function mx_mnlocate($page, $option, $action) { $location = mx_locate(); if ($location) { echo 'You are in ' . $location->city . ' (' . mx_region($location) . '), ' . $location->countryName; } else { echo 'No location available.'; } print_r($location); }
function mx_mnmxversion($page, $option, $action) { global $MXVersion, $MXRelease, $MXRelDate, $MXlines, $MXCodinoma; $versform = array('mxversion', 0, 'MusXpand Version', _('Some information about MusXpand\'s development...'), array(), array('coding' => array(-1, _('Version Information'), _('About current version of MusXpand Software')), 'version' => array(0, _('Version:'), 'text'), 'codename' => array(0, _('Codename:'), 'quote'), 'release' => array(0, _('Release:'), 'text'), 'reldate' => array(0, _('Release Date:'), 'text'), 'lines' => array(0, _('Code Lines:'), 'text'), 'hosting' => array(-1, _('Hosting'), _('What\'s behind?')), 'location' => array(1, _('Server Location:'), 'text'), 'system' => array(1, _('System:'), 'text'), 'server' => array(1, _('Server:'), 'text'), 'php' => array(1, _('PHP Version:'), 'text'), 'team' => array(-1, _('Project Information'), _('The MusXpand Development Facts')), 'startdev' => array(0, _('Started:'), 'text'), 'developer' => array(0, _('Developer:'), 'text'), 'testers' => array(0, _('Local/Remote<br/>Beta-Testers:'), 'text'), 'equipments' => array(0, _('Development<br/>platforms:'), 'text'), 'software' => array(0, _('Software:'), 'text'), 'tests' => array(0, _('Tests:'), 'text'), 'a' => array(1, 'submit', 'hidden'))); $fp = popen('uname -sr', 'r'); $system = fgets($fp); pclose($fp); $fp = popen('uname -p', 'r'); $machine = fgets($fp); pclose($fp); preg_match('%(Apache/(?P<apache>[^ ]+))%i', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], $sver); $location = mx_locate(gethostbyname("")); if ($location) { $region = mx_region($location); } else { $region = ''; } $versvalues = array('startdev' => '28-Sep-2010', 'developer' => mx_peoplepage('peergum') . ', IT Engineer and somehow musician (FR)', 'testers' => mx_peoplepage(45) . ', Music Fan & Wife :-) (BR)' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage(47) . ', Artist (US)' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage('limey59') . ', Music Fan (CA)' . '<br/><a href="' . mx_optionurl('about', 'cQ') . '">Christopher Quinn, Artist (US) - R.I.P.</a>' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage('anubisspire') . ', Artist (US)' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage('carosta') . ', Artist (DE)' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage(58) . ', Artist (US)' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage('francisvoignier') . ', Artist (US)' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage('iMickeyD') . ', Artist (US)' . '<br/>' . mx_peoplepage('skyfire') . ', Music Fan (AU)', 'equipments' => 'MacBook Pro (500GB/8GB)' . '<br/>Fedora Linux Server (Dell)' . '<br/>Windows 7 PC (Dell)', 'software' => 'Mac OS X 10.7' . '<br/>Windows 7' . '<br/>Eclipse' . '<br/>Subversion (SVN)' . '<br/>XAMP & LAMP (Apache/MySQL/PHP on Mac OS X and Linux)' . '<br/>unix shell scripts (bash,awk)', 'tests' => 'Mac: Safari + Firefox' . '<br/>Windows: Internet Explorer + Firefox', 'version' => $MXVersion, 'codename' => $MXCodinoma, 'release' => $MXRelease, 'reldate' => $MXRelDate, 'lines' => $MXlines, 'location' => ($location->city ? $location->city : '') . ($region ? ' (' . $region . '),' : ($location->region ? '/' . $location->region . ',' : '')) . ' ' . $location->countryName, 'server' => 'Apache ' . $sver['apache'], 'php' => phpversion(), 'system' => $system, 'processor' => $machine); echo '<div class="mx-message">'; mx_showform($versform, $versvalues, false); echo '</div>'; //print_r($location); //phpinfo(); }
function mx_mnsetup($page, $option, $action) { global $mxuser, $errors, $me, $facebook; if ($action == 'done') { $buttons = array(); $setupform = array('setup', 0, _('You\'re Done!'), '', $buttons, array('confirmlabel' => array(-1, _('OPEN SESAME'), _('<p>Your account is now fully setup!</p><p>We know it was a bit painful,' . ' but you did really well and we\'re happy to unlock all features of MusXpand' . ' for you.</p><p>Note that you will always be able to make changes' . ' to your profile whenever you want, by using the menu on the left.</p>' . '<p>Now, feel at home, sit comfortably and start enjoying!</p>')), 'a' => array(1, 'done', 'hidden'))); mx_showform($setupform, array(), false, true); switch ($mxuser->acctype) { case MXACCOUNTFAN: $typ = 'fan'; $url = mx_actionurl('fans', 'fanprof', $mxuser->id); break; case MXACCOUNTARTIST: $typ = 'artist'; $url = mx_actionurl('artists', 'artprof', $mxuser->id); } mx_fbaction('musxpand:register_as?' . $typ . '=' . urlencode($url)); ?> <!-- Google Code for Setup Conversion Page --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var google_conversion_id = 949396365; var google_conversion_language = "en"; var google_conversion_format = "3"; var google_conversion_color = "ffffff"; var google_conversion_label = "-NVjCOPdzwMQjcfaxAM"; var google_conversion_value = 0; if (2) { google_conversion_value = 2; } /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <noscript> <div style="display:inline;"> <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src=""/> </div> </noscript> <?php return; } $steps = array(1 => _('Account Type'), _('Basic Information'), _('Additional Details'), _('Profile Customization'), _('Privacy & Notifications')); $section = preg_replace('%[^0-9]%', '', $action); // just keep step number if ($section == '0') { $buttons = array('+setup_1' => _('Continue to Account Setup')); $setupform = array('setup', 0, _('Account Confirmation'), '', $buttons, array('confirmlabel' => array(-1, _('Account Activated'), _('<p>Your account is now confirmed!</p><p><b>We just sent you a temporary password,' . ' so that you can sign into your account any time.</b> You will be able to change this' . ' password later on in your profile.</p><p>We\'ll now go through' . ' a few more steps to set up your profile.</p>')), 'a' => array(1, 'confirmation', 'hidden'))); mx_showform($setupform, array(), true, true); ?> <!-- Google Code for Registered Conversion Page --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var google_conversion_id = 949396365; var google_conversion_language = "en"; var google_conversion_format = "3"; var google_conversion_color = "ffffff"; var google_conversion_label = "EFxUCOvczwMQjcfaxAM"; var google_conversion_value = 0; /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <noscript> <div style="display:inline;"> <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src=""/> </div> </noscript> <?php return; } if (!$section || $section > count($steps)) { $section = 1; } $fldarray = $mxuser->infogroups($section, $mxuser->acctype); foreach ($fldarray as $grp => $det) { if ($grp == 'location') { $location = mx_locate(); } $bandflds[$grp] = array(-1, $det[0]); foreach ($det[1] as $fld) { $bandflds[$fld] = $mxuser->fielddesc($fld, false); // fld description for users! if ($bandflds[$fld][0] == 2 && $mxuser->acctype != MXACCOUNTARTIST && $mxuser->acctype != MXACCOUNTBAND) { unset($bandflds[$fld]); continue; } if ($fld == "password") { $bandflds[$fld][5] = true; // allow password changes } $bandvalue[$fld] = $mxuser->{$fld}; } $bandflds['a'] = array(1, 'modifyuser', 'hidden'); $bandflds['k'] = array(1, $section, 'hidden'); } if ($section > 1) { $buttons['setup_' . ($section - 1)] = '← ' . $steps[$section - 1]; } // previous step if ($section < count($steps)) { $buttons['+setup_' . ($section + 1)] = $steps[$section + 1] . ' →'; // next step if ($section > 1) { $buttons['done'] = _('I\'ll finish later!') . ' →'; } } if ($section == count($steps)) { $buttons['+done'] = _('I\'m Done!') . ' →'; } $buttons['clear'] = _('Clear'); $bandinfo = array('setup', 0, sprintf(_('Setup: %s %s'), $steps[$section], $section > 1 ? '(' . $section . '/' . count($steps) . ')' : ''), _('Please fill in as appropriate'), $buttons, $bandflds); //echo '<xmp>'.print_r($bandvalue).'</xmp>'; if (array_key_exists('city', $bandflds)) { // auto fill geographical location $location = mx_locate(); if ($location) { $locvalues = array('city' => iconv('ISO-8859-1', 'utf-8', $location->city), 'state' => mx_region($location), 'country' => $location->countryCode); $bandvalue = array_replace($bandvalue, $locvalues); } } mx_showform($bandinfo, $bandvalue, true, true, $errors); ?> <script language="javascript"> function createUploader(){ var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({ element: document.getElementById('fileuploader'), action: '<?php echo mx_option('siteurl') . '/picupload.php'; ?> ', params: { id: '<?php echo $mxuser->id; ?> ' }, allowedExtensions: ['jpg','jpeg','png'], sizeLimit: 2000000, onComplete: function(id, fileName, responseJSON){ if (responseJSON.success) { var mypic=document.getElementById('newpic'); if (mypic) mypic.src='<?php echo mx_option('usersURL') . '/tmp/'; ?> '+encodeURIComponent(fileName); var piclist=document.getElementById('piclist'); if (piclist) { listelem=document.createElement('li'); input=document.createElement('input'); input.type='radio';'picture'; input.value=responseJSON['link']; input.checked=true; input.onclick=function() { mypic.src='<?php echo mx_option('usersURL') . '/tmp/'; ?> '+encodeURIComponent(fileName); } var radiolabel=document.createTextNode(fileName); listelem.appendChild(input); listelem.appendChild(radiolabel); piclist.appendChild(listelem); } } } }); } // in your app create uploader as soon as the DOM is ready // don't wait for the window to load //if (window.onload) { // var oldloadfunction=window.onload; // window.onload = (typeof window.onload != 'function') ? createUploader : function() { oldloadfunction(); createUploader(); }; //} else window.onload = createUploader; createUploader(); </script> <?php }