function mx_mnmystuff($page, $option, $action) { global $mxuser, $errors; if ($errors) { mx_warning($errors); } switch ($action) { case 'submit': print_r($_FILES); break; case 'fileupload': $tmpfiles = $mxuser->gettmpmedia(); if (!$tmpfiles) { __('No files seem to have been uploaded to your account.'); break; } $allmedia = array(); $mediaval = array(); $pid = 0; $onlynew = $_REQUEST['onlynew']; //echo 'onlynew:'.$onlynew.'<br/>time()='.time().' - date():'.date('U').' - gmdate():'.gmdate('U').'<br/>'; while ($tmpfiles && ($media = $mxuser->gettmpmedia($tmpfiles))) { $flds = array('filename_' . $pid => array(-1, $media->filename), 'id_' . $pid => array(1, $media->id, 'hidden'), 'name_' . $pid => array(0, $media->filename, 'hidden'), 'title_' . $pid => array(1, _('Title:'), 'text', 100), 'type_' . $pid => array(1, _('Type:'), 'filetype'), 'desc_' . $pid => array(1, _('Description:'), 'simplememo'), 'comp_' . $pid => array(1, _('State:'), 'completion'), 'delete_' . $pid => array(1, _('Delete:'), 'checkbox', _('Permanently remove this file from server'), null, $onlynew && $onlynew > strtotime($media->timestamp))); //echo 'id #'.$pid.' date:'.$media->timestamp.' ('.strtotime($media->timestamp).')<br/>'; switch (pathinfo($media->filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { case 'jpg': case 'png': case 'gif': $ftype = MXMEDIAPIC; break; case 'mp4': case 'm4v': case 'avi': case 'mov': $ftype = MXMEDIAVIDEO; break; case 'mp3': case 'wav': case 'aif': $ftype = MXMEDIASONG; break; default: $ftype = MXMEDIADOC; break; } $fvalues = array('title_' . $pid => $media->filename, 'type_' . $pid => $ftype, 'desc_' . $pid => _('You should describe your media here...'), 'comp_' . $pid => MXMEDIANOSTATUS, 'delete_' . $pid => 1); $allmedia = array_merge($allmedia, $flds); $mediaval = array_merge($mediaval, $fvalues); $pid++; } $allmedia['a'] = array(1, 'mediaupdate', 'hidden'); $buttons = array('mediaupdate' => _('Submit'), 'clear' => _('Clear')); $mediaform = array('mediaform', 0, _('Media Information'), _('Please fill in the information' . ' about the uploaded files'), $buttons, $allmedia); mx_showform($mediaform, $mediaval); break; case 'm_publishnew': case 'm_publisharch': case 'm_editpub': case 'm_editarch': case 'm_editmed': $selmedia = $_REQUEST['selmedia']; if (!$selmedia) { __('No media selected.'); break; } $medialist = $mxuser->listselectedmedia($selmedia); if (!$medialist) { __('No media selected.'); break; } $allmedia = array(); $mediaval = array(); $pid = 0; foreach ($medialist as $id => $media) { $flds = array('filename_' . $pid => array(-1, $media->filename), 'id_' . $pid => array(1, $id, 'hidden'), 'name_' . $pid => array(0, $media->filename, 'hidden'), 'title_' . $pid => array(1, _('Title:'), 'text', 60), 'desc_' . $pid => array(1, _('Description:'), 'simplememo', '', '', _('You should describe your media here...')), 'type_' . $pid => array(1, _('Type:'), 'filetype'), 'comp_' . $pid => array(1, _('State:'), 'completion'), 'size_' . $pid => array(0, _('Size:'), 'size'), 'status_' . $pid => array(1, _('Status:'), 'mediastatus')); //echo 'id #'.$pid.' date:'.$media->timestamp.' ('.strtotime($media->timestamp).')<br/>'; switch (pathinfo($media->filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { case 'jpg': case 'png': case 'gif': $ftype = MXMEDIAPIC; break; case 'mp4': case 'm4v': case 'avi': case 'mov': $ftype = MXMEDIAVIDEO; break; case 'mp3': case 'wav': case 'aif': $ftype = MXMEDIASONG; break; default: $ftype = MXMEDIADOC; break; } $fvalues = array('title_' . $pid => $media->title ? $media->title : $media->filename, 'size_' . $pid => $media->size, 'type_' . $pid => $media->type ? $media->type : $ftype, 'desc_' . $pid => $media->desc, 'comp_' . $pid => $media->comp, 'status_' . $pid => $media->status); $allmedia = array_merge($allmedia, $flds); $mediaval = array_merge($mediaval, $fvalues); $pid++; } $agreement = array('warning' => array(-1, _('Legal Terms'), _('By checking the box below,' . ' you acknowledge that any media made available to your current fans' . ' will be available to them for at least one full year from the date of' . ' its publication. Whoever is not a fan will lose access to any media as soon as you' . ' archive them.')), 'agreement' => array(1, _('Agreement'), 'checkbox', _('I fully agree with the above statement.'), _('You have to agree to continue...'))); $allmedia = array_merge($allmedia, $agreement); $allmedia['a'] = array(1, 'none', 'hidden'); //$mediaval['agreement']=0; $buttons = array('mediapublish' => _('Publish'), 'mymedia' => _('Cancel'), 'clear' => _('Reset form')); $mediaform = array('mediaform', 0, _('Media Information'), _('Please inform the scope of publication' . ' for each media'), $buttons, $allmedia); mx_showform($mediaform, $mediaval, true); break; case 'm_editnew': //case 'm_editpub': //case 'm_editarch': //case 'm_editmed': $selmedia = $_REQUEST['selmedia']; if (!$selmedia) { __('No media selected.'); break; } $medialist = $mxuser->listselectedmedia($selmedia); if (!$medialist) { __('No media selected.'); break; } $allmedia = array(); $mediaval = array(); $pid = 0; foreach ($medialist as $id => $media) { $flds = array('filename_' . $pid => array(-1, $media->filename), 'id_' . $pid => array(1, $id, 'hidden'), 'name_' . $pid => array(0, $media->filename, 'hidden'), 'title_' . $pid => array(1, _('Title:'), 'text', 100), 'type_' . $pid => array(1, _('Type:'), 'filetype'), 'size_' . $pid => array(0, _('Size:'), 'integer'), 'desc_' . $pid => array(1, _('Description:'), 'simplememo', '', '', _('You should describe your media here...')), 'comp_' . $pid => array(1, _('State:'), 'completion')); if ($action == 'm_editpub') { $flds['status_' . $pid] = array(1, _('Access'), 'mediastatus'); } //echo 'id #'.$pid.' date:'.$media->timestamp.' ('.strtotime($media->timestamp).')<br/>'; switch (pathinfo($media->filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': case 'png': case 'gif': $ftype = MXMEDIAPIC; break; case 'mp4': case 'm4v': case 'avi': case 'mov': $ftype = MXMEDIAVIDEO; break; case 'mp3': case 'wav': case 'aif': $ftype = MXMEDIASONG; break; default: $ftype = MXMEDIADOC; break; } $fvalues = array('title_' . $pid => $media->title ? $media->title : $media->filename, 'size_' . $pid => $media->size, 'type_' . $pid => $media->type ? $media->type : $ftype, 'desc_' . $pid => $media->desc, 'comp_' . $pid => $media->comp, 'status_' . $pid => $media->status); $allmedia = array_merge($allmedia, $flds); $mediaval = array_merge($mediaval, $fvalues); $pid++; } $allmedia['a'] = array(1, 'mediadescupdate', 'hidden'); $buttons = array('mediadescupdate' => _('Submit'), 'mymedia' => _('Cancel'), 'clear' => _('Clear')); $mediaform = array('mediaform', 0, _('Media Information'), _('Please fill in the information' . ' about the uploaded files'), $buttons, $allmedia); mx_showform($mediaform, $mediaval); break; case 'mymedia': default: $mxuser->checkbundles(); $listorder = mx_secureword($_GET['s']); if ($listorder != '') { $listorder .= ' asc'; } $listorder .= ($listorder ? ',' : '') . 'timestamp desc'; $allmedia = array(); $medialist = array('medialist', 0, _('Media List'), '', array('new' => array('m_bundle' => _('Bundle Maker'), 'm_publishnew' => _('Publish'), 'm_deletenew' => _('Delete'), 'clear' => _('Clear')), 'published' => array('clear' => _('Clear')), 'archived' => array('*m_deletearch' => _('Delete [ADMIN]'), 'clear' => _('Clear')), 'allmedia' => array('clear' => _('Clear'))), array('new' => array('new' => array(-1, _('New Media & Uploads'), _('Below is the list of all media you uploaded recently' . ' and still haven\'t published for fans, members and/or everyone to discover.') . '<div class="helpnotice"><span class="helpnotice">' . _('On quality:') . '</span> ' . _('for music, we now <u>require</u> artists to upload 320Kbps/44KHz media files (HiFi) for the fans to enjoy a' . ' satisfactory listening experience.') . '<br/>' . _('Click or the Help button on the right for some help about the publishing process') . '</div>' . '<div id="fileuploader"></div>'), 'select' => array(0, '<input id="checkallbox" type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:checkall(\'new\');">', 'html', 3), 'mediadata' => array(0, '<div id="player">' . mx_mediabutton('openbundle', _('Open All Bundles'), 24, 'oa_', 0, 'hover') . mx_mediabutton('notready.gif', _('Please wait...'), 24, 'wa_', 0) . mx_mediabutton('closebundle', _('Close All Bundles'), 24, 'ca_', 0, 'hover') . '</div>', 'html'), 'a' => array(1, 'newbundle', 'hidden')), 'published' => array('published' => array(-1, _('Published'), _('The media you published so far.')), 'select' => array(0, '<input id="checkallbox" type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:checkall(\'published\');">', 'html', 3), 'mediadata' => array(0, '<div id="player">' . mx_mediabutton('openbundle', _('Open All Bundles'), 24, 'oa_', 0, 'hover') . mx_mediabutton('notready.gif', _('Please wait...'), 24, 'wa_', 0) . mx_mediabutton('closebundle', _('Close All Bundles'), 24, 'ca_', 0, 'hover') . '</div>', 'html'), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden')), 'archived' => array('archived' => array(-1, _('Archived'), _('The published media you decided to archive<br/>' . ' (still available to fans during one year after archived).')), 'select' => array(0, '<input id="checkallbox" type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:checkall(\'archived\');">', 'html', 3), 'mediadata' => array(0, '<div id="player">' . mx_mediabutton('openbundle', _('Open All Bundles'), 24, 'oa_', 0, 'hover') . mx_mediabutton('notready.gif', _('Please wait...'), 24, 'wa_', 0) . mx_mediabutton('closebundle', _('Close All Bundles'), 24, 'ca_', 0, 'hover') . '</div>', 'html'), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden')), 'allmedia' => array('allmedia' => array(-1, _('All Media'), _('Below is the list of all media you uploaded' . ' into your account.')), 'select' => array(0, '<input id="checkallbox" type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:checkall(\'allmedia\');">', 'html', 3), 'mediadata' => array(0, '<div id="player">' . mx_mediabutton('openbundle', _('Open All Bundles'), 24, 'oa_', 0, 'hover') . mx_mediabutton('notready.gif', _('Please wait...'), 24, 'wa_', 0) . mx_mediabutton('closebundle', _('Close All Bundles'), 24, 'ca_', 0, 'hover') . '</div>', 'html'), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden')))); $mediabundles = $mxuser->listbundles($mxuser->id, null, $listorder, true); while ($mediabundles && ($bundle = $mxuser->listbundles($mxuser->id, $mediabundles, $listorder, true))) { foreach ($mxuser->getmediainfo($bundle->id) as $key => $value) { $bundle->{$key} = $value; } $bundle->filesize = $bundle->size; //$bundle->info=sprintf(_('%d media<br/>(%s)'),$bundle->cnt,mx_size($bundle->size)); mx_medialist($bundle, null, false, true); //error_log(print_r($bundle,true)); if ($bundle->type == MXMEDIABASEBUNDLE) { $allmedia['new'][] = $bundle; $allmedia['published'][] = $bundle; $allmedia['archived'][] = $bundle; } else { if ($bundle->status < MXMEDIAFANVISIBLE) { $allmedia['new'][] = $bundle; } if ($bundle->status >= MXMEDIAFANVISIBLE && $bundle->status < MXMEDIAARCHIVED) { $allmedia['published'][] = $bundle; } if ($bundle->status == MXMEDIAARCHIVED) { $allmedia['archived'][] = $bundle; } } /* else if ($bundle->status==MXMEDIAVALIDATED || $bundle->status==MXMEDIAREADY) $allmedia['new'][]=$bundle; else if ($bundle->status==MXMEDIAARCHIVED) $allmedia['archived'][]=$bundle; else if ($bundle->status>=MXMEDIAFANVISIBLE && $bundle->status<=MXMEDIAPUBLICSHARED) { $allmedia['published'][]=$bundle; $allmedia['archived'][]=$bundle; }*/ $allmedia['allmedia'][] = $bundle; } //$str='<div id="mediaplayer"><div id="playerwindow"></div></div>'; //$str.='<div class="form">'; /*$str.='<form name="media">' .mx_showtablestr($medialist[5],$allmedia,'pubmed',$medialist[4],'media') .'</form></div>';*/ $str .= mx_showliststr($medialist, $allmedia, 'media', true); /*$str.='<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> // Add VideoJS to all video tags on the page when the DOM is ready VideoJS.setupAllWhenReady(); </script>';*/ echo $str; echo '<script language="javascript">'; foreach ($allmedia['allmedia'] as $bundle) { echo 'setdroppable(' . $bundle->id . ');'; if ($bundle->type == MXMEDIABASEBUNDLE) { echo 'setworksortable(' . $bundle->id . ');'; } else { echo 'setsortable(' . $bundle->id . ');'; } } $wbundleid = $mxuser->getbasebundle(); echo 'openbundle(' . $wbundleid . ');'; echo '</script>'; ?> <script language="javascript"> function createUploader(){ var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({ element: document.getElementById('fileuploader'), action: '<?php echo mx_option('siteurl') . '/fileupload.php'; ?> ', params: { id: '<?php echo $mxuser->id; ?> ' }, allowedExtensions: ['jpg','jpeg','png','mp3','m4v','pdf','mp4','mov'], sizeLimit: <?php echo MXMAXFILESIZE; ?> , onComplete: function(id,filename,result) { if ('success' in result) showupload(result); } }); } // in your app create uploader as soon as the DOM is ready // don't wait for the window to load if (window.onload) { var oldloadfunction=window.onload; window.onload = (typeof window.onload != 'function') ? createUploader : function() { oldloadfunction(); createUploader(); }; } else window.onload = createUploader; </script> <?php break; case 'upload': ?> <div id="basicuploader"> <noscript> <?php __('Javascript is not currently enabled in your browser. You can enjoy a easier and' . ' simpler file uploader if you enable that feature. If you prefer, consult' . ' your manual, activate Javascript and reload this page...'); ?> </noscript> <? $buttons=array( 'submit' => _('Submit'), 'clear' => _('Clear') ); $uploadform=array( 'basicupload',0,_('Media Upload [Basic Uploader]'),_('Please fill the form below to upload' . ' new media to your account'), $buttons, array( 'fileinfo' => array(-1,_('File Information'),_('Please describe the file you' . ' will upload')), 'name' => array(1,_('Media name:'),'text',100), 'filename' => array(1,_('File:'),'file'), 'type' => array(1,_('Type:'),'filetype'), 'description' => array(1,_('Description:'),'simplememo'), 'authorship' => array(-1,_('Legal Bindings'),_('By clicking the box below,' . ' you hereby certify to the full extends of copyright laws that you' . ' fully own the rights' . ' on the material you are going to upload, or are legally' . ' authorized to do so. You also confirm, that you are aware that' . ' any false claim is subject to prosecution by the legal copyrights' . ' owner to whom you will directly and exclusively respond to.')), 'agreement' => array(1,_('I Agree'),'boolean',2), 'a' => array(1,'submit','hidden') ) ); mx_showform($uploadform,'',true); ?> </div> <div id='jsuploader' style="display:none;"> <?php $oldmedia = ""; $tmpfiles = $mxuser->gettmpmedia(); while ($tmpfiles && ($media = $mxuser->gettmpmedia($tmpfiles))) { $oldmedia .= $media->filename . '<br/>'; } $buttons = array('submit' => _('Submit'), 'clear' => _('Clear')); $uploadform = array('jsupload', 0, _('Media Upload [Javascript Uploader]'), _('Please upload one or more files' . ' below by clicking on the Upload button or using drag-and-drop, then submit the' . ' form to fill the necessary information about the files'), $buttons, array('upload' => array(-1, _('File Upload'), _('Please click the Upload button or' . ' drag-and-drop your files on it<br/>' . 'If you already uploaded files and want to validate them,' . ' just agree with the legal terms and submit the form.')), 'oldfiles' => array(0, _('Previously Uploaded:'), 'text'), 'onlynew' => array(1, _('Only New'), 'checkbox', _('Discard previously uploaded files')), 'files' => array(1, _('Files:'), 'fileuploader'), 'authorship' => array(-1, _('Legal Bindings'), _('By clicking the box below,' . ' you hereby certify to the full extends of copyright laws that you' . ' fully own the rights' . ' on the material you are going to upload, or are legally' . ' authorized to do so. You also confirm, that you are aware that' . ' any false claim is subject to prosecution by the legal copyrights' . ' owner to whom you will directly and exclusively respond to.')), 'agreement' => array(1, _('I Agree'), 'boolean', 2), 'a' => array(1, 'fileupload', 'hidden'))); mx_showform($uploadform, array('oldfiles' => $oldmedia ? $oldmedia : _('None'), 'onlynew' => time()), true); ?> </div> <script language="javascript"> var jsuploader=document.getElementById('jsuploader');'block'; var bsuploader=document.getElementById('basicuploader');'none'; function createUploader(){ var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({ element: document.getElementById('fileuploader'), action: '<?php echo mx_option('siteurl') . '/fileupload.php'; ?> ', params: { id: '<?php echo $mxuser->id; ?> ' }, allowedExtensions: ['jpg','jpeg','png','mp3','m4v','pdf','mp4','mov'], sizeLimit: <?php echo MXMAXFILESIZE; ?> }); } // in your app create uploader as soon as the DOM is ready // don't wait for the window to load if (window.onload) { var oldloadfunction=window.onload; window.onload = (typeof window.onload != 'function') ? createUploader : function() { oldloadfunction(); createUploader(); }; } else window.onload = createUploader; </script> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> // Add VideoJS to all video tags on the page when the DOM is ready VideoJS.setupAllWhenReady(); </script> <?php }
function mx_mnmxversion($page, $option, $action) { global $MXVersion, $MXRelease, $MXRelDate, $MXlines, $MXCodinoma; $versform = array('mxversion', 0, 'MusXpand Version', _('Some information about MusXpand\'s development...'), array(), array('coding' => array(-1, _('Version Information'), _('About current version of MusXpand Software')), 'version' => array(0, _('Version:'), 'text'), 'codename' => array(0, _('Codename:'), 'quote'), 'release' => array(0, _('Release:'), 'text'), 'reldate' => array(0, _('Release Date:'), 'text'), 'lines' => array(0, _('Code Lines:'), 'text'), 'hosting' => array(-1, _('Hosting'), _('What\'s behind?')), 'location' => array(1, _('Server Location:'), 'text'), 'system' => array(1, _('System:'), 'text'), 'server' => array(1, _('Server:'), 'text'), 'php' => array(1, _('PHP Version:'), 'text'), 'team' => array(-1, _('Project Information'), _('The MusXpand Development Facts')), 'startdev' => array(0, _('Started:'), 'text'), 'developer' => array(0, _('Developer:'), 'text'), 'testers' => array(0, _('Local/Remote<br/>Beta-Testers:'), 'text'), 'equipments' => array(0, _('Development<br/>platforms:'), 'text'), 'software' => array(0, _('Software:'), 'text'), 'tests' => array(0, _('Tests:'), 'text'), 'a' => array(1, 'submit', 'hidden'))); $fp = popen('uname -sr', 'r'); $system = fgets($fp); pclose($fp); $fp = popen('uname -p', 'r'); $machine = fgets($fp); pclose($fp); preg_match('%(Apache/(?P<apache>[^ ]+))%i', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], $sver); $location = mx_locate(gethostbyname("")); if ($location) { $region = mx_region($location); } else { $region = ''; } $versvalues = array('startdev' => '28-Sep-2010', 'developer' => mx_peoplepage('peergum') . ', IT Engineer and somehow musician (FR)', 'testers' => mx_peoplepage(45) . ', Music Fan & Wife :-) (BR)' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage(47) . ', Artist (US)' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage('limey59') . ', Music Fan (CA)' . '<br/><a href="' . mx_optionurl('about', 'cQ') . '">Christopher Quinn, Artist (US) - R.I.P.</a>' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage('anubisspire') . ', Artist (US)' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage('carosta') . ', Artist (DE)' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage(58) . ', Artist (US)' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage('francisvoignier') . ', Artist (US)' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage('iMickeyD') . ', Artist (US)' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage('skyfire') . ', Music Fan (AU)', 'equipments' => 'MacBook Pro (500GB/8GB)' . '<br/>Fedora Linux Server (Dell)' . '<br/>Windows 7 PC (Dell)', 'software' => 'Mac OS X 10.7' . '<br/>Windows 7' . '<br/>Eclipse' . '<br/>Subversion (SVN)' . '<br/>XAMP & LAMP (Apache/MySQL/PHP on Mac OS X and Linux)' . '<br/>unix shell scripts (bash,awk)', 'tests' => 'Mac: Safari + Firefox' . '<br/>Windows: Internet Explorer + Firefox', 'version' => $MXVersion, 'codename' => $MXCodinoma, 'release' => $MXRelease, 'reldate' => $MXRelDate, 'lines' => $MXlines, 'location' => ($location->city ? $location->city : '') . ($region ? ' (' . $region . '),' : ($location->region ? '/' . $location->region . ',' : '')) . ' ' . $location->countryName, 'server' => 'Apache ' . $sver['apache'], 'php' => phpversion(), 'system' => $system, 'processor' => $machine); echo '<div class="mx-message">'; mx_showform($versform, $versvalues, false); echo '</div>'; //print_r($location); //phpinfo(); }
function mx_mndelacct($page, $option, $action) { global $mxuser, $delconf; if ($action == 'accdelok' && !$delconf) { $action = ''; } switch ($action) { case 'accdelno': $buttons = array(); $deleteform = array('deleteform', 0, _('Account Deletion'), '', $buttons, array('confirmlabel' => array(-1, _('Hey, Good News!'), _('<p>We\'re happy you decided to stay with us.<br/>' . 'And don\'t forget we\'re here to help if you need us, so don\'t hesitate!</p>' . '<p>Thanks for your renewed trust!</p>')), 'a' => array(1, 'done', 'hidden'))); mx_showform($deleteform, array(), false, true); break; case 'accdelok': error_log('deleting account ' . $mxuser->id); $medias = $mxuser->listbundles($mxuser->id); while ($medias && ($media = $mxuser->listbundles($mxuser->id, $medias))) { //echo $media->title.'<br/>'; $mxuser->deletemedia($media->id, $media->filename, true); error_log('deleted ' . $media->title); } $medias = $mxuser->listmedia($mxuser->id); while ($medias && ($media = $mxuser->listmedia($mxuser->id, $medias))) { //echo $media->title.'<br/>'; $mxuser->deletemedia($media->id, $media->filename, true); error_log('deleted ' . $media->title); } $mxuser->setoption('status', MXACCTDISABLED); $buttons = array(); $deleteform = array('deleteform', 0, _('Account Deletion'), '', $buttons, array('confirmlabel' => array(-1, _('YOU\'RE DONE...'), _('<p>All your medias were deleted from our database and servers and your account was successfully removed.</p>' . '<p>We\'re sorry to see you go, and we hope you had at least some fun with us.</p>' . '<p align="right">Good Luck!</p>')), 'a' => array(1, 'done', 'hidden'))); mx_showform($deleteform, array(), false, true); break; default: $buttons = array('accdelok' => _('OK'), 'accdelno' => 'Cancel'); $pass = array(1, _('Password'), 'password'); $deleteform = array('deleteform', 0, _('Account Deletion'), '', $buttons, array('confirmlabel' => array(-1, _('Almost there...'), _('<p>Are you sure you want to do that...?</p>' . '<p><b>All your medias will be deleted from MusXpand and your account will be removed.</b><br/>' . 'You will also <b>lose all friendships</b> you built on MusXpand, and the <b>access to any artist' . ' you subscribed</b>. Have you thought about downloading their media beforehand...?</p>' . '<p>Also note that <u>for security reasons, you will not be able to use the same email address and/or Facebook account again</u>,' . ' should you decide to come back and re-register in the future. <b>Deleted accounts can\'t be recovered.</b></p>' . '<p>Please confirm your identity by entering your password below.<br/>' . 'After clicking OK, we\'ll proceed to the permanent removal of your account.</p>')), 'pass' => array(1, _('Current Password'), 'password'), 'a' => array(1, 'done', 'hidden'))); mx_showform($deleteform, array(), true, true); } }
function mx_mncart($page, $option, $action) { global $mxuser, $prodtypes, $mxdb, $prodprice; $prodlist = array(); $progress = $mxuser->cart->progress; if ($mxuser->cart->lines) { foreach ($mxuser->cart->lines as $line) { //if ($mxuser->cart->orderinfo || $mxuser->cart->orderconfirm) if ($mxuser->cart->progress > 1) { $line->select = '<img height="12px" src="' . mx_iconurl('okmark') . '">'; } else { $line->select = '<input type="checkbox" name="cartline[]" value="' . $line->id . '">'; } $line->proddesc = mx_proddesc($line); /*if ($line->prodtype==MXARTSUB) { $user=$mxuser->getuserinfo($line->prodref); $line->prodref='<div class="cartline"><img class="cartpic" src="'.mx_fanpic($user->id).'" /> '.mx_getartistname($user).'</div>'; }*/ $line->prodvar = $prodtypes[$line->prodtype][1][$line->prodvar]; $line->prodtype = $prodtypes[$line->prodtype][0]; $prodlist['cart'][] = $line; } } if ($mxuser->cart->wishes) { foreach ($mxuser->cart->wishes as $line) { $line->select = '<input type="checkbox" name="wishline[]" value="' . $line->id . '">'; $line->proddesc = mx_proddesc($line); /*if ($line->prodtype==MXARTSUB) { $user=$mxuser->getuserinfo($line->prodref); $line->prodref=mx_getartistname($user); }*/ $line->prodvar = $prodtypes[$line->prodtype][1][$line->prodvar]; $line->prodtype = $prodtypes[$line->prodtype][0]; $prodlist['wishlist'][] = $line; } } if ($mxuser->cart->items > 0) { $contshoppinglabel = _('Continue Shopping'); } else { $contshoppinglabel = _('Go Shopping'); } $yourehere = _('** YOU\'RE HERE **'); $progresstable = '<table class="form progress"><tr class="top">' . '<td class="' . ($progress == 1 ? 'current' : 'done') . '">' . _('Shopping Cart') . '</td>' . '<td' . ($progress > 1 ? ' class="done"' : ' class="todo"') . '>→</td>' . '<td class="' . ($progress == 2 ? 'current' : ($progress < 2 ? 'next' : 'done')) . '">' . _('Shipping/Billing') . '</td>' . '<td' . ($progress > 2 ? ' class="done"' : ' class="todo"') . '>→</td>' . '<td class="' . ($progress == 3 ? 'current' : ($progress < 3 ? 'next' : 'done')) . '">' . _('Order Review') . '</td>' . '<td' . ($progress > 3 ? ' class="done"' : ' class="todo"') . '>→</td>' . '<td class="' . ($progress == 4 ? 'current' : 'next') . '">' . _('Order Confirmation') . '</td>' . '<td class="last"></td>' . '</tr><tr class="bottom">' . '<td>' . ($progress == 1 ? $yourehere : '') . '</td>' . '<td></td>' . '<td>' . ($progress == 2 ? $yourehere : '') . '</td>' . '<td></td>' . '<td>' . ($progress == 3 ? $yourehere : '') . '</td>' . '<td></td>' . '<td>' . ($progress == 4 ? $yourehere : '') . '</td>' . '<td class="last"></td>' . '</tr></table>'; if ($mxuser->cart->err) { $progresstable .= mx_warningstr(implode('<br/>', $mxuser->cart->err)); } if ($mxuser->cart->info) { $progresstable .= mx_infomsgstr($mxuser->cart->info); } //echo $progresstable; if ($mxuser->cart->orderinfo) { // checkcout confirmation $ckoutbuttons = array('canckout' => _('Cancel Checkout'), 'confckout' => _('Confirm PAYPAL Payment')); $cartlist = array('cart' => array('select' => array(0, '', 'text', 3), 'prodtype' => array(0, _('Item'), 'text', 20), 'proddesc' => array(0, _('Description'), 'html', 30), 'prodvar' => array(0, _('Type'), 'text', 20), 'price' => array(0, _('Price'), 'price', 10))); $salesterms = mx_windowedpage('salesterms', _('Terms & Conditions')); $ckoutlist = array('checkout', 0, _('Checkout Review Page'), $progresstable, $ckoutbuttons, array('cart' => array(-1, _('Checking out these products'), _('The following items are currently in your cart')), 'cartcontent' => array(-2, $cartlist, $prodlist, 'cart', array(), 'cart'), 'billing' => array(-1, _('Billing Information'), ''), 'FIRSTNAME' => array(0, _('Firstname'), 'text', 30), 'LASTNAME' => array(0, _('Lastname'), 'text', 30), 'COUNTRYCODE' => array(0, _('Country'), 'text', 3), 'EMAIL' => array(0, _('Billing E-Mail'), 'text', 40), 'shipping' => array(-1, _('Shipping Information'), _('Please check your shipping information')), 'SHIPTONAME' => array(0, _('Ship To'), 'text', 30), 'SHIPTOSTREET' => array(0, _('Address'), 'text', 30), 'SHIPTOCITY' => array(0, _('City'), 'text', 20), 'SHIPTOSTATE' => array(0, _('State/Province'), 'text', 20), 'SHIPTOZIP' => array(0, _('Zip Code'), 'text', 10), 'SHIPTOCOUNTRYNAME' => array(0, _('Country'), 'text', 20), 'salesterms' => array(-1, _('Sales Terms And Conditions'), sprintf(_('Please read and agree with our %s before' . ' confirming your payment'), $salesterm)), 'agreement' => array(1, _('Agreement'), 'checkbox', sprintf(_('I accept MusXpand\'s sales %s'), mx_windowedpage('salesterms', _('terms & conditions'))), _('You have to agree to continue...')), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'PAYERID' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'cartid' => array(1, $mxuser->cart->id, 'hidden'), 'paymentoption' => array(1, 'PayPal', 'hidden'))); mx_showform($ckoutlist, $mxuser->cart->orderinfo, true, true); //echo print_r($mxuser->cart->orderinfo); } else { if ($mxuser->cart->progress == 4) { // order confirmation if ($action != 'printorder') { $ckoutbuttons = array('printorder' => _('Print this Confirmation Page')); } else { $ckoutbuttons = array(); } $cartlist = array('cart' => array('select' => array(0, '', 'text', 3), 'prodtype' => array(0, _('Item'), 'text', 20), 'proddesc' => array(0, _('Description'), 'html', 30), 'prodvar' => array(0, _('Type'), 'text', 20), 'price' => array(0, _('Price'), 'price', 10))); $values = $mxuser->cart->orderconfirm; $values['invoicenum'] = $mxuser->cart->invoicenum; //sprintf(_('%06d'),$mxuser->cart->id); $billing = $mxuser->getaddress($mxuser->cart->billingid); $shipping = $mxuser->getaddress($mxuser->cart->shippingid); $values['FIRSTNAME'] = $billing['first']; $values['LASTNAME'] = $billing['last']; $values['EMAIL'] = $billing['email']; $values['SHIPTONAME'] = $shipping['shiptoname']; $values['SHIPTOSTREET'] = $shipping['street1']; $values['SHIPTOCITY'] = $shipping['city']; $values['SHIPTOSTATE'] = $shipping['state']; $values['SHIPTOZIP'] = $shipping['zip']; $values['SHIPTOCOUNTRYNAME'] = $shipping['countrycode']; $values['termscond'] = mx_showhtmlpagestr('salesterms'); $ckoutlist = array('checkout', 0, _('Order Confirmation'), $action != 'printorder' ? $progresstable : mx_infomsgstr($mxuser->cart->info), $ckoutbuttons, array('cart' => array(-1, sprintf(_('Invoice # %s'), $mxuser->cart->invoicenum), _('You purchased the following items.')), 'cartcontent' => array(-2, $cartlist, $prodlist, 'cart', array(), 'cart'), 'billing' => array(-1, _('Billing Information'), ''), 'FIRSTNAME' => array(0, _('Firstname'), 'text', 30), 'LASTNAME' => array(0, _('Lastname'), 'text', 30), 'EMAIL' => array(0, _('Billing E-Mail'), 'text', 40), 'shipping' => array(-1, _('Shipping Information'), ''), 'SHIPTONAME' => array(0, _('Ship To'), 'text', 30), 'SHIPTOSTREET' => array(0, _('Address'), 'text', 30), 'SHIPTOCITY' => array(0, _('City'), 'text', 20), 'SHIPTOSTATE' => array(0, _('State/Province'), 'text', 20), 'SHIPTOZIP' => array(0, _('Zip Code'), 'text', 10), 'SHIPTOCOUNTRYNAME' => array(0, _('Country'), 'text', 20), 'confirmation' => array(-1, _('Payment Confirmation'), _('Below are the details of the transaction')), 'invoicenum' => array(0, _('Invoice #'), 'text', 30), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS' => array(0, _('Payment Status'), 'text', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID' => array(0, _('Transaction ID'), 'transactionid', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_ORDERTIME' => array(0, _('Order Time'), 'text', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT' => array(0, _('Total Amount'), 'price', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_TAXAMT' => array(0, _('Taxes included'), 'price', 20), 'PAYMENTINFO_0_CURRENCYCODE' => array(0, _('Currency'), 'text', 20), 'terms' => array(-1, _('Sales Terms'), _('Please keep the following sales conditions along with your purchase receipt.')), 'termscond' => array(0, _('Buyer Information'), 'html'), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'PAYERID' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'cartid' => array(1, $mxuser->cart->id, 'hidden'), 'paymentoption' => array(1, 'PayPal', 'hidden'))); //mx_showform($ckoutlist,$mxuser->cart->orderconfirm,true,true); mx_showform($ckoutlist, $values, true, true); // confirmation emails if ($action != 'printorder') { // email to buyer $ckoutemail = $ckoutlist; $ckoutemail[4] = array(); $ckoutemail[3] = mx_infomsgstr($mxuser->cart->info); $to = $mxuser->fullname . ' <' . $mxuser->email . '>'; $subj = sprintf(_('Order Confirmation - Invoice # %06d'), $mxuser->cart->id); $html = mx_showhtmlpagestr('orderconfirmation'); $confform = mx_showformstr($ckoutemail, $values, true, true); $html = str_replace('{ORDERFORM}', $confform, $html); $html = str_replace('{INVOICENUM}', $mxuser->cart->invoicenum, $html); // sprintf('%06d',$mxuser->cart->id) $txt = sprintf(_('To print your order confirmation, please go to %s'), mx_actionurl('cart', '', 'printorder', '', '', 'secure', 'cartid=' . $mxuser->cart->id)); mx_sendmail($to, $subj, $txt, $html); // email to artists foreach ($prodlist['cart'] as $line) { if ($prodtype == MXARTSUB) { $artistid = $line->prodref; } else { if ($prodtype == MXMEDSUB) { $media = $mxuser->getmediainfo($line->prodref); $artistid = $media->owner_id; } else { $artistid = 0; } } $prodtype = $line->prodtype; $prodvar = $line->prodvar; $prodprice = sprintf('US$ %.02f', $line->price); if ($artistid) { $artist = $mxdb->getuserinfo($mxuser->id, $artistid); } if ($artist && $artist->email) { $to = mx_getartistname($artist) . ' <' . $artist->email . '>'; if ($prodtype == MXARTSUB) { $subj = _('You just made a new fan'); // html version $html = mx_showhtmlpagestr('newfan'); // text version $txt = _("Hey {ARTISTNAME}!\n\n" . "We just wanted to give you the good news:\n\n" . "You just made a new fan in {FANNAME}:\n" . "{FANNAME} just purchased a {PRODVAR} {PRODTYPE} from you for {PRICE}\n\n" . "Sales Team,\nMusXpand.\n" . MXSALESEMAIL . "\n" . mx_option('basicsiteurl')); mx_fbaction('musxpand:subscribe_to?artist=' . urlencode(mx_actionurl('artists', 'artprof', $artistid))); } else { if ($prodtype == MXMEDSUB) { $subj = _('Someone bought media from you'); // html version $html = mx_showhtmlpagestr('newbuyer'); // text version $txt = _("Hey {ARTISTNAME}!\n\n" . "We just wanted to give you the good news:\n\n" . "{FANNAME} bought some media from you:\n" . "{FANNAME} just purchased \"{MEDIANAME}\" from you for {PRICE}\n\n" . "Sales Team,\nMusXpand.\n" . MXSALESEMAIL . "\n" . mx_option('basicsiteurl')); } } $fan = '<a href="' . mx_actionurl('fans', 'fanprof', $mxuser->id) . '">' . mx_getname($mxuser) . '</a>'; $html = str_replace('{ARTISTNAME}', mx_getartistname($artist), $html); $html = str_replace('{PRICE}', $prodprice, $html); $html = str_replace('{FANNAME}', $fan, $html); $html = str_replace('{MEDIANAME}', $media->title, $html); $html = str_replace('{PRODVAR}', $prodvar, $html); $html = str_replace('{PRODTYPE}', $prodtype, $html); $siteurl = '<a href="' . mx_option('basicsiteurl') . '">MusXpand</a>'; $html = str_replace('{SITEURL}', $siteurl, $html); $html = str_replace('{SALESEMAIL}', MXSALESEMAIL, $html); $txt = str_replace('{ARTISTNAME}', mx_getartistname($artist), $txt); $txt = str_replace('{PRICE}', $prodprice, $txt); $fan = mx_getname($mxuser); $txt = str_replace('{FANNAME}', $fan, $txt); $txt = str_replace('{MEDIANAME}', $media->title, $txt); $txt = str_replace('{PRODVAR}', $prodvar, $txt); $txt = str_replace('{PRODTYPE}', $prodtype, $txt); mx_sendmail($to, $subj, $txt, $html); } } } else { // purchase ?> <!-- Google Code for Bought Conversion Page --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var google_conversion_id = 949396365; var google_conversion_language = "en"; var google_conversion_format = "3"; var google_conversion_color = "ffffff"; var google_conversion_label = "f7QfCNPfzwMQjcfaxAM"; var google_conversion_value = <?php echo $mxuser->cart->total; ?> ; /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <noscript> <div style="display:inline;"> <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src=""/> </div> </noscript> <?php } /*$ckoutlist[0]='printout'; echo '<div id="order"><div class="order">'; mx_showform($ckoutlist,$mxuser->cart->orderinfo,false,true); echo '</div></div>';*/ //echo print_r($mxuser->cart->orderconfirm); } else { // cart and wishlist display $cartbuttons = array('towish' => _('Move to Wishlist'), 'delcart' => _('Remove Checked Items'), 'sep' => null, 'shopmore' => $contshoppinglabel, 'checkout' => _('Proceed to Checkout')); $cartlist = array('cartlist', 0, _('Cart & Wishlist Content'), $progresstable, array('cart' => $cartbuttons, 'wishlist' => array('tocart' => _('Move to Cart'), 'delwish' => _('Remove Checked Items'), 'sep' => null, 'shopmore_w' => $contshoppinglabel)), array('cart' => array('cart' => array(-1, _('Your Cart'), _('The following items are currently in your cart')), 'select' => array(0, '<input id="checkallbox" type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:checkall(\'cart\');">', 'text', 3), 'prodtype' => array(0, _('Item'), 'text', 20), 'proddesc' => array(0, _('Description'), 'html', 30), 'prodvar' => array(0, _('Type'), 'text', 20), 'price' => array(0, _('Price'), 'price', 10), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'k' => array(1, 'cart', 'hidden')), 'wishlist' => array('wishlist' => array(-1, _('Your Wish List'), _('The following items are currently in your wishlist')), 'select' => array(0, '<input id="checkallbox" type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:checkall(\'wishlist\');">', 'text', 3), 'prodtype' => array(0, _('Item'), 'text', 20), 'proddesc' => array(0, _('Description'), 'html', 30), 'prodvar' => array(0, _('Type'), 'text', 20), 'price' => array(0, _('Price'), 'price', 10), 'a' => array(1, 'none', 'hidden'), 'k' => array(1, 'wishlist', 'hidden')))); mx_showlist($cartlist, $prodlist, 'cart', true, true); //if ($action=='addfoy' || $action=='adfofa' || $action=='upgfofa') { ?> <!-- Google Code for Added To Cart Conversion Page --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var google_conversion_id = 949396365; var google_conversion_language = "en"; var google_conversion_format = "3"; var google_conversion_color = "ffffff"; var google_conversion_label = "ziXpCNvezwMQjcfaxAM"; var google_conversion_value = <?php echo $prodprice; ?> ; /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <noscript> <div style="display:inline;"> <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src=""/> </div> </noscript> <?php //} } } //phpinfo(); }