function mc_switch_sites()
    if (function_exists('is_multisite') && is_multisite()) {
        if (get_site_option('mc_multisite') == 2 && my_calendar_table() != my_calendar_table('global')) {
            if (get_option('mc_current_table') == '1') {
                // can post to either, but is currently set to post to central table
                return true;
        } else {
            if (get_site_option('mc_multisite') == 1 && my_calendar_table() != my_calendar_table('global')) {
                // can only post to central table
                return true;
    return false;
예제 #2
function mc_deal_with_deleted_user($id)
    global $wpdb;
    $mcdb = $wpdb;
    // Do the queries
    // This may not work quite right in multi-site. Need to explore further when I have time.
    $mcdb->get_results("UPDATE " . my_calendar_table() . " SET event_author=" . apply_filters('mc_deleted_author', $mcdb->get_var("SELECT MIN(ID) FROM " . $mcdb->prefix . "users", 0, 0)) . " WHERE event_author=" . $id);
    $mcdb->get_results("UPDATE " . my_calendar_table() . " SET event_host=" . apply_filters('mc_deleted_host', $mcdb->get_var("SELECT MIN(ID) FROM " . $mcdb->prefix . "users", 0, 0)) . " WHERE event_host=" . $id);
function mc_list_groups()
    global $wpdb;
    $mcdb = $wpdb;
    $sortby = isset($_GET['sort']) ? (int) $_GET['sort'] : get_option('mc_default_sort');
    if (isset($_GET['order'])) {
        $sortdir = isset($_GET['order']) && $_GET['order'] == 'ASC' ? 'ASC' : 'default';
    } else {
        $sortdir = 'default';
    if (empty($sortby)) {
        $sortbyvalue = 'event_begin';
    } else {
        switch ($sortby) {
            case 1:
                $sortbyvalue = 'event_ID';
            case 2:
                $sortbyvalue = 'event_title';
            case 3:
                $sortbyvalue = 'event_desc';
            case 4:
                $sortbyvalue = 'event_begin';
            case 5:
                $sortbyvalue = 'event_author';
            case 6:
                $sortbyvalue = 'event_category';
            case 7:
                $sortbyvalue = 'event_label';
            case 8:
                $sortbyvalue = 'group_id';
                $sortbyvalue = 'event_begin';
    $sortbydirection = $sortdir == 'default' ? 'DESC' : $sortdir;
    $sorting = $sortbydirection == 'DESC' ? "&order=ASC" : '';
    $current = empty($_GET['paged']) ? 1 : intval($_GET['paged']);
    $user = get_current_user_id();
    $screen = get_current_screen();
    $option = $screen->get_option('per_page', 'option');
    $items_per_page = get_user_meta($user, $option, true);
    if (empty($items_per_page) || $items_per_page < 1) {
        $items_per_page = $screen->get_option('per_page', 'default');
    $limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? $_GET['limit'] : 'all';
    switch ($limit) {
        case 'all':
            $limit = '';
        case 'grouped':
            $limit = 'WHERE event_group_id <> 0';
        case 'ungrouped':
            $limit = 'WHERE event_group_id = 0';
            $limit = '';
    $events = $mcdb->get_results("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM " . my_calendar_table() . " {$limit} ORDER BY {$sortbyvalue} {$sortbydirection} LIMIT " . ($current - 1) * $items_per_page . ", " . $items_per_page);
    $found_rows = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT FOUND_ROWS();");
    $items = $found_rows[0];
<div class='inside'><?php 
    if (get_option('mc_event_approve') == 'true') {
		<ul class="links">
		<li><a <?php 
        echo isset($_GET['limit']) && $_GET['limit'] == 'groupeed' ? ' class="active-link"' : '';
        echo admin_url('admin.php?page=my-calendar-groups&amp;limit=grouped#my-calendar-admin-table');
        _e('Grouped Events', 'my-calendar');
		<li><a <?php 
        echo isset($_GET['limit']) && $_GET['limit'] == 'ungrouped' ? ' class="active-link"' : '';
        echo admin_url('admin.php?page=my-calendar-groups&amp;limit=ungrouped#my-calendar-admin-table');
        _e('Ungrouped Events', 'my-calendar');
		<li><a <?php 
        echo isset($_GET['limit']) && $_GET['limit'] == 'all' || !isset($_GET['limit']) ? ' class="active-link"' : '';
        echo admin_url('admin.php?page=my-calendar-groups#my-calendar-admin-table');
        _e('All', 'my-calendar');
    _e('Check a set of events to group them for mass editing.', 'my-calendar');
    $num_pages = ceil($items / $items_per_page);
    if ($num_pages > 1) {
        $page_links = paginate_links(array('base' => add_query_arg('paged', '%#%'), 'format' => '', 'prev_text' => __('&laquo; Previous<span class="screen-reader-text"> Events</span>', 'my-calendar'), 'next_text' => __('Next<span class="screen-reader-text"> Events</span> &raquo;', 'my-calendar'), 'total' => $num_pages, 'current' => $current, 'mid_size' => 1));
        printf("<div class='tablenav'><div class='tablenav-pages'>%s</div></div>", $page_links);
    if (!empty($events)) {
		<form action="<?php 
        echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-groups");
" method="post">
		<input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="<?php 
        echo wp_create_nonce('my-calendar-nonce');
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="event_action" value="group" />
		<p style="position:relative;display:inline-block;">
		<input type="submit" class="button-primary group" value="<?php 
        _e('Group checked events for mass editing', 'my-calendar');
" />
	<table class="widefat wp-list-table" id="my-calendar-admin-table">
		<th  scope="col" style="width: 50px;"><a href="<?php 
        echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-groups&amp;sort=1{$sorting}");
        _e('ID', 'my-calendar');
		<th  scope="col"><a href="<?php 
        echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-groups&amp;sort=8{$sorting}");
        _e('Group', 'my-calendar');
		<th  scope="col"><a href="<?php 
        echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-groups&amp;sort=2{$sorting}");
        _e('Title', 'my-calendar');
		<th  scope="col"><a href="<?php 
        echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-groups&amp;sort=7{$sorting}");
        _e('Where', 'my-calendar');
		<th  scope="col"><a href="<?php 
        echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-groups&amp;sort=4{$sorting}");
        _e('Starts', 'my-calendar');
		<th  scope="col"><?php 
        _e('Recurs', 'my-calendar');
		<th  scope="col"><a href="<?php 
        echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-groups&amp;sort=5{$sorting}");
        _e('Author', 'my-calendar');
		<th  scope="col"><a href="<?php 
        echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-groups&amp;sort=6{$sorting}");
        _e('Category', 'my-calendar');
        $class = '';
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . my_calendar_categories_table();
        $categories = $mcdb->get_results($sql);
        foreach ($events as $event) {
            $class = $class == 'alternate' ? '' : 'alternate';
            $spam = $event->event_flagged == 1 ? ' spam' : '';
            $spam_label = $event->event_flagged == 1 ? '<strong>Possible spam:</strong> ' : '';
            $author = $event->event_author != 0 ? get_userdata($event->event_author) : 'Public Submitter';
            if ($event->event_link != '') {
                $title = "<a href='" . esc_attr($event->event_link) . "'>{$event->event_title}</a>";
            } else {
                $title = $event->event_title;
			<tr class="<?php 
            echo $class;
            echo $spam;
" id="event<?php 
            echo $event->event_id;
				<th scope="row"><input type="checkbox" value="<?php 
            echo $event->event_id;
" name="group[]" id="mc<?php 
            echo $event->event_id;
" <?php 
            echo mc_event_is_grouped($event->event_group_id) ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '';
 /> <label for="mc<?php 
            echo $event->event_id;
            echo $event->event_id;
				<th scope="row"><?php 
            echo $event->event_group_id == 0 ? '-' : $event->event_group_id;
				<td title="<?php 
            echo esc_attr(substr(strip_tags(stripslashes($event->event_desc)), 0, 240));
            if (mc_can_edit_event($event->event_author)) {
						<a href="<?php 
                echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar&amp;mode=edit&amp;event_id={$event->event_id}");
" class='edit'>
            echo $spam_label;
            echo stripslashes($title);
            if (mc_can_edit_event($event->event_author)) {
                echo "</a>";
				<div class='row-actions' style="visibility:visible;">
            if (mc_can_edit_event($event->event_author)) {
				<a href="<?php 
                echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar&amp;mode=edit&amp;event_id={$event->event_id}");
" class='edit'><?php 
                _e('Edit Event', 'my-calendar');
</a> | 
                if (mc_event_is_grouped($event->event_group_id)) {
					<a href="<?php 
                    echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-groups&amp;mode=edit&amp;event_id={$event->event_id}&amp;group_id={$event->event_group_id}");
" class='edit group'><?php 
                    _e('Edit Group', 'my-calendar');
                } else {
                    _e('Ungrouped', 'my-calendar');
            } else {
                _e("Not editable.", 'my-calendar');
            echo stripslashes($event->event_label);
            if ($event->event_time != "00:00:00") {
                $eventTime = date_i18n(get_option('mc_time_format'), strtotime($event->event_time));
            } else {
                $eventTime = get_option('mc_notime_text');
            echo "{$event->event_begin}<br />{$eventTime}";
            $recurs = str_split($event->event_recur, 1);
            $recur = $recurs[0];
            $every = isset($recurs[1]) ? $recurs[1] : 1;
            // Interpret the DB values into something human readable
            if ($recur == 'S') {
                _e('Never', 'my-calendar');
            } else {
                if ($recur == 'D') {
                    _e('Daily', 'my-calendar');
                } else {
                    if ($recur == 'E') {
                        _e('Weekdays', 'my-calendar');
                    } else {
                        if ($recur == 'W') {
                            _e('Weekly', 'my-calendar');
                        } else {
                            if ($recur == 'B') {
                                _e('Bi-Weekly', 'my-calendar');
                            } else {
                                if ($recur == 'M') {
                                    _e('Monthly (by date)', 'my-calendar');
                                } else {
                                    if ($recur == 'U') {
                                        _e('Monthly (by day)', 'my-calendar');
                                    } else {
                                        if ($recur == 'Y') {
                                            _e('Yearly', 'my-calendar');
            if ($recur == 'S') {
                _e('N/A', 'my-calendar');
            } else {
                if (mc_event_repeats_forever($recur, $event->event_repeats)) {
                    _e('Forever', 'my-calendar');
                } else {
                    if ($event->event_repeats > 0) {
                        printf(__('%d Times', 'my-calendar'), $event->event_repeats);
            echo is_object($author) ? $author->display_name : $author;
            $this_category = $event->event_category;
            foreach ($categories as $key => $value) {
                if ($value->category_id == $this_category) {
                    $this_cat = $categories[$key];
				<td><div class="category-color" style="background-color:<?php 
            echo strpos($this_cat->category_color, '#') !== 0 ? '#' : '';
            echo $this_cat->category_color;
;"> </div> <?php 
            echo stripslashes($this_cat->category_name);
		<div class="inside">
			<input type="submit" class="button-secondary group" value="<?php 
        _e('Group checked events for mass editing', 'my-calendar');
" />
    } else {
		<div class="inside"><p><?php 
        _e("There are no events in the database!", 'my-calendar');
function mc_get_data($field, $id)
    global $wpdb;
    $mcdb = $wpdb;
    if (get_option('mc_remote') == 'true' && function_exists('mc_remote_db')) {
        $mcdb = mc_remote_db();
    $field = esc_sql($field);
    $sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT {$field} FROM " . my_calendar_table() . " WHERE event_id = %d", $id);
    $result = $mcdb->get_var($sql);
    return $result;
function mc_transition_db()
    // copy to post types. Don't do this if referencing remote sites.
    if (get_option('mc_remote') != 'true') {
        global $wpdb;
        $results = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM ' . my_calendar_locations_table(), ARRAY_A);
        $locations = array();
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $location_id = $result['location_id'];
            $hash = md5(serialize($result));
            $locations[$location_id] = $result;
        $results = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM ' . my_calendar_categories_table());
        foreach ($results as $category) {
            $term = wp_insert_term($category->category_name, 'mc-event-category');
            if (!is_wp_error($term)) {
                $term_id = $term['term_id'];
                mc_update_category('category_term', $term_id, $category->category_id);
            } else {
                if (isset($term->error_data['term_exists'])) {
                    $term_id = $term->error_data['term_exists'];
                    mc_update_category('category_term', $term_id, $category->category_id);
        $results = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM ' . my_calendar_table(), ARRAY_A);
        foreach ($results as $event) {
            $post_id = mc_create_event_post($event, $event['event_id']);
            mc_update_event('event_post', $post_id, $event['event_id']);
            // false if not found, id if found.
            $location = mc_check_location_table($event, $locations);
            if ($location) {
                mc_update_event('event_location', $location, $event['event_id']);
            } else {
                if ($event['event_label'] == '' && $event['event_street'] == '' && $event['event_url'] == '' && $event['event_city'] == '' && $event['event_state'] == '' && $event['event_country'] == '') {
                    // don't insert the row if location does not have basic data.
                } else {
                    $add = array('location_label' => $event['event_label'], 'location_street' => $event['event_street'], 'location_street2' => $event['event_street2'], 'location_city' => $event['event_city'], 'location_state' => $event['event_state'], 'location_postcode' => $event['event_postcode'], 'location_region' => $event['event_region'], 'location_country' => $event['event_country'], 'location_url' => $event['event_url'], 'location_longitude' => $event['event_longitude'], 'location_latitude' => $event['event_latitude'], 'location_zoom' => $event['event_zoom'], 'location_phone' => $event['event_phone'], 'location_access' => '');
                // could add delete routine to allow user to select what location to use for events using a given location.
예제 #6
function my_calendar_import()
    if (get_option('ko_calendar_imported') != 'true') {
        global $wpdb;
        $mcdb = $wpdb;
        define('KO_CALENDAR_TABLE', $mcdb->prefix . 'calendar');
        define('KO_CALENDAR_CATS', $mcdb->prefix . 'calendar_categories');
        $events = $mcdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . KO_CALENDAR_TABLE, 'ARRAY_A');
        $event_ids = array();
        foreach ($events as $key) {
            $endtime = $key['event_time'] == '00:00:00' ? '00:00:00' : date('H:i:s', strtotime("{$key['event_time']} +1 hour"));
            $data = array('event_title' => $key['event_title'], 'event_desc' => $key['event_desc'], 'event_begin' => $key['event_begin'], 'event_end' => $key['event_end'], 'event_time' => $key['event_time'], 'event_endtime' => $endtime, 'event_recur' => $key['event_recur'], 'event_repeats' => $key['event_repeats'], 'event_author' => $key['event_author'], 'event_category' => $key['event_category'], 'event_hide_end' => 1, 'event_link' => isset($key['event_link']) ? $key['event_link'] : '');
            $format = array('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%s');
            $update = $mcdb->insert(my_calendar_table(), $data, $format);
            $events_results = $update ? true : false;
            $event_ids[] = $mcdb->insert_id;
        foreach ($event_ids as $value) {
            // propagate event instances.
            $sql = "SELECT event_begin, event_time, event_end, event_endtime FROM " . my_calendar_table() . " WHERE event_id = {$value}";
            $event = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
            $event = $event[0];
            $dates = array('event_begin' => $event->event_begin, 'event_end' => $event->event_end, 'event_time' => $event->event_time, 'event_endtime' => $event->event_endtime);
            $event = mc_increment_event($value, $dates);
        $cats = $mcdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . KO_CALENDAR_CATS, 'ARRAY_A');
        $catsql = "";
        foreach ($cats as $key) {
            $name = esc_sql($key['category_name']);
            $color = esc_sql($key['category_colour']);
            $id = (int) $key['category_id'];
            $catsql = "INSERT INTO " . my_calendar_categories_table() . " SET \n\t\t\t\tcategory_id='" . $id . "',\n\t\t\t\tcategory_name='" . $name . "', \n\t\t\t\tcategory_color='" . $color . "' \n\t\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \n\t\t\t\tcategory_name='" . $name . "', \n\t\t\t\tcategory_color='" . $color . "';\n\t\t\t\t";
            $cats_results = $mcdb->query($catsql);
        $message = $cats_results !== false ? __('Categories imported successfully.', 'my-calendar') : __('Categories not imported.', 'my-calendar');
        $e_message = $events_results !== false ? __('Events imported successfully.', 'my-calendar') : __('Events not imported.', 'my-calendar');
        $return = "<div id='message' class='updated fade'><ul><li>{$message}</li><li>{$e_message}</li></ul></div>";
        echo $return;
        if ($cats_results !== false && $events_results !== false) {
            update_option('ko_calendar_imported', 'true');
function mc_event_is_grouped($group_id)
    global $wpdb;
    $mcdb = $wpdb;
    if ($group_id == 0) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $query = "SELECT count( event_group_id ) FROM " . my_calendar_table() . " WHERE event_group_id = {$group_id}";
        $value = $mcdb->get_var($query);
        if ($value > 1) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
function my_calendar_check_db()
    if (get_option('mc_remote') == 'true' && function_exists('mc_remote_db')) {
    global $wpdb;
    $mcdb = $wpdb;
    $row = $mcdb->get_row('SELECT * FROM ' . my_calendar_table());
    if (isset($_POST['upgrade']) && $_POST['upgrade'] == 'true') {
		<div class='upgrade-db updated'>
        _e('My Calendar Database is updated.', 'my-calendar');
    } else {
        if (!isset($row->event_tickets) && isset($row->event_id)) {
            if ($_GET['page'] == 'my-calendar-config') {
			<div class='upgrade-db error'>
				<form method="post" action="<?php 
                echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-config");
						<input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce"
                echo wp_create_nonce('my-calendar-nonce');
						<input type="hidden" name="upgrade" value="true"/>
                _e('The My Calendar database needs to be updated.', 'my-calendar');
						<input type="submit" value="<?php 
                _e('Update now', 'my-calendar');
" name="update-calendar"
            } else {
			<div class='upgrade-db error'>
                _e('The My Calendar database needs to be updated.', 'my-calendar');
                echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-config");
                _e('Update now', 'my-calendar');
        } elseif (!isset($row->event_id)) {
		<div class='upgrade-db error'>
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
            echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-config");
				<input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="<?php 
            echo wp_create_nonce('my-calendar-nonce');
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="upgrade" value="true" />
            _e('You haven\'t entered any events, so My Calendar can\'t tell whether your database is up to date. If you can\'t add events, upgrade your database!', 'my-calendar');
				<input type="submit" value="<?php 
            _e('Update now', 'my-calendar');
" name="update-calendar"
				       class="button-primary" />
function my_calendar_manage_categories()
    global $wpdb;
    $mcdb = $wpdb;
    $formats = array('%s', '%s', '%s');
	<div class="wrap jd-my-calendar">
    // We do some checking to see what we're doing
    if (!empty($_POST)) {
        $nonce = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'];
        if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'my-calendar-nonce')) {
            die("Security check failed");
    if (isset($_POST['mode']) && $_POST['mode'] == 'add') {
        $term = wp_insert_term($_POST['category_name'], 'mc-event-category');
        if (!is_wp_error($term)) {
            $term = $term['term_id'];
        } else {
            $term = false;
        $add = array('category_name' => $_POST['category_name'], 'category_color' => $_POST['category_color'], 'category_icon' => $_POST['category_icon'], 'category_private' => isset($_POST['category_private']) ? 1 : 0, 'category_term' => $term);
        // actions and filters
        $add = apply_filters('mc_pre_add_category', $add, $_POST);
        $results = $mcdb->insert(my_calendar_categories_table(), $add, $formats);
        do_action('mc_post_add_category', $add, $results, $_POST);
        $cat_ID = $mcdb->insert_id;
        if (isset($_POST['mc_default_category'])) {
            update_option('mc_default_category', $cat_ID);
            $append = __('Default category changed.', 'my-calendar');
        } else {
            $append = '';
        if (isset($_POST['mc_skip_holidays_category'])) {
            update_option('mc_skip_holidays_category', $cat_ID);
            $append .= __('Holiday category changed.', 'my-calendar');
        if ($results) {
            echo "<div class=\"updated\"><p><strong>" . __('Category added successfully', 'my-calendar') . ". {$append}</strong></p></div>";
        } else {
            echo "<div class=\"updated error\"><p><strong>" . __('Category addition failed.', 'my-calendar') . "</strong></p></div>";
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['mode']) && isset($_GET['category_id']) && $_GET['mode'] == 'delete') {
            $cat_ID = (int) $_GET['category_id'];
            $sql = "DELETE FROM " . my_calendar_categories_table() . " WHERE category_id={$cat_ID}";
            $results = $mcdb->query($sql);
            if ($results) {
                $sql = "UPDATE " . my_calendar_table() . " SET event_category=1 WHERE event_category={$cat_ID}";
                $cal_results = $mcdb->query($sql);
            } else {
                $cal_results = false;
            if (get_option('mc_default_category') == $cat_ID) {
                update_option('mc_default_category', 1);
            if ($results && $cal_results) {
                echo "<div class=\"updated\"><p><strong>" . __('Category deleted successfully. Categories in calendar updated.', 'my-calendar') . "</strong></p></div>";
            } else {
                if ($results && !$cal_results) {
                    echo "<div class=\"updated\"><p><strong>" . __('Category deleted successfully. Categories in calendar not updated.', 'my-calendar') . "</strong></p></div>";
                } else {
                    if (!$results && $cal_results) {
                        echo "<div class=\"updated error\"><p><strong>" . __('Category not deleted. Categories in calendar updated.', 'my-calendar') . "</strong></p></div>";
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET['mode']) && isset($_GET['category_id']) && $_GET['mode'] == 'edit' && !isset($_POST['mode'])) {
                $cur_cat = (int) $_GET['category_id'];
                mc_edit_category_form('edit', $cur_cat);
            } else {
                if (isset($_POST['mode']) && isset($_POST['category_id']) && isset($_POST['category_name']) && isset($_POST['category_color']) && $_POST['mode'] == 'edit') {
                    $update = array('category_name' => $_POST['category_name'], 'category_color' => $_POST['category_color'], 'category_icon' => $_POST['category_icon'], 'category_private' => isset($_POST['category_private']) ? 1 : 0);
                    $where = array('category_id' => (int) $_POST['category_id']);
                    $append = '';
                    if (isset($_POST['mc_default_category'])) {
                        update_option('mc_default_category', (int) $_POST['category_id']);
                        $append .= __('Default category changed.', 'my-calendar');
                    } else {
                        if (get_option('mc_default_category') == (int) $_POST['category_id']) {
                    if (isset($_POST['mc_skip_holidays_category'])) {
                        update_option('mc_skip_holidays_category', (int) $_POST['category_id']);
                        $append .= __('Holiday category changed.', 'my-calendar');
                    } else {
                        if (get_option('mc_skip_holidays_category') == (int) $_POST['category_id']) {
                    $results = $mcdb->update(my_calendar_categories_table(), $update, $where, $formats, '%d');
                    if ($results) {
                        echo "<div class=\"updated\"><p><strong>" . __('Category edited successfully.', 'my-calendar') . " {$append}</strong></p></div>";
                    } else {
                        echo "<div class=\"updated error\"><p><strong>" . __('Category was not edited.', 'my-calendar') . " {$append}</strong></p></div>";
                    $cur_cat = (int) $_POST['category_id'];
                    mc_edit_category_form('edit', $cur_cat);
    if (isset($_GET['mode']) && $_GET['mode'] != 'edit' || isset($_POST['mode']) && $_POST['mode'] != 'edit' || !isset($_GET['mode']) && !isset($_POST['mode'])) {
function mc_span_time($group_id)
    global $wpdb;
    $mcdb = $wpdb;
    if (get_option('mc_remote') == 'true' && function_exists('mc_remote_db')) {
        $mcdb = mc_remote_db();
    $group_id = (int) $group_id;
    $sql = "SELECT event_begin, event_time, event_end, event_endtime FROM " . my_calendar_table() . " WHERE event_group_id = {$group_id} ORDER BY event_begin ASC";
    $dates = $mcdb->get_results($sql);
    $count = count($dates);
    $last = $count - 1;
    $begin = $dates[0]->event_begin . ' ' . $dates[0]->event_time;
    $end = $dates[$last]->event_end . ' ' . $dates[$last]->event_endtime;
    return array($begin, $end);
function my_calendar_exists()
    global $wpdb;
    $tables = $wpdb->get_results("show tables;");
    foreach ($tables as $table) {
        foreach ($table as $value) {
            if ($value == my_calendar_table()) {
                // if the table exists, then My Calendar was already installed.
                return true;
    return false;
function mc_generator($type)
<form action="<?php 
    echo admin_url('admin.php?page=my-calendar-help');
" method="POST" id="my-calendar-generate">
    echo ucfirst($type);
</strong>: <?php 
    _e('Shortcode Attributes', 'my-calendar');
		<div id="mc-generator" class="generator">
			<div><input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="<?php 
    echo wp_create_nonce('my-calendar-generator');
			<input type='hidden' name='shortcode' value='<?php 
    // Common Elements to all Shortcodes
    echo my_calendar_categories_list('select', 'admin');

				<label for="ltype"><?php 
    _e('Location filter type:', 'my-calendar');
				<select name="ltype" id="ltype">
					<option value="" selected="selected"><?php 
    _e('All locations', 'my-calendar');
					<option value='event_label'><?php 
    _e('Location Name', 'my-calendar');
					<option value='event_city'><?php 
    _e('City', 'my-calendar');
					<option value='event_state'><?php 
    _e('State', 'my-calendar');
					<option value='event_postcode'><?php 
    _e('Postal Code', 'my-calendar');
					<option value='event_country'><?php 
    _e('Country', 'my-calendar');
					<option value='event_region'><?php 
    _e('Region', 'my-calendar');
				<label for="lvalue" id='lval'><?php 
    _e('Location filter value:', 'my-calendar');
				<input type="text" name="lvalue" id="lvalue" aria-labelledby='lval location-info' />

			<p id='location-info'>
    _e('<strong>Note:</strong> If you provide a location filter value, it must be an exact match for that information as saved with your events. (e.g. "Saint Paul" is not equivalent to "saint paul" or "St. Paul")', 'my-calendar');
    // Grab users and list them
    $users = mc_get_users();
    $options = '';
    foreach ($users as $u) {
        $options .= '<option value="' . $u->ID . '">' . esc_html($u->display_name) . "</option>\n";
				<label for="author"><?php 
    _e('Limit by Author', 'my-calendar');
				<select name="author[]" id="author" multiple="multiple">
					<option value="all"><?php 
    _e('All authors', 'my-calendar');
					<option value="current"><?php 
    _e('Currently logged-in user', 'my-calendar');
    echo $options;
				<label for="host"><?php 
    _e('Limit by Host', 'my-calendar');
				<select name="host[]" id="host" multiple="multiple">
					<option value="all"><?php 
    _e('All hosts', 'my-calendar');
					<option value="current"><?php 
    _e('Currently logged-in user', 'my-calendar');
    echo $options;
    // Main shortcode only
    if ($type == 'main') {
					<label for="format"><?php 
        _e('Format', 'my-calendar');
					<select name="format" id="format">
						<option value="calendar" selected="selected"><?php 
        _e('Grid', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="list"><?php 
        _e('List', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="mini"><?php 
        _e('Mini', 'my-calendar');
					<label for="time"><?php 
        _e('Time Segment', 'my-calendar');
					<select name="time" id="time">
						<option value="month" selected="selected"><?php 
        _e('Month', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="month+1"><?php 
        _e('Next Month', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="week"><?php 
        _e('Week', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="day"><?php 
        _e('Day', 'my-calendar');
					<label for="year"><?php 
        _e('Year', 'my-calendar');
					<select name="year" id="year">
						<option value=''><?php 
        _e('Default', 'my-calendar');
        global $wpdb;
        $mcdb = $wpdb;
        $query = "SELECT event_begin FROM " . my_calendar_table() . " WHERE event_approved = 1 AND event_flagged <> 1 ORDER BY event_begin ASC LIMIT 0 , 1";
        $year1 = date('Y', strtotime($mcdb->get_var($query)));
        $diff1 = date('Y') - $year1;
        $past = $diff1;
        $future = apply_filters('mc_jumpbox_future_years', 5, false);
        $fut = 1;
        $f = '';
        $p = '';
        $offset = 60 * 60 * get_option('gmt_offset');
        while ($past > 0) {
            $p .= '<option value="';
            $p .= date("Y", time() + $offset) - $past;
            $p .= '">';
            $p .= date("Y", time() + $offset) - $past . "</option>\n";
            $past = $past - 1;
        while ($fut < $future) {
            $f .= '<option value="';
            $f .= date("Y", time() + $offset) + $fut;
            $f .= '">';
            $f .= date("Y", time() + $offset) + $fut . "</option>\n";
            $fut = $fut + 1;
        echo $p . '<option value="' . date("Y") . '">' . date("Y") . "</option>\n" . $f;
					<label for="month"><?php 
        _e('Month', 'my-calendar');
					<select name="month" id="month">
						<option value=''><?php 
        _e('Default', 'my-calendar');
        $months = '';
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
            $months .= "<option value='{$i}'>" . date_i18n('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1)) . '</option>' . "\n";
        echo $months;
					<label for="day"><?php 
        _e('Day', 'my-calendar');
					<select name="day" id="day">
						<option value=''><?php 
        _e('Default', 'my-calendar');
        $days = '';
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
            $days .= "<option value='{$i}'>" . $i . '</option>' . "\n";
        echo $days;
				<p id='navigation-info'>
        printf(__("Navigation above and below the calendar: your <a href='%s'>settings</a> if this is left blank. Use <code>none</code> to hide all navigation.", 'my-calendar'), admin_url('admin.php?page=my-calendar-config#mc-output'));
					<label for="above" id='labove'><?php 
        _e('Navigation above calendar', 'my-calendar');
					<input type="text" name="above" id="above" value="nav,toggle,jump,print,timeframe"
					       aria-labelledby='labove navigation-info' /><br/>
					<label for="below" id='lbelow'><?php 
        _e('Navigation below calendar', 'my-calendar');
					<input type="text" name="below" id="below" value="key,feeds"
					       aria-labelledby='lbelow navigation-info' /><br/>
    if ($type == 'upcoming' || $type == 'today') {
        // Upcoming Events & Today's Events shortcodes
					<label for="fallback"><?php 
        _e('Fallback Text', 'my-calendar');
					<input type="text" name="fallback" id="fallback" value="" />
					<label for="template"><?php 
        _e('Template', 'my-calendar');
					<textarea cols="40" rows="4" name="template"
        echo htmlentities("<strong>{date}</strong>, {time}: {link_title}");
    if ($type == 'upcoming') {
        // Upcoming events only
					<label for="before"><?php 
        _e('Events/Days Before Current Day', 'my-calendar');
					<input type="number" name="before" id="before" value="" />
					<label for="after"><?php 
        _e('Events/Days After Current Day', 'my-calendar');
					<input type="number" name="after" id="after" value="" />
					<label for="skip"><?php 
        _e('Events/Days to Skip', 'my-calendar');
					<input type="number" name="skip" id="skip" value="" />
					<label for="show_today"><?php 
        _e("Show Today's Events", 'my-calendar');
					<input type="checkbox" name="show_today" id="show_today" value="yes"/>
					<label for="type"><?php 
        _e('Type of Upcoming Events List', 'my-calendar');
					<select name="type" id="type">
						<option value="event" selected="selected"><?php 
        _e('Events', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="year"><?php 
        _e('Current Year', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="days"><?php 
        _e('Days', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="custom"><?php 
        _e('Custom Dates', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="month"><?php 
        _e('Current Month', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="month+1"><?php 
        _e('Next Month', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="month+2"><?php 
        _e('2nd Month Out', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="month+3"><?php 
        _e('3rd Month Out', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="month+4"><?php 
        _e('4th Month Out', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="month+5"><?php 
        _e('5th Month Out', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="month+6"><?php 
        _e('6th Month Out', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="month+7"><?php 
        _e('7th Month Out', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="month+8"><?php 
        _e('8th Month Out', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="month+9"><?php 
        _e('9th Month Out', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="month+10"><?php 
        _e('10th Month Out', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="month+11"><?php 
        _e('11th Month Out', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="month+12"><?php 
        _e('12th Month Out', 'my-calendar');
				<div class='custom'>
						<label for='from'><?php 
        _e('Starting Date', 'my-calendar');
</label> <input type='text' name='from' id='from' />
						<label for='to'><?php 
        _e('End Date', 'my-calendar');
</label> <input type='text' name='to' id='to' />
					<label for="order"><?php 
        _e('Event Order', 'my-calendar');
					<select name="order" id="order">
						<option value="asc" selected="selected"><?php 
        _e('Ascending', 'my-calendar');
						<option value="desc"><?php 
        _e('Descending', 'my-calendar');
		<input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="generator"
    _e('Generate Shortcode', 'my-calendar');
function mc_get_search_results($search)
    global $wpdb;
    $mcdb = $wpdb;
    $event_array = array();
    if (get_option('mc_remote') == 'true' && function_exists('mc_remote_db')) {
        $mcdb = mc_remote_db();
    $before = apply_filters('mc_past_search_results', 0);
    $after = apply_filters('mc_future_search_results', 15);
    // return only future events, nearest 10
    if (is_array($search)) {
        // if from & to are set, we need to use an alternate search query
        $from = $search['from'];
        $to = $search['to'];
        $category = isset($search['category']) ? $search['category'] : null;
        $ltype = isset($search['ltype']) ? $search['ltype'] : null;
        $lvalue = isset($search['lvalue']) ? $search['lvalue'] : null;
        $author = isset($search['author']) ? $search['author'] : null;
        $host = isset($search['host']) ? $search['host'] : null;
        $search = isset($search['search']) ? $search['search'] : '';
        $event_array = my_calendar_events($from, $to, $category, $ltype, $lvalue, 'search', $author, $host, $search);
    } else {
        $date = date('Y', current_time('timestamp')) . '-' . date('m', current_time('timestamp')) . '-' . date('d', current_time('timestamp'));
        // if a value is non-zero, I'll grab a handful of extra events so I can throw out holidays and others like that.
        if ($before > 0) {
            $before = $before + 5;
            $events1 = $mcdb->get_results("SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(occur_begin) AS ts_occur_begin, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(occur_end) AS ts_occur_end \r\n\t\t\tFROM " . my_calendar_event_table() . " \r\n\t\t\tJOIN " . my_calendar_table() . " \r\n\t\t\tON (event_id=occur_event_id) \r\n\t\t\tJOIN " . my_calendar_categories_table() . " \r\n\t\t\tON (event_category=category_id) WHERE event_approved = 1 {$search} AND event_flagged <> 1 \r\n\t\t\tAND DATE(occur_begin) < '{$date}' ORDER BY occur_begin DESC LIMIT 0,{$before}");
        } else {
            $events1 = array();
        $events3 = $mcdb->get_results("SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(occur_begin) AS ts_occur_begin, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(occur_end) AS ts_occur_end \r\n\t\tFROM " . my_calendar_event_table() . " \r\n\t\tJOIN " . my_calendar_table() . " \r\n\t\tON (event_id=occur_event_id) \r\n\t\tJOIN " . my_calendar_categories_table() . " \r\n\t\tON (event_category=category_id) WHERE event_approved = 1 {$search} AND event_flagged <> 1 \r\n\t\tAND DATE(occur_begin) = '{$date}'");
        if ($after > 0) {
            $after = $after + 5;
            $events2 = $mcdb->get_results("SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(occur_begin) AS ts_occur_begin, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(occur_end) AS ts_occur_end \r\n\t\t\tFROM " . my_calendar_event_table() . " \r\n\t\t\tJOIN " . my_calendar_table() . " \r\n\t\t\tON (event_id=occur_event_id) \r\n\t\t\tJOIN " . my_calendar_categories_table() . " \r\n\t\t\tON (event_category=category_id) WHERE event_approved = 1 {$search} AND event_flagged <> 1 \r\n\t\t\tAND DATE(occur_begin) > '{$date}' ORDER BY occur_begin ASC LIMIT 0,{$after}");
        } else {
            $events2 = array();
        $arr_events = array();
        if (!empty($events1) || !empty($events2) || !empty($events3)) {
            $arr_events = array_merge($events1, $events3, $events2);
        if (!get_option('mc_skip_holidays_category') || get_option('mc_skip_holidays_category') == '') {
            $holidays = array();
        } else {
            $holidays = mc_get_all_holidays($before, $after, 'yes');
            $holiday_array = mc_set_date_array($holidays);
        if (is_array($arr_events) && !empty($arr_events)) {
            $no_events = false;
            $event_array = mc_set_date_array($arr_events);
            if (is_array($holidays) && count($holidays) > 0) {
                $event_array = mc_holiday_limit($event_array, $holiday_array);
                // if there are holidays, rejigger.
    return $event_array;
function mc_get_db_type()
    global $wpdb;
    $mcdb = $wpdb;
    $db_type = 'MyISAM';
    if (get_option('mc_remote') == 'true' && function_exists('mc_remote_db')) {
        $mcdb = mc_remote_db();
    $my_calendar = my_calendar_table();
    $dbs = $mcdb->get_results("SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE name='{$my_calendar}'");
    foreach ($dbs as $db) {
        if ($db->Name == my_calendar_table()) {
            $db_type = $db->Engine;
    return $db_type;
function edit_my_calendar_config()
    global $wpdb;
    $mcdb = $wpdb;
    if (!empty($_POST)) {
        $nonce = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'];
        if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'my-calendar-nonce')) {
            die("Security check failed");
        if (isset($_POST['remigrate'])) {
            echo "<div class='updated fade'><ol>";
            echo "<li>" . __('Dropping occurrences database table', 'my-calendar') . "</li>";
            echo "<li>" . __('Reinstalling occurrences database table.', 'my-calendar') . "</li>";
            echo "<li>" . __('Generating event occurrences.', 'my-calendar') . "</li>";
            echo "<li>" . __('Event generation completed.', 'my-calendar') . "</li>";
            echo "</ol></div>";
    if (isset($_POST['mc_manage'])) {
        // management
        $clear = '';
        $mc_event_approve = !empty($_POST['mc_event_approve']) && $_POST['mc_event_approve'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false';
        $mc_api_enabled = !empty($_POST['mc_api_enabled']) && $_POST['mc_api_enabled'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false';
        $mc_remote = !empty($_POST['mc_remote']) && $_POST['mc_remote'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false';
        if (isset($_POST['mc_clear_cache']) && $_POST['mc_clear_cache'] == 'clear') {
            $clear = __('My Calendar Cache cleared', 'my-calendar');
        update_option('mc_uri', $_POST['mc_uri']);
        update_option('mc_event_approve', $mc_event_approve);
        update_option('mc_api_enabled', $mc_api_enabled);
        update_option('mc_remote', $mc_remote);
        update_option('mc_default_sort', $_POST['mc_default_sort']);
        update_option('mc_default_direction', $_POST['mc_default_direction']);
        if (get_site_option('mc_multisite') == 2) {
            $mc_current_table = (int) $_POST['mc_current_table'];
            update_option('mc_current_table', $mc_current_table);
        echo "<div class='updated'><p><strong>" . __('My Calendar Management Settings saved', 'my-calendar') . ". {$clear}</strong></p></div>";
    if (isset($_POST['mc_permissions'])) {
        $perms = $_POST['mc_caps'];
        $caps = array('mc_add_events' => __('Add Events', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_approve_events' => __('Approve Events', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_manage_events' => __('Manage Events', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_edit_cats' => __('Edit Categories', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_edit_locations' => __('Edit Locations', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_edit_styles' => __('Edit Styles', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_edit_behaviors' => __('Edit Behaviors', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_edit_templates' => __('Edit Templates', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_edit_settings' => __('Edit Settings', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_view_help' => __('View Help', 'my-calendar'));
        foreach ($perms as $key => $value) {
            $role = get_role($key);
            if (is_object($role)) {
                foreach ($caps as $k => $v) {
                    if (isset($value[$k])) {
                    } else {
        echo "<div class='updated'><p><strong>" . __('My Calendar Permissions Updated', 'my-calendar') . "</strong></p></div>";
    // output
    if (isset($_POST['mc_show_months'])) {
        $permalinks = get_option('mc_use_permalinks');
        $mc_open_day_uri = !empty($_POST['mc_open_day_uri']) ? $_POST['mc_open_day_uri'] : '';
        update_option('mc_uri', $_POST['mc_uri']);
        update_option('mc_use_permalinks', !empty($_POST['mc_use_permalinks']) ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_open_uri', !empty($_POST['mc_open_uri']) && $_POST['mc_open_uri'] == 'on' && get_option('mc_uri') != '' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_mini_uri', $_POST['mc_mini_uri']);
        update_option('mc_open_day_uri', $mc_open_day_uri);
        update_option('mc_display_author', !empty($_POST['mc_display_author']) && $_POST['mc_display_author'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_show_event_vcal', !empty($_POST['mc_show_event_vcal']) && $_POST['mc_show_event_vcal'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_show_gcal', !empty($_POST['mc_show_gcal']) && $_POST['mc_show_gcal'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_show_list_info', !empty($_POST['mc_show_list_info']) && $_POST['mc_show_list_info'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_show_months', (int) $_POST['mc_show_months']);
        // calculate sequence for navigation elements
        $top = $bottom = array();
        $nav = $_POST['mc_nav'];
        $set = 'top';
        foreach ($nav as $n) {
            if ($n == 'calendar') {
                $set = 'bottom';
            } else {
                if ($set == 'top') {
                    $top[] = $n;
                } else {
                    $bottom[] = $n;
            if ($n == 'stop') {
        $top = empty($top) ? 'none' : implode(',', $top);
        $bottom = empty($bottom) ? 'none' : implode(',', $bottom);
        update_option('mc_bottomnav', $bottom);
        update_option('mc_topnav', $top);
        update_option('mc_show_map', !empty($_POST['mc_show_map']) && $_POST['mc_show_map'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_gmap', !empty($_POST['mc_gmap']) && $_POST['mc_gmap'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_gmap_api_key', !empty($_POST['mc_gmap_api_key']) ? strip_tags($_POST['mc_gmap_api_key']) : '');
        update_option('mc_show_address', !empty($_POST['mc_show_address']) && $_POST['mc_show_address'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_display_more', !empty($_POST['mc_display_more']) && $_POST['mc_display_more'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_hide_icons', !empty($_POST['mc_hide_icons']) && $_POST['mc_hide_icons'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_apply_color', $_POST['mc_apply_color']);
        update_option('mc_event_registration', !empty($_POST['mc_event_registration']) && $_POST['mc_event_registration'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_inverse_color', !empty($_POST['mc_inverse_color']) && $_POST['mc_inverse_color'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_short', !empty($_POST['mc_short']) && $_POST['mc_short'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_desc', !empty($_POST['mc_desc']) && $_POST['mc_desc'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_process_shortcodes', !empty($_POST['mc_process_shortcodes']) && $_POST['mc_process_shortcodes'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_event_link', !empty($_POST['mc_event_link']) && $_POST['mc_event_link'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_show_weekends', !empty($_POST['mc_show_weekends']) && $_POST['mc_show_weekends'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_convert', !empty($_POST['mc_convert']) ? $_POST['mc_convert'] : 'false');
        if (isset($_POST['mc_use_permalinks']) && get_option('mc_use_permalinks') == 'true' && $permalinks != 'true') {
            $url = admin_url('options-permalink.php#mc_cpt_base');
            $note = ' ' . sprintf(__('You activated My Calendar permalinks. Go to <a href="%s">permalink settings</a> to set the base URL for My Calendar Events.', 'my-calendar'), $url);
        } else {
            $note = '';
        echo "<div class=\"updated\"><p><strong>" . __('Output Settings saved', 'my-calendar') . "</strong>{$note}</p></div>";
    // INPUT
    if (isset($_POST['mc_input'])) {
        $mc_input_options_administrators = !empty($_POST['mc_input_options_administrators']) && $_POST['mc_input_options_administrators'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false';
        $mc_input_options = array('event_short' => !empty($_POST['mci_event_short']) && $_POST['mci_event_short'] ? 'on' : 'off', 'event_desc' => !empty($_POST['mci_event_desc']) && $_POST['mci_event_desc'] ? 'on' : 'off', 'event_category' => !empty($_POST['mci_event_category']) && $_POST['mci_event_category'] ? 'on' : 'off', 'event_image' => !empty($_POST['mci_event_image']) && $_POST['mci_event_image'] ? 'on' : 'off', 'event_link' => !empty($_POST['mci_event_link']) && $_POST['mci_event_link'] ? 'on' : 'off', 'event_recurs' => !empty($_POST['mci_event_recurs']) && $_POST['mci_event_recurs'] ? 'on' : 'off', 'event_open' => !empty($_POST['mci_event_open']) && $_POST['mci_event_open'] ? 'on' : 'off', 'event_location' => !empty($_POST['mci_event_location']) && $_POST['mci_event_location'] ? 'on' : 'off', 'event_location_dropdown' => !empty($_POST['mci_event_location_dropdown']) && $_POST['mci_event_location_dropdown'] ? 'on' : 'off', 'event_specials' => !empty($_POST['mci_event_specials']) && $_POST['mci_event_specials'] ? 'on' : 'off', 'event_access' => !empty($_POST['mci_event_access']) && $_POST['mci_event_access'] ? 'on' : 'off', 'event_host' => !empty($_POST['mci_event_host']) && $_POST['mci_event_host'] ? 'on' : 'off');
        update_option('mc_input_options', $mc_input_options);
        update_option('mc_input_options_administrators', $mc_input_options_administrators);
        update_option('mc_skip_holidays', !empty($_POST['mc_skip_holidays']) && $_POST['mc_skip_holidays'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_no_fifth_week', !empty($_POST['mc_no_fifth_week']) && $_POST['mc_no_fifth_week'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        update_option('mc_event_link_expires', !empty($_POST['mc_event_link_expires']) && $_POST['mc_event_link_expires'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false');
        echo "<div class=\"updated\"><p><strong>" . __('Input Settings saved', 'my-calendar') . ".</strong></p></div>";
    if (current_user_can('manage_network') && is_multisite()) {
        if (isset($_POST['mc_network'])) {
            $mc_multisite = (int) $_POST['mc_multisite'];
            update_site_option('mc_multisite', $mc_multisite);
            $mc_multisite_show = (int) $_POST['mc_multisite_show'];
            update_site_option('mc_multisite_show', $mc_multisite_show);
            echo "<div class=\"updated\"><p><strong>" . __('Multisite settings saved', 'my-calendar') . ".</strong></p></div>";
    // custom text
    if (isset($_POST['mc_previous_events'])) {
        $mc_title_template = $_POST['mc_title_template'];
        $mc_title_template_solo = $_POST['mc_title_template_solo'];
        $mc_title_template_list = $_POST['mc_title_template_list'];
        $mc_details_label = $_POST['mc_details_label'];
        $mc_link_label = $_POST['mc_link_label'];
        $mc_event_title_template = $_POST['mc_event_title_template'];
        $mc_notime_text = $_POST['mc_notime_text'];
        $mc_previous_events = $_POST['mc_previous_events'];
        $mc_next_events = $_POST['mc_next_events'];
        $mc_event_open = $_POST['mc_event_open'];
        $mc_event_closed = $_POST['mc_event_closed'];
        $mc_week_caption = $_POST['mc_week_caption'];
        $mc_caption = $_POST['mc_caption'];
        $templates = get_option('mc_templates');
        $templates['title'] = $mc_title_template;
        $templates['title_solo'] = $mc_title_template_solo;
        $templates['title_list'] = $mc_title_template_list;
        $templates['label'] = $mc_details_label;
        $templates['link'] = $mc_link_label;
        update_option('mc_templates', $templates);
        update_option('mc_event_title_template', $mc_event_title_template);
        update_option('mc_notime_text', $mc_notime_text);
        update_option('mc_week_caption', $mc_week_caption);
        update_option('mc_next_events', $mc_next_events);
        update_option('mc_previous_events', $mc_previous_events);
        update_option('mc_caption', $mc_caption);
        update_option('mc_event_open', $mc_event_open);
        update_option('mc_event_closed', $mc_event_closed);
        // date/time
        update_option('mc_date_format', stripslashes($_POST['mc_date_format']));
        update_option('mc_week_format', stripslashes($_POST['mc_week_format']));
        update_option('mc_time_format', stripslashes($_POST['mc_time_format']));
        update_option('mc_month_format', stripslashes($_POST['mc_month_format']));
        $mc_ical_utc = !empty($_POST['mc_ical_utc']) && $_POST['mc_ical_utc'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false';
        update_option('mc_ical_utc', $mc_ical_utc);
        echo "<div class=\"updated\"><p><strong>" . __('Custom text settings saved', 'my-calendar') . ".</strong></p></div>";
    // Mail function by Roland
    if (isset($_POST['mc_email'])) {
        $mc_event_mail = !empty($_POST['mc_event_mail']) && $_POST['mc_event_mail'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false';
        $mc_html_email = !empty($_POST['mc_html_email']) && $_POST['mc_html_email'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false';
        $mc_event_mail_to = $_POST['mc_event_mail_to'];
        $mc_event_mail_from = $_POST['mc_event_mail_from'];
        $mc_event_mail_subject = $_POST['mc_event_mail_subject'];
        $mc_event_mail_message = $_POST['mc_event_mail_message'];
        $mc_event_mail_bcc = $_POST['mc_event_mail_bcc'];
        update_option('mc_event_mail_to', $mc_event_mail_to);
        update_option('mc_event_mail_from', $mc_event_mail_from);
        update_option('mc_event_mail_subject', $mc_event_mail_subject);
        update_option('mc_event_mail_message', $mc_event_mail_message);
        update_option('mc_event_mail_bcc', $mc_event_mail_bcc);
        update_option('mc_event_mail', $mc_event_mail);
        update_option('mc_html_email', $mc_html_email);
        echo "<div class=\"updated\"><p><strong>" . __('Email notice settings saved', 'my-calendar') . ".</strong></p></div>";
    // Custom User Settings
    apply_filters('mc_save_settings', '', $_POST);
    // pull templates for passing into functions.
    $templates = get_option('mc_templates');
    $mc_title_template = isset($templates['title']) ? esc_attr(stripslashes($templates['title'])) : '';
    $mc_title_template_solo = isset($templates['title_solo']) ? esc_attr(stripslashes($templates['title_solo'])) : '';
    $mc_title_template_list = isset($templates['title_list']) ? esc_attr(stripslashes($templates['title_list'])) : '';
    $mc_details_label = isset($templates['label']) ? esc_attr(stripslashes($templates['label'])) : '';
    $mc_link_label = isset($templates['link']) ? esc_attr(stripslashes($templates['link'])) : '';

	<div class="wrap jd-my-calendar mc-settings-page" id="mc_settings">
    _e('My Calendar Settings', 'my-calendar');

	<div class="mc-tabs settings postbox-container jcd-wide">
	<div class="metabox-holder">
    //update_option( 'ko_calendar_imported','false' ); // for testing importing.
    if (isset($_POST['import']) && $_POST['import'] == 'true') {
        $nonce = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'];
        if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'my-calendar-nonce')) {
            die("Security check failed");
    if (get_option('ko_calendar_imported') != 'true') {
        if (function_exists('check_calendar')) {
			<div class='import upgrade-db'>
            _e('My Calendar has identified that you have the Calendar plugin by Kieran O\'Shea installed. You can import those events and categories into the My Calendar database. Would you like to import these events?', 'my-calendar');

				<form method="post" action="<?php 
            echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-config");
					<div><input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce"
            echo wp_create_nonce('my-calendar-nonce');
						<input type="hidden" name="import" value="true"/>
						<input type="submit" value="<?php 
            _e('Import from Calendar', 'my-calendar');
						       name="import-calendar" class="button-primary"/>
		<ul class="tabs" role="tablist">
			<li role="tab" id="tab_manage" aria-controls="my-calendar-manage"><a href="#my-calendar-manage"><?php 
    _e('General', 'my-calendar');
			<li role="tab" id="tab_text" aria-controls="my-calendar-text"><a href="#my-calendar-text"><?php 
    _e('Text', 'my-calendar');
			<li role="tab" id="tab_output" aria-controls="mc-output"><a href="#mc-output"><?php 
    _e('Output', 'my-calendar');
			<li role="tab" id="tab_input" aria-controls="my-calendar-input"><a href="#my-calendar-input"><?php 
    _e('Input', 'my-calendar');
    if (current_user_can('manage_network') && is_multisite()) {
				<li role="tab" id="tab_multi" aria-controls="my-calendar-multisite"><a href="#my-calendar-multisite"><?php 
        _e('Multi-site', 'my-calendar');
			<li role="tab" id="tab_permissions" aria-controls="my-calendar-permissions"><a href="#my-calendar-permissions"><?php 
    _e('Permissions', 'my-calendar');
			<li role="tab" id="tab_email" aria-controls="my-calendar-email"><a href="#my-calendar-email"><?php 
    _e('Notifications', 'my-calendar');
    echo apply_filters('mc_settings_section_links', '');

	<div class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortables">
		<div class="wptab postbox" aria-labelledby="tab_manage" role="tabpanel" aria-live="assertive" id="my-calendar-manage">
    _e('My Calendar Management', 'my-calendar');

			<div class="inside">
    if (current_user_can('administrator')) {
					<form method="post" action="<?php 
        echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-config#my-calendar-manage");
						<div><input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce"
        echo wp_create_nonce('my-calendar-nonce');
							<legend class="screen-reader-text"><?php 
        _e('Management', 'my-calendar');
        $guess = mc_guess_calendar();
        mc_settings_field('mc_uri', __('Where is your main calendar page?', 'my-calendar'), '', "{$guess['message']}", array('size' => '60'), 'url');
        mc_settings_field('mc_remote', __('Get data (events, categories and locations) from a remote database.', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
        if (get_option('mc_remote') == 'true') {
            _e('Add this code to your theme\'s <code>functions.php</code> file:', 'my-calendar');
										<pre>function mc_remote_db() {
	$mcdb = new wpdb('DB_USER','DB_PASSWORD','DB_NAME','DB_ADDRESS');
	return $mcdb;
            _e('You will need to allow remote connections from this site to the site hosting your My Calendar events. Replace the above placeholders with the host-site information. The two sites must have the same WP table prefix. While this option is enabled, you may not enter or edit events through this installation.', 'my-calendar');
        mc_settings_field('mc_event_approve', __('Enable approval options.', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
        mc_settings_field('mc_api_enabled', __('Enable external API.', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
        if (apply_filters('mc_caching_clear', false)) {
            mc_settings_field('mc_clear_cache', __('Clear current cache. (Necessary if you edit shortcodes to change displayed categories, for example.)', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
        mc_settings_field('mc_default_sort', __('Default Sort order for Admin Events List', 'my-calendar'), array('1' => __('Event ID', 'my-calendar'), '2' => __('Title', 'my-calendar'), '3' => __('Description', 'my-calendar'), '4' => __('Start Date', 'my-calendar'), '5' => __('Author', 'my-calendar'), '6' => __('Category', 'my-calendar'), '7' => __('Location Name', 'my-calendar')), '', array(), 'select');
        mc_settings_field('mc_default_direction', __('Sort direction', 'my-calendar'), array('ASC' => __('Ascending', 'my-calendar'), 'DESC' => __('Descending', 'my-calendar')), '', array(), 'select');
        if (get_site_option('mc_multisite') == 2 && my_calendar_table() != my_calendar_table('global')) {
            mc_settings_field('mc_current_table', array('0' => __('Currently editing my local calendar', 'my-calendar'), '1' => __('Currently editing the network calendar', 'my-calendar')), '0', '', array(), 'radio');
        } else {
            if (get_option('mc_remote') != 'true' && current_user_can('manage_network') && is_multisite()) {
                _e('You are currently working in the primary site for this network; your local calendar is also the global table.', 'my-calendar');
        mc_settings_field('remigrate', __('Re-generate event occurrences table.', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
							<input type="submit" name="mc_manage" class="button-primary"
        _e('Save Management Settings', 'my-calendar');
    } else {
        _e('My Calendar management settings are only available to administrators.', 'my-calendar');

		<div class="wptab postbox" aria-labelledby="tab_text" role="tabpanel" aria-live="assertive" id="my-calendar-text">
    _e('Text Settings', 'my-calendar');

			<div class="inside">
				<form method="post" action="<?php 
    echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-config#my-calendar-text");
					<div><input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce"
    echo wp_create_nonce('my-calendar-nonce');
						<legend class="screen-reader-text"><?php 
    _e('Customize Text Fields', 'my-calendar');
    mc_settings_field('mc_notime_text', __('Label for all-day events', 'my-calendar'), 'N/A');
    mc_settings_field('mc_previous_events', __('Previous events link', 'my-calendar'), __('Previous', 'my-calendar'), __('Use <code>{date}</code> to display date in navigation.', 'my-calendar'));
    mc_settings_field('mc_next_events', __('Next events link', 'my-calendar'), __('Next', 'my-calendar'), __('Use <code>{date}</code> to display date in navigation.', 'my-calendar'));
    mc_settings_field('mc_event_open', __('If events are open', 'my-calendar'), __('Registration is open', 'my-calendar'));
    mc_settings_field('mc_event_closed', __('If events are closed', 'my-calendar'), __('Registration is closed', 'my-calendar'));
    mc_settings_field('mc_week_caption', __('Week view caption:', 'my-calendar'), '', __('Available tag: <code>{date format=""}</code>', 'my-calendar'));
    mc_settings_field('mc_caption', __('Extended caption:', 'my-calendar'), '', __('Follows month/year in list views.', 'my-calendar'));
    mc_settings_field('mc_title_template', __('Event title (Grid)', 'my-calendar'), $mc_title_template, "<a href='" . admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-help#templates") . "'>" . __("Templating Help", 'my-calendar') . '</a>');
    mc_settings_field('mc_title_template_solo', __('Event title (Single)', 'my-calendar'), $mc_title_template_solo, "<a href='" . admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-help#templates") . "'>" . __("Templating Help", 'my-calendar') . '</a>');
    mc_settings_field('mc_title_template_list', __('Event title (List)', 'my-calendar'), $mc_title_template_list, "<a href='" . admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-help#templates") . "'>" . __("Templating Help", 'my-calendar') . '</a>');
    mc_settings_field('mc_details_label', __('Event details link text', 'my-calendar'), $mc_details_label, __('Tags: <code>{title}</code>, <code>{location}</code>, <code>{color}</code>, <code>{icon}</code>, <code>{date}</code>, <code>{time}</code>.', 'my-calendar'));
    mc_settings_field('mc_link_label', __('Event URL link text', 'my-calendar'), $mc_link_label, "<a href='" . admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-help#templates") . "'>" . __("Templating Help", 'my-calendar') . '</a>');
    mc_settings_field('mc_event_title_template', __('Title element template', 'my-calendar'), '{title} &raquo; {date}', __('Current: %s', 'my-calendar'));
    _e('Date/Time formats', 'my-calendar');
						<div><input type='hidden' name='mc_dates' value='true'/></div>
    $month_format = get_option('mc_month_format') == '' ? date_i18n('F Y') : date_i18n(get_option('mc_month_format'));
    $time_format = get_option('mc_time_format') == '' ? date_i18n(get_option('time_format')) : date_i18n(get_option('mc_time_format'));
    $week_format = get_option('mc_week_format') == '' ? date_i18n('M j, \'y') : date_i18n(get_option('mc_week_format'));
    $date_format = get_option('mc_date_format') == '' ? date_i18n(get_option('date_format')) : date_i18n(get_option('mc_date_format'));
    mc_settings_field('mc_month_format', __('Month format (calendar headings)', 'my-calendar'), '', $month_format);
    mc_settings_field('mc_time_format', __('Time format', 'my-calendar'), '', $time_format);
    mc_settings_field('mc_week_format', __('Date in grid mode, week view', 'my-calendar'), '', $week_format);
    mc_settings_field('mc_date_format', __('Date Format in other views', 'my-calendar'), '', $date_format);
    mc_settings_field('mc_ical_utc', __('iCal times are UTC', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
						<input type="submit" name="save" class="button-primary"
    _e('Save Custom Text Settings', 'my-calendar');
    _e('Date formats use syntax from the <a href="">PHP <code>date()</code> function</a>. Save to update sample output.', 'my-calendar');

		<div class="wptab postbox" aria-labelledby="tab_output" role="tabpanel" aria-live="assertive" id="mc-output">
    _e('Output Settings', 'my-calendar');

			<div class="inside">
				<form method="post" action="<?php 
    echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-config#mc-output");
					<div><input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce"
    echo wp_create_nonce('my-calendar-nonce');
					<input type="submit" name="save" class="button screen-reader-text" value="<?php 
    _e('Save Output Settings', 'my-calendar');
" /></p>		
    _e('Calendar Link Targets', 'my-calendar');
    $guess = mc_guess_calendar();
    mc_settings_field('mc_uri', __('Where is your main calendar page?', 'my-calendar'), '', "{$guess['message']}", array('size' => '60'), 'url');
    if (isset($_POST['mc_use_permalinks']) && $note != '') {
        $url = admin_url('options-permalink.php#mc_cpt_base');
        $note = ' <span class="mc-notice">' . sprintf(__('Go to <a href="%s">permalink settings</a> to set the base URL for events.', 'my-calendar') . '</span>', $url);
    } else {
        $note = '';
    mc_settings_field('mc_use_permalinks', __('Use Pretty Permalinks for Events', 'my-calendar'), '', $note, array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_open_uri', __('Open calendar links to event details URL', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_mini_uri', __('Target <abbr title="Uniform resource locator">URL</abbr> for mini calendar date links:', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array('size' => '60'), 'url');
    $disabled = !get_option('mc_uri') && !get_option('mc_mini_uri') ? array('disabled' => 'disabled') : array();
    mc_settings_field('mc_open_day_uri', __('Mini calendar widget date links to:', 'my-calendar'), array('false' => __('jQuery pop-up view', 'my-calendar'), 'true' => __('daily view page (above)', 'my-calendar'), 'listanchor' => __('in-page anchor on main calendar page (list)', 'my-calendar'), 'calendaranchor' => __('in-page anchor on main calendar page (grid)', 'my-calendar')), '', $disabled, 'select');
    // End General Options //

    _e('Re-order calendar layout', 'my-calendar');
    $topnav = explode(',', get_option('mc_topnav'));
    $calendar = array('calendar');
    $botnav = explode(',', get_option('mc_bottomnav'));
    $order = array_merge($topnav, $calendar, $botnav);
    $nav_elements = array('nav' => '<div class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-left-alt2"></div> <div class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-right-alt2"></div> ' . __('Primary Previous/Next Buttons', 'my-calendar'), 'toggle' => '<div class="dashicons dashicons-list-view"></div> <div class="dashicons dashicons-calendar"></div> ' . __('Switch between list and grid views', 'my-calendar'), 'jump' => '<div class="dashicons dashicons-redo"></div> ' . __('Jump to any other month/year', 'my-calendar'), 'print' => '<div class="dashicons dashicons-list-view"></div> ' . __('Link to printable view', 'my-calendar'), 'timeframe' => '<div class="dashicons dashicons-clock"></div> ' . __('Toggle between day, week, and month view', 'my-calendar'), 'calendar' => '<div class="dashicons dashicons-calendar"></div> ' . __('The calendar', 'my-calendar'), 'key' => '<div class="dashicons dashicons-admin-network"></div> ' . __('Categories', 'my-calendar'), 'feeds' => '<div class="dashicons dashicons-rss"></div> ' . __('Links to RSS and iCal output', 'my-calendar'), 'stop' => '<div class="dashicons dashicons-no"></div> ' . __('Elements below here will be hidden.'));
    echo "<div id='mc-sortable-update' aria-live='assertive'></div>";
    echo "<ul id='mc-sortable'>";
    $inserted = array();
    $class = 'visible';
    $count = count($nav_elements);
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($order as $k) {
        $k = trim($k);
        $v = isset($nav_elements[$k]) ? $nav_elements[$k] : false;
        if ($v !== false) {
            $inserted[$k] = $v;
            if ($k == 'stop') {
                $label = 'hide';
            } else {
                $label = $k;
            if ($i == 1) {
                $buttons = "<button class='down' type='button'><i class='dashicons dashicons-arrow-down'></i><span class='screen-reader-text'>Down</span></button>";
            } else {
                if ($i == $count) {
                    $buttons = "<button class='up' type='button'><i class='dashicons dashicons-arrow-up'></i><span class='screen-reader-text'>Up</span></button>";
                } else {
                    $buttons = "<button class='up' type='button'><i class='dashicons dashicons-arrow-up'></i><span class='screen-reader-text'>Up</span></button> <button class='down'><i class='dashicons dashicons-arrow-down'></i><span class='screen-reader-text'>Down</span></button>";
            $buttons = "<div class='mc-buttons'>{$buttons}</div>";
            echo "<li class='ui-state-default mc-{$k} mc-{$class}'>{$buttons} <code>{$label}</code> {$v} <input type='hidden' name='mc_nav[]' value='{$k}' /></li>";
    $missed = array_diff($nav_elements, $inserted);
    $i = 1;
    $count = count($missed);
    foreach ($missed as $k => $v) {
        if ($i != $count) {
            $buttons = "<button class='up'><i class='dashicons dashicons-arrow-up'></i><span class='screen-reader-text'>Up</span></button> <button class='down'><i class='dashicons dashicons-arrow-down'></i><span class='screen-reader-text'>Down</span></button>";
        } else {
            $buttons = "<button class='up'><i class='dashicons dashicons-arrow-up'></i><span class='screen-reader-text'>Up</span></button>";
        $buttons = "<div class='mc-buttons'>{$buttons}</div>";
        echo "<li class='ui-state-default mc-{$k} mc-hidden'>{$buttons} <code>{$k}</code> {$v} <input type='hidden' name='mc_nav[]' value='{$k}' /></li>";
    echo "</ul>";

    _e('Single Event Details', 'my-calendar');
    _e('Custom templates override these settings.', 'my-calendar');
						<ul class="checkboxes">
    mc_settings_field('mc_display_author', __('Author\'s name', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_show_event_vcal', __('Link to single event iCal download', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_show_gcal', __('Link to submit event to Google Calendar', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_show_map', __('Link to Google Map', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_gmap', __('Google Map (single event view only)', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_gmap_api_key', __('Google Maps API Key', 'my-calendar'));
    mc_settings_field('mc_show_address', __('Event Address', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_short', __('Short description', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_desc', __('Full description', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_process_shortcodes', __('Process WordPress shortcodes in descriptions', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_event_link', __('External link', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_display_more', __('More details link', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_event_registration', __('Registration info', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');

    _e('Grid Options', 'my-calendar');
    mc_settings_field('mc_show_weekends', __('Show Weekends on Calendar', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_convert', array('true' => __('Switch to list view on mobile devices', 'my-calendar'), 'mini' => __('Switch to mini calendar on mobile devices', 'my-calendar'), 'none' => __('Do not switch calendar mode', 'my-calendar')), 'false', '', array(), 'radio');
    _e('List Options', 'my-calendar');
    mc_settings_field('mc_show_months', __('How many months of events to show at a time:', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array('size' => '3'), 'text');
    mc_settings_field('mc_show_list_info', __('Show the first event\'s title and the number of events that day next to the date.', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    _e('Category Colors', 'my-calendar');
						<ul class='checkboxes'>
    mc_settings_field('mc_apply_color', array('default' => __('No category colors with titles.', 'my-calendar'), 'font' => __('Titles are in category colors.', 'my-calendar'), 'background' => __('Titles have category color as background.', 'my-calendar')), 'default', '', array(), 'radio');
    mc_settings_field('mc_inverse_color', __('Optimize contrast for category colors.', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_hide_icons', __('Hide Category icons', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    // End Event Options //
					<p><input type="submit" name="save" class="button-primary"
    _e('Save Output Settings', 'my-calendar');
		<div class="wptab postbox" aria-labelledby="tab_input" role="tabpanel" aria-live="assertive"  id="my-calendar-input">
    _e('Calendar Input Fields', 'my-calendar');

			<div class="inside">
				<form method="post" action="<?php 
    echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-config#my-calendar-input");
					<div><input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce"
    echo wp_create_nonce('my-calendar-nonce');
    _e('Show in event manager', 'my-calendar');
						<div><input type='hidden' name='mc_input' value='true'/></div>
						<ul class="checkboxes">
    $input_options = get_option('mc_input_options');
    $input_labels = array('event_location_dropdown' => __('Event Location Dropdown Menu', 'my-calendar'), 'event_short' => __('Event Short Description field', 'my-calendar'), 'event_desc' => __('Event Description Field', 'my-calendar'), 'event_category' => __('Event Category field', 'my-calendar'), 'event_image' => __('Event Image field', 'my-calendar'), 'event_link' => __('Event Link field', 'my-calendar'), 'event_recurs' => __('Event Recurrence Options', 'my-calendar'), 'event_open' => __('Event Registration options', 'my-calendar'), 'event_location' => __('Event Location fields', 'my-calendar'), 'event_specials' => __('Set Special Scheduling options', 'my-calendar'), 'event_access' => __('Event Accessibility', 'my-calendar'), 'event_host' => __('Event Host', 'my-calendar'));
    $output = '';
    // if input options isn't an array, we'll assume that this plugin wasn't upgraded properly, and reset them to the default.
    if (!is_array($input_options)) {
        update_option('mc_input_options', array('event_short' => 'on', 'event_desc' => 'on', 'event_category' => 'on', 'event_image' => 'on', 'event_link' => 'on', 'event_recurs' => 'on', 'event_open' => 'on', 'event_location' => 'off', 'event_location_dropdown' => 'on', 'event_specials' => 'on', 'event_access' => 'on', 'event_host' => 'on'));
        $input_options = get_option('mc_input_options');
    foreach ($input_options as $key => $value) {
        $checked = $value == 'on' ? "checked='checked'" : '';
        if (isset($input_labels[$key])) {
            $output .= "<li><input type='checkbox' id='mci_{$key}' name='mci_{$key}' {$checked} /> <label for='mci_{$key}'>{$input_labels[$key]}</label></li>";
    echo $output;
    mc_settings_field('mc_input_options_administrators', __('Administrators see all input options', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    _e('Event Scheduling Defaults', 'my-calendar');
    mc_settings_field('mc_event_link_expires', __('Event links expire after event passes.', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_no_fifth_week', __('If a recurring event falls on a date that doesn\'t exist (like the 5th Wednesday in February), move it back one week.', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_skip_holidays', __('If an event coincides with an event in the designated "Holiday" category, do not show the event.', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    // End Scheduling Options //
						<input type="submit" name="save" class="button-primary"
    _e('Save Input Settings', 'my-calendar');

    if (current_user_can('manage_network') && is_multisite()) {
			<div class="wptab postbox" aria-labelledby="tab_multi" role="tabpanel" aria-live="assertive"  id="my-calendar-multisite">
        _e('Multisite Settings (Network Administrators only)', 'my-calendar');

				<div class="inside">
        _e('The central calendar is the calendar associated with the primary site in your WordPress Multisite network.', 'my-calendar');
					<form method="post" action="<?php 
        echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-config#my-calendar-multisite");
							<input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="<?php 
        echo wp_create_nonce('my-calendar-nonce');
							<input type='hidden' name='mc_network' value='true'/>
        _e('Multisite configuration - input', 'my-calendar');
									<input type="radio" value="0" id="ms0" name="mc_multisite"<?php 
        echo jd_option_selected(get_site_option('mc_multisite'), '0');
 /> <label for="ms0"><?php 
        _e('Site owners may only post to their local calendar', 'my-calendar');
									<input type="radio" value="1" id="ms1" name="mc_multisite"<?php 
        echo jd_option_selected(get_site_option('mc_multisite'), '1');
 /> <label for="ms1"><?php 
        _e('Site owners may only post to the central calendar', 'my-calendar');
									<input type="radio" value="2" id="ms2" name="mc_multisite"<?php 
        echo jd_option_selected(get_site_option('mc_multisite'), 2);
 /> <label for="ms2"><?php 
        _e('Site owners may manage either calendar', 'my-calendar');
        _e('Changes only effect input permissions. Public-facing calendars will be unchanged.', 'my-calendar');
        _e('Multisite configuration - output', 'my-calendar');
								<li><input type="radio" value="0" id="mss0"
        echo jd_option_selected(get_site_option('mc_multisite_show'), '0');
        _e('Sub-site calendars show events from their local calendar.', 'my-calendar');
								<li><input type="radio" value="1" id="mss1"
        echo jd_option_selected(get_site_option('mc_multisite_show'), '1');
        _e('Sub-site calendars show events from the central calendar.', 'my-calendar');
							<input type="submit" name="save" class="button-primary"
        _e('Save Multisite Settings', 'my-calendar');

		<div class="wptab postbox" aria-labelledby="tab_permissions" role="tabpanel" aria-live="assertive"  id="my-calendar-permissions">
    _e('My Calendar Permissions', 'my-calendar');

			<div class="inside">
    if (current_user_can('administrator')) {

					<form method="post" action="<?php 
        echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-config#my-calendar-permissions");
						<div><input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce"
        echo wp_create_nonce('my-calendar-nonce');
        global $wp_roles;
        $roles = $wp_roles->get_names();
        $caps = array('mc_add_events' => __('Add Events', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_approve_events' => __('Approve Events', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_manage_events' => __('Manage Events', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_edit_cats' => __('Edit Categories', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_edit_locations' => __('Edit Locations', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_edit_styles' => __('Edit Styles', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_edit_behaviors' => __('Edit Behaviors', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_edit_templates' => __('Edit Templates', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_edit_settings' => __('Edit Settings', 'my-calendar'), 'mc_view_help' => __('View Help', 'my-calendar'));
        $role_container = '';
        foreach ($roles as $role => $rolename) {
            if ($role == 'administrator') {
            $role_container .= "<div class='mc_{$role} mc_permissions' id='container_mc_{$role}'><fieldset id='mc_{$role}' class='roles'><legend>{$rolename}</legend>";
            $role_container .= "<input type='hidden' value='none' name='mc_caps[" . $role . "][none]' />\r\n\t\t\t<ul class='mc-settings checkboxes'>";
            foreach ($caps as $cap => $name) {
                $role_container .= mc_cap_checkbox($role, $cap, $name);
            $role_container .= "\r\n\t\t\t</ul></fieldset></div>\n";
        echo "{$role_container}";
							<input type="submit" name="mc_permissions" class="button-primary"
        _e('Save Permissions', 'my-calendar');
    } else {
        _e('My Calendar permission settings are only available to administrators.', 'my-calendar');

		<div class="wptab postbox" aria-labelledby="tab_email" role="tabpanel" aria-live="assertive"  id="my-calendar-email">
    _e('Calendar Email Settings', 'my-calendar');

			<div class="inside">
				<form method="post" action="<?php 
    echo admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-config#my-calendar-email");
					<div><input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce"
    echo wp_create_nonce('my-calendar-nonce');
    _e('Email Notifications', 'my-calendar');
						<div><input type='hidden' name='mc_email' value='true'/></div>
    mc_settings_field('mc_event_mail', __('Send Email Notifications when new events are scheduled or reserved.', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_html_email', __('Send HTML email', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array(), 'checkbox-single');
    mc_settings_field('mc_event_mail_to', __('Notification messages are sent to:', 'my-calendar'), get_bloginfo('admin_email'));
    mc_settings_field('mc_event_mail_from', __('Notification messages are sent from:', 'my-calendar'), get_bloginfo('admin_email'));
    mc_settings_field('mc_event_mail_bcc', __('BCC on notifications (one per line):', 'my-calendar'), '', '', array('cols' => 60, 'rows' => 6), 'textarea');
    mc_settings_field('mc_event_mail_subject', __('Email subject', 'my-calendar'), get_bloginfo('name') . ': ' . __('New event added', 'my-calendar'), '', array('size' => 60));
    mc_settings_field('mc_event_mail_message', __('Message Body', 'my-calendar'), __('New Event:', 'my-calendar') . "\n{title}: {date}, {time} - {event_status}", "<br /><a href='" . admin_url("admin.php?page=my-calendar-help#templates") . "'>" . __("Templating Help", 'my-calendar') . '</a>', array('cols' => 60, 'rows' => 6), 'textarea');
						<input type="submit" name="save" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
    _e('Save Email Settings', 'my-calendar');

    echo apply_filters('mc_after_settings', '');


