function mx_ckprofile($page, $option, $action) { global $mxuser, $msgs, $mxsession, $errors, $usernameerrs; if ($action == 'update' || preg_match('%setup_%', $action) || $action == 'done') { //die(phpinfo()); $section = preg_replace('%[^0-9]%', '', $action); // just step number in case we're in the setup /* if (!$section || $section=='' || $section>count($steps)) { $section=null; } */ //phpinfo(); $msgs = null; // list of fields that should have been posted to check mandatory ones have been filled... $prevsection = mx_secureword($_REQUEST['k']); $oldflds = array(); foreach ($mxuser->infogroups($action == 'done' || $action == 'update' ? null : $prevsection) as $grp => $details) { foreach ($details[1] as $field) { $oldflds[$field] = 1; } } if (array_key_exists('PROid', $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['PROid'] == MXNOPROYET) { $_POST['PROmemberid'] = '-'; } //error_log(print_r($oldflds,true)); foreach ($mxuser->infogroups() as $grp => $details) { foreach ($details[1] as $field) { $fldinfo = $mxuser->fielddesc($field); if (!$fldinfo[0]) { continue; } if (array_key_exists($field . '_y', $_POST)) { $_POST[$field] = $_POST[$field . '_y'] . '-' . $_POST[$field . '_m'] . '-' . $_POST[$field . '_d']; } if (!array_key_exists($field, $_POST)) { // field was not posted if ($mxuser->{$field}) { continue; } // field is already set if (!array_key_exists($field, $oldflds)) { continue; } // not in the previous form and not blank if ($fldinfo[0] < 3 || $mxuser->acctype == MXACCOUNTFAN && $fldinfo[0] == 4) { continue; } // not mandatory if ($section && $section < $prevsection) { continue; } // we're back to the previous form: don't bother... $_REQUEST['a'] = 'setup_' . $prevsection; $errors[$field] = _('This field is mandatory!'); continue; } if (!$_POST[$field] && $field != 'PROid') { // field blank if ($fldinfo[0] >= 3 && ($mxuser->acctype != MXACCOUNTFAN || $fldinfo[0] != 4) && ($section == '' || $section > $prevsection)) { // we're going to the next step... if ($prevsection) { $_REQUEST['a'] = 'setup_' . $prevsection; } else { $_REQUEST['a'] = 'edit'; } $errors[$field] = _('This field is mandatory!'); continue; } } switch ($fldinfo[2]) { // CAREFUL: testing types not fields!! case 'legalname': $postfld = ucwords(mx_securestring($_POST[$field])); break; case 'fullname': $postfld = mx_securestring($_POST[$field]); if ($postfld == strtolower($postfld)) { $postfld = ucwords($postfld); } // if all lowercase capitalize initials break; case 'proid': $postfld = mx_secureword($_POST[$field]); if ($postfld == 0) { $proname = mx_securestring($_POST['proname']); $prosite = mx_securestring($_POST['prosite']); if ($proname && $prosite) { $postfld = $mxuser->addpro($proname, $prosite); } else { //$errors[$field]=_('You must inform your PRO organization'); if (!$proname && !$prosite) { $errors[$field] = _('We need this information.'); } else { if (!$proname) { $errors[$field] = _('You must inform the association\'s name/acronym'); } else { $errors[$field] = _('You must inform a website'); } } if ($prevsection) { $_REQUEST['a'] = 'setup_' . $prevsection; } else { $_REQUEST['a'] = 'edit'; } continue; } } break; case 'acctype': // ignore this field if ($mxuser->acctype != MXACCOUNTFAN && $mxuser->status != MXACCTEMAILCONFIRMED) { $postfld = $mxuser->acctype; } else { $postfld = preg_replace('%[^0-9]%', '', $_POST[$field]); } break; case 'date': $postfld = $_POST[$field . '_y'] . '-' . $_POST[$field . '_m'] . '-' . $_POST[$field . '_d']; break; case 'privacy': if (is_array($_POST[$field])) { $postfld = implode(',', $_POST[$field]); } else { $postfld = ''; } break; case 'password': $chkold = hash('sha256', $_POST[$field]); if (!$_POST[$field]) { $postfld = $mxuser->{$field}; // no old password -> don't change :-) } else { if ($chkold != $mxuser->pwdhash) { $msgs->err = _('Wrong password entered.<br/>Your present password was left unchanged.'); $postfld = $mxuser->{$field}; // do not change password! } else { $postfld = hash('sha256', $_POST['new_' . $field]); $chkconf = hash('sha256', $_POST['conf_' . $field]); if ($chkconf != $postfld) { $msgs->err = _('Password confirmation does not match new password!<br/>Your password was left unchanged.'); $postfld = $mxuser->{$field}; // do not change password! } else { $msgs->ok = _('Your password was successfully updated.'); $field = 'pwdhash'; // we'll update the hash! } } } break; case 'username': $postfld = trim(strtolower(preg_replace('![^0-9a-zA-Z-_.]!', '', $_POST[$field]))); if ($postfld != $mxuser->{$field}) { $ckusername = mx_checkusername($mxuser->username, $postfld); if ($ckusername) { $msgs->err .= sprintf(_('Username was not updated: %s'), $ckusername > 0 ? _('Username already used') : $usernameerrs[$ckusername]); $postfld = $mxuser->{$field}; } else { $msgs->ok .= _('Username was updated.'); } } break; case 'agreement': if (!$mxuser->agreement || $mxuser->agreement == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $postfld = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } else { $postfld = $mxuser->agreement; } break; case 'genre': $postfld = $_POST[$field]; break; default: $postfld = stripslashes($_POST[$field]); break; } if ($postfld != $mxuser->{$field}) { $mxuser->setoption($field, $postfld); //$mxuser->$field=$postfld; // already done in setoption... } if ($field == 'pwdhash') { // needs to clear the session with new password credentials :-) mx_setsession($mxuser, time()); } } } if ($action == 'done' && !$errors) { $mxuser->setoption('status', MXACCTSETUP); } //header('Location: '.mx_actionurl($page,$option,'done')); } //error_log(print_r($errors,true)); }
/* --- * Project: musxpand * File: paypal.php * Author: phil * Date: 09/09/2011 * --- * License: This file is part of musxpand. musxpand is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. musxpand is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with musxpand. If not, see <>. Copyright � 2010 by Philippe Hilger */ require 'includes/mx_check.php'; if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == basename(__FILE__)) { $query = mx_secureword($_REQUEST['u']); die(mx_checkusername(strtolower($mxuser->username), $query)); }