $id); $this->add_cron(); return $success; }