// 개별 페이지 접근 불가
$sql = "update {$write_table} set wr_option = '{$wr_option}' where wr_id = '{$comment_id}'";
// 익명
if ($mw_basic[cf_anonymous]) {
    sql_query(" update {$write_table} set wr_anonymous = '{$wr_anonymous}' where wr_id = '{$comment_id}' ");
    if ($mw_basic[cf_anonymous_nopoint] && $wr_anonymous && $w == 'c') {
        delete_point($member[mb_id], $bo_table, $comment_id, '코멘트');
// 모바일
if ($w == 'c') {
    if (mw_agent_mobile()) {
        sql_query("update {$write_table} set wr_is_mobile = '1' where wr_id = '{$comment_id}'", false);
// 비회원 이름 쿠키 저장
if (!$is_member) {
    set_cookie("mw_cookie_name", $wr_name, -1 * $g4[server_time]);
    set_cookie("mw_cookie_email", $wr_email, -1 * $g4[server_time]);
    set_cookie("mw_cookie_homepage", $wr_homepage, -1 * $g4[server_time]);
if ($w == 'c' && mw_is_rate($bo_table, $write['wr_id']) == '' && $wr_rate) {
    sql_query(" update {$write_table} set  wr_rate = '{$wr_rate}' where wr_id = '{$comment_id}' ", false);
    if ($mw_basic['cf_rate_point']) {
        insert_point($member['mb_id'], $mw_basic['cf_rate_point'], "평가 참여 점수", $bo_table, $write['wr_id'], '@rate');
    mw_rate($bo_table, $write['wr_id']);
예제 #2
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
if (!defined("_GNUBOARD_")) {
// 개별 페이지 접근 불가
mw_basic_move_cate($bo_table, $wr_id);
$mb = get_member($view[mb_id], 'mb_level');
// is_notice 그누보드 버그 보완
if (!is_g5()) {
    $view[is_notice] = preg_match("/(^|[\r\n]){$wr_id}(\$|[\r\n])/", $board[bo_notice]);
// 별점평가
$rate = mw_rate($bo_table, $wr_id);
$rate_count = $rate['cnt'];
$write['wr_rate'] = $rate['rate'];
$move_flag = false;
// 자동이동
if (!$view[is_notice] and !$write[wr_auto_move] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['use'] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['bo_table'] and (!$mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['day'] or $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['day'] > ($g4[server_time] - strtotime($write[wr_datetime])) / (60 * 60 * 24))) {
        if (($mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['hit'] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['hit'] <= $write[wr_hit])
         or ($mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['good'] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['good'] <= $write[wr_good] && !$mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['sub'])
         or ($mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['nogood'] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['nogood'] <= $write[wr_nogood] && !$mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['sub'])
         or ($mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['sub'] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['good'] <= ($write[wr_good]-$write[wr_nogood]))
         or ($mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['singo'] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['singo'] <= $write[wr_singo])
         or ($mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['comment'] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['comment'] <= $write[wr_comment]))
    if ($mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['sub']) {
        if ($mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['hit'] <= $write[wr_hit] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['good'] <= $write[wr_good] - $write[wr_nogood] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['singo'] <= $write[wr_singo] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['rate'] <= $write[wr_rate] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['comment'] <= $write[wr_comment]) {
예제 #3
                    <span class="gall_info">
                        <i class="fa fa-comments"></i> <?php 
                            echo $list[$i]['wr_comment'];

                        if ($mw_basic['cf_rate_level']) {
                <div class="gall_star">
                            $rate = mw_rate($bo_table, $list[$i]['wr_id']);
                    <div class="gall_star_inner" id="list_rate_<?php 
                            echo $list[$i]['wr_id'];
                    $(document).ready(function () {
                            echo $list[$i]['wr_id'];
                            path : "<?php 
                            echo $board_skin_path;