예제 #1
파일: lib.php 프로젝트: muthulatha/iem
function drawStateNEXRAD($hlext)
    $width = 350;
    $height = 300;
    $map = ms_newMapObj("mosaic.map");
    $map->set("width", $width);
    $map->set("height", $height);
    $map->setextent(-96.639706, 40.375437, -90.140061, 43.501196);
    $namerica = $map->getlayerbyname("namerica");
    $namerica->set("status", MS_ON);
    $counties = $map->getlayerbyname("counties_unproj");
    $counties->set("status", MS_ON);
    $radarL = $map->getlayerbyname("radar");
    $radarL->set("status", MS_ON);
    $img = $map->prepareImage();
    $rect = $map->getlayerbyname("rect");
    $rect->set("status", MS_ON);
    /** Draw a box for what we are zoomed in on */
    $rt = ms_newRectObj();
    $rt->setextent($hlext[0], $hlext[1], $hlext[2], $hlext[3]);
    $rt->draw($map, $rect, $img, 0, " ");
    $url = $img->saveWebImage();
    $s = "<form name=\"img\" method=\"GET\" action=\"compare.phtml\">";
    $s .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ul_x\" value=\"" . $map->extent->minx . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ul_y\" value=\"" . $map->extent->maxy . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lr_x\" value=\"" . $map->extent->maxx . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lr_y\" value=\"" . $map->extent->miny . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"map_height\" value=\"" . $height . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"map_width\" value=\"" . $width . "\">";
    $s .= "<input border=1 name=\"map\" type=\"image\" src=\"{$url}\"></form>";
    return $s;
예제 #2
$e_limit = ms_newRectObj();
$e_limit->setextent($extminx, $extminy, $extmaxx, $extmaxy);
if (!empty($_REQUEST['extent'])) {
    // extent est une var passée en input hidden
    list($extminx, $extminy, $extmaxx, $extmaxy) = split(' ', trim(urldecode($_REQUEST['extent'])));
} else {
    $focus = array();
    $focus["zoomin"] = "focus";
$ext = array($extminx, $extminy, $extmaxx, $extmaxy);
$e_extent = ms_newRectObj();
$e_extent->setextent($ext[0], $ext[1], $ext[2], $ext[3]);
// changement de taille d'image-carte en pixels
if (!isset($_REQUEST['size'])) {
    $sizex = $e_map->width;
    $sizey = $e_map->height;
} else {
    list($sizex, $sizey) = split('x', $_REQUEST['size']);
$sizecheck["{$sizex}x{$sizey}"] = " selected=\"selected\"";
$e_map->set('width', $sizex);
$e_map->set('height', $sizey);
$e_click = ms_newPointObj();
// objet de pointage
$e_click->setXY(floor($sizex / 2), floor($sizey / 2), 0);
// par d?faut, comme un clic au centre
예제 #3
 function zoomSel()
     if (!$this->layer) {
         return "erro";
     if ($this->mapa->getmetadata("interface") == "googlemaps") {
         $projO = $this->mapa->getProjection();
         $projecao = pegaProjecaoDefault("epsg");
         $this->mapa->setProjection("init=epsg:" . $projecao);
     $extatual = $this->mapa->extent;
     $prjMapa = $this->mapa->getProjection();
     $prjTema = $this->layer->getProjection();
     $shapes = retornaShapesSelecionados($this->layer, $this->arquivo, $this->mapa);
     $xmin = array();
     $xmax = array();
     $ymin = array();
     $ymax = array();
     foreach ($shapes as $shape) {
         $bound = $shape->bounds;
         $xmin[] = $bound->minx;
         $xmax[] = $bound->maxx;
         $ymin[] = $bound->miny;
         $ymax[] = $bound->maxy;
     $ret = ms_newRectObj();
     $ret->set("minx", min($xmin));
     $ret->set("miny", min($ymin));
     $ret->set("maxx", max($xmax));
     $ret->set("maxy", max($ymax));
     if ($prjTema != "" && $prjMapa != $prjTema) {
         $projInObj = ms_newprojectionobj($prjTema);
         $projOutObj = ms_newprojectionobj($prjMapa);
         $ret->project($projInObj, $projOutObj);
     $extatual->setextent($ret->minx, $ret->miny, $ret->maxx, $ret->maxy);
     if ($this->mapa->getmetadata("interface") == "googlemaps") {
     return "ok";
예제 #4

 * Draw a map of the CONUS with a simple box showing the area of interest
require_once "../../config/settings.inc.php";
$extents = isset($_GET["BBOX"]) ? explode(",", $_GET["BBOX"]) : array(-105, 40, -97, 47);
$mapFile = "../../data/gis/base4326.map";
$map = ms_newMapObj($mapFile);
$map->setSize(300, 130);
$map->setExtent(-126, 24, -66, 50);
$img = $map->prepareImage();
$namerica = $map->getlayerbyname("namerica");
$namerica->set("status", MS_ON);
$lakes = $map->getlayerbyname("lakes");
$lakes->set("status", MS_ON);
$states = $map->getlayerbyname("states");
$states->set("status", MS_ON);
/* Now we draw a box */
$rect = $map->getlayerbyname("rect");
$rect->set("status", MS_ON);
$rt = ms_newRectObj();
$rt->setextent($extents[0], $extents[1], $extents[2], $extents[3]);
$rt->draw($map, $rect, $img, 0, " ");
header("Content-type: image/png");
예제 #5
  * Return map extent in projected coordinates
  * @return array $mePrj
 protected function getMapExtent($dataSpecs)
     $extBuffer = isset($_SESSION['pluginsConfig']['dynlayercat']['mapExtentBuffer']) ? $_SESSION['pluginsConfig']['dynlayercat']['mapExtentBuffer'] : 0;
     $layerProjStr = "init=" . $dataSpecs['epsg'];
     $layerPrj = ms_newprojectionobj($layerProjStr);
     $latlonPrj = ms_newprojectionobj("init=epsg:4326");
     //$le = $dataSpecs['bbox'];
     $le = array();
     foreach ($dataSpecs['bbox'] as $k => $v) {
         $buffer = $v < 0 ? $extBuffer * -1 : $extBuffer;
         $le[$k] = $v + $buffer;
     $mapExt = ms_newRectObj();
     $mapExt->setExtent($le['westLon'], $le['southLat'], $le['eastLon'], $le['northLat']);
     $mapExt->project($latlonPrj, $layerPrj);
     //error_log($mapExtLatLon->minx . ", " . $mapExtLatLon->miny . ", " . $mapExtLatLon->maxx . ", " . $mapExtLatLon->maxy  );
     $mePrj = array("minx" => $mapExt->minx, "miny" => $mapExt->miny, "maxx" => $mapExt->maxx, "maxy" => $mapExt->maxy);
     return $mePrj;
예제 #6
function retornaShapesSelecionados($objLayer, $map_file, $objMapa, $indexado = false)
    $shapes = array();
    $qyfile = dirname($map_file) . "/" . $objLayer->name . "_qy.map";
    if (!file_exists($qyfile)) {
        return $shapes;
    $handle = fopen($qyfile, "r");
    $conteudo = fread($handle, filesize($qyfile));
    $listaDeIndices = unserialize($conteudo);
    if (count($listaDeIndices) == 0) {
        return $shapes;
    $versao = versao();
    $versao = $versao["principal"];
    if ($objLayer->connectiontype != MS_POSTGIS) {
        //pega os shapes selecionados
        carregaquery2($map_file, $objLayer, $objMapa);
        $sopen = $objLayer->open();
        if ($sopen == MS_FAILURE) {
            return "erro";
        $res_count = $objLayer->getNumresults();
        $centroides = array();
        $shapes = array();
        //pega um shape especifico
        for ($i = 0; $i < $res_count; ++$i) {
            if ($versao >= 6) {
                $shape = $objLayer->getShape($objLayer->getResult($i));
                $shp_index = $shape->index;
            } else {
                $result = $objLayer->getResult($i);
                $shp_index = $result->shapeindex;
                $shape = $objLayer->getfeature($shp_index, -1);
            if ($indexado == true) {
                $shapes[$shp_index] = $shape;
            } else {
                $shapes[] = $shape;
        $fechou = $objLayer->close();
    } else {
        $rect = ms_newRectObj();
        $rect->set("minx", -180);
        $rect->set("miny", -90);
        $rect->set("maxx", 180);
        $rect->set("maxy", 90);
        $status = $objLayer->open();
        $status = $objLayer->whichShapes($rect);
        while ($shape = $objLayer->nextShape()) {
            if (in_array($shape->index, $listaDeIndices)) {
                if ($indexado == true) {
                    $shapes[$shape->index] = $shape;
                } else {
                    $shapes[] = $shape;
    return $shapes;
예제 #7
 function selecaoBOX($tipo, $ext, $retornaShapes = false)
     if ($tipo == "novo") {
         $tipo = "adiciona";
     if (!$this->layer) {
         return "erro";
     $this->layer->set("tolerance", 0);
     if ($tipo == "limpa") {
         return $this->selecaoLimpa();
     if ($tipo == "inverte") {
         return $this->selecaoInverte();
     if (file_exists($this->qyfile)) {
     $indxlayer = $this->layer->index;
     $shp_atual = array();
     if ($this->qyfileTema != "" && file_exists($this->qyfileTema)) {
         $shp_atual = $this->unserializeQ($this->qyfileTema);
     $shpi = array();
     $temp = explode(" ", $ext);
     $rect = ms_newRectObj();
     $rect->set("minx", min(array($temp[0], $temp[2])));
     $rect->set("miny", min(array($temp[1], $temp[3])));
     $rect->set("maxx", max(array($temp[0], $temp[2])));
     $rect->set("maxy", max(array($temp[1], $temp[3])));
     $ident = $this->layer->queryByRect($rect);
     if ($ident != 1) {
         $res_count = $this->layer->getNumresults();
         //echo $res_count;exit;325449
         $shpi = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $res_count; ++$i) {
             $result = $this->layer->getResult($i);
             if ($result != MS_FALSE) {
                 if ($retornaShapes == false) {
                     $shpi[] = $result->shapeindex;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->v >= 6) {
                         $shpi[] = $this->layer->getshape($result);
                     } else {
                         $shpi[] = $this->layer->getfeature($result->shapeindex, -1);
     if ($retornaShapes == true) {
         return $shpi;
     if ($tipo == "adiciona") {
         return $this->selecaoAdiciona($shpi, $shp_atual);
     if ($tipo == "retira") {
         return $this->selecaoRetira($shpi, $shp_atual);
예제 #8
function projetaExt($map_file, $ext, $separador = " ")
    $ext = str_replace($separador, " ", $ext);
    $extA = explode(" ", $ext);
    $mapa = ms_newMapObj($map_file);
    $ponto = false;
    if ($extA[0] < 180 && $extA[0] > -180) {
        if (count($extA) == 2) {
            $ponto = true;
            $extA[] = $extA[0] + 1;
            $extA[] = $extA[1] + 1;
        $rect = ms_newRectObj();
        $rect->setextent($extA[0], $extA[1], $extA[2], $extA[3]);
        $prjMapa = $mapa->getProjection();
        $projInObj = ms_newprojectionobj("proj=longlat,ellps=WGS84,datum=WGS84,no_defs");
        $projOutObj = ms_newprojectionobj($prjMapa);
        $rect->project($projInObj, $projOutObj);
        if ($ponto == false) {
            $ext = $rect->minx . " " . $rect->miny . " " . $rect->maxx . " " . $rect->maxy;
        } else {
            $ext = $rect->minx . " " . $rect->miny;
    $ext = str_replace(" ", $separador, $ext);
    return $ext;
예제 #9
 function gradeDeHex($dd, $px, $py, $locaplic, $nptx, $npty, $proj = false)
     // http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=336183
     $hh = sin(deg2rad(30)) * $dd;
     $rr = cos(deg2rad(30)) * $dd;
     // para manipular dbf
     if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) {
         include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../pacotes/phpxbase/api_conversion.php";
     $nomegrade = nomeRandomico();
     $nomeshp = $this->diretorio . "/" . $nomegrade;
     // pega a extens&atilde;o geogr&aacute;fica do mapa
     $r = $this->mapa->extent;
     $ext = ms_newRectObj();
     $ext->setextent($r->minx, $r->miny, $r->maxx, $r->maxy);
     if ($proj == true) {
         // caso precise projetar
         $projInObj = ms_newprojectionobj("proj=latlong,a=6378137,b=6378137");
         $projOutObj = ms_newprojectionobj("proj=merc,a=6378137,b=6378137,lat_ts=0.0,lon_0=0.0,x_0=0.0,y_0=0,k=1.0,units=m");
         $ext->project($projInObj, $projOutObj);
         $pt = ms_newpointobj();
         $pt->setXY($px, $py);
         $pt->project($projInObj, $projOutObj);
         $px = $pt->x;
         $py = $pt->y;
     $fx = $ext->maxx;
     $fy = $ext->miny;
     // calcula a dist&acirc;ncia entre os pontos em dd se nao tiver sido especificada ou for 0
     $distx = $fx - $px;
     $disty = $fy - $py;
     if ($distx < 0) {
         $distx = $distx * -1;
     if ($disty < 0) {
         $disty = $disty * -1;
     if ($nptx == "") {
         $nptx = round($distx / $dd, 0);
     if ($npty == "") {
         $npty = round($disty / $dd, 0);
     // cria o shapefile
     $novoshpf = ms_newShapefileObj($nomeshp, MS_SHP_POLYGON);
     $def = array();
     $def[] = array("id", "C", "20");
     if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) {
         $db = xbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def);
     } else {
         $db = dbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def);
     // acrescenta os pontos no novo shapefile
     $dbname = $nomeshp . ".dbf";
     if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) {
         $db = xbase_open($dbname, 2);
     } else {
         $db = dbase_open($dbname, 2);
     $reg = array();
     $w = $this->mapa->width;
     $h = $this->mapa->height;
     $valorcoluna = $px;
     $par = false;
     for ($coluna = 0; $coluna < $nptx; $coluna++) {
         $x = $valorcoluna;
         $valorlinha = $py;
         if ($par == true) {
             $valorlinha = $valorlinha - $rr;
             $par = false;
         } else {
             // $y = $y + $hh;
             $par = true;
         for ($linha = 0; $linha < $npty; $linha++) {
             $y = $valorlinha;
             $valorlinha = $valorlinha - 2 * $rr;
             $poPoint1 = ms_newpointobj();
             $poPoint2 = ms_newpointobj();
             $poPoint3 = ms_newpointobj();
             $poPoint4 = ms_newpointobj();
             $poPoint5 = ms_newpointobj();
             $poPoint6 = ms_newpointobj();
             // Point 0: $x, $y
             // Point 1: x + s, y
             // Point 2: x + s + h, y + r
             // Point 3: x + s, y + r + r
             // Point 4: x, y + r + r
             // Point 5: x - h, y + r
             $poPoint1->setXY($x, $y);
             $poPoint2->setXY($x + $dd, $y);
             $poPoint3->setXY($x + $dd + $hh, $y - $rr);
             $poPoint4->setXY($x + $dd, $y - $rr - $rr);
             $poPoint5->setXY($x, $y - $rr - $rr);
             $poPoint6->setXY($x - $hh, $y - $rr);
             if ($proj == true) {
                 $poPoint1->project($projOutObj, $projInObj);
                 $poPoint2->project($projOutObj, $projInObj);
                 $poPoint3->project($projOutObj, $projInObj);
                 $poPoint4->project($projOutObj, $projInObj);
                 $poPoint5->project($projOutObj, $projInObj);
                 $poPoint6->project($projOutObj, $projInObj);
             $linhas = ms_newLineObj();
             $shapen = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHP_POLYGON);
             $reg[] = $linha . "-" . $coluna;
             if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) {
                 xbase_add_record($db, $reg);
             } else {
                 dbase_add_record($db, $reg);
             $reg = array();
         $valorcoluna = $valorcoluna + $dd + $hh;
     if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) {
     } else {
     // adiciona o novo tema no mapa
     $novolayer = criaLayer($this->mapa, MS_LAYER_POLYGON, MS_DEFAULT, "Grade (" . $nomegrade . ")", $metaClasse = "SIM");
     $novolayer->set("data", $nomeshp . ".shp");
     $novolayer->setmetadata("DOWNLOAD", "SIM");
     $novolayer->setmetadata("TEMALOCAL", "SIM");
     $novolayer->set("opacity", "50");
     if (file_exists($this->qyfile)) {
     return "ok";
예제 #10
파일: pmaplayer.php 프로젝트: sukma279/GIS
  * Return extent of layer as array
  * @param bool $inMapProjection define if extent shall be returned in map projection 
  * @return object extent with minx, miny, maxx, maxy properties 
 public function getLayerExtent($inMapProjection)
     // PostgIS layers
     if ($this->layer->connectiontype == 6) {
         $data = trim($this->layer->data);
         $dataList1 = preg_split("/\\s/", $data);
         $dataList2 = preg_split("/using/i", $data);
         $geomFld = array_shift($dataList1);
         // use filter for layer extent
         $filter = trim($this->layer->getFilterString());
         if (!$filter) {
             $filter = "TRUE";
         $sql = "select ST_xmin(extent) as minx, ST_ymin(extent) as miny, ST_xmax(extent) as maxx, ST_ymax(extent) as maxy  \n                    from (SELECT St_Extent({$geomFld}) as extent " . substr($dataList2[0], strlen($geomFld)) . "WHERE {$filter}) as bar";
         pm_logDebug(3, $sql, "P.MAPPER-DEBUG: pmaplayer.php/getLayerExtent() - SQL for PG layer extent");
         // load DLL on Win if required
         if (PHP_OS == "WINNT" || PHP_OS == "WIN32") {
             if (!extension_loaded('pgsql')) {
                 if (function_exists("dl")) {
                 } else {
                     error_log("P.MAPPER ERROR: This version of PHP does support the 'dl()' function. Please enable 'php_pgsql.dll' in your php.ini");
                     return false;
         $connString = $this->layer->connection;
         if (!($connection = pg_Connect($connString))) {
             error_log("P.MAPPER: Could not connect to database");
             error_log("P.MAPPER: PG Connection error: " . pg_last_error($connection));
         $qresult = pg_query($connection, $sql);
         if (!$qresult) {
             error_log("P.MAPPER: PG Query error for : {$query}" . pg_result_error($qresult));
         $pgE = pg_fetch_object($qresult);
         $layerExt = ms_newRectObj();
         $layerExt->setExtent($pgE->minx, $pgE->miny, $pgE->maxx, $pgE->maxy);
     } else {
         $layerExt = @$this->layer->getExtent();
         // Raster layers (no extent function available, so take map extent)
         if (!$layerExt) {
             $layerExt = $this->map->extent;
         pm_logDebug(3, $this->layer->type, "pmap layerInfo");
     // if layer projection != map projection, reproject layer extent
     if ($inMapProjection) {
         $mapProjStr = $this->map->getProjection();
         $layerProjStr = $this->layer->getProjection();
         if ($mapProjStr && $layerProjStr && $mapProjStr != $layerProjStr) {
             if ($_SESSION['MS_VERSION'] < 6) {
                 $mapProjObj = ms_newprojectionobj($mapProjStr);
                 $layerProjObj = ms_newprojectionobj($layerProjStr);
             } else {
                 $mapProjObj = new projectionObj($mapProjStr);
                 $layerProjObj = new projectionObj($layerProjStr);
             $layerExt->project($layerProjObj, $mapProjObj);
     pm_logDebug(3, $layerExt, "pmap layerExt");
     return $layerExt;
예제 #11
파일: map.php 프로젝트: sukma279/GIS
 protected function pmap_drawXYLayer($img)
     $grouplist = $_SESSION["grouplist"];
     // Loop through groups and layers to find XYLayers
     foreach ($grouplist as $grp) {
         $glayerList = $grp->getLayers();
         foreach ($glayerList as $glayer) {
             $XYLayerProperties = $glayer->getXYLayerProperties();
             if ($XYLayerProperties) {
                 // XYLayer found, now process
                 $mLayer = $this->map->getLayer($glayer->getLayerIdx());
                 $mLayerStatus = $mLayer->status;
                 if ($mLayerStatus == MS_ON) {
                     // Check if XYLayer is switched ON
                     $pearDbClass = $_SESSION['pearDbClass'];
                     require_once "{$pearDbClass}.php";
                     require_once "../query/query.php";
                     // Check if Layer projection differs from Map projection
                     $changeLayProj = PMCommon::checkProjection($this->map, $mLayer);
                     // Map extent for limiting query
                     if ($changeLayProj) {
                         $me = $this->map->extent;
                         $mapExt = ms_newRectObj();
                         $mapExt->setExtent($me->minx, $me->miny, $me->maxx, $me->maxy);
                         $mapExt->project($changeLayProj['mapProj'], $changeLayProj['layProj']);
                     } else {
                         $mapExt = $this->map->extent;
                     $map_xmin = $mapExt->minx;
                     $map_ymin = $mapExt->miny;
                     $map_xmax = $mapExt->maxx;
                     $map_ymax = $mapExt->maxy;
                     if ($changeLayProj) {
                     // XY Layer Properties
                     $dsn = $XYLayerProperties["dsn"];
                     $xyTable = $XYLayerProperties["xyTable"];
                     $x_fld = $XYLayerProperties["x_fld"];
                     $y_fld = $XYLayerProperties["y_fld"];
                     $classidx_fld = $XYLayerProperties["classidx_fld"];
                     $resFldStr = $mLayer->getMetaData("RESULT_FIELDS");
                     $resFieldList = preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', $resFldStr);
                     // Prepare query
                     if (preg_match("/@/", $xyTable)) {
                         // Check for WHERE filter in table definition
                         $xyList = preg_split('/@/', $xyTable);
                         $whereFilter = $xyList[1];
                         $xyTable = $xyList[0];
                     $sql_SELECT = "SELECT {$x_fld}, {$y_fld}, {$classidx_fld} FROM {$xyTable} ";
                     $sql_WHERE = "WHERE " . ($whereFilter ? $whereFilter . " AND " : "") . " {$x_fld} >= {$map_xmin}  AND {$x_fld} <= {$map_xmax} AND {$y_fld} >= {$map_ymin} AND {$y_fld} <= {$map_ymax}";
                     $sql = "{$sql_SELECT}  {$sql_WHERE}";
                     pm_logDebug(3, $sql, "P.MAPPER-DEBUG: map.php/pmap_drawXYLayer() - SQL Cmd:");
                     // init DB class
                     $db = new $pearDbClass();
                     // Connect to DB
                     $dbh = $db->connect($dsn);
                     if ($db->isError($dbh)) {
                     // Execute query
                     $res = $dbh->query($sql);
                     if ($db->isError($res)) {
                     // Draw points on map image
                     while ($xyRow = $res->fetchRow()) {
                         $ptX = $xyRow[0];
                         $ptY = $xyRow[1];
                         $clIdx = $xyRow[2];
                         $xyPoint = ms_newPointObj();
                         $xyPoint->setXY($ptX, $ptY);
                         $xyPoint->draw($this->map, $mLayer, $img, $clIdx, "");
예제 #12
    $zSizex = $zMap->width;
    $zSizey = $zMap->height;
    $sizex = $zSizex;
    $sizey = $zSizey;
} else {
    $zSizex = $sizex;
    $zSizey = $sizey;
if (!is_array($ext)) {
    $zExtent = $zMap->extent;
} elseif (!empty($fsens)) {
    $fext = move_map($ext, $fsens);
    $zExtent = ms_newRectObj();
    $zExtent->setextent($fext[0], $fext[1], $fext[2], $fext[3]);
} else {
    $zExtent = ms_newRectObj();
    $zExtent->setextent($ext[0], $ext[1], $ext[2], $ext[3]);
$zClick = ms_newPointObj();
if ($act and ($refx and $refy) and sizeof($ext) > 3) {
    $refx = floor($refx * ($sizex / $conf[globals][minimapx]));
    $refy = floor($refy * ($sizey / $conf[globals][minimapy]));
    $zClick->setXY($refx, $refy, 0);
    $zMap->zoomscale($scl * 1000, $zClick, $sizex, $sizey, $zLimit, $zLimit);
} else {
    if ($act != "edition" and $click_x and $click_y) {
        $zClick->setXY($click_x, $click_y, 0);
        $clicked = TRUE;
    } else {
        $zClick->setXY(floor($sizex / 2), floor($sizey / 2), 0);
        $clicked = FALSE;
예제 #13
파일: squery.php 프로젝트: sukma279/GIS
 function reprojectExtent($inExt)
     $qShpBounds = ms_newRectObj();
     // Apply buffer in order to have a correct re-projection of POINT layers
     $pjbuff = $this->qLayer->type == 0 ? 1.0E-7 : 0;
     $sMinx = $inExt[1] - $pjbuff;
     $sMiny = $inExt[2] - $pjbuff;
     $sMaxx = $inExt[3] + $pjbuff;
     $sMaxy = $inExt[4] + $pjbuff;
     $qShpBounds->set("minx", $sMinx);
     $qShpBounds->set("miny", $sMiny);
     $qShpBounds->set("maxx", $sMaxx);
     $qShpBounds->set("maxy", $sMaxy);
     $qShpBounds->project($this->qLayerProjObj, $this->mapProjObj);
     $pb['shpMinx'] = $qShpBounds->minx;
     $pb['shpMiny'] = $qShpBounds->miny;
     $pb['shpMaxx'] = $qShpBounds->maxx;
     $pb['shpMaxy'] = $qShpBounds->maxy;
     return $pb;
예제 #14
 public static function calculateExtent($map, $groups, $applyMapExtentIfNull = false, $addBuffer = false)
     $mapExtent = ms_newrectObj();
     $layers = getLayersByGroupOrLayerName($map, $groups);
     foreach ($layers as $layer) {
         $layerExtent = false;
         if ($layer) {
             if ($layer->connectiontype == MS_POSTGIS || $layer->connectiontype == MS_ORACLESPATIAL) {
                 //get dns string containing : type of database, user name, password, host and database.
                 $dsn = PluginsMapUtils::getDSNConnection($layer);
                 if ($dsn) {
                     // code from mapserver mailing list (by Armin Burger):
                     // get table and filter :
                     $data = PluginsMapUtils::getQueryParamsFromDataString($layer, false, false);
                     $mapLayerFilter = $data['mapLayerFilter'];
                     $fromTable = $data['fromTable'];
                     $geomFld = $data['geomFld'];
                     $sql = 'SELECT ST_xmin(extent) AS minx, ST_ymin(extent) AS miny, ST_xmax(extent) AS maxx, ST_ymax(extent) AS maxy ';
                     $sql .= "FROM (SELECT St_Extent({$geomFld}) AS extent FROM {$fromTable} ";
                     $sql .= ($mapLayerFilter ? "WHERE {$mapLayerFilter}" : '') . ' ';
                     $sql .= ') AS bar';
                     $sql .= ' WHERE extent IS NOT NULL';
                     pm_logDebug(4, "calculateExtent - sql:{$sql}");
                     // DB:
                     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/easyMDB2.inc.php';
                     $edb = new Easy_MDB2();
                     $qresultE = $edb->selectByQuery($sql, '');
                     $resValues = $qresultE['values'][0];
                     if ($resValues) {
                         $resIsValid = true;
                         foreach ($resValues as $val) {
                             if (!isset($val) || $val == 0 || $val == -1) {
                                 $resIsValid = false;
                         if ($resIsValid) {
                             $layerExtent = ms_newRectObj();
                             $layerExtent->setExtent($resValues['minx'], $resValues['miny'], $resValues['maxx'], $resValues['maxy']);
             } else {
                 if ($layer->type != MS_LAYER_RASTER && ($layer->connectiontype == MS_SHAPEFILE || $layer->connectiontype == MS_TILED_SHAPEFILE || $layer->connectiontype == MS_OGR)) {
                     // SHP layer, OGR layer
                     $layerExtent = @$layer->getExtent();
             if ($layerExtent) {
                 // change projection
                 $mapProjStr = $map->getProjection();
                 $layerProjStr = $layer->getProjection();
                 if ($mapProjStr && $layerProjStr && $mapProjStr != $layerProjStr) {
                     if ($_SESSION['MS_VERSION'] < 6) {
                         $mapProjObj = ms_newprojectionobj($mapProjStr);
                         $layerProjObj = ms_newprojectionobj($layerProjStr);
                     } else {
                         $mapProjObj = new projectionObj($mapProjStr);
                         $layerProjObj = new projectionObj($layerProjStr);
                     $layerExtent->project($layerProjObj, $mapProjObj);
                 // add buffer around freshly calculated extent
                 if ($addBuffer) {
                     $minx = $layerExtent->minx;
                     $miny = $layerExtent->miny;
                     $maxx = $layerExtent->maxx;
                     $maxy = $layerExtent->maxy;
                     $pointBuffer = isset($_SESSION['pointBuffer']) ? $_SESSION['pointBuffer'] : 50;
                     $shapeQueryBuffer = isset($_SESSION['shapeQueryBuffer']) ? $_SESSION['shapeQueryBuffer'] : 0.01;
                     $buf = 0;
                     if ($layer->type == MS_LAYER_POINT || $layer->type == MS_LAYER_ANNOTATION) {
                         $buf = $pointBuffer;
                         // set buffer depending on dimensions of your coordinate system
                     } else {
                         if (isset($shapeQueryBuffer) && $shapeQueryBuffer > 0) {
                             $buf = $shapeQueryBuffer * (($maxx - $minx + ($maxy - $miny)) / 2);
                     if ($buf > 0) {
                         $minx -= $buf;
                         $miny -= $buf;
                         $maxx += $buf;
                         $maxy += $buf;
                         $layerExtent->setExtent($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy);
                 if ($mapExtent->minx == -1 && $mapExtent->miny == -1 && $mapExtent->maxx == -1 && $mapExtent->maxy == -1) {
                     $minx = $layerExtent->minx;
                     $miny = $layerExtent->miny;
                     $maxx = $layerExtent->maxx;
                     $maxy = $layerExtent->maxy;
                 } else {
                     $minx = $layerExtent->minx < $mapExtent->minx ? $layerExtent->minx : $mapExtent->minx;
                     $miny = $layerExtent->miny < $mapExtent->miny ? $layerExtent->miny : $mapExtent->miny;
                     $maxx = $layerExtent->maxx > $mapExtent->maxx ? $layerExtent->maxx : $mapExtent->maxx;
                     $maxy = $layerExtent->maxy > $mapExtent->maxy ? $layerExtent->maxy : $mapExtent->maxy;
                 $mapExtent->setExtent($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy);
     if ($mapExtent->minx == -1 || $mapExtent->miny == -1 || $mapExtent->maxx == -1 || $mapExtent->maxy == -1) {
         $mapExtent = $map->extent;
         if (!$applyMapExtentIfNull) {
             $mapExtent->setExtent(0, 0, 1, 1);
     return $mapExtent;