<?php $media = mtheme_featured_image_link(get_the_id()); $socialshare = array('facebook' => array('icon-facebook' => 'http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=' . get_permalink() . '&t=' . get_the_title()), 'twitter' => array('icon-twitter' => 'http://twitter.com/home?status=' . get_the_title() . '+' . get_permalink()), 'googleplus' => array('icon-google-plus' => 'https://plus.google.com/share?url=' . get_permalink()), 'pinterest' => array('icon-pinterest' => 'http://pinterest.com/pin/create/bookmarklet/?media=' . $media . '&url=' . get_permalink() . '&is_video=false&description=' . get_the_title()), 'link' => array('icon-link' => get_permalink()), 'email' => array('icon-envelope-alt' => 'mailto:email@address.com?subject=Interesting Link&body=' . get_the_title() . " " . get_permalink())); ?> <ul class="portfolio-share"> <li class="sharethis"><?php _e('Share', 'mthemelocal'); ?> </li> <?php foreach ($socialshare as $key => $share) { foreach ($share as $icon => $url) { echo '<li><a target="_blank" href="' . $url . '"><i class="' . $icon . '"></i></a></li>'; } } ?> </ul>
function mWorksCarousel($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array("pageid" => '', "carousel_type" => 'caroufred', "columns" => '4', "limit" => '-1', "title" => 'true', "desc" => 'true', "boxtitle" => 'true', "worktype_slug" => '', "pagination" => 'false'), $atts)); $uniqureID = get_the_id() . "-" . dechex(mt_rand(1, 65535)); $column_type = "four"; $portfolioImage_type = "gridblock-large"; if ($columns == 4) { $column_type = "four"; $portfolioImage_type = "gridblock-large"; } if ($columns == 3) { $column_type = "three"; $portfolioImage_type = "gridblock-large"; } if ($columns == 2) { $column_type = "three"; $portfolioImage_type = "gridblock-large"; } if ($worktype_slug == "-1") { $worktype_slug = ''; } $portfolio_count = 0; $flag_new_row = true; $portfoliogrid = ''; if ($carousel_type == "caroufred") { // Going to be obsolete $portfoliogrid .= '<div class="gridblock-carousel-wrap clearfix">'; $portfoliogrid .= '<ul class="carousel-catcher" id="carousel-items-' . $uniqureID . '">'; if (get_query_var('paged')) { $paged = get_query_var('paged'); } elseif (get_query_var('page')) { $paged = get_query_var('page'); } else { $paged = 1; } query_posts(array('post_type' => 'mtheme_portfolio', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'ASC', 'types' => $worktype_slug, 'paged' => $paged, 'posts_per_page' => $limit)); if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); //echo $type, $portfolio_type; $custom = get_post_custom(get_the_ID()); $portfolio_cats = get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), 'types'); $lightboxvideo = ""; $thumbnail = ""; $customlink_URL = ""; $portfolio_thumb_header = "Image"; if (isset($custom[MTHEME . '_thumbnail_linktype'][0])) { $portfolio_link_type = $custom[MTHEME . '_thumbnail_linktype'][0]; } if (isset($custom[MTHEME . '_lightbox_video'][0])) { $lightboxvideo = $custom[MTHEME . '_lightbox_video'][0]; } if (isset($custom[MTHEME . '_customthumbnail'][0])) { $thumbnail = $custom[MTHEME . '_customthumbnail'][0]; } if (isset($custom[MTHEME . '_thumbnail_desc'][0])) { $description = $custom[MTHEME . '_thumbnail_desc'][0]; } if (isset($custom[MTHEME . '_customlink'][0])) { $customlink_URL = $custom[MTHEME . '_customlink'][0]; } if (isset($custom[MTHEME . '_portfoliotype'][0])) { $portfolio_thumb_header = $custom[MTHEME . '_portfoliotype'][0]; } if ($portfolio_count == $columns) { $portfolio_count = 0; } $protected = ""; $icon_class = "column-gridblock-icon"; $portfolio_count++; $portfoliogrid .= '<li class="gridblock-grid-element">'; if ($boxtitle == "true") { $portfoliogrid .= '<span class="boxtitle-hover"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '" rel="bookmark" title="' . get_the_title() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></span>'; } $portfoliogrid .= '<span class="gridblock-link-hover">'; $linkcenter = ''; if ($portfolio_link_type == "DirectURL") { $linkcenter = "gridblock-link-center"; } $portfoliogrid .= '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '"><span class="hover-icon-effect column-gridblock-link ' . $linkcenter . '"><i class="icon-plus"></i></span></a>'; $portfoliogrid .= '</span>'; //if Password Required if (post_password_required()) { $protected = " gridblock-protected"; $iconclass = ""; $portfoliogrid .= '<a class="' . $protected . ' gridblock-image-link gridblock-columns" title="' . get_the_title() . '" href="' . get_permalink() . '" >'; $portfoliogrid .= '<span class="grid-blank-status"><i class="icon-lock icon-2x"></i></span>'; $portfoliogrid .= '<div class="gridblock-protected"><img src="' . MTHEME_PATH . '/images/icons/blank-grid.png" /></div>'; } else { //Switch check for Linked Type switch ($portfolio_link_type) { case 'DirectURL': $portfoliogrid .= '<a class="gridblock-image-link gridblock-columns" href="' . get_permalink() . '" rel="bookmark" title="' . get_the_title() . '">'; $icon_class = ""; break; case 'Customlink': $portfoliogrid .= '<a class="gridblock-image-link gridblock-columns" href="' . $customlink_URL . '">'; $icon_class = '<i class="icon-external-link"></i>'; break; case 'Lightbox': if ($lightboxvideo != "") { $portfoliogrid .= mtheme_activate_lightbox($lightbox_type = "prettyPhoto", $ID = get_the_ID(), $link = $lightboxvideo, $mediatype = "video", $imagetitle = get_the_title(), $class = "gridblock-image-link gridblock-columns", $navigation = "prettyPhoto[portfolio]"); $icon_class = '<i class="icon-play"></i>'; } else { $portfoliogrid .= mtheme_activate_lightbox($lightbox_type = "prettyPhoto", $ID = get_the_ID(), $link = mtheme_featured_image_link(get_the_ID()), $mediatype = "image", $imagetitle = mtheme_featured_image_title(get_the_ID()), $class = "gridblock-image-link gridblock-columns", $navigation = "prettyPhoto[portfolio]"); $icon_class = '<i class="icon-search"></i>'; } break; } // Display Hover icon trigger classes $portfoliogrid .= '<span class="gridblock-image-hover">'; if ($icon_class) { $portfoliogrid .= '<span class="hover-icon-effect column-gridblock-icon">' . $icon_class . '</span>'; } $portfoliogrid .= '</span>'; // If it aint slideshow then display a background. Otherwise one is active in slideshow thumbnails. // Custom Thumbnail $portfoliogrid .= '<span class="gridblock-background-hover"></span>'; if ($thumbnail != "") { $portfoliogrid .= '<img src="' . $thumbnail . '" class="preload-image displayed-image" alt="thumbnail" />'; } else { // Slideshow then generate slideshow shortcode $portfoliogrid .= mtheme_display_post_image(get_the_ID(), $have_image_url = "", $link = false, $type = $portfolioImage_type, $imagetitle = mtheme_featured_image_title(get_the_ID()), $class = "preload-image displayed-image"); } } $portfoliogrid .= '</a>'; $portfoliogrid .= '</li>'; } } $portfoliogrid .= '</ul>'; $portfoliogrid .= '<a class="prev" id="carousel-previous-' . $uniqureID . '" href="#"><i class="icon-chevron-left"></i></a>'; $portfoliogrid .= '<a class="next" id="carousel-next-' . $uniqureID . '" href="#"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i></a>'; $portfoliogrid .= '</div>'; $portfoliogrid .= ' <script> /* <![CDATA[ */ (function($){ $(window).load(function(){ jQuery("#carousel-items-' . $uniqureID . '").carouFredSel({ responsive: true, auto: false, items: { width: 350, height: "auto", visible: { min: 1, max: 4 } }, swipe : { onTouch : true, onMouse : true, items : 3 }, prev : { button : "#carousel-previous-' . $uniqureID . '", key : "left" }, next : { button : "#carousel-next-' . $uniqureID . '", key : "right" } }); jQuery("#carousel-items-' . $uniqureID . '").swipe({ excludedElements: "button, input, select, textarea, .noSwipe", swipeLeft: function() { jQuery("#carousel-next-' . $uniqureID . '").trigger("click"); }, swipeRight: function() { jQuery("#carousel-previous-' . $uniqureID . '").trigger("click"); } }); jQuery(".gridblock-carousel-wrap").css({"visibility":"visible","height":"auto","overflow":"visible"});; }) })(jQuery); /* ]]> */ </script> '; } if ($carousel_type == "owl") { $portfoliogrid .= '<div class="gridblock-owlcarousel-wrap clearfix">'; $portfoliogrid .= '<div id="owl-' . $uniqureID . '" class="owl-carousel">'; if (get_query_var('paged')) { $paged = get_query_var('paged'); } elseif (get_query_var('page')) { $paged = get_query_var('page'); } else { $paged = 1; } query_posts(array('post_type' => 'mtheme_portfolio', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'ASC', 'types' => $worktype_slug, 'paged' => $paged, 'posts_per_page' => $limit)); if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); //echo $type, $portfolio_type; $custom = get_post_custom(get_the_ID()); $portfolio_cats = get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), 'types'); $lightboxvideo = ""; $thumbnail = ""; $customlink_URL = ""; $portfolio_thumb_header = "Image"; if (isset($custom[MTHEME . '_thumbnail_linktype'][0])) { $portfolio_link_type = $custom[MTHEME . '_thumbnail_linktype'][0]; } if (isset($custom[MTHEME . '_lightbox_video'][0])) { $lightboxvideo = $custom[MTHEME . '_lightbox_video'][0]; } if (isset($custom[MTHEME . '_customthumbnail'][0])) { $thumbnail = $custom[MTHEME . '_customthumbnail'][0]; } if (isset($custom[MTHEME . '_thumbnail_desc'][0])) { $description = $custom[MTHEME . '_thumbnail_desc'][0]; } if (isset($custom[MTHEME . '_customlink'][0])) { $customlink_URL = $custom[MTHEME . '_customlink'][0]; } if (isset($custom[MTHEME . '_portfoliotype'][0])) { $portfolio_thumb_header = $custom[MTHEME . '_portfoliotype'][0]; } if ($portfolio_count == $columns) { $portfolio_count = 0; } $protected = ""; $icon_class = "column-gridblock-icon"; $portfolio_count++; $portfoliogrid .= '<div class="gridblock-grid-element">'; if ($boxtitle == "true") { $portfoliogrid .= '<span class="boxtitle-hover"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '" rel="bookmark" title="' . get_the_title() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></span>'; } $portfoliogrid .= '<span class="gridblock-link-hover">'; $linkcenter = ''; if ($portfolio_link_type == "DirectURL") { $linkcenter = "gridblock-link-center"; } $portfoliogrid .= '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '"><span class="hover-icon-effect column-gridblock-link ' . $linkcenter . '"><i class="icon-plus"></i></span></a>'; $portfoliogrid .= '</span>'; //if Password Required if (post_password_required()) { $protected = " gridblock-protected"; $iconclass = ""; $portfoliogrid .= '<a class="' . $protected . ' gridblock-image-link gridblock-columns" title="' . get_the_title() . '" href="' . get_permalink() . '" >'; $portfoliogrid .= '<span class="grid-blank-status"><i class="icon-lock icon-2x"></i></span>'; $portfoliogrid .= '<div class="gridblock-protected"><img src="' . MTHEME_PATH . '/images/icons/blank-grid.png" /></div>'; } else { //Switch check for Linked Type switch ($portfolio_link_type) { case 'DirectURL': $portfoliogrid .= '<a class="gridblock-image-link gridblock-columns" href="' . get_permalink() . '" rel="bookmark" title="' . get_the_title() . '">'; $icon_class = ""; break; case 'Customlink': $portfoliogrid .= '<a class="gridblock-image-link gridblock-columns" href="' . $customlink_URL . '">'; $icon_class = '<i class="icon-external-link"></i>'; break; case 'Lightbox': if ($lightboxvideo != "") { $portfoliogrid .= mtheme_activate_lightbox($lightbox_type = "prettyPhoto", $ID = get_the_ID(), $link = $lightboxvideo, $mediatype = "video", $imagetitle = get_the_title(), $class = "gridblock-image-link gridblock-columns", $navigation = "prettyPhoto[portfolio]"); $icon_class = '<i class="icon-play"></i>'; } else { $portfoliogrid .= mtheme_activate_lightbox($lightbox_type = "prettyPhoto", $ID = get_the_ID(), $link = mtheme_featured_image_link(get_the_ID()), $mediatype = "image", $imagetitle = mtheme_featured_image_title(get_the_ID()), $class = "gridblock-image-link gridblock-columns", $navigation = "prettyPhoto[portfolio]"); $icon_class = '<i class="icon-search"></i>'; } break; } // Display Hover icon trigger classes $portfoliogrid .= '<span class="gridblock-image-hover">'; if ($icon_class) { $portfoliogrid .= '<span class="hover-icon-effect column-gridblock-icon">' . $icon_class . '</span>'; } $portfoliogrid .= '</span>'; // If it aint slideshow then display a background. Otherwise one is active in slideshow thumbnails. // Custom Thumbnail $portfoliogrid .= '<span class="gridblock-background-hover"></span>'; if ($thumbnail != "") { $portfoliogrid .= '<img src="' . $thumbnail . '" class="preload-image displayed-image" alt="thumbnail" />'; } else { // Slideshow then generate slideshow shortcode $portfoliogrid .= mtheme_display_post_image(get_the_ID(), $have_image_url = "", $link = false, $type = $portfolioImage_type, $imagetitle = mtheme_featured_image_title(get_the_ID()), $class = "preload-image displayed-image"); } } $portfoliogrid .= '</a>'; $portfoliogrid .= '</div>'; } } $portfoliogrid .= '</div>'; $portfoliogrid .= '</div>'; $portfoliogrid .= ' <script> /* <![CDATA[ */ (function($){ $(window).load(function(){ $("#owl-' . $uniqureID . '").owlCarousel({ itemsCustom : [ [0, 1], [500, 2], [700, 3], [1024, ' . $columns . '] ], items: ' . $columns . ', navigation : true, navigationText : ["",""], scrollPerPage : false }); }) })(jQuery); /* ]]> */ </script> '; } wp_reset_query(); return $portfoliogrid; }
<?php if (isset($post->ID)) { $bg_choice = get_post_meta($post->ID, MTHEME . '_meta_background_choice', true); $custom_bg_image_url = get_post_meta($post->ID, MTHEME . '_meta_background_url', true); $image_link = mtheme_featured_image_link($post->ID); } // For Debug // print_r($bg_choice . " " . $post->ID . " " . $image_link ); $default_bg = of_get_option('general_background_image'); // Theme Options set image $theme_options_set_background_slideshow = of_get_option('general_bgslideshow'); $photowall_background_image = of_get_option('photowall_background_image'); if (!isset($bg_choice)) { $bg_choice = "options_image"; } // Check custom posts function mtheme_generate_bg_script($the_image) { global $mtheme_bg_image_script; if ($the_image) { $mtheme_bg_image_script = '<script>/* <![CDATA[ */'; $mtheme_bg_image_script .= 'jQuery(document).ready(function($){'; $mtheme_bg_image_script .= 'if ($.fn.backstretch) {'; $mtheme_bg_image_script .= '$.backstretch("' . $the_image . '", { speed: 1000 });'; $mtheme_bg_image_script .= '}'; $mtheme_bg_image_script .= '})'; $mtheme_bg_image_script .= '/* ]]> */</script>'; } } if (isset($fullscreen_slideshowpost)) {
/** * Portfolio Slideshow . * * @ [flexislideshow link=(lightbox,direct,none)] */ function mtheme_PortfolioSlideshow($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array("limit" => '-1', "worktype_slugs" => '', "transition" => 'fade'), $atts)); //echo $type, $portfolio_type; $countquery = array('post_type' => 'mtheme_portfolio', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'ASC', 'types' => $worktype_slugs, 'posts_per_page' => $limit); query_posts($countquery); $flexID = "ID" . dechex(time()) . dechex(mt_rand(1, 65535)); $uniqurePageID = get_the_id() . "-" . dechex(mt_rand(1, 65535)); $portfolioImage_type = "blog-full"; $output = ' <div class="spaced-wrap clearfix"> <div class="flexslider-container-page flexislider-container-' . $flexID . ' clearfix"> <div id="flex' . $flexID . '" class="flexslider"> <ul class="slides">'; if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); if (has_post_thumbnail()) { $output .= '<li class="slideshow-box-wrapper">'; $output .= '<div class="slideshow-box-image">'; $lightbox_image = mtheme_featured_image_link(get_the_id()); $lightbox_media = $lightbox_image; $custom = get_post_custom(get_the_ID()); if (isset($custom[MTHEME . '_lightbox_video'][0])) { $lightbox_media = $custom[MTHEME . '_lightbox_video'][0]; } $output .= '<a class="gridblock-image-link flexislideshow-link"' . ' title="' . get_the_title() . '" rel="prettyPhoto[' . $uniqurePageID . ']" href="' . $lightbox_media . '">'; $output .= mtheme_display_post_image(get_the_ID(), $have_image_url = "", $link = false, $theimage_type = $portfolioImage_type, $imagetitle = '', $class = "preload-image displayed-image"); $output .= '</a>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '<div class="slideshow-box-content"><div class="slideshow-box-content-inner">'; $output .= '<div class="slideshow-box-title"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a></div>'; $output .= '<div class="slideshow-box-info">'; $output .= '<div class="slideshow-box-categories">'; $categories = get_the_term_list(get_the_id(), 'types', '', ' / ', ''); $output .= '<span>' . $categories . '</span>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '</div></div>'; $output .= '</li>'; } } } $output .= '</ul></div></div><div class="clear"></div></div>'; $output .= ' <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(window).load(function() { jQuery("#flex' . $flexID . '").flexslider({ animation: "' . $transition . '", slideshow: true, pauseOnAction: true, pauseOnHover: true, smoothHeight: true, controlsContainer: "flexslider-container-' . $flexID . '", start: function(){ jQuery(".flexslider-container-page,.gridblock-element .ajax-image-block").css("background","none"); }, }); }); </script> '; wp_reset_query(); return $output; }
?> ', wrapperZIndex: -1, start: 0, mute: false, repeat: false, ratio: 16/9 }; $('#backgroundvideo').tubular(options); }); </script> <?php } ?> <style type='text/css'> body { overflow:hidden; } </style> <?php //If iOS then display a play button in Youtube video page. if (mtheme_get_device() == "ios" && $youtube != false) { if (has_post_thumbnail()) { $default_bg = mtheme_featured_image_link($featured_page); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ jQuery(document).ready(function(){ <?php echo ' jQuery.backstretch("' . $default_bg . '", { speed: 1000 }); '; ?> }); /* ]]> */ </script> <?php